North Hinksey Parish Council

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North Hinksey Parish Council



Present: The Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor A. Pritchard, and Councillors E. Batts, N. Clark, R. Clark, Mrs. A. Dykes, A. Hardiman, Mrs. J. Hammett, D. Kay, Ms. A. MacKeith and S. Sellars. Councillor Mrs. P. Allen joined the meeting at 8.15pm. Others Present: County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden, 17 members of the public and A. J. Stone (Parish Clerk). The Chairman announced that the meeting would be audio recorded and asked that all councillors and members of the audience turned their mobile phones off or to the silent setting. The Parish Clerk announced that the envelopes circulated at the meeting had printed copies of the OALC explanations of Code of Conduct matters. 12/172 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Parish Councillors R. Carr, Mrs. K. El-Barhdadi and District Councillor Mrs. D. Hallett. 12/173 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor E. Batts made a non-pecuniary declaration of interest in relation to agenda item 12/180/2, Council Matters – VWHDC Local Plan 2029 – Part One, as he was a VWHDC District Councillor. 12/174 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF: i). The minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH 2013, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council. ii). The minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING held on WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH 2013, were AGREED as accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council. 12/175 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL There was no urgent business. 12/176 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Mrs. Briony Newport - Question to Councillor A. Pritchard The skatepark maintenance costs were disputed when NHPC decided that the upper Louie Memorial Field was also an unsuitable site. You were quoted in the Oxford Mail as stating that ROSPA indicated that these costs could be approx £10k per annum and this would result in a Council Tax levy of £7 per household. You kindly agreed to look into this costing dispute. At the R&A Committee, 31.1.13 the agreed minute states that Cllr. Pritchard said “he had received correspondence that the ROSPA figures may need to be updated but that “they had not come up with any further figures”. At the end of the R&A Committee meeting on the 18 April you stated that you had received no emails from ROSPA about skatepark maintenance costs at all. Please can you clarify which of these conflicting statements is correct? Councillor A. Pritchard explained that he was happy to do this and wished to refer to the second statement at the end of the R & A Committee on the 18th April. He did not recall actually saying this and had not seen any minutes of the meeting. If he had said that it would have been in response to a question that was not on the R & A Committee agenda. What was correct is in fact the first of the statements, he was sorry if that was confusing, he had checked on the ROSPA web-site and the original figures were still there, they had not changed them, so he believed they still had to go with them. Mrs. B. Newport asked a supplementary question and subsequently circulated copies of an e-mail from ROSPA to councillors. She stated it proved that Councillor Pritchard had received an e-mail

from ROSPA and he had not be open and honest about the fact that he knew from ROSPA on 29th January 2013, that skatepark maintenance costs would be less than £1,000 per annum, and had only divulged half of the e-mail contents on 31st January 2013, but did not divulge the costs, which

could have been stated at the 31st January meeting, the R & A Committee meeting and the February and March Parish Council meetings and the 14th March Annual Parishioners’ meeting, and even used to correct the misleading information provided in the Oxford Mail article. Mrs. Newport asked Councillor Pritchard if this was a personal decision not to update councillors and parishioners or that you shared the ROSPA information with members of the R & A Committee who produced the ‘Skatepark Report’ and were asked or told to let matters drop because they did not want a skatepark on parish owned land at the ‘Upper’ Memorial fields. There then was an exchange between councillors and the Chairman, Councillor Pritchard called the meeting to order on a number of occasions. Councillor S. Sellars then asked if it would be helpful to clarifying the question. Councillor Pritchard believed the question was very long and needed clarification. Following a number of heated exchanges between councillors and the public, the Chairman, Councillor Pritchard again called the meeting to order. Councillor N. Clark felt that the meeting should be cancelled and encouraged councillors to leave the meeting as it was a lynch mob and there had been defamatory statements etc. made against the Chairman. Councillor E. Batts believed the behaviour of some councillors was appalling and stated that Councillor Prichard should answer Mrs. Newport’s question. Councillor Pritchard asked Mrs. Newport where she obtained the e-mail, but Mrs. Newport did not say. Councillor Pritchard read from the e-mail which stated please do not to rely on their figures at the time, but he noted that ROSPA still had their figures on-line. The e-mail also stated that they ROSPA did not have good evidence about current costs for sprayed concrete parks, but the following gave some good guidance on what is required. He emphasised they stated they did not have good evidence, but given the above it would be reasonable that the total costs per annum would be less than £1,000. This information did not agree with other figures obtained from other sources in the report, in particular Gravity were suggesting 4% of initial costs, but that left out things like litter picking and vandalism. He therefore had to make a judgement on which figures

