Tom Costello: This Is the Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference s1

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Tom Costello: This Is the Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference s1

The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 1 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is January 8, 2009. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a download from our website:

This question and answer call is one of several ways that we help our clients. The recording is another. Our website is another. [email protected] is another. Personal coaching, in my opinion, is the most significant form of help that we offer. That is included in most Healing Codes packages. That’s a good thing. Availing yourself of that help is basically a failsafe or guarantee of your success or producing the results that you are looking for.

Tonight we ask any of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask your questions. Your questions help you and other people on this call as well as people listening to the recording at a later date. Literally uncertainty about any activity tends to get us to put the brakes on. There’s no reason to slow down progress.

We also like these calls as an opportunity to validate people who want to talk about their successes using The Healing Codes. That tends to be encouraging to other people who are just beginning or are not having those same experiences.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. I would like them to serve you. If they do, great. If they don’t just let them go flying by.

What I would like to go is briefly go through a couple of fundamentals that I think are important to someone beginning. Maybe they are fundamentals that are important as reminders. Number one, don’t make doing The Healing Codes hard work. This is about reducing stress. Relaxation is the order of the day. Trying real hard to do things or working hard at it or trying to do them perfectly is to create an artificial standard that does not exist in The Healing Codes. If you do The Healing Codes and you do them in a relaxed, physically comfortable fashion, you more or less put your attention on things that make you feel good, the idea condition you are seeking to achieve, you are doing them right. You get 100. You get an “A”. Just relax about that.

Relaxation is the key. It’s the opposite of stress. So I recommend that you do these in the physically most comfortable position. I’m a big fan of using pillows, using desk or table tops. If you’re sitting in a recliner, if you’re in a chair or on a couch or lying on the floor, lying in bed early in the morning or late at night, use pillows to hold your elbows in position so that you are not using the muscles in your shoulders and your arms. Those can get tired and that becomes distracting. If you can use a prop then it’s a lot more comfortable for you. I now have my elbows propped up on a desk. I literally can point The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 2 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello my fingertips at the healing centers by moving my head and my wrists a little bit. I could do this for hours without any physical discomfort.

Really that’s what you are looking to do – find a physically comfortable position so that you don’t cause yourself to start physically stressing or mentally or emotionally stressing.

I think in terms of dirt that we normally wash off our bodies or off our hands multiple times during the day. Stress can be conceived of as internal dirt. We are involved in a lot of experiences. If you watch the news, that’s like – that is going to be stressful for you. It is designed to create a state of helplessness. All these bad things that people are doing to people around the world that you cannot impact leaves you with bad feelings. That stress needs to be handled. The Healing Codes are a great way to do that. It’s an internal personal hygiene, if you will.

I see The Healing Codes as a declaration of peace in the body. When the body is in stress, in fight or flight, at war, in conflict, it is literally going to deprioritize certain body functions, i.e. immune system, higher cognitive thought, normal blood flow to the prefrontal cortex redirected to the back so that you can react faster. If that doesn’t serve you, if you’ve got decisions to make you want to be thinking. If it’s a life and death situation that requires instantaneous reaction, you want to be reacting with the back of your brain. Declaring peace is the name of the game.

I’m going to open the floor. If you have a question, a comment or a story or some situation, I invite you to hit *6 to un-mute your phone. Let’s have a conversation. I would imagine from the beeps that this is an audience in which we’ll have time to create a Custom Code. If you are so inclined I’d be happy to do that for you.

Does anyone have an answer, a question, a statement, a success story, problem, whatever, this is a good time to share it.

Participant: (Pat, Indianapolis) I wanted to give an update. I’ve been working on the Code for fibroids. I do them about an hour or so a day. I’m aware of a peace and calmness. Before I started this I was in a frenzy and worried over everything that the doctor had said. I’m just acknowledging I’m finding that I am becoming very much peaceful and very much embracing of who I am. I’m noticing that shift in terms of the whole experience.

Tom Costello: That’s fabulous. As far as The Healing Codes are concerned is the name of the game. What you’re doing is exactly the way we envision the successful application of The Healing Codes. I would say and I’m thinking that you are already getting this, Patty, the body is doing the healing if, if we allow it. You are putting yourself in the state where the signal to the body is, “Okay, let’s maintain the place. Let’s get back to work. Immune system, do what you know how to do, what you’re designed to do.” There you go. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 3 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: I’ve doing this Code for about a month. Do I need a new Code or should I…?

Tom Costello: Let’s have a new one. With that thought in mind, what would your specific focus be? More of the same? A slight variation? How would you look at that, Patty?

Participant: I look at as not quite as much of a problem. I feel from within that it is healing itself. I feel that it is almost healed.

Tom Costello: Let me tell you the image that just came to me. I’m a fan of the concept that we need to grow to be able to help ourselves. Now the image that came to me is almost as if you are literally walking to a well in the village. The well in the village is filled with God’s grace. You’re saying, “I’m going to the well. I’m going to the well of God’s grace.” You're going to do this multiple times.

I think we all have the opportunity if this imagery works or serves us. When I am grateful I’m going to the well of God’s grace. When I’m kind, when I’m compassionate, when I’m enthusiastic, when I’m laughing, I’m going to the well of God’s grace. As you go to the well of God’s grace, the distance between us and the well becomes shorter and shorter and shorter. All of a sudden it’s “I’m always at the well of God’s grace.” How is that for an image? (Tom tests for and delivers the Code.)

