
The following information is provided to help you work your way through the U.S. Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) Application. Please read all the information carefully before completing the USAF PRE-QUALIFICATION WORKSHEET.

The entire application process should take approximately one month to complete. Due to the large number of applicants, DO NOT depend on your OTS representative to complete the details of your application. The deadline to complete the package is dependent on the type of selection board you are competing for; typically, the package should be completed THREE WEEKS prior to the submission cut-off date. Please keep your OTS representative informed of your progress.

All OTS applicants must take the Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT) and a medical examination, as well as complete a series of forms before a package can be submitted to the selection board. The following information is designed to take you through the process in detail. Not all forms mentioned below will be required in most cases; you will receive a checklist to assist you in assembling your package once it is determined that you are eligible to continue the process.

Submitting an Air Force Commissioning Package does not obligate you to join the Air Force!

Air Force Line Officer Positions

Rated Officers: Pilots, Combat Systems Operators, and Air Battle Managers have their own selection board, usually conducted twice a year.

Non-Rated Officers: Please refer to the list your OTS representative provided you. The non-rated line officer positions are divided into two groups: Technical and Non- Technical positions. Your OTS representative will explain to you which group you will be eligible to compete for. The non-rated selection board is conducted once a year.

Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT):

The AFOQT will be the first step towards a completed commissioning package. The AFOQT is a four-hour, comprehensive written test designed to find the best-qualified applicants to become Air Force Officers and to screen each applicant for specific duties. The following five scores will be derived from the 16 subtests. Pilot: This is a measure of some of the aptitudes predictive of success in the Undergraduate Pilot Training. Navigator: This is a measure of abilities used in interpreting dials and tables, understanding scientific and mathematical principles, and understanding mechanical and spatial concepts. Academic Aptitude: This is primarily a measure of general learning ability. It contains measures of verbal and quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability. Verbal: This is a measure of verbal skills: vocabulary, English usage, reading comprehension, and verbal analogies. Quantitative: This is a measure of mathematical and arithmetical reasoning ability to interpret graphs and tables. (No calculators allowed.)

The Pilot and Navigator scores are only applicable to applicants applying for those two career fields. The last three scores are applicable to all applicants. There are several Officer Candidate study guides that you can use to help prepare for the AFOQT (Military Flight Aptitude Test and the GRE study guides). The study guides can usually be found at the nearest library or bookstore. Please review one of these study guides before testing.

The AFOQT is given at different locations; your OTS representative will send you a list of locations and corresponding dates. If you will be testing at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), you must have in your possession a form USMEPCOM 680, Request for Examination completed by your OTS representative along with a government-issued picture ID. You will be required to present both on the day of the test to the Air Force Liaison.

Your test results should take about two weeks to process. While you are waiting for your results to come back, you will need to start working on some of the other application items listed below. If you wait until your test results come back, you will not meet the deadline I have established for application completion.

Submitting Your Package

The following items will be required to complete your application:

- OTS Applicant Info Worksheet USAF PRE-QUALIFICATION section - Case File Application - Official College transcripts from every college attended - Letters of Recommendation (minimum three, maximum five) - OTS Applicant Profile - AF Form 56 - AETC Form 1413 (if undergraduate degree is still in progress) - AFOQT Results - Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS), Pilot applicants only - Medical Examination - Officer Interview OTS Applicant Info Worksheet: Please complete this worksheet immediately so I can determine your qualifications for our programs.

Original Transcripts: Order one copy of official transcripts from every college and university you have ever attended, even if it was for only one semester hour. The transcripts must have a raised seal of the school or the Registrar’s signature. If you are currently finishing the last year of your degree, you will need to accomplish an AETC Form 1413, certified by the registrar’s office; it must state your expected graduation date. Your transcripts must state that you have been awarded a degree upon completion.

Letters of Recommendation: You will need three to five LORs for your application. They should be typed on letterhead stationary and must be addressed to MEMORANDUM FOR AIR FORCE OFFICER SELECTION BOARD. They can be from anyone that can give you an honest recommendation, except from relatives. You can request letters from a variety of people such as military officers (Active, Reserve or Retired of any branch of service), employers, professors, business associates, etc. Each letter should be one page with three to four paragraphs in length. The first paragraph should be devoted to qualifying the endorser, and the remaining paragraphs will be about recommending you as an Air Force Officer. The board is very interested in “Professional Leadership Qualities”. Key statements should discuss Integrity, Leadership Potential, Teamwork Attributes, Self-Motivation, etc. The endorser can give you the LOR or sent to your OTS representative. Please work with your endorser on the LORs because they are a very important part of you application. If other sections of your application are weak these letters can strengthen your package.

