Saint of the Day: St. Denis and Companions

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Saint of the Day: St. Denis and Companions

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st 1 Days of School Name: Greg Aitchison Class: 8A Date: October 9, 2016 Create-a-Test Saint of the Day: St. Denis and Companions (Pray for me!) *15 points Instructions: Create a 15-question test based on the test study guide. Here are some guidelines to follow: 1. Questions should begin with who, what, where, why, when, and how and be the color blue. 2. Answers should be 100% correct and be the color red. 3. Questions shouldn’t be super easy, nor should they be impossibly hard. 4. If you need help coming up with questions or answers, consult your paper or digital notes and assignments as well as the material found at

Your questions: 1. Who beats whom in Bear-Ninja-Cowboy? Ninja beats cowboy, cowboy beats bear, bear beats ninja. 2. (“Please turn around for this question…”) What are the two main things you should do as soon as you come to class? 1. Write/type down your homework and 2. Read the announcements and either do what they tell you to do or write/type down any information you wish to remember. 3. (“Please turn around for this question…”) What kind of prayer do we do at the start of class on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays? Free-style prayer. 4. (“Please turn around for this question…”) What kind of prayer do we do at the start of class on Fridays? Popcorn Prayer. 5. (“Please DO NOT turn around for this question…”) What is the 2-minute review question that the Prayer Dog leads at the end of each class? What did we do or learn in class today? 6. (“Please turn around for this question…”) What prayer do we do at the end of every class and why? The Hail Mary because a) We go to Our Lady of Grace (named after St. Mary) and b) Because St. Mary is a rockstar! 7. What do we write in the top right hand corner of every paper and document? Name, class, date, and saint! 8. In order, explain how the Prayer Dog is supposed to lead the beginning of class? 1. Do the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown. 2. Greet the class. 3. Announce the date, saint of the day, and other announcements. 4. Announce today’s homework. 5. Read the Quote Dog of the Day. 6. Lead the class in opening prayer. 9. What 3 jobs do the Helper Homies have? 1. Take attendance. 2. Tell prayer leaders when they are Prayer Dog. 3. Give the 5-minute warning. 10. If you are a Greeter, what 2 things should you do when a visitor stops by? 1. Introduce yourself. 2. Say what class you’re in and what you’re currently learning about. 11. What is the Bible verse we learned the first week of school? (Must do the actions with the verse ) 2 Timothy 4:7 – “Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith.” 12. Where are two places you should NOT sit in this classroom? 1. On the tables. 2. On the Green Monster.

1 13. What should it sound like during work time in this classroom? It should be “Silent, not quiet”. 14. When should you bring a Bible to class? When you see the little red Bible on the homework board. 15. Why should you bring two pens or pencils to class? In case one breaks or runs out of ink. 16. (“Please DO NOT turn around for this question…”) What kind of music can you listen to when you’ve been given permission to do so during worktime? “Jesus- friendly” music. In other words, it doesn’t have to be specifically Christian music, but Jesus should be able to listen with you and tell you he’s happy with the music you have chosen to listen to. 17. (“Please DO NOT turn around for this question…”) What are at least 4 of the 8 things you should do when working with a partner or small group? 1. Move chairs 2. Be at the same level. 3. Greet one another. 4. One person talks. Others listen. 5. Share (don’t just read). 6. Stay on topic 7. Stay in your group 8. If you finish sharing, review what you shared! 18. What are at least 3 ways you can get a penalty during paper passing? Someone talks, someone doesn’t start sitting all the way down, someone doesn’t start with at least 1 finger on their paper, someone smacks the wall, someone touches the Smartboard, someone makes a “dangerous move”, a paper are out of order, a paper is upside down or backwards, students fail to encourage one another before, during, or after paper passing, etc. 19. (“Please turn and face the windows…”) What is the main question that you answer during Yay Gods? How have you seen or felt God lately? 20. What are at least 3 ways you can spend your time while in the adoration chapel? 1. Just sitting in Jesus’ presence and letting him “snuggle you”. 2. Praying traditional Catholic prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, the Angelus, etc.). 3. Pray free-style prayers. 4. Read from the Bible. 5. Prayer Journal. 21. Besides this unit (the 1st Days of School unit) at least 3 units we’ll be going through together this year? 1. 2 Main Goals. 2. The Bible Ditty. 3. Biblical Basics. 4. Memory Verses. 5. Church History. 22. What is the name of Mr. Aitchison’s favorite Dairy Queen Blizzard? Cookie Jar. 23. Where did Mr. Aitchison grow up? Iowa. 24. What group or event did Mr. Aitchison attend his freshman year of high school that began to change his life in a really good way? Group: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). Event: Weekend Christian retreat. 25. What were the 2 main goals of most of Mr. Aitchison’s frat brothers? 1. Get drunk. 2. Get girls. 26. What did Mr. Aitchison stop doing for about a year while in college? Stopped being Catholic. 27. What scary thing happened to Mr. Aitchison while he was working on an Indian reservation in upstate New York? He had a big allergic reaction a bee sting and almost died. 28. Why did Mr. Aitchison break up with Katie Kate? Because he felt God calling him to consider becoming a priest.

