Chapter 19.2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles
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Chapter 19.2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Many nations never recovered from World War I. Some prospered during the 1920s. Farmers Economy of 1920s fueled by industry. Agriculture suffered. Much farmland destroyed by the war. Many farmers borrowed money to stay in business then struggled to pay it back. Protectionism After war countries placed high tariffs on foreign goods to help domestic industry (economies). Speculation and Panic 1920s many Americans participated in market speculation in the Stock Market. October 29, 1929- Black Tuesday- Stock Market crashed. This caused a domino effect that pushed US and the rest of the world into a Depression.
19.3: Political Tensions after WWI European lands and economics were in ruins. France’s Postwar Difficulties During the war Northern France was major battleground. Farmland and cities destroyed. Large number of men dead. The Economy: High prices hurt workers and lower middle class. France owed money to its citizens and US. Also French gov’t spent money on military security. Built a series of steel and concrete fortifications that stretched 200 miles called the Maginot Line. International Affairs 1925- Locarno Pact- France with many European countries signed a treaty to peacefully settle disputes. After war Italy became an opposition to France. Political Unrest During Great Depression, People lost confidence in French gov’t. People called for a stronger gov’t. France set up a gov’t called the Popular Front lead by Leon Blum. They made a 40 hour work week with pay raises, nationalized bank and weapons industry. (Placed under government control). Front only lasted for a year. Divisions grew within France politically and citizens began to oppose gov’t. England After World War I Faced serious economic problems. Industry was outdated and couldn’t compete with other countries. England also owed money. High tariffs damaged British trade. Labor Troubles By 1921, England’s unemployment reached 25%. Labor unions tried to keep wages and employment rates of the war years. Industry could not keep up. Ramsay MacDonald- leader of Labour Party- spoke out for workers. He formed a coalition with Liberal Party. Government set tight budget, protected British industry, and helped construction. This helped the economy recover. Ireland England promised Ireland independence after World War I. During war Irish Nationalists revolted in Easter Rising. England executed many Irish leaders. 1918- members of Sinn Fein (Irish Nationalist Party) won seats in Parliament. Sinn Fein declared Ireland an independent Republic. Fighting broke out. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) battled British military for years. 1922- Ireland divided into two countries. Southern Ireland (Catholic) with ties to England, and Northern Ireland (Protestant) bitter about the split. Civil War broke out. Eastern Europe Many new countries developed. Austria- split from Austria-Hungary. Many Austrians wanted to unite with Germany but treaties prohibited. Warring groups prevented country from being Democratic. Hungary- Be La Kun (Communist) came to power, 1919. Nationalized land, but government failed. Admiral Miklos Horthy then ruled. New World War I boundaries cut off industry. Poland- after World War I government and economy unstable. 1926- Jozef Pilsudski became military dictator. 19.4: Fascist Dictatorships in Italy and Germany The Rise of Fascism in Italy Italy’s economy was in trouble. Gov’t could not fix it. Benito Mussolini- Editor for Socialist Paper organized a political party. Its policies were called- Fascism. Fascist Doctrine Relied on dictatorship and totalitarianism. It was nationalistic and militaristic. Opposed Democracy and Communism. Fascism and Communism seemed alike. Communism appealed to workers and promised a classless society in which all property was shared. Fascism appealed to middle and upper class. It promised to preserve existing social classes and ownership of private party. Fascism attracted unhappy nationalists and soldiers, shopkeepers, artisans, and wealthy landowners. Mussolini also promised to prevent communism, stressed national pride, and pledged to bring Italy military glory. Mussolini’s Rise to Power Supporters of Fascism called Black Shirts, broke up strikes, drove elected officials from office, and intimidated voters. King eventually made Mussolini Premier of Italy. He began to destroy democracy and set up dictatorship. Fascists won election of 1924. Mussolini held the real power in Italy. Government suspended basis liberties, controlled unions, outlawed strikes, and disbanded opposition. Italy became police state where secret police spied on everyone. The Corporatist State Mussolini introduced Corporatism- representation based on area of economic activity. Each corporation- agriculture, commerce, transportation- answered to Mussolini. The Weimar Republic 1919- Germany became a republic. 1920- assembly met in Weimar to draft constitution. Became Weimar Republic. German people unhappy with Weimar for signing Treaty of Versailles. The government faced high unemployment and inflation soared. Money lost value. 1923- uprising occurred- Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. It failed but showed weakness of government and frustration of the people. Adolf Hitler- leader of uprising gained support for his Nazi Party. :) The Nazis and Hitler Nazi party was nationalistic, anti-sematic, and anti- communist. Party attracted wealthy businessman and landowners. By 1921, Hitler was leader. 1923- Beer Hall revolt got Hitler imprisoned. He wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle). Book expressed racial purity. By 1927, anti- sematic idea began turning violent. Hitler promised to repeal Treaty of Versailles, restore military, recover lost territory, and build a greater Germany. Hitler said that Germans were the “Master Race.” 8ccn7z8&NR=1&feature=endscreen
The Nazis in Power 1925- 25,000 members 1929-180,000 members. 1932- won 230 seats in the Reichstag- one house of German Parliament. 1933- Hitler appointed Chancellor. Used private army to threaten non-Nazi parties. 1933- fire set to Reichstag building. Hitler blamed communists. Received emergency powers to deal with communist revolt. Hitler made himself dictator, took title of Der Fuhrer. He turned Germany into a police state. Banned labor unions and anyone or anything that opposed the Nazi Party. Gestapo- secret police- had wide ranging powers. Jews forced to live in ghettos, forced to wear Star of David, sent to concentration camps. Camps developed into a network for the systematic suppression and EXTERMINATION of Jews or anyone impure. Hitler called his rule the Third Reich. 1930s began rebuilding military. 1936- moved troops into Rhineland. Violating the Treaty of Versailles. France and England did nothing. Fall of 1936- alliance with Mussolini and Italy called the Rome- Berlin Axis. 19.5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Russia under Stalin 1922- Renamed Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR). Divided into separate republics joined in federal union. 1918-1921- Lenin followed policy of war communism, nationalizing Russian industries. By 1921, Russia faced economic collapse. Lenin started New Economic Policy (NEP). This allowed some free enterprise, people could buy, sell and trade farm products. Also government encouraged peasants to form collective farms. Women’s Roles Soviet society men and women equal. Equal pay, time off for children, easier to obtain divorce, and served in military. However, many women still under paid and unemployed. Few women held positions in government. Education Emphasized education. Raise literacy and teach socialist doctrine. Focused on higher education. Five-Year Plan 1924- Lenin died. Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin fought for power. Trotsky believed revolution needed to occur around the world between workers and their government. Stalin felt it needed to go one country at a time. 1928- Stalin won power struggle. Trotsky was murdered in Mexico. Stalin ended the NEP and returned to controlling all economic decisions. He introduced the first Five Year Plan. Set goals for increasing agricultural, social, and industrial output. Wanted to double production of coal and oil, and triple output of steel.