OTS Applicant Profile: Only standard white bond paper is to be used. Preferred font style is Times New Roman, size 12. Limit to two pages.

AETC Form 1413: This form must be completed if you have not yet finished your undergraduate degree. It is used to verify your scheduled graduation. Take it to your school’s registrar office or program manager to be certified. This form will accompany your application.

Medical Examination: After testing for the AFOQT, a medical exam is required to determine if you are medically qualified to become an Air Force Officer. The exam will take place at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), and can last several hours. A few days before your medical exam, your OTS representative will discuss some medical forms, brief you on what to expect during your examination, and give you the required forms to take the exam. The medical examination will include a check of your eyes, ears, nose, throat, and ensure your bones and joints work properly. You will be given a copy of your medical exam to maintain for your own records. Your OTS representative will request a copy from the MEPS to submit with your package.

Officer Interview: The officer will either be from the 364th Recruiting Squadron, a local ROTC Detachment Commander, or another Air Force line officer. You will dress appropriately as you would for a professional job interview. Males should wear a suit and tie; females should wear appropriate business attire. (Note for both: Attire should not be flashy or bold) The interviewing officer will be the eyes and ears of the board members. The interviewing officer can only “Recommend” or “Not Recommend” you as an Air Force Officer. He/She cannot disqualify you unless you mention new information that affects your eligibility. The board receives a great deal of influence from the interviewing officer, and what he/she recommends. Please be alert, confident (not arrogant), professional, relaxed and excited. Remember that body language is just as important as the verbal dialogue. Be at least 15 to 20 minutes early to ensure you look sharp, organized, and ready to go. The interview should last approximately one hour.

Once the interview is complete, the interviewing officer annotates his/her comments on the AF Form 56 and forwards it to your OTS representative for your package.

Prior Service Applicants Only: In addition to completing your application, you will need to provide several items from your prior service time. You will need an Undeleted DD Form 214, DD Form 4, all performance reports and derogatory information. If you do not have this information, it can be retrieved by completing a SF Form 180 and sending it to the appropriate records department for your branch of service. It is best to complete this form ASAP because it can take up to four weeks to receive the records. Your OTS representative may have a FAX number to send the form to speed up the process.

After Selection

The selection board consists of five active-duty Air Force colonels (O-6); they will review each package and assign point values based on the contents of the package. They will then offer a commission to a number of applicants based on the requirements of the Air Force mission.

Flight Physical: Rated officer selects must undergo a flight physical examination to determine eligibility as an aircrew officer. This exam is conducted at Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA, and is similar to the MEPS medical exam.

Background Investigation: All applicants will be fingerprinted once they are selected for OTS. In addition, a Standard Form 86 must be completed and signed.

Basic Officer Training (BOT) Class Date Letter: After completion of your background investigation and flight physical, your OTS representative will receive a notification letter from the Air Force Personnel Center of your class date.

Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP): After selection and notification of your position, you will be required to enter the DEP. You will return to the MEPS for a height/weight certification, and then take the Oath of Enlistment. Once accomplished you are entered into the DEP; you have been reserved a position in the Air Force, but have delayed your departure to coincide with your Basic Officer Training class date.

OTS in not easy to get into. If you truly want to become an Air Force Officer it will call for hard work and determination.

Congratulations on taking the first steps, USAF PRE-QUALIFICATION WORKSHEET

Name (First Middle Last) Complete Address including Zip Code Phone#: Email: Date of / Place of Birth Social Security # Citizenship: (including dual citizenship) Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color List all tattoos, piercings and body modifications, include size and location. Marital Status Number of Children List all serious medical issues such as counseling, broken bones, asthma, psoriasis, diabetes, heart problems, etc. Explain each issue.

List all hospitalizations with an explanation

Have you ever used an inhaler? Degree and Major: School Graduated from or will graduate from: Graduation date: Cumulative GPA List all illegal drug usage, with dates and number of times used (Experimental marijuana use is not necessarily a disqualifying factor; however, any other drugs used besides marijuana will be a COMPLETE DISQUALIFICATION, no exceptions) Have you ever had any credit problems, such as accounts sent to collections, chargeoffs, over 60 days late, bankruptcies, etc?:

Have you or are you now serving in the military? If so, indicate branch, type of service, dates, highest rank, RE code(s), and any VA disability rating.

List ALL law violations to include traffic tickets regardless of the outcome. Also list Drivers License #, state, and expiration date: Date Violation City & Disposition Amount of Fines State

In the block below, write a few sentences explaining your personal and career interests that you are looking for the Air Force to provide for you. Include any positions of interest.

Email this worksheet to your OTS representative to find out if you are tentatively pre-qualified.