Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template
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Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Standard
Version 20121101
Effective Date: November 1, 2012
Prepared by: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission StreamNet Project
Pacific Northwest Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template Development Team
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction------3 A1. CA-NOSA Table...... 4 A2. CA-SAR Table...... 8 A3. CA-RperS Table...... 13 III. Appendices------18 Appendix A. Glossary...... 18 Appendix B. Names of Recovery Domains, Species, ESUs, MPGs, and Populations Defined by NMFS 19 Interior Columbia...... 19 Oregon Coast...... 24 Puget Sound Recovery Domain Geographic Regions and MPGs...... 26 Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain Strata...... 28 Appendix C. Names of Populations Defined by NPCC / CBFWA / CRITFC (from Subbasin Planning) 33 Chinook salmon...... 33 Chum salmon...... 37 Coho salmon...... 37 Kokanee...... 38 Sockeye salmon...... 39 Steelhead...... 39 Appendix D. MS-Access 2010 Data Types...... 43
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 2 of 46 I. Introduction
This document contains the Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template.
The data types listed in the tables' Data Type column are Microsoft Access 2010 data types. Appendix D contains details regarding these data types.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 3 of 46 A1. CA-NOSA Table This table stores information concerning natural origin spawner abundance (NOSA) as defined by the Coordinated Assessments project (CA). "Spawner abundance" refers to the number of fish that actually spawn, not necessarily the total number of fish returning to a spawning area -- all pre- spawning mortality has already been accounted for in the numbers represented in this table. Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-NOSA Table Main NOSA data fields CommonName Common name of the taxon of fish. Text 50 Enter the name of the taxon here, even if taxon name is included in the name of the population. Select from the following: Bull trout Chinook salmon Chum salmon Coho salmon Sockeye salmon Steelhead Additional species may be added in the future: refer to for common names. Run Run of fish. Text 20 Enter the name of the run here, even if run name is included in the name of the population. Entries in this field are not recognized as taxonomic divisions. Select from the following: Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring-summer If not applicable then enter "N/A" (e.g., for bull trout). ESU-DPS For populations listed under the federal ESA, this Text 255 Enter the name of the ESU or DPS here. Entries in this field are taxonomic divisions defined by NMFS or USFWS, and may is the name of a defined Evolutionarily Significant be at the species, subspecies, or finer scale. ESUs of salmon north of California are listed at Unit (ESU) or Distinct Population Segment (DPS) as defined by NMFS Northwest Region or by USFWS. For non-listed populations this is the DPS or other name. RecoveryDomain Name of the "recovery domain," as defined by the Text 255 Five recovery domains have been defined by NMFS in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Select the appropriate one from this NMFS Northwest Region, in which the population list: falls. Puget Sound Recovery Domain Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain Interior Columbia Recovery Domain Oregon Coast Recovery Domain Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Recovery Domain Recovery domains are listed and mapped at Further information about recovery domains can be found at MajorPopGroup Name of "major population group" (MPG) or Text 255 The term "stratum" is used in the Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain, while "major population group" is used in “stratum” as defined by the NMFS Northwest other areas. The term "stratum" includes life history considerations as well as geographic criteria, while MPGs are defined Region, in which the population falls. geographically. See Appendix B for the list of MPGs / strata. ESApopName Official name of the population as defined by Text 255 See Appendix B for the list of population names as used by NMFS. NMFS Northwest Region (or USFWS for other species).
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 4 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-NOSA Table CBFWApopName Population name as defined by CBFWA for Text 255 This may include non-listed populations, or cases where geographic area does not match a defined population of a listed subbasin planning purposes, from subbasin plans species. In such cases the "ESApopName" field above will be blank. See Appendix C for the list of these population names. and agencies. Fill this field even when a population's geographic extent coincides with NWR name for a listed population. CommonPopName Population name used by local biologists. Text 255 Often this is simply the name of the population as it was written on the original time series spreadsheets.
PopFit Categorization of how well the geographic extent Text 8 Acceptable values: of the NOSA estimate corresponds to the Same [Estimate represents the entire population.] geographic definition of the population. Portion [Estimate represents a portion of the population.] Multiple [Estimate is from more than one population (Describe in PopFitNotes field.] PopFitNotes Text description of how well the natural origin Memo If the PopFit field is "Portion" or "Multiple", describe the lack of correspondence between the defined population and the fish spawner abundance value corresponds to the for which the NOSA estimate was made. defined population. WaterBody Name of the body of water associated with the Text 255 This may be any of the following: time series. the name of a fluvial water body. the name of an impounded fluvial water body (reservoir). the name of a lentic water body. a description of multiple water bodies if appropriate for the time series. To allow for easy sorting, follow these general format examples: River or stream – John Day River; Fifteen Mile Creek. Fork of a river, main name first – John Day River, North Fork o [for North Fork John Day River]. Salmon River, East Fork South Fork o [for East Fork South Fork Salmon River]. Reservoir (the word "Lake" comes first) – Lake Billy Chinook; Cougar Reservoir. Natural lake (the word "Lake" comes last) – Alturas Lake. SpawningYear The four-digit year in which spawning of this Integer In cases where an unusual population begins spawning uncharacteristically early (before January 1 for spring spawners) or late species (and run where appropriate) began. (after December 31 for fall spawners) for the species (and perhaps run), assign the year based on the majority of populations of this species/run in order to be consistent for all members of the spawning cohort. For example, most coho spawn in fall but a few populations do not begin spawning until after Jan. 1. The spawning year assigned for these unusual populations would match the other populations that spawned in the fall, even though these particular populations did not begin spawning until after December 31. Indicator NOSAIJ The point estimate for natural-origin spawner Single Estimated number of natural origin spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. “Spawners” includes jacks, all of abundance, including jacks. natural origin. "Natural origin" means the fish's parents spawned in the wild. The statistical approach used to generate the estimate should be thoroughly explained in the methods referenced in the MethodDocumentation field.
Provide this estimate ONLY if one of the following is true: it represents the whole population -- that is, the estimate is for the whole population. this sub-portion of the population is formally used by the TRT to represent the population.
For populations for which "jacks" are not recognized (e.g., bull trout), enter the NOSA estimate in this field and fill in the associated confidence limits information in the NOSAIJLowerLimit, NOSAIJUpperLimit, NOSAIJAlpha fields. NOSAIJLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSAIJ field. NOSAIJUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSAIJ field.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 5 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-NOSA Table NOSAIJAlpha The significance level for the NOSAIJ confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. NOSAEJ The point estimate for natural-origin spawner Single Estimated number of natural origin spawners contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes only "adults" of natural abundance, excluding jacks. origin, excluding jacks. "Natural origin" means the fish's parents spawned in the wild.
Provide this estimate ONLY if: it represents the whole population. That is, the estimate is for the whole population. this sub-portion of the population is formally used by the TRT to represent the population.
