Warblers Hideaway Association Lot Sales
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Warblers Hideaway Association Lot Sales
Denny Inman
(616) 901-7226-cell # [email protected]
As of March 1, 2015, I will be managing the lot sales for Warblers Hideaway Association
I am a Lovells Township Resident
Currently I serve as Chairman on the Lovells Township Planning Commission
Currently represent Lovells Township on the Crawford County Planning Commission
Was a past Realtor for Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors
Contact me on my cell phone or the email address listed above. Looking forward to assisting you with your property needs.
Below you will find a current list of lots for sale:
Address Lot # Parcel ID # Price* Closing Status Costs Kirkland 416 Warblers 20-010-14- $600-not $150 #3 802-00-416- buildable 00 Kirkland 419 & 420 20-010-14- $1,200 per $250 ** Warblers #3 802-00-419- 00 Kirkland 428 Warblers 20-101-14- $1,200 $250 ** #3 802-00-428- 00 Kirkland 431 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 SOLD #3 802-00-431- 00 Fernwood 437 Warblers 20-010-14- $600-not $150 Drive #3 802-00-437- buildable 00 Fernwood 464 Warblers 20-10-14- $1,000 $250 SOLD Drive #3 802-00-464- 00 Creekview 2 Creekview 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 ** Drive #1 150-00-02-00 Wynnewood 56 Creekview 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 Road #2 151-00-056- 00 Wynnewood 59 Creekview 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** #2 151-00-059- 00 Wynnewood 77 Creekview 20-010-14- $600 SOLD Road #2 151-00-077- 00 Lovells Road 94 Creekview 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 ** #2 151-00-94-00 Lovells Road 95 & 96 20-010-14- $2,000 $300 Creekview #2 151-00-95-00 and 96-00
Timberlane 50 Northern 20-010-14- $2,000 $300 SOLD Trail Heights 400-00-050- 00 Northeast Trail 81 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 Heights 400-00-81-00
Trail Ridge 141 Northern 20-010-14- $1,000 SOLD Heights #2 400-00-141- 00
Trail Ridge 160 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Heights 400-00-160- 00 Northeast Trail 191 Northern 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 ** Heights 400-00-191- 00 Timberlane 231, 20-010-14- $3,000 $400 ** Trail 232, & 233 400-00- Northern 231/232/233 Heights -00 Timberlane 237 Northern 20-010-14- $500 $150 ** Trail Heights 400-00-237- 00 Timberlane 286 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Trail Heights #2 401-00-286- 00 Timberlane 288 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Trail Heights #2 401-00-288- 00 Timberlane 308 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 SOLD Trail Heights #2 401-00-308- 00 Timberlane 321 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Trail Heights #2 401-00-321- 00 Timberlane 310 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 Trail Heights #2 401-00-310- 00 North Down 340 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** River Road Heights #2 401-00-340- 00 North Down 345, 346, & 20-010-14- $3,500 $500 River Road 347 Northern 401-00-345- Heights #2 00
North Down 366 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 River Road Heights #2 401-00-366- 01 North Down 367 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 River Road Heights #2 401-00-367- 00 North Down 368 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 River Road Heights #2 401-00-368- 00
Hideaway Drive 372 Northern 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Heights #3 402-00-372- 00
Hideaway Drive 396 Northern 010-14-402- $1,500 $250 ** Heights #3 00-396-00
Hideaway Drive 416 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 SOLD Heights #3 402-00-416- 00 Hideaway Drive 424 Northern 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 Heights #3 402-00-424- 00 S. Big Creek 2 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 Rd/Alpine Hideaway 800-00-002- 00 S. Big Creek Rd 6 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-006- 00
S. Big Creek Rd 13 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-013- 00 S. Big Creek Rd 14 & 15 20-010-800- $2,000 $259 ** Warblers 00-015-00 Hideaway S. Big Creek Rd 17 & 18 20-010-14- $2,000 $250 Warblers 800-00-017- Hideaway 00 and -018- 00
S. Big Creek Rd. 19 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Hideaway 800-00-019- 00 S. Big Creek Rd. 21 & 22 20-010-14- $2,000 $250 Warblers 800-00-021- Hideaway 00
S. Big Creek Rd. 20,23 &24 20-010-14- $1,000 per $250 ** 800-00-020- 00/023- 01/024-00 S. Big Creek Rd. 33 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-033- 00 Berghof 55 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Drive/Chalet Hideaway 800-00-055- Circle 00 Chalet Circle 58 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-058- 00 Chalet Circle 62, 63, & 64 20-010-14- $3,000 $400 Warblers 800-00-062- Hideaway 00, -063-00, and -064-00
Chalet Circle 86 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-086- 00 Chalet Circle 96 & 97 20-010-14- $2,000 $250 Warblers 800-00-096- Hideaway 00 Chalet Circle 101 & 102 20-010-14- $2,000 $250 Warblers 800-00-101- Hideaway 00 Alpine Drive 128 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Hideaway 800-00-128- 00 Alpine Drive 142 & 143 20-010-14- $2,000 SOLD Warblers 800-00-142- Hideaway 00 Morley Road 183 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Hideaway 800-00-183- 00 N. Down River 191 & 192 20*010-14- $2,000 $250 ** Road Warblers 800-00-191 & Hideaway 192 N. Down River 202 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Road Hideaway 800-00-202- 00
N. Down River 208 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Road Hideaway 800-00-208- 00 N. Down River 218 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Road Hideaway 800-00-218- 00 N Down River 214 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,200 $250 ** Road Hideaway 800-00-214- 00 N. Down River 225 & 226 20-010-14- $2,000 $250 Road Warblers 800-00-225- Hideaway 00, and -226- 00 N. Down River 227 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Road Hideaway 800-00-227- 00 N. Down River 231, 232, & 20-010-14- $3,500 $500 Road 233 Warblers 800-00-231- Hideaway 00, -232-00, and -233-00
Alpine Drive 250 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 ** #2 801-00-250- 00 Alpine Drive 275 & 276 20-010-14- $1,500 $300 ** Warblers #2 801-00-275- 00
Alpenhof 288, 289 & 20-010-14- $3,500 $500 290 Warblers 801-00-288- #2 00 and -290- 00 Alpenhof 293 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 #2 801-00-293- 00
Alpenhof 295 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 #2 801-00-295- 00
Alpenhof 309 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 #2 801-00-309- 00 Alpenhof 317 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 #2 801-00-317- 00 Alpine/ 322 Warblers 20-010-14- $600 $150 ** Alpenhof #2 801-00-322- 00 Alpenhof 318/319/320 20-010-14- $4,500 $500 ** Warblers #2 801-00-318- 00 Alpine 324 Warblers 20-101-14- $1,000 $250 ** #2 801-324-00 Alpine 325 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 #2 801-00-325- 00 Alpine 331 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Warblers#2 801-00-331- 00 N. Down River 213 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 SOLD Road Hideaway 800-00-213- 00 N. Down River 215 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 $250 Road Hideaway 800-00-215- 00 Alpine Drive 118 Warblers 20-010-14- $1,000 SOLD Hideaway 800-00-118- 00
Scenic Drive 501 & 502 20-10-14- $3500 each $350 each ** Warblers #4 803-00-501 & 502 Kirkland Drive 546 & 547 20-010-14- $1,000 $300 ** Warblers #4 803-00-546 & 547 Hemlock 564 & 565 20-010-14- $1200 each $300 ** Warblers #4 803-00-564- 00 Updated May 10, 2017. Any negotiated changes in price will be approved by John Newlin, Association President, before final sale.
** NOT owned by Warblers