I would go to the well (as I’m doing the Code), not as a have-to. “I’d better do it now” like there’s some outside expectation or rule that you have to follow. You’re making the rules. You go there as often as you want whether that’s once a day or twenty times a day. You are the one that decides that. When you go there I would seek to go in a feeling of joyousness. “I can do this. How cool is this. What a blessing.”

Participant: Great. That’s very helpful. Thank you for that.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome, Patty. Thank you. Anyone else have a question, answer, story, situation? I know you do. This is an interesting point….

Participant: (Gail) I do The Healing Codes morning, noon and night, whenever I wake up and if I’m awake at night at all. Sometimes I fall asleep half way through. It’s making a wonderful difference. I appreciate it. Secondly, I heard Dr. Alex talk once about when people’s inner safety and security and significance were missing it was hard to be grateful. Another talk I heard was when you talked about helplessness. What I’ve been noticing when I’m doing The Healing Codes and what I’m trying to create which is financial wellbeing being, doing and having what I love, it seems as if all of those are present and all happen at almost the same time in different situations at around the age of 5.

I notice that I can supply financial needs through traditional work, 9-5. What I love doing is client work. I would like to be able to financially support myself in that area. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 4 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello That’s tied in with my spirituality. I think there’s something around that in my safety, security and significance. I’m at a very stuck place.

Tom Costello: No you’re not. You’re not at a stuck place. Maybe it’s a plateau. There are two ways to look at it. The name of the game here is to choose the point of view that is most empowering, not the one that’s disempowering. If you and I were going to climb Mt. Everest, we don’t start at the bottom and start walking, walking, walking and we’re there. We go up to a certain plateau, make a base camp, get acclimated so that we normalize. We continue climbing. We stop again and acclimate and normalize. We keep doing that until we make it up to the top of the mountain.

This is true with people who are losing weight or building strength or learning things. They say, “I’m stuck!” No, you’re on a plateau. As the stuff is assimilating and synthesizing and gelling, then it’s time to move on. That way you don’t make yourself wrong. You don’t make it negative. This is a part of life. It would be nice if everything would start and go right to the very end with any kind of ups and downs or pauses. But that’s not you drive to the grocery store. You don’t get in your car, put it in “D” for drive, go, put on the brake and “P” for park. No. I stop. I slow down. I wait at the light. I wait at the stop sign. I make a left. I make a right. It’s almost like life. Exactly.

When we don’t add energy to that it makes it a smoother process. “That was a calamity.” No, it wasn’t. It was life. We “calamitize” it. Don’t we?

Participant: One other question which fits with what you just demonstrated with me. What’s the word that goes between “high” and “diet”? High what diet?

Tom Costello: High Approval Diet. High self-approval. I think one of the challenges is – A client I just talked to almost, almost, a-l-m-o-s-t gave himself a compliment. But at the very end he caught himself and dodged it. I said, “Did you notice what you just did?” He said, “Wasn’t that unbelievable? I almost recognized myself as having done something well. At the last minute I ducked before it actually touched me.” We have these habits. We deny the gifts. We deny our successes. "At a boy’s” and "At-a-girl’s” those are like vitamins and we avoid them like they’re poison ivy. We’re unfamiliar with them. (Tom tests for and delivers Code.) I would do that mucho times, knowing you can almost connect those placed to “You can speak what you want and it is good.”

You can take a bite. You can take in this life that you want, this energy that you want. You can make a living doing what you want versus what you have to do. I love doing this, but I have to make a living by doing what I don’t love. No you don’t. A lot of us have been trained that way. A lot of us have been sold that. The old model from years ago is to work for 30 years for a company, retire and get a gold watch and fall over dead. Nah, there’s a better model. Do what you love.

By helping yourself, by allowing yourself, by availing yourself of this, part of our teaching of other people (family, friends, spouses, children, others) is to model helping ourselves. Doing what you love and earning an income is an incredibly valuable lesson The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 5 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello that should be demonstrated to every one of our clients, every one of our children, everybody we know. “I didn’t know that was possible. I thought you had to do stuff you didn’t love, and then two weeks a year have a vacation, or after work at night do what you like.” Nope. There’s another choice. Do what you love almost all the time.

You could actually love what you do. We have the ability to love what we do, even if it’s mowing the lawn. We can love what we do. We can love the activity. If we practice loving what we’re doing, we’re going to be doing more of what we love. That pretty much follows.

Participant: Got it. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Tom Costello: Somebody else have a question, answer, comment?

Participant: (Michael, Illinois) Could you direct me. I’ve had my packet for two days now. I’m looking to gain mental clarity. I have’s what called mind fog or fiber fog. It seems like with this lack of clarity things that used to be easy are very, very difficult. There’s fatigue that goes with it at the same time. I’ve been battling this for years. Is there something already written in the book that I can look at?

Tom Costello: I think there are a couple of different things in there. I think you may find the word “brain fog”. I think it’s there. If you were to look in the Manual you’ll find which day deals with the brain or nervous system.

Participant: In the small book on the 12 Days, I’d go completely through that and then start on my main symptom, correct?

