80% of Our Students Will Graduate from High School College Or Career Ready s12

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80% of Our Students Will Graduate from High School College Or Career Ready s12

English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 Introduction In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025.

By 2025, ● 80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready ● 90% of students will graduate on time ● 100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity.

In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high-quality, College and Career Ready standards- aligned instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the foundations for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The CLIP ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for all students, across content areas. Destination 2025 and the CLIP establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools and are the underpinning for the development of the English/Language Arts curriculum maps.

Designed with the teacher in mind, the English/Language Arts (ELA) curriculum maps focus on literacy teaching and learning, which include instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This map presents a framework for organizing instruction around the TN State Standards (CCR) so that every student meets or exceeds requirements for college and career readiness. The standards define what to teach at specific grade levels, and this map provides guidelines and research-based approaches for implementing instruction to ensure students achieve their highest potentials.

A standards-based curriculum, performance-based learning and assessments, and high quality instruction are at the heart of the ELA Curriculum maps. Educators will use this map and the standards as a road map for curriculum and instruction. Carefully crafted curricular sequences and quality instructional resources enable teachers to devote more time and energy in delivering instruction and assessing the effectiveness of instruction for all learners in their classrooms, including those with special learning needs.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 1 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 How to Use the Literacy Curriculum Maps Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. This will require a comprehensive, integrated approach to literacy instruction that ensures that students become college and career ready readers, writers, and communicators. To achieve this, students must receive literacy instruction aligned to each of the elements of effective literacy program seen in the figure to the right. This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what literacy content to teach and how to teach it so that, ultimately, our students can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their instructional practice in alignment the with the three College and Career Ready shifts in instruction for ELA/Literacy. We should see these three shifts in all SCS literacy classrooms: (1) Regular practice with complex text and its academic language.

(2) Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational.

(3) Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction.

Throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts that students should be reading, as well as some resources and tasks to support you in ensuring that students are able to reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage resources around each of the three shifts that teachers should consistently access:

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 2 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 The Tennessee State ELA Standards

The Tennessee State ELA Standards (also known as the Teachers can access the Tennessee State Standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and College and Career Ready Literacy Standards): represent college and career ready student learning at each respective grade level. http://tn.gov/education/article/english-language- arts-standards

Shift 1: Regular Practice with Complex Text and its Academic Language

Student Achievement Partners Text Complexity Collection: Teachers can learn more about how to select complex texts (using quantitative, qualitative, and reader/task measures) using the resources in this collection. http://achievethecore.org/page/642/text-complexity- collection

Student Achievement Partners Academic Word Finder: Teachers can copy and paste a text into this tool, which then generates the most significant Tier 2 academic http://achievethecore.org/page/1027/academic-word-finder vocabulary contained within the text.

Shift 2: Reading, Writing and Speaking Grounded in Evidence from the Text

Student Achievement Partners Text-Dependent Questions Teachers can use the resources in this set of resources to craft their own text-dependent questions based on Resources: their qualitative and reader/task measures text complexity analysis. http://achievethecore.org/page/710/text-dependent-question- resources

Shift 3: Building Knowledge through Content-Rich Non-fiction

Student Achievement Partners Text Set Projects Sequenced: Teachers can use this resource to learn about how to sequence texts into “expert packs” to build student knowledge of the world. http://achievethecore.org/page/1098/text-set-project- sequenced-under-construction

Curriculum Maps, Grades K-2

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 3 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 ● Begin by examining the selected text(s) and the target Reading Foundational Skills. Read the text carefully and consider what topic or content students should learn from reading the text. Then, review the aligned essential question and culminating task your topic focus for the week. Review the target Reading Foundational Skills resources to internalize the weekly outcomes for students. At this grade band, foundational skills and language comprehension are of equal importance and need to be addressed fully every day. ● Locate the TDOE Standards in the left column and the aligned evidence statements. Analyze the language of the standards and consider how the text supports the listed reading standards. Note that Reading Anchor Standard 1 and Reading Anchor Standard 10 are not included in the curriculum maps, but should be addressed every week, as students should consistently be reading rigorous grade-level texts and citing evidence when writing or speaking about the text: ○ CCR Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

○ CCR Reading Anchor Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

● Consult your Journeys Teachers’ Edition (TE) and other cited references to map out your week(s) of instruction. ● Plan your weekly and daily objectives, using the evidence statements to help. ● Study the suggested performance assessments in the right-hand column, and match them to your objectives. Consider which tasks best target the essential question and content for the week, as well as alignment to standards.

● When planning for the reading of a text, plan the questions you will ask each day using these three types of questions: those that derive general understanding, those that address craft and structure, and those that elicit an overall meaning of the text. Be sure that the questions you ask will lead students to better understand the text and lead to success on your selected performance assessments. They should also build toward your essential question. Remember at this grade band, complex texts need to be addressed through a read aloud or shared reading, as students have not fully mastered decoding skills well enough to tackle complex text on their own.

● Examine the other standards and skills you will need to address—writing, language skills, and speaking and listening skills. Review the suggested vocabulary for explicit instruction as listed in the map in addition to the words listed in the TE.

● Consider how you will support building student knowledge through supplemental reading, content, research, and/or writing around the topic for the week. If a TWAG (Two-Weeks at a Glance) outline is available, review how the two weeks work together to build knowledge.

● Remember to include differentiated activities for small group instruction and literacy stations.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 4 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 Two-Weeks at a Glance (TWAG) Outlines Beginning in the 2016-17 school year the SCS curriculum maps will include six or more “TWAG outlines” throughout the year in each grade. These outlines demonstrate how to spend two weeks digging deeply into a high-quality, complex anchor text from the Journeys series in order to build student knowledge around the topic of the story. By studying a high-leverage topic over two weeks, students will have more opportunities to grow their knowledge and vocabulary, while simultaneously building their literacy skills. The curriculum map will align to the TWAG outline, but the full outline will be found in the Appendix to the map. It is important to note that while the map will skip some stories in Journeys to build in time for the TWAG outlines, teachers should continue with the foundational skills strand as outlined in the text and the maps. The foundational skills strand follows a systematic, research based progression, and it is highly recommended that teachers use that progression to guide their instruction. TWAG outlines were developed by SCS teachers and coaches in partnership with Student Achievement Partners and other districts across the country.

