Results of Consultation on Changes to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Age Limits.

Reasons given by licensed hackney carriage and private hire drivers for increasing vehicle age limits.

Preferred age limit - 10 years:

With 2 MOT’s and licensing officers visual the vehicle is roadworthy as can be. Cars don’t rust as they used to so body works are well looked after to keep up a smart appearance.

Cars are far more reliable and safer than they were a few years ago.

With new technology cars are lasting longer than they were when the age limits were introduced.

If a vehicle is up to standard it should not be forced to be replaced, perfectly good cars are being removed.

Modern vehicles more reliable. Rust and corrosion no longer a problem.

In these difficult times we should be responsibly finding ways to save and reduce operating costs – not introducing more increases. The recommendation to use an independent testing facility will create a problem for any fail especially for minor subjective infringements which would then require removing the vehicles for repair and then returning for a re-test. Whereas under the existing requirements this can be done more conveniently and at considerably less time and cost at your preferred MOT garage test station. Also the DVLA are now considering extending the current month MOT requirement to 2 years!

If the vehicle is in a good condition and serviced I feel it would last an extra 2 years as the cost of replacements in the current climate is too costly.

Better quality engineered cars.

Provided that the vehicle is well maintained, both in appearance and mechanically I see no reason why it would not remain suitable to continue to use as a taxi. MOT’s - would it not be as acceptable if at least one of the MOT’s be carried out by the main dealer who would have expert knowledge of the particular vehicle. Cleanliness and correct signage is already checked when the plate is renewed each year as well as random checks on vehicles by the Council.

If you look after your car and treat it properly then a modest increase in age would/could be deemed appropriate in line with wheelchair cars.

My car is 5 years old and I think it has at least another 5 years to go.

Vehicles cost (outlay) can be better recovered over a longer period. Recession making capital outlay more difficult and recovering outlay same. My mileage has dropped by 50% per year over last 2.5 years!

1 Preferred age limit – 10 years for Saloon/Estate Vehicles, 12 years for Wheelchair Accessible vehicles (WAV’s):

Modern cars are safer and more reliable. I know when my vehicles have come to the end of their life. I do not need to be told. I would not run unsafe vehicles. I could buy a two year old reps car with 200,000 miles on it and run it yet I could not buy a 5+ year old Mercedes with average miles and run it. Also in these economic times we are facing we need to be able to maximise the life of our vehicles.

Vehicles are more reliable and cleaner than in the past and that means a longer life is possible. I however do not want to go to Bournemouth for any testing – leave as now. Interesting how that’s not an option - the trade does not want it at all.

Preferred age limit – 10 years for Saloon/Estate Vehicles, 14 years for Wheelchair Accessible vehicles (WAV’s):

14 years for purpose built WAV’s not just any wheelchair taxi e.g. Doblo’s. Modern vehicles are much better equipped (Airbags, Cat Converters, Rust proofing, emissions etc) than they were when current limits were introduced. Current financial climate and collapse of taxi trade business means extra help, including the increase in vehicle age must be given to help owners.

Preferred age limit – 12-15 years:

1 Present economic climate means taxis are not used so much 2 As long as the vehicle is maintained well and fit for purpose, passing council test then vehicle should be used for longer. 3 When a vehicle gets to an age that it is always being repaired the owner would change it for a new one that would be more reliable.

I feel that the age limit should be increased to about 15 years because of recession, fuel price very expensive which is reducing our income plus, these modern vehicles are more reliable than previous vehicles. And I feel as we are following the rules and regulations to maintain our vehicles, which is much better than looking after private vehicles. But I do not agree for the MOT to be taken at Bournemouth. The money should stay within the Borough of Poole. Plus it’s inconvenient and more expensive.

Government legislation is different for p/h and hackneys i.e. no age limit on p/h.

Preferred age limit – 20 years:

I feel if there needs to be a change in the age limit then it should be same as Bournemouth Taxis. I also disagree with the MOT being taken at Yeoman’s Way. The MOT and visual inspection should remain as it is.

No age limit suggested:

Purely financial reasons. An extra 2 years on a vehicle would give us more time in a decreasing taxi market to pay for a newer one.

I will have more in my wallet?

2 Financial – Expensive to replace a car after 8 years especially in current climate when work is in v. short supply! Reasons given by licensed hackney carriage and private hire drivers for removing vehicle age limits.

For encouraging maintaining cars in good and lasting condition

As long as a car is mechanically sound and looks presentable I see no reason why any age car should not be used.

I feel that cars today last and look better for a lot longer. I don’t think we will end up with loads of 20yr old taxi’s driving round Poole as owners common sense will prevail, it will become uneconomical to keep an old car plus we will want to buy something more modern.

All vehicles are inspected annually by the Council and the condition of any vehicle can be assessed at this stage. A 10 year old vehicle may have done less miles than a 4 year old vehicle an may subsequently be in a superior condition. Higher quality older vehicles (which can be cheaper to purchase at the initial stage) may well offer customers better comfort, space and quality of ride than average new cars. Bearing in mind the current economic climate and the ongoing reduction in demand for taxis and ph vehicles these are likely to be doing fewer and fewer miles in the coming years. Consequently owners do not have the income to continually replace vehicles every few years.

I believe if the vehicle is in good condition visually and mechanically and customers are happy to be taken to their destination in comfort there should be no limit. I am bias because I am coming up to retirement age but I cannot afford to stop so I intend to carry on.

Provided vehicle is maintained and serviced to high standard, the said car could be used possibly to 15 years old. I personally know of a licensed Bmth taxi that is at least 17 years old. Age of car is irrelevant if car is looked after (PRIDE).

It’s the condition not the age.

It’s a recession problem, I want to purchase a new vehicle but I can’t lose my home in the process.

As long as the vehicle is roadworthy (MOT) and passes acceptable appearance checks I fail to see why age should be a deciding factor. This ruling would take away the financial strain in the current climate. Once a vehicle has been a taxi for 8 years it has no resale value.

Due to the present financial climate, we are now doing half the annual mileage and therefore only earning a fraction of what we previously earned i.e. sitting in the station from 10 to 5 earning £30 as an independent. The cars therefore are in better condition and last longer.

With the current financial climate this will help small businesses to stay in business like myself and to possibly grow as any finance of the vehicle can be taken over a longer period.

Takes financial pressure off smaller business in purchasing vehicles to replace cars that still have a viable working future after 8 years.

3 Because age is not a fair or reliable indicator of reliability or safety or how well kept a vehicle is. That said after 5 years twice yearly MOT’s could remain with the yearly visual.