For populations for which "jacks" are not recognized (e.g., bull trout), leave this field and the associated confidence limits fields blank (NOSAEJLowerLimit, NOSAEJUpperLimit, NOSAEJAlpha). NOSAEJLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSAEJ field. NOSAEJUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSAEJ field. NOSAEJAlpha The significance level for the NOSAEJ Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". confidence interval, expressed as alpha. Metrics supporting the main NOSA fields above FNO The point estimate for the fraction of total Single Express these values as numbers from zero to one. spawners that are natural origin. FNOLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single FNO field. FNOUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single FNO field. FNOAlpha The significance level for the FNO confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. NOSJF The point estimate for the natural origin spawners Single Proportion of natural origin spawners that are jacks. Express these values as numbers from zero to one. jack fraction. NOSJFLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSJF field. NOSJFUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single NOSJF field. NOSJFAlpha The significance level for the NOSJF confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. TSAIJ The point estimate for total spawner abundance, Single Estimated total number of fish contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both natural origin and hatchery origin including jacks. returns, and adult and jack age classes. TSAIJLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSAIJ field. TSAIJUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSAIJ field. TSAIJAlpha The significance level for the TSAIJ confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. TSAEJ The point estimate for total spawner abundance, Single Estimated total number of fish contributing to spawning in a particular year. Includes both natural origin and hatchery origin excluding jacks. returns, for adult age classes excluding jacks. TSAEJLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSAEJ field.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 6 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-NOSA Table TSAEJUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSAEJ field. TSAEJAlpha The significance level for the TSAEJ confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. Protocol and method documentation ProtMethName The name(s) of all protocols and associated data Memo Provide title of protocol and name(s) of relevant methods used. collection and data analysis methods used to calculate the indicator estimate. Documentation should include the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), annual implementation notes on variations from routine step by step procedures or design criteria, also known as survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach. ProtMethURL URL(s) for published protocols and methods Memo Provide URL(s) to source documentation of methodology. For provide link to the protocol. Methods describing the methodology and documenting the documentation should include survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach. URL links may be to derivation of the indicator. If published in online methods documentation resources like, other online resources, or online literature., this link will provide access to study design information and all If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link references. If methodology changed for this estimate, methods associated with the protocol. provide a new link. ProtMethDocumentation Citation or documentation that describes the Memo Provide a citation(s) to documentation of the methodology used. This may be in the form of reports, journal articles, or other protocol and/or method(s) listed in the publications that describe the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), variations from ProtMethName field. Include references not routine step by step procedures or design criteria, description of field methodology and analytical approach. If the documented in, such as methodology is not yet published, either insert here, or describe in a separate document and make it available online (provide reports, journal articles or other publications that the URL). Leave this field blank if methodology is described in describe the survey design, field methodology and analytical approach used to derive the indicator Note: If there is no link to a cited document online, provide a copy of the document to the StreamNet Library estimate. ( The library will scan the document and provide a URL. Post the URL in the ProtMethURL field.
If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link or reference citation. If methodology changed, provide a new link or reference citation. MethodAdjustments Minor adjustments to a method in a given year Memo Give a brief description of changes or adjustments to a standard method if they are NOT described in the methods that are not described in the method citations documentation already provided. If multiple documentation sources are cited, be sure to indicate which method from which above but are important. document was adjusted.
In, documentation of changes or adjustments to methods or protocols can be described in the Implementation Notes section of each published method or protocol. Comments about the data Comments Any issues, problems, questions about this Memo indicator that were not already captured in other places. Supporting information DataStatus Status of the record. For example, "draft", Text 255 Indicate the status of the data contained in the current record. "reviewed", "approved". LastUpdated Date (and time if desired) the information in this Date/Time If an exact date is not known, give an estimate. record was last updated. IndicatorLocation Where this indicator is maintained at the source. Memo If online, provide URL(s).
MetricLocation Where the supporting metrics are maintained at Memo If online, provide URL(s). the source.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 7 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-NOSA Table MeasureLocation Where the measurements are maintained that were Memo If online, provide URL(s). used for these calculations. ContactPersonFirst First name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPersonLast Last name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record. ContactAgency Agency, tribe, or other entity, or person Text 255 responsible for these data that is the best contact for questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPhone Phone number of person who is the best contact Text 30 for questions that may arise about this data record. ContactEmail Email address of person who is the best contact Text 50 for questions that may arise about this data record. MetaComments Comments regarding the supporting information. Memo
A2. CA-SAR Table This table stores information concerning smolt to adult ratios (SAR) as defined by the Coordinated Assessments project (CA). Smolt to adult ratios are specific to the smolt and adult locations described in each row of data. Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table Main SAR data fields CommonName Common name of the taxon of fish. Text 50 Enter the name of the taxon here, even if taxon name is included in the name of the population. Select from the following: Bull trout Chinook salmon Chum salmon Coho salmon Sockeye salmon Steelhead Additional species may be added in the future: refer to for common names. Run Run of fish. Text 20 Enter the name of the run here, even if run name is included in the name of the population. Entries in this field are not recognized as taxonomic divisions. Select from the following: Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring-summer If not applicable then enter "N/A" (e.g., for bull trout). ESU-DPS For populations listed under the federal ESA, this Text 255 Enter the name of the ESU or DPS here. Entries in this field are taxonomic divisions defined by NMFS or USFWS, and may is the name of a defined Evolutionarily Significant be at the species, subspecies, or finer scale. ESUs of salmon north of California are listed at Unit (ESU) or Distinct Population Segment (DPS) as defined by NMFS Northwest Region or by USFWS. For non-listed populations this is the DPS or other name.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 8 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table RecoveryDomain Name of the "recovery domain," as defined by the Text 255 Five recovery domains have been defined by NMFS in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Select the appropriate one from this NMFS Northwest Region, in which the population list: falls. Puget Sound Recovery Domain Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain Interior Columbia Recovery Domain Oregon Coast Recovery Domain Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Recovery Domain Recovery domains are listed and mapped at Further information about recovery domains can be found at MajorPopGroup Name of "major population group" or ”stratum” Text 255 The term "stratum" is used in the Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain, while "major population group" is used in as defined by the NMFS Northwest Region, in other areas. The term "stratum" includes life history considerations as well as geographic criteria, while MPGs are defined which the population falls. geographically. See Appendix B for the list of MPGs / strata. ESApopName Official name of the population as defined by Text 255 See Appendix B for the list of population names as used by NMFS. NMFS Northwest Region (or USFWS for other species). CBFWApopName Population name as defined by CBFWA for Text 255 This may include non-listed populations, or cases where geographic area does not match a defined population of a listed subbasin planning purposes, from subbasin plans species. In such cases the "ESApopName" field above will be blank. See Appendix C for the list of these population names. and agencies. Fill this field even when a population's geographic extent coincides with NWR name for a listed population. CommonPopName Population name used by local biologists. Text 255 Often this is simply the name of the population as it was written on the original time series spreadsheets.