Tom Costello: You can do it a couple of ways. You could go right to the main category related to the central nervous system or the brain (Kindness). That’s the core healing virtue number five. You could do that. Sometimes I believe that this issue is kind of like a tornado. I’ll describe it like this. I have swirling energy within a container. It’s swirling and swirling. As soon as I give an outlet or direction to that energy it can turn productive. Sometimes it seems to me that when we find ourselves in a maelstrom and things are whirling. It’s chaos. I’m like Dorothy. I’m flying around and can’t really connect. If we simply state “I want to go in this direction.” “I want to be clear about this.” “I want to decide what to do relative to….” All of a sudden it is almost as if, to mix my metaphors, the pressure cooker just was given a release valve. We can make that energy flow productive and it will help clarify.

I think fatigue is not so much absence of energy as it is absence of direction. Swirling, swirling, swirling, swirling….. “Wow. This is tiring.” Yes. It is. We’re standing still but the car is red-lining. Vroommm! It’s not good for the car or our physical vehicle. I would be looking at giving it direction.

There may have been an earlier experience where “I thought I was slow to catch on” and we all are depending on the circumstances. If we had older siblings we’re going to go, The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 6 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello “Wow, I’m slow to catch on. My siblings are two, four, six, eight years older than me. I’m here in the crib and I’m having a hard time getting it. I’m a little slow relative to them.” Hello! An infant in the crib is not on the same level as people outside running around, older brothers and sisters. That kind of comparison gives us a feeling that “something is wrong with me.” “I’m not that good of a thinker.” If you’ve got any of that sort of thing those are basically lies. Those are issues, cellular memories, energy patterns, or beliefs that are not accurate, that don’t serve us. We will go to all kinds of extremes to prove them to be true. If our beliefs are not true we feel like we’re floating in the air. Beliefs are like gravity, they keep me connected to what I believe is reality. Yes, but the reality you’ve chosen doesn’t serve you. Choose another reality.

We can heal those lies by just relaxing, adding more energy into the healing centers, and stuff starts to clarify. And making it easy, don’t work hard at it. Making it hard makes us go into self protection. Now we’re holding on to what we already know. The goal is to get a new point of view. “I want to get a point of view about my mental acuity that describes it as really sharp. I can connect the dots. I can see patterns. I can reason unbelievably well. That’s what I’m interested in.” That’s a new point of view. It feels real, real good.

Participant: That makes sense. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Michael for being on the call. Welcome to the family. Somebody else?

Participant: (Beth Ann) I would like some guidance and a Code regarding patience especially regarding creating my book. I’ve been working on this a long time. I feel like I’m making a lot of inner progress with the Codes and not much outer progress with the manuscript. I’m impatient about this. I’m generally impatient regarding my healing all around.

Tom Costello: The other day my wife looked at a bamboo plant we have in the kitchen. “Did you notice that bamboo plant? It didn’t do anything, didn’t do anything, didn’t do anything. We’ve had that thing for maybe three years and it didn’t do anything. All of a sudden it shot up like crazy. Did you notice that?” I said, “You are not familiar with the bamboo story that is used in self-improvement circles?” She said, “What are you talking about?”

Bamboo is notorious for being a slow grower. It puts in roots, puts in roots, puts in roots and it doesn’t do anything, and doesn’t do anything. Then basically over night it shoots up. It seemed like forever it wasn’t making any progress and all of a sudden it’s skyrocketed. That, I think, is relative and germane to this situation and to a lot of our situations.

Chapter 2. The universe just whispered to me and asked me to mention to you what it hears when it hears impatience or, you didn’t use the word but it’s a popular one, frustration. We think impatience is a way to speed something up. If I am impatient it’s The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 7 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello going to help traffic move faster. Uh, it hasn’t ever worked for me yet. If I can be frustrated it’s going to make things work faster. It hasn’t worked for me yet. The universe said point out to Beth Ann and the other people on the call that when human beings are impatient they broadcast the signal to the universe that says “I cannot have what I want.”

Participant: And so we get more of that, not havingness.

Tom Costello: They are placing the order with the universe and the order is “I can’t have what I want.” The same with frustration. I don’t think that is actually what they want to be saying to the universe.

I’ve been always of the persuasion that I was going to work on patience my next life. Somehow things tend to work out to help us go through that curriculum whether we want to or not. Now what you want to look at: is this happening at the right time?

Participant: This meaning?

Tom Costello: The book. Is this book manifesting at the perfect speed? It’s manifesting at whatever speed it’s manifesting at. It’s coming into being at whatever speed it is coming at. I can either be unhappy about it or be grateful about it. Only one of those is going to make me feel good though. Which one should I choose? I think I’m going to be grateful that this is all happening at the perfect speed.

I have a client who is an inventory, getting real frustrated at the development of the prototype. I said, “It’s going to happen.” Then finally, just before he went to build the prototype he got the idea of a change that made it so much better, so much more efficient, so much more functional. It’s going to be cheaper to manufacture and more durable and everything. So, the delay, was it a good thing or a bad thing?

Participant: The perfect thing.

Tom Costello: So this several months of growling and fidgeting, you could have skipped that entirely, right? What you thought was a setback was actually a blessing. He said, “Oh, undoubtedly.” I think the same thing is true.

