We Take Pride in All That We Do

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We Take Pride in All That We Do


We take Pride in all that we do. Dr. Janice V. Tankson, Principal Mrs. Griffin, Title I PLC Coach Mr. Willie Rhodes, Regional Superintendent Mr. Dorsey Hobson, SCS Superintendent

Levi Elementary School 135 W. Levi Road Memphis, Tennessee 38109 901-416-8166 Fax: 901-416-8167

Welcome to Levi Elementary School and to the new and exciting adventures and experiences that await you here. The faculty and staff hope that the 2013- 2014 school year will be a good one for you.

This handbook has been prepared for the primary purpose of providing students and parents with a general overview of Levi Elementary School. You will find that the rules and regulations that govern our lives at Levi make it possible for all of us to live, learn, and be successful together.

As principal of Levi Elementary, I am encouraging parents and students to take time and become familiar with this information to facilitate as few misunderstandings as possible. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please see your child’s teacher, the guidance counselor, PLC Coach, or other staff members. Hopefully, we will all be able to answer your questions.

Levi can be whatever we make it. Let’s be proud of it, take care of it, and continue to make it the best school for our children to excel and succeed.

Let’s get started and make this school year the best ever!!!! 


Dr. Janice V. Tankson Principal

“Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. For more information, please contact the Office of Equity Compliance at (901) 416-6670. PARENT AND STUDENT VERIFICATION PAGE

This is to verify that I have received a copy of the Levi Elementary Student/Parent Handbook which also includes our:  Parent/Student/Teacher Compact  Family Engagement Plan  AMO Status

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

______Student Signature Date

______Teacher Name and Grade Section

*Please cut this page out and have your child return it to his/her homeroom teacher. *

Did You Know?

Our school is a federally funded school-wide Title I school. Title I requires that schools create a positive and supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students. Funds are available for academic programs and strategies, additional teachers and other personnel, staff development, supplies, technology, and parent training. We look forward to working with you and your child to make this a rewarding year.

Levi Elementary School

Dr. Janice Tankson, Principal

Levi Compact- A Formal Agreement to Improve Learning

Parent/ Guardian I pledge to assist my child and the school in order to achieve desirable goals. Therefore, I will do the following:  Read with my child  Assist with homework assignments  Provide stimulating, challenging, and character building situations  Take my child to the library, store, bank, and interesting places  Encourage my child, nurture positive self esteem and confidence  Visit and volunteer to work at my child’s school  Make sure my child attends school prepared to learn  Read and become familiar with the Student/Parent Handbook

Signature ______

Student I pledge allegiance to myself. I can be anything I want to be. I can do anything I want to do. Nothing can stop me if I try hard enough. I will believe in myself. Therefore, I will do the following:  Attend school prepared to learn  Respect my school  Complete class and homework assignments  Ask for help when needed  Keep my school safe and clean  Obey school rules  Read and follow the Student/Parent Handbook

Signature ______

Teacher I pledge to help each child reach his/her full potential. Therefore, I will do the following:  Review Student/Parent Handbook with students  Provide a caring and educational environment  Provide effective and research based instruction  Involve parents and community in the learning process  Use a variety of teaching strategies to motivate the learner

Signature ______

Principal I pledge to work toward the improvement of the school. Therefore, I will do the following:  Ensure that teaching and learning will occur daily  Encourage open and positive communication between the teacher, parent and student  Encourage teachers to teach and facilitate, believing all children can learn  Ensure that teachers have high expectations for the children

Signature ______

Levi Elementary School Family Engagement Policy

The Levi Family Engagement Plan was jointly developed with parents and community members to establish high expectations for parental and community involvement.

Parental/Community Involvement

Levi Elementary School encourages parental and community involvement in the educational process. The school, home, and community have a shared goal of promoting success in our children. Parents will act as advisors, resource persons, and coordinators in the following ways: 1. Attend school events and serve as advisors. 2. Serve on the Site Based Decision Making Council. 3. Use their talents/resources to enhance our instructional programs. 4. Become school supporters and advocates. 5. Respond to memos, surveys, and questionnaires expressing ideas and concerns. 6. Develop jointly with school a school parent compact and family engagement plan.

NCLB Involvement The administration, faculty, and staff will provide a strategic plan and implement the Title I Program according to the guidelines set forth in law, which include the following: 1. Make parents aware of NCLB and our participation. 2. Allow the parents to observe the school’s programs and visit the classrooms 3. Provide parents with student information and progress reports 4. Solicit feedback and suggestions from parents at parent meetings on decisions relating to the education of their children. 5. Provide parents with a copy of the school parent compact and Levi Elementary School’s Family Engagement Plan. 6. Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, forms of academic assessments used to measure student progress, and the levels students are expected to meet.