PopAggregation If the data are for an aggregation of defined Memo populations, enter the names of populations included. SmoltLocation The specific location(s) for where the smolt Text 255 This may be any of the following: abundance numbers were determined. the name of a fluvial water body and text description of where on that stream or river. the name of an impounded fluvial water body (reservoir) and description of where on that reservoir. the name of a lentic water body, and description of where on that lake. a description of multiple water bodies if appropriate for the time series, with descriptions of specific locations. Name of a dam. SmoltLocPTcode PTAGIS code for the location where smolts were Text 255 There should be a PTAGIS code for most locations where smolts were trapped. Provide that code, or multiple codes if smolts enumerated. were trapped at multiple locations for this population. AdultLocation The specific location(s) for where the adult Text 255 This may be any of the following: abundance numbers were determined. the name of a fluvial water body, with specific location described the name of an impounded fluvial water body (reservoir), with specific location described the name of a lentic water body, with specific location described a description of multiple water bodies if appropriate for the time series. Name of a dam.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 9 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table SARtype Type of SAR. See Codes/Conventions column Text 255 This field is used to describe the category of SAR for the current record, in terms of where the smolt and adult numbers were for details. determined that went into the SAR. Current list of acceptable values are shown below. If you have a need for other types, contact the Coordinated Assessment group to define the new type. Tributary to tributary [smolt numbers determined in tributary; adult numbers determined in tributary] Tributary to named dam [smolt numbers determined in tributary; adult numbers determined at first mainstem dam] Named dam to named dam [smolt numbers determined at first mainstem dam; adult numbers determined at first mainstem dam] Named dam to tributary [smolt numbers determined at first mainstem dam; adult numbers determined in tributary] The values in the "SmoltLocation" and "AdultLocation" fields should match the categorization in this field. ScopeOfInference Description of what this SAR represents: a Text 255 Identify the specific population, ESU, etc. that applies. population, ESU/DPS, MPG, etc. OutmigrationYear The four-digit year for which this SAR is Integer Year in which the fish migrated to the ocean. This is often not the same as brood year. calculated, defined as the year the group migrated to sea. Indicator SAR The point estimate for smolt-to-adult ratio, Single Express these values as percentages (numbers from zero to one hundred). Examples: .02 = 2, .001 = 0.1. calculated as 100 X the point estimate of the (as percent number of returning natural-origin adults, divided without This field holds a numeric value only -- the percent sign is implied but not included. by the point estimate of the number of smolts that percent produced those returning adults. sign) Do NOT include repeat spawners in the number of adult returns. (A fish only returns once from smolting; subsequent returns are not appropriate for inclusion in smolt-to-adult estimates because they head to sea as adults on subsequent trips and thus are not exposed to the same suite of mortality factors.) SARLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single This field holds a numeric value only -- the percent sign is implied but not included. SAR field. SARUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single This field holds a numeric value only -- the percent sign is implied but not included. SAR field. SARAlpha The significance level for the SAR confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. ReturnsMissing This field indicates whether any adult return years Text 3 Acceptable values: for this out-migration year were missing. Yes [Years were missing.] No [No years missing; return estimates were complete.]
If some years were missing, describe how that gap was addressed under ReturnMissingExplanation ReturnsMissingExplanati If some return data are not accounted for in the Memo Describe how any gap in return years was addressed: Filled in with an interpolated estimate, ignored, etc. on SAR estimate, explain the gap.
RearingType The rearing type (origin; production type) of the Text 8 Acceptable values: fish represented by this record. Hatchery Natural Mixed [known to include both hatchery and natural origin fish] Unknown [none of the above can be confidently applied] Metrics supporting the main SAR fields above
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 10 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table TSO Total smolt outmigration. Point estimate of the Single This should be the numerator in the ratio calculation, with all previous losses (handling mortality, tag loss estimate, etc.) number of smolts for this outmigration year, or already taken out. The Methods citation should address how this was done. the number of marked smolts used to calculate the SAR. TSOLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSO field. TSOUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single TSO field. TSOAlpha The significance level for the TSO confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. TAR Total adult return. Point estimate of the number Single For iteroparous species such as steelhead, include only those adults returning to spawn for the first time. (Failure to do so will of adults returning for the first time from the result in some adults being counted twice for returns purposes.) indicated outmigration year. TARLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single TAR field. TARUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single TAR field. TARAlpha The significance level for the TAR confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. ReturnDef How "return" is defined for this SAR. Memo Examples: Adults migrating to/past a point(s). Estimated number of fish to the spawning grounds. Estimated number of fish that actually spawn. Number of marked fish captured. Etcetera. HarvestAdj Was the return adjusted to account for harvest in Text 3 Acceptable values: freshwater? (Are harvested fish included in the Yes [Return was adjusted for harvest in freshwater, meaning harvested fish are included in the number of adults estimate of number of adults?) returned.] No [Return was not adjusted for harvest in freshwater, meaning harvested fish are not included in the number of adults returned.] MainstemHarvest The number of additional adults that would have Single This field is only for harvests in the mainstem, which is defined as all rivers below the tributary(ies). Provide this estimate returned from the smolt group indicated in the ONLY if it was used to adjust the return/recruit estimate to add back harvested fish. TSO field, had there not been harvest in the mainstem for this outmigration year. This harvest value reflects fish harvested from the indicated smolt group -- they may be all natural origin, all hatchery origin, or mixed origin, as indicated by the RearingType field. This may or may not include indirect fishery impacts, and these details should be explained in the Methods citation. TribHarvest The number of additional adults that would have Single "Tributaries" is defined as the tributary(ies) the population resides in. Provide this estimate ONLY if it was used to adjust the returned from the smolt group indicated in the return/recruit estimate to add back harvested fish. TSO field, had there not been harvest in the tributaries for this outmigration year. This harvest value reflects fish harvested from the indicated smolt group -- they may be all natural origin, all hatchery origin, or mixed origin, as indicated by the RearingType field. This may or may not include indirect fishery impacts, and these details should be explained in the Methods citation. Protocol and method documentation
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 11 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table ProtMethName The name(s) of all protocols and associated data Memo Provide title of protocol and name(s) of relevant methods used. collection and data analysis methods used to calculate the indicator estimate. Documentation should include the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), annual implementation notes on variations from routine step by step procedures or design criteria, also known as survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach. ProtMethURL URL(s) for published protocols and methods Memo Provide URL(s) to source documentation of methodology. For provide link to the protocol. Methods describing the methodology and documenting the documentation should include survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach. URL links may be to derivation of the indicator. If published in online methods documentation resources like, other online resources, or online literature., this link will provide access to study design information and all If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link references. If methodology changed for this estimate, methods associated with the protocol. provide a new link. ProtMethDocumentation Citation or documentation that describes the Memo Provide a citation(s) to documentation of the methodology used, This may be in the form of reports, journal articles, or other protocol and/or method(s) listed in the publications that describe the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), variations from ProtMethName field. Include references not routine step by step procedures or design criteria, description of field methodology and analytical approach. If the documented in, such as methodology is not yet published, either insert here, or describe in a separate document and make it available online (provide reports, journal articles or other publications that the URL). Leave this field blank if methodology is described in describe the survey design, field methodology and analytical approach used to derive the indicator Note: If there is no link to a cited document online, provide a copy of the document to the StreamNet Library estimate. ( The library will scan the document and provide a URL. Post the URL in the ProtMethURL field.
If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link or reference citation. If methodology changed, provide a new link or reference citation. MethodAdjustments Minor adjustments to a method in a given year Memo Give a brief description of changes or adjustments to a standard method if they are NOT described in the methods that are not described in the method citations documentation already provided.. If multiple documentation sources are cited, be sure to indicate which method from which above but are important. document was adjusted.
In, documentation of changes or adjustments to methods or protocols can be described in the Implementation Notes section of each published method or protocol. Comments about the data Comments Any issues, problems, questions about this Memo indicator that were not already captured in other places. Supporting information DataStatus Status of the record. For example, "draft", Text 255 Indicate the status of the data contained in the current record. "reviewed", "approved". LastUpdated Date (and time if desired) the information in this Date/Time If an exact date is not known, give an estimate. record was last updated. IndicatorLocation Where this indicator is maintained at the source. Memo If online, provide URL(s).