Using the WIDA MPIs WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards and example Model Performance Indicator (MPI) strands appear within this document to provide teachers with appropriate scaffolding examples for ELLs and struggling readers. Strands of MPIs related to the domain of Reading are provided and linked to the corresponding set of CCR standards. By referencing the provided MPIs and those MPIs within the given links, teachers can craft "I can" statements that are appropriately leveled for ELLs (and struggling readers) in their classrooms. Additionally, MPIs can be referenced for designing new and/or modifying existing assessments.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 5 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2

TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks Week 1-Lesson 1 Reading Selections ● Henry and Mudge (Lexile 240) ● All in the Family (Lexile 530) Essential Question: What are the steps you take to be a responsible pet owner?

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 6 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to distinguish Phonics and Fluency RF.2.3a-Distinguish long and short vowels short vowels when reading one-syllable ● Phonics: Words with Short Vowels a, i when reading one-syllable words. words RF.2.3b-Knows spelling-sound ● CVC Syllable Pattern (closed syllable) correspondences for additional vowel teams.  Demonstrates the ability to decode and spell words with short vowel sounds RF.2.3f-Recognize and read grade-appropriate ● Fluency: Accuracy and Word Recognition irregularly spelled words.  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and● Decodable Readers: RF.2.4a-Read grade-level text with purpose read grade appropriate high frequency and understanding. words We Camp, pp. 1-8 RF.2.4b-Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression  Demonstrates the ability to read and The Picnic Ants, pp. 9-16 successive readings. comprehend grade appropriate text RF.2.4c-Use context to confirm or self-correct Performance Assessments recognition and understanding, rereading as  Demonstrates the ability to fluently read necessary. grade level appropriate text with ● Journeys Comprehensive Screening Assessment expression. ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1  Demonstrates the ability to read and use context to confirm or self-correct word ● Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 1 recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. ● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 1, build, read, sort, words with short vowels, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/P_016b.pdf ● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice, decodable readers

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 7 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks

Reading Literature and Informational Text  Provides a description of how words and Performance Assessments RL.2.4-Describe how words and phrases (e.g., phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1 regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated story, poem, or song. lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 poem, or song.  Provides a description of the overall RL.2.5-Describe the overall structure of a story, structure of a story, including how the ● Teacher-created including describing how the beginning beginning introduces the story and how introduces the story and the ending concludes the ending concludes the action. Text Dependent Questions the action.  How do Henry’s feelings change at the end of the story? Explain why. (key details) Related Science Standard GLE 0207.2.3 Identify basic ways that plants  Describe the illustration on page 20. Explain and animals depend on each other. how it supports the text on page 21. (text structure)  What words does the author use to describe Mudge? (vocabulary/author word choice)  After reading pages 16 and 17, how would you describe the main character? Give evidence to support your claims. (opinions)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 1, story map, story retelling sequence cards, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_010b.pdf

Writing/Research  Recounts a well-elaborated event in a Routine Writing W.2.3-Write narratives in which they recount a Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 8 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks well-elaborated event or short sequence of narrative writing. ● Write simple sentences in response to literature events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal word  Recounts a short sequence of events in a● List three details from a story. words to signal event order, and provide a narrative writing. Includes details to sense of closure. describe actions, thoughts, and feelings in● Daily Proofreading Practice W.2.5-Focus on a topic and strengthen writing a narrative writing. by revising and editing. ● Projectables 1.3, 1.7, 1.9  Uses temporal words to signal event W.2.8-Recall information from experiences or order in a narrative writing. gather information from provided sources to answer a question. Writing Tasks  Provides writing that is focused on a Henry found a perfect pet for himself in the story Henry topic. and Mudge when he received Mudge as a special gift. At the end of the story, Mudge was a very big dog. Write a Strengthens writing as needed when  paragraph to describe how Henry may be feeling and revising and editing. what he will have to do now to take care of her and be a responsible pet owner.  Recalls information from experiences to answer a question in writing.

 Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in writing.

Speaking and Listening  Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments SL.2.1a-Follow rules for discussion (e.g., collaborative conversations with diverse ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1 gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to partners on grade 2 topics and texts in both small and large groups. others with care, speaking one at a time about ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 the topics and texts under discussion). SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations  Demonstrates the ability to follow agreed- ● Teacher-created by linking their comments to the remarks of upon rules for discussion. ● Classroom routines and procedures others.  Demonstrates ability to build on others’ SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further talk in conversations by linking their ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning explanation as needed about the topics and comments to the remarks of others. Meeting texts under discussion.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 9 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details  Demonstrates ability to ask for ● Opening Routines: Lesson 1 from text read aloud or information presented clarification and further explanation as ● Recount key ideas from the text read aloud orally, or through other media. needed about topics and texts discussed. SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when The Perfect Pet TE pp. T14-T15 appropriate to task and situation in order to  Demonstrates ability to recount or provide detail or clarification. describe key ideas or details from text read aloud.

 Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Language  Demonstrates the ability to identify and Vocabulary L.2.1f-Produce, expand, and rearrange use subjects and predicates in simple ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 1 complete simple and compound sentences. sentences. (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was  Demonstrates the ability to determine or Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction watched by the little boy). clarify the meaning of unknown and  subject, predicate, weighed, stood, collars, row, L.2.4e-Use glossaries and beginning multiple meaning words and phrases by crown, stuck dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine using glossaries and beginning  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca or clarify meanings of words and phrases. dictionaries bulary_Article.pdf L.2.5a-Identify real-life connections between  Provides a statement showing words and their use (e.g., describe foods that  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- understanding of word relationships and are spicy or juicy). teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, nuances in word meanings by identifying click Vocabulary Quadrant) real-life connections between words and their use.

Literacy Station Activities ● Vocabulary station: place words in ABC order, use a glossary, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_025b.pdf

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 10 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks Language Arts ● Alphabetical Order Projectable 1.8

● Subjects Projectable 1.2

● Predicates Projectable 1.5

Performance Assessments ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1

● Teacher-created

Week 2-Lesson 2 Reading Selections ● My Family (Lexile 520) ● Family Poetry (NP) Essential Question: What are some things that families like to do together? Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to distinguish Phonics and Fluency RF.2.3a-Distinguish long and short vowels short vowels when reading one-syllable ● Phonics: Words with Short Vowels o, u, e when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words words. ● CVC Syllable Pattern RF.2.3b-Know spelling-sound correspondences  Demonstrates the ability to decode and for additional common vowel teams. spell words with short vowel sounds ● Fluency: Accuracy in Connected Text RF.2.3f-Recognize and read irregularly spelled  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and words. ● Read Decodable Readers (Journeys): read grade appropriate high frequency RF2.4a-Read grade-text with purpose and words Bud, Ben, and Roz understanding. RF.2.4b-Read on-level text orally with  Demonstrates the ability to read and The Funny Hat Contest