To ensure that our parents participate in the development, planning, and implementation of the Title I NCLB requirements, Levi will do the following: 1. Encourage parents and community members to participate on the Site Based Decision Making Council and PTO 2. Invite all parents to an annual meeting(s) at flexible times to explain the components and requirements of NCLB 3. Develop jointly with parents a school-parent compact and a family engagement plan showing how parents, school, community members and students share responsibilities and disseminate it to all stakeholders 4. Encourage parents to visit regularly and take an active role in school planning and volunteering 5. Offer diverse parental training and workshops 6. Involve parents in planning and developing school improvement projects 135 W. Levi Road Memphis, TN 38109 1(901) 416-8166- school/ (901)416-8167 - fax Dr. Janice V. Tankson Principal July 11, 2013

To the Community, As you know, our school and district are dedicated to ensuring that our students succeed. While we have always held high expectations for our students, the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) has set new standards for students to meet. This summer, our state released a report on the progress our schools are making toward achieving proficiency for 100 percent of our students under NCLB. The report indicates whether schools have made their Achievement Measurement Objective (AMO)-a simple yes or no grade based on a complex set of measurements. To make AMO, each district school must achieve targets: areas of test participation and performance measured across subgroups of students (grouped by such categories as race, language proficiency, and disability). In addition, schools must meet graduation rates and attendance targets. If just one subgroup misses just on target, an entire school does not make AMO. Our school made increases in Reading Language Arts, Mathematics and Science therefore we made AMO. I am firmly committed to achieving our goal of success for every child, and I recognize that we must continually improve. We currently have the following programs in place to help improve scores: Reading Plus, EPGY Stanford Math, Study Island, Discovery Educational Assessments, iStation Assessments, Compass Learning, Responsive Classroom procedures and after-school tutoring. Our school is filled with outstanding teachers, support staff, and a principal who regularly update their skills and participate in training to help them meet the needs of all students. I invite you to arrange a visit to any classroom in the school to see for yourself. I urge you to examine the results and look closely at the progress our school is making in other areas. Most important, I encourage you to join me in addressing our challenges and applauding the great work the students and staff are doing in classrooms throughout the district. As always, I welcome your comments, suggestions, and involvement in our schools and in the challenges our students face.


Dr. Janice Tankson, Principal Table of Contents


Mission/Vision/Beliefs Cafeteria Prices Character Traits/Rules/ROAR Cafeteria Rules Expectations Party Policy Lunch Room Procedures Medicine Assemblies/Programs Cellular Phones Dismissal Procedures Discipline Parent Communication/ School-Wide Rules Conferences Correcting Misconduct Messages to Students Restroom Break/Hall Passes PTO Assemblies Telephone/Address Changes Fighting Crosswalks/Parking and Traffic Unnecessary Items Attendance/Absences In-School Suspension Illness Suspension Withdrawals Field Trips School Hours School Insurance Payments Emergency Dismissal Bookstore Fire/Tornado Drills Textbooks Property, Litter and School Pride Library Books Searches Homework Lost and Found Proper Attire Lice, Ringworm, Pinkeye Academic Recognition Miscellaneous/ Cafeteria Breakfast MCS Calendar Levi Calendar

Levi Elementary School VISION

We envision Levi Elementary to be a place where all students are learning and becoming successful students, productive citizens, and life-long learners in this ever-changing society.

MISSION • Create an environment that breeds respect and encourages appropriate behavior and socialization • To teach students how to take responsibility for their behavior and their learning • To teach students to strive for academic excellence • Model the expected behaviors to emphasize our professional commitment to our students and community • Use data to clarify objectives and gauge progress


At Levi Elementary, we believe in providing an instructional, safe environment by using a variety of teaching strategies that will accommodate a diverse population with multiple styles.

We believe in providing a learning community that will support learning and achievement. We believe in utilizing the Blueprint For Learning and the Shelby County Schools Curriculum. We believe in utilizing authentic assessments to routinely monitor students’ progress and plan for future instructions.

We believe in involving all stakeholders, students, and faculty in policy-making decisions. We believe in collaborating with teachers, administrators, parents, and the community concerning policies. We believe in sharing new policies with all stakeholders.

We also believe that all students can learn and develop into productive citizens; therefore, learning is the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.

Character Traits of Levi’s Students

Trustworthiness Integrity Respectful Compassionate Self-Disciplined WE ARE:

L- Loyal E – Energetic V – Victorious I – Individuals


Be Respectful Be Cooperative Be Prepared


R –Respect &

O – Obey

A – All

R - Rules “Steps To Success For Levi Elementary Students”

1. Levi Elementary students are welcome to school every day!

2. Levi Elementary students wear uniforms every day!

3. Levi Elementary students know the school doors open each morning at 7:30 a.m.!

4. Levi Elementary students know class work begins at 8:15a.m. each morning!

5. Levi Elementary transfer students know that habitual tardiness, habitual absence, or habitual disciplinary problems will result in the student being returned to his/her zoned school!

6. Levi Elementary students use kind words such a “Thank you”, “May I please”, “Excuse me”, “I apologize”, and “Please forgive me”.

7. Levi Elementary students know that students are not allowed on campus after 3:30p.m. unless under the supervision of school staff.

8. Levi Elementary students know that hallways are the zero zone areas at ALL times and ALL students walk in their own space with hands beside or behind them.

