Princess Margaret Public Sch l 351-13th Avenue East Prince Albert, Sask. S6V 2N3 Phone 306-763-5217 Fax 306-764-5141 Principal - Mr. Kent Arpin Vice-Principal – Mrs. Holly Abrey-Hare June 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pre-Kdg/Kdg – Days as indicated 1 2 9:15 – 3:00 Gr 8 Fishing at Candle Lake

PreK/Kdg-B Kdg-A 5 6 7 8 9 P4A Track & Field 9:0-3:00 Grades this week 2T-2/3AG-3R Emma Lake

Kdg-B PreK/Kdg-A Kdg-B PreK/Kdg-A Kdg-B 12 13 14 15 16 9:30-2:30 Gr 1-3 9:30-2:30 Gr 4-8 Melfort Wave Pool Melfort Wave Pool No Classes Reading Reward Reading Reward PLC 10:00-12:00 PreK to Gymnastics Centre Kdg-A PreK/Kdg-B Kdg-A PreK/Kdg-B 19 20 21 22 23 9:15-3:00 Gr 4 & 5 GR 7 – 9:00-3:00 Batoche Biking to Little Red 2:30-3:30 PreK Yearend Celebration Playday Kdg-A PreK/Kdg-B Kdg-A PreK/Kdg-B Kdg-A 26 27 28 29 30 Kdg-B & Gr 1 5:30-8:30 Gr 8 Pizza Last Day of School 1:00. Splash Park Party Weather Permitting Kdg-A & Gr 3 1:00 No Classes Splash Park Weather Permitting Kdg-B PreK/Kdg-A Kdg-B PreK/Kdg-A Have a safe and enjoyable summer!

Classes resume, September 5th, 2017 9:00 a.m. Pre-Kindergarten If your child is: Turning 3 or 4 by December 31, 2017 and meet the criteria, they will be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten

Kindergarten If your child is: Turning 5 by December 31, 2017 they should be enrolled in the Kindergarten program.

Please come to the office for registrations.

Principal’s Message

The last few days of school are flying by but the students and staff have continued to work diligently and are finishing the year strong. Year-end assessments are being completed, class trips, play day and the grade 8 farewell assembly have been finalized and many other items on our to-do lists are being checked off daily. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the various volunteers who have volunteered their time and supported our students and staff in the numerous curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the year.

Over this last school year we have seen growth from every student and have high expectations for next year . It has meant a lot of extra work for teachers and time investment by all. This year our goal focus was reading and we hope that the momentum gained over the school year will continue throughout the summer. We encourage families to take advantage of the Cuelenaere Public library and to use the strategies taught to continue to improve our students’ reading. Additionally, there are numerous internet based sites that support reading, so log on and enjoy the long days of summer!

From the Library All student library books are due back June 22nd. Please help your child find any School library books they may have misplaced at home. Have a great summer and Read On!

We would like to wish the following staff all the best as they leave our Princess Margaret Family and welcome to those that will be joining us in the fall: Goodbye Mr. Kent Arpin Transferring – Carlton Comprehensive High School Mrs. Deanna Ledding Transferring – Shellbrook Public Elementary School Mrs. Jillian Ross Transferring – Queen Mary Public School

Welcome Mr. Art Feher Principal Ms. Dana Piercey Ed Support