Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1S, & 2S

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Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1S, & 2S

Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s

Purpose Statement

This session will help teachers and other church leaders identify ways younger preschoolers grow and learn. Information will focus on assisting teachers in providing a positive Bible- learning environment and the age-appropriate resources needed for guiding babies, 1s, and 2s in Sunday School.

Before the Session

Focal Wall, Room Setup, & Decoration Ideas

I. Focal Wall

A. Display a large poster featuring footprints (use an outline of a foot or shoe sole) along with this text: Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s.

B. Display two smaller posters (also featuring footprint outlines) with these words: 1. Christ Jesus gave the example so “that you should follow in His steps.” (1 Peter 2:21) 2. “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

II. Room Setup

A. Arrange the chairs facing the focal wall.

B. Provide two six-foot tables for display of teaching resources and curriculum, if space permits. Drape the tables with colorful solid-color cloth or plastic table coverings and position the tables against the walls at the back and/or side of the room. If the room is too crowded for tables, use several chairs and the floor space to display items.

C. Display around the room (at adult eye level) several of the following additional posters. Continue using the footprint motif and theme word STEP in the posters. Welcome. Step In! Every Adventure Begins with the First Step A Teacher’s First Step Is Understanding How Preschoolers Develop Get In Step with How Younger Preschoolers Learn Step Up and Set Up a Happy Learning Environment Step Out and Reach Out to Parents

1 Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

III. Decoration Ideas

A. Use two coordinating colors when choosing table coverings and color of posters.

B. Maintain the theme word STEP and the footprint outline motif for session.

C. Make an outline of a foot or shoe sole and cut out enough of these in four different colors of paper to use as nametags for conferees (place loops of masking tape on chair backs for attaching nametags). Place the footprint outlines (alternating the colors) in empty chair seats for conferees.

D. Arrange several pairs of colorful, clean flip flops around the room and on display tables as decoration. Or, make extra footprint outlines to tape to the floor, arrange on tables, and so forth.

E. Place felt-tipped markers, masking tape, pencils, extra note paper, and other conference supplies in a colorful shoebox and place where it is accessible.

Resources to Collect & Prepare I. Print one of the following words on each of eight small posters (paper 8 ½” x 11”) and place the posters upside down under chairs (for small group assignments): Visual, Verbal, Musical, Physical, Relational, Logical, Natural, Reflective. Print in smaller letters on each poster these instructions: You have three minutes to discuss this learning style. Choose a “reporter” to summarize your insights for the large group discussion. Be ready to give one example of a Bible-learning activity which utilizes this learning style.

II. Curriculum Materials (current quarter): Bible Teaching for Kids Leader Pack for Babies ( includes Babies Leader Guide); Bible Teaching for Kids Leader Guide for 1s & 2s and the Leader Pack for 1s & 2s; Bible Teaching for Kids Music and More for Babies, 1s & 2s Enhanced CD; and Early Bible Steps Learner Guide. Arrange these materials on tables or prop against the wall at floor level.

III. Additional LifeWay Preschool Resources: Read to Me Bible for Kids; magazines babylife and ParentLife; the book Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith; and the brochures “LifeWay Kids Levels of Biblical Learning” and “LifeWay Kids Levels of Biblical Skills.”

IV. Selection of age-appropriate toys and resources, such as: washable doll with molded features; cardboard block and sturdy car; baby rattle; books and teaching pictures for babies, 1s, & 2s; a flower or leaf sealed inside a clear plastic jar; large plastic pop beads; a wooden puzzle; and small amount of play dough sealed inside a zip lock bag. Arrange these on a display table.

2 Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

V. Duplicate each of the suggested handouts and place out of sight until needed: Handout #1 – How Babies, 1s, & 2s Develop Handout #2 – LifeWay Sunday School Curriculum for Babies, 1s, & 2s Handout #3 – How Babies, 1s, & 2s Learn (2 pages) Handout #4 -- My Happy Room at Church Handout #5 – Hygiene Procedures

Audio/Visual Needs

I. Provide a CD player and play soft music from the Music and More for Babies, 1s, & 2s CD as conferees are arriving and during assigned group activities.

II. Provide a white board and markers and place these near the focal wall. Or, tape several tear sheets on the wall and provide a felt-tipped marker.

During the Session

Procedure Steps

I. Introduction and Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes)

A. Prior to the session as conferees are arriving, call attention to the footprint outlines conferees found in their chairs. Distribute felt-tipped markers and invite conferees to print their first names on the footprints for nametags (using masking tape loops on chair backs to attach nametags).

B. To begin the session, welcome conferees and thank them for their commitment in STEPPING UP to the opportunity of teaching babies, 1s, and 2s. Direct attention to the poster on the focal wall with 1 Peter 2:21 printed on it and ask for a volunteer to aloud read the words on the poster.

C. As an icebreaker activity, ask conferees to stand, quickly find someone with the same color nametag, and gather in groups of two or three people. Instruct individuals in each group to introduce themselves and briefly share with one another how they feel they are honoring Jesus and following “in His steps” by teaching babies, 1s, or 2s. After a couple of minutes, ask conferees to return to their seats.

D. Invite one or two volunteers to briefly share with the large group his or her testimony of how teaching younger preschoolers is following in Jesus’ steps.

3 Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

II. A Teacher’s FIRST STEP Is Understanding How Younger Preschoolers Develop (18 to 20 minutes)

A. Distribute Handout #1, “How Babies, 1s, & 2s Develop.” Invite conferees to fill in the blanks as you lead discussion of the following information.

