Name : Tamara Martina Dickens

Age : 26 years

Country : Jamaica

Education : St. Francis Primary School1994;

Merl Grove High School 2001;

University of the West Indies 2005;

Norman Manley Law School 2007.

Occupation : Attorney-at- Law

Philosophy : The human potential is limitless and I have a strong

belief in the resilience of the human spirit to rise

beyond any adverse state, situation or circumstance. I am further guided by the words of the late Martin Luther King Jr. that “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“INTEGRATING THE CARIBBEAN THROUGH PAGEANTRY” Special Interest : The Performing Arts, Volunteerism, Foreign

Languages, Outdoor Activities, Culinary Arts.

Hobbies : Playing Tennis, Dancing, Reading Period Novels,

Attending Theatrical Performance, Listening to Music, Sightseeing.

Personality : Amiable, Discerning, Creative, Outspoken,

Earnest, Ambitious, Industrious, Steadfast.

Favourite Author(s) : D.H Lawrence, William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy

Community Involvement: Musgrave Mentorship Programme Volunteer Office of Special Students Service U.W.I Mona, Co-Chairperson Norman Manley Lecture Committee, South St. Andrew Constituency Outreach Programmes, Voice Actor “ Outta Road” -a community Outreach Programme, Tutor UWI Open Campus Camp Road, Panellist in Selection of Top 50 Songs of Jamaica, GSAT Educational Outreach Project in

“INTEGRATING THE CARIBBEAN THROUGH PAGEANTRY” conjunction with the Jamaica Social Investment Fund.

The West Indian I admire most : Rex Nettleford, for his outstanding contribution and why to my nation in particular and the region as a whole, as an intellectual and an artistic visionary in helping to carve out and promoting celebration of the Caribbean Culture.

Where I see myself in five years : Contributing significantly to the growth of my

nation and the region through entrepreneurship, philanthropy, vocation and scholarship. I will definitely be pursuing further studies in the field of law.