SC 16/05/1 Apologies for absence: S Ross, C Vulliamy, S Bruna SC 16/05/2 Declarations of Interest: S Cazaley in Noticeboards. SC 16/05/3 Public Session: N Allam asked if there was an external auditor for accounts. Grant Thornton audits the Parish council accounts. D Crawley stated that P Congdon has cut through a hedge in Lidwell in order to make a new entrance into a field. He does not have planning permission. It was pointed out that this is nesting season and the hedges should not have been touched. It was agreed that the clerk should contact S Page with a view to enforcement action and ask if there is planning permission. SC16/05/4 Minutes: The minutes were amended. It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by D Crawley that the minutes were signed. All agreed. SC 16/05/5 Matters Arising 1. Discussion with Mr A Long about planning matters: Cllr Long thanked the Parish Council for inviting him to talk about planning issues. In the last 3 years there have been 90 planning applications in the parish, and in this time only 6 applications have been approved where the Parish Council did not support the application. This is about average across the County. There are planning rules changes every week but planning is covered by the National Planning Framework introduced in 2012. Under the new rules there is a presumption in favour of a planning application and there must be valid reasons for turning down planning applications. The Appeals Officers have the final say on any application and if there is no valid planning rule to turn down the application, approved by experts, the County Council will be fined large amounts. Localism is not a valid reason unless it is driven by policy (and Local Development Plan) which is approved by experts. All policies must be used to make planning decisions. Highways will look at applications in a national context, which may vary from local perceptions. When making a decision policy must be quoted to support it. As well as the NNFP, planning law needs to be consulted. Cllr Long suggested that members of the Parish Council should shadow a member of the Planning Committee during their deliberations prior to a Planning meeting. Mr N Cooper and Mr J Forbes both expressed interest. Cllr Long was asked what is meant by sustainable development. He said there are no hard rules but whatever was used had to supported with appropriated figures. It was pointed out that Cornwall County seemed to employ poo legal advisors for judicial review. The NNFP can be seen online but Cllr Long pointed out there may be changes to this which are not online. Cllr Long stated that the Cornwall CEO has stated that planning decisions must be made in 3 hours. Mr Cooper asked how a non-elected member can dictate how long a democratic process should take. There followed a discussion about a local planning issue and the usefulness of enforcement. Cllr Long was asked about the tariff for building outside the development line. He stated that it was the only way to pay nfor improvement si highways and other facilities. Cllr Long was thanked for his time and he stated that he would be happy to return and help with planning applications. It was agreed that the NDP must be developed as soon as possible. 2. Replacement of Councillor: S Bruna has agreed to stand but was unable to get to this meeting. The clerk was asked to contact her regarding the next meeting when she will be formally co- opted. 3. Improvements to Luckett car park: Tenders for work on path and possibly new parking area have been requested. C Vulliamy has removed the large stone from the path and filled the hole with gravel.. Most of the unregistered cars have been removed from the car park. 4. Daffodil Food: It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by J Forbes that daffodil food is bought. All agreed. S Cazaly stated he would feed the daffodils on the Village Green and embankment.

219 5. Noticeboards: It was proposed by P Barribal and seconded by J Forbes that the replacement boards should be bought from Tavistock Wood Centre at a cost of £180 + VAT. D Crawley and N Cooper agreed to put the boards up when they are delivered. 6. Overhead projector Crawley has purchased a later model fo a projector and has a ceiling mount for it. It was proposed by M Howlett and seconded by S Cazaley that this should be donated to the Parish Hall, so that it can be used by other groups in the Parish. 7. Grit bins: It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Coumbe that 3 grit bisns should be bought at a cost of £74 + VAT. All agreed. 8. Clerk Wages: The clerk left the room. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Forbes that the clerks wages should be increased to £10.60 per hour from April 2016 and £10.71 per hour from April 2017 in line with the National Pay Scales. All agreed. SC 16/05/6 Planning: Cornwall Council list of Application; PA16/03273: Mrs Sarah Hernandez, Land East Of Parkwood Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HL: Non-material amendment to remove kitchen window on east side; add window (obscure glass) to 1st floor east elevation; add window to 2nd floor east elevation, add 2 velux windows to the roof, replace grey aluminium with grey UPVC windows throughout of PA15/10211 - erection of dwelling. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Forbes that this application is supported. All agreed. PA16/03199: Mr James King, Manor Cottage Luckett Callington Cornwall: Proposed replacement windows to property within a conservation area. It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by J Forbes that this application is supported. All agreed. Refusals, Approvals and Appeal Pre Planning PA16/00954: Mssrs Jenkins And Bartlett, Land Rear Of Basil Southcoombe Road Downgate Callington Cornwall: This pre-planning applicationhas been accepted by Cornwall Council and the application will be submitted at a later date. PA16/00921:Mrs Sharon Sleep, Glenmoor Road From Junction North Of Eureka House To Junction North East Of Sunningdale Higher Downgate Callington PL17 8HL; Retrospective application for amendments to layout of previously approved annex ref: PA13/11267. This application has been withdrawn. SC 16/05/7 Items for Report and Discussion 1. Report from Cllr Burden: None. 2. Venterdon Bus Shelter: N Cooper has a meeting with O Jones about this next week. 3. Luckett allotments: The allotments are now looking much better. Unused allotments have been cleared and will be covered. The main problem is the central area. After some discussion it was suggested that the allotment holders ask Adrian Glassborough to cut the grass in that area. The parish Council was asked to fund money for the covering and if possible for providing a system to prevent rabbit damage. 4. Replacement signs at Luckett Hill and repainting of Stoke Climsland sign: Information from Oliver Jones about the work to be done on the highway was given to the Parish Council. 5. LMP acceptance. SC 16/05/8 Highways and Maintenance: Although some of the potholes have been filled they are now raised. There are still some bad ones especially in Downgate on the road with no name. SC 16/05/9 Correspondence: Reply from Scott Mann. SC 16/05/10 Finance: Payments: Cheques for £829.92 were written for the clerk’s wages and expenses, signs for Downgate playing field and RoSPA playground cheque. Receipts: Precept £7669.73 VAT remittance £2421.83 The cash flow was presented. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Forbes that this is accepted. All agreed. SC 16/05/11 Items for Agenda for next meeting: 220 Higher Sherwell Farm Peter Congdon Insurance of projector. SC 16/05/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting 8.00 pm in the Parish Hall on 20th June 2016 Clerk: Mrs Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY Tel: 01579 370819 e-mail: [email protected]

website: www.stokeclimslandparish.org