Final point before I give you a Code. I make you sit through this. I was reading a book last night. The guy grew up in China. He was a young child, nine years old, during the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution was basically, “Let’s re-educate or kill anybody who knows anything, any person who is making profit, anybody who is educated, anybody who is thinking for themselves.” They just basically wiped out thousands upon thousands of people. His parents became marked “bad people”. One night in the middle of a cold rain storm there was a knock on the door. They were thrown out of their home. It was a government apartment. They were thrown out. The Nanny, the mother, a widower who lived with them and four little children, this kid at nine was the oldest, they were evicted. No place to do. Nobody would take them in. If they took The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 8 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello them in they would become “bad people” subject to beatings and evictions and maybe even worse. About three days later, living in doorways, under bridges, under boxes, there was a violent clash between factions in that area. They were shooting at each other and fighting. They fire a mortar shell and it goes through the window of where they lived and exploded. Of course they weren’t there because they had been evicted. Had they been there they would have all been killed. They weren’t because they were evicted. So, was the eviction a setback or was it a blessing? When it was happening, “This is a funny looking blessing. This doesn’t look like a blessing to me.” That’s not how we would think of it. We’d go, ah, this is awful. This is terrible. This is an injustice. This is bad news. But several days later they go, “That was a good thing. That was a mighty good thing. Wow, it’s funny how these wonderful things collaborate to keep us safe.”

Now he’s a famous guy in the United States. Hmmmm…. Interesting.

I think you could look at this process of the book coming into existence as a blessed event. If you deliver this baby before full term, “I would have another chapter or two. I would have had a different cover. I would have reorganized the sequence of the chapters. I would have ….” Say, “I want my book to come to full term. I accept that as a blessing.” Right? You don’t want to deliver this baby prematurely.

What is full term? I don’t know. A book is not like human baby, typically 9 months. Maybe this is more like an elephant baby, years. You could lighten up about it, then it makes the birth easier. You’re the mother. As you lighten up that birth is easier. Impatience -- “Doctor is it over yet? Is it over yet?” “No. You got pregnant 4 nights ago.” So I’ve got to wait. “I’m going to relax and let this book come to full term. I’m going to enjoy the “pregnancy”.” It will be easier and a healthier book. It makes perfect sense to me. What you deliver will be more fully formed and a greater representation of your highest energy. (Tom tests for a Code). Love your baby even before you deliver it. It seems like more fun to me.

Participant: Certainly. Yeah.

Tom Costello: (Delivers the Custom Code)

Participant: Thank you. I really appreciate this.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Beth Ann. Bye. Someone else?

I’m going to prime the pump. I think this area of helping ourselves is a pretty conflicted area. We want to help ourselves but over the course of our lives, particularly when we were young, we may not have been very skillful at it. We wanted money when we were children. To me it’s a fundamental need of a child to have money, even a child. If we didn’t have an allowance or we didn’t earn it by some chore in the house, chances are we didn’t approach it by looking for a want ad. “I’m five years old. Let me see if there’s a want ad so I can go earn some money.” That’s not likely. What is likely we would have taken it from our parents, either asked them for it or not asked them for it. “I helped The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 9 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello myself.” “I helped myself to the change on my father’s dresser.” “I helped myself to the money in the glove compartment.” “I helped myself to money in my mother’s wallet.” “I helped myself to a pack of chewing gum at the grocery store.” Only 99.999999999% of the people do that. That other however many didn’t in my opinion because they didn’t have opportunity. It is a natural thing to acquire, to gain energy, to take energy, just like it is to eat. We want energy. You don’t have to be very old to recognize that money is an energy that is very useful to have. If we helped to ourselves and there were negative consequences, “You helped yourself to the cookie in the cookie jar! AH!!” “Excuse me, Mom, the cookies were put in the cookie jar for what purpose? You were archiving them? You were developing a museum cookie? This is storage? Aren’t they to be eaten?” That kind of experience; I helped myself and there were negative consequences. I helped myself and I was called selfish. I helped myself or I wanted to help myself and I was told people were starving elsewhere in the world. I helped myself and somebody told me that “money didn’t grow on trees and didn’t I know….” Afterwards it’s like helping yourself feels almost like putting your hands on a hot stove.

Now it’s like “Help yourself!” “Oh no! If you could see my inventory of cellular memories about helping myself, oh man! The pain, the hurt, the embarrassment, the helplessness – No, no, no. I’m putting my hands back in my pocket. I’m not helping myself. You feed me. You help me. You do it. You do it.”

So many people have been taught not to help themselves but to help others. This is like the situation where somebody says, “You’re selfish. You’re thinking of yourself. You should be thinking of me.” Hold on a second. Let’s hit the pause button. Let’s reason this out. If I think of me I’m selfish, but if you and I think of you that’s not selfish? Selfish is a word that is used by people to control other people to get them to think about them. “Don’t help yourself. Help me.” Depending on your circumstances where you grew up, you can see that certain people were excellent at getting help. Other people were better at learning how to help themselves. Other people were good at helping themselves. Others were good at helping others to help themselves.

This idea of giving a person a fish and you feed him for a day can get mighty old mighty fast. It leads to resentment, martyrdom, anger. “They don’t respect the fish I gave. I gave them help and they just act like it is their birthright. They don’t do anything to help themselves.” That helper becomes the victimizer. He gets so angry at the people who didn’t respect the help they were getting. But the other person didn’t want to learn to help themselves. “Give me the fish. Come tomorrow and bring me the fish. Come the day after and bring me the fish.”

