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Maine October 2007 IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE/Aluminum Tubing Pipe


USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service - practice code 430AA

IRRIGATION WATER These pipelines may have vents open to the CONVEYANCE/Aluminum Tubing Pipe atmosphere, or sealed pressure-relief valves Irrigation Water Conveyance is a pipeline and/or air-and-vacuum-relief valves to and appurtenances installed as an integral properly vent the system. part of an irrigation system. The purpose of the practice is to reduce PRACTICE INFORMATION erosion, conserve water, and protect water Aluminum tubing underground pipelines are quality. Underground pipelines serve as an acceptable for irrigation water conveyance. integral part of the irrigation water However, the pipe must be coated with distribution system, and significantly plastic tape on the exterior surfaces. The improve the overall efficiency of the system. interior surface will be subject to excessive pitting if high levels of copper are present in This practice requires proper design and the water. In addition, if other types of installation to function properly. metal are joined to the aluminum pipe, the metal must be separated with rubber or Additional information including design plastic insulators to reduce galvanic criteria and specifications are in the local corrosion. NRCS Field Office Technical Guide.

The following page identifies the conservation effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, and soil. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine October 2007



USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service - practice code 430BB

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IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE /Asbestos-Cement Pipe Irrigation Water Conveyance is a pipeline and appurtenances installed as an integral The purpose of the practice is to reduce part of an irrigation system. erosion, conserve water, and protect water quality. Underground pipelines serve as an PRACTICE INFORMATION integral part of the irrigation water Asbestos-Cement underground pipelines are distribution system, and significantly acceptable for irrigation water conveyance. improve the overall efficiency of the system. They are made from cement, silica, and asbestos fibers. The pipe is formed under This practice requires proper design and pressure and properly cured to meet strict installation to function properly. standards. Three types are available to meet the needs for strength and soil/water Additional information including design chemistry. criteria and specifications are in the local NRCS Field Office Technical Guide. These pipelines may have vents open to the atmosphere, or sealed pressure-relief valves and/or air-and-vacuum-relief valves to properly vent the system.

The following pages list the conservation effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, and soil. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine October 2007 IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE/Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe


USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service - practice code 430CC

IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE/Nonreinforced Concrete The purpose of the practice is to reduce Pipe - Irrigation Water Conveyance is a erosion, conserve water, and protect water pipeline and appurtenances installed as an quality. Underground pipelines serve as an integral part of an irrigation system. integral part of the irrigation water distribution system, and significantly PRACTICE INFORMATION improve the overall efficiency of the system. Nonreinforced concrete underground pipelines are designed for low to This practice requires proper design and intermediate pressures. The joints may be installation to function properly. rubber, mortar, or cast-in-place without joints. These pipelines may have vents open Additional information including design to the atmosphere, or sealed pressure-relief criteria and specifications are in the local valves and/or air-and-vacuum-relief valves. NRCS Field Office Technical Guide.

The following page identifies the conservation effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, and soil. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine October 2007 IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE/High Pressure Plastic


USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service - practice code 430DD

IRRIGATION WATER The purpose of the practice is to reduce CONVEYANCE/High Pressure Plastic erosion, conserve water, and protect water Irrigation Water Conveyance is a pipeline quality. Underground pipelines serve as an and appurtenances installed as an integral integral part of the irrigation water part of an irrigation system. distribution system, and significantly improve the overall efficiency of the system. PRACTICE INFORMATION High pressure underground pipelines are This practice requires proper design and thermoplastic pipelines ranging from 1/2 installation to function properly. inch to 27 inches in diameter that are closed to the atmosphere and subject to internal Additional information including design pressures of 80 lb/sq. inch or greater. The criteria and specifications are in the local design for this practice includes air-release NRCS Field Office Technical Guide. valves to properly vent the system.

