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Missouri Western State University

Missouri Western State University College of Professional Studies Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Departmental Course Syllabus PED 246 Methods and Techniques of Dance and Gymnastics

Instructor: Sergio Molina Office: 214D E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: M/W: 12-1:00, Tu/Th: 11:00-12:30 (or by Appointment)

Class Meeting times: Tuesday and Thursday 8-9:20 AM Looney 216, WB, or Arena

Required Textbooks and Equipment:

Teaching Children Gymnastics, 3rd Ed., Werner, Williams, & Hall Teaching Children Dance, 3rd Ed, Cone & Cone 16GB (minimum) Flash Drive

Optional Textbooks: Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children, Pangrazi, 17th Ed. Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching PE, Graham, 9th Ed.

Catalog Description: Presents teaching methodology and develops knowledge and skills in social ballroom and folk dancing, stunts and tumbling. One hour lecture, two hours lab.

Purpose: The course addresses multiple standards including: Teacher Education Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education7, 14, 15, Pre service Physical Education 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.2, 3, 3.2, 3.3 This course is designed to prepare students to teach rhythm, dances, and gymnastics in the school system.

Course Objectives: Affective Objectives 1. Students will know the role dance instruction has in increasing the students’ physical abilities, self-esteem, and social skills. (TE 1) 2. Students will demonstrate verbal cueing skills in peer instruction.(DESE 15)

Psychomotor Objectives 1. Students will demonstrate competencies in at least five creative, social, ballroom and folk dances.(TE 1, PRE 4) 2. Students will demonstrate various teaching methods in student peer instruction of gymnastics and dance. (DESE 14, 15, PRE 2, DESE 14, 15) 3. Students will demonstrate knowledge and performance of gymnastics and tumbling skills for all ability levels. (TE 2, 3, PRE 9) 4. Students will participate in warm up, strengthening and conditioning exercises to become more fit and able to perform gymnastic skills. (TE 1) 5. The students will demonstrate practical application of dance and gymnastics to their peers. (TE 1) 6. The students will observe and aid in teaching the content area of their choice (dance/gymnastics). (TE 4, 7, 8, 9) 7. The students will know and practice the progression of gymnastic skills. (TE 2, 4, 6, DESE 7, PRE 2, 4) 8. The student will be able to perform basic fundamental skills in each of the dance and gymnastic forms. (TE 1)

Cognitive Objectives 1. Students will express and define basic dance vocabulary for grades 7-12. (TE 1, PRE 4) 2. Students will know the importance of rhythm and how it is developed.(DESE 13, PRE 4) 3. Students will know the value of teaching tumbling and gymnastics to increase body awareness, physical abilities and confidence in students K-12. (TE 1, DESE 9, 10, PRE 9) 4. Students will know the liability involved in teaching high- risk activities in tumbling and gymnastics. (PRE 11) 5. Students will demonstrate methods to prevent injuries when teaching gymnastics and tumbling.(PRE 12) 6. Students will express knowledge of how to demonstrate, evaluate and give feedback of skills. (TE 8, 9) 7. Students will know the role of gymnastics in schools as a physical education class as well as a competitive sport.(TE 1) 8. The students will know and practice the progression of gymnastic skills. (TE 2, 4, 6, DESE 7, PRE 2, 4) 9. The student will be able to analyze basic movements and correct errors. (TE 3, 1, 8, DESE 14, 15PRE 1.3, 1.5)

Risks: The risk of the gymnastics portion of PED 246 includes possible injury to the head and neck area, back area, wrists and ankles. These injuries could involve muscles, ligaments or bones. Safety precautions are always established through spotting procedures, crash mats and pads and a general understanding of the skill.

Vertical file: A vertical file for this class is required to be kept by the student. This is a requirement for student teaching, but is not part of your grade for the class.

Academic dishonesty: Any student in violation of academic regulations is subject to failing the assignment without hesitation. Possible causes of academic dishonesty include plagiarism, cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information. Students must turn in their own work. Citations are required for anything that is not common knowledge. Lack of appropriate citations constitutes plagiarism and is subject to failure of the assignment, and/or course as well as university discipline.

Grading System: Gymnastics Assignments/Active Participation 10% Lesson Plans 10% Teachings 15% Exam 15% Dance Assignments/Active Participation 10% Lesson Plans 10% Teachings 15% Exam 15%

A vertical file for this class is required to be kept by the student. This is a requirement for student teaching, but is not part of your grade for the class.

