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TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS CURRICULUM GUIDE: Health_8 th grade (Unit Personal Health)__

Pacing Guide

Monthly Approx. # Pacing of Total Unit Unit Name Schedule Days

Personal Health Week 1-2 7-16 1 Growth and Development Week 3-4 7-16 2 Nutrition/Diseases Week 5-7 7-16 3 Safety/Social Emotional Health Week 8-9 7-16 4


Unit 1: Personal Health Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.1: WELLNESS 2.1.8. A.1, 2.1.8. A.2, 2.1.8. A.3, 2.1.8. A.4

All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.1, 2.2.8.B.2, 2.2.8.B.4All students will use health- enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle

Big Idea: Understand what is takes to be healthy and how the body systems work together. Be able determine how technology and medical advances affects their life. Last, be able to interpret health data properly and make predictions about wellness.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: • Are emergency rooms the best way to treat most problems? Students will have knowledge of how to use • What choices do I make that affect personal hygiene products to take care of my wellbeing? their personal and family needs. Health is a combination of physical, mental, emotional, • What is it that I do that prevents and social well being. What are the different things that can affect your health? accidents? Current and future personal wellness is dependent • What are the consequences upon applying health-related concepts and skills in (especially unforeseen) of our choices in everyday lifestyle behaviors. terms of wellness? Decision-making can be affected by a variety of • How do I know that this is the right influences that may not be in a person’s best decision for me? interest.

• Why might educated people make Decisions are choices. poor health decisions?

• How do I overcome negative influences when making decisions about my personal health?

• What will be the effect of this decision?


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:

• Health care products i.e. SLO: Evaluate and demonstrate the impact of Product groupings effective decision making skills to increase healthy • Personal hygiene products i.e. Hair & body lifestyle choices and wellness throughout their products lifetime. • Good health behaviors i.e. • enough sleep proper nutrition, exercise SLO: Discuss and list the effects of good and bad • Bad health behaviors i.e. high risk health, and evaluate health behaviors for personal behaviors wellness and family wellness. • Evaluate health data and predict wellness, create a presentation of your findings SLO: Investigate how technology and medical • Report medical advances i.e. Sonograms advances have impacted wellness. for the heart, design differences in MRI machines, pacemakers, EKG machines. SLO: Discuss personal hygiene products and how • Decision making theyare important. • Maturing • Influence • Peers • Family • Media • Low risk behaviors • High risk health behaviors Consequences


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.1.8. A.1 Describe the appropriate selection and use of healthcare and personal hygiene products.

2.1.8. A.2 Evaluate the impact of health behaviors and choices on personal and family wellness.

2.1.8. A.3 Interpret health data to make predictions about wellness.

2.1.8. A.4 Investigate how technology and medical advances impact wellness.

2.2.8. B.1 Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations.

2.2.8. B.2 Compare and contrast the influence of peers, family, the media, and past experiences on the use of decision-making skills and predict how these influences may change or conflict as one ages.

2.2.8. B.4 Discuss how ethical decision making requires careful thought and action.

What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a health clinic, hospital or fitness person and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about you can improve your health. 2.2.8. A.1, .2.8. A.2, 2.2.8. A.5


Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Assess and apply health data to enhance each dimension of personal wellness.

 Compare and contrast the impact of genetics, family history, personal health practices, and environment on personal growth and development in each life stage.

 Relate advances in technology to maintaining and improving personal health.

 Determine the impact of marketing techniques on the use of personal hygiene products, practices, and services.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 2: Growth and Development Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.1: WELLNESS 2.1.8. B.1, 2.1.8. B.2, 2.1.8. B.3

All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.3, 2.2.8.B.4, 2.2.8.D.1, 2.2.8.D.2All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Knowledge of how the body systems work, the social, emotional, and intellectual changes that occur during puberty, and how our choices and decisions affect our growth and development.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: •What causes optimal growth and development? An individual’s health at different life stages is dependent on heredity, environmental factors •Why is everyone’s body changing? and lifestyle choices.

•What is happening during Adolescence? Your body has many systems that work together. •How are babies made? The body makes many changes throughout life. •How do I know that this is the right decision for me? Which glands affect growth.

•Why might educated people make poor Decision-making can be affected by a variety of health decisions? influences that may not be in a person’s best interest. •How do I overcome negative influences when making decisions about my personal Decisions are choices. health? Character can be developed and supported •What will be the effect of this decision? through individual and group activities, the influence of positive role models and •How are character and health related? involvement in community service


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to: • All 9 body systems, sections of the body and body systems in that section SLO: Analyze how the complete person is affected by the sum of their parts. • Each life stage i.e. fetus, infant, toddler, child, preteen, teenager, young adult, adult 30 – SLO: Identify what makes each person 50, 51 – 65, seniors unique.

• Emotional changes i.e. Maturing and SLO: Name and investigate the body dealing with emotions systems and demonstrate how the body systems are interrelated. • Personal inventory SLO: Evaluate how past decisions • Heredity affected you.

• Social/Emotional changes SLO: Identify how your character is influenced by your family, community, • Physical changes and friends. • Core ethical values • Role models • Honesty • Work ethic • Character traits • Character development • Group activities • Team activities • Low risk behaviors • High risk health behaviors Consequences


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) 2.1.8. B.1 Discuss how body systems are interdependent and interrelated.

2.1.8. B.2 Investigate the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes that occur at each life stage and how those changes impact wellness.

2.1.8. B.3 Discuss how heredity, physiological changes, environmental influences, and varying social experiences contribute to an individual’s uniqueness.

2.2.8.B.3 Predict social situations and conditions that may require adolescents and young adults to use decision making skills.

2.2.8.B.4 Discuss how ethical decision making requires careful thought and action.

2.2.8.D.1 Analyze how character development can be enhanced and supported by individual, group, and team activities.

2.2.8.D.2 Compare and contrast the characteristics of various role models and the core ethical values they represent.

What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a group on puberty or Rutgers sex ect. group and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about puberty and growing up. 2.2.8. A.1, 2.8. A.2, 2.2.8. A.5


Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Identify each body system and how they function, and explain how they work together in healthy individuals. Lastly, explain factors that influence the health of each body system.

