Vita of Mark S. Peterson
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CURRENT ADDRESS Department of Coastal Sciences The University of Southern Mississippi 703 East Beach Dr. Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 228-872-4203 (Work), 228-872-4204 (Fax) 228-872-9787 (Home) e-mail: [email protected]
Coastal Ecosystems Group Webpage:
EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Southern Mississippi Biological Sciences 1987 Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406
Ecological and physiological factors affecting the assembly of littoral fish communities along an environmental gradient. [Stephen T. Ross, advisor]
M.S. Florida Institute of Technology Biological Oceanography 1981 Melbourne, Florida 32901
Variations in the feeding ecology of the silver jenny, Eucinostomus gula (Quoy and Gaimard) and the spotfin mojarra, E. argenteus Baird. [R. Grant Gilmore, advisor]
B.S. Coastal Carolina University Marine Science 1978 Conway, South Carolina 29526
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE The University of Southern Mississippi: ● Interim Department Chair, Department of Coastal Sciences (August 2002-October 2003). ● Department of Coastal Sciences Summer Field Program (SFP) Advisory Committee, member (2000-02) and Chair (2002-05). The SFP served 67 Colleges and Universities across the middle portion of the U.S during that period of time. ● Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Department of Coastal Sciences (1998-2002).
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Professor (August 2002-present). Department of Coastal Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS. Duties include development of a research program in fisheries resource ecology and ecological physiology. Teaching responsibilities have included Marine Ichthyology, Biology of Fishes, Ecology of Fishes, Coastal Processes II, Historical Ecology, and Topics in Fisheries Ecology.
Associate Professor (Tenured) (July 1998-August 2002). Department of Coastal Sciences, Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 2 The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS.
Associate Research Scientist. (Dec.1994-July 1998). Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Institute of Marine Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS.
Associate Professor. (Tenured) (Aug. 1994-Dec. 1994). Department of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, MSU, MS. Teaching duties included Ichthyology, Ecology of Fishes, Ecology, Animal Behavior, and Principles of Zoology. Other duties included curation of fish museum.
Assistant Professor. (Aug. 1989-Aug. 1994). Department of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, MSU, MS.
Post-Doctoral Fellow. (Sept. 1987-Aug. 1989). Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Inc., Ft. Pierce, FL. Eco-physiology research focused on experimental causes of fish kills of euryhaline, subtropical resident and transient fishes utilizing impounded mangrove habitats.
Instructor. (Spring 1987). Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. Taught, coordinated and graded General Zoology lecture and laboratory.
Teaching Assistant. (Fall 1983-Fall 1986 (@USM); Fall 1980-Spring 1981(@FIT)). Contact teaching and grading of lower and upper levels labs. Lower level labs.: Introductory biology (majors & honors) and General Zoology. Upper level labs: Nearshore benthic ecology, Deepsea benthic ecology, Ichthyology.
Marine Science Research Associate. (April 1981-Aug. 1982). University of Florida-IFAS, Florida Medical Entomology Lab., Wetlands Ecology Section, Vero Beach, FL. Assisted in the design of field research, and collection, identification and enumeration of fishes, zooplankton and benthic organisms in mangrove habitats.
Research Assistantships. (Dept. Biol. Sci., USM: Sowashee creek water quality model verification (Summer 1984); American eel study (Summer 1983). Dept. Oceanogr. & Ocean Eng., FIT: Melbourne Beach restoration project (August 1979-July 1980) and Paradise Beach restoration project (Fall 1979).
Graduate Student Assistant. (Summers 1979-1980). Project leader to "Marine Field Projects" at FIT. Duties included assistance in the design of the field activities and the collection and identification of fish, zooplankton and benthic animals.
Adjunct Professorships. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS. (Sept.2000-01).
Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. (Feb.1995-98). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 3 Department of Oceanography & Ocean Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL. Taught, coordinated and graded Marine & Estuarine Benthic Ecology. (Winter 1989). Journal Editorships. ● Editor-in-Chief and Chair of the Advisory & Editorial Boards for Gulf and Caribbean Research (1996-2001; 2003-2013; 2015-present; formerly Gulf Research Reports). This position involved the overall operation of the journal including appointing Associate Editors and establishment of the advisory board, editing all manuscripts and making final decisions, maintaining communications with authors, reviewers, and Associate Editors, and maintaining the budget. Recently, the journal has been converted to a fully-online format starting in 2015. Consejo Editorial (Editorial Council), CICIMAR Oceánides, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, LaPaz, B.C.S., México (2010-present). Associate Editor, Gulf of Mexico Science (2013-2015). Served as a Guest Editor, Southeastern Naturalist in 2007.
Consultant. The Water Institute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge, LA; Review of Habitat Suitability Indices - Brown shrimp, White shrimp, Gulf Menhaden, Blue crab, Bay Anchovy, and Spotted Seatrout (July-Sept. 2014). Taylor Engineering, Inc, Jacksonville, FL; Impacts of Channel Deepening on Nekton in the St. Johns River Estuary (Oct. 2012-Dec. 2013). Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL; Evaluation of Recommended Minimum Flows for the Homosassa River System (Aug.-Oct. 2010). South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL; Adequacy of Technical Information to Support Minimum Inflow Needs for Biscayne Bay, panel member (Oct.-Nov. 2008). The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; 2004 Research Assessment Review Panel for the Marine and Coastal Research Programs at Texas Universities, panel member (Aug. 2004). The Nature Conservancy and the U.S. EPA; Evaluation of the final report of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, Panel member (Sept.-Nov. 2002). South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL; Evaluation of the St. Lucie River and Estuary Minimum Flow Plan, Chair of Panel (May-Aug. 2001). Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL; Evaluation of Hillsborough River Minimum Flow Plan (June-Nov. 1999). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-WES, Vicksburg, MS; Trophic ecology of freshwater catfishes (Sept. 1982). Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, San Diego, CA; Bottlenose dolphin and manatee survey (Nov. 1979).
BOOK EDITORSHIPS Alford, J.B., M.S. Peterson and C. Green (eds.). 2014. Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 320p. ISBN-978- 1-4665-5720-8.
PUBLICATIONS (* = former or current student) Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack and E.T. Lang* (In prep). Distribution, abundance and habitat Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 4 characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, in coastal Mississippi watersheds, with notes on wider unpublished museum records. Southeastern Naturalist. .
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and K.S. Dillon. (In revision). Structural changes in salt marsh food webs resulting from coastal urbanization: inferences based on stable isotope analyses. Estuaries and Coasts.
Peterson, M.S., P.O. Grammer, J-M. Havrylkoff*, and W.T. Slack. (In review). Nearshore movements and connectivity of Gulf Sturgeon in non-island, shallow designated critical habitat adjacent to a commercial port and a maintained navigation channel within Mississippi Sound. Marine and Coastal Fisheries Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science.
Andres, M.J., M.S. Peterson, and R.M. Overstreet. (In review). Endohelminth parasites of some midwater and benthopelagic stomiiform fishes from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research.
Fogg, A.Q., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. (In review). Reproductive life history characteristics of invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE.
Dippold, D.A.*, R.T. Leaf, and M.S. Peterson (In revision). Evaluating management regimes using per-recruit models and relative stock density for Mississippi’s Spotted Seatrout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
126). Peterson, M.S., K.S. Dillon, and C.A. May. (2016). Species richness and functional feeding group patterns in small, patchy natural and constructed intertidal fringe oyster reefs, Chapter 22. In: Shorelines: Living, Enhanced, and Restored in the Modern Era, D.M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell, J. Toft, and M. La Peyre (eds.), CRC Marine Science Series, Taylor & Francis Group and CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. (Invited Chapter, accepted).
125). Fogg, A.Q.*, J. Evans, W. Ingram, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. (2016). Comparing age and growth patterns of invasive lionfish among three ecoregions of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. (In press).
124) Zetina-Rejón, M., N.J. Brown-Peterson, P. del Monte Luna, V.H. Cruz-Escalona, and M.S. Peterson. (2016). Trophic circulation in ecosystems. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios 3(8):1-13.
123) Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, and W.T. Slack (2016). Consistent spatio-temporal estuarine habitat use of a western population of the Gulf Sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(1):27-43. (doi:10.1080/00028487.2015.1091382).
122). Grammer, P.O., P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and R.T. Leaf. (2015). Activity patterns of Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the staging area of the Pascagoula River during fall outmigration. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24:533-561. (doi:10.1111/eff.12168). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 5 121). Fogg, A.Q.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. (2015). Northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish: insights into their reproductive life history. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 67:194-195.
120). Ennis, B.* and M.S. Peterson. (2015). Nekton and macro-crustacean habitat use of Mississippi micro-tidal saltmarsh landscapes. Estuaries and Coasts 38:1399-1413. (doi: 10.1007/s12237-014-9912-4).
119). Dillon, K.S., M.S. Peterson, and C.A. May. (2015). Functional equivalency of constructed and natural intertidal Eastern oyster reef habitats in a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 528:187-203. (doi:10.3354/meps11269).
118). Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and A.M. Shiller. (2015). Regional patterns in the otolith chemistry of juvenile spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) differ under contrasting hydrological conditions. Open Fish Science Journal 8:1-12.
117). Bohόrquez-Herrera, J.*, V.H. Cruz-Escalona, D.C. Adams, and M.S Peterson. (2015). Feeding ecomorphology of seven demersal marine fish species in the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98:1459-1473. (doi: 101.9/s10641-014-0373-1).
116). Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. (2015). Relative condition and foraging patterns of nekton from salt marsh habitats arrayed along a gradient of urbanization. Estuaries and Coasts 38:800-812. (doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9865-7).
115). Wu, W., K. Yeager, M.S. Peterson, and R. Fulford. (2015). Neutral models as a way to evaluate the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM). Ecological Modeling 303:55-69. (doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.02.008).
114). Michaelsen, S.*, J. Schaefer, and M.S. Peterson. (2015). Fluctuating asymmetry in Menidia beryllina before and after the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill. PLoS ONE 10(2):e0118742. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118742).
113). Needles, L.A., S.E. Lester, R. Ambrose, A. Andren, M. Beyeler, M. Connor, J. Eckman, B. Costa-Pierce, S.D. Gaines, K. Lafferty, H. Lenihan, J. Parrish, M.S. Peterson, A. Scaroni, J. Weis, and D.E. Wendt. (2015). Managing bay and estuarine ecosystems for multiple services. Estuaries and Coasts 38 (Supplemental 1): S35-S48. (Invited Issue: Human Dimensions of Our Coasts). (doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9602-7).
112). Mickle, P.F., M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, and P.O. Grammer. (2014). Morphometric comparisons of the Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in western and eastern population extremes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30(6):1168-1173. (doi:10.1111/jai.12559).
111). Alford, J.B., C.C. Green, and M.S. Peterson. (2014). Preface, pp. vii-xi. In: Alford, J.B., M.S. Peterson, C.C. Green (eds), Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America. Taylor & Francis Group and CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
110). Biber, P., W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, Z. Liu, and L. Pham*. (2014). Chapter 7: Oil contamination in Mississippi saltmarsh habitats and the impacts to Spartina alterniflora Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 6 photosynthesis, pp. 133-171. In: Alford, J.B., M.S. Peterson, C.C. Green (eds), Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America. Taylor & Francis Group and CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
109). Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. (2014). Effects of coastal urbanization on salt marsh faunal assemblages in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science [online serial] 6(1):89-107. (doi:10.1080/ 19425120.2014.893467).
108). Ennis, B.*, M.S. Peterson, and T.P. Strange. (2014). Modeling of inundation characteristics of a microtidal salt marsh, Grand Bay National Research Reserve, Mississippi. Journal of Coastal Research 30(3):635-646. (doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00041.1).
107). Clardy, S.D.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and R.T. Leaf. (2014). Age, growth, and reproduction of Southern Kingfish, Menticirrhus americanus: a multivariate comparison of life history in other sciaenids. Fishery Bulletin 112(2-3):178-197. (doi:10.7755/FB.112.2-3.6).
106). Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, W. Wu, and P.O. Grammer. (2014). An ecological model of the habitat mosaic in estuarine nursery areas: Part II - Projecting effects of sea-level rise on fish production. Ecological Modeling 273:96-108. (doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.10.032).
105). Fogg, A.*, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. (2014). Northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish: distribution and reproductive life history trajectories. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 66:206-207.
104). Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and K.M. Yeager. (2013). Macrobenthic prey and physical habitat characteristics in a western Gulf sturgeon population: differential estuarine habitat use patterns. Endangered Species Research 22(2):159-174. plus 8 p online. (doi:10.3354/esr00546).
103). Wagner, J.P.*, R.B. Blaylock, and M.S. Peterson. (2013). Evaluation of internal tag performance in hatchery-reared juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(4):783-789. (doi:10.1080/02755947.2013.808292).
102). Diana, J.S., H.S. Egna, T. Chopin, M.S. Peterson, L. Cao, R. Pomeroy, M. Verdegem, W.T. Slack, M.G. Reantaso, and K. Dabrowski. (2013). Responsible aquaculture by 2050: Valuing local conditions and human innovations will be the key to success. BioScience 63(4):255-262. (doi:10.1525/bio.2013.63.4.5).
101). Wu, W., P. Biber, M.S. Peterson, and C. Gong*. (2012). Photosynthesis of Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using Bayesian inference. Environmental Research Letters 7 (2012) 045302.(doi:10.1088/1748- 9326/7/4/045302).
100). Havrylkoff, J-M.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2012). Assessment of the seasonal use of the lower Pascagoula river estuary by Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28(5):681-686. (doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.02056.x). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 7
99). Lang, E.T.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2012). Seasonal and tidally driven reproductive patterns in the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann 1892). Copeia 2012(3):451-459. (doi:10.1643/CP-10-187).
98). Lowe, M.R.*, W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.J. Schofield. (2012). Survival, growth and reproduction of non-native Nile tilapia II. Fundamental niche projections and invasion potential in the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 7(7):e41580. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041580).
97). Battaglia, L.L., M.S. Woodrey, M.S. Peterson, K.S. Dillon, and M. Visser. (2012). Wetlands of the northern Gulf coast, Chapter 6, 75-88. In: D. Batzer and A. Baldwin, (eds.), Wetland Habitats of North America: Ecology and Conservation Concerns, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
96). Grammer, G.L.*, W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and M.A. Dugo. (2012). Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) establishment in temperate Mississippi, USA: multi-year survival confirmed by otolith ages. Aquatic Invasions 7(3):367-376. doi:10.3391/ai.2012.7.3.008).
95). Jordan, S.J. and M.S. Peterson. (2012). Contributions of estuarine habitat to major fisheries, Chapter 5, pp. 75-92. In: Jordan, S.J. (ed), Estuaries: Classification, Ecology, and Human Impacts, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
94). Vivian, D.N.*, C.F. Rakocinski, and M.S. Peterson. (2012). Habitat function of a restored salt marsh: post-larval Gulf killifish as a sentinel, Chapter 4, pp. 57-74. In: Jordan, S.J. (ed), Estuaries: Classification, Ecology, and Human Impacts, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
93). Abitia-Cárdenas, L.A., F. Galván-Magaña, V.H. Cruz-Escalona, M.S. Peterson, and J.Rodríguez-Romero. (2011). Daily food intake of Kajikia audax (Philippi, 1887) off Cabo San Lucas,Gulf of California, Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 39(3):449-460.
92). Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, and P. O. Grammer. (2011). An ecological model of the habitat mosaic in estuarine nursery areas: Part 1 - interaction of dispersal theory and habitat variability in describing juvenile fish distributions. Ecological Modeling 222:3203-3215.
91). Lang, E.T.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2011). Comparative development of five sympatric coastal fundulids from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Zootaxa 2901:1-18.
90). Schofield, P.J., M.S. Peterson, M.R. Lowe*, N. Brown-Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2011). Survival, growth and reproduction of nonindigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758). I. Physiological capabilities to various temperatures and salinities. Marine and Freshwater Research 62:439-449.
89). Peterson, M.S., N.J. Brown-Peterson, S.E. LeCroy, J.M. Shaw, J.S. Franks, and R.W. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 8 Heard. (2011). A 50 year accomplishment in marine science: a history of the journal published by the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory. Gulf and Caribbean Research 23:1-12.
88). Lopez, J.D.*, M.S. Peterson, J. Walker, G.L. Grammer, and M.S. Woodrey. (2011). Distribution, abundance, and habitat characterization of the Saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann 1892). Estuaries and Coasts 34(1):148-158.
87). Lang, E.T.*, G.L. Grammer*, S. Manning, and M.S. Peterson. (2010). Spawning and maintaining the Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) and the Saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi) in the laboratory. Belgische Killifish Vereniging, Killi Kontakt 38(4):61-68.
86). Lopez, J.D.*, M.S. Peterson, E.T. Lang*, and A.M. Charbonnet. (2010). Linking habitat and life history for conservation of the rare saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi): morphometrics, reproduction, and trophic ecology. Endangered Species Research 12(2):141-155.
85). Stricklin, A.G.*, M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez*, C.A. May, C.F. Mohrman, and M.S. Woodrey. (2010). Do small, patchy constructed intertidal oyster reefs reduce salt marsh erosion as well as natural reefs? Gulf and Caribbean Research 22:21-27.
84). Grammer, G.L.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. (2009). Life history of silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura, Lacepède 1803) in north-central Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Gulf of Mexico Science 27(1):62-73.
83). Headley, M.D.*, H.A. Oxenford, M.S. Peterson, and P. Fanning. (2009). Size-related variability in summer diet of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus Lesson, 1831), in Tobago, the Lesser Antilles. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25:669-675.
82). Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe.* (2009) Alterations to estuarine and marine habitat quality and fish and invertebrate resources: what have we wrought and where do we go? Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:256-262.
81). Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe.* (2009). Implications of cumulative impacts to estuarine and marine habitat quality for fish and invertebrate resources. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17(4): 505-523.
80). Comyns, B.H., C.F. Rakocinski, M.S. Peterson and A.M. Shiller. (2008). Otolith microchemistry of juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, reflects local natal regions across coastal Mississippi. Marine Ecology Progress Series 371:243-252.
