Fornshell Bus Service Inc
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PARCEL #41-207-4403 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES October 7, 2010 6:00 PM
(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Yvette Dullinger called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Commission Members Dave Johnson, Arlene Schmit, Yvette Dullinger, Ken Dickinson, Board Liaison, Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Excused Absences: John Davidson and Linda Steffen. Sign-In Sheet attached.
Purpose of the Hearing: The purpose of the hearing is to take comments on Fornshell Bus Service Inc. Conditional Use Permit and reclassification of Parcel #41-207-4403. Read Public Notice - Chair Yvette Dullinger read the public notice at this time and entered it into the record. Enter Affidavit of Publication - The affidavit was received and entered. Call for written comments – MN DOT – Ken Larson, Maintenance Specialist Following are comments from the MN DOT: 1. Mr. Fornshell needs to fill out a new driveway access application. 2. Highway safety concerns – the entrance must be widened to commercial standards. Normally that is a 32’ top with 35’radii, but MN Dot could consider a slightly narrower entrance. Widening the entrance would include culvert extensions, safety aprons, and a 6:1 slope. 3. A westbound right turn lane may be required. Another option is a right turn lane taper, which is a shorter and wider paved shoulder on east side of entrance that gives some extra room for turning traffic to get out of the highway driving lane quicker. 4. No net increase in development drainage to highway R/W is allowed. 5. No permanent or temporary signs, materials display, product storage, buildings, parking, septics, wells, or any other types of encroachments are allowed on the highway R/W (75 feet from centerline).
Presentations: Presentation of Application & Plan – Eric Fornshell Eric Fornshell from Fornshell Bus Service Inc. explained they purchased the property and using the site plan showed where the existing building (48’x108’) on the property is located and will be used for storing buses and servicing fleet and where he would be putting the building that he is moving. The building he is moving is 60’x88’. Eric stated
1 that 40’x88’ will have a concrete slab under it and 2 enclosed liens off the sides. This building’s main use will be storing buses. They will be adding trees to the continuing buffer and will be adding 6 Conifer trees on the east side of the new building and 2 in the front yard along with a 4’x8’ commercial sign for Fornshell Bus Service. The parking lot is already in place and already has an existing natural buffer in front. Presentation of Planning Commission - Chair Yvette Dullinger Eric Fornshell had met with Planning Commission members on a couple occasions and went through the checklist with his plan. Chair Dullinger did notice on the site plan the footage number was wrong on the east side; it should read 20 feet from the line. After further discussion with Eric he stated in regard to MN DOT requests he will be filling out the driveway application and also a permit for the right turn taper soon. Eric did state he does not feel he should have to pay for a westbound right turn lane and cannot afford it. Planning Commission member Arlene Schmit commented that she is a bus driver at Fornshell Bus Service and she does know the traffic volume at the site and stated there is not at any one time that a bus comes in together. The buses are all spaced out and only two (2) buses come from the west at night and they come back at different times. Arlene stated she has more concern in regard to the volume of traffic on Highway 210 in trying to get a student across the road without getting injured or killed than she does about the approach to Fornshell Bus Service. Chair Dullinger stated, looking at the properties along Hwy. 210 her personal opinion is that she does not feel that Eric should have to shoulder the burden of the turn lane as the property next to him is zoned commercial.
Public Testimony: Chair Dullinger opened the hearing for public comments. The following comment was received from a resident in attendance at the meeting:
1. A resident who lives on the east side of the proposed bus garage has concerns in regard to the requests from MN DOT. He does not feel it should be the responsibility of Eric to put in the turning lane. He stated there is more traffic coming from 2 residents north of him than from Fornshell Bus Service. The resident feels we should try to keep businesses in our community and not run them out.
Close Public Testimony: With no further comment from the public Chair Dullinger closed the public input portion of the public hearing and informed the residents the Planning Commission will take their comments into consideration.
Options: Acting Chair Dullinger informed the PC of the options the PC can consider at this time. The Planning Commission decided to work on a list of conditions to be considered.
Chair Dullinger moved to recommend to the Town Board the approval of the application for a Conditional Use Permit for Fornshell Bus Service with the following conditions and also recommend approval of the rezoning of Parcel # 41-207-4403:
1. Hazardous chemicals will be stored indoors only and will be picked up on a monthly basis.
2 2. Will monitor south tree line to keep building well screened from Highway 210 and add plantings if necessary. 3. The 6 trees and 2 trees shown on the map will be planted in the spring by June 15, 2011 and will be maintained and replaced when applicable. 4. Hours of Operation will be 24/7 with majority of work 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This will allow for an occasional charter bus. 5. No more than 6 licensed buses parked outside long-term. 6. If more impervious surface is added owner will increase holding ponds as necessary. 7. Insure lighting is downward. 8. Have parcel re-classified as commercial. 9. Meeting all State, County and Township requirements and 10. Protect the public health, safety and welfare. 11. Twenty foot (20’) setback on East property line.
Seconded by Dave Johnson. The question was called and the motion carried with Arlene Schmit abstaining.
ADJOURNMENT: Dave Johnson moved to adjourn, seconded by Arlene Schmitt and the hearing adjourned at 6:33 PM.
Minutes submitted by
______Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
PC Member ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/ as amended, seconded by ______and the motion carried.
Amendments: Page 2: Presentation of Planning Commission – Chair Dullinger: line 13 add “,” after the word “stated”