Allan Webb Hall

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Allan Webb Hall



1.2.1 WELCOME Prof Stack, the new Fellow, Avril and Raymond , the Sub-Wardens of 58 Beaufort Street and 18 Market Street respectively were welcome by John.

1.2.1 ATTENDANCE Nozi, John, Avril, Elmarie, Michelle, Raymond, Nic, Mrs Stack, Louise, Easther, Graeme, Selva, Mzakhe, David, Chris, Jacques, Kath, Nonte.

1.2.2 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Rodger and Anne.

1.2.3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (HELD IN FEBRUARY 2001) Nic confirmed the minutes and Jacques seconded.

1.2.4 MATTERS ARRISING Hall Diary Hall functions for the term identified were: a) Hall Formal Dinner ( Wed, 2 May 2001) Guests: Hall Comm. Members are Entitled to have personal Guest like any other student (Have to help out in the Dining Hall) b) Hall Comm. Dinner (Tues, 8 ay 2001) c) Hall Braai (Sat, 24 April 2001) Budget to 2001 John proposed the budget to be accepted as it is. Hall Ball Allocation: The ball is self- funding. Can be granted a loan from the Hall funds and this is to be paid back in full. Allan Webb Computer Lab  It was suggested in the previous meeting that Chris find out if the IT division could help fix the machines for the Hall or not.  Tracey (from IT) suggested that we take the machines that need to be fixed be taken to the department. She however, made it clear that it is not the responsibility of the department to fix the Hall Machines. She will fix them as a favour to Chris.  She asked Jeffery to offer a hand in fixing the computers.  PROBLEMS REGARDING THE LAB: Monitors are blown Mouses not working Keyboard Jammed Have to create new image (the lab uses Ghost 4 and IT uses Ghost 6)

 SOLUTION: Keyboards, Monitors and Mouses that are not working have been taken to the IT division for repairs. Chris to get the image from IT  MAINTAINANCE It was suggested that two students per house maintain the lab. Intra-Hall Activities Project:- Repaving one edge of the Swimming Pool. John dropped the project because Winchester House used most of the material that was supplied by Building Maintenance in their project. He proposed that the project be done some other time. Dawn patrol:-Another date is to be set for this activity Sporting competition:- A proposal for sporting competition was rejected due to the fact that there is Inter-Res sporting competition currently running at the moment. Hall Fellows John was mandated in the last Hall Comm. Meeting to call the Fellows that were appointed last year.  Rodney Fox has not been returning the calls and John decided to stop persuing.  Rodger Jacobs has excused himself

 John suggested that an associate fellow be appointed The suggestion was that people come with names to be considered for the position in the next Hall Comm. Meeting. DSTV The University has no money for DSTV. Winchester has bought their own. Consequences: subscription is less than MNet As this is not a full subscription, a few channels can be added at a cost of R14.00 per channel to equalize the subscription to that of MNet. 1.2.5 NEW ITEMS Hall Rules It was proposed that David, Louise, Nozi and Jacque look at the reports on Hall Rules from each house and make some recommendations. Jacques is to chair the committee. The committee is to attach the recommendations to the agenda for the next Hall Comm. Meeting. Agenda is to go a week before the meeting and minutes ~2 weeks after the meeting Hall Forum The was a feeling that the Hall Forum was scheduled prematurely for this term. A suggestion that Hall Comm. Should decide on whether there is a need for Hall Forum was made. Easther feels that it is important to have a Forum to address issues pertaining he Hall . Nic seconded the idea.  The Hall Secretary to make a notice for the Hall to ask for Agenda Items by Thursday, 03 May 2001.  The Hall Forum is to be held on Thursday, 10 May 2001 pending on whether there are agenda items submitted. Exam Eats Houses to pay for their own exam eats from their House Funds. To ask the University to provide tea, coffee, milk and sugar. John to let the wardens know about the University response. Breakfast Times on Saturday Concern:- Sports people Suggestion:- They could ask for packed meals To get input from the Houses regarding the proposed time. Wardens to report to John in a week’s time Hall Brunch Hall Brunch in the place of both Breakfast and Lunch at a cost equivalent to the cost of both meals combined. Start at 10h00 am to 12h00 pm. Catering would like to know if the Hall is interested The problem  BLOCK BOOKING :- Everyone has to come  Some people go to church Proposal  Each House vote on it. The problem though is that the minorities who could be against the idea have a right not to be charged for the meal they are not going to eat. Solution: The Sub-Wardens could control the doors John to ask Dr Motara that if it is controlled, will he allow meals to be un- booked. Closure 8h00 pm ( 20h00)

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