9. Levi Elementary students follow classroom, cafeteria, hallway, restroom, and playground rules.

10. Levi Elementary students know that we are a “FIGHT-FREE SCHOOL.”

11. Levi Elementary students know they should read at least 20 minutes everyday at home.

12. Levi Elementary students will complete their daily homework Monday-Thursday.

13. Levi Elementary students will read at least 1 book a week.

14. Levi Elementary parents know teacher conference times are prior to 8:00 a.m. and after 3:00p.m. to allow for complete instruction without disruptions.

15. Levi Elementary students, parents, and staff think, “Straight A’s – ATTENDANCE, ATTITUDE, and ACHIEVEMENT!!!! EXPECTATIONS FOR LEVI ELEMENTARY


• Line up at the entrance door by 7:30 a.m.

• Students walk in a line to the cafeteria.

• Students will be dismissed at 7:45 a.m. from the cafeteria to go to their classroom for the breakfast in the classroom program.

• If students come to school after 8:00 am, they will walk to directly to their classroom.

• The cafeteria is the Zero Zone in the morning. Students may read, write, draw, and complete homework; but they can not make noise.


• Enter through the Primary Hallway Door (KK-2nd Grade) and Intermediate Hallway Door (3rd – 5th Grade)

• Stand in line quietly

• Proceed to assigned table

• Use inside 6 inch voice for conversation

• “HIGH FIVE” will be used for noise control~ Silent lunch will be activated after three warnings LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES (after lunch is served)

• Use 1-2-3 to transition after completing lunch

• Students will empty trays in an orderly manner

• Line up quietly in designated area (Zero Zone)

• Exit quietly when teacher arrives ASSEMBLIES/PROGRAMS

• Enter the cafeteria/gymnasium quietly

• Transition to assigned table/seat

• Utilize the “HIGH FIVE” for noise control

• Utilize the 1-2-3 method

1- Get ready

2- Stand


 If students are daycare riders, a teacher will pick them up from the class by 2:40 pm

• Prepare for dismissal at 2:45 pm Principal will make announcements

• Daycare Riders to the cafeteria (2:45 pm)

• Primary Grades (2:50 pm)

• Intermediate Grades (2:55 pm)

• All car riders and walkers will be escorted to the walkway by teachers

• After 3:30, students that have not been picked up will go back into the building and will call parents while under the supervision of a staff member. Parent Communication

A key part of partnership with parents is the written progress report that goes home each Tuesday or bi-weekly. Please sign and return your child’s progress report and folder. The folder will also have information concerning honors programs, report card dates, progress report dates, and parent conferences.

Parent Conferences

We always welcome parents! PLEASE call ahead and schedule a conference with your child’s teacher. This applies to before school drop-in conferences as well. Hopefully, conferences can be conducted during planning periods or after school and not take instructional time away from the class. Your cooperation in following this procedure to protect class time from interruptions is appreciated. If a parent brings something to school for their child, the office will see that the item is delivered.

In addition, we invite and urge parents to consult with their teachers or the principal for help with problems. Please send a note or call the school to arrange for a conference time. Teachers are happy to arrange meetings during the planning period or before/after regular school hours. Parents and family are welcome to visit and observe after checking through the office.

Our parents are invited to visit at any time. We accept responsibility for caring for your child (ren) throughout the school day. This is an enormous responsibility and we do not take it lightly. Please press the buzzer to the left at the entrance. You will be asked to state the nature of your visit. Office personnel will buzz you into the building. Upon entering the main hallway, please go directly to the office. Badges are provided to identify that our guests have approval to be in the building.

Messages to Students

We would like to avoid all interruptions to the classroom. Due to class schedules and fieldtrips, it may not be possible to give messages to the teacher right away. Phone calls will not be transferred to classrooms. In cases of emergency we will take a message.

When returning a call from a teacher, the main line will always ring in the main office. We will transfer you to the teachers’ voice mail. The school telephone number is 416-8166 and the fax number is 416-8167.


Telephones are located in classrooms and the office. These are business phones and students are asked to request the use of the phone only in an emergency. The school’s phone number is (901) 416-8166. PTO The PTO at Levi is an active organization. It exists to promote the welfare of our children. Parents and teachers are encouraged to join and support the activities of the organization. We want to strive for 100% membership. The cost of membership is $10.00.

Telephone Address Changes

Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in your address, telephone number, or person to contact in an emergency. It is important that our records be kept up to date in case your child becomes ill or injured.

Crosswalks/Parking and Traffic

Students are expected to cross streets only at designated crossings. When walking to or from campus, please set the proper example of safety for your children by only using designated crossings. It is extremely hazardous for students to cross at any point except the designated school crossing areas.

Please cooperate with us on ensuring the success of this transportation plan. Car riders are asked to stand patiently and look for their car while waiting with their teacher


Attendance is important. We will be recognizing students and classes having good attendance with special events, certificates, and other incentives. Start NOW with perfect attendance. Tardiness and early checkouts count against perfect attendance. A tardy is excused ONLY if the child is coming from the doctor's office or has been ill. The number of tardies and absences are recorded on the child's permanent school record without any difference being made in excused and unexcused absences or tardies. Let's strive to keep that record respectable!

Children are to be in their rooms before the tardy bell rings at 8:00! If a child is tardy five times, a Tardy Notice will be sent home. If a child is tardy five or more times, a parent conference will be issued.