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 11 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on comprehend grade appropriate text successive readings. Performance Assessments  Demonstrates the ability to fluently read grade level appropriate text with ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 expression. ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2

● Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 2 ● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 2, build, write words with short vowels o,u,e, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities:

http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/syllabica tion.pdf

● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice, decodable readers

Reading Literature and Informational Text  Provides a description of how words and Performance Assessments RL.2.4-Describe how words and phrases (e.g., phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated story, poem, or song. liens) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 poem, or song.  Demonstrates understanding of RL.2.7-Use information from illustrations and characters, setting, or plot of a print or ● Teacher-created words in a print or digital text to demonstrate digital text by using information gained understanding of characters, setting, or plot. from the illustrations and words of the text. Text Dependent Questions RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or  Who is telling the story? How do you know? Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 12 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a  Provides a description of the connection (general understanding) text. between a series of historical events in a RI.2.6 Identify the main purpose of a text, text.  What does the diagram on page 48 show? What including what the author wants to answer, does the author include the diagram in the text? explain, or describe.  Provides a description of the connection (text structure) RI.2.7 Explain how images contribute to and between a series of scientific concepts or  How does Camila feel about her family clarify text. steps in technical procedures in a text. members? How do you know? (inference)  Provides an explanation of how specific images contribute to and/or clarify a text.  After reading the story, how would you describe Camila’s family? Use evidence from the text to support your answer? (opinions)

Literacy Station Activities

● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 2, compare/contrast, T-chart or Venn diagram, additional optional activities:


Writing/Research  Recounts a well-elaborated event in a Routine Writing W.2.3-Write narratives in which they recount a narrative writing. ● Write simple sentences in response to literature well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions,  Recounts a short sequence of events in a ● List three details from a story. thoughts, and feelings, use temporal word narrative writing. words to signal event order, and provide a ● Daily Proofreading Practice sense of closure.  Includes details to describe actions, W.2.5-Focus on a topic and strengthen writing thoughts, and feelings in a narrative ● Projectables 2.3, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10 by revising and editing. writing.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 13 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks  Uses temporal words to signal event Writing Tasks order in a narrative writing. In the story My Family, Camila talks about what her family likes to do together. With a partner, take turns  Provides writing that is focused on a telling a story about what your family likes to do, that is topic. the same that Camila’s family does. After you share your story with your partner, illustrate and write your story,  Strengthens writing as needed when describing how you feel when your family does the revising and editing. activity.

Speaking and Listening  Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments SL.2.1a-Follow rules for discussion (e.g., collaborative conversations with diverse ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to partners on grade 2 topics and texts in both small and large groups. others with care, speaking one at a time about ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 the topics and texts under discussion). SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations  Demonstrates the ability to follow agreed-● Teacher-created by linking their comments to the remarks of upon rules for discussion. ● Classroom routines and procedures others.  Demonstrates ability to build on others’ SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further talk in conversations by linking their ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning Meeting explanation as needed about the topics and comments to the remarks of others. texts under discussion. ● Opening Routines: Lesson 2 SL2.3-Ask and answer questions about what a  Demonstrates ability to ask for speaker says in order to clarify comprehension clarification and further explanation as gather additional information or deepen needed about topics and texts discussed. understanding of a topic of issue. SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when  Demonstrates ability to ask and answer appropriate to task and situation in order to questions about what a speaker says in provide detail or clarification. order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.

 Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 14 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks requested detail or clarification.

Language  Demonstrates the ability to identify and Vocabulary L.2.1f-Produce, expand, and rearrange use subjects and predicates in simple ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 2 complete simple and compound sentences sentences. (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was  Demonstrates command of the watched by the little boy). conventions of Standard English of Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction L.2.2d-Generalize learned spelling patterns learned spelling patterns when writing when writing words. words.  glossary, crown, word order, spend, stuck, visit L.2.3a-Compare formal and informal uses of  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca  Demonstrates the ability to use English. bulary_Article.pdf knowledge of language and its L.2.4e-Use glossaries and dictionaries, both conventions when writing, speaking,  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- print and digital, to determine or clarify reading or listening. teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, meanings of words and phrases. click Vocabulary Quadrant)  Demonstrates the ability to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases by Literacy Station Activities using glossaries and beginning dictionaries.  Vocabulary station: glossary use, arrange sentences, complete sentence stems, use words with multiple meanings, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_019b.pdf

Language Arts Is It a Sentence? Projectable 2.2

Word Order in Sentences Projectable 2.5

Journeys Reader’s Notebook

Performance Assessments

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 15 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2

● Teacher-created

Week 3-Lesson 3 Reading Selection(s)  Dogs (Lexile 430)  Helping Paws (Lexile 660) Essential Question: What do owners need to provide for pets to keep them happy and healthy? Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to distinguish Phonics and Fluency RF.2.3a-Distinguish long and short vowels short vowels when reading one-syllable ● Phonics: Long Vowels a, i when reading one-syllable words. words. RF.2.3e-Identify words with inconsistent but ● Sounds for c common spelling-sound correspondences.  Demonstrates the ability to use letter- sound knowledge to identify words with ● Fluency: Self-Correct for Accuracy RF.2.4a-Read on-level text with purpose and inconsistent but common spelling understanding. correspondences. ● Read Decodable Reader (Journeys) RF.2.4c-Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading  Demonstrates the ability to read and City Ride as necessary. comprehend grade appropriate text. Mice Can Race  Demonstrates the ability to read and use context to confirm or self-correct word Performance Assessments recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3

● Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 3

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 16 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks ● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 3, build, write words with long vowels, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities:


● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice, decodable readers Reading Literature and Informational Text  Demonstrates the ability to distinguish Performance Assessments RI.2.3-Describe the connection between a short vowels when reading one-syllable ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3 series of historical events, scientific ideas, or words. steps in technical procedures in a text. ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 RI.2.6 Identify the main purpose of a text,  Demonstrates the ability to use letter- including what the author wants to answer, sound knowledge to identify words with ● Teacher-created explain, or describe. inconsistent but common spelling correspondences. RI.2.7 Explain how images contribute to and clarify text. Text Dependent Questions  Demonstrates the ability to read and comprehend grade appropriate text.  Explain the importance of dog collars and leashes. (key details)  Demonstrates the ability to read and use context to confirm or self-correct word  How do chew toys help dogs? (general recognition and understanding, rereading understanding) as necessary.  Why did the author use the comparisons on page 81 to describe the size of a dog? (vocabulary and text structure)

 What does the word “fetch” mean on page 89?