79). Partyka, M.L.* and M.S. Peterson. (2008). Habitat quality and salt marsh species assemblages along an anthropogenic estuarine landscape. Journal of Coastal Research 24(6):1570-1581.
78). Jackson, D.C., M.O’Connell, J. Delabbio, M.S. Peterson, J. Franks, and H.M. Perry. (2008). After the storm: Post-Katrina reflections from AFS members in Louisiana and Mississippi. Fisheries 33(4):186-191. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 9 77). Rakocinski, C.F., C.A. Moncreiff, M.S. Peterson, K.E. VanderKooy and T.A. Randall. (2008). Habitat condition and associated macrofaunal effect differences between protected and exposed seagrass landscapes. Gulf and Caribbean Research 20:11-19.
76). Dawson-Guynn, K.* and M.S. Peterson (2008). Mercury concentration in the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, among three distinct stocks. Polar Biology 31(3):269-274.
75). Cházaro-Olvera, S., R. Roman-Contreras, H. Vazquez-Lόpez, M.S. Peterson and A. Rocha-Ramirez. (2007). Salinity tolerance and oxygen uptake in initial developmental stages of Callinectes rathbunae Contreras and Callinectes sapidus Rathbun (Decapoda:Portunidae). International Journal of Zoological Research 3(1):14-23.
74). Peterson, M.S., G.L. Waggy*, and S. LeCroy. (2007). Nekton. Pages 197-212 in Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: An Ecological Characterization (Peterson, M.S., G.L. Waggy, and M.S. Woodrey, editors). Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Point, Mississippi. 268p.
73). Waggy, G.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. (2007). Feeding habits and mouth morphology of young silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, from the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern Naturalist 6(4):743-751.
72). Abarca-Arenas, L.G., J. Franco-Lopez, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson and E. Valero- Pacheco. (2007). Sociometric analysis of the role of penaeids in the continental shelf food web off Alvarado coast, Veracruz, Mexico based on by-catch. Fisheries Research 87:46-57.
71). Peterson, M.S., M.R. Weber*, M.L. Partyka*, and S.T. Ross. (2007). Integrating in situ quantitative geographic information tools and size-specific laboratory-based growth zones in a dynamic river-mouth estuary. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 17(6):602-618.
70). McDonald, J.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2007). Morphology, density, and spatial patterning of reproductive bowers in an established alien population of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22(3):461-468.
69). Peterson, M.S., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and J.S. Franks. (2007). Editorial Comments - Large Pelagic Fishes in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico: Current Status and Integrated Management. Gulf and Caribbean Research 19(2):1-3.
68). Brown-Peterson, N.J., J.S. Franks, M.S. Peterson, P. McConney, and B.E. Luckhurst. (2007). Where do we go from here? A summary of issues of concern and recommendations developed during the panel discussion of the Large Pelagic Fishes Symposium. Gulf and Caribbean Research 19(2):161-162.
67). Schofield, P.J., W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and D.R. Gregoire. (2007). Assessment and control of an invasive aquaculture species: an update on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. Southeastern Fishes Council, Proceedings 49:9-15. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 10
66). Peterson, M.S. and M.L. Partyka*. (2006). Baseline mapping of the common reed, Phragmites australis, in three coastal Mississippi estuarine basins. Southeastern Naturalist 5(4):747-756.
65). Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, G.L. Waggy*, J. Finley, C.M. Woodley*, and M.L. Partyka*. (2006). Foraging in non-native environments: comparison of Nile tilapia and three co-occurring native centrarchids in invaded coastal Mississippi watersheds. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76: 283-301.
64). Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, B.H. Comyns, G.A. Zapfe*, and G.L. Fulling*. (2006). Do abiotic factors drive fluctuation in the early growth of juvenile spot (Leiostomus xanthurus)? Fisheries Research 82(1-3):186-193.
63). Reed, D.J., M.S. Peterson and B.J. Lezina*. (2006). Reducing the effects of dredged material levees on coastal marsh function: sediment deposition and nekton utilization. Environmental Management 37(5):671-685.
62). Waggy, G.L.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. (2006). Evaluation of the reproductive life history of the Sciaenidae in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea: “greater” versus “lesser” strategies? Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 57:263- 281.
61). Cruz-Escalona, V.H., M.S. Peterson, L. Campos-Dávila, and M. Zetina-Rejón. (2005). Feeding habits and trophic morphology of Inshore Lizardfish (Synodus foetens) on the central continental shelf off Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21:525-530.
60). Peterson, M.S. and N.J. Brown-Peterson. (2005). Special section on research activities at the Iztacala campus of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. Gulf and Caribbean Research 17(1):121.
59). Chávez-López, R., M.S. Peterson and N.J. Brown-Peterson, A.A. Morales-Gómez, and J. Franco- López, (2005). Ecology of the Mayan cichlid, Cichlosoma urophthalmus Günther, in the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 17(1):123-132.
58). Morán Silva,A., L. Antonio Martínez Franco, R. Chávez López, J. Franco López, C. Manuel Bedia Sánchez, F. Contreras Espinosa, F. Gutiérrez Mendieta, N.J.Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. (2005). Seasonal and spatial patterns in salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 17(1):133-144.
57). Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, and C.M. Woodley.* (2005). The occurrence of non-indigenous Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) in coastal Mississippi: ties to aquaculture and thermal effluent. Wetlands 25(1):112-121.
56). Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and J.L. McDonald.* (2004). Reproduction in non-native environments: establishment of the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in coastal Mississippi watersheds. Copeia 2004(4):842-849. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 11 55). Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, and G.L. Fulling.* (2004). Defining the fundamental physiological niche of young estuarine fishes and its relationship to understanding distribution, vital metrics, and optimal nursery conditions. Environmental Biology of Fishes 71(2): 143-149.
54). Cházaro-Olvera, S. and M.S. Peterson. (2004). Effects of salinity on growth and molting of sympatric Callinectes spp. from Camaronera Lagoon, Veracruz, México. Bulletin of Marine Science 74(1):115-127.
53). Peterson, M.S. and N.J. Brown-Peterson. (2004). Introduction to special section on research activities at the Iztacala campus of the Universidad Nácional Autónoma de México, México. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:77-78.
52). Mata-Cortes, S., J.A. Martinez-Perez, and M.S. Peterson. (2004). Feeding habits and sexual dimorphism of the Violet Goby, Gobioides broussoneti Lacepede (Pisces: Gobiidae), in theestuarine system of Tecolutla, Veracruz, México. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:89-93.
51). Hérnandez-Saavedra, R., J.A. Martinez-Perez, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson (2004). Gonadal development and sexual dimorphism of Gobiomorus dormitor from the estuarine system of Tecolutla, Veracruz, México. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:95-100.
50). Peterson, M.S., G.L. Fulling*, and C.M. Woodley.* (2003). Status and habitat characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann), in eastern Mississippi and western Alabama coastal bayou’s. Gulf and Caribbean Research 15:51-59.
49). Woodley, C.M.* and M.S. Peterson (2003). Measuring responses to simulated predation threat using behavioral and physiological metrics: the role of aquatic vegetation. Oecologia 136(1):155-160.
48). Peterson, M.S. (2003). A conceptual view of environment-habitat-production linkages in tidal-river estuaries. Reviews in Fisheries Science 11(4):291-313.
47). Brown-Peterson, N.J., M.S. Peterson, M.D. Murphy, and J.R. Warren (2002). Reproductive biology of female spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico: differences among estuaries?. Environmental Biology of Fishes 63:405-415.
46). Pederson, E.J.* and M.S. Peterson (2002). Bryozoa as an ephemeral estuarine habitat and a larval transport mechanism for mobile benthos and young fishes in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 140(5):935-947.
45). Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe*. (2002). Field growth responses of juvenile white trout (Cynoscion arenarius) to continuous variation in physical habitat conditions. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:623-635.
44). Woodley, C.M.*, W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and W.C. Vervaeke*. (2002). Occurrence of the non-indigenous prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (deMan 1879) in Simmons Bayou, Mississippi, U.S.A. Crustaceana 75(8):1025-1031. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 12
43). Hendon, J.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. (2001). Seasonal distribution of gobiids in waters adjacent to estuarine marsh-edge habitats: assessing the effects of habitat alteration. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:428-441.
42). Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, and M.S. Peterson. (2000). Relating environmental fluctuation and early growth of estuarine fishes: ontogenetic standardization. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129(1):210-221.
41). Hendon, J.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. (2000). Spatio-temporal distribution of larval Gobiosoma bosc adjacent to natural and altered marsh-edge habitats of Mississippi coastal waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(1):143-156.
40). Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, G.L. Fulling*, and D.J. Snyder*. (2000). Catch-per-unit- effort, environmental conditions and spawning migration of Cycleptus meridionalis Burr and Mayden in coastal rivers of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The American Midland Naturalist 143(2):414-421.
39). Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling*. (2000). Laboratory growth responses of juvenile Mugil sp. to temperature and salinity: delineating optimal field growth conditions. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 51:341-352.
38). Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, J.R. Hendon*, P.A. Bond, and G.A. Duff. (2000). Habitat use by early life-history stages of fishes and crustaceans along a changing estuarine landscape: differences between natural and altered shoreline sites. Wetlands Ecology and Management 8(2/3):209-219.
37). Snyder, D.J.* and M.S. Peterson. (1999). Life history of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus, with comments on geographic variation. The American Midland Naturalist 141(2):345-357.
36). Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, and G.L. Fulling*. (1999). Does salinity affect growth in juvenile Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus)? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 238:199-207.
35). Snyder, D.J.* and M.S. Peterson. (1999). Foraging and prey selection by bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook) in backwater, vegetated ponds in coastal Mississippi. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 14(2):187-196.
34). Fulling, G.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and G.J. Crego*. (1999). Comparison of Breder traps and seines used to sample marsh nekton. Estuaries 22(2A):224-230.
33). Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, D.J. Snyder*, and G.L. Fulling*. (1999). Growth, spawning prepardness and diet of Cycleptus meridionalis (Catostomidae). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128(5):900-908. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 13 32). VanderKooy, S.J.* and M.S. Peterson. (1998). Critical current speeds for young Gulf Coast walleyes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:137-140.
31). Peterson, M.S. (1997). Spatial and temporal changes in subtidal benthic crustaceans along a coastal river-estuarine gradient in Mississippi. Gulf Research Reports 9(4):321-326.
30). Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. (1997). Distribution, habitat characterization and aspects of reproduction of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 12(1):151-161.
29). Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, S.J. VanderKooy*, and G.J. Crego*. (1997). Biodiversity patterns of littoral tidal-river fishes in the Gulf coastal-plain region of Mississippi, USA. Gulf of Mexico Science 15(1):2-16.
28). Crego, G.J.* and M.S. Peterson. (1997). Salinity tolerance of four ecologically distinct species of Fundulus (Pisces:Fundulidae) from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 5(1):45-49. 27). Susanto, G.N.* and M.S. Peterson. (1996). Survival, osmoregulation and oxygen consumption of YOY coastal largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) exposed to saline media. Hydrobiologia 323(2):119-127.
26). Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. (1996). Preservation-induced changes in morphology of fishes: influence on prey size-choice in juvenile walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 5:133-139.
25). Peterson, M.S., J.F. Fitzpatrick Jr., and S.J. VanderKooy*. (1996). Distribution and habitat use by dwarf crayfishes (Decapoda:Cambaridae:Cambarellus). Wetlands 16(4):594-598.
24). Musselman, N.J.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.J. Diehl. (1995). Interaction of salinity and prey salt content on intestinal Na+/K+-ATPase activity and growth of juvenile bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 42:303-311.
23). Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy. (1995). Phenology and spatial and temporal distribution of larval fishes in a partially channelized warmwater stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 4:93-105.
22). Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Meador. (1994). Effects of salinity on freshwater fishes in coastal plain drainages in the southeastern United States. Reviews in Fisheries Science 2(2):95-121.
21). Brown-Peterson, N.J., M.S. Peterson, D.A. Rydene, and R.W. Eames. (1993). Fish assemblages in natural and well-established recolonized seagrass meadows. Estuaries 16(2):177-189.
20). Peterson, M.S. (1993). Thermal tolerance of Iowa and Mississippi populations of juvenile walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. Copeia 1993(3):890-894.
19). Peterson, M.S., N.J. Musselman, J. Francis, G. Habron and K. Dierlof. (1993). Lack of Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 14 salinity selection by freshwater and brackish populations of juvenile bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque. Wetlands 13(3):194-199.
18). Peterson, M.S. (1993). Notes on the habitat characteristics of the backwater darter, Etheostoma zonifer (Hubbs and Cannon). Southeastern Fishes Council, Proceedings 28:1-7.
17). Peterson, M.S. and B.E. Ardahl. (1992). Automated maintenance of dissolved oxygen concentrations in flow-through aquaria. Aquaculture 101(3/4):379-384.
16). Peterson, M.S. and N.J. Brown-Peterson. (1992). Growth under stressed conditions in juvenile channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque as measured by nucleic acids. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 103A(2):323-327.
15). Peterson, M.S. and J.P. Key. (1992). Evaluation of hand-tagging juvenile walleye with binary-coded wire microtags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12(4):814-818.
14). Peterson, M.S. and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. (1991). Eco-physiology of juvenile snook, Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch): life-history implications. Bulletin of Marine Science 48(1):46- 57. 13). Peterson, M.S. and S.T. Ross. (1991). Dynamics of littoral fishes and decapods along a coastal river-estuarine gradient. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science 33(5):467-483.
12). Peterson, M.S., R.E. Brockmeyer, and D.M. Scheidt. (1991). Hypoxia-induced changes in vertical position and activity in juvenile snook, Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch): its potential role in survival. Florida Scientist 54(3/4):173-178.
11). Rey, J.R., T. Kain, R.A. Crossman, M.S. Peterson, J. Shaffer, and F. Vose. (1991). Zooplankton of impounded marshes and shallow areas of a sub-tropical lagoon. Florida Scientist 54(3/4):191-203.
10). Peterson, M.S. (1991). Differential length-weight relations among centrarchids (Pisces: Centrarchidae) from tidal freshwater and oligohaline wetland habitats. Wetlands 11(2):325-332.
9). Rey, J.R., M.S. Peterson, T.R. Kain, F.E. Vose, and R.A. Crossman. (1990). Fish populations and physical conditions in ditched and impounded marshes in east-central Florida. Northeast Gulf Science 11(2):163-170.
8). Peterson, M.S. (1990). Hypoxia-induced physiological changes in two mangrove swamp fishes: sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepede and sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 97A(1):17-21.
7). Brown-Peterson, N. and M.S. Peterson. (1990). Comparative life history of female mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis in tidal freshwater and oligohaline habitats. Environmental Biology of Fishes 27(1):33-41.
6). Peterson, M.S. and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. (1988). Hematocrit, osmolality and ion concentration in Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 15 fishes: consideration of circadian patterns in the experimental design. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 121(1):73-78.
5). Peterson, M.S. (1988). Comparative physiological ecology of centrarchids in hyposaline environments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45(5):827-833.
4). Peterson, M.S. and S.T. Ross. (1987). Morphometric and meristic characteristics of a peripheral population of Enneacanthus. Southeastern Fishes Council, Proceedings 17:1-4.
3). Rey, J.R., R. Crossman, T.R. Kain, F.E. Vose, and M.S. Peterson. (1987). Sampling zooplankton in very shallow marsh and estuarine habitats: gear description and field tests. Estuaries 10(1): 61-67.
2). Peterson, M.S., D.E. Gustafson, Jr., and F.R. Moore. (1987). Orientation behavior of Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque to salinity fluctuations. Journal of Fish Biology 30(4):451-458.
1). Kerschner, B.A., M.S. Peterson, and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. (1985). Ecotopic and ontogenetic trophic variation in the mojarras (Pisces: Gerreidae). Estuaries 8(3):311-322.
BOOK REVIEWS Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection. M.J. Kennish (ed), CRC Press. Copeia 2004(4):957-958.
Stemming the Tide: Controlling Introductions of Nonindigenous Species in Ships’ Ballast water. National Research Council. 1997. Estuaries 20(4):819-820.
CURRENT FUNDING RECEIVED OR PENDING 2016-18 NOAA “An assessment of benthic diversity, density and sediment characteristics of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) designated critical habitat in nearshore Pearl River delta habitats.” M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, M.J. Andres, K.M. Yeager, and J. McLelland (all PI’s). $153,779 total, $35,652 for Peterson & Andres (pending).
2011-16 USACE-ERDC “Habitat utilization of the passes on Ship Island by Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi - years 1-5.” $664,489.
2012-17 Bureau of Ocean & Energy Management, Environmental Studies Program" Abundance and distribution of commercially important estuarine dependent species populations within the Gulf of Mexico" $1,216,330 over 5 yrs (co-PI w/R. Hendon, M. O'Connell, S. Powers). $80,000 for USM for 2012-13; $98,402 for USM in 2013-14; $79,999 for USM for 2014-15; $80,000 for USM for 2015-16.
PREVIOUS FUNDING 2010-15 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources – Coastal Impacts Assessment Program (MS.R.727), “Colonization and succession of new habitats: Implications for the success of artificial reefs.” $623,857 (Co-PI w/P. Biber, K. Dillon, & C. Rakocinski). $113,303 to Peterson. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 16 2012-14 HUD/Atkins Global, Inc., "Gulf sturgeon monitoring - Amendment 4," $294,633.
2010-14 NOAA, NMFS Protected Species Cooperative Conservation Program, “Identifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/sub-adult cohort of the Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula River estuary, Mississippi.” $726,389 (Co-PI w/ M. Roberts, A. Rohnke), reduced to $525,297 (severe budget cuts (27.7%) by NOAA due to federal budget problems). $494,399 to Peterson.
2010-14 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources – Coastal Impacts Assessment Program (MS.R. 749), “Striped bass restoration for the Mississippi Gulf Coast.” $300,000 (Co-PI w/L. Nicholson). $175,004 to Peterson.
2013-14 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, ”Restoration and monitoring of striped bass in the tributaries and coastal water of Mississippi”, $49,842 (Co-PI w/L. Nicholson & P. Mickle).