 Write about the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes that occur at each life stage

 Discuss and compare how heredity and physiological changes contribute to an individual’s uniqueness.

 Gather information on health and determine its validity, and find good resources from that Information that you can refer back to.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 3: Nutrition/Diseases Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.1: WELLNESS 2.1.8. C.1, 2.1.8. C.2, 2.1.8. C.3, 2.1.8. C.4, 2.1.8.D.1, 2.1.8.D.2, 2.1.8.D.3, 2.1.8.D.4, 2.1.8.D.5

All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.1, 2.2.8.B.2, 2.2.8.F.1, 2.2.8.F.2All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Big Idea: Understand how making healthy food choices and understanding nutrient content and calaries can help lead to a heathly lifestyle. These food choices can also affect diseases and health conditions. How to prevent disease and identify the risk factors that are associated with each disease.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

•Why are there so many health problems There are many short and long term health benefits caused by poor nutrition despite all of the and risks associated with nutritional choices. available information about healthful eating? All nutrients belong in one of the six groups. •What makes a food healthy? Vitamins and Minerals are essential for good •How do you determine appropriate portion health. sizes? Handling foods correctly help prevent sickness. •How does eating affect your body weight? Current and emerging diagnostic, prevention and •How do you treat communicable and non treatment strategies can help people live healthier communicable diseases? and longer than ever before.

•How are diseases spread? Decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may not be in a person’s •What can you do about hereditary best interest. diseases? As you grow and mature you will need to make more decisions for yourself, •To what extent can we keep ourselves understanding how to make informed disease free? decisions now can help you later in life.

•How are germs spread? There are numerous health and fitness programs available that provide a variety of •What causes disease? services. Not all are created equal. Many health and fitness careers can be both • How do you keep your immune system lucrative and rewarding. working at it’s best?

 Why do I need to make decisions if adults are always making them for me?

 Where do I go to access information about good health and fitness services?

 Why should I consider a career in health or fitness?


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to: • Food pyramid SLO: Investigate different case scenarios to • Culture relating to food determine how food choices/supplements impact • Personal eating patterns total well-being. • Age and eating patterns • Weight chart SLO: Evaluate the impact of marketing techniques • Body weight of new nutritional products and supplements. • Body image • Dieting SLO: Identify and analyze the multiple factors • Poor nutrition (i.e. depression, eating disorders, and compulsive • Body systems disorders) that may impact one’s physical, social, • Diseases i.e. scurvy emotional wellness. • Eating disorders • Health conditions SLO: Describe state procedures for prevention of • Cancer diseases and health conditions. Describe • Bone strength procedures to control of diseases and health • Amino acids conditions • Triglycerides

• Diagnose diseases SLO: Develop and understanding about healthy • Diagnose health conditions weight loss and weight gain and ways to maintain • Treatment weight. • Communicable disease • Non communicable disease SLO: Understand the nutrients the body needs and • Acute how they can cause diseases and the outcomes of • Chronic to many or too little. • Inherited Blood borne pathogens • SLO: Determine the impact of public health strategies in • STDs, preventing diseases and health conditions. • HIV/AIDS • Cancers SLO: Predict social situations that may require the • Local health concerns use of decision-making skills. • School health rules • State health procedures SLO: Justify when individual or collaborative • Mental diseases decision-making is appropriate. • Impulse disorders • Eating disorders


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.1.8. C.1 Analyze how culture, health status, age, and eating environment influence personal eating patterns and discuss ways to improve nutritional balance. 2.1.8. C.2 Describe healthy ways to lose, gain, or maintain weight 2.1.8. C.3 Describe the impact of nutrients on the functioning of human body systems. 2.1.8. C.4 Analyze how healthy eating patterns throughout life can reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol, cancer, osteoporosis, and other health conditions. 2.1.8.D.1 Investigate current and emerging methods to diagnose and treat diseases and health conditions. 2.1.8.D.2 Classify diseases and health conditions as communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic, or inherited. 2.1.8.D.3 Compare and contrast diseases and health conditions, including hepatitis, STDs, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, and testicular cancer. 2.1.8.D.4 Analyze local and state public health efforts to prevent and control diseases and health conditions. 2.1.8.D.5 Investigate various forms of mental illness including impulse disorders such as gambling or shopping, depression, eating disorders, and bipolar disorders. 2.2.8.B.1 Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations. 2.2.8.B.2 Compare and contrast the influence of peers, family, the media, and past experiences on the use of decision-making skills and predict how these influences may change or conflict as one ages. 2.2.8.F.1 Compare and contrast health and fitness services available in the school and community, demonstrate how to access them, and evaluate each comparing benefits and costs. 2.2.8.F.2 Compare and contrast preparation and job requirements for health and fitness careers.

What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) Summarize means of detecting and treating diseases and health conditions that are prevalent in adolescents. Determine the impact of public health strategies in preventing diseases and health conditions Compare and contrast nutritional information on similar food products in order to make informed choices Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a nutritionist or disease control and see what Tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about food and how it effects you. 2.1.8.A.3, 2.1.8.A.2, 2.2.8. A.5


Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Keep a daily log of your personal eating habits, compare, and contrast it against what the standard or norm is.

 Determine healthy ways to lose, gain, or maintain healthy weight. Why is this important for your personal health.

 Compare and contrast STD’s and HIV/AIDS.

 Define communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic, and inherited diseases.

 Describe the many different types of disease and what prevention methods can we put into place ahead of time and why.

 Identify health and fitness services in the school and community and what their target population or interest would be.