Each day a child is absent, a note MUST be brought to the teacher giving the reason for the absence. State law recognizes ONLY five reasons as excused absences:

1. Personal illness of the pupil 2. Death or serious illness in immediate family of the pupil 3. Representing the school on a school sponsored activity 4. Recognized religious holidays; and 5. Validated court appearances of the pupil (with documentation)

Being away at an approved school activity is not considered an absence. Baby-sitting or family vacations are not excused. If absences become excessive, a doctor's statement will be required to document absences due to illness. If a student is absent five days and does not have a note or the reason for the absence is not one of the above, a Home Suspension and an unexcused absence report will be issued. If unexcused absences continue, a Home Suspension and Habitual absence report will be issued. Students will have two days to submit a note.

Students with one to fourteen days of unexcused absences who are at risk of failing due to the absences will be given the opportunity to make up the work missed during those absences. It is the student’s responsibility to make up assignments and tests within a reasonable time after returning to school.


If your child gets sick at school, the homeroom teacher will call for you to pick him/her up immediately. You may check out your child in the main office. Please make sure we have a contact number on file in case there is an emergency.

The office needs to know if your child has chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, HIV, seizures, allergies, etc. We need specific written instructions on file should an emergency arise.

Early Dismissal We ask that you not check your child out after 2:30 p.m. unless it is an emergency. We dismiss at 3:00 p.m. Your child cannot be properly prepared for dismissal when you check him/her out early. Elementary students will be permitted to leave school prior to regular dismissal time only in the company of a parent, legal guardian, school employee, police officer, court officer, or a person designated in writing by the parent(s). No child shall be released to any person other than to the parent/guardian or emergency contact or person designated in writing by parent/guardian. All persons picking up a student during school hours will be required to present valid identification to the appropriate school personnel. If this occurs too often, we will pursue disciplinary actions. See policy# 6.200 and 6.208 on the SCS Website.


If a student moves out of Levi’s district and must withdraw from school, please call or come by the school a few days prior to the withdrawal date. This will give ample time to complete necessary paperwork.

School Hours

The school hours are 8:00-3:00. Teachers are not expected to be at school before 7:30am. Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:30 a.m. to walk to the cafeteria. Please work with us to make sure that the students are in the rooms by 8:00am. Arrangements must be made BEFORE a student comes to school for the afternoon pickup. All students should leave the campus at dismissal time. Students who remain on campus after 3:15pm should be in tutoring or attend the after-school program.


Payments to the school, except for lunch payments may be made in CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK, or MONEY ORDER. The cafeteria can only accept cash. When money is sent to the school, please enclose it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, homeroom section, and the purpose of the money on the envelope. Children are discouraged from bringing extra money to school. The school will not be responsible for money stolen, lost or willingly exchanged between students. Cash only!!

When a debt is due to the school, for example, fundraiser money, textbooks, library books, etc., report cards and or withdrawal papers will be held until payment is made.

All refunds require the return of the official “white” receipt given after a purchase or payment. No receipt, no refund. This is a Board of Education accounting procedure.


Basic school supplies will be sold from our bookstore. The bookstore will ONLY be open from 8:00a.m.-8:15 a.m. Monday through Friday. Students must arrive at the bookstore as early as possible to avoid being tardy to class.


Students will be charged the new price for lost or heavily damaged new textbooks. Water damage, profanity or obscenities, or one or more missing pages will result in a book being classified as unfit and students will be charged the full price for the book. Charges for minor damage, such as writing or overly abused covers, will be based on the degree of damage, not to exceed the cost of a lost book. Once a book is paid for at the office, it becomes the property of the family to keep.

Library Books

Books are checked out to all students on a weekly basis and may be renewed for one or more weeks if necessary. A student must pay for all lost, stolen, or damaged library books. There will be a hold of report card and/or withdrawal for library debts.

Student Badges Students must wear their SCS Badges at all times. Students will be charged $5.00 for a replacement of their badge if it becomes lost or stolen.


Homework is a key component of learning. Some teachers will be sending homework assignments home. We expect parents to go over the assignments with your child each night. Homework is an important continuation of classroom learning. Proper Attire (School Uniform)

The Shelby County Schools Policy on School Uniforms and Dress Code (#5150.1)

Requires students to wear a school uniform, which consist of a white shirt with collar, blue, black, or khaki bottoms. Levi Colors are: Red, White, Black, or Blue Shirt and Blue, Black, or Khaki Bottoms.

The uniform policy will be implemented at Levi as follows:

1. Blouses and shirts must have collars and sleeves (polo style, dress style, or turtleneck) and should be red, white, blue or black. 2. School leadership councils may approve additional styles and colors for the uniform top if the change is school-related and is consistent with district and school dress codes. 3. Bottoms must be khaki, navy or black. Elementary students may wear walking shorts (straight-legged at the knee). 4. Slacks must be straight-legged or boot cut. They must not be oversized or undersized. Full-length pants, crop pants, cargo pants and straight-legged Capri pants are permitted. Jeans are NOT permitted. Skirts and jumpers for girls must be at or below the knee. 5. Leggings as pants or bottoms are not permitted. 6. Shirts must be tucked in unless they are made to be worn on the outside. Boys must wear fitted belts at all times. 7. Shoes can have heels no higher than 1 ½ inches. Athletic shoes and boots are permitted. Sandals must have straps on the heel. 8. Light jackets, vests, shirts, sweaters, sweat shirts, and cardigans are permitted as items that may be worn over the uniform top. They must be white, tan, navy blue, or one of the additional colors approved by the school leadership council. 9. Heavy coats, heavy jackets and raincoats are not covered by these regulations and are not to be worn during the school day unless permitted by the principal for special circumstances. 10. T-shirts may be worn as undergarments. They must be solid white or one of the additional colors approved by the school leadership council.