2012-13 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, ”Restoration and monitoring of striped bass in the tributaries and coastal water of Mississippi”, $49,842 (Co-PI w/L. Nicholson & P. Mickle).
2011-12 Gulf Coast Summer Faculty Developmental Grant “Seasonal morphometric comparisons of the threatened Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Pearl and Pascagoula rivers.” (PI w/P. Mickle & J-M Havrylkoff). $1,000.
2010-12 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, “Fish & invertebrate community structure & food-web dynamics in tidal creeks in an anthropogenically fragmented, coastal landscape.”, R/CEH-33-PD. $10,000.
2009-12 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Tidelands Trust Fund, “Ecosystem- based management: assessing ecosystem services of oyster reefs using stable isotope signatures.” $50,000 (w/K.S. Dillon & R. Fulford).
2010-12 NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Initiative, “Ecosystem Approach to Management for the Northern Gulf: year 2.” $80,001, (w/R.S. Fulford).
2011-12 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, ”Restoration and monitoring of striped bass in the tributaries and coastal water of Mississippi”, $49,501 (w/L. Nicholson), $21,697 to Peterson.
2011-12 DOI/USFWS, “Collecting potential post-exposure information on the physical condition, movement, and habitat use of Gulf sturgeon related to the Deepwater Horizon (MC 252) oil spill.” $61,984.
2010-12 NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Initiative, “Assessment of ecosystem services of selected coastal habitat types: Towards a model-based toolset for management planning – yrs 4-5.” $274,467 (w/R.S. Fulford Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 17 & W. Wu).
2010-12 NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Institute, “Assessment of ecosystem services of selected coastal habitat types: Towards a model-based toolset for management planning – Oyster reefs” $61,953 (Co-PI w/R. Fulford & H. Perry). $19,177 to Peterson.
2011 NGI/MSU - NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Institute “Participation in the development of the Sulis decision support system.” $10,000 (Co-PI w/R. Fulford). $10,000 to Peterson.
2010 NGI/MSU - NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Institute, “Participation in the development of the Community Earth Ecosystem Model (CEEM).” $20,000 (Co-PI w/R. Fulford). $20,000 to Peterson.
2010-11 BP/NRDA/NOAA “Collecting baseline and potential post-exposure information on the physical condition, movement, and habitat use of Gulf sturgeon related to the Deepwater Horizon (MC 252) oil spill.” $106,986.
2006.11 NOAA Office of Protected Fisheries, Proactive Species Conservation Grant Program, ”Fundulus jenkinsi, Saltmarsh Topminnow: Conservation Planning & implementation” $436,511, Co-PI w/D. Ruple, R. Calderon, M. Woodrey, & G. Grammer).
2007-10 NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, Northern Gulf Initiative, “Quantifying and assessment of ecosystem services of selected coastal habitat types: Towards a model-based toolset for management planning - years1 – 3.” $318,000 (Co-PI w/R.S. Fulford).
2010 BP/NGI/NOAA, “Saltmarsh habitat sampling to delineate potential oil impacts from BP Deepwater Horizon spill” ($65,927, Co-PI w/Biber & Wu) Part of “A Comprehensive Assessment of Oil Distribution, Transport, Fate, and Impacts on Ecosystems and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release” total $493,701.
2008.10 State Wildlife Grant Program, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, “Habitat characteristics and aspects of the reproductive life history of the saltmarsh top- minnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, in coastal Mississippi watersheds, with the production of a comparative diagnostic key for young stages of select members of the genus Fundulus.” $172,321 (w/W.T. Slack).
2009.10 NOAA – Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research, NGI initiative, “Participation in the NGI prototype Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the northern Gulf of Mexico.” $65,000 (w/R. Fulford & S. Lohrenz).
2010 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, “Gulf Sturgeon Research and Study Protocol -Task Order 4”, $34,289 (w/JR Hendon).
2007.9 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Katrina funds and USFWS Section 6 Funds, “Gulf Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 18 sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula drainage, Mississippi: post-Hurricane Katrina assessment of habitat and movement of the juvenile cohort.” $178,000 (w/WT Slack).
2008 Grand Bay NERR / MS Department of Marine Resources, “Stable isotope analysis of constructed and natural oyster reefs in the Grand Bay NERR.” $5,000.
2006.8 NOAA - Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology Program Scholars Program, “Faunal composition and food web dynamics in natural versus constructed intertidal oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a partnership approach to sustainable restoration.” $10,000 (w/A.G. Stricklin).
2006.8 NOAA/Nature Conservancy, $34,165 and NOAA/National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, $13,750, “Grand Bay intertidal oyster restoration project and study.”
2006.7 USGS, “Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in southern Mississippi: current status and potential effects of hurricanes on dispersal.” $2,277.
2006 Grand Bay NERR / MS Department of Marine Resources, “Fish survey of Grand Bay NERR.” $10,000.
2005 United States Forest Service, “Water quality measurements in selected sites of the DeSoto National Forest.” $18,170. (June-September 2005).
2005.6 Harte Research Institute, “Development of a searchable CD of all issues of Gulf and Caribbean Research (formerly Gulf Research Reports).” $1,500.
2004-06 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Tidelands Trust Fund, “A pilot study to develop quantitative marsh function assessment measures in various restoration projects being planned along the Mississippi Gulf coast.” $73,433 (w/ J. Campbell, B.H. Comyns, & C.F. Rakocinski).
2004-06 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, “Use of otolith microchemistry of spotted seatrout to identify stock source-areas, reveal population movements, and determine interannual variability in regional patterns of otolith signatures in Mississippi coastal waters.” $205,483 (R/CEH-14; w/B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, & A. Shiller).
2002-06 NOAA Coastal Impact Assistance Program, MS-DEQ, “Present and future coastal wetlands and sustainable diversity: coast-wide mapping of the highly invasive common reed, Phragmites australis.” $86,843.
2002-07 NOAA Coastal Impact Assistance Program, MS-DEQ, “Maintaining responsible coastal and estuarine waterfront development in Mississippi: mapping and quantifying shoreline habitat types.” $86,050 (w/B.H. Comyns). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 19
2003-06 NOAA - Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology Program (CREST), “Does habitat fragmentation and shoreline hardening alter density, growth and mortality patterns of fishes in an estuarine landscape?” $9,809 (w/M.L. Partyka).
2003.6 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Tidelands Trust Fund, “Use of otolith (earbone) microchemistry to determine the importance of specific habitats and regions for juvenile red drum.” $49,000 (w/B.H. Comyns & C.F. Rakocinski).
2004.5 NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, “Development of the Site Profile for the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.” $17,205.
2003.5 Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, “Observations following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters in non-indigenous Nile tilapia (Cichlidae: Oreochromis niloticus).” $8,294.
2004-05 PAPCA program of the Faciltidad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, “Calidad ecologica de los habitat de pastos sumergidos (Ruppia maritima) para los peces del sistema langunar de Alvarado, Veracruz.” $3,900 (w/R. Chavez-Lopez & A. Rocha-Ramirez).
2004-05 National Science Foundation, FSML Program, “Developing a strategic plan for expansion and renovation of education and research facilities at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi.” $24,970 (DBI 0330298; w/J.L. Williams).
2001-03 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, “Fisheries recruitment in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico: can important geographic sources of juvenile nursery habitat be determined using otolith microchemistry?” $106,037 (R/SP-4; w/B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, & A. Shiller).
2003-04 Environmental Defense, “Jump-starting the environmental careers of minority students from the southern Gulf of Mexico.” $3,000 (w/N.J. Brown-Peterson).
2003-04 The Harte Research Institute, “English language publication of student research from the southern Gulf of Mexico.” $2,000 (w/N.J. Brown-Peterson).
2003-04 USM College of Science and Technology, “Development of an international education and research program with Mexico.” $2,000 (w/N.J. Brown-Peterson).
2003-04 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, “A field guide to aquatic habitats and common fauna of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana to St. Joseph’s Bay, Florida.” $10,000 (ED-11-PD; w/K. Heck, Jr.).
2002.4 NOAA Coastal Impact Assistance Program, MS-DEQ, “Mapping coastal habitat parameters in the Pascagoula River estuary: tools to protect and preserve coastal habitat diversity and sustainability.” $150,116 (w/S.T. Ross). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 20
2002.3 Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Special Symposium Issue of Gulf and Caribbean Research entitled “Caribbean Marine Protected Areas.” $10,041.
2001-03 Waterways Experiment Station, USACE, “Can gapping material levees improve sustainability and nekton utilization in Louisiana coastal salt marshes?.” $87,034 (w/D.J. Reed).
2001.2 NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, “The Grand Bay National Research Reserve: initial habitat-specific essential fish habitat study and establishment of the SWMP I program.” $86,007 (w/C.F. Rakocinski).
2000-02 U.S. Department of the Interior, Sport Fish Aid Restoration Funds, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, “The influence of invasive, non-native tilapiine fishes on freshwater recreational fishes in south Mississippi: spatial/temporal distribution, species associations, and trophic interactions.” $108,770 (w/W.T. Slack).
2000-01 A.K. and E.G. Lucas Endowment for Faculty Excellence Award, USM, “Validation of the use of fluctuating asymmetry in fish otoliths as an environmental indicator of habitat quality.” $4,895 (w/M. Brouwer).
2000-01 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, New Orleans District, “Projecting the effects of management actions on fisheries species in the Vermillion-Atchafalaya coastal bays.” $52,000 (w/D.J. Reed & L.P. Rozas).
1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 6 Program, "Distribution and habitat characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann) in eastern Mississippi bayous.” $5,000 (w/G.L. Fulling).
1999 The Alabama Nature Conservancy, "Distribution and habitat characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann) in western Alabama bayous.” $3,000 (GB1999-01, w/G.L. Fulling).
1999 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, "Nekton densities in the Pascagoula River estuary: anthropogenic effects on essential fish habitat.” $10,355 (R/ER-45- PD; w/C.F. Rakocinski & B.H. Comyns).
1999 Caribbean Marine Research Center/National Undersea Research Program (NOAA), $3,600 (CMRC-99-7301) and College of Marine Sciences, USM ($2,450), “Habitat- specific early recruitment of snappers in Exuma Sound.” (w/C.F. Rakocinski & B.H. Comyns).
1999 MASGC Fellowship Program – “Does interaction between salinity and competition determine coexistence in the genus Fundulus” $3,595 (E/O-16-Crego; w/G.J. Crego).
1999 Office of Vice President for Research, The University of Southern Mississippi, “Publication of supplemental issue of Volume 11(S) of Gulf Research Reports.” Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 21 $2,550.
1997-98 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Tidelands Funds, "Quantitative assessment of resources in protected and non-protected seagrass habitats.” $87,245 (w/ C.A. Moncreiff, & C.F. Rakocinski).
1996-97 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 6 Program, "Relative abundance, life history and habitat characteristics of the blue sucker Cyclepterus elongatus (Lesueur) in the lower Pascagoula and Pearl River systems in Mississippi." $25,600 (w/L.C. Nicholson).
1996 Mississippi Wildlife Heritage Program, "Distribution and habitat characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann)." $3,150.
1995-01 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, "Recruitment dynamics and the effects of environmental variation on early growth and survival of important estuarine fishes." $259,957 (R/ER-30-PD, R/ER-34, R/ER-39; w/C.F. Rakocinski & B.H. Comyns).
1995-97 Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Tidelands Funds, "Use of Mississippi marsh-edge habitats as a nursery for young fishes and invertebrates." $80,074 (w/B.H. Comyns).
1995-96 USDA-ARS, Cooperative Research Agreement, "Impacts of MSEA on fisheries characteristics and ecology of Mississippi Delta watersheds and oxbow lakes." $29,916.
1994-95 U.S. Forest Service, "A survey of fishes in the Biloxi and Tchoutacabouffa Rivers and Tuxachanie Creek of the Desoto National Forest." $1,500.
1993-95 Mississippi Wildlife Heritage Fund, "Distribution and habitat characteristics of the bluespotted sunfish, Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook)." $10,541.
1993-94 Mississippi State University, Office of Research, "Support for curation of the Mississippi State Ichthyological Collection." $3,500.
1993-94 Mississippi State University, Office of Research, "Preliminary evaluation of a highly sensitive nucleic acid protocol for evaluation of short term environmental stressors in fish (w/M.L. Salin)." $7,000.
1992-94 U.S. Department of the Interior, Sport Fish Aid Restoration Funds, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, "Investigation of the role and timing of prey availability on the walleye stocking program in the Luxapalila Creek." $74,858.
1990.92 Mississippi Wildlife Heritage Program, "Distribution and habitat association of the backwater darter, Etheostoma zonifer in northeast Mississippi drainages." $4,988.
1990.91 U.S. Department of the Interior, Sport Fish Aid Restoration Funds, Mississippi Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 22 Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, "Evaluation of three marking techniques on juvenile walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill): duration of marks and mortality due to the technique." (w/D.C. Jackson). $28,555.
1990-91 Research Initiation Grant, Mississippi State University, "Effects of oxygen concentration on growth of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus." $6,000.
1987-88 Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, CZM-194(I), "Fish adaptations to metabolic stress," CZM-194(II), “Effects of water quality, hydrology and syntopic sulfide conditions on fishes indigenous to impounded, semi-impounded and natural salt marsh/mangrove swamp habitats” and CZM-194(III), “High marsh fish community dynamics in association with natural and managed hydroperiods.” $70,000. (w/R.G. Gilmore, J. Rey, D. Carlson & R. Virnstein).
1986.87 Association of Southeastern Biologists, Student Travel Award. $208.
1985.87 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Fellowship "Assembly and persistence of fish communities along an environmental gradient: ecological and physiological factors." $16,181 (E/0-16-Peterson).
1982-86 Slocum-Lunz Foundation, Inc. Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. $3,800.
1980-81 Sebastian Inlet Tax District Grant-in-Aid of Research, "Trophic ecology of Gerreid fishes." $3,000.
1979-80 Slocum-Lunz Foundation, Inc. Pre-Masters Fellowship. $3,500.
1978 Jack W. Nelson Academic Scholarship in Marine Science. $650.
TECHNICAL REPORTS Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P. Mickle, and W.T. Slack. 2014. Identifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/sub-adult cohort of the Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula River estuary, Mississippi. Final Report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Technical Report No. 189, 77p.
Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P. Mickle, and W.T. Slack. 2013. Identifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/sub-adult cohort of the Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula River estuary, Mississippi. Year 3 annual report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Technical Report No. 184, 72p.
Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P. Mickle, and W.T. Slack. 2012. Identifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/sub-adult cohort of the Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula River estuary, Mississippi. Year 2 annual Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 23 report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Technical Report No. 175, 93p.
Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P. Mickle, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Identifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/sub-adult cohort of the Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula River estuary, Mississippi. Year 1 annual report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Technical Report No. 173, 54p.
Peterson, M.S., E.T. Lang, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Habitat characteristics and aspects of the reproductive life history of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, in coastal Mississippi watersheds, with the production of a comparative diagnostic key for young stages of select members of the genus Fundulus. Report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Museum Technical Report No. 172, 91p.
Havrylkoff, Jeanne-Marie, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, K. Jack Killgore and J. Read Hendon (editors). 2010. An annotated bibliography of literature on the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, and its critical habitat relative to the Port of Gulfport restoration program, Mississippi. Final report prepared by Volkert and Associates, Inc., the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory—University of Southern Mississippi and U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center-Vicksburg and submitted to CH2M Hill, Gulfport, MS and the Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS, March 2010. 57p. [CD w/linked PDFs].
Peterson, M.S., J. Havrylkoff and W.T. Slack. 2010. Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula drainage, Mississippi: Post-Hurricane Katrina assessment of seasonal migration through the lower estuary. Final report to Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Museum of Natural Science and the USFWS, Jackson, MS. Museum Technical Report No. 156. 65p.
Peterson, M.S., J. Havrylkoff and W.T. Slack. 2010. Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula drainage, Mississippi: Post-Hurricane Katrina assessment of seasonal migration through the lower estuary [Year II]. Funded by USFWS Section 6, Segment 23. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Museum Technical Report No. 157. 33p.
Peterson, M.S., J. Havrylkoff and W.T. Slack. 2008. Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Pascagoula drainage, Mississippi: Post-Hurricane Katrina assessment of habitat and movement of the juvenile cohort [Year I]. Funded by USFWS, Project No, E-1, Segment 23. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Museum of Natural Science, Jackson, MS. Museum Technical Report No. 141. 29p.
Peterson, M.S., G.L. Waggy, and M.S. Woodrey (editors). 2007. Grand Bay National Estuarine Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 24 Research Reserve: An Ecological Characterization. Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Point, Mississippi. 268p.
Shafer, D.J., T.H. Roberts, M.S. Peterson and K. Schmidt. 2007. A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeographic approach to assessing the functions of tidal fringe wetlands along the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf coast. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/EL TR-07-2. 76p + 6 app. A-F (47p).
Slack, W.T., M.A. Dugo, and M.S. Peterson. 2006. Habitat association and dispersion of non- indigenous Nile tilapia (Cichlidae: Oreochromis niloticus) in southern Mississippi waterbodies through the use of telemetry. Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, Museum Technical Report No. 125. 72p, 20 Figures and 26 Tables.
Peterson, M.S. and G.L. Waggy. 2004. A field guide to aquatic habitats and common fauna of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana to Perdido Key, Florida. MASGC-04-051, MS/AL Sea Grant Consortium, Ocean Springs. 33p + 4 appendices.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack and C.M. Woodley. 2002. The influence of invasive, non-native tilapiine fishes on freshwater recreational fishes in south Mississippi: spatial/temporal distribution, species associations, and trophic interactions. MDWFP Number 374, Jackson, MS. 96p + 57 figures/maps and 2 appendices.
Reed, D.J., M.S. Peterson, L.P. Rozas and P. Caldwell. 2001. Projecting the effects of management actions on fisheries species in the Vermillion-Atchafalaya coastal bays. Tech. Rpt., U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, New Orleans District, New Orleans, LA. 17p + 35 GIS maps and 34 appendices.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1) National/International Service Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Publication, Student Activities (travel awards, judging & silent auction), Strategic Plan and Succession Plan committees, member (November 2002- present) and Chair of the Operational Manual Committee (November 2015-present).