to use as there were a number of authorities who quoted 10% and in the knowledge that they did not know the sort of skatepark required made it extremely difficult to work out what the figures would be and he recalls replying to someone that once things were a little clearer it would be possible to come up with a more accurate figure and it was important that figure was known. Councillor Pritchard believed he had answered the meeting. There then followed a number of heated exchanges between some councillors and members of the public and the Chairman, Councillor Pritchard suspended the meeting for 5 minutes at 8.15pm. Mrs. B. Newport asked when Councillor Pritchard would reply to her question whether the decision was his own. This was not answered as the meeting was adjourned. On resuming the meeting at 8.20pm, the Chairman Councillor A. Pritchard informed the meeting that he would reflect on Mrs. Newport’s question and give her a written reply. Following a request from Councillor Batts he confirmed he would circulate his reply to all councillors.

12/177 QUESTIONS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS Councillor David Kay for the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Andrew Pritchard. In recent months on a number of occasions Parish Council meetings have been interrupted by mobile phones belonging to attendees, including some Councillors. This is impolite and disrespectful of the process taking place and I personally find it very distracting when the strains of ‘The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’ or some such tune blasts out across Seacourt Hall. Would Councillor Pritchard agree to write urgently to all Councillors asking them to ensure that their mobile phones are turned off, or, at the very least set on silent during Parish Council meetings, and also request that the Chairpersons of the various Committees make an announcement at the start of each meeting asking all attendees to turn off their mobile phones? The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard explained that he had written to the Parish Clerk and asked that he wrote to all NHPC councillors on his behalf stating that: "He had been asked by Councillor David Kay to write to them urgently asking, (i) to ensure that your mobile phones are turned off or, at the very least, set on silent during Parish Council meetings;

(ii) that all Chairpersons of the various committees make an announcement at the start of each meeting asking all attendees to turn off their mobile phones”. Councillor David Kay for the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Andrew Pritchard. Over the past twelve months some Councillors have made a habit of either turning up extremely late for Parish Council meetings or leaving extremely early, or, unbelievably, doing both in the same meeting, apparently without informing either the Chairperson or the Parish Clerk of any reason for this behaviour. This cavalier ‘pick and mix’ approach to Parish Council matters is extremely disrespectful towards other Councillors who make the effort to attend whole meetings and towards the Parish Council as a whole.

