CBT Tours Application
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Oy Vey Las Vegas! May 3 – 6, 2017 APPLICATION FORM
Use one form per person. As applications are accepted on a “first-come, first-served” basis, submission of a Tour Application Form does not guarantee a spot on the tour. If an opening is available, your NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT will be processed and you will be guaranteed your spot on the tour. Please wait for reservation guarantee before making other plans associated with the tour.
I would like to apply to participate in the Oy Vey Las Vegas tour. Contact Information: First Name______MI ______Last Name______
Street______Apt. # ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Phone (day)______(eve)______(cell) ______
Emergency Contact:
Name ______Relationship to You______
Street______Apt. # ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Phone (day)______(eve)______(cell) ______
JCC Friendship Circle Relationship: I am associated with the Friendship Circle as checked: Member Guest
Roommate Preference: I am traveling with a… Friend Spouse/Partner I am a single traveler I am sharing a room with: ______ I am a single traveler and would like (please check all that apply) to purchase a single supplement (for the additional fee mentioned below). to be paired up with another single traveler, if possible. If a room share does not become available I would like to cancel and receive a refund to still attend and pay the single supplement.
Trip Package: I would like to reserve a Deluxe 2-Queen (room w/2 queen beds) and am a…. $975 JCC Friendship Circle Member $1035 Public I would also like a $285 Single Supp.
Optional Downtown Las Vegas Walking Tour OR Fashion Show Shopping Mall (check one) I will join the Downtown Las Vegas Walking Tour and realize that it includes walking and is mostly outdoors. I will explore the Fashion Show Shopping Mall on my own. I will opt out of these events and enjoy the extra free time. Jalena Mays, JCCFriendship Sonoma Circle County Program OY VEYDirector LAS 707.528.1476, VEGAS TOUR 707.528-4288 - APPLICATION (fax) [email protected] FORM Jewish Community Center Sonoma County, 1301 (page Farmers 2 of 2) Lane, Suite 103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Payments: THE NON-REFUNDABLE “DEPOSIT” IS THE FIRST PAYMENT FOR THE TRIP. “Payment #2” is the second payment, which also applies to the cost of the trip. The “balance due” is amount of the total tour package selected by the applicant minus the deposit and payment #2. Each of the payments will be charged to your credit card on file on the dates listed on the schedule below. The Tour Payment Schedule is as follows: Description Due Date Amount Deposit upon reservation $300 Payment #2 Jan 2, 2017 $300 Final Payment March 1, 2014 Final Balance Insurance: JCC Sonoma County takes no responsibility for and does not provide any insurance coverage to protect your person, personal property, including baggage or loss that may result from your participation in this trip including death or injury, trip interruption or trip cancellation. We strongly recommend that you independently research and purchase insurance products to protect you from these losses. Cancellation of Application and/or Trip Refunds: Cancellation of an application must be made by telephone call to Jalena Mays 707-528-1476 at the JCC Sonoma County. A written follow-up letter or email to Jalena Mays is also required. For all cancellations, JCC Sonoma County will follow the refund schedule below. (Note: the “Tour Price” listed in the schedule below equals the total tour package price (including but not limited to fees for single supplement and other requests that incur additional fees) minus the initial non-refundable deposit. NO PART OF THE DEPOSIT IS REFUNDABLE. No refunds can be given within 31 days of the beginning of the tour. # of days prior to tour start date Percentage of “tour price” refunded >90 days 75% 61-90 days 50% 31-60 days 25% <31 days 0% Reservation Guarantee: Oy Vey Las Vegas I AM SUBMITTING A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF $ 300.00 PER GUEST. I understand that if an opening is available, my NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT will be processed and I will be informed by the JCC confirming my participation on the tour. If the tour is sold out the deposit will not be processed and I will receive a phone call to let me know of the sold out status. Please charge my (circle one): Visa/MasterCard/AMEX/Discover Name______Card #______Exp. Date______Name on Card ______Signature______I have read and agree to the JCC Sonoma County’s Tour Terms & Conditions above. Participant's Name (please print): ______Participant’s Signature:______Date: ______Please complete and return with deposit to: Las Vegas Trip – Jalena Mays Please make checks payable to: Friendship Circle, JCC Sonoma County 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Jalena Mays, Friendship Circle Program Director 707.528.1476, 707.528.4288 (fax) [email protected] Jewish Community Center Sonoma County, 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103, Santa Rosa 95405