Please complete this Application Form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return it by e-mail attachment to [email protected] or by post The Sir Peter Parker Awards Office c/o Language Centre, SOAS, University of London, London WC1H OXG Tel: +44 (0) 20 7898 4876 Deadline:15th December 2017 All applications will be acknowledged.

Please read the Guidance Notes for Candidates before completing and submitting your application form.

Surname: Address for Correspondence*:

First Name:

Title: Mr./Mrs./Miss./Ms./Other: Telephone (Daytime):

Country of Birth: Telephone (Evening):

Mobile: Date of Birth (optional): Email:

Nationality: Current Employer’s Name, Address and Telephone Number:

Residence in countries of the European Union: Country/Countries of Residence, with dates:

*Please advise The Sir Peter Parker Awards office of any changes.

Residence in Japan, if any, with places and dates:

Total: …. Years …. Months

How long, when and where did you learn Japanese? Academic and Professional Qualifications and where obtained: (Optional)

Continued overleaf...


How frequently do you use Japanese?

a) In your current job □ All the time □ Often □ Sometimes □ Rarely □ Never b) Socially □ All the time □ Often □ Sometimes □ Rarely □ Never

Speech Title – Optional

Note: You do not need to have decided on your speech title at the time of your application or for the telephone interview. However, if you have an idea in mind it would be useful to the organisers if you would note them here, with as much detail as you wish to give at this stage. This will not preclude you from changing your mind later if you wish (or are advised) to do so.

Candidates selected for the Final Round will be required to provide details of their speeches by 15th January 2018

How/where did you get the information about The Sir Peter Parker Awards?

Please give dates and time when you will not I confirm that I have read the Qualifications for Entry for the Business be available for the telephone interview: Category of The Sir Peter Parker Awards for Spoken Business Japanese, and that I am qualified to enter the Awards.

Signature of Applicant:


Date: ……………………………