Would Councillor Pritchard agree to write urgently to all Councillors reminding them that they are expected to attend all Parish Council meetings plus meetings of Committee that they are members of unless they have a good reason for not doing so? Also could he explain in that message that attending meetings means arriving on time and staying for the whole meeting. If, on a rare occasion there is a valid reason for arriving late or leaving early this should be notified to the Chairperson and Parish Clerk in advance and stated in the ‘Apologies’ section of the Agenda. The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard explained that he had also written to the Parish Clerk and asked that he wrote to all NHPC councillors on his behalf stating that: "He had been asked by Councillor David Kay to write to them urgently to remind them that they were expected to attend all Parish Council meetings plus meetings of Committee(s) that they were members of unless they have a good reason for not doing so, and that attending meetings means arriving on time and staying for the whole meeting. If, on a rare occasion there was a valid reason for arriving late or leaving early this should be notified to the Chairperson and Parish Clerk in advance and stated in the 'Apologies' Section of the Agenda. Councillor Pritchard was sure that all councillors would aim to follow these rules, but clearly there were going to be emergencies when it would not be possible to follow them fully. Councillor David Kay for Councillor Neil Clark At the Recreation and Amenities Committee meeting last September Councillor Clark gave a presentation proposing a full review of the needs for additional sporting facilities in the Parish. This issue was obviously very close to Councillor Clark’s heart, and he argued the case extremely strongly for urgent and wide-ranging action to be taken. It appears, however that it has not been discussed subsequently in any Recreation and Amenities Committee meeting or full Parish Council meeting. Would Councillor Clark like to give us a brief update on what he has achieved after seven months of concentrated effort and what his future plans are regarding this topic. The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard then read the following statement from Councillor N. Clark. ‘Councillor Neil Clark refers to his statement made at the January 2013, Parish Council meeting as to why he will not be answering this question’. Councillor Pritchard confirmed that he was allowed not to do so’. There then followed heated an exchange between Councillor N. Clark and members of the public when he was accused of being pathetic for not answering the question as they could not understand why he would not answer the question. Councillor N. Clark stated that he wanted the member of the public to be asked to leave the meeting for calling him pathetic or he would arrange a walk out or vote for the meeting to be adjourned. The Parish Clerk asked that all parties at the meeting treated each other with respect. Making accusations or making comments like this did not help the business and people would find such comments offence, so please treat each other with respect. It was for the Chairman of the meeting to decide whether to exclude a person from the meeting. Councillor A. Pritchard asked the member of the public to withdraw his comment. He agreed he would if Councillor Clark answered the question. Councillor S. Sellars stated he was not a member of the council in January so would someone please let him know what the response was in January. Councillor N. Clark stated he had answered the question in January 2013 and would not be answering it again. The Parish Clerk explained that within the Council’s Standing Orders, councillors or members of the public could ask questions, but councillors had the option to either reply to a question at the

meeting, reply subsequently in writing or refuse to answer the question. Councillor E. Batts asked if Councillor N. Clark was refusing to answer the question did it mean that the Recreation and Amenities Committee were considering this issue or doing a report. The Chairman of the Recreation and Amenities Committee, Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett declined to answer the question. Councillor N. Clark asked Councillor Pritchard to ask the member of the public to leave as he had not retracted his statement. Councillor Pritchard asked him to retract his comment. The member of the public explained he thought that Councillor N. Clark’s behaviour is completely and utterly disgusting and wondered why he would not answer the question. Was it because he had not done anything? Councillor N. Clark explained he had answered the question in January 2013. He then moved that Councillor Pritchard asked the member of the public to leave or he would propose a motion that the meeting is adjourned as it was wrong that members of the public could abuse elected councillors. The Chairman of the Council, Councillor A. Pritchard asked the member of the public to leave the meeting, which he then did.

