Explaining Personal Choices

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Explaining Personal Choices

Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 Explaining Personal Choices

Assignment: As part of the unit, Choosing Our Path, you will research a famous individual with Maryland connections in order to compose an essay explaining the choices made by this person that had significant impact on his/her life. Afterward, you will create a presentation about the individual to share with your class during a Gallery Walk.

Before you begin your research, think about:

What individual with Maryland connections interests me most? What choices did this person make that had a significant impact on his/her life? How do I effectively research information related to the individual I selected? What are the most credible and reliable sources to conduct my research? What type of multimedia tool can I use to create a presentation to share information about my chosen individual during a Gallery Walk?

Your essay will be scored using the following criteria:

Ideas: The essay clearly reflects the choices made by an individual with Maryland connections that had significant impact on his/her life. The essay effectively develops a strong thesis statement and topic by using clear and convincing reasoning, details, text-based evidence, paraphrases, and quotations.

Organization: The essay demonstrates a clear and coherent beginning, middle, and end that includes a strong, compelling introduction, as well as a satisfying conclusion. Ideas are organized logically and are easy to follow throughout the piece. Transitions are effectively used throughout the piece to provide comprehension.

Clarity of Language: The essay establishes and maintains an effective style while adhering to the norms and conventions unique to the writing piece. The writer uses precise language, including descriptive words and phrases, sensory details, and vocabulary specific to the topic. All pronouns are used appropriately.

Conventions: The essay demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English and contains no errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 1 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 Working My Way Through Personal Choices


Prewriting/Brainstorming Check when completed:

With your class, brainstorm a list of famous Marylanders and difficult choices they have made in their lives. Review the directions for Explaining Personal Choices (TR.6/SR.1).

Using the BCPS Online Research Model, Choosing Our Path, go to the “Explore” activity in the “Task and Product” section. Complete Who Should I Research? (TR.10/SR.5) by using the links from the “Explore” activity.

Research Check when completed:

Read and review information on How to Evaluate Information from the Internet (TR.11- TR.12/SR.6-SR.7).

Identify and evaluate appropriate resources to support independent research on your chosen individual. Check out the “Gather and Sort” section of the BCPS Online Model to gather information from various Web sites and links.

Use Research Notes: Online Sources (TR.13/SR.8) and Research Notes: Books (TR.14/SR.9) to take notes as you conduct your research on the individual of your choice.

Provide feedback for your teacher by completing Reflecting on My Research (TR.15/SR.10).


Drafting Check when completed:

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 2 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Read and review the Scoring Rubric: Student Resource (TR.16-TR.17/SR. 11-SR.12).

Use your notes and the scoring tool to begin composing a draft of your essay.

If needed, check the BCPS Online Research Model, “Create” section, to examine a model essay about Karen Hesse’s choices. Revising/Editing Check when completed:

Work with a partner to participate in a peer review of your draft. Use the Peer Review Checklist (TR.18- TR.19/SR.13-SR.14) to review your partner’s draft. Be sure to discuss comments and clarify suggestions.

Use peer feedback and suggestions to review, edit, and revise your draft.


Publication/Presentation Check when

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 3 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 completed:

Review the expectations for the presentation portion of the task, Sharing the Choices of Others (TR.20/SR.15). You may also choose to refer to the BCPS Online Research Model, “Create” section to get ideas for your multimedia presentation. Use research notes to begin creating presentation.

Use the peer review sheet from the “Share” section of the BCPS Online Research Model during Gallery presentations of your peers. Share your information when it is your turn to present. Turn in all research notes and information to your teacher for scoring and feedback.

Use your journal to reflect on the following questions: What famous Marylander did I find most interesting? Why? What choice made by a famous Maryland surprised me the most? Why? What choice made by a famous Marylander can I connect most to? Why?

Who Should I Research? Part I.

Directions: As you examine famous Marylanders on the Explore section of the online model, fill in the chart below to reflect the individuals that you are interested in learning more about.

Name Category What interests you about this person?

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 4 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Part II.

Directions: Examine the list above to choose one individual to research. Use the lines below to explain the reasons behind your choice.



______How to Evaluate Information from the Internet

Just because information is on the Internet does not mean that you can trust that it is reliable, factual, or current. It is your responsibility to determine whether the information you find is the best to use for research. Poorly selected resources will not support your arguments because they affect your argument’s credibility. Although a Web site does not have to have all of the following information, try to select sources that offer as much of the following as possible:

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 5 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Consider these other features as well:

Authority, Credibility, and Expertise

Is there an author? Is the Web page signed? What are his/her credentials? Is the author an expert or authority in this field? Is there a link to information about the author or sponsor (the company that created the Web site)? Is contact information for the author or sponsor included in the document? Is an organization the author? Is it a known organization with a good reputation? Is there source documentation or a bibliography?

Check domain name (.com, .gov, .org, .net) Check URL Determine authorship and/or Web site sponsorship

Currency and Accuracy Is the information up-to-date? Is there a published date on the Web page?

