Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Council

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Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Council

Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Council

Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22nd October 2012 at 7.30pm in Chorley Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs B Hamilton-Russell (Chairman), R Abbiss, T Casswell, R Bunn, D Walsh, A Parsons, S Steed, H Barratt, M Shineton (who arrived late). Clerk: Mrs F Morris Parishioners: 2

0) Public participation: Mr David Boultwood spoke on behalf of the committee and confirmed the following: ‘A special meeting was convened following a visit from Madge Shineton who informed the committee that after a recent conversation with Sandra, it was stated that Sandra has no intention of relinquishing the shop. As a result of this, Madge Shineton compelled to ask for the swift return of unused grants. It was agreed that £1500 be returned to Cleobury Country via Chris Tibbits and £2000 would be returned to the LJC after advice from Madge Shineton. Mr Boultwood confirmed that the residue of non-returnable money held will be retained to continue subscriptions to the F.S.A. until 2015, so that the vehicle of ‘Stottyshop Ltd’ continues pending developments. With these actions completed it is their intention to call an Extraordinary Meeting to determine the possibility of change of name for the I.P.S. Bob Kelsey will issue cheques to Cleobury Country (£1500) and LJC (£2000) and a cheque to F.S.A. Mr Boultwood thanked the PC for their support. Chairman thanked Mr Boultwood and other committee members for their work on this project. It was felt that it was important to keep the shop or other ‘enterprise’. It was felt that if the Pub changed hands then the shop would probably go so it was a sensible way forward for the ‘committee to keep going’.

1) Apologies for absence: Cllr M Shineton who will arrive late due to a previous meeting. RESOLVED to accept apology for late arrival.

2) Declaration of Interests: The Localism Act 2011, Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of member’s interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. No interests declared.

3) To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2012: Cllr Barratt asked that her reason for apology for not attending the previous meeting was ‘family business’ not holiday. It was RESOLVED that with this amendment the minutes be signed as a true record.

4) Matters Arising from the minutes: (a) Progress report: Newsletters: Clerk asked if anyone had any problems with the newsletters. No problems.

Brooksmeeting/Hawkswood road:

Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 1 Following a call from a resident concerned that this has not been repaired and considered that with the winter approaching vehicles could skid off into the brook Clerk contacted SC and received the following from Andy Oliver: ‘There isn’t any dates for the repairs yet as it is still being designed by our consultants. I will ask Ringway to put some more signs and barriers out to reinforce the fact that the road is closed’.

Bus Shelter, Chorley: Matt Johnson (SC) was meeting with Ringway last week to look at the site and obtain a quote for the groundwork. All paperwork has been sent off to Matt. Clerk had tried to contact Matt today for an update but he is out of the office until 29th October. Will chase this on his return.

Website: Clerk confirmed that she had updated the website during the last week. Still have accounts to put on.

Localism training – 19th October: Cllr Abbiss confirmed that she had attended this training session which was very informative.

Flood forum meeting: Chairman confirmed that he had attended this and expressed his concern that there could be more problems in the area if we get much more rain as the land is too wet to get on to remove debris.

SC problems – reply from Andy Oliver: Manhole outside Dr’s surgery: A Section 81 notice had been sent to Severn Trent Water for the manhole outside the Doctors Surgery so they should attend to that fairly soon. Gully at Duddlewick: Ringway were supposed to be replacing the cover on the gully past Duddlewick last week so he will need to look into that and see why they haven’t done it yet. Andy confirmed later that he had just spoken to Ringway again regarding the gully at Duddlewick and they are going to try to get it done by the end of the week.

(b) Any other matters arising: The Code of Conduct training at Bridgnorth Area committee was well attended.

Parking outside Stottesdon School: Clerk gave each Cllr a copy of the letter received from a parent. It was agreed to leave this until Cllr Shineton arrives later.

