Landon Sterk, Stephanie Doan

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Landon Sterk, Stephanie Doan

Landon Sterk, Stephanie Doan AP Euro Period 4 Fill-in Test: France December 20, 2010

France emerged from the Hundred Years’ War with _____ (1), another European power, with a devastated agriculture, commercial interests, and population. King _____ (2) improved royal treasury by instituting new salt and land taxes, which lasted until the revolution. In 1438, the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges were passed, asserting the superiority of a _____ (3) over the _____ (4), giving the French crown power to appoint bishops, and indirect authority of the Church in France. This was revoked by the _____ (5), which asserted the supremacy of the papacy in France, but maintained the French monarchy’s control over Church appointments. This cooperation between the Roman papacy and French Kings held firm for centuries.

Following the _____ (6), a period of enormous change in the fundamental structure of the Church, religious wars broke out across Europe. When French Calvinists, known as _____ (7), started protesting policies of the French government, French Catholics rose up in arms against their fellow citizens. During the _____ (8), thousands of Huguenots were murdered in bloody riots across urban areas. This time was compounded by difficulties in the monarchy: a struggle for the throne between multiple sides ensued in the _____ (9). Henry _____ (10), a Protestant prince from southern France, sought the crown for himself, in a bout to give rights to the oppressed Huguenots. His Catholic rivals wouldn’t cede the throne easily; brutal, bloody wars followed for years. Over time, a group of political and social leaders, known as the _____ (11), demanded an end to the war, recognizing that the need for civil peace is greater than the demand for religious conformity within a nation. The war was quickly resolved, and the Protestant Henry was crowned Henry IV. Without delay, he passed the _____ (12), declaring that Huguenots could worship freely in specific areas of France. Also, Henry IV was favored by members of the _____ (13) Estate, due to his efforts to lower taxes, build roads, and keep the peace. During his reign, France entered few wars. However, _____ (14), a French advisor of the next king, _____ (15), entered France into the largest European conflict the date. The _____ (16) War, began with feuds between German Lutheran Princes and the Austrian _____ (17) Monarchy, enveloped most of Europe. France fought against the Catholics, on the side of the Lutheran princes, based on a _____ (18) diplomacy practiced during the Italian Renaissance, as described by writer _____ (19). The war ended with the _____ (20), which asserted the religious freedom of German princes. It also ensured that the Hapsburgs would not wield the same power over German states that they had as Emperors of the _____ (21).

French absolutism was at its best during the rule of _____ (22), known as “The _____ (23) King.” He centralized power through various means. His most iconic action was establishing his residence at the Palace of _____ (24), a model of French design and architecture. Additionally, he created a new class of nobles, dependent on the king for their power, known as the _____ (25). During this time, the French monarchy held the economic view of _____ (26), believing that governments should take an active role in the economy. Also, the government sought to raise _____ (27) and lower imports, hoping to increase reserves of _____ (28) to ensure a valuable currency.

During the Enlightenment, French _____ (29) applied reason and speculation on the natural state of life to ascertain truths on the ideal society. The _____ (30) advocated a separation of power between government branches, in order to preserve the rights of the people, especially through their representation in a legislative governing body. _____ (31), another philosophe, was disgusted with the feuds that organized religions caused, and demanded absolute religious toleration, in the interests of maintaining civil order.

The French Revolution is the result of numerous factors bubbling up in the late 18th century. _____ (32), the last absolutist king of France, was unable to bring financial reform to France, and as a result, bread prices rose, and the masses of France grew unruly. Additionally, the Queen, _____ (33), was a symbol of an extravagant monarchy living beyond the means of its country; she found great hatred among her nationals, and was despised upon her later capture. The Third Estate rose to the challenge of these national issues, and in the _____ (34) swore to not disband until the economy was better, and their problems were fixed, establishing the National Assembly in June of 1789. Gradually, as problems persisted, the urban and rural poor grew weary of a lazy ruling class, and lashed out in the Storming of the Bastille and the Great Fear, when peasants attacked nobles to demand rights. Over time, the government found no way to restrict these riots, except through force. In the _____ (35), Robespierre and the Mountain executed any political opponents, regardless of class, on the guillotine, a symbol of this period of government. This government was soon replaced by the _____ (36), a five- man weak dictatorship. This dictatorship was extremely ineffective, and was replaced by the rule of a single man, _____ (37). Ruling as a powerful dictator, and later crowning himself as emperor, Napoleon soon set off on conquests that would bring him to height of French power in the history of France. The wars that followed, dubbed “The Napoleonic Wars,” shook Europe at the roots, worrying European monarchs of the radical changes in French government, prompting almost all European nations to join the conflict. However, Napoleon also made significant domestic changes. The _____ (38) guaranteed equality for all male citizens before the law and absolute security of wealth and private property. Napoleon loyally served his country until his capture and exile, which cemented a permanent change in government for France. Louis XVIII was crowned after Napoleon’s departure, the beginning of a _____ (39) monarchy, restoring France among the company of European monarchies. Answer Key: 1. England 2. Charles VII 3. General Council 4. Papacy 5. Concordat of Bologna 6. Reformation 7. Huguenots 8. Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacres 9. War of Three Henry’s 10. Of Navarre 11. Politiques 12. Edict of Nantes 13. Third 14. Cardinal Richelieu 15. Louis XIII 16. Thirty Years’ 17. Hapsburg 18. Balance-of-power 19. Niccolo Machiavelli 20. Peace of Westphalia 21. Holy Roman Empire 22. Louis XIV 23. Sun 24. Versailles 25. Noblesse de robe 26. Mercantilism 27. Exports 28. Gold 29. Philosophes 30. Baron de Montesquieu 31. Voltaire 32. Louis XVI 33. Marie Antoinette 34. Tennis Court Oaths 35. Reign of Terror 36. Directory 37. Napoleon Bonaparte 38. Constitution of 1804 39. Constitutional

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