12/178 CLERK’S REPORT Councillors NOTED that: - 1). Playing Fields Scheduled Playing Field Safety Checks – Update Martin Dowie had now taken up his duties as Part-Time Caretaker of the Louie Memorial Playing Fields and Pavilion and had reported that the play equipment was in working order. 2). Courses/Meetings/Consultation Documents, Advice and Correspondence – Details for Councillors Information The Council had received the following details/sent the following correspondence or arranged the following meetings: - a). Business Plan – New Community Hall Request A copy of the draft Business Plan had been forwarded to the Vale’s Strategic Director for consideration and comment. b). New Homes Bonus The Parish Clerk understood that the amount of money available to be allocated by the North East Area Committee was £9,500. Councillors need to decide as a matter of urgency whether they wished to make an application for some of this funding. (See agenda item Council Matters 12/180/4) c). Street Name The VWHDC had adopted the Parish Council’s suggestion that the street name for the new development replacing ‘Arrundale’ in Lime Road is called Ash Close. d). New Property Name The recent conversion of a barn to a new residential dwelling in North Hinksey Lane will be known as, Old Manor Stables, 20A North Hinksey Lane, Oxford OX2 0LX. e). Results of the Doric Public Consultation The results had been circulated to all councillors. f). Councillors’ Surgery – Saturday 27th April 2013 Councillors to decide which 3 councillors would attend the surgery. (See agenda item Council Matters 12/180/1) g). Temporary Road Traffic Order/Road Closure – Lime Road, North Hinksey Details of the RTO which comes into affect on Thursday 16th May 2013 had been forwarded to all councillors. The works were anticipated to last for 2 days and were for laying utilities to the Ash Close. h). Oxford University Hospitals – NHS Had invited councillors to the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre’s Public Open Day on 15th May 2013. (Further details from the Parish Clerk)

12/179 COUNCIL MOTIONS Councillor Ms. A. MacKeith proposed and Councillor S. Sellars seconded the following motion to Council. ‘The Parish Council AGREES to fund a reprise of last year's successful Jubilee celebrations, to take place on the Louie Memorial Fields on 13th July 2013’. Councillor Ms. MacKeith explained that she had purposely not put in how much money they would ask for as she believed it was important to establish as a principle that it would be good to

do something again to enhance community spirit generally as everyone thought the Jubilee events last year were good fun. They had checked and were not aware of any other local events planned for 13th July. The money they would be looking for was £550 which included £350 for a Barn Dance, £100 lighting, £62 Matthew Arnolds Schools PA System and Other £38. The Parish Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had a grants budget in 2013/2014 of £1,740, which was primarily to grant aid local societies. As it was the start of the new financial year it was not known how at this stage how many applications would be made. Councillor Ms. MacKeith would see if Cumnor Parish Council would be willing to make a donation. Councillor Simon Sellars believed it was important for the Parish Council to agree in principle that it supported the event. Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett explained that neither the Chairman or herself were invited to a meeting to discuss this. She felt there were other more important local issues that needed to be addressed, the Parish Council had to put the precept up and there were hugh demands on the money and she did not believe that people of this parish wanted another party and it was not the remit of the Parish Council to throw parties, but the community as she understood it wanted the Parish Council to concentrate of the other major issues which will affect Botley and not the Parish Council’s role to put on events like this in times of great hardship. Perhaps ‘The Sprout’ magazine could raise the money as it was not an event the Parish Council should run. The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard asked for an orderly debate. Councillor N. Clerk asked whether it was not the case that up and down the country because of the cuts being imposed by the Liberal Democrats and Conservative government on local government and the cuts imposed by the Conservative controlled County and District Councils and is it not the case that cuts we are all suffering from are being made by the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives and rather ironic that the Parish Council which is not actually controlled by Liberal Democrats and Conservatives is coming under such pressure to spend money when the fact the money is tight is because of exactly what the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives were doing nationally and that point ought to be made coming up to the election. There then followed a number of heated exchanges involving a councillor and members of the public and the Chairman, Councillor Pritchard repeated asked for the meeting to come to order or he would suspend the meeting again for 5 minutes. When the exchanges had finished Councillor E. Batts informed the meeting that he felt it was a good proposal and would have the support of the community. Many local communities had local events each year, running fetes and Eynsham a Carnival. If the Parish Council could not fund it there were other ways of doing so. If the Pavilion Committee would like to contact him he would talk to the District Council Grants Officer to see if the Vale were able to provide some funding from their Festivals Grant Budget. The Chairman, Councillor Pritchard was concerned that no costs were shown in the motion and Councillor R Clark felt that ‘The Sprout’ should pay for the event. Councillor E. Batts proposed and Councillor D. Kay seconded the following amendment to the motion, ‘The Parish Council agrees to support a reprise of last year's successful Jubilee celebrations, to take place on the Louie Memorial Fields on 13th July 2013’. A named vote was requested. Councillors E. Batts, Mrs. A. Dykes, A. Hardiman, D. Kay, Ms. A. MacKeith and S. Sellars (6)