 Identify health and fitness career opportunities and or careers.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 4: Safety/Social Emotional Health Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.1: WELLNESS 2.1.8. E.1, 2.1.8. E.2, 2.1.8. E.3, 2.1.8. E.4, 2.1.8. E.5, 2.1.8. F.1, 2.1.8. F.2, 2.1.8. F.3, 2.1.8. F.4, 2.1.8. F.5, 2.1.8. F.6, 2.1.8. F.7

All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.D.1, 2.2.8.D.2, 2.2.8.D.3, 2.2.8.D.4All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life Big skillsIdea: to Students support a healthy, will learn active character lifestyle. development and leadership skills. They will also discuss how safety affects their life. Emergency action plans and fire drill plans will be developed and discussed. Basic First Aid will be taught as well. How harassment, bullying and intimidation laws have changed and how it affects lives.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

• What is the difference between Being consistently aware of the environment and healthy and unhealthy risks? taking safety precautions can reduce the risk of injury to oneself and others. • Why do we sometimes take risks that can cause harm to ourselves or others? Using safety equipment can keep you from being badly hurt. • What things can you do that can prevent an accident? You need to see everything and think of what might go wrong. • Are you able to do first aid on an injuries person? Developing self esteem, resiliency, tolerance and coping skills support social and emotional health. • How can you learn to like yourself and others? Self-concept and self esteem are important to a person’s wellbeing. • How does your character affect your friends? Your character is made up of six traits.

• What does expressing your Character can be developed and supported through emotions do? individual and group activities, the influence of positive role models and involvement in community service. • Is stress a good thing? Character is who you are when no one is looking. • What are the different types of emotional problems?

• How are character and health related?

• What aspects of our character can be changed?

• To what extent do outside influences shape values


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:  Perceived risk, Dangerous location, Injuries  Effects of injuries, short term/long term, SLO: Compare situations in the home, school, and Individual, Family, Community community for risk of injury.  First Aid procedures SLO: Define short and long term impacts of imjuries.  Life support  Bleeding wounds SLO: Develop general knowledge of first aid and life  Burns saving skills.  Fractures  Shock SLO: Analyze/list personal assets the affect social  Poisoning and emotional development.  Short- and long-term abuse  Physical abuse, Social abuse, Emotional SLO: Discuss/write about emotional independence, abuse and define what life skills are needed to achieve this.  Personal safety, Groups, Phone, Dangerous situation SLO: Discuss factors and choices that contribute to  Ethics, Adaptability, anger, family, the incidence of conflict, harassment, bullying, relationships, gender identification, body vandalism, violence, and intimidation. image, emotional independence, life skills  Harassment, conflict, bullying, vandalism, SLO: Describe ways to prevent incidence of conflict, violence, intimidation harassment, bullying, vandalism, violence, and  Home, school, community role in preventing intimidation. conflict, harassment, vandalism, and violence. SLO: Identify how culture influences the ways  Consequences, situations, stress, body’s families and groups cope with crisis and change. responses, and managing stress.  Cope, crisis, change  Character traits/development, core values, role models, honesty, personal adherence, group adherence, code of conduct.


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) 2.1.8. E.1 Assess situations in the home, school, and community for perceived vs. actual risk of injuries. 2.1.8. E.2 Investigate the short- and long-term impacts of injuries on the individual, the family and the community. 2.1.8. E.3 Describe and demonstrate first aid procedures including, situation and victim assessment, Basic Life Support, and the care of bleeding and wounds, burns, fractures, shock, and poisoning. 2.1.8. E.4 Discuss the short- and long-term physical, social, and emotional impacts of all forms of abuse. 2.1.8. E.5 Describe and demonstrate strategies to increase personal safety while in public places and discuss what to do if one’s safety is compromised.

2.1.8. F.1 Analyze how personal assets, resiliency, and protective factors support healthy social and emotional development. 2.1.8. F.2 Discuss the developmental tasks of adolescence, including the development of mature relationships, gender identification, a healthy body image, emotional independence, and life skills. 2.1.8. F.3 Investigate factors and choices that contribute to the incidence of conflict, harassment, bullying, vandalism, and violence and demonstrate strategies to deal with each. 2.1.8. F.4 Analyze the effectiveness of home, school, and community efforts to prevent conflict, harassment, vandalism, and violence. 2.1.8. F.5 Debate the consequences of conflict and violence on the individual, the family, and the community. 2.1.8. F.6 Describe situations that may produce stress, describe the body’s responses to stress, and demonstrate healthy ways to manage stress. 2.1.8. F.7 Analyze how culture influences the ways families and groups cope with crisis and change 2.2.8.D.1 Analyze how character development can be enhanced and supported by individual, group, and team activities. 2.2.8.D.2 Compare and contrast the characteristics of various role models and the core ethical values they represent. 2.2.8.D.3 Explain how community and public service supports the development of core ethical values. 2.2.8.D.4 Analyze personal and group adherence to student codes of conduct.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) Describe in detail the New Jersey State Law on Anti-Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation. Discuss recent events in history and how they have created the changes to our state laws. Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow someone who is Anti-Bullying or a preacher or positive role model in the community and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know. 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3, 2.2.8. A.5

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)  Create a plan to get rid of bullying, harassment, violence, vandalism, and intimidation in your school.

 Identify and demonstrate first aid skills with a partner in class.

 Identify situations where there is a risk of injury and ways to prevent them. Also list the long and short term effects injuries can place on an individual, family or community.

 Describe the body’s responses to stress and ways you can cope with that stress.

 Research New Jersey’s state laws on Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying and create a flyer to inform parents in your community.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS CURRICULUM GUIDE Health_8 th grade (Unit: Medicines)_

Pacing Guide

Monthly Approx. # Pacing of Total Unit Unit Name Schedule Days

Medicines Week 10 7-16 1 Alcohol Week 11 7-16 2 Tobacco and other drugs Week 12-14 7-16 3 Dependency/Addiction and Week 15-16 7-16 4 Treatment


Unit 1: Medicines Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.3 DRUGS AND MEDICINES 2.3.8. A.1, 2.3.8. A.2, 2.3.8. A.3, 2.3.8. A.4 All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8. F.1, 2.2.8.F.2All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Students will identify different types of medicines and explain their uses. In addition, they will have to describe proper safety concerns when taking, handling and storing medications.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

•How do I determine whether or not a medication will be effective? Medicines must be used correctly in order to be safe and have the maximum benefit. •What drugs lead to substance abuse? There is a wide variety of over the counter, •Is medicine that makes you feel better always OK? prescription and illegal drugs in the market today.

•Where do I go to access information about good Prescription medicines need to be used as the health and fitness services? doctor prescribed.

•What types of jobs are there in Health related There are numerous health and fitness programs fields? available that provide a variety of services. Not all are created equal.