Is the date clear as to its meaning (date of original source, date created, most recently updated)? Is the date timely for your research? Are the links well chosen and up-to-date? In some areas (medicine, law, etc.) information can be outdated quickly. Does the site cover the topic accurately? Completely? Are the facts right? Can you understand what is said? Do details provide the whole picture? What is unique about this site? Is the information well-supported by documentation? What sources did the author consult? What sources are recommended for further reading? Does the information on this Web site match information from other sources? Is the subject covered in depth? How valuable is the information? Would you find this information in a book? An encyclopedia?

Objectivity, Bias and Purpose

What is the purpose of the Web page? Is the page designed to sway opinion? Is it a personal, commercial, government, educational, or organization Web site? Who is the intended audience? Is there any bias? Does the document seem to have a purpose other than to inform or explain? Is only one side of the argument presented? Is it trying to persuade you or change your opinion? Can you distinguish facts from opinion or does the author blend them together?

Usability and Design Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 6 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Is the site easy to navigate? User-friendly? Are the contents labeled? Do all the design elements (art, graphics, buttons, etc.) match the message of the site? Does the document look attractive and well-planned? Are the spelling and grammar elements correct? Are the pages clear and uncluttered? Do the links work?

Ways to Identify a Bad Web Site:

No identified author/producer Bad grammar; misspelled words No date on the document Unsupported claims ("This is the most important song.") Very one-sided view Over generalizing ("No one ever votes for him.”) Angry tone or language ("stupid jerk--") Conflict of interest (A candy company offers advice on weight loss.) Statistics and facts presented without an identified source Absence of source documentation Research Notes: Online Sources Online Sources:* Author’s name/s: ______Web sites Title of Web page (in quotation marks): ______Articles online Title of site (if different from page title-italicized): ______*Note: Not all Web sites contain this information. ______Site sponsor or publisher: ______Date of publication: ______Medium of publication: ___Web______Think About: Date of access: ______Is this a credible source? Why?

Describe the individual you chose to research and his/her claim to fame or “place” within Maryland history. ______

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 7 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

What is your opinion of choices your chosen individual made? Why do you feel this way? ______



Information about the chosen individual and the choices he/she made:


Research Notes: Books Books: Author’s name/s: ______Book Title of a part of the book: ______Encyclopedia Title of book: ______Name of editor or translator: ______Edition: ______Number of volume: ______Think About: Name of series: ______Is this a credible Place of publication: ______source? Why? Publisher: ______Year of Publication: ______Page numbers: ______

Describe the individual you chose to research and his/her claim to fame or “place” within Maryland history. ______

What is your opinion of choices your chosen individual made? Why do you feel this way?

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 8 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 ______


Information about the chosen individual and the choices he/she made:


Reflecting on My Research Directions: Review the notes you took as part of your research today. Complete the following chart by noting:

3 interesting facts you learned about your chosen individual and the choices he/she made.

2 questions you would like to have answered or would like to explore related to your chosen character.

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 9 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

1 idea you have about developing a multimedia tool to use to share information about your chosen character for the Gallery Walk.

Explaining Personal Choices Scoring Rubric: Student Resource Construct Score Point 4 Score Point 3 Score Point 2 Score Point 1 Score Point: 0 Measured Development Effectively develops a Effectively develops a Develops a thesis Attempts to develop a Does not develop a strong thesis strong thesis statement. thesis statement and thesis statement or of Ideas statement. statement. topic. topic. Develops topic. Comprehensively Comprehensively Uses limited Provides limited or no develops topic. develops topic. Uses some examples reasoning, and only a reasoning, and little or of reasoning, details, few details, text- inaccurate details, text- Uses clear and Uses convincing text-based evidence, based evidence, based evidence, convincing reasoning, reasoning, details, paraphrases, and paraphrase, and paraphrases, and details, text-based text-based evidence, quotations. quotations. quotations. evidence, paraphrases, and paraphrases, and quotations. Somewhat reflects the Attempts to reflect Does not reflect the quotations. choices made by an the choices made by choices made by an Largely reflects the individual. an individual. individual. Clearly reflects the choices made by an choices made by an individual. individual.

Has a clear and Has a coherent Has a somewhat Attempts to Does not demonstrate a Organization coherent beginning, beginning, middle, coherent beginning, demonstrate a coherent beginning, middle, and end. and end. middle, and end. coherent beginning, middle, and end. middle, and end. Includes a strong, Includes a strong Includes an Does not include an compelling introduction. introduction and Includes an introduction and/or introduction. conclusion. introduction and/or conclusion. Includes a satisfying conclusion. Includes a satisfying conclusion. Somewhat logical Does not provide a

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 10 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 conclusion. progression of ideas Attempts to provide a logical progression of Logical progression of throughout the logical progression of ideas. Logical progression of ideas are easy to response. ideas. ideas are easy to follow throughout the Transitions are not follow. response. Transitions are used Transitions are used included or do not assist to provide to provide in providing Transitions used Transitions are used comprehension. comprehension with comprehension. effectively to provide to effectively provide little accuracy. comprehension. comprehension.

