Street Law – Legislation Project

Resources: Thomas – The Library of Congress website on the U.S. Congress

Kentucky general assembly website General Directions: Using the on-line resources above at “Thomas” Kentucky general assembly websites, find a piece of federal or state legislation you believe should be passed into law. Then, fill in the information on the worksheet below in order to prepare a 1,000 word essay (~3 pages, typed) on the legislation. The essay will be written in the form of a legislative committee hearing expert statement (i.e., a speech) in favor of the legislation. Be sure to hyperlink to all outside statistical data you use to document your case for passing the legislation. Tip: Be careful not to pick a piece of legislation too obscure, or you may have trouble finding public statements for and against it.

Due dates:

Filled out worksheet: Wednesday, (10 points) Draft of essay: (25 points) Final essay: (100 points) Late submissions: 5 points (not percentage points) per class day late

Essay instructions: Your essay will be graded based upon its thoroughness and persuasiveness. It should be written as a speech. Therefore, you will:

1. Identify yourself and explain in a sentence what the legislation would do in your introductory paragraph. 2. Identify where the legislature is empowered in the U.S. Constitution (or Kentucky Constitution) to enact the bill. 3. Give all necessary details on the legislation and why it needs to be passed. 4. Use outside statistics to back up your opinions, for example Congressional Budget Office cost estimates, academic studies on reduced death rates, etc. 5. Document everything you assert with hyperlinks and credit everything in context so that listeners can find the sources without the hyperlinks. 6. Use the opinions of experts and other legislators to back up your opinions. 7. Address and refute counter-arguments by opponents of the bill. 8. Conclude with a request that the legislature pass the bill. Legislation Project – Basic Information State or Federal: ______Bill Number: ______Title of Bill: ______Primary sponsor: ______House or Senate bill: ______Provision of the Mass. or U.S. Constitution that empowers the legislation: ______Summary of legislation (what does it do?):______

Stage of legislative process: ______Number of co-sponsors: ______out of ______members of the chamber (House or Senate) Committee Reports on legislation: ______Related legislation (bills that would make similar changes): ______Public statements by legislators for or against the legislation (search legislative journals and Google): ______Grading Rubric (10 points for each category for draft)

Above Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standa Below Standards CATEGORY (10 of 10) (8-9 of 10) rds (7 of 10) (below 5 of 10) Score Focus or The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement Thesis names the topic of the names the topic of the outlines some or all of the does not name the essay and outlines the essay. main points to be topic AND does not Statement main points to be discussed but does not preview what will be discussed. name the topic. discussed. 10 points

Sources Paper is backed with a Paper is backed with Paper is backed with a Paper is not backed and wide variety of facts a wide variety of facts variety of facts backing up with many facts, or backing up position. All backing up position. position. Most sources facts used are Informatio sources used for All sources used for used for quotes, statistics irrelevant. Paper is n quotes, statistics and quotes, statistics and and facts are credible and just opinion easily facts are credible and facts are credible and cited correctly in context. dismissed. Many 50 points cited in context without are cited in context, Hyperlinks are not always sources are suspect disturbing the flow of though the flow of the used. (not credible) AND/OR the paper. Hyperlinks paper is somewhat are not cited correctly. are used on every upset by the way they Few hyperlinks used. citation are cited. Hyperlinks are used in context. Sentence All sentences are well- Most sentences are Most sentences are well Most sentences are Structure constructed with varied well-constructed and constructed, but there is no not well-constructed structure. Few wasted there is some varied variation is structure. Some or varied. Most verbs words and active voice sentence structure in passive voice and wasted passive, lots of 30 points used throughout. the essay. Few words. wasted words. wasted words and active voice used throughout. Closing The conclusion is The conclusion is The author's position is There is no conclusion paragraph strong and leaves the recognizable. The restated within the closing - the paper just ends. reader solidly author's position is paragraph, but not near the understanding the restated within the beginning. 10 points writer's position. first two sentences of Effective restatement the closing paragraph. of the position statement begins the closing paragraph. Minus 5 points for each day late Total