Additionally, the following guidelines are followed:

1. Students are expected to come to school neat and clean (bodies, clothes and hair).

2. No earrings for boys.

3. Tennis shoes are required for physical education. Flip-flops or house shoes are not allowed.

4. Any accessories that are a distraction to the learning environment are not permissable. 5. Appropriate undergarments must be worn.

6. Belts must be worn and buckled.

 Parents of exempt students not wearing uniforms for religious reasons or because of a parent’s strongly held beliefs must put in writing such request.

 Prescribes sanctions for failure to wear the school uniform.

 Permits school leadership councils to change the uniform top and to set aside times or occasions when uniforms do not have to be worn.

We believe neat, appropriate dress influences student behavior. Clothing which is in good taste is always acceptable, although it will be the school's prerogative to make final judgment.

Academic Recognition

Shelby County Schools has established uniform honor roll requirements for students throughout the city. The requirements set forth have the following guidelines:

Recognition of Student Achievement

Principal’s Honor Roll ~ Reading on grade level and all A’s and E’s or S’s in conduct and work habits.

Incentives: Post names on a roster in the Honor’s Area near the main office; Principal’s Honor Roll Ribbons and Certificates; Honor’s Breakfast Banquet at the end of the school year for those attaining at least 3 out of 4 report periods.

Academic Honor Roll~ Reading on grade level, A’s and B’s and E’s or S’s in conduct and work habits.

Incentives: Post names on a roster in the Honor’s Area near the main office; Honor Roll Ribbons and Certificates; Honor’s Breakfast Banquet at the end of the school year for those attaining at least 3 out of 4 report periods. Pre- K and Kindergarten Honor Roll ~ a student must have met, or exceeded standards and expectations, and have satisfactory conduct to be placed on honor roll (see legend below).

Legend Enter Print as: as: /- Parental Support Needed - - - Needs Improvement / / - Support Needed for Growth ES - Exceeds Standards =  - Satisfactory MS - Meets Standards NMS- Not Meeting Standards EE - Exceeds Expectations ME - Meets Expectations NME- Not Meeting Expectations

Incentives: Post names on a roster in the Honor’s Area near the main office; KK Honor Roll Ribbons and Certificates; Honor’s Breakfast Banquet at the end of the school year for those attaining at least 3 out of 4 report periods.

Citizenship ~ An E in conduct and at least an S in work habits for grades 1-6. All check marks () for kindergarten.

Incentives: Post names on a roster in the Honor’s Area near the main office; Citizenship Ribbons; Honor’s Breakfast Banquet at the end of the school year for those attaining at least 3 out of 4 report periods. Perfect Attendance ~ Present everyday for each (9) weeks. Incentives: Post names on a roster outside classrooms doors; Present certificates and/ or Perfect Attendance Ribbons; Special Certificates are presented on the last day of school to students who miss no days.

Reporting to Parents

Letter grades will be used to indicate progress in subjects according to grades for 1st-5th:

Excellent 93-100 A Good 85-92 B Average 75-84 C Low Average But Passing 70-74 D Failure Below 70 F

Legend for Conduct:

E=Excellent S=Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory

Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance Certificates will be awarded to students who have maintained Perfect Attendance - that is NO absences, tardies, OR early checkouts. Perfect Attendance Certificates will be awarded at the end of each nine weeks and at the end of the year.


Students are not allowed to bring candy, gum, potato chips, or other “junk” food to school. The one exception to this rule is that a student who brings a lunch from home may include certain items. Snack food may NOT be taken out of the cafeteria. Please talk to your child about manners and behavior in the cafeteria. Students are expected to act like good boys and girls while in the cafeteria. We expect students to use their company manners at all times. The administration and teachers will monitor and supervise the cafeteria during lunch. Students are to follow their directions without question and without hesitation. If the cafeteria gets too loud during lunch, talking will be prohibited in the cafeteria until order is well established. "Silent lunch" may last several seconds or for the entire lunch period, depending on how cooperative and responsibly students respond. Students who break cafeteria rules will be sent to the front of the cafeteria.


All students perform better on a full stomach. Eating a good breakfast is very important. Breakfast will be served in the classroom this year starting at 8:00am. Students who qualify for the free lunch program will also be eligible for free breakfast. Breakfast is not served on the first day of school following a holiday, such as the first day of school, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, and Spring Break. Cafeteria Prices

The cafeteria will be operating on a cash basis. We will not be able to accept checks for lunch. Please see that your child has money or a sack lunch. The cafeteria CANNOT give a meal to a child without lunch money on free or reduced status. Prices are as follows:

Lunch ...... $2.25 daily

Reduced price:

Lunch ...... 30¢

Students bringing their lunch may buy milk. Children are NOT allowed to bring glass bottles in their lunches. There is a real danger from broken glass.