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 17 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks (vocabulary and text structure)

 Why did the author write the passage Dogs? What does the author want us to know? Use evidence from the text for your answer. (author’s purpose)

 Give examples from the text and illustrations on page 76-77 that helped you determine what kind of pet the author is describing. (inference)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 3, author’s purpose, compare and contrast with a partner, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_031c.pdf WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Model Performance Indicator for RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. Level 1: Entering Level 2: Emerging Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging Identify whether the author’s purpose is Identify whether the Identify whether the Identify whether the Identify whether the to explain or describe by pointing to author’s purpose is to author’s purpose is to author’s purpose is to author’s purpose is to pictures that represent an explanation or answer, explain, or answer, explain, or answer, explain, or answer, explain, or Readi description. describe by using describe producing describe, producing describe using multiple, ng matching phrases and simple sentences using expanded and some complex sentences with short sentences with repetitive structures complex sentences with a variety of pictures and purpose. and key, content-based a variety of grammatical structures vocabulary. grammatical structures and precise, content- and content-based based vocabulary. vocabulary.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 18 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see: North Carolina Livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1089921 Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAs Writing/Research  Recounts a well-elaborated event in a Routine Writing W.2.3-Write narratives in which they recount a narrative writing. ● Write simple descriptive sentences in response to well-elaborated event or short sequence of literature events, include details to describe actions,  Recounts a short sequence of events in a thoughts, and feelings, use temporal word narrative writing. ● List three details from a story. words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure  Includes details to describe actions, ● Daily Proofreading Practice W.2.5-Focus on a topic and strengthen writing thoughts, and feelings in a narrative by revising and editing writing. ● Projectables 3.3, 3.7, 3.9 W.2.8-Recall information from experiences or Uses temporal words to signal event gather information to answer a question  order in a narrative writing. Writing Tasks In the story Dogs, the author describes a dog and tells  Provides writing that is focused on a what the owner does to keep the dog happy and healthy. topic. Write a few sentences about the events in the story. Use words like first, next, then, and last to show the order  Strengthens writing as needed when that the events happened in the story. revising and editing.

 Recalls information from experiences to answer a question in writing.

 Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in writing.

Speaking and Listening  Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments SL.2.1a-Follow rules for discussion (e.g., collaborative conversations with diverse ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3 gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to partners on grade 2 topics and texts in both small and large groups. others with care, speaking one at a time about ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 the topics and texts under discussion). SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations  Demonstrates the ability to follow agreed-● Teacher-created by linking their comments to the remarks of Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 19 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks others. upon rules for discussion. ● Classroom routines and procedures SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning Meeting explanation as needed about the topics and  Demonstrates ability to build on others’ ● Opening Routines: Lesson 3 texts under discussion. talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others. SL.2.2-Recount or describe key ideas or details from text read aloud, information presented  Demonstrates ability to ask for orally, or through other media. clarification and further explanation as SL2.3-Ask and answer questions about what a needed about topics and texts discussed. speaker says in order to clarify comprehension gather additional information or deepen  Demonstrates ability to recount or understanding of a topic of issue. describe key ideas or details from text SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when read aloud. appropriate to task and situation in order to provide detail or clarification.  Demonstrates ability to ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.

 Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Language  Demonstrates the ability to identify and Vocabulary L.2.1f-Produce, expand, and rearrange use subjects and predicates in simple ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 3 complete simple and compound sentences sentences. (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was  Demonstrates command of the Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction watched by the little boy). conventions of Standard English of ● compare, contrast, purpose, litter, clipped, chews, L.2.2d-Generalize learned spelling patterns learned spelling patterns when writing coat words. when writing words.  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 20 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks L.2.4a-Use sentence-level context as a clue to  Demonstrates the ability to determine or bulary_Article.pdf the meaning of a word or phrase. clarify the meaning of unknown and  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- multiple meaning words and phrases by L.2.4e-Use glossaries and dictionaries, both teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, using sentence-level context as a clue to print and digital, to determine or clarify click Vocabulary Quadrant) meanings of words and phrases. the meaning of a word or phrase. L.2.5a-Identify real-life connections between Literacy Station Activities word and their use  Demonstrates the ability to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and  Vocabulary station: multiple-meaning words, using multiple meaning words and phrases by context with multiple-meaning words, illustrate using glossaries and beginning words, review previously taught skills, additional dictionaries. optional activities:  Provides a statement showing http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_016b.pdf understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by identifying Language Arts real-life connections between words and their use.  Multiple-Meaning Words ● Projectables 3.2, 2.5

Performance Assessments  Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3  Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3  Teacher-created

Week 4-Lesson 5 Reading Selection(s) ● Teacher’s Pets (Lexile 590) ● See Westburg by Bus! (Lexile 640) Essential Question: What makes a school a community? Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to distinguish Phonics and Fluency Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 21 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks short vowels when reading one-syllable words. RF.2.3a - Distinguish long and short vowels ● Phonics: Long Vowels o, u, e when reading regularly spelled one-syllable  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and words. read grade appropriate high frequency ● Consonant Blends with r, l, s RF.2.3f - Recognize and read grade- words. appropriate irregularly spelled words. ● Fluency: Intonation RF.2.4a - Read grade-level text with purpose  Demonstrates the ability to read and and understanding. comprehend grade appropriate text. ● Phonics: Consonant Blends with r, l, s RF2.4c - Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading  Demonstrates the ability to read and use ● Phrasing: Punctuation as necessary. context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading ● Read Decodable Reader: as necessary. Flint Cove Clambake

Performance Assessments ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lessons 4-5

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lessons 4-5

● Journeys Cold Reads, Lessons 4-5

● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lessons 4-5, consonant blends, elkonin boxes, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities:


Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 22 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks ● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice

Reading Literature and Informational Text  Demonstrates the ability to determine the Performance Assessments R.L.2.4 - Determine the meaning of words and meaning of words or phrases in a text ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 4-5 phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. subject area. ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4-5 RL.2.5 - Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning  Provides a description of the overall ● Teacher-created introduces the story and the ending concludes structure of a story, including how the the action. beginning introduces the story and how the ending concludes the action. Text Dependent Questions R.L.2.7 - Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text  Why do the neighbors want Red the rooster to  Demonstrates understanding of to demonstrate understanding of its characters, stay at school? (general understanding) characters, setting, or plot of a print or setting, or plot. digital text by using information gained  How would you describe the types of pets from the illustrations and words of the brought to school? (general understanding) text.  Notice the words on the illustration on page 161. How do these words support what the author is saying? (text structure)

 Why does Miss Fry say “How lucky for me” at the end of the story? (inference)