Co-chair of national AFS Symposium entitled “Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on the Biology of Marine Fisheries: From Exxon Valdez to Deepwater Horizon”, 141st Annual AFS Meeting, 4- 8 Sept. 2011, Seattle, WA. [w/ B. Alford, A. Rutherford, & R. Hendon].
University of California Santa Barbara, sponsored by the National Sea Grant College Program, “Managing Bay and Estuarine Ecosystems for Multiple Services Working Group”, 1-5 March & 19-21 July 2011, Santa Barbara, CA. [Invited working group member]. American Water Works Association, Standard Methods Committee, Section 10600 (Fishes) (2008-2011) [Invited member].
St. Johns River Water Supply Impact Study, Review Panel committee member, The National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Water Science and Technology Board, October 2008/October 2011 [Invited member].
Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Internship Program committee (GCFI and Université Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 25 Antilles et Guayane, Guadeloupe, French West Indies)(2009-2011).
National Fish Habitat Initiative, National Science & Data Committee member (2005-2010) [Invited member].
Co-organizer/moderator of an Invited Symposium entitled “Coastal Resources versus Habitat Degradation” at the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 10-14 November 2008, Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies.
External reviewer of the ‘Tampa Bay Tributaries Habitat Assessment Project’ QAPP document and Final Report, Tampa Bay Estuary Program, November 2005 - 2008.
Scientific Editor for Gulf and Caribbean Research (2006-07). Special Symposium Issue entitled “Large Pelagic Fishes in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: Current Status and Integrated Management”, Publication in August 2007.
Gulf of Mexico Coastal Wetlands Survey Design and Indicator Development Workshop, October 31- November 2, 2006, US EPA Office of Research and Development, Gulf Ecology Division, Gulf Breeze, FL (Invited participant).
Co-organizer/moderator of an Invited Symposium entitled “Large Pelagic Fishes in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: Current Status and Integrated Management”, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 5-10 November 2006, Belize City, Belize (w/J. Franks, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P. Sheridan, B. Luckhurst, H. Oxenford & P. McConney).
Co-organizer/moderator of an Invited Symposium entitled “Estuary-Dependent Fishes: Patterns and Processes of Environmental Influences on Nursery Quality”, American Fisheries Society Meeting, 10-14 September 2006, Lake Placid, NY (w/T. Targett & J. Rice).
Co-organizer/moderator of an Invited Symposium entitled “Coastal Invasive Species: Impacts, Management, and the Role of Modified Habitats” at the Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, 16-20 October 2005, Norfolk, VA (w/F. Dobbs, M.T. O’Connell, A.J. Adams, W.T. Slack).
Scientific Editor for Gulf and Caribbean Research (2002-2003). Special Symposium Issue entitled “Caribbean Marine Protected Areas: practical approaches to achieve economic and conservation goals”, Publication in March 2003.
National Sea Grant Program Assessment Team, 21 May 2003, Dauphin Island, AL. MASGC Impacts - Coastal Ecosystems and Habitats; Sustainable Fisheries. [Invited Speaker]. National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Workshop and Presentation, 13 May 2003, New Orleans, LA. Persistence of non-indigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi and their influence on native ichthyofauna [Invited Speaker].
Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) Model Review Panel committee member, The National Academies, National Research Council, Ocean Studies Board, January 2001/ Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 26 January 2002 (Published 2002: A Review of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 166p).
Co-organizer/moderator of an Invited Symposium entitled “Estuaries and Fish Habitat: Linkages for Sustainability” at the Joint Estuarine Research Federation and the European Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Meeting, 4-8 November 2001, St. Petersburg, FL. (w/D. Brown and G. Thayer).
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Coastal Ecosystems/Federal Activities Technical Training Symposium, 20-22 August, 2001, Gulf Shores, AL. Scale, Essential Fish Habitat and Watershed Management of Gulf Fisheries: a Conceptual View [Invited Speaker and Panelist].
Co-chair of the Steering and Fund-Raising Committees for the 53rd annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 5-10 November, 2000, Biloxi, MS.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, HabTech 2000 Conference, 27-29 June 2000, Baton Rouge, LA. [Invited Co-Chair of Monitoring, Data Management and Analysis Session].
Organizer/moderator of a session entitled “Estuarine Habitats and Population Processes of Invertebrates and Fishes: What are the Links?” at the Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, LA.
Steering Committee member for the Estuarine Research Federation 15th Biennial International Conference, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, LA.
Mesoamerican Coral Reef Congress, October 1997, Belize City, Belize [Invited participant].
2) Regional/State Service Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Beneficial Use Committee (member, January 2012-present).
General Meeting Chair, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 26-29 January 2012, Biloxi, MS.
State of Florida. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Biological Status Review of saltmarsh topminnow and Atlantic sturgeon, 5-6 December 2010, Tallahassee, FL.
MRGO Ecosystem Restoration Plan Feasibility Study, Salinity Working Group, USACE New Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program (MSCIP) Oyster Advisory Panel, March 2007 – 2010). 11th annual Gulf Sturgeon Meeting, 23-25 September 2008, Ocean Springs, MS (Co-host with MMNS & USM-Biology department).
Environmental Cooperative Science Center/Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Conceptual Modeling Revisit and Revisions Workshop. 17-18 December 2007, Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center, Biloxi, MS [invited Participant]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 27 Living Shorelines: Shoreline Protection Alternatives, 29 November 2007, 5-Rivers Conference Center, Spanish Fort, AL [invited Speaker: Mississippi Living Shorelines].
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, NOAA 312 Review, 28 November 2007, Biloxi, MS [invited Participant].
Florida Sea Grant College Program, Pre-proposal Review Panel member – 2007 (16 lead and 14 read pre-proposals; 88 total).
Grand Bay and Weeks Bay NERR, “Cumulative impacts on coastal resource sustainability: the organism to the landscape” at a workshop entitled Managing the impacts of residential docks and piers in Mississippi and Alabama’. 15 February 2006. Gautier, MS. [Invited speaker].
Audubon Mississippi, ‘Strategic Planning Meeting’, 9 August 2005, Moss Point, MS. [Invited participant].
Member of the organization and fund raising Committee for the 2005 joint meeting of the Gulf Estuarine Research Society and the South-Atlantic and South-Central Chapters of the Society of Wetlands Society, 30 March-3 April 2005, Pensacola Beach, FL.
The Nature Conservancy, ‘Mississippi Sound Conservation Planning Workshop’, 8-9 March 2005, Moss Point, MS. [Invited participant].
EPA, Gulf of Mexico Program, Pre-Proposal Review, 29 July 2004, Biloxi, MS. Member, Mississippi Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy - Advisory Committee (October 2004-2006).
Member of the Pascagoula River Basin Team, MS Department of Environmental Quality (September 2004-2006).
Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology Program (CREST) Pre-proposal Review Panel, November 2003-January 2004, 39 pre-proposals (8-12 pages each).
“Coastal Plain Headwater Riverine Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Model”, MS-DMR, 28-29 May, 2003, Biloxi, MS. [Invited Panel Member].
“HGM Saltmarsh Wetland Development Model Panel”, USACE, Waterways Experiment Station, 3 December 2002 - present, Biloxi. MS. [Invited Panel Member].
“Singing River Symposium: a Focus on the Conservation of the Pascagoula River Ecosystem”, 21-22 September 2001, Moss Point, MS. Essential Fish Habitat and Watershed Management: protection at a large scale? [Invited Speaker and Panel Member].
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB-NERR) Advisory Committee Workshop, 28th September 2000, Moss Point, MS. [Invited Participant].
Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium’s Strategic Planning Meeting-Research Scientists, Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 28 10 November 1999, Ocean Springs, MS. [Invited Participant].
Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium’s “Sea Grant All Scientists” meeting, 22 September 1999, Ocean Springs, MS. [Invited Chair of Sea Grant Research for the 21st Century session].
Southeast Region, National Marine Fisheries Service/Sea Grant Program Development Meeting: Essential Fish Habitat Collaboration Workshop, 26-27 July 1999, Atlanta, GA [Invited moderator of the Research Component of Workshop].
Organizer/moderator of a symposium entitled "Habitat as a Template for Fisheries" at the Joint Annual meetings of the MS/LA Chapters AFS, held 4-6 Feb. 1998, Bay St. Louis, MS.
Organizer of a symposium entitled "Marine Fisheries of the Northern Gulf of Mexico" at the Joint Annual meetings of the MS/TN Chapters AFS, 31 January 1995-2 Feb. 1996, Pickwick Lake, TN.
Gulf of Mexico Program Freshwater Inflow Action Agenda Workshop, 15-16 April 1993, New Orleans, LA. [Invited participant].
Organizer/moderator of a symposium entitled "Fish-Habitat Relationships" at the Annual meeting of the MS Chapter AFS, 23-24 Feb. 1993, Ocean Springs, MS.
3) University/Department Service Mississippi State University: Graduate Committee (1990-92, 1993-94) Library Committee (1992-93) Department Search Committee, Plant Ecologist (1992-93) Anna McLean Undergraduate Research Awards Committee (Spring & Fall 1994) Ecology and Evolution Discussion Group (1989-94)
The University of Southern Mississippi: Current: Department Graduate Student Review Committee (April 2013-present). Department Tenure and Promotion Mentor Committee for Dr. Hernandez (Chair, 2012-present).
Completed: Academic Review Working Group (Chair, July 2015-December 2015). Inaugural Graduate Assistant of the Year Award Committee, USM Graduate School, February- March 2015, member. Department Personnel Authority Committee, elected member (2003-2007, 2013 evaluation periods; Chair 2014 evaluation period). Department of Coastal Sciences, Fall undergraduate Program Committee (October-December 2014). Appointed to GCRL Director Cabinet (Sept 2012-December 2014). CoST Awards Committee (2012-13). Department Tenure and Promotion Mentor Committee for Dr. Wu (Chair, 2008-12) Department Search Super Committee, three Fisheries and one Molecular Physiologist Assistant Professor positions - member (2011-12) Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 29 MEGSA student awards committee - member (2012) College of Science and Technology College Advisory Committee (1998-99; 2004-11) Department Tenure and Promotion Mentor Committee for Dr. Dillon (Chair, 2007-11) USM Graduate Council, member (2005-11) USM Policy and Procedures subcommittee to Graduate Council (2005-10) NSF Funded "Science of the Spill" panel member for Mississippi Public Broadcast Television (2010) Mary C. O'Keefe Cultural Center, GCRL panel member speaking on "Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill" (2010). Department Tenure and Promotion Mentor Committee for Dr. Campbell (2004-10) Department committee to develop an emphasis area in Fisheries (2009-10) Assisted in design of the Marine Environmental Research Laboratory (MERL) at GCRL which is an 8000 ft2 laboratory used by CEG for cooperative ecosystems research. USM Bylaws subcommittee to Graduate Council (2007-08) USM Sabbatical Review Committee (2007) Department Search Committee, Landscape Scientist - Chair (2006-07) Coordinator of the COA/GCRL Seminar Series (1995-97; 2006) College of Science and Technology Faculty Council, COA co-representative (2004-05) Department Search Committee, Marine Scientist - member (2004-05) Marine & Estuarine Graduate Student Association Faculty Advisor, elected (1998-00, 2003-04) Department Bylaws Committee, member (1999-05) Department “Statistics” Curriculum Subcommittee, member (2002-03) Department “ad-hoc” committee on College of Science & Technology Awards, member (2004) Department Search Committee, Marine Molecular Biologist - member (2003-04) Department Search Committee, Marine Botanist - Chair (2003-04) Department Tenure and Promotion Committee, Chair (2002) Department “Research Tools” Curriculum Subcommittee, member (2000) USM Human Subjects Protection Review Committee (1999-2002) GCRL Diving Safety Board, member (1998-2002) Department Graduate Student Assistantship Committee, Chair (1998-00) Graduate Student Marine Ecology Discussion Group (1995-1998) Planning Committee for formation of joint Marine Biology Department, member (1997-98) Planning Committee for formation of M.S. and Ph.D. Department in IMS, member (1997-98) Interim IMS Curriculum Committee, member (1997-1998) Aquatic Environmental Health Laboratory Committee, member (1997-1998) IMS Graduate Student Assistantship Committee, member (1997-1998) Department of Marine Science Curriculum Committee, member (1997) Faculty Status and Tenure Committee for the USM-IMS, member (1996-97)
4) Meeting session chair GERS/SWS Joint Spring meeting – 2005 (chaired 2 sessions) Gulf Estuarine Research Society (GERS) - 1985, 1990, 1997, 2003 MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society - 1992, 1998 National American Fisheries Society - 2006 American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists - 1993, 1996, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014 Estuarine Research Federation - 1999, 2001, 2005 Basics of the Basin/GERS – 2002 Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 30 Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute – 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society - 2011
5) Student paper judge MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (20 total, 13 as Chair) Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society (2) National American Fisheries Society (3) American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists: Stoye Award- Physiol. & Physiol. Ecology (1) Stoye Award- Ecology and Ethology (2, 1 as Chair) Stoye Award- General Ichthyology (1) Storer Award- Ichthyology (1) Southeastern American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (4) Estuarine Research Federation/CERF (4) Gulf Estuarine Research Society (4) GERS/SWS Joint Spring meeting (1) Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (15 yrs as Co-chair) Environmental State of the State (Louisiana) (1)
6) Tenure and Promotion Evaluator Indiana University of Pennsylvania - 1990 Auburn University - 2004 Texas Tech University - 2005 Pennsylvania State University Worthington Scranton – 2006 Louisiana State University – 2007 (Graduate Faculty Status Review) University of Hawaii-Hilo – 2009 University of New Orleans - 2011 University of New England - 2013
7) Manuscript referee Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (8) Florida Scientist (2) Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (6) Wetlands (12) North American Journal of Fisheries Management (2) Copeia (7) Environmental Biology of Fishes (8) Gulf & Caribbean Research (27) Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (2) Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science (9) NOAA Technical Series (1) Progressive Fish-Culturist (3) Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology (2) Bulletin of Marine Science (3) Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association (1) U.S. Fishery Bulletin (4) Marine Ecology Progress Series (23) Estuaries / Estuaries & Coasts (15) Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries (1) Marine Biology (2) Journal of Applied Ichthyology (1) Journal of Great Lakes Research (1) Journal of Fish Biology (6) Gulf of Mexico Science (3) Contributions in Marine Science (Special Issue) (1) Conservation Biology (1) Hydrobiologia (1) Ecology of Freshwater Fish (6) American Midland Naturalist (1) Wetlands Ecology & Management (2) Marine & Freshwater Research (1) Journal of Marine Biology (1) Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish & North American Journal of Aquaculture Wildlife Agencies (4) (4) Aquaculture (1) Ichthyological Research (1) New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (1) African Journal of Aquatic Science (6) Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 31 Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia (1) Fisheries Management & Ecology (4) United States Geological Survey (1) San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Environmental Monitoring & Assessment (1) Science (2) Italian Journal of Zoology (1) Endangered Species Research (2) Journal of Coastal Research (3) Journal of Ethology (3) Journal of Shellfish Research (2) The Open Fish Science Journal (2) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology (13) PLoS ONE (3) Biological Invasions (1) Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries (1) Southeastern Naturalist (2) Marine & Coastal Fisheries (2) Environmental Protection Agency (2) Biological Journal of the Linnaeus BioInvasions Records (1) Society (1) Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the Marine & Freshwater Behavior & United Kingdom (1) Physiology (1) Northeastern Naturalist (1)
8) Book Chapter referee Tilapias in aquaculture: The need for better informed decision-making to protect and sustain biodiversity. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, and M.G. Schechter, editors. Sustainable Fisheries: Multi-Level Approaches to a Global Problem. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. (2010).
9) Proposal referee University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, MARFIN Program Florida Sea Grant College Program (4x) U.S. Department of Agriculture (SBIR) NOAA, National Undersea Research Center, UNCW Delaware Sea Grant College Program Marsh Ecology Research Program (The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia) The Cooperative Institute of Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET) National Sea Grant College Program via Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium National Sea Grant College Program via Oregon Sea Grant College Program Texas Sea Grant College Program (9x) New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium - MERP Program Bluefish/Striped Bass Dynamics Research Program-Inst. Marine & Coastal Science, Rutgers University National Sea Grant College via Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Research Initiative Program National Fish and Wildlife Foundation New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium (2) Washington Sea Grant Program National Science Foundation (RUI Program) National Estuarine Research Reserve, Graduate Student Fellowship (5x) National Fish Habitat Action Plan (5x) Hudson River Foundation (3x) Louisiana Sea Grant Program U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) Bonefish & Tarpon Trust – BTT Keys Program Maryland Sea Grant Program (2x) National Fish & Wildlife Foundation CRC Press Book proposals (2x)
10) Invited seminars Florida Marine Research Institute University of Mississippi Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 32 The University of Southern Mississippi (2x) Mississippi State University Nova University and Oceanographic Center Clemson University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Texas A&M – Corpus Christi Texas A&M University @ Galveston (2x) University of New Orleans Texas A&M University @ College Station (2x) University of Memphis William Carey College University of West Florida Auburn University (2) Pensacola Junior College Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-FES Iztacala Dauphin Island Sea Lab Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Pine Burr Audubon Chapter (2x) Tulane University University of Delaware U.S. EPA - Gulf Breeze (3x)
11) Elected & non-elected professional positions 2005-17 Board of Directors, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.
2010-15 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Niering Award Committee, member.
2011-13 MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, student sub-unit elected advisor.
2005-10 Board of Governors, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
2004-09 Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology Program (CREST) Technical Advisory Board, alternate member.
2001-07 Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB-NERR) Research Advisory Committee, Elected Vice-Chair.
1998-00; Estuarine Research Federation, Education Committee, member. 2003-05
2000-05 President-Elect/President/Past President, Gulf Estuarine Research Society.
2002.4 Estuarine Research Federation Board.
2002.3 Pascagoula River Basin Alliance, Education Committee, member.
2002.4 C.A. Schultz Conservation Award Committee member, MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.
1999.2 Secretary-Treasurer/President-Elect/President, Southeastern Division-American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
1999.1 Annual program Chair, Gulf Estuarine Research Society.
1998.1 Chairperson of the Graduate Student Travel Committee, MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.
1998.99 Member-at-Large, Gulf Estuarine Research Society. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 33
1997-98 Member, Graduate Student Travel Committee, MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.