Cafeteria Rules

 Students will raise their hands to speak or move.

 Students are expected to receive the permission of cafeteria supervisors before they leave their seats.

 Observe proper etiquette at all times.

1) Use hands for “finger food” only

2) Do not play with food and/or touch the food of others

3) Clean your area when you are finished

 Fighting is not permitted

 Students are to walk in the cafeteria, not run.

 Students may go through the lunch line only once with their class.

Party Policy As we maintain specific guidelines for a structured learning situation, we are most concerned about making learning our priority. We have set the following party policies for grades K through five: Class parties are permitted only at winter break and on the last day of school, although Fall Celebrations and Valentine’s activities will take place in the classroom. Birthday parties are not allowed; however, parents may send pre-packed snacks to school for a class celebration of the child’s birthday during the last thirty minutes (2:30p.m.) of the instructional day.

Medicine If under circumstances a student is required to receive medication during school hours and parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the school nurse or the Principal’s designee will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow:

 Written instructions will be signed by the parent or legal guardian.

 Signed instruction form will be kept on file at the school.

 All medication must be brought to school by the parent or guardian, unless other arrangements have been approved by the school Principal, but under no circumstances shall a student bring the medication to school by himself/herself.

 Parents of the student must assume responsibility for informing the school Principal of any change in the student’s health or change in medication.

 Should medications of an invasive nature be required to be given the school personnel for emergency action, proper physician orders and instruction will be obtained and proper training will be given to appropriate personnel.

 The school system retains the discretion to reject a request for administration of medicine.

 A copy of this procedure will be provided to parents upon their request for administration of medication in the schools.

Cellular Phones The school is not responsible for damaged or lost cell phones. Students cannot use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones are not allowed on or on vibrate during school hours. Students must keep their cell phones in their lockers during school hours. Students may use cell phones before they come in the school building at 8:00am and when they leave the school building at 3:00pm. If students are caught using their cell phones they have 24 hours to have a parent or guardian come to retrieve it. If the parent or guardian fails to retrieve it doing that 24 hour time span, they will have to schedule a meeting with the principal to retrieve the cell phone. Discipline

We are a Responsive Classroom school, and our goal at Levi is to create a climate in which everyone wants to achieve self-discipline. Principals, teachers, and teachers’ assistants are charged with the responsibility of using any board policies or procedures necessary to provide an atmosphere for learning. One of the most important lessons that education teaches is discipline. While discipline does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. Discipline is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each student to operate as a responsible citizen. The Shelby County Schools establishes the policies governing student conduct, and policies are upheld by the administration and faculty of Levi Elementary.

Overview of Discipline

Levi School uses the Responsive School Discipline approach. The goals of this approach are to ensure that children:

. Feel physically and emotionally safe in school so that they can learn at their best.

. Learn the skills for working and learning cooperatively with others.

Our school wide rules are: Work hard and allow others to work hard. Listen carefully and speak kindly. Take care of school property. The adults at Levi School take time to model and teach children how to translate these rules into action in different situations. At the beginning of the year, we introduce rules and behavior expectations and guide students in practicing them. Using respectful words and tones of voice, we remind children of these expectations. When children behave positively, we let them know that we noticed. These actions let children know what the expectations are and help them stay motivated to meet those expectations.

When children misbehave, the adults at school handle the misbehavior firmly while preserving the child’s dignity. Our first step is to stop the misbehavior quickly and simply (for example, with a brief word or gesture). If needed, we take further steps to help the child regain self-control, fix any problems caused by his or her mistake, and get back to productive learning,

In deciding how to handle students’ misbehavior, we take into account how severe the misbehavior is and how likely it is to happen again. We may:

. Simply give a reminder or tell the child to do something different.

. Have the child sit closer to the teacher or other adult (often just being closer to an adult helps children remember what they’re supposed to do).

. Use “take-a-break” (the child goes to a distraction-free space in the room for a little while to regain self-control).

. Limit the child’s choice of activities for awhile (for example, blacktop games only at today’s recess; try field games again tomorrow).

. Guide the child in fixing problems caused by his or her mistake (for example, helping the custodian clean up if she or he made a mess in the bathroom).

When a student needs additional supports, we may:

. Use buddy teacher take-a-break (the child goes to a distraction-free space in another teacher’s room for awhile to regain self control).

. Use private take-a-break (the child goes to a supervised non-classroom place, such as the counselor’s office, for awhile to regain self-control.

. Have the child stay for a longer period of time in the supervised place (in-school suspension).

. Have the child spend a period of time at home (at-home suspension).

. Meet with the child and/or parents to find other solutions.

When a child is asked to stay home from school, a parent must accompany the child to school the next day for a re-entry meeting with the teacher and an administrator. This meeting is typically held within the first hour of the day.

We at Levi School strongly believe that children want to and can meet expectations. We value partnering with parents to help students do well in school and feel good about going to school. School-Wide Rules

The school rules were developed by the discipline committee to provide an environment conducive to learning. We are committed to providing an environment that is safe, secure, and orderly. The following rules will be consistently reinforced throughout the school.