2 29. (“Please DO NOT turn around for this question…”) What are 2 things Mr. Aitchison wants us to do all year long in religion class? 1. Go deep! 2. Connect wide! 30. What projects are due at the end of every other month throughout the year? 1. Christian Ear Snacks. 2. Bible Booyas. 31. If you missed a class or forgot to write down the homework or check out the announcements, where can you go? To Mr. Aitchison’s Google Classroom webpage. 32. If you need a copy of some class notes, a homework assignment, or just about anything else this year, where can you go? To 33. What are 5 things you can do to stay safe online, with technology, and in everday life? Answers will vary. 34. What is the proper response to the following: “The word of the Lord.” “Thanks be to God.” 35. What do you do and say after hearing the following: “A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew…” Say: “Glory to You, O Lord.” Do: Make a sign of the cross with your thumb over your forehead, lips, and heart. 36. What is the proper response to the following: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb…” “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” 37. What is the name of a bishop’s staff? Crosier. 38. What is the name of a bishop’s tall hat? Mitre. 39. What should you do for at least one hour prior to receiving Communion? Fast from food. 40. What is the basic rule of thumb for what you should wear to Mass? Wear your Sunday best. 41. What is the very first thing you should do when entering a Catholic Church? Dippity-dip with the holy water and make the sign of the cross. 42. What do the 5 fingers we use to make the sign of the cross symbolize? The 5 wounds of Christ. 43. What do 3 fingers together and 2 fingers together symbolize for Eastern Catholics and Orthodox Christians? 3 = The Trinity. 2 = The Incarnation (Jesus is both human and divine). 44. Before you enter your pew, what should you do and towards what? Genuflect towards the tabernacle. 45. What are at least 3 things you should remember to do when receiving Holy Coummunion? Bow when there is only 1 person in front of you, say “Amen” like you really mean it, don’t take Communion (receive it), don’t make big chews, drink slowly from the chalice and hand it back very carefully, don’t drink from the chalice if you have a cold, don’t receive Communion if you have committed a mortal sin without confessing it, etc. 46. When should you leave Mass? After the last song is completely finished. 47. What’s the whole point of Mass? To get kicked out of Mass! (to go and share the Good News and help others become saints)

3 48. What are at least 3 things you can do for extra credit? Fr. Mike Schmitz homilies, articles, or videos. Faith Flicks. Bookshelf books, CDs, or DVDs. Catholic Treasure. 49. What are at least 4 things you can find at Answers will vary. 50. When are at least 3 kinds of e-mails you should NOT send to Mr. Aitchison? 1. A rude one. 2. One with very poor grammar and spelling. 3. One asking what the homework was that day. 4. One asking what we did in class that day (“Did I miss anything?”). 5. Sending homework files as attachments. 6. E-mailing to say you just dropped an assignment. 7. Asking for me to send you the assignment. 8. Etc.


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