There are many types of jobs to be done in health services

Not all jobs need a college education but training is essential.


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to: • Medicines SLO: Describe the positive effects and the potential • Pain relief risks that may occur when one uses over the counter • Cold medicines medicines, prescription drugs, and supplements. • Classify • Side effects SLO: Classify types of medicines and list possible • Prescription medicine side effects of each. • Safe practice • Effects SLO: Discuss proper procedures for medicines. • Naturally occurring substances • Herbs SLO: Detail that herbs, organics, and supplements • Organics have benefits and dangers. • Supplements • Health services SLO: What jobs are there in the health and fitness • Fitness services areas. Construct a chart with various jobs, education • Costs needed, and requirements for that job. • Benefits • Teacher SLO: Research what health and fitness services are • Requirements available in school, community. • Strength coach


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.3.8. A.1 Compare and contrast commonly used over-the-counter medicines.

2.3.8. A.2 Classify commonly administered medicines and describe the potential side effects of each classification.

2.3.8. A.3 Recommend safe practices for the use of prescription medicines.

2.3.8. A.4 Compare and contrast the benefits and dangers of naturally occurring substances, such as herbs, organics, and supplements.

2.2.8. F.1 Compare and contrast health and fitness services available in the school and community, demonstrate how to access them, and evaluate each comparing benefits and costs.

2.2.8. 8.2 Compare and contrast preparation and job requirements for health and fitness careers.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a health clinic, hospital and see what Tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about medicine. 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Identify a variety of over the counter medicines and their multiply uses.

 Classify types of medicines and list all possible side effects of each type.

 Create a poster about safe practice and procedures for medicines.

 Describe how health and fitness services that are available in school and or the community help you.

 Evaluate cost and benefits of available programs and how they impact society.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 2: Alcohol Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.3 DRUGS AND MEDICINES 2.3.8. B.4, 2.3.8. B.5, 2.3.8. B.7, 2.3.8. B.9, 2.3.8. B.10 All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.A.3, 2.2.8.A.5, 2.2.8.B.1, 2.2.8.B.4 All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Understand that alcohol is a drug and how if effects the mind, body, and the family/relationships. The effects of alcohol on babies and how addiction can be life altering.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

Making good health decisions requires the ability to • How do I make the “right” decisions in the access and evaluate reliable resources. face of peer, media and other pressures? Effective communication skills enhance a person’s • When is it OK to use Alcohol? ability to express and defend their beliefs.

•Why do people choose to use alcohol when Decision-making can be affected by a variety of they are aware of the detrimental effects? influences that may not be in a person’s best interest. • How do I know that this is the right decision for me? Decisions are choices.

• Why might educated people make poor Getting drunk does not make anything better. health decisions? Research has clearly established that alcohol can • How do I overcome negative influences have a variety of harmful effects on the human when making decisions about my personal body. health?

• What will be the effect of this decision?

 How do you know whether or not health information is accurate?

 How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them?


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:

• Abuse SLO: Students will demonstrate appropriate • Alcohol refusal skills when dealing with alcohol. • Cancer • Liver disease SLO: Display effective negotiation skills when asked • Heart disease To drink from a friend or family member. • Injuries • Use and abuse of alcohol SLO: Learn how to make an effective decision. • Impacts thinking • Reaction time SLO: Describe how your family and friends • Behavior • Stimulants influence your personal decision about alcohol. • Legal • Financial consequences SLO: identify the immediate impact of alcohol use • Use on the mind and body. • Sale • Possession SLO: Identify the consequences of long term • Illegal substances alcohol abuse. • Influences decision-making • At risk for sexual assault SLO: Explain how alcohol use and abuse can • At risk for pregnancy • At risk for STDs. contribute to the incidence of illness and injury. • Decisions • More information SLO: Describe how alcohol abuse and use impacts • Drugs Alcohol, Tobacco • Steroids, body enhancers thinking, reaction time, and can result in damages. • Parties, sex, cars • Ineffective • Refusal • Negotiation • Assertiveness skills • Effective


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.3.8. B.4 Investigate how the use and abuse of alcohol contributes to illnesses such as cancer, liver disease, heart disease, and injuries 2.3.8. B.5 Analyze how the use and abuse of alcohol impacts thinking, reaction time, and behavior. 2.3.8. B.7 Compare and contrast the physical and behavioral effects of each classification of drugs. 2.2.8. A.3 Assess the use of refusal, negotiation, and assertiveness skills and recommend strategies for improvement.

2.2.8. A.5 Analyze the economic and political purposes and impacts of health messages found in the media. 2.2.8. B.1 Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations.

2.2.8. B.4 Discuss how ethical decision making requires careful thought and action.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a drug and alcohol rehab facility, or create a page about the dangers of alcohol and promote it, and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about alcohol. 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Test on the knowledge about how alcohol use and abuse can harm thinking, reaction time and behavior.

 Create a pamphlet on the relationship between alcohol use and illness.

 Define and identify the short and long-term effects on alcohol use on the mind and body.

 Discuss refusal skills and how choosing not to drink can positively impact your future, and how choosing to drink can affect your future as well.

 Give a presentation on how you can make a better decision then choosing to drink/

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 3: Tobacco and Other drugs Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.3 DRUGS AND MEDICINES 2.3.8.B.2, 2.3.8.B.3, 2.3.8.B.6, 2.3.8.B.7, 2.3.8.B.8, 2.3.8.B.9, 2.3.8.B.10 All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.3, 2.2.8.B.4, 2.2.8.D.1, 2.2.8.D.2All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Identify information about Tobacco and other illegal drugs. Knowledge of the category they belong to and the side effects, uses, and short and long term effects of each drug.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

 Why do people choose to use tobacco and  Decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may not be other drugs when they are aware of the in a person’s best interest. detrimental effects?  We don’t always make the right  How do I make the “right” decisions in the decision; however, learning from face of peer, media and other pressures? those mistakes is an important step in making future decisions.  My parents use a tobacco and other drugs, why isn’t it safe for me?  Character can be developed and supported through individual and group activities, the  How does smoking affect the people around influence of positive role models and how it the smoker? impacts your decision making and choice to do drugs or not. How are character and health related?   Our character can be influenced by family, friends and the community.