Explaining Personal Choices Scoring Rubric: Student Resource Construct Score Point 4 Score Point 3 Score Point 2 Score Point 1 Score Point: 0 Measured Clarity of Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and Style is inappropriate. maintains an effective maintains an effective maintains a maintains a style with Language style. style. somewhat effective limited effectiveness. Little to no awareness of (voice, word style. the norms and choice, sentence Attends to the norms Attends to the norms Little awareness of conventions unique to and conventions and conventions Attends to the norms the norms of the the writing piece. fluency) unique to the writing unique to the writing and conventions writing piece. piece. piece. unique to the writing Includes little to no piece. The response includes precise language, Uses precise The response uses limited use of precise descriptive words and language, including mostly precise The response uses language, descriptive phrases, sensory details, descriptive words and language, including some precise words and phrases, transitional words, phrases, sensory descriptive words and language, including sensory details, words to indicate tone, details, transitional phrases, sensory descriptive words and transitional words, and/or domain-specific words, words to details, transitional phrases, sensory words to indicate vocabulary. indicate tone, and /or words, words to details, transitional tone, and/or domain- domain-specific indicate tone, and/or words, words to specific vocabulary. Pronouns are used vocabulary. domain-specific indicate tone, and/or incorrectly throughout vocabulary. domain-specific Few pronouns are the response. Pronouns are used vocabulary. used appropriately. appropriately. Pronouns are used appropriately. Some pronouns are used appropriately.

Conventions Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates limited Demonstrates little to no command of the command of the inconsistent command command of the command of the conventions of conventions of of the conventions of conventions of conventions of standard standard English standard English standard English. standard English. English. consistent with consistent with edited effectively edited writing. Few patterns of errors Multiple errors in Frequent and varied writing. in grammar and grammar and usage. errors in grammar and Few distracting errors usage. usage. Few minor errors in in grammar and Minimal control over grammar and usage. usage. Errors occasionally language. impede Little or no control over Meaning is clear Meaning is clear. understanding. language. Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 11 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 throughout the Multiple distracting response. errors sometimes Frequent, distracting impede errors in grammar and understanding. usage that often impede understanding.

Peer Review Checklist Writer: ______Reviewer:______

Part I. Directions: Switch papers to read the essay of a peer. As you read, use the criteria below to evaluate your partner’s writing. Remember to avoid criticism; make constructive comments and suggestions for improvement.

Criteria Rate 5 to 1 Compliment or Revision Suggestions (5=best; 1= worst) Ideas The essay includes a strong, thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The topic sentence of each body paragraph focuses on the individual’s choice. Clear and convincing supporting details, text- based evidence, paraphrases, and quotations are used to describe the effects of the choice(s) made.

Organization The essay includes a strong introduction to hook the reader’s interest. The essay includes a satisfying conclusion that restates the thesis and sums the main points presented. The essay includes a clear beginning, middle, and end that include a logical progression of ideas that are easy to follow.

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 12 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2 Transitions aid the reader in comprehension of ideas throughout the essay.

Peer Review Checklist

Criteria Rate 5 to 1 Compliment or Revision Suggestions (5=best; 1= worst) Clarity of Language The essay establishes and maintains a formal style through the essay. Pronouns are used appropriately. Conventions The essay demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English including: Correct application of parenthetical documentation. Correct documentation of sources with a Works Cited page. Few minor errors in grammar and usage. Meaning is clear throughout the passage.

Part II. Directions: Answer each question below based on your analysis of the peer essay reviewed.

1. What did you like best about the essay you reviewed? ______2. How could the essay be improved? ______

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 13 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Sharing the Choices of Others

In order to better understand the difficult choices made by others, you will create a multimedia presentation or visual to share with your peers about the individual you researched to be shared during a class Gallery Walk.

You may choose to use any of the following multimedia presentation tools to use to share your information:

Podcast Windows Movie Maker Voice Thread Glogster Animoto Pixie Make Beliefs Comix Google Sketch Up Power Point! Wiki

(*Be sure to get your teacher’s approval for other types of presentation tools.)

Create the presentation to showcase the choice the individual you researched made that had significant impact on his/her life.

In your presentation, be sure to include:

The choices that he/she made. The factors that led up to the choices made. The effect of the choices on the individual and/or others.

Be sure that your presentation:

Makes a meaningful connection to your audience. Presents the ideas in a clear, logical, and accurate progression. Includes proper citation of sources according to MLA style. Is appealing to your audience. Shows originality and creativeness.

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 14 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2 Baltimore County Public Schools DRAFT Office of Secondary English Language Arts Unit 1: Student Resource Performance Based Assessment 2

Grade 7 English Language Arts p. 15 Summer 2013

Unit 1, PBA 2

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