1996 Organizer/leader of a field trip for 1996 American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting participants.
1993-94 Program chairperson, 1994 Mid-year Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26 February - 1 March 1994, Little Rock, Arkansas.
1992-94 President-Elect/President, Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Program chairperson for annual meeting.
1993-94 Chairperson, Activities Committee [committee to determine the "support of research award" and the "student research award" for MSU Sigma Xi members], Mississippi State University Chapter of Sigma Xi.
1983 Co-founder and Vice President of the Graduate Student Forum in Biological Sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi. I was Chairperson of the annual symposium in 1986-87.
AWARDS 2015 C.A. Schultz Conservation Award, Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society highest award.
2014 Distinguished Professor Program, Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, Programa de Visitas de Profesores Distingusios, Institute Politecnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas. Hosted by Dr. Victor H. Cruz Escalona (Departamento de Pesquerias y Biologia Marina), La Paz, Mexico. 15-23 February 2014.
2013 Mississippi Wildlife Federation, 2012 Fisheries Conservation of the Year Award
2008 College of Science and Technology Outstanding Faculty Service Award.
2002.3 Academic Exchange Program, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico- Iztacala, (9 October-9 November 2002; 4-18 October 2003: Host- Jonathan Franco Lopez).
1995 The Kaminski Award for 1994 (Best peer-reviewed paper), Gulf Coast Chapter of Sigma Xi.
1991 Visiting Scientist Award, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, 20-27 July.
1978 "Student of the Year Award" in Marine Science at Coastal Carolina University. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 34 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Association (2012-2014) American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1982-present) Estuarine Research Federation (1987-present) American Fisheries Society (1991-present) Southeastern Fishes Council (1986-present) Gulf Estuarine Research Society (1983-92; 1995-present) Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (1985-86;1990-present) Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (1999-present) Society of Sigma Xi (USM, MSU, Gulf Coast: 1985-1997) Society of Wetland Scientists (1994-2011) Association of Southeastern Biologists (1985-2003)
GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISING Major Professor (Mississippi State University): Natalie J. Musselman (M.S. July 1993: Interaction of salinity and prey salt content on osmoregulation and growth of juvenile bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, 49p). Supported in part by Sigma Xi.
Steven J. VanderKooy (M.S. Aug.1994: Survival of juvenile walleye Stizostedion vitreum in riverine systems: test of the prey size availability and swimming performance hypotheses, 60p).
Gregorious N. Susanto (M.S. Dec.1994: Salinity tolerance, osmoregulation and respiratory physiology of coastal largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, 37p). Supported by the Asia Foundation.
Committee Member: 3 M.S. students in Biological Sciences at MSU.
Major Professor or co-chair (The University of Southern Mississippi): Douglas J. Snyder (M.S. Dec. 1997: Life history of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish, Enneacanthus gloriosus in southern Mississippi, 63p). Supported in part by American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists.
J. Read Hendon (M.S. Aug. 1998: Spatial and temporal distribution of Gobiid fishes in natural and altered marsh-edge habitats, 108p).
Eric J. Pederson (M.S. Dec. 2000: Bryozoa as ephemeral estuarine habitat: use by invertebrates and young fishes, 50p).
Gregory L. Fulling (Ph.D. May 2001: Prey patchiness and the associated distribution and growth of larval anchovies: an estuarine landscape perspective, 117p). Supported in part by Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium Marine Science Scholars Fellowship ($5,000, E/0-16-Fulling).
Christa M. Woodley (M.S. May 2001: Measuring predation threat using behavioral and physiological metrics: implications for habitat loss in estuarine ecosystems, 51p). Supported in part by the 2000 Lytle Scholarship in Coastal Sciences ($500). Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 35
Ches Vervaeke (M.S. May 2004: Stage-structured predator/prey interactions between seasonal transients and permanent residents of an estuary: A testing of the “window of vulnerability” hypothesis, 35p). Supported in part by the 2002 Lytle Scholarship in Coastal Sciences ($500).
Brian J. Lezina (M.S. August 2004: Life history of the Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta in the north- central Gulf of Mexico, 56p).
Gretchen L. Waggy (M.S. December 2004: Life history of the silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura Lacepède in the north-central Gulf of Mexico, 75p). Supported in part by the 2003 Lytle Scholarship in Coastal Sciences ($500). First recipient (2004) of the College of Science and Technology Masters Student Award ($500).
Tami Wells (M.S. May 2005: Hyperspectral remote sensing of noxious aquatic vegetation in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama, 73p). (co-chair).
Melissa L. Partyka (M.S. August 2005: Salt marsh communities in an anthropogenic landscape: habitat characteristics, distribution, and density of infauna, epifauna and nekton along an estuarine gradient, 50p). Supported in part by CREST funded grant ($9,809).
Jennifer L. McDonald (M.S. December 2006: Habitat characteristics and reproductive behavior of introduced Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal Mississippi: interactions with native centrarchid species? 55p). Supported in part by Native Fish Conservancy, George and Sylvia Becker Research Grant ($150) and the USM Office of Graduate Studies Research Grant ($750).
Kimberly C. Guynn (M.S. May 2007: A review of mercury in fishes with a detailed treatment of mercury concentrations in the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, among three distinct ocean basins, 41p).
John D. Lopez (M.S. August 2009: Characterization of habitat, abundance, distribution and perspectives on Fundulus jenkinsi (saltmarsh topminnow) life history in the north-central Gulf of Mexico, 93p). Supported in part by a USM Office of Graduate Studies Research Grant ($500) & a 2008 AFS Estuaries Section (Southeastern Marine Laboratories) Travel Award ($500).
Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff (M.S. August 2010: Gulf sturgeon of the Pascagoula: Post-Katrina assessment of seasonal usage of the lower estuary, 65p. Supported by a 2009 AFS Estuaries Section Travel Award ($300).
Erik T. Lang (M.S. December 2010: Reproductive life history of Fundulus jenkinsi and comparative development of five sympatric fundulid species, 61p). Supported by a 2009 AFS Estuaries Section Travel Award ($300). Recipient of the College of Science and Technology-Gulf Coast Graduate student Award for 2010.
Sam D. Clardy (M.S. December 2012). Life History of the Southern Kingfish, Menticirrhus americanus, within the north-central Gulf of Mexico, 45p. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 36
Bradley M. Ennis (M.S. December 2012). Nekton habitat use patterns along an intertidal gradient in micro-tidal salt marshes, 100p.
Michael R. Lowe (Ph.D. May 2013). Community metrics and trophic dynamics in tidal creeks in an anthropogenically fragmented, coastal landscape, 145p. Supported by a 2009 CERF Registration Award ($180), the 2010 Lytle Scholarship in Coastal Sciences ($500), 2010 Travel Award Northern Gulf Institute ($400), and 2012 USM-AFS subunit Registration Award for Southern Division annual meeting ($150). Recipient of the 2011 Best Student Paper Award, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA ($450); Runner-up, Best Student Paper Award, MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tunica, MS (2008); Best Student Paper Award, MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Starkville, MS (2010) and Tara, MS (2011). Nominated for the 2011 W. F. Thompson Award for best student paper in fisheries science published in 2010 by the American Institute for Research Fisheries Biologists. Earned a 2012 John E. Skinner Memorial Award.
Cher Newman (M.S. December 2013). Age, growth, mortality, and the affects of trawling on mortality of Longspined Porgy, Stenotomus caprinus, 38p. Recipient of the Southern Division AFS Best Poster Award ($50).
Brinton Barnes (M.S. May 2014). Diets of predatory fishes in relation to reef type and seasonal differences on inshore reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 70p.
Jennifer L. Green (M.S. August 2015). Habitat selection of Gulf-strain Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis: Relationships to dynamic abiotic characteristics within the Biloxi River, MS. 119p. Recipient of the 2013 Lytle Scholarship in Coastal Sciences ($500), and the 3rd place oral presentation award at the joint MS-TN Chapter meetings of the American Fisheries Society ($100).
Alexander Q. Fogg (M.S. Candidate). Distribution, age/growth and reproduction of invasive lionfish (Pterois sp.) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Recipient of the GCFI Ron Schmeid Scholarship ($1,500), the 2014 Lytle Award ($511), the 2014 McIllwain Award ($227), a 2014 GCFI Student Travel Award ($750), a 2014 USM-AFS subunit Travel Award ($250), Louisiana Counsel of Underwater Dive Clubs ($500), Mississippi Gulf Fishing Banks (2013-14: $2,500), Coast Watch Alliance ($3,000 for travel support and meeting expenses), and the 2015 GCFI Best Poster Award (1,500).
Page Vick (M.S. Candidate). Pre-restoration occupancy patterns and connectivity between eastern and western Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, populations on Ship Island, Mississippi Sound. Recipient of USM-AFS subunit Travel Award ($250).
Trevor Moncreif (M.S. student). Reproductive biology of Vermillion Snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) on offshore artificial reefs.
Committee membership: 17 M.S. & 7 Ph.D. students - Department of Coastal Sciences Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 37 1 M.S. & 1 Ph.D. students - Department of Marine Science 4 M.S. & 5 Ph.D. students - Department of Biological Sciences 2 M.S. & 1 Ph.D. students - Department of Science Education
Off-campus committee work: 1 M.S. student – Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, MSU 1 M.S. student – Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of New Orleans. 1 M.S. student – Marine Resource Assessment, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida.
Undergraduate Research: Brock Houston - Summer 2010, 3h. Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville. Kayla Howard - Summer 2012, 3h. University of New England. Chris Griffin - Summer 2013, 2h USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Page Vick - Summer 2013, volunteer. University of Central Arkansas. Aimee Rust - Fall 2013, 2h. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Megan McKenzie - Fall 2013, 2h. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Kristen Alley - Spring 2014, 3 h (Spring Mini-Session). Tennessee Tech University. Judith Gannello- Spring and Summer 2014, volunteer. Cody Jones - Fall 2013, volunteer & Spring 2014, 3 h. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Alicia Monroe - Spring & Summer 2014, 3 h each. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Charles Duffie - GCRL Summer 2014 Internship, Florida Gulf Coast University. Eileen Gibson - Fall 2014, 2 h. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Jennifer Gross - Fall 2014, Spring 2015 1 h each. USM-Gulf Coast Campus. Brandi Willis- Spring 2015 2h. USM-Gulf Coast Campus.
Research Technicians: Paul O. Grammer - August 2007 - present. Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff - September 2010 - August 2015. Jennifer Green - February 2012 - July 2015. Emily Satterfield – January 2012 - May 2012. Melissa Partyka – August 2002 - July 2005. Christa M. Woodley - May 2001 - August 2002.
Post-Doctoral Fellows: Michael J. Andres – September 2015 – present. Paul A. Mickle - January 2011 - May 2014.
PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS (Bold equals presenter; * = current or former student)
Corey, M.M.*, S.D. Clardy*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and R.T. Leaf. 2016. Estimating length-at-age and length-at-maturity for the north-central Gulf of Mexico Southern Flounder stock. 146th Annual National Meeting, 21-5 August, Kansas City, MO.
Corey, M.M.*, R.T. Leaf, S.D. Clardy*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. Maturation and spawning of Southern Flounder in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. 2016. 146th Annual Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 38 National Meeting, 21-5 August, Kansas City, MO. [Poster].
Brown-Peterson, N.J., A.Q. Fogg and M.S. Peterson. 2016. Reproductive Biology of Invasive Lionfish, Pterois spp., in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 6-10 July, New Orleans, LA.
Peterson, M.S., P.O. Grammer, J-M. Havrylkoff*, and W.T. Slack. 2016. Nearshore movements and connectivity of Gulf Sturgeon in non-island, shallow designated critical feeding habitat adjacent to a commercial port and a maintained navigation channel within Mississippi Sound. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 6-10 July, New Orleans, LA.
Corey, M.M.*, S.D. Clardy*, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and R.T. Leaf. Age validation and the length-at-age relationship of Mississippi’s Southern Flounder stock. 42nd Annual Mississippi Chapter of AFS Meeting, 9-11 March, Tara Wildlife, Vicksburg, MS.
Moncrief, T.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2016. Preliminary results from a study of the reproductive biology of Vermilion Snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) from the north central Gulf of Mexico. 42nd Annual Mississippi Chapter of AFS Meeting, 9-11 March, Tara Wildlife, Vicksburg, MS.
Vick, P.E.*, M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, P.O. Grammer, J-M Havrylkoff*. 2016. Pre-restoration analysis of occupancy patterns of Gulf Sturgeon on Ship Island, Mississippi Sound. 42nd Annual Mississippi Chapter of AFS Meeting, 9-11 March, Tara Wildlife, Vicksburg, MS.
Grammer, P.O., M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, and W.T. Slack. 2016. Nearshore movements of Gulf Sturgeon in designated critical habitat around and adjacent to a commercial port and a maintained navigation channel within Mississippi Sound. 42nd Annual Mississippi Chapter of AFS Meeting, 9-11 March, Tara Wildlife, Vicksburg, MS.
Dippold, D.A.*, R.T. Leaf, M.S. Peterson, and J.R. Hendon. 2016. Using relative stock density to evaluate alternative management regimes for Mississippi’s Spotted Seatrout stock. Southern Division AFS Annual Meeting, 17-21 February 2016, Wheeling, WV.
Corey, M.M.*, S.D. Clardy*, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and R.T. Leaf. 2016. Age and growth of Southern Flounder in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Southern Division AFS Annual Meeting, 17-21 February 2016, Wheeling, WV.
Slack, W.T., B. Lewis, S. George, J. Killgore, M.S. Peterson, P. Grammer, and J-M. Havrylkoff*. Observations on Gulf Sturgeon in the Lower Pearl River: 2011-2015. 17th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 26-28 January 2016, Bogue Chitto State Park, Franklinton, LA.
Vick, P.*, M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, P.O. Grammer, and J-M. Havrylkoff*. 2016. Occupancy patterns of Gulf Sturgeon on Ship Island: Pre-construction analysis. 17th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 26-28 January 2016, Bogue Chitto State Park, Franklinton, LA.
Grammer, P.O., M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, and W.T. Slack. 2016. Nearshore movements and connectivity of Gulf Sturgeon in non-island, shallow designated critical feeding habitat adjacent to a commercial port and a maintained navigation channel within Mississippi Sound. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 39 17th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 26-28 January 2016, Bogue Chitto State Park, Franklinton, LA.
Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, and W.T. Slack. 2016. Consistent spatio-temporal estuarine habitat use of a western population of the Gulf Sturgeon. 17th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 26-28 January 2016, Bogue Chitto State Park, Franklinton, LA.
Dillon, K., M.S. Peterson, and C. May. 2015. Functional equivalence of constructed and natural intertidal Eastern oyster reefs in a NGOM estuary. Bi-annual meeting of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Society, 8-12 November 2015, Portland, OR.
Fogg, A.Q.*, J. Evans, M.S. Peterson, N. Brown-Peterson, and W. Ingram. 2015. Comparing age and growth patterns of invasive Lionfish among three ecoregions of the northern Gulf of Mexico. 68th annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 9-13 November, Panama City, Panamá [Poster; won 2015 Best Poster Award].
Peterson, M.S. and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2015. 54 years in the making: Gulf and Caribbean Research now Online and Open Access! Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 9-13 November, Panama City, Panamá [Poster].
Slack, W.T., B.R. Lewis, S.G. George, J.K. Killgore, M.S. Peterson, P. O. Grammer and J.-M. Havrylkoff. 2015. Gulf Sturgeon movement patterns in western Gulf of Mexico drainages. EL Conference 2015, "Forward: EL in Action, Collaboration for a Better Environment". 8-9 October, 2015, Environmental Laboratory ERDC, Vicksburg, MS.
Peterson, M.S., J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P F. Mickle and W.T. Slack. 2015. Being consistent: spatial estuarine habitat use seasonally and annually during emigration/immigration of a western population of Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi. 145th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 16-20 August 2015, Portland, OR.
Vick, P.*, M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, J-M Havrylkoff*, and P.O. Grammer. 2015. Pre-restoration occupancy patterns and connectivity between eastern and western Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, populations on Ship Island, Mississippi Sound, USA: a prospectus. MS- AFS Chapter meeting, 25-27 March, Tara, MS.
Peterson, M.S. 2015. Fish habitat conservation at extremes: linkages and wanderings in Mississippi aquatic sciences! MS-AFS Chapter meeting, 25-27 March, Tara, MS. [Invited Plenary Speaker].
Wilbur, D.H., M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2015. Benthic fauna and sediment characteristics associated with Gulf Sturgeon habitat use in a western population. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 28 January-1 February, Savannah, GA.
Grammar, P.O., P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and R.T. Leaf. 2014. Activity patterns of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the staging area of the Pascagoula River during fall outmigration. Bays and Bayous Annual Symposium, 2-3 December 2014. Mobile, AL. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 40 Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P.O. Grammer, P. Mickle. M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P. Vick. 2014. Using short-term Center's of Activity to examine Gulf Sturgeon spatial trends in the Pascagoula River-preliminary findings. 16th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 12-14 November 2014, Live Oak, FL.
Grammar, P.O., P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and R.T. Leaf. 2014. Activity patterns of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the staging area of the Pascagoula River during fall outmigration. 16th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 12-14 November 2014, Live Oak, FL.
Fogg, A.Q.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2014. Northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish: insights into their reproductive life history. 67th annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 3-7 November, Christ Church, Barbados, West Indies.
Dillon, K.S. and M.S. Peterson. 2014. Assessing Ecosystem Functional Equivalence between Constructed and Natural Oyster Reefs. Conference on Ecological and Ecosystem Restoration, 28 July - 1 August, New Orleans, LA.
Ennis, B.* and M.S. Peterson. 2014. Nekton and macro-crustacean habitat use of Mississippi micro-tidal saltmarsh landscapes. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 30 July-3 August 2014, Chattanooga, TN.