MetricLocation Where the supporting metrics are maintained at Memo If online, provide URL(s). the source. MeasureLocation Where the measurements are maintained that were Memo If online, provide URL(s). used for these calculations. ContactPersonFirst First name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPersonLast Last name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 12 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA-SAR Table ContactAgency Agency, tribe, or other entity, or person Text 255 responsible for these data that is the best contact for questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPhone Phone number of person who is the best contact Text 30 for questions that may arise about this data record. ContactEmail Email address of person who is the best contact Text 50 for questions that may arise about this data record. MetaComments Comments regarding the supporting information. Memo
A3. CA-RperS Table This table stores information concerning recruits per spawner (R/S) as defined by the Coordinated Assessments project (CA). Recruit per spawner ratios are specific to the locations and seasons described in each record of data. This table can include the number of juvenile or adult recruits as measures, or full life cycle productivity. That is, "recruit" can be defined at any life stage. Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table Main RperS data fields CommonName Common name of the taxon of fish. Text 50 Enter the name of the taxon here, even if taxon name is included in the name of the population. Select from the following: Bull trout Chinook salmon Chum salmon Coho salmon Sockeye salmon Steelhead Additional species may be added in the future: refer to for common names. Run Run of fish. Text 20 Enter the name of the run here, even if run name is included in the name of the population. Entries in this field are not recognized as taxonomic divisions. Select from the following: Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring-summer If not applicable then enter "N/A" (e.g., for bull trout).. ESU-DPS For populations listed under the federal ESA, this Text 255 Enter the name of the ESU or DPS here. Entries in this field are taxonomic divisions defined by NMFS or USFWS, and may is the name of a defined Evolutionarily Significant be at the species, subspecies, or finer scale. ESUs of salmon north of California are listed at Unit (ESU) or Distinct Population Segment (DPS) as defined by NMFS Northwest Region or by USFWS. For non-listed populations this is the DPS or other name.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 13 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table RecoveryDomain Name of the "recovery domain," as defined by the Text 255 Five recovery domains have been defined by NMFS in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Select the appropriate one from this NMFS Northwest Region, in which the population list: falls. Puget Sound Recovery Domain Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain Interior Columbia Recovery Domain Oregon Coast Recovery Domain Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Recovery Domain Recovery domains are listed and mapped at Further information about recovery domains can be found at MajorPopGroup Name of "major population group" or “stratum” Text 255 The term "stratum" is used in the Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain, while "major population group" is used in as defined by the NMFS Northwest Region, in other areas. The term "stratum" includes life history considerations as well as geographic criteria, while MPGs are defined which the population falls. geographically. See Appendix B for the list of MPGs / strata. ESApopName Official name of the population as defined by Text 255 See Appendix B for the list of population names as used by NMFS. NMFS Northwest Region (or USFWS for other species). CBFWApopName Population name as defined by CBFWA for Text 255 This may include non-listed populations, or cases where geographic area does not match a defined population of a listed subbasin planning purposes, from subbasin plans species. In such cases the "ESApopName" field above will be blank. See Appendix C for the list of these population names. and agencies. Fill both this field and ESApopName when a population's geographic extent coincides with that of a population defined by NMFS. CommonPopName Population name used by local biologists. Text 255 Often this is simply the name of the population as it was written on the original time series spreadsheets. SpawnerLocation The specific location(s) for where the spawner Text 255 This may be any of the following: abundance numbers were determined. the name of a fluvial water body. the name of a lentic water body. a description of multiple water bodies if appropriate for the time series. RecruitLocation The specific location(s) for where the recruit Text 255 This field describes the location where the abundance of recruits is determined, and may be any of the following: abundance numbers were determined. the name of a fluvial water body. the name of a lentic water body. a dam or other location where fish numbers can be estimated. a description of multiple water bodies if appropriate for the time series. other, as appropriate. BroodYear The four-digit brood year for which the recruit per Integer This field is used to tie juvenile ‘recruits’ or adult returns (over multiple return years) to a specific spawning year. This is the spawner ratio is calculated. Same as "spawning year in which spawning of this species (and run where appropriate) began. year" for the parent generation. In cases where an unusual population begins spawning uncharacteristically early (before January 1 for spring spawners) or late (after December 31 for fall spawners) for the species (and perhaps run), assign the year based on the majority of populations of this species/run in order to be consistent for all members of the spawning cohort. For example, most coho spawn in fall but a few populations do not begin spawning until after Jan. 1. The brood year assigned for these unusual populations would match the other populations that spawned in the fall, even though these particular populations did not begin spawning until after December 31.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 14 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table RperStype The type of recruit per spawner estimate, in terms Text 255 Acceptable values: of what fish are included in the estimates of For adult to adult R/S estimates: number of spawners and number of recruits. Total recruits per total spawners [includes males and jacks] Adult recruits per adult spawners [includes adult males, but not jacks] Female recruits per female spawners [all males excluded] For R/S estimates for juvenile ‘recruits’: Parr per total spawners [includes males and jacks] Smolts per total spawners [includes males and jacks] Parr per spawners [includes adult males, but not jacks] Smolts per spawners [includes adult males, but not jacks] Parr per female spawners [includes female parents only] Smolts per female spawners [includes female parents only] If more than one type of estimate is done for one brood year for a population, the estimates go in separate data records. Indicator RperS The point estimate for the ratio of recruits from Single For iteroparous species such as steelhead, adult recruits should include all fish from the brood year that return to spawn, the designated brood year and type, divided by the including repeat spawners, since repeat spawners add to the productivity of the population. number of parent spawners responsible for that For juvenile recruits, the total of all of the target life stage from the brood year. For some species and life stages, these may brood year. Straight ratio calculation, not a recruit in multiple years. log/natural log transformation. RperSLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single RperS field. RperSUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single RperS field. RperSAlpha The significance level for the RperS confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. RecruitsMissing This field indicates whether any recruits for this Text 3 Indicate if recruit estimates for any year were missing, If so, indicate in this field, and explain how the gap was addressed in brood year were missing. the RecruitsMissingExplanation field and in the Methods citation.
This field and the next are not included in the Acceptable values: juvenile sample below, but a potential example Yes [Years were missing.] where this field may be useful is if an No [No years missing; recruit estimates were complete.] outmigration estimate is done only for spring- migrating fish, but it's known that some fish out- If some years were missing, describe how that gap was addressed under RecruitsMissingExplanation. migrate during fall or winter. I don't know if such R/S estimates are done, but if so then these fields would be helpful for juveniles also. RecruitsMissingExplanati If some return data are not accounted for in the Memo Explain how any gaps in returns from this year class were addressed (estimated to fill in, ignored, etc.). on RperS estimate, explain the gap. Metrics supporting the main RperS fields above
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 15 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table TotalSpawners Point estimate for the total number of parent Single spawners, both natural and hatchery origin, that produced the brood year this record reflects.
The number in this field reflects the RperStype field above. That is, if this record is for total spawners then this number will be the total number of spawners; if this record is for females to females, then this number will be only the female spawners. TotalSpawnersLowerLim The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single it TotalSpawners field. TotalSpawnersUpperLimi The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single t TotalSpawners field. TotalSpawnersAlpha The significance level for the TotalSpawners Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". confidence interval, expressed as alpha. HatcherySpawners Point estimate for the number of parent spawners Single of hatchery origin that contributed to the brood year this record reflects.