The following page identifies the conservation effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, and soil. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine October 2007



USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service - practice code 430EE

IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE/Low Pressure Plastic The purpose of the practice is to reduce Irrigation Water Conveyance is a pipeline erosion, conserve water, and protect water and appurtenances installed as an integral quality. Underground pipelines serve as an part of an irrigation system. integral part of the irrigation water distribution system, and significantly PRACTICE INFORMATION improve the overall efficiency of the system. Low pressure underground pipelines are thermoplastic pipelines ranging from 4 This practice requires proper design and inches to 18 inches in diameter that are installation to function properly. closed to the atmosphere and subject to internal pressures up to 50 lb/sq. inch. Additional information including design These pipelines may have vents open to the criteria and specifications are in the local atmosphere, or sealed pressure-relief valves NRCS Field Office Technical Guide. and/or air-and-vacuum-relief valves to properly vent the system.

The following pages list the conservation effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, and soil. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine October 2007 IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE, STEEL PIPELINE


USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service – Practice Code 430FF

IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE, STEEL PIPELINE These pipelines may have vents open to the atmosphere, or sealed pressure-relief valves Irrigation Water Conveyance is a pipeline and and/or air-and-vacuum-relief valves to properly associated appurtenances installed as an vent the system. integral part of an irrigation system. COMMON ASSOCIATED PRACTICES PRACTICE INFORMATION The practice is commonly used in a The purpose of this practice is to reduce Conservation Management System with the erosion, conserve water, and protect water following practices: quality. Underground pipelines serve as an integral part of the irrigation water distribution  Irrigation Water Management, system, and significantly improve the overall  Pumping Plant for Water Control, efficiency of the system.  Irrigation System, Micro-irrigation, Steel tubing underground pipelines are  Irrigation System, Sprinkler, acceptable for irrigation water conveyance. This practice requires proper design and installation  Irrigation Storage Reservoir, to function properly. The pipe must be coated with plastic tape on the exterior surfaces. The  Water Well. interior surface will be subject to excessive Refer to the practice standard in the local Field pitting if high levels of copper are present in the Office Technical Guide and associated water. In addition, if other types of metal are specifications and Job Sheets for further joined to the Steel pipe, the metal must be information. separated with rubber or plastic insulators to reduce galvanic corrosion. The following page identifies the effects expected to occur when this practice is applied. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, soil, etc. All appropriate local, State, Tribal, and Federal permits and approvals are the responsibility of the landowner and are presumed to have been obtained. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site. Maine

Irrigation Water Conveyance Practice 10/8/2007 Initial Settings: Installation of Start Irrigation Water Conveyance (430 series) a water irrigation system to replace Irrigation Water Management an open channel conveyance or an (449) existing leaking irrigation system

1. Irrigation pipeline installed Pumping Plant for Water Control (533)

D.4 (-) Erosion D.1 (+) Infrastructure & operational D.3 (-) Infiltration and associated with costs evaporation losses practice

D.2 (+) Land I.5 (-) Groundwater recharge I.1 (+) Cost to accessibility farmer

I.3 (+) Plant growth & I.8 (-) Contaminants, LEGEND productivity (see 590) pathogens, sediments to receiving waters Mitigating practice or activity I.6 (-) Leaching of nutrients I.2 (+) Agribusiness Associated practice

#. Created by practice C.3 (+) Habitat suitability I.7 (+) Meeting water for aquatic organisms I.4 (+) Economic benefit to farmer quality standards D. Direct effect

I. Indirect effect C.1 (+) Income stability C.2 (+) Habitat suitability, (individuals & community) health for humans, domestic C. Cumulative effect and wild animals Effect on Atlantic salmon

Pathway (+) increase; (-) decrease

The diagram above identifies the effects expected to occur when this practice is applied according to NRCS practice standards and specifications. These effects are subjective and somewhat dependent on variables such as climate, terrain, soil, etc. All appropriate local, State, Tribal, and Federal permits and approvals are the responsibility of the landowners and are presumed to have been obtained. All income changes are partially dependent upon market fluctuations which are independent of the conservation practices. Users are cautioned that these effects are estimates that may or may not apply to a specific site.

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