 What aspects of our character can be  Research has clearly established that changed when under the influence of drugs? tobacco and other drugs have a variety of  harmful effects on the human body.  To what extent do outside influences shape values?  Addictive drugs can cause a lot of problems for you.  Why might educated people chose to smoke or do other drugs?  Tobacco use does not make you cool.

 How do I overcome negative influences when  Getting really high does not make anything making decisions about my personal health? better.


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:  tobacco use  Respiratory diseases SLO: Identify the short- and long-term effects of tobacco use. Describe how tobacco use contributes  Cancer to the incidence of respiratory diseases, cancer,  Heart disease and cardiovascular disease.  Stroke  Injuries SLO: identify personal strategies that reduce the  Second hand smoke impact of tobacco smoke on non-smokers. Identify  Passive smoking laws and policies in the community that help  Sniffing reduce the impact of tobacco smoke on non-smokers.  Huffing  Brain damage SLO: Describe what can happen when caught with  Nerve damage illegal drugs or paraphernalia. What risk are there with  Vital organ damage injecting drugs.  Inhaled substances  Stimulants SLO: Explain how does drug use affect  Depressants decision-making and create sexual problems.  Hallucinogens SLO: Identify the classifications of illegal drugs  Narcotics and controlled substances and give examples of each.  Inhalants  Injecting drug use SLO: Describe the physical and behavioral effects  Overdose of each classification of drugs.  Diseases  Legal SLO: Identify the legal consequences of drug use,  Financial consequences possession and sales. Identify the financial  Use consequences of drug use, possession and sales.  Sale  Possession SLO: Discuss the impact of drug use, possession and  Illegal substances sale on self, family, friends and community.  Influences decision-making  At risk for sexual assault SLO: Identify how character plays a role in whether  At risk for pregnancy or not someone chooses to do tobacco or drugs.  At risk for STDs.


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.3.8.B.2 Investigate the relationship between tobacco use and respiratory diseases, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and injuries. 2.3.8.B.3 Investigate the health risks posed to nonsmokers by second hand/passive smoking. 2.3.8.B.6 Describe sudden sniffing syndrome and the resultant brain, nerve, and vital organ damage that can result from the use of inhaled substances. 2.3.8.B.7 Compare and contrast the physical and behavioral effects of each classification of drugs. 2.3.8.B.8 Analyze health risks associated with injecting drug use. 2.3.8.B.9 Investigate the legal and financial consequences of the use, sale, and possession of illegal substances. 2.3.8.B.10 Discuss how the use of alcohol and other drugs influences decision-making and places one at risk for sexual assault, pregnancy, and STDs. 2.2.8.B.3 Predict social situations and conditions that may require adolescents and young adults to use decision making skills. 2.2.8.B.4 Discuss how ethical decision making requires careful thought and action. 2.2.8.D.1 Analyze how character development can be enhanced and supported by individual, group, and team activities. 2.2.8.D.2 Compare and contrast the characteristics of various role models and the core ethical values they represent.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a health clinic, hospital or fitness person and see what Tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about Tobacco and other drugs. 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Compare and contrast the relationship between tobacco use and illness.

 Write about the damages that can arise from second hand smoke and inhalants. How are those differences related, and how can they be prevented.

 Explain how does drug use affect decision-making and create sexual problems.

 Compare and contrast the consequences of drug use and possession and sales of drugs. What is the impact that it has on the community.

 Give a presentation on how your character influences you to make decisions about whether or not to do drugs. Explain how one decision can change your life for the better or worse.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 4: Dependency/Addiction and Treatment Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.3 DRUGS AND MEDICINES 2.3.8.C.1, 2.3.8.C.2, 2.3.8.C.3, 2.3.8.C.4, 2.3.8.C.5, 2.3.8.C.6 All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.C.1, 2.2.8.E.3,2.2.8.E.4,2.2.8.E.5All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Explore the social, emotional and physical stages of dependency. Analyze how difficult it is to quit using. How or why do a person become and addict and another does not within the same family or community.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

 Why does one person become an addict and There are common indicators, stages and another does not? influencing factors of chemical dependency.

 How do people avoid substance abuse? Addiction causes many Physical, Mental/emotional, and Social problems.  How can you inspire others to address health issues? Character can be developed and supported through individual and group activities, the influence of  How do you communicate the many ways to stay positive role models and involvement in community healthy? service.

 How can you encourage other people to lead Character is who you are when no one is looking. healthy lives? Developing and implementing a plan to reach  In order to achieve lifetime wellness, what should realistic wellness goals increases the likelihood of I plan for and what should I just let happen? reaching those goals.


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:  Physical indicators

 Social indicators SLO: Compare and contrast how the effects of  Emotional indicators alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs vary in different  Sages of dependency people.  Cold turkey  Weaning SLO: Identify treatment options for substance  Substitution abusers and evaluate one’s ability to recognize  Support and overcome negative risk factors in order to  Use and abuse support a substance free lifestyle.  Alcohol  Tobacco SLO: Discuss and explain how tolerance,  Other drugs synergistic, and antagonistic effects have an impact  Substance abuse on the use of drugs and medicines.  Affects  Individual SLO: List the factors that influence the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.  Family  Community SLO: Discuss and explore ways to quit using  Tolerance substances and what factors support the ability  Synergistic effects to quit.  Antagonistic effects  Dependency SLO: What are the emotional, social, and  Genetic predisposition physical indicators of substance abuse.  Gender-related predisposition  Multiple risks  Personal health goals  Exercise  Diet  Group goals  Values  Vision  Implement  Volunteer  Health issues  Health problems


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.3.8. C.1 Analyze the physical, social, and emotional indicators and stages of dependency.

2.3.8. C.2 Discuss ways to quit using substances and discuss factors that support the ability to quit.

2.3.8. C.3 Analyze factors that influence the use and abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

2.3.8. C.4 Describe how substance abuse affects the individual, the family, and the community.

2.3.8. C.5 Discuss how tolerance, synergistic effects, and antagonistic effects have an impact on the use of drugs and medicines.

