Agenda for the Meeting on Tuesday 15Th January 2012 in Llangybi Village Hall s1
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Chairman Cllr. Graham Rogers: 01291 672170 County Councillor Peter Clarke: 01633 644644 Clerk: Alan Browne: 07977 017659 Email: [email protected] Summary Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 16th February, 2016 in Llangybi Village Hall
Present: Ch. Cllr. Rogers, Cllrs. Cameron, Dale, Greenland, Hollingsworth, Love, McLeod and Watts and County Cllr. Clarke.
Police Report: No crimes recorded for December or January for Llangybi Fawr. Those present expressed concern about the future of OWL. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Police and Crime and Crime Commissioner to stress the importance of OWL in terms of crime prevention and reducing the fear of crime.
Matters Arising:
• Defibrillator – The training session to be held in the Farmers Arms will be held within the next four weeks. The session will be open to residents from the other villages if they wish to attend.
• Community Website – It was agreed that urgent progress to revise the community website is required.. It is hoped that a “visualisation” of the new proposed format will be available shortly.
• Noticeboard Frontage – Cllr. Love reported that the noticeboard has been cleaned and looks much better. The local resident who carried out the cleaning has undertaken to continue to do so periodically.
• Give Dog Fouling The Red Card: Cllr. Love informed the meeting that the fourth bin has now been installed on Ton Road. The bin and installation cost just £100. It appears that the bins have been a success and are well used and appreciated by local residents. The Police have visited and spoken to dog owners and they have undertaken to continue to do so.
Save Monmouthshire from Abolition: Arising the receipt of a letter on this subject from Nick Ramsay AM, Cllr. Watts agreed to take the petition to a forthcoming Village Hall event.
Llangybi f Cllr. John R. Love Llandegfedd Cllr. Caroline Watts Coed-y-Paen Cllr. Irene Cameron V.Ch Cllr. Peter Dale Cllr. Peter Hollingsworth Ch Cllr. Graham Rogers Cllr. Jim Greenland Cllr. Dorothy McLeod Speedwatch: Following the earlier presentation by Sgt. Steve Parsons, it was agreed that the Council proceeds with plans to recruit volunteers to facilitate the setting up of a scheme in the village. Cllr. Love is to contact the volunteers to encourage involvement.
• DC/2015/01545 – Parc Farm – Design Variation DC/2013/00680: It was agreed that the Council has no objection providing that the original conditions on the earlier application are maintained.
• DC/2015/00063 – 31 Glanynant – Single Storey Rear Kitchen Extension: It was agreed that the Council has no objection.
• DC/2016/00070 – Ynys Gobaith – Non Material Amendment – Already approved.
• DC/2016/00037 – 10, The Chase, Llangybi – Single Storey Extension – Papers circulated prior to the meeting. No objections. •
Reports: Cllr. Love reported matters discussed at the recent meeting of the Rural Forum. Firstly, in relation to the Rural Development Programme, consideration will need to be given regarding wi- fi access for the Village Hall. He also reported that the Area Committee capital fund has been reconstituted. It is hoped that this funding may assist in the purchase of flashing speed lights for the village.
Local Matters: Cllr. Greenland reported a recent fly tipping incident in Llandegfedd. The Clerk is to refer the matter to Mon CC. He will also refer the fly tipping of a duvet in a layby on the R106.
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 15th March, 2016.