This number is the hatchery portion of the TotalSpawners field. HatcherySpawnersLower The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single Limit HatcherySpawners field. HatcherySpawnersUpper The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single Limit HatcherySpawners field. HatcherySpawnersAlpha The significance level for the HatcherySpawners Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". confidence interval, expressed as alpha. Recruits Point estimate for the total number of natural Single This is the sum of returns by juvenile life stage or age group as specified in the RperStype field. This is the number of fish origin recruits from the indicated brood year and recruited to the location indicated in the RecruitLocation field. Adult recruits should include all fish from the brood year that Type. return to spawn, including repeat spawners, since repeat spawners add to the productivity of the population. RecruitsLowerLimit The lower limit of the confidence interval for the Single Recruits field. RecruitsUpperLimit The upper limit of the confidence interval for the Single Recruits field. RecruitsAlpha The significance level for the Recruits confidence Single Express these values as alpha values. For example, for the 95% confidence limits enter "0.05" in this field, not "95". interval, expressed as alpha. HarvestAdj For adult returns, was the return adjusted to Text 3 Acceptable values: account for harvest in freshwater? Yes [Adult return was adjusted for harvest in freshwater, meaning harvested fish are included in the number of adults returned.] No [Adult return was not adjusted for harvest in freshwater, meaning harvested fish are not included in the number of adults returned. Or, juvenile recruits were not subjected to harvest.] MainstemHarvest The number of additional recruits that would have Single This field is only for harvests in the mainstem, which is defined as all rivers below the tributary(ies) defining the population. returned for the group indicated in the Provide this estimate ONLY if it was used to adjust the return/recruit estimate to add back harvested fish. TotalSpawners field, had there not been harvest in the Columbia mainstem for this outmigration This may or may not include indirect fishery impacts, and these details should be explained in the Methods citation. This year. harvest value reflects fish harvested from the indicated natural origin group. Leave blank for juvenile recruits.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 16 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table TribHarvest The number of additional adults that would have Single "Tributaries" is defined as the tributary(ies) the population resides in. Provide this estimate ONLY if it was used to adjust the returned from the smolt group indicated in the return/recruit estimate to add back harvested fish. TotalSpawners field, had there not been harvest in This may or may not include indirect fishery impacts, and these details should be explained in the Methods citation. This the tributaries for this outmigration year. harvest value reflects fish harvested from the indicated natural origin group. Leave blank for juvenile recruits. Age Determination Juvenile Recruits: YOY Total number of juvenile recruits (parr or Single Number of juvenile recruits (parr or smolts as listed in Type field) prior to forming the first annulus (e.g. ocean type Chinook). smolts)that were enumerated prior to forming the first annulus. Age1Juvs Total number of recruits at age 1. Single Number of juvenile recruits of Age 1. Age2Juvs Total number of recruits at age 2. Single Number of juvenile recruits of Age 2. Age3Juvs Total number of recruits at age 3. Single Number of juvenile recruits of Age 3. Age4PlusJuvs Total number of recruits at age 4 or more. Single Number of juvenile recruits of age 4 or more (e.g. older steelhead smolts). Adult Recruits: Age2Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 2 Single Ages in this table are based on the year spawning occurred, not necessarily the year they hatched, so care must be taken in (brood year +2). assigning returning fish to a brood year. Assigning returning fish to a brood year can be complicated based on the life history (generally, salmon return and spawn in one year but hatch in the next, steelhead spawn and hatch in the same year). Make sure these details are accounted for in assigning returns to a year class. Adult recruits should include all fish from the brood year that return to spawn, including repeat spawners, since repeat spawners add to the productivity of the population. Age3Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 3 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +3). Age4Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 4 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +4). Age5Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 5 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +5). Age6Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 6 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +6). Age7Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 7 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +7). Age8Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 8 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +8). Age9Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 9 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +9). Age10Adults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 10 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +10). Age11PlusAdults Total number of recruits that recruited at age 11 Single See the Codes/Conventions column for the Age2Adults field. (brood year +11 or more). Protocol and method documentation ProtMethName The name(s) of all protocols and associated data Memo Provide title(s) of protocol and name(s) of relevant methods used. collection and data analysis methods used to calculate the indicator estimate. Documentation should include the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), annual implementation notes on variations from routine step by step procedures or design criteria, also known as survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 17 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table ProtMethURL URL(s) for published protocols and methods Memo Provide URL(s) to source documentation of methodology. For provide link to the protocol. Methods describing the methodology and documenting the documentation should include survey design, description of field methodology and analytical approach. URL links may be to derivation of the indicator. If published in online methods documentation resources like, other online resources, or online literature., this link will provide access to study design information and all If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link references. If methodology changed for this estimate, methods associated with the protocol provide a new link. ProtMethDocumentation Citation or documentation that describes the Memo Provide a citation(s) to documentation of the methodology used, This may be in the form of reports, journal articles, or other protocol and/or method(s) listed in the publications that describe the study design (including spatial, temporal, response and inference designs), variations from ProtMethName field. Include references not routine step by step procedures or design criteria, description of field methodology and analytical approach. If the documented in, such as methodology is not yet published, either insert here, or describe in a separate document and make it available online (provide reports, journal articles or other publications that the URL). Leave this field blank if methodology is described in describe the survey design, field methodology and analytical approach used to derive the indicator Note: If there is no link to a cited document online, provide a copy of the document to the StreamNet Library estimate. ( The library will scan the document and provide a URL. Post the URL in the ProtMethURL field.
If methodology is unchanged from a previous year, use the previous link or reference citation. If methodology changed, provide a new link or reference citation. MethodAdjustments Minor adjustments to a method in a given year Memo Give a brief description of changes or adjustments to a standard method if they are NOT described in the methods that are not described in the method citations documentation already provided.. If multiple documentation sources are cited, be sure to indicate which method from which above but are important. document was adjusted.
In, documentation of changes or adjustments to methods or protocols can be described in the Implementation Notes section of each published method or protocol. Comments about the data Comments Any issues, problems, questions about this Memo indicator that were not already captured in other places. Supporting information DataStatus Status of the record. For example, "draft", Text 255 Indicate the status of the data contained in the current record. "reviewed", "approved". LastUpdated Date (and time if desired) the information in this Date/Time If an exact date is not known, give an estimate. record was last updated. IndicatorLocation Where this indicator is maintained at the source. Memo If online, provide URL(s). MetricLocation Where the supporting metrics are maintained at Memo If online, provide URL(s). the source. MeasureLocation Where the measurements are maintained that were Memo If online, provide URL(s). used for these calculations. ContactPersonFirst First name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPersonLast Last name of person who is the best contact for Text 30 questions that may arise about this data record. ContactAgency Agency, tribe, or other entity, or person Text 255 responsible for these data that is the best contact for questions that may arise about this data record. ContactPhone Phone number of person who is the best contact Text 30 for questions that may arise about this data record.
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 18 of 46 Field Name Field Description Data Type Codes/Conventions for CA- RperS Table ContactEmail Email address of person who is the best contact Text 50 for questions that may arise about this data record. MetaComments Comments regarding the supporting information. Memo
III. Appendices
Appendix A. Glossary
Terms in this list are defined in the following way in this document.
... For later inclusion ...
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 19 of 46 Appendix B. Names of Recovery Domains, Species, ESUs, MPGs, and Populations Defined by NMFS
Listed below in hierarchical order are the names of recovery domains, evolutionarily significant units (ESUs), major population groups (MPGs), and fish populations recognized by NMFS as of September 26, 2012. MPGs are sometimes called "strata" in the Willamette/Lower Columbia recovery domain and "geographic regions" in the Puget Sound recovery area. The names shown were provided by Jeff Cowen of NMFS on September 26, 2012. The hierarchical list below follows this format:
Recovery Domain 1 Species o ESU . MPG Population Recovery Domain 2 Species o Etc.
MPGs are groups of populations intermediate in scope between individual populations and ESUs. Further information about MPGs can be found at,, and other places.