That’s okay if you’re a human baby. Human babies require a tremendous amount of help compared to other mammal babies; horses and ponies and puppies and kittens. Those little things are going to be standing and trying to do things on their own very, very quickly after birth. A human baby doesn’t try to stand for maybe a year or so. They require a lot of help. It’s a good thing. Then the terrible two’s and terrible three’s want to be helped to help themselves. “Let me do it. I want to do it. Let me help. Let me do it.” If the parent is wise enough to help that child develop the ability to help, now it’s The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 10 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello much easier for them to move into “I can help myself.” A lot of people are not encouraged to do that. That, I believe, is what a lot of us need to be working on. I want to help myself. How can I help myself? That’s the question, how can I help myself? Not railing about the weather or what’s not going right, but how can I help myself?

Then listen for the answer. Doing the Code, I think, is a great way to add energy. Doing The Healing Codes is a great way to help ourselves. What are we doing? We’re shining light, energy, into areas that my be dark or cloudy or foggy or encumbered with erroneous beliefs or energy patterns like superstition, prejudices, fears and doubts and nonsense. “I’m helping myself by cleaning out the attic of these erroneous beliefs.” That’s right. “I want to know what I’m capable of. How can I help myself?” Now there’s a direction to that. Simply by that question, the answer is going to be a step in that direction. If you get any kind of answer to that question that is not specifically answering the question “How can I help myself?” “Well, at your age you should be able to…..” That’s not an answer to the question. Ask it again. “How can I help myself?” “Well, it’s about time!” That’s not an answer. “How can I help myself?”

Recognize that those voices are scolding voices that are prerecorded announcements that we probably have gotten from somebody in our life early on; parents, teachers, older siblings, some authority figure who in their own upset at themselves passed their static on to us.

I think there’s a dilemma that we’re going to face as we go to help ourselves. When we habituate a certain way of doing things, of being, of doing and having, and then we say, “I’m ready for something new. I’m ready for change.” We don’t realize that we have something similar to what people have in their yards for a dog, an invisible fence. “Why do you have an invisible fence?” “Oh, I’m trying to protect my dog. I don’t want my dog to go out in traffic. I don’t want it to stray off the property. I want it to stay in this safe area. That’s why I have a wireless fence.”

We create these wireless fences for ourselves; comfort zones, familiarity zones is a better phrase, force field. “I want to change. I want to expand. I want to grow. I want to do something different.” zzzzzt! What was that? It is the wireless fence that we have created that says, “Doing it this way is the right way. Doing it in a new different way is not a right way. It’s risky. It’s potentially dangerous. It’s unknown. We don’t know. We’re not certain of the expectation. It’s a mystery out there. Stay with the known. Stay here. Don’t venture into these unknown territories.”

We are explorers. We are growers. We are discoverers. It’s built into us to explore and expand. We do it with our minds. We do it with our bodies. We are ever expanding, enhancing, growing and reaching out there, going on and on and on into these new frontiers. But, depending on how threatening our backgrounds are is an indication to me of how high the voltage in the invisible fence will be.

Does somebody have questions, answers, a situation? The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 11 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Okay, let me continue. Final couple of points.

Imagine that you’re standing in a space that has an invisible fence. It’s a dodecagon. That’s a 12 sided figure. I call those sides 12 Worlds; spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, family, financial, career, social, leisure, community, political and maintenance. Think of it like this. If you go in one direction….

Participant: (Lanya) I’m really new to this. I just got my course and through the 12 Days. I have a lot of questions. I don’t want to hog your time.

Tom Costello: You’re helping yourself and everybody else by asking questions.

Participant: I want to know if the four healing centers that you use; Adam’s apple, bridge, temple and jaw, are they aiming at glands in the brain? Are you aiming at the thyroid when you do the Adam’s apple?

Tom Costello: You are aiming at the control centers. In your manual you will find a specific indication of what you’re doing. Glands and the endocrine system are important; the amygdule, the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the thyroid, all that. Yes.

Participant: What are you aiming at with the Jaw position? It must be something in the brain? Do you know what it is?

Tom Costello: We know what it is from a biological standpoint. Are we actually affecting that or not? We think we are. Scientifically it’s very difficult to validate it. In a second I’ll walk through that with you. What’s your next question?

Participant: Why do the Codes have to be done in particular orders? Wouldn’t they work just as well if you just spent time sort of doing all four areas in no particular order? Is there a reason?

Tom Costello: That was the way they were “given” or “received” by Alex Loyd. The sequences have different meanings. We describe it like this. It’s very difficult to test this, but if you walked up to a keypad on the garage which opens the door, it’s 0 through 9, the numbers. I could hit all of those numbers in any sequence, but there is only one sequence that is actually going to open my door. If you think of it like there’s a combination to particular energy flows then it says the sequence is the deliver of energy in that sequence.

If you were to play the piano and hit all the keys at once or hit them from one end to the other, “Well, I played all the keys.” Van Clyburn would say, “If you play them in a different sequence it could be more interesting and sound prettier.” Because we couldn’t really say “Do it in any sequence that you want and we’re going to compare that to doing that in the sequence that we’re telling you to do it in.” You are only one test subject. We seem to think there is a particular sequence. I think any sequence is going to be of value, however. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 12 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: I just wondered if there was some special meaning to it being done in all these particular ways. Let’s say you didn’t have your little book with you and you want to do it just sitting some place for five minutes. Would that help?