5) Planning applications: a) Replace single storey garage with two storey extension and erection of a single storey rear garden room – 4 High Street, Stottesdon. App. No: 12/03987/FUL: After discussions it was RESOLVED that this application is supported. b)Erection of replacement dwelling following demolition of existing – Tanglewood, Midwinters, Chorley. App. No: 12/02981/FUL: This application was fully discussed and it was RESOLVED to object to this as it was felt that this was out of keeping with neighbouring properties and the footprint increase was too great. Councillors also requested that this application be determined by the Planning Committee. c) Any others received after issue of agenda:

Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 2 No further plans received. d) Permissions: Erection of a portal framed livestock building – Pickthorn Farm, Chorley. Cllr Abbiss declared an interest in this matter.

6) Parish matters/problems: Cllr Shineton arrived at the meeting at this point. a) Parish problems:  Mud/muck on the Baytree/Wrickton road and by the Bold Farm  Branch on the oak tree just up from Litley Bridge appears to have been hit by a vehicle and requires removal, together with the dead branch which has been reported numerous times. Clerk confirmed that she had asked Willowdene to deal with this but as the land belongs to SC then Clerk will request that they carry out this work.  Northwood Lane – (outside Lower Northwood Farm) water lying there and also mud.  Sidbury Banks need clearing – Clerk had asked Willowdene to deal with this and will send a further reminder.  Potholes at the top of Litley Bank on the main road.

b) Parish Watch: Chairman confirmed that all he had been made aware of by the Clerk was another break in at Nathan Home’s compound at Chorley. Clerk confirmed that Nathan had reported this to the Police who were supposed to visit on the Sunday after the event but had still not been out. Clerk will furnish Chairman with the registration of the vehicle seen in the area and he will take this up with the Police at the LJC tomorrow night.

7) Community Shop: Chairman recapped on what Mr Boultwood had said as Cllr Shineton was not at the beginning of the meeting. Cllr Shineton confirmed that the LJC were aware that the grants would be returned to them. Cllr Shineton asked that the PC consider ‘in principle’ putting money into the precept (£100) to continue with the FSA registration as a ‘safety net’ for the working group to continue with another venture if necessary. Councillors agreed in principle to support this suggestion.

8) SALC report: Cllr Abbiss confirmed that the ball had been cancelled and the AGM will now be held on Friday 9th November. Affiliation fees will be discussed at the AGM with a slight increase proposed. Cllrs Barratt and Hamilton-Russell confirmed they would like to attend and agreed to pay for themselves. Clerk will not know until nearer the time whether she will attend.

9) Shropshire Councillor’s report: Shropshire Cllr Shineton reported the following;  LJC meeting tomorrow night at Neen Sollars. Inspector Thomas and PC Ann O’Leary should be in attendance where they will be questioned regarding the cover for the area to include Highley/Kinlet/Stottesdon and Cleobury Mortimer.. Also representatives from Cleobury Medical Centre and Fire and Rescue will attend.  Police Elections – 15th November.  Neen Sollars bridge now open.  I P & E meeting in February.

Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 3  Localism training event last week – very good.  Land opposite Dr’s Surgery discussed. It was RESOLVED to write to the owners pointing out that the plot was an eyesore, barriers leaning, stability of bank causing concern and that a parishioner had sustained an injury and ask if they would be interested in selling this. Cllr Abbiss asked if Councils would be charged for the websites through the I P & E. Cllr Shineton did not know the answer to this.

Parking outside Stottesdon School: Clerk explained the conversation she had had with the parent who had put her concerns in writing. A lengthy discussion took place – most of the suggestions had already been explored by the PC. Clerk confirmed that Graham Downes suggested that Alice Dilly looks at this under the ‘Safer Routes to School’ programme and he would forward the Clerk’s email onto her. Zig zags outside the school could be used but not double yellow lines. The suggestion to remove the bus shelter was dismissed as this is not causing the problem it is purely the vehicles parking on the roadside and in the BUS STOP which causes the problem. A map should be sent to School showing the parking bays in Glebe Drive which could be used. Cllr Shineton will speak to SC regarding the problems. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write back to the parent confirming that the Parish Council will explore a way forward.