2.3.8. C.6 Discuss theories about dependency, such as genetic predisposition, gender-related predisposition, and multiple risks.

2.2.8. E.3 Develop and articulate a group’s goals, shared values, and vision.

2.2.8. E.4 Plan and implement volunteer activities to benefit a health organization or cause.

2.2.8. E.5 Develop and defend a position or opinion on a health issue or problem and educate students and parents about the health issue or cause.

2.2.8. C.1 Analyze factors that support or hinder the achievement of personal health goals.

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a drug and alcohol rehab facility, and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know about drugs and alcohol addiction and treatment. 261 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3 TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Define factors that support personal health goals and appraise what factors might hinder the achievement of personal health goals.

 Defend a position on dependency and get others to take your side.

 Create a presentation on quitting using substances and list the resources used to present your facts.

 Using multi media approach •describe how substance abuse affects the individual analyze factors that influence the use and abuse of the family and the community.

 Discuss and theorize about dependency such as genetic predisposition, and gender-related influences.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Pacing Guide

Monthly Approx. # Pacing of Total Unit Unit Name Schedule Days

Sexuality Week 10 7-16 1 Relationships Week 11 7-16 2 Pregnancy Week 12-14 7-16 3 Parenting Week 15-16 7-16 4


Unit 1: Sexuality Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.4: HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY 2.4.8.B.1, 2.4.8.B.2, 2.4.8.B.3, 2.4.8.B.4, 2.4.8.B.5, 2.4.8.B.6, 2.4.8.B7, 2.4.8.B.8 All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.A.3, 2.2.8.A.5, 2.2.8.B.1, 2.2.8.B.2, All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Discussing the changes associated with puberty and sexual activity, and orientation. Understanding the physical, emotion, and social benefits of sexual abstinence and how to resist pressures to be sexually active. Understand the risk i.e. HIV, AIDS, STD’s and unintended pregnancy. Lastly, describe the methods of contraception, and how reliability, religion, age, gender, and cost influence their use.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

 How do you know when the time is right for you to External pressures and opportunities that present become sexually active? themselves may influence a person to become sexually active.  Why does the United States have such a high incidence of unintended pregnancies and sexually Learning about sexuality and discussing sexual transmitted infections? issues is critical for sexual health, but is a sensitive and challenging process.

 What determines a person’s sexual orientation? There are many additional challenges that confront those who are not heterosexual. • How do I know that this is the right decision for me? Decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may not be in a person’s best • Why might educated people make poor interest. health decisions? Decisions are choices. • How do I overcome negative influences when making decisions about my personal health? Making good health decisions requires the ability to access and evaluate reliable resources. • What will be the effect of this decision? Effective communication skills enhance a person’s  How do you know whether or not health ability to express and defend their beliefs. information is accurate?

 How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them?


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:  Hormones, Heredity, Nutrition, Environment on the Physical changes, Social changes, SLO: Analyze the influences that hormones, Emotional changes nutrition, environment, and heredity have on the physical, social, and emotional aspects of the  Puberty, Pressures, Sexually active, Physical adolescent years. benefits, Emotional benefits, Social benefits SLO: Analyze family traits and effects of heredity  Sexual abstinence, Strategies to resist , potential, Short- and long-term, Physical SLO: Evaluate contraceptive methods and factors  Emotional, Social impacts, Adolescent sexual that influence their use. activity. SLO: Describe the social, emotional, and physical  Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexual risks, Benefits of sexual abstinence. Contraception, Reliability, Religious beliefs, Age, Gender, Health history, Cost SLO: Define refusal skills that work to help you Resist pressure to become sexually active.  Discuss topics regarding sexual orientation SLO: Discuss the potential short- and long-term  Self examination, Breast, Testicular physical effects of adolescent sexual activity.

 Ineffective, Refusal, Negotiation, SLO: report on how sexual behaviors increase risks Assertiveness skills, Effective, Informative, for STD’s, HIV/AIDS, and pregnancy. Political, Economic, SLO: Debate and discuss topics regarding sexual  Decision making, Maturing, Influence, Peers, Orientation. Family, Media SLO: Learn the procedure for self examination


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.4.8. B.1 Discuss the influence of hormones, heredity, nutrition, and the environment on the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur at puberty. 2.4.8. B.2 Analyze internal and external pressures to become sexually active. 2.4.8. B.3 Describe the physical, emotional, and social benefits of sexual abstinence and develop strategies to resist pressures to become sexually active. 2.4.8. B.4 Discuss the potential short- and long-term physical, emotional, and social impacts of adolescent sexual activity. 2.4.8. B.5 Analyze how certain behaviors place one at greater risk for HIV/AIDS, STDs, and unintended pregnancy. 2.4.8. B.6 Compare and contrast methods of contraception, risk reduction, and risk elimination and explain how reliability, religious beliefs, age, gender, health history, and cost may influence their use. 2.4.8. B.7 Discuss topics regarding sexual orientation. 2.4.8. B.8 Discuss the importance of routine healthcare procedures such as breast self examination and testicular examination. 2.2.8. B.1 Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations. 2.2.8. B.2 Compare and contrast the influence of peers, family, the media, and past experiences on the use of decision-making skills and predict how these influences may change or conflict as one ages.

2.2.8. A.3 Assess the use of refusal, negotiation, and assertiveness skills and recommend strategies for improvement. 2.2.8. A.5 Analyze the economic and political purposes and impacts of health messages found in the media.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc) find and follow a teen mom, or a gay ,lesbian, or bisexual group, and see what tips you can learn from their site that you did not know before. Compare how their life can impact or compare to yours. 2.1.8.A.2, 2.1.8.A.3

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Demonstrate appropriate refusal skills and display effective negotiation skills.

 Demonstrate assertiveness in appropriate situations. Develop strategies on how to remain abstinent.

 Describe how Social Media and T.V. influence your sexuality and sexual decision-making.

 Tell about the pressures for use or nonuse of methods of contraception. Estimate how costs of contraceptives may influence their use. Lastly, explain how reliability, religious beliefs, age, gender, health history, may influence conceptive use.