Tom Costello: I do think so. Here’s an important point to everybody. I like this statement. How we feel about what we’re doing is oftentimes more important than what we are doing. I think this has application when you sit down to eat a meal. If you bless the food, say grace, give a prayer of gratitude, that has a dramatic impact on the value of the food you’re eating. You could be angry, and a lot of people eat angry. You could eat an organic salad angry and give yourself a stomach ache. The food was excellent but the way we were doing it was the issue.

Let me go back to your first question. I’m reading now from “The Healing Centers” in the Manual. “If you follow the path as it goes directly into the body you would see that the jaws goes to the reactive or the emotional brain including the amygdule and the hippocampus plus the spinal cord and the central nervous system.” This is in your manual.

Participant: Where is it? The manual is so huge I just paid attention to the DVD which said not to get bogged down with reading the whole manual before you start. Just start. That’s what I’m doing.

Tom Costello: That’s good. Doing it is way more important than reading about it.

Participant: I’m usually one of those people who reads the whole thing and then starts. I thought it would be weeks.

Tom Costello: I had somebody say, “It’s going to take me two months to go through the manual before I start.” I said, “No, no! Start.” Don’t read.

Participant: I’m good at following directions, thought, so I did what the DVD said. He said, “Don’t do that because my wife would do that.” I said, “Okay, I won’t.” What page is that on?

Tom Costello: I’m looking at my computer. I’ll look in the book in a minute. What’s your next question?

Participant: I’ve got such a list here. How is it that coaches are able to test?

Tom Costello: That’s a proprietary technique. Are you familiar with kinesiology at all?

Participant: I am. Is it a type of muscle testing that they are doing?

Tom Costello: It’s in that same range. Yeah. That would be the ballpark.

Participant: It’s something Dr. Loyd developed? The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 13 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: When I first got the course I was a little bit confused. I thought it was for emotional healing which works on physical things. Then when I got the course it was start with a prayer/request. I have questions about that. I phoned into the office and they said I should ask on the Q&A.

Tom Costello: That’s right. I’m the best person.

Participant: Is it actually just a way of focusing the intention and if you’re not comfortable doing the prayer part? It’s not faith healing, right? It’s not spiritual faith healing? I have family members and friends who I think would be interested but I know if I try to explain it to them a little bit better they might say okay. If they see the prayer thing they’re going to be “no way. I don’t want to do that.” How could you explain it to me so I could explain?

Tom Costello: Possibly. But the most difficult people to explain stuff to are relatives. A prophet in his home town is in big trouble. I wouldn’t invest a lot of energy in that initially. I like the scene from “When Harry Met Sally”. Do you remember that? Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal? You want them to be sitting off to the side going, “I want what she’s having.” When they see you demonstrate results, they’re going to want what you have.

In the mean time I say this. The prayer/request – the prayer is for people with a comfortable relationship with God and the request is for those who would prefer to deal with it differently. It is intention setting. You, on one level are speaking to yourself. You are speaking to your subconscious mind. You are speaking to every cell in your body.

Participant: My higher intelligence.

Tom Costello: Yes. Infinite Intelligence, God, Life Force, Source, Yahweh, the Great Spirit, whatever. That’s what it is.

I like to say this to people. You are the president of your own country. By the way, depending on your body size you have 50 trillion to 100 trillion citizens. They think, they move, they reproduce, they eat, they breathe and they excrete. They only know what’s going on through your broadcasts. You broadcast them through your immune system, through your endocrine system, through what you think, through what you feel, through what you say. If you’re saying or thinking things like “Life is hard and then you die.” That’s the message that you’re sending to your citizens and you might want to reconsider that.

Participant: Don’t live by those bumper stickers. Let me just clarify this one more time for my own understanding. The healing – you guys aren’t guaranteeing physical healing. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 14 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello You’re talking about emotional healing. We know you can’t make those claims because the FDA is all over that.

Tom Costello: Actually if we’re talking in the United States and we are, we’re probably not even allowed to talk about emotional healing. It’s better for us to be talking about energetic healing or spiritual healing. Now the FDA, the AMA and all the rest of these government organizations will go, “Oh, well, we can’t really make these people take pills and have surgeries.”

Participant: So let me just ask the question as plain as I can and we’ll not worry about the FDA right now. The thing I wanted to know is where is the healing coming from? The healing is coming from me or is the healing (did you mean what * just said) is the healing coming from inside me or from other entity like God or something? Is it from me?

Tom Costello: Answer this question, when you scratch your finger and it heals, where is that coming from?

Participant: Well, I would say that it’s coming from a wonderfully designed body by God. I believe in God. Absolutely. I wouldn’t say that’s a faith healing or spiritual healing. I just want to be totally clear.

Tom Costello: It’s not faith healing because it’s a mechanical kind of thing. It is part of design. We don’t cause healing. We either allow it or interfere with it.

Participant: Or block it, right?

Tom Costello: Block it, exactly.

Participant: This is like unblocking the channels? Get it moving and let the body do what it does?

Tom Costello: Stress is the blocker. Depending on who you talk to 80 – 95% of all illness and disease are stress related. Stress is the problem. We’re looking to reduce the stress and then the body takes over by design.

Participant: That makes total sense. Actually the drug companies and doctors are running around treating all these other things but they never get to the root cause of it. People end up on a lifetime worth of drugs and they end up worse with all the side- effects. It’s really not getting to the cause. I’m completely with you there.