1. PHYSICALLY, preschoolers develop head down and trunk out. (Therefore, babies cannot initially hold up their heads, roll over, sit up, pull up, stand, etc., until they develop muscle strength and coordination. The “trunk out” development begins with “batting” at objects before progressing to clasping, dropping, holding, etc.)

2. EMOTIONALLY AND SOCIALLY, younger preschoolers experience these milestones: A baby’s 1st developmental milestone is to experience trust. (This occurs as loving adults meet a baby’s needs in caring and prompt ways.) Ones and twos are gaining autonomy (or independence). (This occurs when loving adults encourage them to explore and play in a safe, age-appropriate learning environment. Foundations for trust and autonomy which are laid during the first two years are important for a child’s later preparation for loving God and trusting Jesus.)

3. MENTALLY, babies, 1s, and 2s grow when: Brain development and connections between neurons (or brain cells) occur through play, firsthand experiences, senses, repetition, imitation, curiosity, and satisfaction. Relationships with adults create the positive environment needed for healthy mental growth.

4. SPIRITUALLY, babies, 1s, and 2s need to hear the names of God and Jesus spoken and sung. They need to see and handle the Bible and books and pictures about Bible friends. Also important, are opportunities for hearing Bible stories and phrases, thank-you prayers, and songs.

B. Direct conferees’ attention to Handout #2, “LifeWay Sunday School Curriculum for Babies, 1s, & 2s.” Ask conferees to gather together in four groups according to the colors of their name tags. Give each group curriculum pieces and copies of the handout and ask them to fill in the blanks on the handout as they examine the literature.

C. After a few minutes, ask conferees to return to their seats. Gather the Sunday School curriculum pieces and briefly display and summarize which curriculum pieces are needed for teachers of babies and for teachers of 1s and 2s. Point out that the weekly sessions for each month focus on one of eight Bible content areas: God, Jesus, Bible, creation, family, self, church, or community and world. Call attention to the Bible content areas listed in the poster/brochure, “LifeWay Kids Levels of Biblical Learning.”

III. Teachers Must GET IN STEP with How Younger Preschooler Learn (10 to 12 minutes)

A. Invite teachers to stand and stretch, then beginning marching in place as you call out: “Right/left/right/left.” After a few repetitions, ask conferees to be seated as the focus becomes how to GET IN STEP with learning styles of babies, 1s, and 2s.

4 Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

B. Distribute Handout #3, “How Babies, 1s, & 2s Learn.” Direct conferees’ attention to the eight small posters which have been placed under various chairs in the room. Ask conferees to move their chairs to form eight small groups and briefly discuss (in a three-minute time frame) the learning style on their assigned poster. Request that they choose a “reporter” for their group who may be called on to summarize their discussion for the large group discussion which will follow.

C. After three or four minutes, invite two or three of the small groups to summarize for the large group the highlights concerning their assigned learning style. Following several reports you may want to briefly share highlights for the remaining learning styles, if time permits. Encourage all of the conferees to use the handout as a resource in evaluating the learning experiences they provide for the children they teach.

IV. Teachers Can STEP UP and Set Up a Happy Learning Environment (8 to 10 minutes)

A. Distribute Handout #4, “My Happy Room at Church.” Briefly highlight for the group several ways to help create a happy learning environment for babies, 1s, and 2s. Ask teachers to locate on the handout several things they do each Sunday. Invite questions. Indicate that teachers may want to use the handout as a “checklist” in evaluating the learning environment for younger preschoolers in their church.

B. Call attention to the book: Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith (LifeWay). Encourage conferees to use the room diagrams on pages 44-45 in setting up their furnishings and resources and in evaluating their own rooms.

C. Distribute Handout #5, “Hygiene Procedures.” Tell teachers that good hygiene practices protect babies, 1s, and 2s and are important for healthy, happy preschoolers. Take a few minutes to highlight the section on disinfecting toys and equipment. Encourage conferees to use the handout to review the procedures with other teachers in their church, including Extended Teaching Care volunteers.

V. Teachers Can STEP OUT to Reach and Minister to Parents (5 to 10 minutes)

A. Review with conferees ways to reach, communicate with, and minister to parents and families of younger preschoolers.

B. Ask for a volunteer to jot down on the white board (or a tear sheet) the following outreach, missional, and ministry avenues, along with other ideas that are shared: 1. On the church premises: greeting at the department door, notes to parents sent in diaper bags, take-home pupil leaflets distributed, preschool bulletin board, etc. 2. Through regular contacts: phone calls, mail, email, home visits 3. During special ministry times: hospital visits, meals taken to the home, visits with new parents, parent/baby dedication, parent training events, weekday programs, etc.

5 Getting in Step for Teaching Babies, 1s, & 2s Preschool

VI. Closure (5 minutes)

A. Ask a volunteer to read aloud the Galatians 5:25 poster on the wall. Then open the Bible and read Jeremiah 10:23: “I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Share that as we pray to God for direction, He will direct the steps we take in teaching babies, 1s, and 2s.

B. Ask conferees to remove their footprint-shaped nametag and take a moment to write their thoughts on the back of their nametag regarding the positive steps they want to take in teaching preschoolers in their church. Encourage them to tuck their footprint nametag in their Bible as a prayer reminder in coming weeks and months.

C. Dismiss in prayer.


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