 Discuss topics regarding sexual orientation and present similarities and differences.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 2: Relationships Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.4: HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY 2.4.8.A.1, 2.4.8.A.2, 2.4.8.A.3, 2.4.8.A.4, 2.4.8.A.5, 2.4.8.A.6, 2.4.8.A.7, 2.4.8.A.8 All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.A.4, 2.2.8.D.4, 2.2.8.E.3, 2.2.8.E.4All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Be able to discuss and analyze a variety of aspects in human sexuality. Have knowledge of the effects of physical, and peer pressure on sexuality. Be able to distinguish total effects of pregnancy.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

 How do we learn to understand and respect diversity in relationships? Tolerance, appreciation and understanding of individual differences are necessary in order to  How do we know when a relationship is not worth establish healthy relationships. saving? Reliable personal and professional resources are  How can you inspire others to address health available to assist with relationship problems. issues? Technological advances continue to provide  How do you communicate the many ways to stay increased opportunities to develop relationships healthy? anytime and anyplace with a worldwide audience.

 How can you encourage other people to lead Leadership and advocacy to promote personal and healthy lives? community wellness can impact the immediate community and society as a whole.  How are character and health related? You need to be able to tell others about ways you can stay healthy.  What aspects of our character can be changed? Leading an active life sets an example of how to  To what extent do outside influences shape live. values? Character is who you are when no one is looking.  How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them? Making good health decisions requires the ability to access and evaluate reliable resources.  What makes dating safe? Understands how peer relationships affect health.  How does one help a friend in an unhealthy relationship? Knows appropriate ways to build and maintain positive relationships with peers, parents, and other  What signs are present when a relationship is adults (e.g., interpersonal communication). abusive? Understands the difference between safe and risky or harmful behaviors in relationships. Knows techniques for seeking help and support through appropriate resources.


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:  Active, Reflective, Observation  Personal adherence, Group adherence, SLO: Evaluate how affection, love, and Code of conduct commitment relate to healthy relationships and the effect on one’s wellness .  Group goals, Values, Vision, Implement, Volunteer SLO: Discuss and compare the historical role of  Marriage marriage and family.  Commitment  Family SLO: Define changes in family structure and identify  Family structures what could cause those changes to occur.  Forces that influence change  Relationships evolve SLO: Discuss factors that enhance and sustain loving,  Changes in friendships healthy relationships. Write about how relationships  Family evolve over time.  Dating relationships  Lifetime commitments SLO: Identify the signs of an unhealthy relationship.  Marriage  Love SLO: Analyze rules of dating and different dating  Respect Situations and how to handle the pressure.  Trust SLO: Understand how age effects dating norms.  Dating rituals  Select life partners SLO: Understand and define caring relationship, and  Affection/Love Dating abuse.  Commitment  Sexual attraction SLO: Know why people are abusive, and how to help  Unhealthy relationship A friend in a unhealthy relationship.  Strategies to end it  Mistrust SLO: Know and define how to prevent sexual assault.  Dating in groups  Set limits for dates  Date someone own age  Safe Dating


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.4.8.A.1 Compare and contrast the current and historical role of marriage and the family in community and society.

2.4.8.A.2 Discuss changes in family structures and the forces that influence change.

2.4.8.A.3 Analyze how relationships evolve over time, focusing on changes in friendships, family, dating relationships, and lifetime commitments such as marriage.

2.4.8.A.4 Discuss factors that enhance and sustain loving, healthy relationships.

2.4.8.A.5 Describe how various cultures date or select life partners.

2.4.8.A.6 Differentiate among affection, love, commitment, and sexual attraction.

2.4.8.A.7 Describe the signs of an unhealthy relationship and develop strategies to end it.

2.4.8.A.8 Develop standards for dating situations, such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age.

2.2.8.A.4 Assess the use of active and reflective listening.

2.2.8.D.4 Analyze personal and group adherence to student codes of conduct.

2.2.8.E.3 Develop and articulate a group’s goals, shared values, and vision.

2.2.8.E.4 Plan and implement volunteer activities to benefit a health organization or cause.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.) find a relationship quiz or love language quiz, and see what you can learn from their site that you did not know before. Compare how your classmates scored compared to yours. 2.1.8.A.3, 2.2.8. A.5

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)  Identify the components of a healthy/unhealthy relationship. Discuss how relationships change over time especially throughout adolescence.  Create a chart that describes how various cultures date or select life partners.  Debate and discuss the current role of marriage in today’s world.  Develop a questionnaire that would help you have better relationships with people in your life.  Create a timeline and identify the different forms of relationships and dating you’ve had in your life.  Discuss dating situations such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age.  Discuss dating situations such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age.  Research techniques for seeking help and support through appropriate resources.  Define the potential signs of self- and other-directed violence.

 Define the various possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities, and strategies to manage conflict. Be able to describe how refusal and negotiation skills can be used to enhance health.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.  Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 3: Pregnancy Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.4: HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY 2.4.8. C.1, 2.4.8. C.2, 2.4.8. C.3, 2.4.8. C.4, 2.4.8. C.5 All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.1, 2.2.8.B.3, 2.2.8.F.1All students will use health- enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Be able to understand the stages of pregnancy and the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Also the potential challenges faced by adolescents and their families. Understand the social, emotional and physical impact pregnancy can have on a relationship. Determine how Drugs, alcohol and tobacco and impact birth.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

•How do you know when you are ready to have a child? Raising a child requires physical, economic, emotional, social and intellectual commitment. •Who will help you with parenting? Prenatal care has a direct impact on the delivery •How do you find a prenatal care? and long-term health of the child.

• Where do I go to access information about good Not all are created equal. health and fitness services? There are many types of jobs to be done in health • What types of jobs are there in Health related services fields? Decision-making can be affected by a variety of • How do I know that this is the right decision for influences that may not be in a person’s best me? interest.

• Why might educated people make poor health Decisions are choices. decisions?

• How do I overcome negative influences when making decisions about my personal health?

•What will be the effect of this decision?