 After reading page 156, how would you describe Miss Fry? Use details from the text to support your answer. (inference)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 5, story map, retelling cards, illustrate a story or word from a story, review previously taught Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 23 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks skills, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_007c.pdf Writing/Research • Recounts a well-elaborated event in a Routine Writing narrative writing. W.2.3 - Write narratives in which they recount ● Write simple sentences in response to literature a well-elaborated event or short sequence of • Recounts a short sequence of events in a events, include details to describe actions, ● Participate in shared writing experiences thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to narrative writing. signal event order, and provide a sense of ● Short and/or daily/weekly writing closure. • Includes details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings in a narrative W.2.5- With guidance and support from adults ● Daily Proofreading Practice writing. and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing. ● Journeys Projectables 5.3,5.8 • Uses temporal words to signal event W.2.6 - With guidance and support from adults, order in a narrative writing. use a variety of digital tools to produce and ● Journeys Grab-and- Go publish writing, including in collaboration with • Provides a sense of closure when writing peers. a narrative. W.2.8 - Recall information from experiences or Writing Tasks gather information from provided sources to • Provides writing that is focused on a The story Teacher’s Pets shows how a school is like a answer a question. topic. community. Write a story about how your class is like a community, using details from the story. Share your • Strengthens writing as needed when story with a partner for feedback and revise your story. revising and editing. After you revise your story, type your story on the computer. • Uses a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing.

• Collaborates with peers to produce and publish writing, using a variety of digital tools.

• Recalls information from experiences to answer a question in writing.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 24 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks • Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in writing.

Speaking and Listening • Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments a collaborative conversation with diverse SL.2.1a - Follow agreed-upon rules for ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 5 discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful partners about topics and texts. ways, listening to others with ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5 • Demonstrates the ability to follow rules care, speaking one at a time about the topics for discussions. and texts under discussion). ● Teacher-created SL.2.1b - Build on others’ talk in conversations • Demonstrates the ability to continue ● Classroom routines and procedures by linking their comments to the remarks of conversation through multiple exchanges. others ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning Meeting SL.2.1c - Ask for clarification and further • Demonstrates the ability to confirm explanation as needed about the topics and understanding of a text read aloud by ● Opening Routines: Lesson 5 texts under discussion. answering and asking questions about SL.2.2 - Recount or describe key ideas or key details. details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. • Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of information presented SL.2.3 - Ask and answer questions about what orally or through other media by asking a speaker says in order to clarify and answering questions about key comprehension, gather additional information details. or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. SL.2.6 - Produce complete sentences when • Demonstrates the ability to request appropriate to task and situation in order to clarification if something is not provide requested detail or clarification. understood.

• Demonstrates the ability to ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

• Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 25 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks requested detail or clarification.

Language  Demonstrates the ability to identify and Vocabulary L.2.1f - Produce, expand, and rearrange use subjects and predicates in simple ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 5 complete simple and compound sentences sentences. (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was  Consult reference materials, including watched by the little boy). beginning dictionaries. Lesson Vocabulary L2.2e - Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and  Demonstrates the ability to determine or ● wonderful, noises, quiet, sprinkled, share, noticed, correct spellings. clarify the meaning of unknown and bursting, suddenly multiple -meaning words and phrases by L.2.4c - Use a known root word as a clue to the using a known root word as a clue to the  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca meaning of an unknown word with the same meaning of the unknown word with the root (e.g., addition, additional). bulary_Article.pdf same root. L.2.4e - Use glossaries and beginning  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine  Demonstrates the ability to determine or click Vocabulary Quadrant) or clarify the meaning of words and phrases. clarify the meaning of unknown and L.2.5a - I Identify real-life connections between multiple meaning words and phrases by words and their use (e.g., describe foods that using glossaries and beginning are spicy or juicy). dictionaries. Literacy Station Activities  Vocabulary station: dictionary/glossary, plural nouns  Provides a statement showing concept map, sentence maker, review previously understanding of word relationships and taught skills, additional optional activities: nuances in word meanings by identifying http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/Possible_ real-life connections between words and Sentences.pdf their use. http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_036b.pdf

Language Arts ● One and More Than One Projectable 5.2

● Making Nouns Plural 5.5

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 26 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks

Performance Assessments for both ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 5

● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5

● Teacher-created

Weeks 5-6-Lesson 6 Reading Selection(s) ● Animals Building Homes (Lexile 630) *See TWAG in Appendix ● Whose Home Is This? (Lexile 730) Essential Question: What are animal homes like? (placeholder) Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and Phonics and Fluency RF.2.3f-Recognize and read grade-appropriate read grade appropriate high frequency ● Phonics: Consonant Blends with r, l, s irregularly spelled words. words. RF.2.4a-Read on-level text with purpose and ● Phrasing: Punctuation understanding.  Demonstrates the ability to read and comprehend grade appropriate text. RF.2.4b-Read on-level text orally with ● Phonics: Common Final Blends: nd, ng, nk, nt, ft, xt, mp accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.  Demonstrates the ability to fluently read ● Fluency: Expression grade level appropriate text with expression. ● Read Decodable Reader:

A Job for Bob Baby Animals

Performance Assessments

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 27 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lessons 5-6

● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lessons 5-6

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lessons 5-6

● Journeys Cold Reads, Lessons 5-6

● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lessons 5-6, read and wort words with common final blends,



● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice Reading Literature and Informational Text • Demonstrates the ability to determine the Performance Assessments meaning of words or phrases in a text RI.2.4-Determine the meaning of words and ● Journeys Weekly Assessment, Lessons 5-6 phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. subject area. ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lessons 5-6 RI.2.5-Know and use various text features  Demonstrates knowledge and use of text (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lessons 5-6 features (e.g. captions, bold print, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to subheadings, glossaries, indexes, locate key facts or information in a text ● Journeys Grab-and-Go Assessments, Lessons 5-6 electronic menus, icons) to locate key efficiently. facts or information in a text. RI.2.9-Compare and contrast the most ● Teacher-created important points presented by two texts on the  Provides a comparison and contrast of the same topic. most important points presented by two Text Dependent Questions

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 28 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks texts on the same topic.  Explain why animals need homes. (key details) Related Science Standard GLE 0207.2.1 Investigate the habitats of  Compare and contrast how termites and polyps different kinds of local plants and animals. work together. (key details)  What is a lodge? What sentences in the text help you determine the meaning? (vocabulary)

 Read the headings in purple throughout the passage. Explain how these headings are related to the title Animals Building Homes. (text structure)

