Sacramento City College Classified Senate Meeting February 12, 2015 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258

2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers Attendance: Yolanda Ramirez President: Sandra Belmares Sandra Paul Raynard Vice-President: Kevin Williams Belmares Craig Hart Treasurer: Shawn Ledet Kevin Williams Rosa Rose Secretary: Rachel Larsen Shawn Ledet Taunya Wattier Past President: Monica Souza Rachel Larsen Andrea Galang 4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles Deborah Beverly Duval Knowles Barbara Beale Michael Thao

I. Call to Order  Meeting called to order at 12:03 pm.

II. Changes in Agenda  None.

III. Approval of Minutes  Kevin Williams motioned to approve the January 2015 minutes, Sandra Belmares seconded, motion passed.

IV. Officer Reports a. President - Sandra Belmares  Sandra is serving on the Los Rios District Food Service RFP Committee, which met on February 11th at FLC. Requests for Proposals have currently been sent to food service providers. This committee will review and evaluate the proposals that are received and submit a recommendation to the Board of Trustees by May 13th.  Sandra attended the District Budget Committee meeting in Taunya’s stead. Through Adult Education, the Los Rios Community College District will be in charge of distributing $500 million to local K-12 schools. This money cannot be used for credit classes but may be used for other specialized student support services provided on campus, for example, the CAHSEE preparation. Sandra asked about whether the Los Rios campuses will be increasing the classified staff in order to support the 2% enrollment growth that the district is aiming for during 2015-2016? The district representative’s response was that the campuses already have sufficient staffing to support this growth.  At the Executive Council Meeting, on behalf of the classified staff, Sandra shared a concern about the hiring process for the Student Equity Coordinator position last fall semester. This position was not advertised to all staff, it was only advertised to adjunct and full-time faculty. It was also pointed out the Interim Student Services Dean position was filled by appointment, rather than providing this opportunity to classified and faculty employees who meet the minimum qualifications for the position. Sandra was informed that for interim positions, the length of assignment and level of expertise is considered and may dictate whether an appointment is necessary. Regarding the Student Equity Coordinator position, Sandra was informed that there is FTE involved and the managers didn’t think a classified person would be interested. Sandra shared that classified would prefer to be afforded the opportunity to make this decision for themselves. In regards to the Student Success and Support Program Staff Development Coordinator position, this interim position for spring 2015 will still be advertised to only adjunct and full-time faculty. However, as a result of this discussion, when this position is advertised for permanent employment, it will be advertised to all employees, including classified.  Sandra Belmares, Tanya Anderson, and Ghada Al Masri will attend the Achieving The DREAM Annual Institute on Student Success in Baltimore, MD, between February 16th to 20th, 2015 along with a larger Los Rios team of representatives from all campuses. b. Vice President – Kevin Williams  No Report. c. Treasurer - Shawn Ledet  We currently have $3,543.29 in our account.  Academic Senate – There is discussion about changing the Liberal Arts degree slightly and they are updating their faculty handbook. Proposals to change the Executive Council structure have been discussed. And the Academic Senate has discussed meeting four times a month instead of two. Book orders with the bookstore have been problematic, they are trying to find solutions for that.  Another issue being discussed is how long students should have to wait for an absent/late teacher before they leave without being penalized. SCC currently has no policy on this issue. d. Secretary - Rachel Larsen  No Report e. Past President - Monica Souza  No Report (absent) V. Old Business a. LRCCCD Policy and Regulation Review Process flowchart – Send your feedback to Sandra. b. Participatory Decision Making Task Force Report – Send your feedback to Sandra.

VI. New Business a. Professional Development Activity Report Out – All  Send PD highlights that you are involved in to Sandra. b. CalWORKs – Yes!! We’re still here! – Ramona Cobian and Velisa Robertson  Ramona and Velisa gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the CalWORKs program and the requirements for acceptance into the program and to remain eligible for the program’s assistance, as well as, some of the benefits.  24 month time limit  Priority enrollment  Must be receiving cash aid for self and one child under age 18 c. Counseling Office Update – Deborah Knowles  Deborah reminded us that there are only three permanent staff members at the front of counseling, but they had over 110,000 student contacts last year in the Counseling Division.  “How do I meet with a Counselor?” is number one question on campus from students.  SCC has 16 full-time Counselors for 23,000-24,000 students. d. Financial Aid – Rukiya Bates  One-on-one appointments in Financial Aid are available if requested by the student. There are 8 Financial Aid officers that see students on Tues, Wed and Thurs only.  Financial Aid will begin testing switching from PowerFaids to PeopleSoft in 2015-16 and will make a full switch in 2016-17.  Financial Aid is making the following recommendations for financial aid eligibility: . Change required completion rate from 75% to 67% . Increase allowable attempted units from 72 to 90 units . Make AA degrees not disqualify financial aid eligibility

VII. Good of the Order a. Accreditation Update – hold

VIII. Adjournment  Meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm. Next meeting is March 12, 2015, RHN-258.