Advocates for System Kids and Youth
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ASK-Y (Advocates for System Kids and Youth) July 23rd, 2007
Present: Laurie Lippold (Children’s Home Society), Jamica Henderson, Jessica Garcia, Samuel Martin, Lauren Frederick, Najja Morris, Mellissa Stringer, Jessica Martin (The Mockingbird Society, Johnny Ohta (Ryther Child Center), Joyce Schowalter, Jody Rosentswieg (Girl Scouts Fostering a Future), Caroline Tillier (TeamChild), Jessica Phillips (Friends of Youth), Casey Trupin (Columbia Legal Services), Sean Walsh (YMCA), Curtis Knopf (YouthCare)
Welcome/Introductions Sam Martin of the Mockingbird Society opened the meeting and welcomed the group.
HB 1922 Implementation Jim Theofelis explained HB 1922 Creating an Independent Youth Housing Program to the group. It was one of ASK-Y’s main agendas for this past legislative session. Jim and Sean Walsh are on the implementation committee. Input for the RFP guidelines is being solicited for implementation of this bill. Please be aware of this and offer your input as the RFP is developed. The meeting is August 2nd from 10-12 at the Sea Tac Red Lion. You can also email your comments in.
Reviewing Possible Legislative Agendas for 2008 2008 is what legislators call a budget “tweaking” year. It is also an election year. Adjustments to the HOPE Act could be a possible legislative agenda item for 2008. Direct representation is another potential legislative agenda item. The PI, national reports, and the Supreme Court are all looking at these issues. Washington State received an F in the area of youth representation for youth in foster care in a recent evaluation. Almost every state has attorneys for every foster youth in care, but youth in foster care in Washington State have no right to an attorney. At the age of 12, youth can request an attorney, and it is up to the court whether or not that happens. Washington State violates federal law because our laws say if there is good cause, the courts do not have to provide representation for youth. There is no penalty for being in violation of this federal law. Thus kids can go through the entire system in our state without the counsel and advocacy of a legal expert. o CASAs are very helpful but cannot fill in all the legal gaps for foster youth. o Legislators have two different points of view on this issue in Washington State. Some say we shouldn’t give young people attorneys because they will increase the likelihood that kids will be sent back to an inadequate home. Others say that all the attorney is going to do is keep the child from being returned to an adequate home. However, there are those who feel that giving youth an attorney is the right thing to do. It could save money as youth might choose to call an attorney rather than run away. They would have client privilege and confidentiality with their lawyer. o This issue can be linked to issues that legislators already understand. For example, a new bill takes effect today giving youth representation at the age of 12 for all youth if they are still in the system. We could also have a pilot so we can evaluate how well this is working. The fiscal note would be lower and
1 the outcome would hopefully show that money is saved through more permanent placements, fewer kids running, etc. o Casey stated that if legal rights are being violated, and legal expertise is needed, then a lawyer is absolutely needed, in addition to a CASA. Plus, a CASA’s idea of what is best for the child may differ from what the youth wants. Both are needed. o There are many situations in which youth receive attorneys. However, there is no requirement that a lawyer represent youth at dependency hearings. o Not having an attorney at a dependency hearing has far reaching effects on a child’s life: separation from siblings, where the child will live, the child’s name, whether a child is in foster care for years, etc. o We could pilot this in willing regions, with qualified, willing attorneys who are not overloaded, starting for youth at age 12. o Parents have attorneys in these proceedings, and youth are equally as valuable. Also, they are vulnerable to being abused by the system even as adolescents. How can we provide resources for youth who aren’t aging out of foster care but did spend a certain amount of time there? Would it be helpful to find funding for a study to look at what the impact is for kids who don’t age out of care, but who did spend a certain amount of time there? A Mockingbird youth talked about her experience with guardianship (not being a dependent of the state) ending at 18. She lost all supports at that time. Housing is an issue that has come up many times across groups (substance abuse, child welfare, poverty). Poverty is connected to loss of housing and child welfare involvement. How can we help with housing for youth not connected to foster care? United Way is collaborating with Friends of Youth and others to provide more funding for homeless youth not connected to foster care.
Legislative Advocacy Update (Laurie Lippold) See attached matrix from the Child Welfare Advocacy Coalition for specific legislative agendas for 2008. We are going into a short session so legislators are not leaning toward making large changes related to budgets. Jim Theofelis and Laurie Lippold co-chair CWAC (Child Welfare Advocacy Coalition). We need to make sure that our issues are well-thought out, be aware of fiscal implications, and know whether they relate to Braam. We need to ask if there is there a lead agency, a legislative champion, and what other agencies are working on similar legislation. If you choose issues in this way, you can ensure that a number of issues are addressed by different agencies and legislators. There are 6 potential legislative agenda items related to Braam: o CHET screening only happening at 30% (max) statewide within 30 days of coming into care. This has been law since 1998. The governor’s office and the legislature did not fund CA’s request for funding to do this. o Increase number of licensed homes. o Increase and facilitate sibling visits. o Increase education advocates to increase school continuity. o Fund incentive grants for schools for keeping foster youth in school. o Monthly visits from caseworkers by June 2009 (CA says that they are on track to do this). Additionally, Rep. Pettigrew is looking at post-adoption services such as respite and mental health services for families adopting youth out of car; Rep. Kagi is looking at
2 court improvements; and Rep. Dickerson is looking at legislation that would allow youth to be present at court hearings. Rep. Kagi is having a work session on ILP services in October. This is open to the public.
The Mockingbird Society/Stuart Foundation. The Stuart Foundation gave MBS a small grant to travel to California and take notes on their youth advocacy network, California Youth Connection, which is 19 years old. They have a group of youth who train social workers (Youth Offering Unique and Tangible Help).
Next Steps Let us know if you have additional input into any of these issues.
August Meeting We may not have a meeting in August. Watch your email for the final decision.