Proposed Faculty Senate Minutes

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Proposed Faculty Senate Minutes

“Proposed Faculty Senate minutes of Jan. 25, 2012 – with OUT Exec session” 2-29-12 FS agenda Page 1 of 6


January 25, 2012 Proposed Faculty Senate Minutes

The meeting, held in the School of Business Administration McLamore Executive Dining Room, 3rd Floor opened at 3:35 p.m.

CHAIR'S REMARKS The Chair welcomed the members to the new semester. The Faculty Senate office has received the following notices of combined degrees:  From Arts and Sciences, BS/MS in Computer Science, degree requirements and expected completion time did not change. (This 5-year program gives students flexibility to start on the MS work (including research) while in their 4th (or even 3rd) BS year, and hence are able to complete the MS in 1 year without difficulty.)  From Law School, JD/MD, will become official once we received the last document (letter from the Law School Dean).

He encouraged members to send the Senate office announcements about faculty accomplishments and recognized the following faculty:

Congratulation to Professor Susan Haack, Past DFSA awardee, who was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by Petre Andrei University in Romania. Please send our office information on such accomplishments. I am made aware of Law School accomplishments, but need you to help with other areas.

University of Miami School of Law professor Jan Paulsson has been ranked as one of the world’s top two arbitrators in The International Who’s Who of Commercial Arbitration.

Frank Millero, professor of marine and atmospheric chemistry at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, has received the prestigious V. M. Goldschmidt Award from the Geochemical Society for his major achievements in the field of geochemistry.

Faculty Manual Section C4.4 Joint Appointments, needs major re-writing specifically regarding secondary appointments (not the same as joint appointments). He asked members to send recommendations for faculty members to serve on a small ad hoc committee for this purpose.

This year’s round of chair and dean evaluation results will to be sent to the appropriate parties shortly. He thanked the GWC members for their dedication and the great job they did.

The Scheduling committee is to make proposal at the February round of meetings.

The ad hoc committee on Status on Senior Faculty status should be reporting at a meeting in this spring.

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He urged the senators to encourage their constituents to sign up as a volunteer to have their name included on the ballots for both or either the Senate or the School Council. Emails were sent out last Friday, one to Gables/RSMAS and another for Miller School.

Some upcoming issues are:  The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) is required to review the General Education Requirements every five years. The Committee members have been meeting weekly for about three years and have made significant progress. Their preliminary report has been shared with the deans. UCC Chair Tom Goodmann is planning to go to the school councils from the nine schools with undergraduate programs to review the changes that are being proposes. He has offered to meet with any Senate member individually, also. The Committee would like to get as much input as possible before it comes before the GWC and Senate.  Significant changes are being discussed for the Faculty Manual section on Holy Days for students. The Senate Chair would like to meet with the various student leaders to get their input.

PRESIDENT'S REMARKS The President noted that the Provost was traveling on UM business and therefore not able to attend today’s meeting. The campaign has been in the silent phase, and they are preparing to publically launch the new campaign on February 16. They are shifting the financial aid for students from merit-based to need-based. Contributions were up by 8% in 2011. UM was ranked the #1 fiscally responsible non-profit organization in the US – ranking our advancement organization above the Red Cross, United Way and others.

Ground has been broken for several new buildings on Gables campus. Research money is up to $361 million for all three campuses. The Graduate rate for student athletes is up from 86% to 89%, which is at top academic school level.

The President’s house was on the market, and they gotten an acceptable offer. The Board of Trustees made the decision to start building the new President’s residence since the timing was right for building. The new house was designed by the Dean of Architecture, Elizabeth Plater- Zyberk, and is to be LEED certified, and designed by EPZ. It will be less expensive than the current house, especially because of the renovations that are needed.

The President entertained questions from the floor.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE’S REMARKS There were no comments from the Student Government representatives.

# APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 2011 A correction to add the years that William Lee served as Provost was accepted. A motion was made, seconded and the minutes were approved with the correction.

# APPROVAL OF TODAY'S AGENDA A motion was made, seconded and the agenda was approved by acclimation.


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The Chair requested that members keep their comments short and concise due to the long agenda.

OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.

# PROPOSAL OF A NEW MINOR IN LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL/TRANSGENDER/QUEER STUDIES (LGBTQ) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Dr. Traci Ardren presented the proposal and explained that this was a successful and growing curriculum. There was urgency to get this approved because a donor was requesting r it. One new course was created for the minor, but otherwise classes are in existence. This is a minor that can be done with any other courses or major.

A motion was made and accepted to approve the amendment:

(1). Correction of Law School faculty member’s name: Kunal Parker (rather than Parker Kunal, as stated in the original proposal).