voted in favour of the amendment and Councillor P Allen (1) voted against. Councillors N. Clark, R. Clark and Mrs. J. Hammett and A. Pritchard (4) abstained from voting. This then became the substantive motion and was AGREED by 6 votes (Councillors E. Batts, Mrs. A. Dykes, A. Hardiman, D. Kay, Ms. A. MacKeith and S. Sellars) to 1 vote (Councillor Mrs. P. Allen) and Councillors N. Clark, R. Clark and Mrs. J. Hammett and A. Pritchard again abstained from voting.

12/180 COUNCIL MATTERS 1). Councillors’ Surgery The third of four surgeries has been arranged for Saturday 27th April 2013, between 10.00 - 11.00am in the Seacourt Hall. Councillors AGREED that Councillors D. Kay, A. Pritchard and S. Sellars would attend the surgery. 2). VWHDC Local Plan 2029 – Part One The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard presented a briefing paper of the main issues raised in the VWHDC’s Local Plan 2029 – Part One. Councillors discussed the content of his paper and added additional comments and thoughts. Councillor R. Clark asked for his following statement to be minuted.

“On page 25/2.2 of the plan it states 2that Botley is a settlement with most potential. Economic

prosperity because it is in the A34”. Doric said exactly the same thing at our first meeting. There is no mention in the plan that well over 90% of the heavy traffic leaving the A34 and A420 heads for the Botley Road, either for the Park & Ride, the railway station, the west of the city, or the 20 large retail outlets and shops and business parks and offices along the road. This heavy traffic is very often the cause of traffic congestion, sometimes as far back to the Eynsham Road. Instead we are told in the plan that because Botley is in the A34 “ We can maintain the vitality and viability of retail outlets and strengthen their service centre roles, and incorporate vibrant evening economies, establish a policy framework which concentrates larger shopping, tourism and community facilities in Botley, support the comprehensive re-development of the West Way Shopping Centre and Elms Parade. Botley has a level of facilities and services and local employment to provide the best opportunities for sustainable development”. It also adds “care will be taken to maintain the lower density areas such as Cumnor Hill”. It states “the Seacourt Retail Park of Botley is well established and will provide a different function to the West Way centre in terms of retail offers”. The plan disregards the close proximity of retail outlets on the Botley Road. There is a large very popular food super store just 3-400 yards from the parish and yet they propose to demolish Field House and replace it with another food superstore. On redevelopment the plan states that “permission will be given for a major development on the Oxford Brookes, Harcourt Hill Campus”, yet more problems for the parish on transport. On transport the plan acknowledged the existing highways congestion and suggests that a long-term solution to the traffic management around Oxford, the A34 and Botley is needed”. This should be dealt with now, but there has been no response from the Leaders of the County and District Councils to the letters sent to them in 2012 on this subject. In regard to the reference to the West Way and Elms Parade re-development in the plan, the VWHDC brought the shopping centre and car park in 1994. It stated that the income received kept the overall level of District Council Tax down. But this council has agreed to dispose of these public assets to a developer without having secured the interest of the Parish Council. This is unacceptable. This local plan has been funded by the taxpayers for the benefit of the developers. If this comprehensive development is implemented it will be the demise of this once pleasant settlement/parish”. Following further discussions on the merits of the contents of the Local Plan 2029-Part 1, Councillors agreed that the Parish Clerk should collate comments and forward them to the VWHDC. Councillor E. Batts and A. Hardiman thanked Councillor Pritchard for the intense work he had put into providing councillors with a summary of the main issues contained in the report of approximately 200 pages in length. The Parish Clerk asked councillors to let Councillor Pritchard and himself know by Wednesday 1st May of any other issues they believed should be raised in the Parish Council’s response. Councillor Pritchard confirmed that Cumnor PC would not be considering their response until Monday 29th April. Action: The Parish Clerk to respond to the Vale’s Local Plan 2029 – Part One. 3). Section 106 Contributions - Local Projects Working Group Councillors Mrs. P. Allen, R. Clark, D. Kay, Mrs. J. Hammett, Ms. A. MacKeith, A. Pritchard and S. Sellars discussed arranging a first meeting of the working group so that its remit could be agreed and a Chairman appointed. Councillor E. Batts would provide the Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard with dates when the Seacourt Hall would be available for the first meeting. The Parish Clerk reminded councillors that any decision would need to be made as soon as possible. Action: Councillors Batts to provide details of the availability of Seacourt Hall 4). News Homes Bonus Councillor E. Batts reported that the Vale’s North East Area Committee had been allocated £9,500, to cover North and South Hinksey, Cumnor, Wytham, Kennington, Radley, Wootton and Sunningwell parishes. Councillor Ms. A. MacKeith informed the meeting that the Allotments Committee would like to put in a bid for the provision of a water supply to the ‘Southern By Pass’ allotments. Councillor Batts agreed to find out the deadline date for bids.

