Adapted From: Classroom Discussion Rubric

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Adapted From: Classroom Discussion Rubric

Class Discussion Rubric

5 4 3 2 1 Earned Quality of Timely and appropriately Volunteers comments; Volunteers Struggles, but participates; Does Comments expresses ideas in a most of which are comments but occasionally offers a comment not persuasive manner that appropriate and reflect lacks in depth, when directly questioned. partici provokes questions and some thoughtfulness. which often do pate comments from the Occasionally elicits not lead to and/or group. responses from the further makes group. discussion. negativ e or disrupt ive remark s, or comm ents are inappr opriate or off- topic. Preparedness When called for, is When called for, shows When called Is somewhat familiar with the Provid and Initiative prepared for discussion by indication that the for, has done reading; lacks ability to make es no having read text or done reading or research was the reading; connections between text and eviden research, and explicitly done, but lacks detail or lacks topics discussed. Rarely shares ce of draws on knowledge to critical insights with thoughtfulness new ideas or perspectives. having stimulate a thoughtful, comments made related of done well-reasoned exchange to topic. understanding the of ideas. Often initiates new ideas or insight. readin Consistently initiates new and perspectives. Occasionally g; ideas and perspectives to initiates new unable discuss. ideas and to perspectives. make any connec tions betwe en text

Adapted from: Classroom Discussion Rubric: and discuss ion. Does not share ideas or perspe ctives. Active Builds upon the ideas of Listens to others most of Listens to other Drifts in and out of discussions, Disresp Listening and others. Posture, the time, but does not some of the listening to some remarks while ectful Responding demeanor, and behavior always stay focused on time, but does clearly missing or ignoring of clearly demonstrate their comments (too not stay others. Rarely justifies own ideas. others respect and attentiveness busy formulating own), focused on when to others. Responds or loses continuity of their they thoughtfully to diverse discussion. Shows comments (too are perspectives; qualifies or consistency in busy speaki justifies own views when responding to others. formulating ng; appropriate to do so. Readily justifies own own), or loses behavi ideas. continuity of or discussion. indicat Shows some es consistency in total responding to non- the comments involve of others. ment Occasionally with justifies own group ideas. or discuss ion. Comment

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