(2). Wherever the language of “safe space” occurs in the document, please substitute with the following phrase designed to clarify this language: “The academically challenging new minor is designed to foster an environment where students feel empowered to engage in rigorous intellectual dialogue without fear of being silenced or disrespected.”

The motion passed unanimously as amended.

# RECOMMENDATION FOR THE APPORTIONMENT OF SENATORS FOR 2012- 2013 A correction was noted to the chart for the College of Engineering, for constants of 12, 11, 10, and 9 the number of senate members should be 3. The Chair pointed out that the General Welfare Committee supported his recommendation to use a constant of 12.

A motion was made and approved by majority with one opposed to amend the General Welfare Committee’s recommendation from a constant of 12 to 11.

The revised motion was approved unanimously.

# RSMAS PROPOSAL TO SPLIT THE MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE PROGRAM INTO TWO UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Dr. William Drennan presented the proposal to divide the Marine and Atmospheric Science program in the 1) Marine program and 2) Atmospheric Science program. At the time of the creation of this combined program, it made sense, however the two disciplines are very different and warrant each having their own program.

The motion passed unanimously.


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Dr. William Drennan presented the proposal for students in programs other than Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology or Physics to have a second major in Marine Science. The proposal is to create an additional BSMAS track for students with BS majors in other science disciplines including: Engineering (all majors), Microbiology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Mathematics and Applied Physics. Other disciplines would be subject to approval by the MSC program Director.

The motion passed unanimously.

# PROPOSAL FOR PERMANENT STATUS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION NORTON HERRICK CENTER FOR MOTION PICTURES STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Associate Professor Christina Lane explained that this proposal was to move this Center from provisional to permanent status. This collection of approximately 3500 titles in film, television and video was donated by Norton Herrick along with a donation of funds to seed the Center.

The motion passed unanimously pending receipt of a memo from the Dean of the School of Communication that the faculty of the School had approved the Center.

# PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DELOITTE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING INSTITUTE Professor Andrew Leone explained that this Institute is being proposed for the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of international financial reporting.

The motion passed unanimously.

# PROPOSAL FOR A ONE-YEAR MBA WITH A CONCENTRATION IN BUSINESS REAL ESTATE Professor Anuj Mehrotra outlined the proposal stating that the students will be taking existing courses, an undergraduate internship, and a summer internship in MBA. This is to target the top students in this cross-disciplinary program.

The motion passed unanimously.

# RSMAS PROPOSAL FOR A NEW PROFESSIONAL MASTERS PROGRAM IN COASTAL SUSTAINABILITY TRACK Professor Brian Soden explained that this new track is being proposed in marine affairs. The first year students will go to the Bahamas for this hands-on degree and will be completed with a capstone project.

The motion passed unanimously.

ELECTION OF A GENERAL WELFARE COMMITTEE ALTERNATE MEMBER FROM THE MILLER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ELECTION By consensus the following members were elected: Dushyantha Jayaweera – Alternate (Medicine) W. Brian Barrett – changed from the regular member to the alternate (Business) John Mezias – changed from the alternate to the regular member (Business)

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# ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT MEMBERS Professors Donna Coker (Law) and Kenneth Voss (Arts and Sciences) were proposed as additional members on the committee to expand the member in anticipation of at least two more appeals coming forward this academic year.

The motion passed unanimously.

PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE FACULTY MANUAL SECTIONS A7.1, A9.1, B3.3 TO ADDRESS FACULTY IN THE LIBRARY REPRESENTATION The Chair explained that the faculty in the Library can no longer be tenured, therefore according the Faculty Manual, eventually, the Library faculty will no longer have representation on the Senate.

Some members questioned the idea that, what was in their view, a non-academic unit should have representation in the Senate.

The item was deferred until a future date when faculty from the Library can attend to speak on the issue.

PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE FACULTY MANUAL SECTION C18.1.5 REGARDING CENTERS AND INSTITUTES The Chair presented the proposal for the revision to the language of Section C18.1 that would align the policy with current practice whereby the Senate Chair must approve provisional status. Currently in the Faculty Manual, the Faculty Senate is merely notified of the provisional status of a center or institute.

The motion passed unanimously.

OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.

EXECUTIVE SESSION [Non-senate members were excused from the meeting at this point.]


The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Robyn Hardeman Secretary of the Faculty Senate

Elected Senate officers: Richard L. Williamson, Jr, Chair (Presiding) Rene Sacasas, First Vice Chair Richard Lee, Second Vice Chair

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# Background materials attached to hard-copy minutes.


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