1. Be Coopertive: Keep your hands, feet, objects, and hurtful comments to yourself. 2. Be Respectful: Show respect to others. 3. Be Prepared: Come to school prepared to learn.

The following types of behavior will result in consequences that range from conferences, in- school suspension, home suspension, or even expulsion dependent upon the severity and/or continuation of Code of Conduct violations:

 Fighting, disruption, or interference with curricular or extracurricular activities.  Damage or destruction of school or personal property.  Assault on school employees, students, or other persons.  Possession of weapons (real or look alike).  Possession or use of narcotics, alcoholic beverages and other dangerous drugs.  Stealing of school or private property.  Violation of Attendance Rules and Regulations.  Being insubordinate or showing disrespect toward a school employee, student, or guest of the school.  Engaging in any act which intimidates, threatens, degrades or disgraces a fellow student, visitor, administrator, or member of the school staff by gestures written, or verbal means.  Using any form of profanity, written or verbal.  Skipping or cutting class, is defined as not being in the assigned place at the appropriate time.

 Possession of weapons (real or look alike) and alcohol or other drugs is strictly prohibited. Possession of such prohibited items or substances on a school campus or at any school-sponsored activity shall result in an immediate Board Suspension and police involvement. (Note TCA 39-17-1309; TCA 49-6-4201; the School Security Act of 1981; TCA XVII, the Gun-Free School Zone Act of the Federal Crime Control Act of 1990).

The Shelby County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, handicap/disability, or sex (including pregnant or parenting status) in its programs and activities. No student shall be denied equal access to, or participation in, any school sponsored class, activity, or honors program on the basis of the above.

Students and their parents/guardians who believe they have been discriminated against have the right to seek corrective action. Reports of such incidents must be submitted in writing to the PRINCIPAL. Correcting Misconduct

Student misconduct most often is the result of inappropriate behavior. In such cases all that is necessary is for the child to understand why the behavior was inappropriate and what to do when similar situations are encountered in the future. In some situations, however, it is necessary for a student to receive punishment to reinforce the lesson they have been taught. We will be following a procedure of increasing consequences as students continue to exhibit unacceptable behavior. We will strive to make the punishment fit the problem, depending on the seriousness and frequency of the misconduct. Actions taken by school staff will range from time out, notes, phone calls to parents, cafeteria duty; detention, in-school suspension, time out during lunch, office referral and/or suspension. Teachers can make telephone calls to parents from his or her room. Teachers will be calling parents as soon as it is necessary.

Many times, we will send home a notice of misconduct to let parents know of a discipline problem. Parents are expected to sign and return the notice so we will know it was received. The parent’s signature does not mean that the parent approves of the child's conduct, simply that the parent has seen the notice. If a student fails to return a discipline notice or forges the parent's signature on the form, the child will be suspended.

Restroom Breaks

Students will change classes as a group accompanied by their teacher. Students will exchange classes in a single file line always staying to the right side of the hallway. They are expected to do this in a non-disruptive manner. Running, scuffling, playing, and talking will not be tolerated.

Hall Passes

Students are NOT permitted in the hall during class periods unless they are accompanied by a teacher or have a hall pass in their possession.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and courteous manner during each program. Applause should be generous when appropriate. Whistling, stamping of feet, shouting aloud, booing, and constantly talking will not be tolerated. Fighting


Fighting will not be tolerated for any reason. Levi Elementary is a “Fight-Free School,” which means everyone will work together to create an atmosphere where no fights or verbal put-downs will be tolerated. The Fight-Free School mission is, “To teach the youth of today, the future leaders of our nation, appropriate interpersonal behavior skills. The focus is to provide an improved school environment which will enhance the learning process and allow our children the optimum advantage to excel in their academic careers.” We want our students to choose to solve problems intelligently, instead of choosing to fight. We must exercise every option to work out our differences and solve all problems nonviolently. At times it is difficult to tell the difference between "playing" and fighting. Many fights start as playing. With all the violence on television and the martial arts (karate, etc.), we have what children call " play fighting." All too often, such play causes someone to get hurt; tempers flare and a real fight results. If two or more people are involved in a fight, all will be given a suspension.

Unnecessary Items

Some things are best left at home. They may be a source of disruption to instruction, may cause a disturbance among students, or need extra security because of the value of the item. Tape players, radios, Beyblades, Pokemon cards, CD players, electronic games, cellular phones, and cameras all belong at home. Such items brought to school may be confiscated by the teacher or the office and kept until a parent comes to school to pick up the item.

The Time Out Program

It is the mission of the Time Out program at Levi Elementary to improve the school’s environment by implementing a behavior modification program, to improve student conduct.

The goals of the program are to:

1. Provide an alternative to home suspension as a means of disciplinary action for inappropriate student behavior.

2. Deliver uninterrupted instruction to students in a safe, rigidly structured environment.

3. Curtail absenteeism that results from suspensions.

4. Modify inappropriate behavior and return the student to their regular classroom environment.

Students can only be referred to the Time Out Program by the principal. Students assigned to the Time Out Program must complete all assignments given by the regular classroom teacher. Credit will be given for regular classroom work completed in the Time Out Program on a daily basis. The student may not participate in, or attend, any school activities including assemblies, field trips, or award programs while assigned to the Time Out Program.