Interior Columbia Chinook salmon o Snake River Fall-run Chinook Salmon ESU . Snake River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Fall-run ESU) - Snake River Lower Mainstem o Snake River Spring/Summer-run Chinook Salmon ESU . Dry Clearwater Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lapwai/Big Canyon Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lawyer Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Potlatch River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Upper South Fork Clearwater River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 20 of 46 . Grande Ronde / Imnaha Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Big Sheep Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Catherine Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Grande Ronde River Upper Mainstem Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Imnaha River Mainstem Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lookingglass Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lostine River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Minam River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Wenaha River . Lower Snake Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Asotin Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Tucannon River . Middle Fork Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Bear Valley Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Big Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Camas Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Chamberlain Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Loon Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Marsh Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Middle Fork Salmon River above Indian Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Middle Fork Salmon River below Indian Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Sulphur Creek . South Fork Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - East Fork South Fork Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Little Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Secesh River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - South Fork Salmon River Mainstem . Upper Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - East Fork Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lemhi River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - North Fork Salmon River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Pahsimeroi River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 21 of 46 Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Panther Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Salmon River Lower Mainstem below Redfish Lake Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Salmon River Upper Mainstem above Redfish Lake Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Valley Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Yankee Fork . Wet Clearwater Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lochsa River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lolo Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Lower North Fork Clearwater River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Meadow Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Moose Creek Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Upper North Fork Clearwater River Chinook Salmon (Snake River Spring/Summer-run ESU) - Upper Selway River o Upper Columbia River Spring-run Chinook Salmon ESU . Upper Columbia / East Slope Cascades Chinook Salmon (Upper Columbia River Spring-run ESU) - Entiat River Chinook Salmon (Upper Columbia River Spring-run ESU) - Methow River Chinook Salmon (Upper Columbia River Spring-run ESU) - Wenatchee River Sockeye o Snake River Sockeye Salmon ESU . Payette Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Little Payette River Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - North Fork Payette River . South Fork Salmon River Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Warm Springs . Stanley Basin Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Alturas Creek Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Hellroaring Creek Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Petit Lake Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Stanley Lake Sockeye Salmon (Snake River ESU) - Yellow Belly Lake
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 22 of 46 Steelhead o Middle Columbia River Steelhead DPS . Cascades Eastern Slope Tributaries Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Crooked River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Deschutes River - eastside Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Deschutes River - westside Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Fifteenmile Creek Winter-run Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Klickitat River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Rock Creek Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - White Salmon River . John Day River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - John Day River Lower Mainstem Tributaries Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - John Day River Upper Mainstem Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Middle Fork John Day River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - North Fork John Day River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - South Fork John Day River . Umatilla And Walla Walla River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Touchet River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Umatilla River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Walla Walla River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Willow Creek . Yakima River Group Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Naches River Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Satus Creek Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Toppenish Creek Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS) - Yakima River upper mainstem o Snake River Basin Steelhead DPS . Clearwater River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Clearwater River Lower Mainstem Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Lochsa River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Lolo Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - North Fork Clearwater River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 23 of 46 Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Selway River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - South Fork Clearwater River . Grande Ronde River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Grande Ronde River Lower Mainstem Tributaries Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Grande Ronde River Upper Mainstem Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Joseph Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Wallowa River . Hells Canyon Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Hells Canyon . Imnaha River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Imnaha Camp Creek Index Area Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Imnaha River . Lower Snake Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Asotin Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Tucannon River . Salmon River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Big, Camas, and Loon Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Chamberlain Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - East Fork Salmon River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Lemhi River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Little Salmon and Rapid River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Middle Fork Salmon River Upper Mainstem Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - North Fork Salmon River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Pahsimeroi River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Panther Creek Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Salmon River Upper Mainstem Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - Secesh River Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) - South Fork Salmon River o Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS . Upper Columbia / East Slope Cascades Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) - Crab Creek Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) - Entiat River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 24 of 46 Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) - Methow River Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) - Okanogan River Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS) - Wenatchee River
Oregon Coast Coho salmon o Oregon Coast Coho Salmon ESU . Lakes Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Siltcoos Lake Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Sutton (Mercer Lake) Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Tahkenitch Lake Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Tenmile Lake . Mid-Coast Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Alsea River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Beaver Creek Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Berry Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Big (near Alsea) Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Big (near Siuslaw) Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Big (near Yaquina) Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Bob Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Cape Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - China Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Coal Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Cummins Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Depoe Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Devils Lake Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Fogarty Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Moolack Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Rock Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Rocky Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Salmon River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 25 of 46 Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Schoolhouse Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Siletz River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Siuslaw River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Spencer Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Tenmile Creek Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Theil Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Vingie Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Wade Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Yachats Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Yaquina River . Mid-South Coast Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Coos River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Coquille River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Floras/New River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Johnson Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Sixes River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Threemile Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Twomile . North Coast Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Arch Cape Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Ecola Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Necanicum River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Nehalem River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Neskowin Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Nestucca River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Netarts Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Rover Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Sand Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Short Sand Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Spring Creek Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Tillamook Bay
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 26 of 46 Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Watseco . Umpqua Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Lower Umpqua River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - Middle Umpqua River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - North Umpqua River Coho Salmon (Oregon Coast ESU) - South Umpqua River