Green, J.L.*, M.S. Peterson, P.F. Mickle, and D.A. Fox. 2014. Proceed with caution when implementing a mixed receiver model passive acoustic array design. Joint MS-AFS and TN-AFS Chapter meeting, 18-20 March, Pickwick Lake, TN. [Won 3rd place oral presentation].
Peterson, M.S. J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and K.M. Yeager. 2014. Do Macrobenthic Prey and Physical Habitat Characteristics Explain Differential Estuarine Critical Habitat Use Patterns in a Western Gulf Sturgeon Population? Atlantic and Gulf Sturgeon Conservation Symposium, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 23- 26 January 2014, Charleston, SC. [Invited speaker, Gulf & Atlantic Sturgeon Biology Symposium].
Peterson, M.S. J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and K.M. Yeager. 2013. Macrobenthic prey and physical habitat characteristics in a western Gulf Sturgeon population: differential estuarine habitat use patterns. 15th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 13- 15 November, Ocean Springs, MS.
Mickle, P.F., M.S. Peterson, J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer. 2013. Morphometric comparisons of the Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in western and eastern population extremes. 15th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 13-15 November, Ocean Springs, MS.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson. 2013. Update on Gulfport Restoration Project. 15th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 13-15 November, Ocean Springs, MS. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 41
Slack, W.T., P.O. Grammer, J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson. 2013. Update on the Ship Island Restoration project. 15th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 13-15 November, Ocean Springs, MS.
Fogg, A.Q.*, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2013. Northern Gulf Of Mexico lionfish: Distribution and reproductive life history trajectories. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, GCFI Lionfish Special Session, 4-8 November, Corpus Christi, TX.
Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. 2013. Hierarchical evaluation of the impacts of coastal urbanization on salt marsh nekton assemblages and food web structure. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, 22nd bi-annual meeting, 3-7 November, San Diego, CA.
Peterson, M.S., J. Brian Alford, C. Green. 2013. Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Fisheries and their Habitats in North America - a new book of current Deepwater Horizon research including reviews of the Exxon Valdez and Ixtoc I spills. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 4-8 November, Corpus Christi, TX. [Poster].
Dillon, K.D. and M.S. Peterson 2013. Elucidating food web dynamics of artificial oyster reefs in Mississippi Sound. CERF 22nd bi-annual meeting, 3-7 November, San Diego, CA. [Poster].
Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. 2013. Impact of urbanization on salt marsh habitat value for nekton resources in the northern Gulf of Mexico. ICES Annual Science Conference, 23-27 September, Reykjavik, Iceland [Theme Session: Quantitative value of coastal habitats for exploited species].
Peterson, M.S. 2013. Managing bay and estuarine ecosystems for multiple services. Environmental Protection Laboratory, Ecology Division, 25 September, Gulf Breeze, FL. [Invited Seminar].
Clardy, S.D.*, M.S. Peterson, R.T. Leaf and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2013. Age and growth of the Southern Kingfish, Menticirrhus Americanus, in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 8-12 September 2013, Little Rock, AR.
Peterson, M.S. J-M. Havrylkoff*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and K.M. Yeager. 2013. Macrobenthic prey and physical habitat characteristics in a western Gulf sturgeon population: differential estuarine habitat use patterns. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 8-12 September 2013, Little Rock, AR.
Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. 2013. Trophic structure in salt marsh tidal creeks arrayed along a gradient of urbanization. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 8-12 September 2013, Little Rock, AR.
Brown-Peterson, N.J., M.S. Peterson, R.T. Leaf and S.D. Clardy*. 2013. Life history patterns in the Sciaenidae. JMIH annual meeting, 10-15 July 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico [Poster]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 42
Green, J*., P. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, and L. Nicholson. 2013. Initial movements and habitat use of phase II hatchery released striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Biloxi River, MS. MS-AFS meeting, 20-22 February, McComb, MS.
Newman, C.M.*, P.F. Mickle, W.G. Ingram Jr., and M.S. Peterson. 2013. Population assessment of longspine porgy, Stenotomus caprinus, from 1987 to 2009: evidence of shrimp trawling bycatch impacts? MS-AFS meeting, 20-22 February, Macomb, MS.
Wu, W., P. B. Biber, M.S. Peterson, and C. Gong*. 2012. Modeling photosynthesis of Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using Bayesian inference. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, 3-7 December, San Francisco, CA [Poster].
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2012. Gulf sturgeon use of Ship Island passes during year 1 pre-fill restoration efforts. 14th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 14-16 November 2012, Panama City, FL.
Grammer, P.O., P.F. Mickle, J-M Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Fall migratory cues of Pascagoula River Gulf sturgeon. 14th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 14-16 November 2012, Panama City, FL.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, P.O. Grammer, J-M Havrylkoff*, and P.F. Mickle. 2012. Landscape linkages for threatened Gulf sturgeon recovery in Mississippi Sound. 14th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 14-16 November 2012, Panama City, FL.
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and K.S. Dillon. 2012. Assemblage-level metrics of trophic structure in fragmented salt marsh habitats based on stable isotope analyses. 14-15 November, Bays and Bayous, Gulfport, MS.
Green, J.*, P. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, and L. Nicholson. 2012. Short-term movements and habitat use of phase II hatchery released striped bass, Morone saxatilis in the Biloxi River, Miss. 14-15 November, Bays and Bayous, Gulfport, MS.
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, W. Wu, N.J. Brown-Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.J. Schofield. 2012. Nile Tilapia -- Free ranging “aquatic chickens”: Modeling the spread of a non-native species in the northern Gulf of Mexico under different climate change scenarios. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 19-23 August 2012, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, W. Wu, P.O. Grammer. 2012. Life in the mosaic: predicting changes in estuarine nursery production for juvenile fishes in response to sea-level rise with a landscape-based habitat production model. Ecological Society of America, 97th annual meeting, 5-10 August 2012, Portland, OR.
Ennis, B.M.* and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Fish and decapod crustacean intertidal habitat use patterns within micro-tidal salt marsh systems. The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 43
Mickle, P.F., J-M Havrylkoff*, M.S. Peterson, and P.O. Grammer. 2012. Comparison of ontogenetic and inter-basin geometric morphometrics of Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi). The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2012. Inter- drainage Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) occupancy of Ship Island habitats during marine migrations. The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Grammer, P.O., P.F. Mickle, J-M Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Investigating migratory cues and movement patterns of Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Pascagoula River system. The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, P.O. Grammer, J-M Havrylkoff*, and P.F. Mickle. 2012. Rivers, estuaries and barrier islands: linked metacommunities for threatened Gulf sturgeon recovery. The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Clardy, S.D.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Reproduction of Menticirrhus americanus (Sciaenidae) in the Mississippi Sound. The 7th World Congress of Herpetology & Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists annual meeting, 8-14 August 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Peterson, M.S., P.O. Grammer, J-M Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and P.F. Mickle. 2012. Gulf sturgeon of Mississippi Sound: Jurassic Giant of Mississippi Coastal Rivers. Science Cafe, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, 24 April 2012, Ocean Springs, MS. [Invited].
Peterson, M.S., P.O. Grammer, J-M Havrylkoff*, W.T. Slack, and P.F. Mickle. 2012. Gulf sturgeon of Mississippi Sound: links to rivers, estuaries and barrier islands... and other states! Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Science Symposium, 22 March 2012, Biloxi, MS [Invited].
Newman, M.C.*, W,G. Ingram Jr., M.S. Peterson, and P.F. Mickle. 2012. Length frequency changes of longspine porgy, Stenotomus caprinus, from 1987 to 2011: evidence of shrimp trawling bycatch impacts? Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-29 January 2012, Biloxi, MS [Poster; Won best student poster award].
Ennis, B.M.*, M.S. Peterson, C.F. Rakocinski, and S. LeCroy. 2012. Analysis of nekton intertidal distribution within micro-tidal saltmarshes based on inundation models. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-29 January 2012, Biloxi, MS [Poster].
Lowe, M.R.*, W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.J. Schofield. 2012. Climate change impacts on the spread of invasive Nile tilapia in the northern Gulf of Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 44 Mexico. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-29 January 2012, Biloxi, MS.
Clardy, S.D.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Reproductive biology of the southern kingfish within the Mississippi Sound. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-29 January 2012, Biloxi, MS.
Grammer, P., J-M Havrylkoff*, P. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Pascagoula River Sturgeon Update, 13th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 16-18 November 2011, Eglin AFB, Niceville, FL.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P. Grammer, P. Mickle, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Examining seasonal estuarine usage of juvenile and sub adult Gulf sturgeon in relation to spatial distribution of benthic resources in the Pascagoula River, 13th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 16-18 November 2011, Eglin AFB, Niceville, FL.
Mickle, P., J-M. Havrylkoff*, P. Grammer, and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Morphometrics of Gulf sturgeon comparing season and drainage, 13th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop, 16-18 November 2011, Eglin AFB, Niceville, FL.
Peterson, M.S. 2011. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish: fish-habitat conservation at extremes! Auburn University, Auburn, AL [Invited Seminar].
Ennis, B.M.* and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Nekton Habitat Use Patterns Along an Intertidal Gradient in Micro-Tidal Saltmarshes. National Estuarine Research Reserve Research Symposium, Moss Point, MS, 14 October 2011 [Poster].
Peterson, M.S., J.D. Lopez*, E.T. Lang*, and W.T. Slack. 2011. A two edged blade: Saving the Saltmarsh Topminnow requires protection of salt marsh habitat across the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Estuarine Research Reserve Research Symposium, Moss Point, MS, 14 October 2011 [Invited presentation].
Peterson, M.S. and W.T. Slack. 2011. Understanding the basic biology and ecology of invasive Nile tilapia: the role it plays in sustainable aquatic biodiversity. 141st Annual AFS Meeting, 4-8 Sept., Seattle, WA. [Invited presentation: The effects of semi-intensive aquaculture on biodiversity in nearshore and inland waters].
Slack, W.T. and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Tilapia and aquaculture: a review of management concerns. 141st Annual AFS Meeting, 4-8 Sept., Seattle, WA. [Invited presentation: The effects of semi- intensive aquaculture on biodiversity in nearshore and inland waters].
Lowe, M.R.* and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Nekton assemblage responses to an anthropogenically fragmented, coastal landscape: differential responses of resident and transient nekton. 141st Annual AFS Meeting, 4-8 Sept., Seattle, WA. [Won best oral paper award].
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, and P.O. Grammer. 2011. Identifying critical habitat across multiple scales for estuarine-dependent fishes with a landscape modeling approach. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Northern Gulf Institute, May 18, 2001 Mobile, AL. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 45
Fulford, RS, MS Peterson, and PO Grammer. 2011. Development of model-based tools for ecosystem management in the north central Gulf of Mexico. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Northern Gulf Institute, May 18, 2001 Mobile, AL.
Wu, W., R. Fulford, and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Assessment of sea-level-affecting-marshes- model (SLAMM) applying a neutral model of landscape change. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Meeting, May 18, Mobile, AL.
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.C. Houston. 2011. Nekton assemblage response to anthropogenic alteration of saltmarsh habitat in coastal Mississippi. MS-AFS meeting, 16-18 February, Starkville, MS. [Won best oral presentation award].
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, P.O. Grammer, and M.S. Peterson. 2011. Gulf sturgeon acoustic telemetry in the Pascagoula River and estuary in relation to sediment type, percent organics and benthic faunal composition and density. 40th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, 16-20 March, Mobile, AL.
Grammer, P.O., J-M. Havrylkoff*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Movements of Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the lower Pascagoula River estuary. Mississippi Chapter of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 16-18 February, Starkville, MS.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Comparison of Pre- and Post-Katrina Gulf sturgeon research results within the Pascagoula Drainage, 1998 – 2009. Mississippi Chapter of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 16-18 February, Starkville, MS.
Lang, E.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Seasonal and tidally- driven reproductive patterns in the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi. Southern Division AFS, 13-16 January, Tampa, FL.
Lowe, M.R.*, B.C. Houston, and M.S. Peterson. 2010. Importance of anthropogenic development on the nursery function of salt marsh habitats. Alabama-Mississippi Bays and Bayous Symposium, December 2010. Mobile, AL.
Grammer, G.L.*, W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and M.A. Dugo. 2010. Nile tilapia establishment in coastal Mississippi: multi-year survival confirmed by otolith ages. Alabama-Mississippi Bays and Bayous Symposium, December 2010. Mobile, AL.
Havrylkoff, J.M., P. Grammer, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2010. Gulf sturgeon of the Pascagoula: The comeback. 12th annual Gulf sturgeon meeting, 15-17 November, Baton Rouge, LA.
Slack, W.T., M.S. Peterson and J.M. Havrylkoff*. 2010. Coastal habitat assessment in the Pascagoula and Pearl River estuaries. 12th annual Gulf sturgeon meeting, 15-17 November, Baton Rouge, LA. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 46 Peterson, M.S., N.J. Brown-Peterson, J.S. Franks, S.E. LeCroy, J.M. Shaw and R.W. Heard. 2010. The 50 year history of the “other” Gulf and Caribbean Journal, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1-5 November [Poster].
Fulford, R., M.S. Peterson, H.M. Perry, P. Grammer, and R. Haehn*. 2010. Assessment of ecosystem services of selected coastal habitat types: towards a mode-based toolset for management planning. Northern Gulf Institute annual meeting, Mobile, AL 18-20 May [Poster].
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, H. Perry, P. Grammer, and R. Haehn*. 2010. Development of model-based tools for ecosystem management in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Presented at the annual meeting of the Northern Gulf Institute May 19, 2010 Mobile, AL.
Peterson, M.S., M.R. Lowe*, W. Wu, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P. Schofield, and W.T. Slack. 2010. Model-based projection of Nile tilapia’s (Oreochromis niloticus) invasive ability in coastal Mississippi. Gulf & South Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species, Gulfport, MS, 27-28 April [Invited seminar].
Grammer, G.L.*, M.S. Woodrey, C.A. May, M.S. Peterson, J. Clark, and D.W. Held. 2010. Ecology of Salt Panne Habitats in Juncus roemerianus Salt Marshes of the North-Central Gulf of Mexico. Brown Bag Seminar Series. The University of Southern Mississippi. April 2010. Hattiesburg, MS. [Invited seminar].
Lowe, M.R.*, W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P.J. Schofield, and W.T. Slack. 2010. Model-based projection of Nile tilapia’s (Oreochromis niloticus) invasive ability: the importance of estuarine salt bridges. MS-AFS meeting, 3-5 February, Tara, MS [Won best oral presentation award].
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2009. Gulf Sturgeon in the Pascagoula: An Update. 11th annual Gulf Sturgeon Science and Management Meeting, 17-19 November, Cedar Key, FL.
Dillon, K.S., R.S. Fulford, M.S. Peterson, and A.G. Stricklin*. 2009. Elucidating carbon and nitrogen flow In food webs of northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries with stable isotopes. 3rd International Conference on Aquatic resources (ICAR2009): prospects and challenges.17-20 November 2009, Alexandria, Egypt [Invited].
Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe*. 2009. Cumulative impacts to marsh landscapes: revisiting W.E. Odum’s warnings. CERF 2009, Anthropogenic impacts on health and survival of tidal wetlands, 1-5 November, Portland, OR.
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P.J. Schofield, W.T. Slack, and W. Wu. 2009. Survival, growth, and reproduction of Nile tilapia in saline waters: projected effects of climate change and sea level rise on the distribution of an invasive species. CERF 2009, Invasive fish biology 1-5 November, Portland, OR.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2009. Ontogenetic routes of movement of Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi from summer staging areas to the coast in the Pascagoula River. 139th Annual AFS Meeting, 30 Aug-3 Sept., Nashville, TN. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 47
Wagner, J.P.*, R.B. Blaylock, J.M. Lotz, and M.S. Peterson. 2009. Performance of coded-wire and visible implant tags in hatchery-reared juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. 139th Annual AFS Meeting, 30 Aug-3 Sept., Nashville, TN.
Lang, E.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2009. Characterizing the spawning season of the Saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, in coastal Mississippi. 139th Annual AFS Meeting, 30 Aug-3 Sept., Nashville, TN.
Peterson, M.S. and J.D. Lopez*. 2009. Distribution and habitat characterization of the Saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, along The north-central Gulf of Mexico. ASIH annual meeting, 22-27 July, Portland, OR.
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, and P. Grammer. 2009 Landscape-based approaches in habitat suitability modeling for estuarine fishes. Special symposium on habitat suitability modeling held at Ecosystem-based management Conference, March 22-25, 2009 Baltimore, MD [Invited seminar].
Peterson, M.S. 2009. Coastal landscapes: linked environmental mosaics, cumulative impacts & our valuable natural/cultural resources. The University of New Orleans, 23 March, New Orleans, LA [Invited Seminar].
Shelley, J.P.*, E.R. Hoffmayer, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2009. The effect of salinity on the bioenergetics of the young-of-the-year Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina (LESUER). MS- AFS meeting, 11-13 February, Biloxi, MS.
Wagner, J.P.*, R.B. Blaylock, J.M. Lotz, and M.S. Peterson. 2009. Evaluation of internal tag performance in hatchery-reared juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. MS-AFS meeting,11-13 February, Biloxi, MS.
Peterson, M.S. 2009. Strengths & weaknesses of coastal landscapes: linked environmental mosaics, cumulative impacts & the link to our valuable natural/cultural resources. MS- AFS meeting, 11-13 February, Biloxi, MS. [Invited Plenary Seminar].
Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe*. 2008. Alterations to estuarine and marine habitat quality and fish and invertebrate resources: what have we wrought and where do we go? Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Coastal Resources versus Habitat Degradation, 10-14 November 2008, Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies.
Comyns, B.H., C.F. Rakocinski, M.S. Peterson, A. Shiller, and P. Grammer. 2008. Use of otolith microchemistry of spotted seatrout to identify stock source-areas, reveal population movements, and determine interannual variability in regional patterns of otolith signatures in Mississippi coastal waters. Alabama-Mississippi Bay’s and Bayou’s Symposium, 28-29 October 2008, Biloxi. MS. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 48 Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P. J. Schofield, D.R. Gregoires, J.N. Langston, and W.T. Slack. 2008. Quantification of Nile tilapia’s ability to survive, grow, and reproduce in estuarine waters of coastal Mississippi. Alabama-Mississippi Bay’s and Bayou’s Symposium, 28-29 October 2008, Biloxi. MS.