The Chairman, Councillor Pritchard reminded councillors that any suggested bids must be supported by realistic costings. Action: Councillor Batts to find out the deadline date for bids and let the Parish Clerk know so he could circulate the deadline date to councillors. 5). Neighbourhood Planning The Parish Clerk reported that he had been in correspondence with Anthon Nath of the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council who was happy to do a presentation to councillors. He had circulated the proposed dates to all councillors and asked that they let him known as soon as possible whether any of the dates were not suitable. Action: The Parish Clerk to let Anton Nath know of the preferred date. 6). Highways and Litter Issues Councillor Ms. A. MacKeith reported that a large caisson had opened up under a pothole in North Hinksey Lane, where a spring ran under the road. The Parish Clerk reported that the highways authority were aware of the problem and had put barriers around it. 7). Quarterly Reports from Chairs of Other Committees (Progress/Issues of Interest) i). PLANNING COMMITTEE The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard reported that the major item considered was the Lime Road planning application and that he and the Parish Clerk would be meeting with M. Deans (Vale Planning Officer) to discuss the many concerns the Planning Committee had regarding the application. ii). ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE, INCLUDING NORTH HINKSEY NATURE RESERVE AND THE COMMUNITY ORCHARD The Chairman, Councillor Ms. A. MacKeith reported that there had been an allotment inspection on 14th April, the allotments were looking in good shape and the committee were looking at the possibility of providing water to the Southern By Pass allotments. The pump was still not working but Councillor Ms. MacKeith had arranged for it to be looked at. iii). FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Parish Clerk reported that the committee would be meeting in May to consider the audited Final Accounts for 2012/2013 and would be making recommendations to council at the AGM in May 2013. iv). RECREATION AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE The Chairman, Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett reported that the Volunteer Group were getting more young people from Matthew Arnold School involved. The group had planted some trees and were currently doing some cleaning up duties and planting in the copse. Details of the wildlife site were on the Parish Council’s web-site. v). REMEMBRANCE DAY COMMITTEE The Chairman, Councillor E. Batts asked whether the Parish Clerk had a replacement grave location map as the one in the Commonwealth War Graves Section, Botley Cemetery had gone missing. Action: The Parish Clerk to check to see if he has a replacement graves location map. Other Connected Organisations vi). LOUIE MEMORIAL PAVILION MANAGEMENT TRUST Councillor Ms A. MacKeith reported that things were going well, the pavilion was in good shape relatively speaking and the management committee was looking for further grants for its roof. The Pavilion Management Committee supported enthusiastically the idea of having a reprise of last year's successful Jubilee celebrations. vii). SEACOURT HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard informed the meeting that the committee had made a contribution towards the business plan for a new community hall and had contributed £500 towards the cost of the plan. The Parish Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had not received any donation from the Seacourt Hall Management Committee. Councillor Pritchard promised to chase up their Treasurer for a cheque. Action: Councillor A. Pritchard to chase up their Treasurer re: the £500 contribution cheque. Councillor E. Batts reported that the committee had still not appointed a replacement Secretary/Treasurer.