 Think about the most important details from Animals Building Homes and Whose Home is This? What are some common facts learned from each passage? How does the structure of each passage differ? (intertextual connections)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lessons 5-6, text and graphic features, context clues, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_033b.pdf WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Model Performance Indicator for RI.2.5: Know and use text features to locate facts or information. Readi Level 1: Entering Level 2: Emerging Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging ng Match to the text Identify text features from Locate information using Associate key facts from Locate information features using familiar text with a partner. text features and graphic informational text to relevant to a given independent level texts organizers with a partner. appropriate text features with topic using text with support from small group support. features using detailed Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 29 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks illustrations, sentences of varying environmental print or length and content- an illustrated word bank. based vocabulary. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see: North Carolina Livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1089921 Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAs Writing/Research • Introduces a topic in an informational or Routine Writing explanatory text. W.2.2-Write informative/explanatory texts in ● Write simple sentences in response to literature which they introduce a topic, use facts and • Uses facts and definitions to develop definitions to develop points, and provide a ● Participate in shared writing experiences concluding statement or section. points in an informational or explanatory text. W.2.6-With guidance and support from adults, ● Short and/or daily/weekly writing use a variety of digital tools to produce and • Provides a concluding statement or publish writing, including in collaboration with ● Daily Proofreading Practice section in an informational or explanatory peers. text. W.2.7-Participate in shared research and ● Journeys Projectables 6.3, 6.9, 6.10 writing projects (e.g., read a number of books • Uses a variety of digital tools to produce on a single topic to produce a report; record and publish writing. ● Journeys Grab-and- Go science observations). W.2.8-Recall information from experiences or • Collaborates with peers to produce and gather information from provided sources to publish writing, using a variety of digital Writing Tasks answer a question. tools. *See TWAG

• Participates in shared research and writing projects.

• Recalls information from experiences to answer a question in writing.

• Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in writing.

Speaking and Listening Performance Assessments Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 30 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks SL.2.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for • Demonstrates the ability to participate in ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 6 discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful a collaborative conversation with diverse ways, listening to others with care, speaking partners about topics and texts. ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 6 one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). • Demonstrates the ability to follow rules ● Teacher-created SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations for discussions. ● Classroom routines and procedures by linking their comments to the remarks of others. • Demonstrates the ability to continue ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning conversation through multiple exchanges. SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further Meeting explanation as needed about the topics and ● Opening Routines: Lesson 6 • Demonstrates the ability to ask and texts under discussion. answer questions to seek help, get ● Recount key ideas from the text Read Aloud SL.2.3-Ask and answer questions about what a information, or clarify something that is City Life Is for the Birds TE pp. T14-T15 speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, not understood. gather additional information or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. • Demonstrates ability to tell a story or SL.2.4-Tell a story or recount an experience recount an experience with appropriate with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive facts and relevant, descriptive details, details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. speaking audibly in SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to coherent sentences. provide requested detail or clarification. • Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Language • Demonstrates the ability to use collective Vocabulary nouns. L.2.1a-Use collective nouns (e.g., group). ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 6 L.2.1b-Form and use frequently occurring • Demonstrates the ability to use the past ● *TWAG irregular plural nouns (e.g., feet, children, tense of frequently occurring irregular teeth, mice, fish). plural nouns. L.2.2d-Generalize learned spelling patterns Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction when writing words (e.g., cage→ badge; boy→ • Demonstrates command of the ● shaped, branches, beaks, deepest, break, context Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 31 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks boil). conventions of Standard English of clue, winding learned spelling patterns when writing L.2.4a-Use sentence-level context as a clue to words.  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca the meaning of a word or phrase. bulary_Article.pdf L.2.4b-Determine the meaning of the new • Demonstrates the ability to determine or  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- word formed when a known prefix is added to a clarify the meaning of unknown and teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell). multiple meaning words and phrases by click Vocabulary Quadrant) L.2.4e-Use glossaries and beginning using sentence-level context as a clue to dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. or clarify the meaning of words and phrases. Literacy Station Activities • Demonstrates the ability to determine or  Vocabulary station: define words by context clues, clarify the meaning of unknown and illustrate plural nouns, word map, review of multiple-meaning words and phrases previously taught skills, additional optional activities: when a known prefix is added to a known http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/wordmap word. .pdf • Demonstrate the ability to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and Language Arts multiple meaning words and phrases by ● Journeys More Plural Nouns Projectables 6.2, 6.5 using glossaries and beginning dictionaries. ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 6

Performance Assessments ● Journey’s Weekly Assessment, Lesson 6

● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 6

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 6

Week 7- Lesson 7 Reading Selection(s) Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 32 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks ● The Ugly Vegetables (Lexile 590) ● They Really Are Giant? (Lexile 790) Essential Question: What do plants need in order to survive? Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and Phonics and Fluency RF.2.3f-Recognize and read grade-appropriate read grade appropriate high frequency ● Phonics: Double Consonants and ck irregularly spelled words. words. RF.2.4a-Read grade-level text with purpose ● Double Consonants (CVC) and understanding.  Demonstrates the ability to read and comprehend grade appropriate text. ● Fluency: Accuracy: Connected Text RF.2.4b-Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on  Demonstrates the ability to fluently read ● Read Decodable Readers: successive readings. grade level appropriate text with RF.2.4c-Use context to confirm or self-correct expression. Jill and Mack word recognition and understanding, rereading Rabbit’s Muffins as necessary.  Demonstrates the ability to read and use context to confirm or self-correct word Performance Assessments recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. ● Journeys Weekly Assessment, Lesson 7 ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 7

● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 7

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 7

● Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 7

● Teacher-created

Literacy Station Activities ● Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 7, sort by category, review previously

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 33 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks taught skills, additional optional activities:

http://hickmank12.org/west-virginia-reading-first- explicit-phonics-lessons/ skill 4, ck

● Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice, decodable readers

Reading Literature and Informational Text  Provides a description of how characters Performance Assessments RL.2.3-Describe how characters in a story in a story respond to major events. ● Journeys Weekly Assessment, Lesson 7 respond to major events and challenges. RL.2.5-Describe the overall structure of a  Provides a description of how characters ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 7 story, including describing how the beginning in a story respond to challenges. introduces the story and the ending concludes ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 7 the action.  Provides a description of the overall structure of a story, including how the RI.2.4-Determine the meaning of words and ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 7 beginning introduces the story and how phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or the ending concludes the action. subject area. ● Teacher-created RI.2.6-Identify the main purpose of a text,  Demonstrates the ability to determine the including what the author wants to answer, meaning of words or phrases in a text Text Dependent Questions explain, or describe. relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject  After reading page 231, explain some of the RI.2.7-Explain how specific images (e.g., a area. steps the characters took to prepare and take care of diagram showing how a machine works) their garden. (key details) contribute to and clarify a text.  Provides an identification of the main RI.2.9-Compare and contrast the most purpose of a text, including what the  Why did mother draw pictures to put in the important points presented by two texts on the author wants to answer, explain, or garden? (general understanding) same topic. describe.  Why did the main character feel sad when  Provides an explanation of how specific Related Science Standard looking at her garden? (general understanding) images contribute to and/or clarify a text. GLE 0207.1.1 Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use  Why does the author include words in  Provides a comparison and contrast of the parenthesis on page 238? (text structure) food, water, and air to survive. most important points presented by two