Stricklin, A.G.*, M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez*, C.A. May, C. Watters, and M.S. Woodrey. 2008. Comparison of select ecosystem services of small intertidal natural versus constructed oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Restore America's Estuaries 4th National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, 11-15 October, Providence, RI.
Havrylkoff, J-M.*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2008. Identification and characterization of juvenile Gulf sturgeon foraging grounds in the lower Pascagoula River and adjacent Mississippi Sound. 11th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Science and Management Meeting, 24-25 September, Ocean Springs, MS.
Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe*. 2008. Implications of cumulative impacts to estuarine marsh habitat quality and fish and invertebrates resources. 138th Annual AFS Meeting, 17-22 August, Ottawa, Canada. [Invited Symposium paper entitled: Contributing to Healthy and Productive Aquatic Ecosystem - Strengthening Institutions, Science and Practice for Regulating the Impacts of Human Activities to Fish and Fish Habitat].
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, and P. Grammer. 2008. Identifying critical habitat across multiple scales for estuarine-dependent fishes with a landscape modelling approach. 138th Annual AFS Meeting, 17-22 August, Ottawa, Canada.
Lopez, J.D.*, M.S. Peterson, J. Walker, G.L. Grammer, D. Ruple, and M.S. Woodrey. 2008. Habitat characteristics and distribution Analysis of the saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi) habitat and distribution along the northern Gulf of Mexico. 138th Annual AFS meeting, 17-22 August, Ottawa, Canada.
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, H. Perry, P. Grammer, and R. Haehn*. 2008. Assessing the eco- system value of various habitat types to fishery production in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 2nd Annual Northern Gulf Institute Conference, 13-14 May, Biloxi, MS [Poster].
Schofield, P.J., M.S. Peterson, M.R. Lowe*, W.T. Slack, D.R. Gregoire, and J.N. Langston. 2008. Nile tilapia update – 1) Survey and eradication in southern Mississippi; 2) Effect of salinity on survival, growth and reproduction. Gulf and South Atlantic Panel, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, San Antonio, TX, April 2008.
Stricklin, A.G.*, M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez*, C.A. May, C. Watters, and M.S. Woodrey. 2008. Establishing a trajectory of temporal change in natural versus constructed intertidal oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 100th Annual NSA Meeting, 6-10 April, Providence, RI.
Stricklin, A.G.*, M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez*, C.A. May, C. Watters, and M.S. Woodrey. 2008. Faunal composition and food web dynamics in natural versus constructed intertidal oyster reefs Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 49 in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a partnership approach to sustainable restoration. CREST annual meeting, Lindy Boggs Center, UNO, 7 March, New Orleans, LA.
Stricklin, A.G.*, M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez*, C.A. May, C. Watters, and M.S. Woodrey. 2008. Oyster density, marsh edge stability, and faunal composition of small natural versus constructed intertidal oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Joint MS/AR AFS Chapter meeting, 20-22 February, Tunica, MS.
Lowe, M.R.*, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, P.J. Schofield, J.N. Langston, D.R. Gregoire, and W.T. Slack. Quantifying Nile Tilapia reproduction across a range of salinities: How salty do aquatic chickens like it? Joint MS/AR AFS Chapter meeting, 20-22 February, Tunica, MS. [won 2nd place oral award].
Lopez, J.D.*, M.S. Peterson, J. Walker, G.L. Grammer, M.S. Woodrey, and D. Ruple. 2008. Habitat characteristics and distribution of the saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi) along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Joint MS/AR AFS Chapter meeting, 20-22 February, Tunica, MS.
Schofield, P.J., J.N. Langston, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2007. Salinity tolerance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from southern Mississippi. Southeast Fishes Council, annual meeting, 8-9 November, Chattanooga, TN. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S, G.L. Waggy*, W.T. Slack, and M.A. Dugo. 2007. Nile tilapia establishment in coastal Mississippi: otolith ages seal the deal! ASIH, 11-16 July, St. Louis, MO.
Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, and H. Perry. 2007. Assessing the ecosystem value of various habitat types to fishery production in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The 1st Northern Gulf of Mexico Initiative Conference, 16-17 May, Biloxi, MS. [Poster].
McDonald, J.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 2007. Morphology, density, and spatial patterning of reproductive bowers in an established alien population of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus. MEGSA Student Symposium, 3 March, Ocean Springs, MS. Campbell, J., M.S. Peterson, C. Rakocinski, H. Ferguson*, A. Kennedy*, A. Guidry*, and B. Comyns. 2006. Marsh function: developing quantitative assessment measures for created saltmarshes. Restoring America’s Estuaries, 11-13 December, New Orleans, LA.
Comyns, B.H., C. F. Rakocinski, M. S. Peterson, A.M. Shiller, and P. Grammer. Using otolith microchemistry of spotted seatrout to determine important regions of nursery habitat across coastal Mississippi. Alabama-Mississippi Bay’s and Bayou’s Symposium, 27-29 November 2006, Mobile, AL.
Waggy, G.L.*, M.S. Woodrey, C.A. May, M.S. Peterson, J. Clark, and D.W. Held. 2006. Ecology of salt panne habitats in Juncus roemerianus salt marshes of the north-central Gulf of Mexico: preliminary data. Annual National NERR Meeting, October 2006, Old Woman Creek NERR, Ohio.
Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, B.H. Comyns, and G. Zapfe*. 2006. Do abiotic fluctuations drive the early growth of juvenile estuarine-dependent fishes? AFS, 10-15 September, Lake Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 50 Placid, NY [Invited symposium presentation: Estuary-Dependent Fishes: Patterns and Processes of Environmental Influences on Nursery Habitat Quality].
Gayaldo, P., G. Whelan, and M.S. Peterson. 2006. A new awakening for aquatic habitat: The National Fish Habitat Initiative - A look at its science and principles. AFS, 10-15 September, Lake Placid, NY [Invited symposium presentation: Estuary-Dependent Fishes: Patterns and Processes of Environmental Influences on Nursery Habitat Quality].
Fulford, R.F. M.S. Peterson, C.F. Rakocinski, and M.R. Weber*. 2006. Identifying critical habitat across multiple scales for estuarine-dependent fishes with a landscape modeling approach. AFS, 10-15 September, Lake Placid, NY [Invited symposium presentation: Estuary- Dependent Fishes: Patterns and Processes of Environmental Influences on Nursery Habitat Quality].
Peterson, M.S. and W.T. Slack. 2006. If you bring them will they stay? A case study of alien Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. ASIH, 12-17 July, New Orleans, LA.
McDonald, J.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 2006. Habitat quality of invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): reproductive behavior and interactions with native centrarchid species in coastal Mississippi. 14th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, 14-19 May, Key Biscayne, FL.
Peterson, M.S. and W.T. Slack. 2006. Do aquaculture released fish exhibit the same life history patterns in non-native environments as they do at home? A case study of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. 14th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, 14-19 May, Key Biscayne, FL.
Campbell, J., M.S. Peterson, C.F. Rakocinski, and B.H. Comyns. 2006. A pilot study to develop quantitative marsh function assessment measures in restoration projects along the Mississippi Gulf coast. Coastal Plains Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, 5-6 April, Mississippi State University Coastal Extension Center, Biloxi, MS.
Comyns, B.H., C.F. Rakocinski, M.S. Peterson, P.O. Grammer, and A.M. Shiller. 2006. Determining the importance of regional nursery habitat for juvenile speckled trout in the northern Gulf of Mexico using otolith microchemistry analyses. Joint MS/LA AFS Chapter meeting, 31 Jan- 2 Feb, Natchez, MS. [Poster].
McDonald, J.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2006. Bower characteristics and distribution along a thermal gradient of invasive mouthbrooding Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, in coastal Mississippi. Joint MS/LA AFS Chapter meeting, 31 Jan- 2 Feb, Natchez, MS. [Won 2nd place - Best Student Oral Paper Award].
Montoya Mendoza, J., R. Chavez-Lopez, and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Estructura de los Ensamblajes de Peces en Praderas de Ruppia maritima del Sistema Lagunar de Alvarado Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 51 (Sla), Veracruz, México, XVIII Reunión Científica Tecnológica Forestal y Agropecuaria, Veracruz, México, 17 y 18 Noviembre [Poster].
Franco-Lopez, J., A. Moran-Silva, C.M. Bedia-Sanchez, L.G. Abarca-Arenas, H. Barrera- Escorcia, Z.S. Carvajal-Fajardo, J.A. Martiniz-Perez, and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Dinamica trofica de la comunidad de peces en periodos nictimerales en Laguna Camaronera, Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico. XVII Congreso Nacional de Zoología, La Sociedad Mexicana de Zoología, A.C., Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 4 Octobre 2005 [Poster].
Comyns, B.H., C.F. Rakocinski, M.S. Peterson, P.O. Grammer, and A.M. Shiller. 2005. Determining the importance of regional nursery habitat for juvenile speckled trout in the northern Gulf of Mexico using otolith microchemistry analyses. 58th annual meeting, 7-11 November, San Andreas Island, Columbia, South America [Poster].
Cruz-Escalona, V.H., M.S. Peterson, L. Campos-Dávila, and M. Zetina-Rejón. 2005. Feeding habits and trophic morphology of Inshore Lizardfish (Synodus foetens) on the central continental shelf off Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico. 58th annual meeting, 7-11 November, San Andreas Island, Columbia, South America [Poster].
Waggy, G.L.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Reproductive biology of silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) from the north-central Gulf of Mexico. GCFI, 58th annual meeting, 7- 11 November, San Andreas Island, Columbia, South America. [Poster].
Slack, W.T., M.S. Peterson, and C.M. Woodley*. 2005. Fish assemblage structure in coastal Mississippi waterways and the association of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). ERF, 16-20 October, Norfolk, VA. [Invited symposium presentation: Coastal Invasive Species: Impacts, Management, and the Role of Modified Habitats].
Waggy, G. L.*, M.S. Woodrey, C.A. May, M.S. Peterson, J. Clark, and D.W. Held. 2005. Ecology of salt panne habitats in Juncus roemerianus salt marshes of the north-central Gulf of Mexico: preliminary data. ERF, 16-20 October, Norfolk, VA. [Poster]. Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, G.L Waggy*, J. Finley, and C.M. Woodley*. 2005. Foraging in non- native environments: comparison of Nile Tilapia and three co-occurring native centrarchids in invaded coastal Mississippi watersheds. ASIH, 85th annual meeting, 6-11 July, Tampa, FL.
Partyka, M.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Fish habitat in an anthropogenic landscape: characterizing the stationary habitat mosaic along an estuarine gradient. ASIH, 85th annual meeting, 6-11 July, Tampa, FL.
Reed, D.J., M.S. Peterson, and B.L. Lezina*. 2005. Reducing the effects of dredged material levees on coastal marsh function: sediment deposition and nekton utilization. CREST annual meeting - Progress in Understanding Coastal Land Loss and Restoration in Louisiana: The W. Alton Jones Foundation Report Revisited, 12-14 April, Lafayette, LA. [Poster].
Partyka, M.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Habitat fragmentation and shoreline hardening modify the habitat characteristics, distribution and density of saltmarsh infauna, epifauna and nekton. CREST annual meeting -Progress in Understanding Coastal Land Loss and Restoration in Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 52 Louisiana: The W. Alton Jones Foundation Report Revisited, 12-14 April, Lafayette, LA. [Poster].
Waggy, G.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 2005. Ontogenetic trophic variation of silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, from a north-central Gulf of Mexico estuary. Joint GERS/SWS Chapter meetings, 30 March-2 April, Pensacola Beach, FL. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, C.M. Woodley*, and G.L. Waggy*. 2005. Comparison of nekton in upper and lower reaches of two bayous within the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GB-NERR), Mississippi. Joint GERS/SWS Chapter meetings, 30 March-2 April, Pensacola Beach, FL.
Partyka, M.L., M. Weber, M.S. Peterson, and S.T. Ross. 2005. Environment-habitat-production linkages in tidal river estuaries: conceptualization through GIS, remote sensing, and tools of rapid data acquisition: a year in review. Joint GERS/SWS Chapter meetings, 30 March-2 April, Pensacola Beach, FL.
Weber, M.R., M.S. Peterson, M.L. Partyka, and S.T. Ross. 2005. Characterizing habitat suitability for nekton in the Lower Pascagoula River, MS: a modeling approach. Joint GERS/ SWS Chapter meetings, 30 March–2 April, Pensacola Beach, FL.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, C.M. Woodley*, M.A. Dugo, N. Brown-Peterson, C. Vervaeke*, G. Waggy*, J. McDonald*, and J. Finley. 2004. Non-indigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi. Gulf of Mexico Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species, Biloxi, MS. 9 November 2004 [Invited presentation].
Peterson, M.S., N.J. Brown-Peterson, A.A. Morales-Gómez, R. Chávez-López, and J. Franco- López. 2004. Habitat use, feeding, and reproduction of the Mayan cichlid, Cichlosoma urophthalmus Günther, in the Alvarado lagoonal system, Veracruz, Mexico. GCFI, 57th annual meeting, 8-12 November, St. Petersburg, FL. [Poster].
Waggy, G.L., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2004. Evaluation of the reproductive life history of the Sciaenidae in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea: “greater” versus “lesser” patterns? GCFI, 57th annual meeting, 8-12 November, St. Petersburg, FL.
Partyka, M.L.. and M.S. Peterson. 2004. Does habitat fragmentation and shoreline hardening alter density, growth and mortality patterns of fishes in an estuarine landscape? Environmental State of the State (ESOS), 9th annual meeting, 22 October, New Orleans, LA.
Abarca-Arenas, L.G., J. Franco-Lopez, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2004. Sociometric analysis of the role of penaeids in the continental shelf food web off Alvarado coast, Veracruz, base on by-catch. CoastFish 2004 annual meeting, Merida, Mexico, October 2004.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, J.L. McDonald*, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2004. Establishment of the nonindigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi. ASIH, 84th annual meeting, 26-31 May, Norman, OK. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 53 Waggy, G.*, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2004. Aspects of early life history and reproduction of silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, from north-central Gulf of Mexico estuaries. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 11-13 February, Jackson, MS. [Won Best Student presentation award].
Wells, T.*, G. Carter, M. Peterson, and J. Jernigan. 2004. Hyperspectral remote sensing of native and invasive wetland plant species in northern Mobile Bay. Abstracts of the 21st Annual Alabama Fisheries Association Conference, February 16-18, 2004, Gulf Shores, AL.
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, J.L. McDonald*, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2004. Reproduction of the nonindigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 11-13 February, Jackson, MS.
Brown-Peterson, N.J., M.S. Peterson, and J. Franco Lopez. 2003. Getting the word out: english-language publication of undergraduate student research in Latin America. GCFI, 56th annual meeting, 10-14 November, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. [Poster].
Partyka, M.L.*, M. Weber*, M.S. Peterson, and S.T. Ross. 2003. Modeling of static/dynamic habitats in tidal river estuaries: methods and materials for processing rapid data collection using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Annual Gulf Coast Geospatial Conference, 21-24 October, Biloxi, MS. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S. M.L. Partyka*, M. Weber*, and S.T. Ross. 2003. Environment-habitat- production linkages in tidal river estuaries: conceptualization through GIS, remote sensing, and tools of rapid data acquisition. Annual Gulf Coast Geospatial Conference, 21-24 October, Biloxi, MS. [Poster].
Peterson., M.S., M.R. Weber*, M.L. Partyka*, and S.T. Ross. 2003. Quantifying Static and Dynamic Habitat Components of the Pascagoula River estuary. Fifth T.W. Bennett, Jr Symposium, Headwaters to the Sea: Evolution and conservation of fish assemblages in large rivers”, 25-26 September 2003, Hattiesburg, MS. [Invited Speaker].
Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, B.H. Comyns, and G.A. Zapfe*. 2003. Effects of environmental variation on the growth of juvenile spot: implications for the recruitment of estuarine dependent fishes. Fifth T.W. Bennett, Jr Symposium, “Headwaters to the Sea: Evolution and conservation of fish assemblages in large rivers”, 25-26 September 2003, Hattiesburg, MS. [Invited Speaker].
Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, and C.M. Woodley*. 2003. Persistence of non-indigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi and their influence on native ichthyofauna. ERF, 14-18 September, Seattle, WA.
Partyka, M.L.*, M.R. Weber*, M.S. Peterson, and S.T. Ross. 2003. Modeling of static/dynamic habitats in tidal river estuaries: tools for rapid acquisition of quantitative data. ERF, 14-18 September, Seattle, WA [Poster]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 54
Weber, M.R.*, M.L. Partyka*, S.T. Ross, and M.S. Peterson. 2003. A modeling approach to quantify nursery function for estuarine-dependent nekton in the Pascagoula River Estuary, MS, using Atlantic croaker. ERF, 14-18 September, Seattle, WA. [Poster].
Waggy, G.*, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2003. Aspects of early life history and reproduction of silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, from north-central Gulf of Mexico estuaries. ERF, 14-18 September, Seattle, WA.
Chigbu, P., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and H. Remata. 2003. Influence of habitat alteration and physico-chemical factors on abundance and distribution of mysids in marsh-edge habitats of the Mississippi Sound. ERF, 14-18 September, Seattle, WA.
Comyns, B.H., C.F. Rakocinski, M.S. Peterson, and A.M. Shiller. 2003. Differences in otolith micro- chemistry of young juvenile spotted seatrout over small spatial scales within coastal Mississippi. 27th Annual Larval Fish Conference, 20-23 August, Santa Cruz, CA.
Peterson, M.S., S.T. Ross, M.L. Partyka*, and M.R. Weber*. 2003. Conceptualizing environment- habitat-production linkages in tidal river estuaries. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX.
Partyka, M.L.*, M.R. Weber*, M.S. Peterson, and S.T. Ross. 2003. Tools for rapid acquisition of quantitative data relating to the static/dynamic habitats of tidal river estuaries. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX. [Runner-up, Best Student Paper Award].