12/181 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Councillors CONFIRMED the following payments. Ch. No. Payee Expenditure Amount D/Debit VWHDC 1st Instalment NNDR Rates – LM Pavilion £ 60.16 102264 VWHDC Election Expense – March 2013 £ 2,781.30 102265 VWHDC Emptying Dog Bins – 1/7/2012-31/3/2013 £ 109.79 102266 Oxon Rural CC Membership 2013/2014 £ 65.00 102267 Oxford Green Belt Subscription 2013/2014 £ 15.00 102268 O.A.L.C. Annual Subscription 2013/2014 £ 807.24 102269 NALC DIS Subscription 2013/2014 £ 108.00 102270 Graham Sillman Work in Allotments. NHNR and playing fields. £ 742.00 102271 NALC Councillors NALC Review Subs 2013/2014 £ 187.50 102272 M. Dowie P/T Net Caretaking Fees – April 2013 £ 245.00 102273 A. J. Stone Net Salary April 2013 £ 1,405.04 TOTAL £ 5,526.03

12/182 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Councillor County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden reported that the County Council were winding down to the elections. She was pleased to report that the County Council’s Property Services were now talking to the Vale and Doric regarding the proposed West Way Re-Development. In relation to Hurst Rise Road, Councillor Godden confirmed that she felt it was a priority that yellow lines were installed at the bottom of Hurst Rise Road and had asked for that to be done. The double yellow lines and the road surface in Elms Road had been repaired and the notifications of the residential parking schemes will go out in the next couple of weeks. District Councillors a). District Councillor E. Batts District Councillor E. Batts explained that the Vale was considered to be the 8th best place to live in Britain and the 15th safest place in Britain. The Vale was consulting on the large recycling bins as they were being filled with non recycling materials and costing the taxpayers more due to land fill charges. There were new recycling and litter bins and the responsibility for emptying them now rests with Biffa. The new Wi-Fi should be in operation in the next 3 weeks and costs would be absorbed by the installation company. The By-Boxes should arrive in the next couple of weeks and the Vale had received 3 local planning appeals. Doric were looking at provisional dates for the next consultation which would probably be in July 2013. Details of the fly-tipped building materials in a green recycling bin by the side of 1Hawthorn Close had been passed to the Vale for further action. b). District Councillor Mrs. D. Hallett Her written report had been circulated to all councillors.

12/183 OTHER DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS RECEIVED Oxfordshire CC Dial-a-Ride Poster Berks, Bucks & Oxon WT Wildlife News April 2013 and Diary April-July 2013 OPFA Newsletter – Winter 2013 12/184 DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 25th April 2013 Allotments Committee (7.00pm) 25th April 2013 Parish Council (8.00pm) 9th May 2013 Planning Committee (7.45pm) 16th May 2013 F & GP Committee Final A/C’s 12/13 (7.00pm) OR 23rd May 2013 F & GP Committee Final A/C’s 12/13 (7.00pm) 23rd May 2013 Parish Council - Annual General Meeting (8.00pm) 30th May 2013 Planning Committee (7.45pm)

Council then UNANIMOUSLY passed the resolution under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Section1, extended by the Local Government Act 1972, Section 100, that the following items were confidential as they involved – Confidential correspondence from V.W.H.D.C’s Monitoring Officer and confirmation of confidential minutes of previous meetings. As such the press and public were excluded from the following part of the meeting.

This part of the meeting closed at 9.45pm

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