I’ve been getting some e-mails about LT3. I was on the site looking at some of the other things that go with The Healing Codes. There was something called Q Codes. What is that about? What is the difference? The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 15 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Tom Costello: The Healing Codes are our foundational package. In reality that’s all you need. End of story. Now you can live happily ever after if you use them. The Q Codes are a slightly different delivery mechanism designed to be more powerful, to amplify it, to crank up the energy. It’s an additional product that we sell. Do you need it? No. You’ve got what you need. Do you want bells and whistles? Some people….

Participant: Yes, please.

Tom Costello: For some people it’s very powerful. It can be faster. A particular session takes less time. A lot of people like that. It is more powerful.

Participant: I’m falling off doing these Healing Codes. I’m sticking with them. Holding my arms up for half an hour to an hour at a time, doing it all in one big shot – wow, if I could find anything to make it a little easier on the arms. They’re going numb after a while.

Tom Costello: You missed the point about resting your arms on pillows.

Participant: I am actually. But my arms still go kind of numb.

Tom Costello: Then The Q Codes could be for you because they require less time.

Participant: You do The Healing Codes? You don’t get rid of The Healing Codes to replace it with The Q Codes? Right?

Tom Costello: No. It’s in addition to.

Participant: What’s the LT3?

Tom Costello: LT3 is a program developed by Alex close to a year ago. He’s the only one who delivers that right now. It is a more comprehensive delivery and more complicated delivery of The Healing Codes into the body. Clearly it is more expensive. For that investment you are going to want to spend more time working on it during the day.

Participant: How much is it?

Tom Costello: $2500.

Participant: How much more time a day would you need?

Tom Costello: Three or four times as much as you already do.

Participant: Three or four hours a day?

Tom Costello: No, no. How much to you spend doing it now? The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 16 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: When I first started through the 12 Days I was doing it for an hour a day. Now I’m finding half an hour is about all I can handle right now.

Tom Costello: I would think probably anywhere from an hour or three hours a day.

Participant: Is that just short term?

Tom Costello: I guess it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Let me come back to this, though. When you do The Healing Codes are you doing them an hour at a clip?

Participant: Yes.

Tom Costello: If your schedule is okay with that, that’s perfectly fine. On the other hand I sometimes think of it like this. I’m going to get up in the morning and I’m going to wash my hands for an hour. Then the next day I’m going to wash my hands for an hour in the morning. Actually, you know what I think I’m going to do? I’m going to wash my hands for X number of minutes in the morning and I’m going to wash my hands X number of minutes mid morning. Then I’m going to was my hands X number of minutes mid afternoon and I’m going to wash my hands X number of minutes early evening. That’s another way to apply it.

Participant: If I can break it up it’s better you’re saying. I’m just doing as much as I can do right now.

Tom Costello: Because of a condition you are dealing with?

Participant: Yes. I’m dealing with some really severe health problems so that’s why I kind of attacked it doing the one category. I put the CD’s in and usually it’s about 15 minutes for the two codes and I just keep hitting repeat and do it 3-4 times if I can stand it.

Tom Costello: Here’s what you're going to want to do. You’re going to want to avoid making this hard work. Hard work is stress. Stress is what you’re trying to reduce. Then the body’s design can take over. If you keep adding stress the body design is not going to take over.

Participant: Better to quit before the point where my arms are in pain and my shoulders ache. In my excitement I’m overdoing it.

Tom Costello: If you can translate that into a good thing, and you can. It’s like going to a gym and having a workout. “I’m really helping myself. I’m doing a great job. "At-a- girl". That’s a good thing. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 17 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: That’s how I’m doing it. It’s just my one arm starts cramping up. I’m really positive while I’m doing it.

Tom Costello: Stop before the cramps.

Participant: I will. I just love doing it so I just keep going. I don’t know how to do the individual requests for Codes. Do I give you an issue or a picture. I’d love to do that. I haven’t done that yet. How do we do it? I don’t know the process.

Tom Costello: You can share anything about your condition or nothing about your condition whatever makes you comfortable.

Participant: I would go with a picture or something I’m dealing with. What’s a really big problem for me is sleep disorder, a lot of insomnia and sleep disorder.

Tom Costello: I’d like to suggest that you take the “sleep disorder” as a phrase and throw it out the window. You recognize it is an opinion that was given to you, right?

Participant: Well, sort of. When you’re not sleeping all night you figure it’s a sleep disorder.

Tom Costello: No, no. If you’re not sleeping all night, you’re not sleeping all night. It doesn’t have to be a disorder. It doesn’t have to be a disease. If you don’t empower the problem you’re going to be happier with yourself. Even insomnia, we’re into a heavy- duty classification kind of society. “Let’s label that person. Let’s label this.” “Restless leg syndrome”, “Social anxiety”, it’s unbelievable.

Participant: They’re making up stuff now for commercials I notice.

Tom Costello: “I’ve got hair growing disorder.” My hair grows. “Oh my God! You’ve got to go to a specialist. He’s got some medication or something.”

Participant: You need to go to the barber more.

Tom Costello: You are not sleeping the way you want to sleep.

Participant: Exactly.

Tom Costello: You know what it feels like to sleep the way you want to sleep.

Participant: It’s been a long time, but of course my body at some point knows. Yes.

Tom Costello: Can you remember what that was like?