Puget Sound Recovery Domain Geographic Regions and MPGs Chinook salmon o Puget Sound Chinook Salmon ESU . Puget Sound Central East Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Cascade River early run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Lower Sauk River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Lower Skagit River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - North Fork Stillaguamish River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Skykomish River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Snoqualmie River Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - South Fork/Mainstem Stillaguamish River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Suiattle River early run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Upper Sauk River early run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Upper Skagit River late run . Puget Sound Central West Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Mid-Hood Canal late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Skokomish River late run . Puget Sound North East Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Lower/North Fork/Middle Fork Nooksack early run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - South Fork Nooksack River early run . Puget Sound North West Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Dungeness River summer run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Elwha River early late run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 27 of 46 . Puget Sound South Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Cedar River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Green River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Nisqually River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Puyallup River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - Sammamish River late run Chinook Salmon (Puget Sound ESU) - White River early run Chum salmon o Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Salmon ESU . Hood Canal Chum Salmon (Hood Canal Summer-run ESU) - Hood Canal Chum Salmon (Hood Canal Summer-run ESU) - Strait of Juan de Fuca Coho salmon o Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia Coho Salmon ESU . Puget Sound Puget Sound Coho (Puget Sound ESU) - East Juan de Fuca Puget Sound Coho (Puget Sound ESU) - Hood Canal Puget Sound Coho (Puget Sound ESU) - Skagit River Puget Sound Coho (Puget Sound ESU) - Snohomish River Puget Sound Coho (Puget Sound ESU) - Stilliguamish River Sockeye salmon o Ozette Lake Sockeye Salmon ESU . Ozette Lake Sockeye Salmon (Ozette Lake ESU) - Ozette Lake Steelhead o Puget Sound Steelhead DPS . Puget Sound Steelhead DPS Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Dungeness River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - East Hood Canal winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Elwha River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Green River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Lake Washington winter run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 28 of 46 Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Nisqually River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Nooksack River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Port Angeles winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Puyallup River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Samish River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Skagit River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Skokomish River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Snohomish River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - South Sound tributaries winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - Stillaguamish River winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - West Hood Canal winter run Steelhead (Puget Sound DPS) - White River winter run
Willamette/Lower Columbia Recovery Domain Strata Chinook salmon o Lower Columbia River Chinook Salmon ESU . Cascade Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Cispus River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Coweeman River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Kalama River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Kalama River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lewis River Bright Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lewis River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lower Cowlitz River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - North Fork Lewis River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Salmon Creek Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Sandy River Bright Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Sandy River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Sandy River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Tilton River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Toutle River Fall-run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 29 of 46 Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Toutle River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Upper Cowlitz River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Upper Cowlitz River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Washougal River Fall-run . Coastal Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Big Creek Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Chinook River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Clatskanie River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Elochoman River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Grays River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Mill Creek Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Scappoose River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Youngs Bay Fall-run . Gorge Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Hood River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Hood River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lower Gorge Tributaries Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Upper Gorge Tributaries Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - White Salmon River Fall-run Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - White Salmon River Spring-run . Willamette - Cascade Chinook Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Clackamas River Fall-run o Upper Willamette River Chinook Salmon ESU . Willamette Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - Calapooia River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - Clackamas River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - McKenzie River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - Middle Fork Willamette River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - Molalla River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - North Santiam River Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Upper Willamette River ESU) - South Santiam River Spring-run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 30 of 46 Chum salmon o Columbia River Chum Salmon ESU . Cascade Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Cowlitz River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Kalama River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Lewis River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Salmon Creek Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Sandy River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Washougal River . Coastal Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Big Creek Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Clatskanie River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Elochoman River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Grays & Chinook Rivers Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Mill Creek Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Scappoose River Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Youngs Bay . Gorge Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Lower Gorge Tributaries Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Upper Gorge Tributaries . Willamette - Cascade Chum Salmon (Columbia River ESU) - Clackamas River Coho salmon o Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon ESU . Cascade Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Cispus River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Coweeman River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - East Fork Lewis River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Kalama River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lower Cowlitz River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - North Fork Lewis River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - North Fork Toutle River
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 31 of 46 Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Salmon Creek Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Sandy River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - South Fork Toutle River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Tilton River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Upper Cowlitz River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Washougal River . Coastal Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Big Creek Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Clatskanie River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Elochoman River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Grays & Chinook Rivers Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Mill Creek Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Scappoose River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Youngs Bay . Gorge Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Lower Gorge Tributaries Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Mainstem section of Upper Gorge Tributaries (Hood River and White Salmon River) Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Oregon Upper Gorge tributaries and Hood River Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Washington Upper Gorge tributaries and White Salmon River . Willamette - Cascade Coho Salmon (Lower Columbia River ESU) - Clackamas River Steelhead o Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS . Cascade Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Cispus River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Coweeman River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - East Fork Lewis River Summer-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - East Fork Lewis River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Kalama River Summer-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Kalama River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Lower Cowlitz River Winter-run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 32 of 46 Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - North Fork Lewis River Summer-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - North Fork Lewis River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - North Fork Toutle River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Salmon Creek Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Sandy River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - South Fork Toutle River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Tilton River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Upper Cowlitz River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Washougal River Summer-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Washougal River Winter-run . Gorge Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Hood River Summer-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Hood River Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Lower Gorge Tributaries Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Upper Gorge Tributaries Winter-run Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Wind River Summer-run . Willamette - Cascade Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS) - Clackamas River Winter-run o Upper Willamette River Steelhead DPS . Willamette Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) - Calapooia River Winter-run Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) - Molalla River Winter-run Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) - North Santiam River Winter-run Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) - South Santiam River Winter-run Steelhead (Upper Willamette River DPS) - West Side Tributaries Winter-run
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 33 of 46 Appendix C. Names of Populations Defined by NPCC / CBFWA / CRITFC (from Subbasin Planning)
Listed below in hierarchical order are the names of fish populations used by NPCC for subbasin planning. This list was developed by CBFWA and CRITFC from the subbasin plans. The names shown were provided by David Graves of CRITFC on September 26, 2012. Geographic representations of the populations can be found at The hierarchical list below follows this format:
Species 1 Run o Population Species 2 Run o Etc.
