Friday, October 2, 2015


Attention Seniors: The results for your class officers are in! Your Class President is Violeta Jaya Your Class Vice President is Tyler Soper Your Class Treasurer is Vanessa Palaez Your Class Secretary is Bryan Pena Your Class Officer Assistants are Jocelyn Padin and Tiarra Brady. Your dues of $70 is due October 30th. The amount will cover your cap and gown as well your senior pictures. Senior portraits will take place on October 21st with retakes on October 22nd. Any questions or concerns please see your advisors Ms. Fernandes and Mrs. Patterson.

Any senior interested in attending a college fair, please see Ms. Goldstein in room C-160 to sign up. The deadline to sign-up is Friday, October 9, 2015.

Any student that will need to take the late bus home MUST have a new permission slip for this year on file in the Main Office. Last years are not valid! If you need one stop in the Office to pick one up.

ANY student wishing to take part in the first Piscataway Math Competition next Thursday, October 8th MUST sign up with Mrs. Gomes Room C154 by Monday morning October 5th.

Any student on a weekly progress report can pick one up in the Main Office this morning.

Boys Soccer game is cancelled today!

Piscataway have a GREAT day!

~STUDENTS~ During inclement weather, listen to WCTC-1450 AM, WKXU-101 FM, television channel 12. These stations announce school closings or delayed openings for MCVTS. When listening to the public broadcast, pay particular attention as to whether our school district is “closed” “or” there is a delayed opening.” In the event that a delayed opening is called and weather conditions worsen so that school must be cancelled for the day, the public announcement on radio and television will be revised to closed. If your local district is closed, then you can assume that no bus transportation will be provided to or from school on that day. On a delayed opening, school will begin at 10:45 AM. Since the sending district provides bus transportation, students should expect their bus pick-up tie to be two hours late.

~ATTENTION JUNIORS & SENIORS~ There is to be no loitering or smoking in the parking lot. Students who do not abide by these guidelines will be fined. To avoid delays, students are asked to immediately report to their buses in the afternoon. High school students as well as ALL adult students who drive to school must register their cars in the Attendance Office and display the given decal in a visible area on the vehicle. Cars without decals will be towed at the owner’s expense. Any student found speeding or spinning tires will immediately have their driving privileges revoked. Also, high school students as well as ALL adult students are not to park in the staff parking lot. Student parking is located at the top of the hill to the left of the building. We ask you that you please cooperate and park in the designated spaces for students. The front parking lot is strictly reserved for staff only parking. Do not park in the staff parking or your car will be towed at the owner’s expense. Food is not permitted to be taken out of the cafeteria before, during or after breakfast, lunch and any other time of day. This applies to all students, high school as well as adults. We are also asking you to please help keep our school clean and safe by placing trash in the proper receptacles located throughout the building. Gym notes from physicians are needed from those who are not participating in physical education. Notes must include a signature of the parent/guardian issuing the excusal as well as a phone number where the issuer can be contacted at. Any medication (whether prescription or over the counter) required during school hours may only be taken if a note is sent in to the nurse’s office from the doctor and a parent/guardian. Under no circumstances will any other medication be allowed to be taken in school. It is important that students arrive on time to homeroom so that their assigned homeroom teacher is aware that they are present. If you arrive late to school and attendance cards have been collected, you must report to the front mall to sign yourself in. Headgear is not acceptable on our school’s ground. It is asked that upon entering the building that you please remove any hats or such. Failure to do so will result in the confiscation of the items and will not be returned until the end of the school year. There will be no profanity tolerated within or on school grounds. If you choose to use such foul language, you will be treated as a disciplinary problem and will result in suspension. It is strongly urged that students keep their possessions secure at all times. The school cannot be held accountable for any items that may become lost or stolen. Students are not permitted to use phones located within the school’s offices. A payphone is located in the cafeteria for such use. It is asked that students please practice common courtesy and limit calling as the amount of time used so that others may have the opportunity to make their calls. Pagers, cards, dice, cell phone, walkman, boom boxes, roller blades, skateboards, etc., are not permitted in school. Please, do not bring them or they will be confiscated and will not be returned until the end of the school year. Law prohibits smoking in school or on school grounds. Violations are subject to prosecution.