Participant: You want me to remember right now? I’m trying. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 18 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: That memory is not just a memory. It’s a command. It’s a command to your citizens. Here’s an image for me. On a cool winter night (I’m in Florida. We don’t even know what those things are). On a cool winter night to get in a comforter. When you snuggle into that and tuck it around you, ahhhhh! The feeling of security and how delicious that feels – I never had that as a kid. I have it as an adult. I love my bed. I love that. It is that sort of feeling that you are looking for.

Participant: Sleep has not been good for me for about 13 years because I had a car accident that created chronic spinal pain and neck pain. I can’t get comfortable. For me that represents pain. Maybe we can change that.

Tom Costello: You recognize that one of the major aspects of healing is rest. Rest is when the body goes into the shop for maintenance. About a year or more ago I read an article. There was a test of two groups of women. They wanted to see what impact on weight loss continuous activity would have relative to a group of control subjects. The took people with the same kind of lifestyle, etc, etc. The only difference was one group they kept stimulated and active doing things, doing things, doing things. The other group they didn’t. They allowed them to sleep as much as they wanted.

The group the slept the most lost the most weight.

Participant: Their cortisol levels would be going through the roof.

Tom Costello: Exactly. And the body got a chance to normalize. “I’m going to make my body loose weight.” Hello! Allow your body to do what it knows how to do. That was surprising to a lot of scientists who were involved in it. Rest is a mighty good thing.

Participant: If I can get some rest I’m sure the pain levels would go down, too. I’m dealing with quite a battle here. That’s why I ordered the course. I was excited to get into it.

Tom Costello: You were dealing with the central nervous system and the spinal cord. Is that what you’re working on?

Participant: I was hoping for something to do with sleep. Focusing on insomnia in the book.

Tom Costello: I would think that one of the things that you’re going to want to deal with is to recognize that you are supported. You are supported by your body. You are supported by your spine. You are supported by your bed. You are supported by your muscles and your bones. You are supported by the earth. You are supported by everything. If you can make that the new norm… That’s right. I am being supported. Another way to say that is you are being helped by all of those. If that’s true for you then all of a sudden then maybe your comfort is going to be such that you will be able to sleep. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 19 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello If you turn over and wake up or adjust your position you could think “I’m supported.” There is a Code that you can do that is easy to do lying on your side. How do you sleep?

Participant: I’m in so much pain that I’m propped up on pillows actually. I lay flat on my back and once a find a position that’s not too bad I don’t move all night.

Tom Costello: What I was going to mention is a Code that is really geared for left side and right side. If you were to just focus on being supported, those pillows that are propping you up are supporting you. That’s a reality on a greater level than just pillows. (Tom tests for and delivers the Code)

Participant: How do I use the individual? Do I just stop doing the Codes in the book and focus on this until the problem is gone?

Tom Costello: I would do this four or five days and then I’d go back to doing what you want in the 12 Days. Have you made peace with your accident?

Participant: Consciously is one thing. Subconsciously I don’t know. There’s probably a lot of junk in there.

Tom Costello: I’ve had people say “I’ve been working at this for 30 years. I’ve forgiven everything, everything, everything. I did Day 1, Unforgiveness. I couldn’t believe the stuff that came up. Unbelievable!” The Healing Codes tends to be very deep. I would suggest you look at that.

Participant: What are you telling me to do? Go back into The Healing Codes manual and do Unforgiveness?

Tom Costello: I would clear everything having to do with that accident. I would forgive myself for being at that point in time. I would forgive God.

Participant: Forgive the guy who hit me.

Tom Costello: Yes. Exactly. Forgive it all.

Participant: I thought I did. I know it was an accident. The guy didn’t do it on purpose. Consciously I think I did, but maybe unconsciously there might be something else.

Tom Costello: As you relax into it, and you’re just observing…. This is what you can do if it’s inconvenient to move your hands. Do this. You wake up in the middle of the night, at four in the morning. In stead of going, “Oh, here we go again.” Just go, “I know I’m being supported.” Think of that Code. It’s simple enough, right? It’s basically two steps. You think of it and you don’t even have to use your arms.

Participant: Just think of it? Okay. The Healing Codes 01.08.2009 20 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Tom Costello: Some people would say, “Just to help me think of it I’m going to touch those two points and them I’m putting my hands back in my lap.” A little while later I’m going to touch the other two points and put my hands back in my lap.

Participant: Very good. I like that idea. That means I can go a little longer when I get tired. Excellent. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you answering all those questions for me. That’s just brilliant.

Tom Costello: Thanks for being on the call.

Participant: Thank you very much.

Tom Costello: We are nearing the top of the hour. I’m going to open the floor. If somebody has a burning question that needs to be asked for you to help yourself, or literally help others, I would like to do that before we end the call this evening. Please step forward if that is true.

In that case I’d like to (did I hear somebody?) I want to thank you for being on the call tonight, folks. More important than that, thank you for doing The Healing Codes. I’m a firm believer that if any one of us makes our light burn brighter, we make all of our lights burn brighter. One person improving improves everything on the planet. The more of us that improve, the more the planet is going to improve. The planet needs people modeling awareness, compassion, self respect, self acceptance, self care, the ability to help themselves and the willingness to appreciate and help others help themselves. I think that’s the name of the game. That’s what we’re doing.

I thank you for helping us to do that and for participating along with us of this work of planetary improvement – how about that? Sounds Star Trekie.

Happy New Year.

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