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 34 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks texts on the same topic.  Reread page 239. How does the author describe the neighbors’ reactions? What conclusions can you draw from the author’s statement “like they were trying to eat the smell” on page 239? (inferences)

 How would you describe the neighborhood in the story? Use evidence from the text to support your opinions (opinions)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 7, story map or other graphic organizer, drawing conclusions, retelling cards, journal writing, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities: http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_008c.pdf WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Model Performance Indicator for RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Level 1: Entering Level 2: Emerging Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging Match illustrated Match phrases or simple Match sentences with Match sentences with specific Match paragraphs with characters’ traits or sentences that describe specific content language content language that describe technical or abstract Readi feelings to characters characters’ traits, that describe characters’ characters’ traits, motivations content language that ng from a simple illustrated motivations and/or feelings traits, motivations and/or and/or feelings to the correct describe characters’ story. to the correct character feelings to the correct character from a story. traits, motivations from an illustrated story. character from an and/or feelings to the illustrated story. correct character. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see: North Carolina Livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1089921 Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAs Writing/Research • Introduces a topic in an informational or Routine Writing Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 35 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks W.2.2-Write informative/explanatory texts in explanatory text. ● Write simple sentences in response to literature which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a • Uses facts and definitions to develop ● Participate in shared writing experiences concluding statement or section. points in an informational or explanatory text. W.2.5-With guidance and support from adults ● Short and/or daily/weekly writing and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen • Provides a concluding statement or writing as needed by revising and editing. ● Daily Proofreading Practice section in an informational or explanatory text. ● Journeys Projectables 7.3, 7.9

• Provides writing that is focused on a ● Journeys Grab-and- Go topic.

• Strengthens writing as needed when Writing Tasks revising and editing. Write an informative paragraph sequencing the steps needed for a plant to survive (grow). Use evidence and vocabulary from the text to support your writing. Complete your paragraph with a concluding sentence. Speaking and Listening • Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments a collaborative conversation with diverse SL.2.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 6 discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in partners about topics and texts. respectful ways, listening to others with care, ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 6 speaking one at a time about the topics and • Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions. texts under discussion). ● Teacher-created SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations • Demonstrates the ability to continue ● Classroom routines and procedures by linking their comments to the remarks of conversation through multiple exchanges. others. ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning Meeting SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further • Demonstrates the ability to confirm explanation as needed about the topics and understanding of a text read aloud by ● Opening Routines: Lesson 6 texts under discussion. ● Recount key ideas from the text Read Aloud SL.2.2-Recount or describe key ideas or answering and asking questions about Trouble in the Lily Garden! TE pp. T112-T113 details from a text read aloud or information key details. presented orally or through other media. SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when • Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of information presented Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 36 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks appropriate to task and situation in order to orally or through other media by asking provide requested detail or clarification. and answering questions about key details.

• Demonstrates the ability to request clarification if something is not understood.

• Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Language • Demonstrates command of the Vocabulary conventions of standard English. L.2.2a-Capitalize holidays, product names, ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 7 and geographic names. • Demonstrates the ability to determine or L.2.4a-Use sentence-level context as a clue to clarify the meaning of unknown and Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction the meaning of a word or phrase. multiple meaning words and phrases by blooming, shovels, tough, scent, plain, stems L.2.4e-Use glossaries and beginning using sentence-level context as a clue to ● dictionaries, both print and digital, to the meaning of a word or phrase.  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Vocab determine or clarify the meaning of words and ulary_Article.pdf phrases. Demonstrates the ability to determine or •  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- clarify the meaning of unknown and L.2.5a-Identify real-life connections between teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, multiple meaning words and phrases by words and their use (e.g., describe foods that click Vocabulary Quadrant) are spicy or juicy). using glossaries and beginning dictionaries. Literacy Station Activities • Provides a statement showing  Vocabulary station: context clues, dictionary/glossary understanding of word relationships and use, illustrate proper nouns, word sort, review of nuances in word meanings by identifying previously taught skills, additional optional activities: real-life connections between words and their use. http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/26_seman tic-gradients.pdf

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 37 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks

Language Arts ● Journeys Proper Nouns Projectables 7.2, 7.5

● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 7

Performance Assessments ● Journey’s Weekly Assessment, Lesson 7

● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 7

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 7

Weeks 8-9-Lesson 8 Reading Selections ● Super Storms (Lexile 720) *See TWAG in appendix ● Weather Poems (NP) Essential Question: How can storms be dangerous? (place holder) Reading Foundational Skills  Demonstrates the ability to use letter- Phonics and Fluency sound knowledge to identify words with RF.2.3e -Know and apply grade-level phonics  Consonant Digraphs: th, sh, wh, ch, tch, ph and word analysis skills in decoding words; inconsistent but common spelling correspondences. Identify words with inconsistent but common  Base words and endings –s, -ed, ing spelling-sound correspondences. RF.2.3f -Know and apply grade-level phonics  Demonstrates the ability to recognize and  Read Decodable Reader: and word analysis skills in decoding words; read grade appropriate high frequency Splish! Splash! Whales pp. 33-40 Recognize and read grade-appropriate words. irregularly spelled words.  Demonstrates the ability to read and Drifting Up, Up, Up pp. 41-48 RF.2.4a -Read with sufficient accuracy and comprehend grade appropriate text. fluency to support comprehension; read  Fluency: Rate TE pg.T219

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 38 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks grade-level text with purpose and  Demonstrates the ability to fluently read  Fluency: Rate Projectable 8.6 understanding. grade level appropriate text with RF.2.4b -Read with sufficient accuracy and expression. fluency to support comprehension; read Performance Assessments grade-level text orally with accuracy,  Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 8 appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.  Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 8  Journeys Grab-and- Go, Lesson 8  Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 8

Literacy Station Activities  Phonics/word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 8, sort consonant digraphs, create word chain, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities:

http://hickmank12.org/west-virginia-reading-first- explicit-phonics-lessons/ Skill 4

 Fluency station (optional): performance reading, timed readings, high-frequency word practice

