AP Art History Disclosure 2015-2016

Expectations: Students will be expected to: Attend class regularly. Follow directions. Participate in class discussions and Art critiques. Be prepared for class, especially the assigned reading. Obey school policies and classroom rules. Be eager to learn. Students will be expected to critique famous art work using the elements and principals of design taught in class. Essay writing will be an important part of the course. Reviews and tests are important to prepare for the end of year College Board Test.

Percentage grading standards: 100-94=A 93-90=A- 89-87=B+ 86-83=B 82-80=B- 79-77=C 72-70=C- 69-67=D+ 66-63=D 62-60=D- > 60=F Late work: Late work will be accepted at a 10% reduction per school day (A&B – no difference) up to 1 week. After 1 week, no late work will be accepted.

Items not allowed: Cell phones are not to be used in class unless given specific task. NO texting is allowed during class time! Hats are not to be worn in class. Offenses will have item taken to the office. NO exceptions!

Absence make up: When possible, students are encouraged to get work before they are absent so that students do not fall behind when they return to class. Students will be given the same number of school days to get caught up that they were (excused) absent (up to 5 days). For example, if a student misses 3 days, they have 3 days to get caught up. This may require E.O. hour as well as before and after school times coordinated with the instructor. Unexcused absences will be considered truancies and along with truancies cannot be made up.

Tardy: Bell quizzes (tests at start of class) will be given at random. A bell quiz cannot be made up. Unexcused tardy students will be given cleaning duties to make up lost class time.

Citizenship grading: Students need to be in class daily and prepared with pencil (not a mechanical pencil), paper, and other assigned art materials. A student may not miss this class for a school activity without the teacher’s permission prior to the school activity. Students will be in their seats when the bell rings ready to begin work. Students will be respectful to classmates and teachers. H Student is prepared daily, is involved positively in classroom activities and discussions, shows positive example and leadership, and attends class on time. (Honorable) S Student is prepared, involved in activities and attends class on time. Student follows classroom rules and instructions. (Satisfactory) N Student is unprepared and is uninvolved in classroom activities. Student may have negative involvement in discussions or assignments. Tardy problems disrupt class and instructor. (Needs improvement) U Student is routinely unprepared, provokes negative classroom interaction, and/or is plagued with tardy problems. Student displays lack of respect for peers and teacher. (Unacceptable) Hall Pass: The hall pass is given freely to students as necessary. However, each use requires asking permission prior to use along with where the student is going. Students who are tardy cannot use the pass for the day. Students who misuse or abuse the hall pass will also be banned from its use.

Art Images: AP Art History includes several nude sculptures, paintings, and other works. Be aware that the college board has established 250 images that are required. Many of these include nude images. Most of these are classical nudes like Michelangelo’s “David” or Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”. If you would like to preview the types of images that will be required go to: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/2013advances/ap-art-history-curriculum-framework.pdf

The images start at page 22 and continue to page 168.

We will also be viewing other images that relate to these for additional context.

Blog & Email: blog.wsd.net/klarsen. [email protected]

Parents/Guardians: Please sign, detach (cut on dotted line) and return this form with your student. Keep this top portion for your own reference.


I have thoroughly reviewed this disclosure statement for A.P. Art History. I am aware of and will support the instructor in academic grading standards, citizenship standards, and classroom expectations and policies described.

Parent Signature(s)______Date______

Email ______Other Email ______

Home Phone Work or 2nd# ______

Student Signature ______Date______

Print Student’s Name ______Period ______