CO2 Measurement for Parcel Shipping: DPD and Bearingpoint Provide the Industry's First

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CO2 Measurement for Parcel Shipping: DPD and Bearingpoint Provide the Industry's First

CO2 measurement for parcel shipping: DPD and BearingPoint provide the industry's first solution which meets the requirements of the new DIN EN 16258 norm n For the first time DIN EN 16258 provides a uniform, industry-wide

standard for calculating CO2 emissions in logistics operations n German version of the norm published early in March n With immediate effect CO2 calculation possible on the basis of the mandatory regulations imposed by the French government

Aschaffenburg / Frankfurt a. M., 13 March 2013 – International parcel and express service provider DPD is the first company within the industry to offer its customers individual CO2 calculation in compliance with the new

DIN EN 16258 norm which was published in March. DPD's CO2 calculator was developed in cooperation with the management and technology consultants BearingPoint. As an additional service the calculator now also enables automatic calculation on the basis of France's Décret 2011/1336, which is to come into force in October 2013. With this decree France is the first country in the world to make the calculation and display of CO2 emissions mandatory for all logistics companies.

"An increasing number of customers want to know how much CO2 is emitted by parcel shipping operations", explains Gerd Seber, Sustainable Development Manager at DPD GeoPost (Deutschland), adding: "The decisive factors in this respect are providing the greatest possible transparency and taking into consideration customer-specific features such as the size, weight and transport route of the individual parcels. In addition, reliable measurements are also a precondition for DPD's carbon-neutral shipping. Reducing and offsetting your emissions is only possible if you have a precise idea of what these emissions are." Matthias Wohlfahrt, Senior Manager at BearingPoint, adds: "For the first time

DIN EN 16258 provides a uniform and therefore comparable standard for CO2 measurements in the transport industry. With our CO2 calculator DPD is making use of the first solution which, on the basis of this norm, can structure large data volumes and process them automatically."

Transparent CO2 measurement in accordance with DIN EN 16258

The DIN EN 16258 norm was developed by the European Committee for Standardisation in Brussels, with the participation of experts from a number of countries. The German version was published at the beginning of March by Germany's DIN Institute, which means that certification is now possible in accordance with the specifications of this norm. The certification process for the CO2 calculator used by DPD is already in progress.

The CO2 calculation in accordance with DIN EN 16258 takes into account all emissions right along the logistics chain, ranging from the CO2 emitted by the various means of transport right across to the energy used at the DPD sorting centres. The CO2 calculator applied by BearingPoint and DPD calculates the emissions generated by parcel transport on the basis of the means of transport used for each section of the overall transport process. By linking the transport data with the shipment data it is possible to calculate CO2 emissions individually for each customer. In addition to transport operations the calculator also takes into account whether the parcels are large or small, heavy or light.

France makes CO2 measurement a legal obligation

Whereas the application of the norm is voluntary in Germany, France is the first country in the world to make it mandatory for logistics companies to calculate the CO2 emissions of every transport order, together with the duty to report the emissions which are generated. The basis for this is France's Décret 2011/1336, which is to come into effect on 1 October 2013. The decree also specifies the measurement method to be applied. This is in line with DIN EN 16258 but is not identical. DPD is well prepared for these regulations, in that the CO2 calculator already enables both methods of calculation.

Carbon-neutral parcel shipping by DPD

DPD has been making use of the CO2 calculator ever since the launch of its fully carbon-neutral parcel shipping in July 2012. The company's commitment to climate neutrality applies on DPD's European core markets, and is based on the three pillars of "measuring, reducing and offsetting". For more information on this please see

Image: DPD's CO2 calculator measures the CO2 emissions for each section of the transport chain.

The image is available in print quality (300 dpi) from Graphic: DPD's carbon-neutral parcel shipping consists of three interrelated components.

The graphic is available in print quality (300 dpi) from

Über DPD Mit dem Transport von 2,5 Millionen Paketen am Tag zählt DPD zu den führenden internationalen Paket- und Expressdienstleistern. Das Unternehmen verfügt über das leistungsfähigste Straßennetzwerk in Europa und liefert in 230 Länder weltweit. DPD bietet ein breites Leistungsangebot im nationalen und internationalen Paket- und Expressversand für B2B- und B2C-Kunden.

DPD transportiert seit Juli 2012 alle Pakete CO2-neutral – und das ohne Mehrkosten für die Kunden. Unter dem Namen Total Zero gilt diese freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung zum klimaneutralen Versand in Deutschland und weiteren europäischen Kernmärkten. Mit Total Zero übernimmt DPD Verantwortung für die Umwelt – dies belegen auch zahlreiche interne Umwelt- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen.

An über 800 Standorten sind 24.000 Mitarbeiter und 18.000 Fahrzeuge im Einsatz. Die Mehrheit der Anteile an DPD hält die französische GeoPost Gruppe (83,32 Prozent Kapitalanteil), eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von La Poste. Weitere Gesellschafter sind DPD Systemlogistik GmbH & Co. KG sowie DPD Zeitfracht GmbH & Co. KG. GeoPost ist Marktführer in Frankreich und zweitgrößter KEP-Anbieter in Europa mit einem konsolidierten Jahresumsatz von 4,026 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2012.

In Deutschland ist DPD der führende Dienstleister im nationalen und internationalen Paketversand für Geschäftskunden. DPD hat deutschlandweit 75 Depots und mehr als 4.000 DPD Paket-Shops. 7.500 Mitarbeiter und 7.000 Fahrzeuge sind täglich für die Kunden unterwegs. Pressekontakt: DPD Dynamic Parcel Distribution GmbH & Co. KG Peter Rey PR Manager Wailandtstraße 1 63741 Aschaffenburg Tel.: 06021 492-7066

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