Weber, M.R.*, M.L. Partyka*, S.T. Ross, and M.S. Peterson. 2003. Test runs and tribulations: methods for processing rapid data collection using GIS and remote sensing to quantify static/ dynamic fish habitats in the Pascagoula River estuary, MS. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX.
Waggy, G.L* and M.S. Peterson. 2003. Age-length relationships and reproductive seasonality of silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, in the northern Gulf of Mexico: preliminary results. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX.
Lezina, B.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 2003. The importance of sample location and timing when assessing anthropogenic effects on upper-marsh surface access for estuarine nekton. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX.
Vervaeke, W.C.* and M.S. Peterson. 2003. Stage-structured, predator/prey interactions between seasonal transients and permanent residents of an estuary. GERS, 17-19 April, Pt. Aransas, TX. Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, and C.M. Woodley*. 2002. Discerning the influence of non- indigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on native ichthyofauna in coastal watersheds of southern Mississippi. ASIH, 82nd annual meeting, 3-8 July, Kansas City, MO. [Symposium presentation: Mixing faunas: an overview of introduced non-indigenous fishes, amphibians and reptiles]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 55
Woodley, C.M.*, W.C. Vervaeke*, W.T. Slack, and M.S. Peterson. 2002. Occurrence of the exotic Giant Malaysian prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man, 1879), in Simmons Bayou, Mississippi. Joint MS/LA AFS Chapter meeting, 7-8 February, Biloxi, MS. [Poster].
Fulling, G.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2001. Landscape-scale variation in prey heterogeneity and the associated distribution and growth of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) within Mississippi Sound. ASIH, 81th annual meeting, 5-15 July, University Park, PA.
Rakocinski, C.F., C.A. Moncreiff, M.S. Peterson, K.E. VanderKooy, and T.A. Randall. 2001. Functional equivalency of shoal grass near its geographical margin: living on the edge. Benthic Ecology Meeting, 15-16 March, Durham, N.H.
Fulling, G.L.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2001. Prey heterogeneity and the associated distribution and growth of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) within Mississippi Sound. MS Chapter of the AFS, 15-16 February, Jackson, MS.
Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe*. 2001. Field growth responses of juvenile white trout (Cynoscion arenarius) to continuous variation in physical habitat conditions. MS Chapter AFS, 15-16 February, Jackson, MS.
Woodley, C.M.* and M.S. Peterson. 2001. Can we quantify increased predation stress due to habitat loss? GERS annual meeting, 13-14 November, Hammond, LA. Gulf and Caribbean Research 13:99 [Published Abstract; Tied for Best Student Paper Award].
Pederson, E.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 2001. Bryozoa as an ephemeral estuarine habitat and a larval transport mechanism for young nekton in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Joint ERF & ECSA Meeting, 4-8 November 2001, St. Petersburg, FL. [Poster].
Rakocinski, C.F., C.A. Moncreiff, M.S. Peterson, K.E. VanderKooy, and T.A. Randall. 2001. Functional equivalency of shoal grass near its geographical margin: living on the edge. Joint ERF & ECSA Meeting, 4-8 November 2001, St. Petersburg, FL.
Woodley, C.M.* and M.S. Peterson. 2001. Measuring predation threat using behavioral and physiological metrics: implications for habitat loss in estuarine ecosystems. Joint ERF & ECSA Meeting, 4-8 November 2001, St. Petersburg, FL [Poster- Won Best Student Poster Award from the European Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association].
Peterson, M.S. 2000. Environment-habitat-production linkages in tidal river estuaries: a conceptual view of essential fish habitat and estuarine-dependent recruitment bottlenecks. Larval Fish Conference, 24th annual meeting, 5-10 November, Gulf Shores, AL. [Invited symposium presentation: Essential Fish Habitat and Recruitment Bottlenecks].
Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe*. 2000. Field growth responses of juvenile white trout (Cynoscion arenarius) to continuous variation in physical habitat conditions. GCFI, 53nd annual meeting, 5-10 November, Biloxi, MS. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 56 Fulling, G.L., M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe*. 2000. Spatial and temporal covariability in abundance of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) and potential prey items. National AFS, 130th annual meeting, 20-24 August, St. Louis, MO.
Peterson, M.S., G.L. Fulling*, C.M. Woodley*, G. Zapfe*, R.A. Syring*, and E.J. Pederson*. 2000. Status of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi, in the northern Gulf of Mexico. ASIH, 80th annual meeting, 14-20 June, LaPaz, Mexico [Poster].
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling*. 2000. Recruitment into spatially variable coastal landscapes: comparison of laboratory and field growth responses of juvenile Mugil sp. ASIH, 80th annual meeting, 14-20 June, LaPaz, Mexico.
Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, J.R. Hendon*, P.A. Bond, and G.A. Duff. 2000. Habitat use by early life-history stages of fishes and crustaceans along a changing estuarine landscape: differences between natural and altered shoreline sites. ASB 61st annual Meeting, 5-8 April, Chattanooga, TN. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, ad G.L. Fulling*. 2000. Recruiting into a variable environment: landscape patterns in potential nursery habitat. MS AFS, 16-18 February, Biloxi, MS. [Invited symposium presentation: Fisheries Recruitment].
Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, J.R. Hendon*, P.A. Bond, and G.A. Duff. 1999. Habitat use by early life-history stages of fishes and crustaceans along a changing estuarine landscape: differences between natural and altered shoreline sites. GCFI, 52nd annual meeting, 1-5 November, Key West, FL. [Poster].
Hendon, J.R.*, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 1999. Seasonal distribution of gobiids in waters adjacent to estuarine marsh-edge habitats: assessing the effects of habitat alteration. GCFI, 52nd annual meeting, 1-5 November, Key West, FL.
Fulling, G.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 1999. Estimation of small scale patchiness of larval anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) and prey using terrestrial quadrat-variance techniques. ERF, 15th Biennial Meeting, 25-30 September, New Orleans, LA.
Brown-Peterson, N.J., D.L. Nieland, M.D. Murphy, R.G. Taylor, M.S. Peterson, and J.R. Warren. 1999. Reproductive biology of spotted seatrout in the northern Gulf of Mexico: differences among estuaries? ERF, 15th Biennial Meeting, 25-30 September, New Orleans, LA.
Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, G.L. Fulling*, and D.J. Snyder*. 1999. Factors affecting the relative abundance of the southeastern blue sucker, Cycleptus meridionalis Burr and Mayden in coastal rivers of the northern Gulf of Mexico. ASIH, 79th annual meeting, 24-30 June, University Park, PA.
Fulling, G.L.* and M.S. Peterson. 1999. Estimation of small scale patchiness of zooplankton and an associated predator, Anchoa mitchilli. Joint GERS and BEM annual meetings, 25-27 March, Baton Rouge, LA. Gulf Research Reports 11:72 [Published Abstract]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 57 Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling*. 1999. Influence of temperature and salinity on laboratory growth of juvenile Mugil sp. and implications to variable field growth. Joint GERS and BEM annual meetings, 25-27 March, Baton Rouge, LA. Gulf Research Reports 11:75 [Published Abstract].
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling*. 1998. Laboratory growth responses of juvenile Mugil sp. to temperature and salinity: delineating optimal field growth conditions. GCFI, 51st annual meeting, 8-13 November, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Peterson, M.S. and B.H. Comyns. 1998. Use of natural and altered marsh-edge habitat by young fish and crustaceans in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology Conference, 5-8 April, Cumberland County College, Vineland, NJ. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, D.J. Snyder*, and G.L. Fulling*. 1998. Status, age, reproduction and diet of the undescribed southeastern bluesucker, Cycleptus sp. cf. elongatus. Joint MS/LA AFS Chapter meeting, 4-6 February, Bay St. Louis, MS.
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinsk,i and B.H. Comyns. 1998. Environmental variation and early growth of important estuarine fishes: development of an approach to assess environmental change. Joint MS/LA AFS Chapter meeting, 4-6 February, Bay St. Louis, MS. [Poster].
Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, and M.S. Peterson. 1997. Relating environmental fluctuation and the early growth of estuarine fishes: fitting the ontogenetic growth function. ERF, 14th Biennial meeting, 12-15 October, Providence, R.I.
Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, D.J. Snyder*, and G.L. Fulling*. 1997. Aspects of the life- history of the undescribed Gulf bluesucker, Cycleptus sp. cf elongatus. ASIH, 77th annual meeting, 26 June-2 July, Seattle, WA.
Snyder, D.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 1997. Life history of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish, Enneacanthus gloriosus in coastal Mississippi. ASIH, 77th annual meeting, 26 June-2 July, Seattle, WA.
Peterson, M.S. and G.J.Crego*. 1997.Salinity tolerance of four ecologically distinct species of Fundulus from the northern Gulf of Mexico. GERS annual meeting, 13-15 March, Ocean Springs, MS.
Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns and M.S. Peterson. 1997. Relating environmental fluctuation and the early growth of estuarine fishes: fitting the ontogenetic growth function. GERS annual meeting, 13-15 March, Ocean Springs, MS.
Fulling, G.L. and M.S. Peterson. 1997. Comparison of two sampling methods for estuarine nekton. GERS annual meeting, 13-15 March, Ocean Springs, MS.
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling*. 1997. Factors affecting Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 58 recruitment of croaker: does salinity influence growth? Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 42(1):62 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. 1996. Distribution, habitat characteristics and aspects of reproduction of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook). ASIH, 76th annual meeting, 13-19 June, New Orleans, LA. [Invited symposium presentation: Zoogeography of the Gulf of Mexico].
Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, S.J. VanderKooy*, and G.J. Crego*. 1996. Littoral fish biodiversity among tidal river habitats of the Gulf coastal plain zoogeographic region. ASIH, 76th annual meeting, 13-19 June, New Orleans, LA. [Invited symposium presentation: Zoogeography of the Gulf of Mexico].
Crego, G.J.*, G.L. Fulling*, and M.S. Peterson. 1996. Habitat choice of the bluespotted sunfish (Enneacanthus gloriosus): the role of plant architecture. Joint MS-TN Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, 31 January 1995- 2 February 1996. Pickwick Landing State Park, Pickwick Dam, TN.
VanderKooy, S.J., J. Warren, M.S. Peterson, and H. Al-Shaqsy. 1996. Long-term trends in abundance of selected juvenile sciaenids from Mississippi's coastal waters. Joint MS-TN Chapters of the AFS annual meeting, 31 January - 2 February 1996. Pickwick Landing State Park, Pickwick Dam, TN.
Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. 1995. Prey size choice in juveniles of Gulf coast walleye Stizostedion vitreum: artifacts of fixation and preservation. ASIH, 75th annual meeting, 15-20 June, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
VanderKooy, S.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 1995. Swimming performance and potential current refuges of young-of-the-year Gulf coast walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. ASIH, 75th annual meeting, 15-20 June, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. 1995. Distribution and habitat characteristics of the bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus, in six coastal Mississippi drainages. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2-3 February 1995, Oxford, MS.
Susanto, G.* and M.S. Peterson. 1994. Salinity tolerance and osmoregulation in juvenile coastal largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 10-11 February, Natchez, MS.
VanderKooy, S.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 1994. The influence of preservation on the determination of gape-limitation in fishes. ASB Bulletin 41(2):132 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, and S.J. VanderKooy*. 1994. Habitat suitability of the Bluespotted sunfish in tidal rivers of the Mississippi Gulf coast. ASB Bulletin 41(2):130 [Published abstract].
Haynes, J.L., S.J. VanderKooy*, T. Holloway*, J. Jackson*, J. Chapman*, K. Baca*, and M.S. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 59 Peterson. 1994. Absence of circadian patterns in osmolality, chloride ion concentration and hematocrit in three freshwater fish. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 10-11 February, Natchez, MS.
Peterson, M.S. and S.J. VanderKooy*. 1993. Larval fish chronology in a turbid, warmwater creek in northeastern Mississippi. ASIH, 73rd annual meeting, 27 May-2 June, Austin, TX.
VanderKooy, S.* and M.S. Peterson. 1993. Shrinkage of gape and length in YOY walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 24-25 February, Ocean Springs, MS. [Won Best Student Paper Award].
Musselman, N.J.* and M.S. Peterson. 1993. Interaction of salinity and prey salt content on growth of juvenile bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 24-25 February, Ocean Springs, MS.
Peterson, M.S. 1992. Salinity selection by freshwater and brackish populations of juvenile bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque. ASIH, 72nd annual meeting, 4-10 June,Urbana- Champaign, IL.
Peterson, M.S. 1991. Evaluation of hand-tagging juvenile walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) with binary coded wire micro-tags. AFS annual meeting, 8-12 September, San Antonio, TX.
Peterson, M.S. 1990. Dynamics of fishes in low-salinity marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: eco-physiological and behavioral perspectives. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 21-24 October, Richmond, VA. [Invited presentation].
Rey, J.R., M.S. Peterson, T.R. Kain, and F.E. Vose. 1989. Effects of rotary ditching on fish and physical conditions at the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. Florida Anti-mosquito Association Bulletin 1:12 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. 1989. Physiological observations on common wetland fishes: snook, Centropomus undecimalis; sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna; sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus. Florida Anti-mosquito Association Bulletin 1: 19 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. 1989. Hypoxia-induced physiological changes in two mangrove swamp fishes: sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepede and sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur). ERF, 10th Biennial meeting, 8-12 October, Baltimore. MD.
Peterson, M.S. and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. 1989. Eco-physiology of juvenile snook,Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch): life-history implications. ASIH, 69th annual meeting, 17-23 June, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA.
Peterson, M.S., R.E. Brockmeyer, Jr., and D.E. Scheidt. 1989. Hypoxia-induced changes in vertical position in three mangrove swamp fishes: its potential role in survival. ASIH, 69th annual meeting, 17-23 June, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA.
Peterson, M.S. and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. 1988. Hematocrit, osmolality and ion concentration in fishes: consideration of circadian patterns in the experimental design. ASIH, 68th annual Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 60 meeting, 23-29 June, University of Michigan, MI.
Peterson, M.S. 1988. Community structure of low salinity ichthyofauna: are high salinity ichthyofauna patterns different? ASIH, 68th annual meeting, 23-29 June, University of Michigan, MI. [Poster].
Peterson, M.S. 1988. Structuring parameters of low-salinity ichthyofauna: the importance of fauna origin. SEERS, 28-30 October, Jacksonville, FL.
Ross, S.T., M.S. Peterson, and J.R. Brent. 1987. Biology of American eels (Anguilla rostrata) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. ERF, 9th Biennial meeting, 25-29 October, New Orleans, LA.
Brown-Peterson, N.J. and M.S. Peterson. 1987. Comparative life history of female mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis in tidal freshwater and low salinity habitats. ERF, 9th Biennial meeting, 25-29 October, New Orleans, LA.
Peterson, M.S. 1987. The cost-benefit relationship of using low salinity habitats by centrarchids. ERF, 9th Biennial meeting, 25-29 October, New Orleans, LA.
Peterson, M.S., S.T. Ross, and D.E. Gustafson, Jr. 1987. Morphometric and meristic characteristics of a peripheral population of Enneacanthus. ASB Bulletin 34(2): 83 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. 1986. A comparison of osmoregulatory and metabolic responses of Lepomis microlophus and Lepomis punctatus to various salinities. ASIH, 66th annual meeting, 15-21June, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Peterson, M.S., D.E. Gustafson, Jr., and F.R. Moore. 1986. Orientation behaviour of Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque to salinity fluctuations. MS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 6 February, Hattiesburg, MS.
Peterson, M.S. 1986. Use of peripheral oligohaline marshes by centrarchids: intrafamilial properties of osmotic adaptation. ASB Bulletin 33(2): 83 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. and D.E. Gustafson, Jr. 1985. Orientational responses of Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque to salinity changes: a tidal simulation. ASIH, 65th annual meeting, 9-13 June, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Kerschner, B.A., M.S. Peterson, and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. 1984. Ecotopic and ontogenetic trophic variation in the mojarras (Pisces: Gerreidae). GERS, 25-27 October, Galveston,TX.
Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, and T.A. Doherty. 1983. The optimal relationship between aggression and feeding rate for the alpha member of a dominance hierarchy. American Zoologist 23(4):933 [Published abstract].
Peterson, M.S. and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. 1981. Variations in the feeding ecology of the silver jenny, Eucinostomus gula (Quoy and Gaimard) and the spotfin mojarra, E. argenteus Baird. Future of the Indian River Lagoon System Symposium, FIT, Melbourne, FL. [Poster]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 61
Peterson, M.S., T.W. Roberts, and R.G. Gilmore, Jr. 1980. The feeding ecology of Gerreid fishes. Florida Scientist 44(Suppl. #1): 22 [Published abstract]. Vita of Mark S. Peterson Page 62 REFERENCES Dr. R. Grant Gilmore, Jr., Senior Scientist Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Science, Inc. 5920 First St. SW 772-562-9156 Vero Beach, FL 32968 [email protected]
Dr. Jorge R. Rey, Professor Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory University of Florida-IFAS 200 9th Street S.E. 516-778-7200 Vero Beach, Florida 39262 [email protected]
Dr. Chet F. Rakocinski, Professor Department of Coastal Sciences The University of Southern Mississippi 228-872-4284 (FAX: 228-872-4204) 703 East Beach Drive [email protected] Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564
Dr. Stephen T. Ross, Curator Emeritus of Fishes Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern Biology, MSC 03-2020 505 277-3893 (Home: 970-264-0158) 1 University of New Mexico office email: [email protected] Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
Dr. William Todd Slack, Research Fishery Biologist Office: 601-634-4138 U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Cell: 601-529-3176 Center Waterways Experiment Station EE-A Fax: 601-634-2398 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180 [email protected]
Dr. Michael J. Sullivan (retired) 601-622-6184 (Cell) Former: Department of Biological Sciences [email protected] Mississippi State University P.O. Drawer GY Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762
Dr. Steve W. Ross, Research Professor 910-962-2346 University of North Carolina-Wilmington [email protected] Center for Marine Science 5600 Marvin Moss Ln. Wilmington, NC 28409