10) Financial matters: a) Outstanding payments: Clerks salary/expenses: Salary - £xxx Viking Direct account (ink cartridges etc) - £108.37 Bus Shelter repair account - £50 (Skellerns Doors and Windows) Information Commissioner’s Office renewal - £35 Audit fee - £162.00 It was RESOLVED to pay these accounts and signatories authorised to sign the cheques. b) Income since last meeting: None received. c) Bank statement: Chairman signed this as agreed by Cllrs. d) Quarterly bank/budget reconciliation: Bank reconciliation given to each Cllr – RESOLVED to accept this. Budget reconciliation will be dealt with at next meeting. e) Audit: Audit clear. Comment made that depreciation should not be made against the laptop. Clerk pointed out that this had never been picked up previously. Chairman thanked Clerk for her work. All necessary advertising had been dealt with by Clerk.

11) Speed Management consultation document: Agreed to leave this until further information is received from SC.

12) Correspondence: Including emails forwarded to Councillors: Western Power Distribution Workshop – future investment plans – no interest shown in attending.

Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 4 St Mary’s Church Christmas tree festival – Cllrs agreed to take part – Clerk will investigate a theme. 25/9 RSN newsletter 26/9 SC –change of date for roadworks at Brooksmeeting – work completed. 28/9 Weekly planning list 28/9 SALC Information Bulletin 1/10 RSN newsletter 2/10 SALC –Place Plan Reviews 3/10 RSN newsletter 3/10 Tower Mint – Commemorative Coronation medals – Clerk will pass to School for their consideration. 5/10 Weekly planning list 8/10 RSN newsletter 8/10 Tracy Johnson – Place Plan/CIL workshop presentation and notes. Cllr Shineton confirmed that Tracy had had an accident and would be off work for about 8 weeks. Tom Brettell will be dealing with Tracy’s emails etc. in her absence. 8/10 Cleobury and Rural LJC meeting 23/10/12 Milson and Neen Sollars Victory Hall 7pm. Cllr Shineton confirmed that there was £12-13,000 left for groups to apply for – 3rd/4th January deadline. 8/10 SALC Information Bulletin 9/10 Shropshire North against pylons (SNAP) 10/10 SALC AGM 11/10 Keith Barrow – National Grid Mid Wales Connection project 11/10 SC –Post 16 College and 6th form assistance for entitled students – consultation on arrangements for September 2013 11/10 SALC AGM booking forms 12/10 Came and Company Insurance newsletter 12/10 Weekly planning list 12/10 SC – resurfacing Oldfield Lane 19th October 2012 12/10 SALC Information Bulletin 15/10 RSN newsletter Any others received after issue of the agenda 16/10 RSN – Free seminar – working together to deliver rural health services – Nottingham Forest FC 26th November. 16/10 LJC papers 18/10 ALC Flooding Awareness campaign Weekly planning lists 22/10 Andrew Leggott – Education 2012 15th November central London 22/10 RSN newsletter 22/10 Gil Hinton re: school parking – dealt with earlier. Cllr Shineton confirmed that she had attended the Area Health meeting and visited units including the Lingen Davies Cancer Unit and the new Mental Health Unit.

Cllr Abbiss asked if a Personnel meeting could be arranged prior to the next PC meeting. Cllr Shineton suggested that the current ‘job specification’/contract for the Lengthsman Scheme with Willowdene should also be looked at and suggested that a meeting was held with Willowdene to find out what they could and could not carry out for the PC as they have expanded their business. RESOLVED that the Cllrs Hamilton-Russell and Barratt arrange to meet with Willowdene. Clerk will forward a copy of the contract.

13) Date of next meeting - November 26th 2012.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.28pm.


Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 5 Clerks salary/expenses: Salary - £xxx Viking Direct account (ink cartridges, files etc) - £108.37 Bus Shelter repair account - £50 (Skellerns Doors and Windows) Information Commissioner’s Office renewal (Data Protection) - £35 Audit fee - £162.00

Signed: Chairman Date:

These minutes were approved at the parish Council meeting on 26th November 2012.

Stottesdon & Sidbury Parish Council meeting 22nd October 2012 Page 6

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