Grading Scale: A – 100.0-92.0 B – 91.9-84.0 C – 83.9-75.0 D – 74.9-60.0 F – 59.9-0

Late assignments: All assignments are due at the start of class on the day they are due. If a paper is turned in after class has begun, it is deemed late. The penalty for a late assignment is a reduction of 10% per day it is late. A paper due on Thursday that is turned in on Tuesday is 5 days late, and will be graded out of 50%, not 100%. A paper due on a day of an excused absence is still due on the assigned date, and will be considered late if not turned in on time. Assignments are officially 1 day late once class has ended.

Attendance: Each absence will result in a 2% overall reduction in your grade. Excused absences must be approved BEFORE the day that is missed in order to not loose points for the day. Students failing to arrive within the first 15 minutes or leaving prior to the end of class will be marked as absent. All material for the day is still the responsibility of the student, whether excused or unexcused. Assignments will be counted as late if they are not turned in on the day assigned. Therefore, if an excused absence is upcoming, make sure the assignment is turned in early to avoid a late assignment. A student is tardy if they show up to class after attendance has been taken. Every three tardies will equal one absence and result in an additional 2% reduction in the overall grade.

DRESS: Appropriate dress must be maintained in each activity. Lack of appropriate dress will result in a 2% overall reduction in your grade

Multicultural Diversity: An important aspect of this class is socialization. Participation in team games, particularly, can teach diverse individuals to work together to the best advantage of the team. Students will design activities that provide unique experiences for students from low to high socio-economic backgrounds. Historical background for each activity offered, and its relation to their individual environments are also part of the requirements for the class. The district mainstreams these individuals in the classroom, which adds a new dimension to those instructing the classes. Modification of games to meet the needs of both handicapped and mentally challenged middle school students is part of the lesson plan format.

Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct: Consistent with its mission, Missouri Western seeks to assure all community members learn and work in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Title VII, Title IX and University policy prohibit harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Missouri Western encourages anyone experiencing harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct to talk to someone from the Campus and Local Resources list found in the Student Handbook (https://www.missouriwestern.edu/studentaffairs/wp.../handbook.pdf) about what happened so they can get the support they need and Missouri Western can respond appropriately.

There are both confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to you. Missouri Western is legally obligated to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, and therefore we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of a report, unless made to a confidential resource. Responses may vary from support services to formal investigations. As a faculty member, I am required to report incidents of sexual misconduct and thus cannot guarantee confidentiality. I must provide our Title IX coordinator with relevant details such as the names of those involved in the incident. For more information about policies and resources or reporting options, please visit the following website: https://www.missouriwestern.edu/titleix/sexual- misconduct-policy/

Students have received information via email regarding training regarding Title IX. Student employees may have additional required training. Please follow the link in the email sent to your MWSU student account to complete the training. Students who do not complete the training will receive a hold on their account, prohibiting future semester enrollment until the training is complete. These training courses will ensure that all students are appropriately educated about these important regulations.

Technology: Students will use technology to identify the standards set for each activity during their planning of the unit. They will also have written assignments (with research) due during the class.

Activity in the class Students will be engaging in physical activity throughout the semester. Students are expected to participate in these activities as it is part of the class. If the student is not capable of participating, it is their responsibility to contact the professor before the event (more than 1 week) to make alternate plans for that student. Students who are injured are required to attend class, but might not participate in the activity for that day (with no penalty).

Disability Accommodations Students seeking accommodations must first provide documentation of needed accommodations to the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) located in Eder Hall, Suite 203. Once accommodations have been approved by the ARC, students are responsible for notifying their instructors of those accommodations. This should be done within the first two weeks of classes. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Audio / Video Recordings The course materials that I author, including, but not limited to, PowerPoint slides, Panopto recordings, Moodle screen shots, class hand-outs, web-based and social media content, and course syllabi, are my intellectual property and are protected by copyright law. Students in the course may download and make copies of my course materials for the course student’s own use. Students are not allowed to record course proceedings, publicly reproduce or distribute these materials or enable others to do so without my express written consent. Failure to comply with this direction may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook and result in disciplinary action by the University.

Change of Schedules In the event Missouri Western State University would be closed during a scheduled exam, your instructor will contact you through your MWSU Goldlink email account with alternative plans.

Tentative Class Schedule (Subject to change at the discretion of the professor)

Lesson Plans Educational Gymnastics Biomechanics of Movement Content Development Skill Themes and Movement Concepts Assessing Skill in Educational Gymnastics

Educational Dance Creative Dance Ballroom Dance Social/Folk Dance Square Dance Line Dance

Fall Break: November 19-26 Final Exam: Tuesday, December 12th, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.


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