Performance Evaluation Form

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Performance Evaluation Form

State of Alaska Internship Program Performance Evaluation Form

1. Student’s Name 2. Employee ID Number 3. Date of Evaluation Period (Last) (First) Mo./Day/Yr. Mo./Day/Yr. to 4. Reason for Performance Evaluation (Check One) Organization (Department/Division) Quarterly Evaluation End of Internship/Resignation Reclassification Other

7. Position Control Number Class Title (Check One) (PCN) Student Intern I College Intern I College Intern III Graduate Intern I Student Intern II College Intern II College Intern IV Graduate Intern II

SECTION I --- JOB CATEGORIES Rater: Please check the rating which clearly expresses the student’s performance.


RATING UNSATISFACTORY LOW ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE HIGH ACCEPTABLE OUTSTANDING FACTORS Serious gaps in Has identifiable gabs in Knowledgeable, Work product and or Performance/prod Job Knowledge fundamental knowledge & knowledge & skill for well-informed and performance illustrates uct reveals skills of the internship. routine phases of the skilled in all phases of excellent understanding & exceptional Can not perform certain internship; able to perform the internship. skill in all phases of the understanding & internship duties. assignments. internship. skills for the internship. Extremely well- informed on all phases. Very slow on all Slower than average Turns out average Exceeds expected Consistently Timeliness projects. Consistently on some projects. amounts of work on all time frames on some exceeds expected misses deadlines. Sometimes misses projects. Consistently projects. Does more than time frames. Does deadlines. meets deadlines. expected on some more work than projects. expected on all projects. Work almost always Frequent mistakes. Work is typically Work carefully done Very accurate. Accuracy/Quality inaccurate; work product Work often inconsistent. accurate, but errors and usually free from Errors are virtually unacceptable. Requires constant occur. serious error. nonexistent. checking. Serious omissions of Work falls short of Usually complete Sometime exceeds Frequently Completeness fact and substance. acceptable standards; and meets acceptable requirements. Product exceeds and Attention to usually needs to be standards. well organized and requirements. Details revised. beyond acceptable Product reflects standards. creativity and innovative thinking. Lacks initiative, needs Sometimes requires Does what is Asks for new Frequently Initiative constant reminding from supervisory push. assigned. assignments if caught up; identifies new supervisor to complete Self-starter. assumes responsibility to projects. tasks. get tasks done. Rarely identifies Has difficulty identifying Usually identifies Consistently identifies Identifies and Perception/ relevant issues; judgment relevant issues; frequently relevant issues; usually relevant issues; shows interprets all issues Judgment not reliable. does not show good shows good judgment. good judgment in complex and impacts with judgment. matters. exceptional skill. Unable to perform Performance declines Performs well under Performance excellent Outstanding Adaptability to adequately in other than under stress or in non stress or in unusual even under pressure. performance under Stress routine situations. Lacks routine situations. May situations. Rises to Very stable & objective; extreme stress. flexibility. react inappropriately to challenges. dependable in difficult Appreciates the stressful situations. situations. challenge of difficult situations.

Updated: 8/8/2008 Unable to express Expresses thoughts Usually organizes & Consistently able to Outstanding ability Communication thoughts clearly. Product satisfactorily on routine expresses thoughts express ideas. Logically to communicate ideas Ability lacks organization. matters. clearly. assigned most complex to others. projects.

Written Oral Written Oral Written Oral Written Oral Written Oral


#2 WORK HABITS: NARRATIVE SHOULD INCLUDE REFERENCE TO EACH RATING. RATING UNSATISFACTORY LOW ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE HIGH ACCEPTABLE OUTSTANDING FACTORS Excessive absences Vacation/days off are Leave use at Minimal use of leave Leave use is Attendance with frequent failure to not always prearranged. acceptable levels and which is justified. minimal and does not secure approval of Frequently tardy. justified. Some impact Vacation/days off are impact work unit. vacation or days off. on work unit. prearranged to minimize Vacation/ Consistently tardy. Vacation/days off impact on work unit. days off are prearranged. Rarely tardy. prearranged. Never Occasionally tardy. tardy.


#3 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: NARRATIVE SHOULD INCLUDE REFERENCE TO EACH RATING. RATING UNSATISFACTOR LOW HIGH ACCEPTABLE OUTSTANDING FACTORS Y ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE Ineffective in Has difficulty Gets along Works in Extremely successful in working with others. Human working with others. getting along with well with people harmony with Actively promotes good human relations. Relations Does not others, accepting under most others. Very good cooperate. supervision or circumstances. team worker. being tactful. Skilled in human Above average relations. skills in human relations.





Rater's Recommended Action: Rating was discussed with student Yes No If No, explain:

Rater Name (please type or print legibly):

Signature: Title Date

Student: Concur with Rating Disagree with Rating Signature: Title Date

REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: Division Signature: Title Date

Division of Personnel and Labor Relations

Updated: 8/8/2008 Signature: Title Date

Updated: 8/8/2008

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