The principal may issue a Home Suspension when it is deemed necessary. Parents may answer a home suspension the day after it is issued but must answer within three (3) days. If a situation is serious, or if there have been previous suspensions, the child might not be allowed to return for four or more days.

Field Trips

Field trips are to add to the curriculum and are not for entertainment. We utilize transportation approved by Shelby County Schools and do not ask parents to drive their personal vehicles. We always need parents to accompany us to aid the teachers with supervision. The cost for parents varies from place to place. Sometimes parents receive free or reduced price tickets. Other activities may require parents to pay the full admission fee. Students attending any field trip sponsored by the school must submit a signed permission slip before participating in the activity. Telephone calls for field trip permission will not be accepted. School Insurance

We will be sending home information and enrollment forms for student school accident insurance. The school does not receive any of the fees paid. This is not a fund raising project for us. We would, however, strongly encourage each family to take advantage of this opportunity for your children. The cost is very reasonable and the coverage is an excellent supplement to any insurance you may already have. If you do not already have insurance, it is even more important that you take advantage of this offer. Each year we have a number of accidents - some small and some not so small. The small cost of the insurance is nothing compared to an emergency room visit or even a regular doctor's office visit. There is an option for twenty-four hour a day coverage that will provide protection even when your child is not at school. The extra coverage is well worth considering and quite inexpensive.

Emergency (Snow) Dismissal

Parents and students should have a plan in case of early dismissal due to inclement weather. Please listen for alerts from the local media regarding school closing on days when threatening weather exists. Dismissal forms completed at registration will be used for Early Dismissal. Please contact teacher if address is changed.

Fire / Tornado Drills

Fire and tornado drills are practiced throughout the school year. Some will be announced and some may be unannounced. These drills are necessary for the safety of the students, staff and faculty. When the alarm is sounded students are to follow directions and procedures for the plan posted in each classroom. Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a point of safety from those areas of the school building in which he/she may be. During the drills students and other personnel are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner.

Property, Litter and School Pride The spirit of a school is reflected by its appearance. Each student should deposit litter and waste in trash containers. To keep the lawns in good condition, students should use the sidewalks and not walk on the grass.


Lockers and other storage areas, containers, and packages brought into school by students or visitors are subject to search by authorized personnel.

Lost and Found

Lost items may be claimed by proper identification. It is a good idea to mark items with your child’s name so they can be returned without delay. Eyeglasses and jewelry are not routinely placed with other articles. So please inquire about those items in the main office.

Lice, Ringworm, and Pink-eye

Lice occur in the best and cleanest of families. Lice occur in the best and cleanest of schools. If we find a child with lice, the child will be sent home until the child has been treated with a lice shampoo and there are not any nits (eggs) in sight. When a child is sent home with lice, the child must come to the office before returning to class. If lice and nits are found, the child will be sent home again. While lice are not life threatening, we must be aggressive in dealing with the problem. Notices will be sent home with the rest of the children in the class along with information from the Health Department to alert other families to be on the lookout for possible problems. We will follow the procedures established by the school nurse concerning ringworm and pinkeye.

Shelby County Schools Provides

“Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. For more information, please contact the Office of Equity Compliance at (901)416-6670. “


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in student admission, treatment, or in access to programs and activities. Section 5O4 includes building accessibility. It also prohibits employment discrimination in any program or activity on the basis of a disability. Discrimination is prohibited in all aspects of employment against persons with disabilities who, with reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of a job.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, protects qualified applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, job training, fringe benefits, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment on the basis of disability. The law also requires that covered entities provide qualified applicants and employees with disabilities with reasonable accommodations that do not impose undue hardships. Accessibility to buildings, transportation and services is mandated.

Requests, complaints or grievances concerning discrimination covered by these laws are to be submitted in writing. Students - First level of request/ compliance/ grievance is to the principal of the school. If there is no resolution or if the problem/complaint is with the principal, then proceed to the Director of the Division of Pupil Services. Employees in the Bargaining Unit follow procedures as set out in the Bargaining Unit Agreement. Employees outside of the Bargaining Unit - The following procedures will be followed:

Equal Opportunity in All Programs

An employee who has a request/ complaint/ grievance should first communicate it to his/her immediate supervisor, on which case it should be directed to the next level. If the problem/ complaint cannot be resolved following the chain of command within the appropriate department, the department head or the employee may refer the problem/ complaint to the Director of the Division of Personnel Services for further investigation.

In compliance with regulations enforced by the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age.

If you want more information on how these laws affect students or accommodations for handicapped individuals, call or write:

Director, Division of Pupil Services (Coordinator of Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and The Americans with Disabilities Act) Shelby County Schools 2597 Avery Avenue Memphis, TN 38112 (901) 416-4420 .

Director, Division of Personnel Services Shelby County Schools 2598 Avery Avenue Memphis, TN 38112 (901) 416-5304

Approved By: ______Janice V. Tankson______Dr. Janice V. Tankson, Principal

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