Chinook salmon Fall o Big Creek Fall Chinook o Clackamas River Fall Chinook o Clatskanie River Fall Chinook o Clearwater River Fall Chinook o Columbia Upper Gorge Tributaries Fall Chinook o Coweeman River Fall Chinook o Deschutes River Fall Chinook o Elochoman River Fall Chinook o Grande Ronde River Fall Chinook o Grays River Fall Chinook o Hanford Reach Fall Chinook o Hood River Fall Chinook o Imnaha River Fall Chinook o Kalama River Fall Chinook
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 34 of 46 o Klickitat River Fall Chinook o Lewis River Early Fall Chinook o Lewis River Late Fall Chinook o Lower Columbia Gorge Tributaries Fall Chinook o Lower Cowlitz River Fall Chinook o Lower Snake River Fall Chinook o Lower Yakima River Fall Chinook o Marion Drain Fall Chinook o Mill Creek Fall Chinook o Rock Creek Fall Chinook o Salmon Creek Early Fall Chinook o Sandy River Early Fall Chinook o Scappoose Creek Fall Chinook o Snake Hell's Canyon Fall Chinook o Toutle River Fall Chinook o Tucannon River Fall Chinook o Umatilla River Fall Chinook o Upper Cowlitz River Fall Chinook o Washougal River Fall Chinook o White Salmon Bright Fall Chinook o White Salmon Tule Fall Chinook o Youngs Bay Fall Chinook Spring o American River Spring Chinook o Calapooia River Spring Chinook o Catherine Creek Spring Chinook o Cispus River Spring Chinook o Clackamas River Spring Chinook o East Fork Salmon River Spring Chinook o Entiat River Spring Chinook o Granite Creek John Day Spring Chinook
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 35 of 46 o Hood River Spring Chinook o Kalama River Spring Chinook o Klickitat River Spring Chinook o Lewis River Spring Chinook o Little White Salmon River Spring Chinook o Lolo Creek Spring Chinook o Lookingglass Creek Spring Chinook o Malheur River Spring Chinook o McKenzie River Spring Chinook o Methow River Spring Chinook o Middle Fork John Day Spring Chinook o Middle Fork Willamette River Spring Chinook o Minam River Spring Chinook o Molalla/Pudding River Spring Chinook o Naches River Spring Chinook o North Fork John Day Spring Chinook o North Santiam River Spring Chinook o Okanogan River Spring Chinook o Potlatch River Spring Chinook o Sandy River Spring Chinook o Shitike Creek Spring Chinook o South Santiam River Spring Chinook o Tilton River Spring Chinook o Toutle River Spring Chinook o Umatilla River Spring Chinook o Upper Cowlitz River Spring Chinook o Upper Grande Ronde Spring Chinook o Upper John Day Spring Chinook o Upper Yakima River Spring Chinook o Walla Walla Spring Chinook o Wallowa - Lostine River Spring Chinook
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 36 of 46 o Warm Springs River Spring Chinook o Wenatchee River Spring Chinook o White Salmon Spring Chinook o Wind River Spring Chinook Spring/summer o Asotin Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Bear Valley Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Big Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Big Sheep Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Camas Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Chamberlain Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o East Fork South Fork Salmon River Spring/Summer Chinook o Imnaha River Mainstem Spring/Summer Chinook o Lapwai/Big Canyon Spring/Summer Chinook o Lawyer Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Lemhi River Spring/Summer Chinook o Little Salmon River Spring/Summer Chinook o Lochsa River Spring/Summer Chinook o Loon Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Lower North Fork Clearwater River Spring/Summer Chinook o Marsh Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Meadow Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Middle Fork Salmon River above Indian Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Middle Fork Salmon River below Indian Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Moose Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o North Fork Salmon River Spring/Summer Chinook o Pahsimeroi River Spring/Summer Chinook o Panther Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Salmon River Lower Mainstem below Redfish Lake Spring/Summer Chinook o Salmon River Upper Mainstem above Redfish Lake Spring/Summer Chinook o Secesh River Spring/Summer Chinook
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 37 of 46 o South Fork Salmon River Spring/Summer Chinook o Sulphur Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Tucannon River Spring/Summer Chinook o Upper North Fork Clearwater River Spring/Summer Chinook o Upper Selway River Spring/Summer Chinook o Upper South Fork Clearwater River Spring/Summer Chinook o Valley Creek Spring/Summer Chinook o Wenaha River Spring/Summer Chinook o Yankee Fork Spring/Summer Chinook
Chum salmon Fall o Cowlitz River Fall Chum (No run indicated) o Big Creek Chum o Clackamas River Chum o Clatskanie River Chum o Cowlitz River Summer Chum o Elochoman River Chum o Grays/Chinook Rivers Chum o Kalama River Chum o Lewis River Chum o Lower Columbia Gorge Tributaries Chum o Lower Columbia Mainstem Chum o Mill Creek Chum o Sandy River Chum o Scappoose Creek Chum o Upper Gorge Tributaries Chum o Washougal River Chum o Youngs Bay Chum
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 38 of 46 Coho salmon (No run indicated) o Big Creek Coho o Cispus River Coho o Clackamas River Coho o Clatskanie River Coho o Coweeman River Coho o East Fork Lewis River Coho o Elochoman Coho o Entiat River Coho o Fifteenmile Creek Coho o Grays/Chinook Rivers Coho o Hood River Coho o Kalama River Coho o Lower Columbia Gorge Tributaries Coho o Lower Cowlitz River Coho o Mill Creek Coho o Molalla/Pudding River Coho o North Fork Lewis River Coho o North Fork Toutle River Coho o North Santiam River Coho o Salmon Creek Coho o Sandy River Coho o Scappoose Creek Coho o South Fork Toutle River Coho o Tilton River Coho o Umatilla River Coho o Upper Cowlitz River Coho o Washougal River Coho o Wenatchee River Coho o White Salmon Coho
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 39 of 46 o Youngs Bay Coho
Kokanee (No run indicated) o Bumping Lake Kokanee o Cle elum Lake Kokanee o Coeur d'Alene Lake Kokanee o Crab Creek Kokanee o Crane Prairie Reservoir Kokanee o Kachess Lake Kokanee o Keechelus Lake Kokanee o Lake Billy Chinook Kokanee o Lake Chelan Kokanee o Lake Osoyoos Kokanee o Lake Pend Oreille Kokanee o Lake Wenatchee Kokanee o Paulina Lake Kokanee o Payette Lake Kokanee o Priest Lake Kokanee o Rimrock Lake Kokanee o San Poil River Kokanee o Spokane River Kokanee o Suttle Lake Kokanee o Upper Columbia River Kokanee o Wallowa Lake Kokanee o Wickiup Reservoir Kokanee
Sockeye salmon (No run indicated) o Okanogan River Sockeye o Snake River (Redfish Lake) Sockeye Salmon o Snake River Sockeye (Stanley, Petit, Alturas, other lakes)
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 40 of 46 o Wenatchee River Sockeye o Yakima River Sockeye
Steelhead Summer o Asotin Creek Summer Steelhead o Burnt River Summer Steelhead o Chamberlain Creek Summer Steelhead o Clearwater River Lower Mainstem Summer Steelhead o Crab Creek Summer Steelhead o Deschutes Crooked River Summer Steelhead o Deschutes River Eastside Tributaries Summer Steelhead o Deschutes River Westside Tributaries Summer Steelhead o East Fork Lewis River Summer Steelhead o East Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Entiat River Summer Steelhead o Hood River Summer Steelhead o Imnaha River Summer Steelhead o Joseph Creek Summer Steelhead o Kalama River Summer Steelhead o Klickitat River Summer Steelhead o Lemhi River Summer Steelhead o Little and Lower Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Lochsa River Summer Steelhead o Lolo Creek Summer Steelhead o Lower Grande Ronde Summer Steelhead o Lower John Day Summer Steelhead o Lower Malheur River Summer Steelhead o Lower Middle Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Lower Owyhee River Summer Steelhead o Methow River Summer Steelhead
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 41 of 46 o Middle Fork John Day Summer Steelhead o Naches River Summer Steelhead o North Fork Clearwater River Summer Steelhead o North Fork John Day Summer Steelhead o North Fork Lewis River Summer Steelhead o North Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Okanogan River Summer Steelhead o Pahsimeroi River Summer Steelhead o Panther Creek Summer Steelhead o Powder River Summer Steelhead o Rock Creek Summer Steelhead o Salmon River Upper Mainstem Summer Steelhead o Sandy River Summer Steelhead o Satus Creek Summer Steelhead o Secesh River Summer Steelhead o Selway River Summer Steelhead o Snake Hells Canyon Summer Steelhead o South Fork Clearwater River Summer Steelhead o South Fork John Day Summer Steelhead o South Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Toppenish Creek Summer Steelhead o Touchet River Summer Steelhead o Tucannon River Summer Steelhead o Umatilla River Summer Steelhead o Upper Grande Ronde Summer Steelhead o Upper John Day Summer Steelhead o Upper Malheur River Summer Steelhead o Upper Middle Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead o Upper Owyhee River Summer Steelhead o Upper Yakima River Summer Steelhead o Walla Walla River Summer Steelhead
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 42 of 46 o Wallowa River Summer Steelhead o Washougal River Summer Steelhead o Wenatchee River Summer Steelhead o White Salmon River Steelhead o Willow Creek Summer Steelhead o Wind River Summer Steelhead Winter o Big Creek Winter Steelhead o Calapooia River Winter Steelhead o Cispus River Winter Steelhead o Clackamas River Winter Steelhead o Columbia Gorge Tributaries Winter Steelhead o Coweeman River Winter Steelhead o East Fork Lewis River Winter Steelhead o Elochoman Winter Steelhead o Fifteenmile Subbasin Winter Steelhead o Grays River Winter Steelhead o Hood River Winter Steelhead o Kalama River Winter Steelhead o Klickitat River Winter Steelhead o Lower Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead o Middle Fork Willamette River Winter Steelhead o Mill Creek Winter Steelhead o Molalla/Pudding River Winter Steelhead o North Fork Lewis River Winter Steelhead o North Fork Toutle River Winter Steelhead o North Santiam River Winter Steelhead o Salmon Creek Winter Steelhead o Sandy River Winter Steelhead o Scappoose Creek Winter Steelhead o South Fork Toutle River Winter Steelhead
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 43 of 46 o South Santiam River Winter Steelhead o Tilton River Winter Steelhead o Upper Columbia Gorge Tributaries Winter Steelhead o Upper Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead o Washougal River Winter Steelhead o Willamette Westside Tributaries Winter Steelhead o Youngs Bay Winter Steelhead
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 44 of 46 Appendix D. MS-Access 2010 Data Types
MS-Access 2010 Data Type Purpose Characteristics Storage Required Per Record
Numbers. Zero to 15 digits to the left of Currency 8 bytes Appropriate for numbers other than currency. the decimal point and zero to 4 digits to the right. Years 100 through 9999. This data type stores date AND time -- it is not possible to store one without the other. A date with no time is interpreted as 00:00 in the Date/Time Date and time. morning. 8 bytes A time with no date is interpreted as 12/30/1899. Calculations among records recognize and use these default values in calculations, so must be accounted for when using the data. 2 bytes / character for Unicode. Long text entries. Memo Up to 63,999 characters in length. 1 byte / character if Unicode compression enabled and (Including numbers not used in calculations.) entry is under 4,096 characters. Integers only: no decimal places. Number (Byte) Whole numbers from 0 to 255. 1 byte No negative numbers.
Decimal places and negative numbers allowed. Number (Decimal) Numbers from -9.999 X 1027 to 9.99927. 12 bytes Up to 28 significant digits.
Number (Integer) Whole numbers from -32,768 to 32,767. Integers only: no decimal places. 2 bytes
Whole numbers Number (Long Integer) Integers only: no decimal places. 4 bytes –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Floating point numbers Number (Single) Up to 7 significant digits. 4 bytes –3.402823 X 1038 to 3.402823 X 1038.
Floating point numbers Number (Double) Up to 15 significant digits. 8 bytes –1.79769313486231 X 10308 to 1.79769313486231 X 10308.
ReplicationID Globally unique identifier (GUID). Creates a (presumably) unique value to identify a record. 16 bytes
Text. Up to 255 characters in length. 2 bytes / character for Unicode. Text (Including numbers not used in calculations.) Maximum allowed length can be shorter than 255. 1 byte / character if Unicode compression enabled. Cannot be null. Must be one of the 2 values. Storage of values that can have only one of two values. Yes/No It is not possible to indicate such things as 1 bit Yes/No; On/Off; True/False. "Not applicable" or "Unknown".
Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 45 of 46 Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange Template 20121101 Page 46 of 46