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:

• Fertilization SLO: Evaluate contraceptive methods and factors • Embryo that influence their use. • Fetal • Fetus SLO: Summarize the signs and symptoms of • Symptoms pregnancy and correlate prenatal care to the • Pregnancy prevention of complications during pregnancy and • Pregnancy test childbirth. • Physical changes • Emotional changes SLO: Discuss the potential impact of alcohol, • Trimesters tobacco, and other drugs on pre-natal and post-natal • Labor development. • Childbirth • Prenatal care SLO: Describe the physical and emotional changes • Pediatrician that occur during each stage of pregnancy. • Obstetrician • Complications SLO: Describe and chart the stages of labor and • Potential impact childbirth. • Environmental hazards • Prenatal SLO: Explain and describe how pregnancy is • Post-natal confirmed. • Decision-making skills • Parties, sex, cars • Health services • Costs • Benefits


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.4.8. C.1 Describe fertilization and each stage of embryonic and fetal development.

2.4.8. C.2 Discuss the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and explain how pregnancy is confirmed.

2.4.8. C.3 Analyze the physical and emotional changes that occur during each stage of pregnancy, including the stages of labor and childbirth.

2.4.8. C.4 Discuss the importance of regular prenatal care to help prevent complications that may occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

2.4.8. C.5 Describe the potential impact of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, medicines, diseases, and environmental hazards on pre-natal and post-natal development.

2.2.8. B.1 Demonstrate and assess the use of decision-making skills in health and safety situations.

2.2.8. B.3 Predict social situations and conditions that may require adolescents and young adults to use decision making skills.

2.2.8. F.1 Compare and contrast health and fitness services available in the school and community, demonstrate how to access them, and evaluate each comparing benefits and costs.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.) find a pregnancy site or a teen pregnancy tv show, and see what you can learn from their site that you did not know before. 2.1.8.A.3, 2.2.8. A.5

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Explain each step of fertilization, embryonic, and fetal and pregnancy stages.

 Discuss the importance of regular pre-natal care and post-natal care.

 Explore the complications that may occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

 Create a presentation about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and the impact of disease on pre-natal and post-natal development.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.  Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Unit 4: Parenting Pacing: 7-16 days Content Area/Course: Health

Stage 1- Desired Results

NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Addressed in this Unit

Standard 2.4: HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY 2.4.8.C.6, 2.4.8.C.7, 2.4.8.C.8, All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Standard 2.2: INTEGRATED SKILLS 2.2.8.B.4, 2.2.8.B.5, 2.2.8.C.1, 2.2.8.E.4, 2.2.8.E.5All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Big Idea: Develop and understanding of the potential challenges that adolescent parents and their families may face. Find and create a list of resources that can inform parents and what services in the local community are available to help young parents. Analyze the responsibilities of being a teen mother and or father i.e. financial responsibilities.


Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:

• Who will help you with parenting? Raising a child requires physical, economic, emotional, social and intellectual commitment. • How do you find a prenatal care? Prenatal care has a direct impact on the delivery • How do you communicate the many ways to and long-term health of the child. stay healthy? You need to be able to tell others about ways you • How can you encourage other people to can stay healthy. lead healthy lives? Leading an active life sets an example of how to • In order to achieve lifetime wellness, what live. should I plan for and what should I just let happen? Developing and implementing a plan to reach • How do I know that this is the right decision realistic wellness goals increases the likelihood of for me? reaching those goals.

• What will be the effect of this decision? Decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may not be in a person’s best interest.


W hat key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Content: Students will know: Skills: Students will be able to:

• Parenthood SLO: Discuss being a teenage parent and the effect • Responsibilities it has on academic, social, and family life. • Parenting • Resources SLO: Predict short and long-term effects of Teen • Teen mother pregnancy. • Teen father • Decision making SLO: Determine the types of decisions that one would • Maturing have to make when given the information that he/she • Influence are pregnant. • Peers • Family SLO: Defend your position on parenting and being a • Media teen mother or father. • Low risk behaviors • High risk health behaviors SLO: Define effective parenting strategies, and list Consequences resources that are available for helping parents. • Personal health goals • Exercise SLO: Describe the physical, economic, emotional, • Diet social, cultural and intellectual responsibilities of • Health issues parenthood. • Health problems • Implement • Volunteer


Stage 2- Assessment

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

2.4.8. C.6 Describe the physical, economic, emotional, social, cultural and intellectual responsibilities of parenthood.

2.4.8. C.7 Describe effective parenting strategies and resources for help with parenting.

2.4.8. C.8 Analyze the challenges and responsibilities of being a teen mother and/or teen father.

2.2.8. B.4 Discuss how ethical decision-making requires careful thought and action.

2.2.8. B.5 Critique significant health decisions and discuss how the outcome(s) might have changed if the appropriate communication and decision-making skills had been employed.

2.2.8. C.1 Analyze factors that support or hinder the achievement of personal health goals.

2.2.8. E.4 Plan and implement volunteer activities to benefit a health organization or cause.

2.2.8. E.5 Develop and defend a position or opinion on a health issue or problem and educate students and parents about the health issue or cause.


What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

Using Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.) find a parenting site or follow a parenting magazine, and see what you can learn from their site that you did not know before. How can you use this information to make an informed choice about being sexually active. 2.1.8.A.3, 2.1.8.A.5

Stage 3 – Learning Pan

Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: (Align each activity/strategy to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards)

 Predict the challenges faced by adolescent parents and their families.

 Describe how facilities like Planned Parenthood work, and what services they offer.

 List the factors that need to be in place to be a parent in society today.

 Define the financial responsibilities of having a child.

 Formative assessments to test for knowledge retention.

 Exit questions for each lesson to qualify that the students have understood the lesson of the day.

 Homework to reinforce the lessons and habits that they are learning.


Accommodations for ELL and Special Education Students :

Students will be given extended time for testing and quizzes. They will be given the materials and printouts ahead of time. Students will also get preferred seating in the classroom. All assignments will be tailored to their individual needs.

Unit Resources Technology Integration Computers/Laptops

Meeks, Linda, and Philip Heit. Smart Boards Health and Wellness. New York: Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2005. Overhead projector Websites

Foshee,Vangie PH.D, Langwick, Stacey PH.D Safe Dates An Adolescents Dating Abuse Curriculum New York: Scpoe and Sequence, 2010.


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