Reading Literature and Informational  Provides a description of how words and Performance Assessments Text phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 8 RL.2.4 –Describe how words and phrases story, poem, or song. (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 8 repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning.  Provides an identification of the main RI.2.2- Identify the main topic of a multi- topic of a multi-paragraph text. ● Teacher-created paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.  Provides an identification of the focus of specific paragraphs within a multi- Text Dependent Questions RI.2.3- Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or  The author describes thunderstorms and Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 39 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a paragraph text. hailstones on pages 271-272. What kinds of text. damages do these storms cause? (key details) RI.2.7- Explain how specific images (e.g., a  Provides a description of the connection diagram showing how a machine works) between a series of historical events in a  Explain the difference between a tornado watch contribute to and clarify a text. text. and a tornado warning? (vocabulary, general understanding)  Provides a description of the connection between a series of scientific concepts or  How does the author describe thunderstorms? Use steps in technical procedures in a text. evidence from pages 269-271 to support your answer? (vocabulary)  Provides an explanation of how specific images contribute to and/or clarify a text.  Look at the map on pages 274-275. Why did the author include this map in the text? How does it help support the author’s purpose? (author’s purpose, text structure)

 What are some words you can use from the text to help you visualize the storms discussed in the passage? (vocabulary)

 Why does the author say “Hurricanes are the deadliest storms in the world”? (inference)

 Compare the poems “Night Drumming for Rain” and “Weather” on pages 286-288. How do the authors of each poem help us visualize as we read? (intertextual connections, vocabulary, text structure)

Literacy Station Activities ● Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 8, flow chart main idea and details, graphic organizers, illustrate a story, review previously taught skills, additional optional activities:

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 40 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_013b.pdf

WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Model Performance Indicator for RI.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. Level 1: Entering Level 2: Emerging Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging Describe connections Describe connections Describe connections Describe connections between Describe connections between a series of between a series of between a series of a series of historical events between a series of historical events in L1 historical events in L1 historical events using using expanded and some historical events using Readi and/or match pictures with and/or identify important simple sentences with complex sentences with a multiple, complex ng information using single information from using repetitive structures and variety of grammatical sentences with a words or phrase patterns phrases and short key, content-based structures and content-based variety of grammatical and general, content- sentences with formulaic vocabulary. vocabulary. structures and precise, related vocabulary. patterns and general, content-based content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see: North Carolina Livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1089921 Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAs Writing/Research • Introduces a topic in an informational or Routine Writing explanatory text. W.2.2- Write informative/explanatory texts in ● Write simple sentences in response to literature which they name a topic, supply some facts • Uses facts and definitions to develop about the topic, and provide some sense of ● Participate in shared writing experiences closure. points in an informational or explanatory text. ● Short and/or daily/weekly writing W.2.6- With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and • Provides a concluding statement or ● Daily Proofreading Practice publish writing, including in collaboration with section in an informational or explanatory peers. text.

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 41 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks W.2.7- Participate in shared research and • Uses a variety of digital tools to produce ● Projectables 8.3, 8.7, 8.9, 8.10 writing projects (e.g., read a number of books and publish writing. on a single topic to produce a report; record ● Journeys Grab and Go science observations). • Collaborates with peers to produce and publish writing, using a variety of digital tools. Writing Tasks *See TWAG • Participates in shared research and writing projects.

Speaking and Listening • Demonstrates the ability to participate in Performance Assessments a collaborative conversation with diverse SL.2.1a-Follow rules for discussion (e.g., ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 6 gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to partners about topics and texts. others with care, speaking one at a time about ● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 6 the topics and texts under discussion). • Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions. SL.2.1b-Build on others’ talk in conversations ● Teacher-created by linking their comments to the remarks of • Demonstrates the ability to continue ● Classroom routines and procedures others. conversation through multiple exchanges. SL.2.1c-Ask for clarification and further ● Responsive classroom activities such as Morning Meeting explanation as needed about the topics and • Demonstrates the ability to confirm texts under discussion. understanding of a text read aloud by ● Opening Routines: Lesson 6 SL.2.2-Recount or describe key ideas or details ● Recount key ideas from the text read aloud from text read aloud, information presented answering and asking questions about Floods: Dangerous Water TE pp. T214-T215 orally, or through other media. key details. SL2.3-Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension • Demonstrates the ability to confirm gather additional information or deepen understanding of information presented understanding of a topic of issue. orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key SL.2.4-Tell a story or recount an experience details. with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. • Demonstrates the ability to request Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 42 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks SL.2.6-Produce complete sentences when clarification if something is not appropriate to task and situation in order to understood. provide detail or clarification. • Demonstrates the ability to ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

• Demonstrates ability to tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in

coherent sentences.

• Demonstrates the ability to produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Language • Demonstrates command of the Vocabulary conventions of Standard English of L.2.2d-Generalize learned spelling patterns ● Daily Vocabulary Boost, Lesson 8 when writing words (e.g., cage→ badge; boy→ learned spelling patterns when writing boil). words. ● *TWAG L.2.4a - Use sentence-level context as a clue to • Demonstrates the ability to determine or the meaning of a word or phrase. Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction clarify the meaning of unknown and L.2.4d-Use knowledge of individual words to multiple meaning words and phrases by ● compound word, inform, cause/effect, damage, bend, predict meaning of compound words. using sentence-level context as a clue to flash, equal L.2.4e-Use glossaries and dictionaries, both the meaning of a word or phrase.  http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Liben_Voca print and digital, to determine or clarify bulary_Article.pdf meanings of words and phrases. • Demonstrates the ability to determine or L.2.5a-Identify real-life connections between clarify the meaning of unknown and  http://achievethecore.org/page/61/which-words-do-i- words and their use (e.g., describe foods that multiple -meaning words and phrases by teach-and-how-detail-pg (Supplemental Resources, are spicy or juicy). using the knowledge of individual words click Vocabulary Quadrant) Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 43 of 44 English Language Arts 1st Nine Weeks Grade 2 TDOE Curriculum Standards Evidence Statements Content & Tasks to predict the meaning of compound words. Literacy Station Activities • Demonstrates the ability to determine or  Vocabulary station: word sort of compound words, clarify the meaning of unknown and illustrate multiple meaning words, introduce digital multiple meaning words and phrases by glossary, review of previously taught skills, additional using glossaries and beginning optional activities: dictionaries. http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_009b.pdf

• Provides a statement showing understanding of word relationships and Language Arts: nuances in word meanings by identifying  Compound Words real-life connections between words and their use. ● Action verbs Projectables 8.2, 8.5 ● Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 8

Performance Assessments ● Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 8

● Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 8

● Teacher-created

Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 Page 44 of 44

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