Subject: Guidance Teacher: Mrs. Thiele
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Subject: Guidance Teacher: Mrs. Thiele Topic: Introduction to Guidance Grade Level: 5th Time: 20 min Date: 9/7/10 & 9/9/10
Counseling Standards: PS:A Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.
Benchmarks: PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities PS:A2.6 Use effective communications skills PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening, and non verbal behavior
Critical Skills Addressed:
PS:A1.12 Identify and recognize changing family roles PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
Time: 20 min
Materials: “Need to talk to Mrs. Thiele” notes Door Knob Hangers Letter to Parents explaining Elementary Guidance Elementary Guidance Brochures “Record of Me” worksheet Clown Wig Big Ears Big Glasses Animal Nose Mask Clown Shoes and Gloves Primary Focus – Start Dreamin’ Cd
Objectives: As a result of this activity the learner will be able to: Identify aspects of the elementary guidance program Identify characteristics about the guidance counselor
Essential Question: Who is the guidance counselor and what does she do at my school?.
Ice Breaker Activity: (5 min)
Introduce Yourself Introduce myself as the counselor again and go around the room with the class list and have students raise their hands to identify who they are.
Introduction (2 min)
1.) Introduce myself and who I am at Mease School and what my job is as elementary counselor. Discuss the rules of guidance class.
Major Instructional Sequence
2.) A powerpoint presentation entitled: “All About Me” will be shown to the class and several areas about me will be shared with the students. This will help the students get to know me.
3.) Ask for volunteers to help me explain the guidance program. Students will be asked to wear a disguise. Hand the disguises to six students. Give each student a paper to what they should read. Go over all six at the same time. After students have read their sentence, explain the meaning behind each disguise in the paragraph below.
o Clown Wig – “Coming to see the counselor is no big HAIRY deal.”
. I enjoy seeing all students at Taft Elementary. I am here for each and every one of you. It’s a really good thing to be able to come down to my room, sit, and visit with me about whatever you choose.
o Big Ears - “If you come visit me, I’ll be all EARS.”
. I am all EARS! I love listening to all of you, and I am looking forward to getting to know you better.
o Big Glasses – “Maybe I can help you SEE things a little more clearly.”
. I am here to help you see things from another person’s viewpoint. There is always more than one way look at things, especially when there are disagreements between people.
o Animal Nose – “I promise I won’t try to NOSE into your business.”
. I will try not to be NOSY about you I care about all of you and if I can ever help you, please let me know. I will not nose into your business, unless you want me to.
o Mask – So the next time you’re NOT FEELING LIKE YOURSELF . . .”
. Sometimes we are happy, sad, frightened, mad, confused, upset, or excited. WE all have these feelings, and it’s OK. o Clown Shoes and Gloves – STEP into my office and let me give you a HAND with your problem. That is what I am here for.
. STEP into my office and let me give you a HAND with your problem. That is what I am here for.
4.) Explain the counselor’s mailbox and the “Need to Talk to Mrs. Thiele” notes that the students will write. Classroom teachers will be given extra notes.
5.) Explain the Door Knob Hangers and what each one means.
6.) Review the letter being sent home to parents and school counseling brochure.
7.) Review days I will visit their classroom.
8.) Read with the students the Topics of Concerns sheets and discuss why a student may want to see the counselor.
9.) Hand out the “A Record of Me” worksheet. Ask the students to fill out 6 of the 10 choices. Cut out the records and share them with others. Students will listen to Rock and Roll Character songs while they work.
Content Questions
Who is my school counselor?
What does the school counselor do at our school?
Why would someone want to visit with the school counselor?
Personalization Questions
What are some things that you would want to talk to the school counselor about?
How can the school counselor help you at school?
What are some things about yourself that you would like to share with the counselor?
Closure (2min)
Review what the counselor does at school and where the counselor’s office is located. Thank the students for getting to know me today, and express that I am excited to get to know them throughout the school year as well. Remind the students that they can ask their teachers for a “Need to Talk to Mrs. Thiele” note if they ever want to visit my office.
Follow Up Activity: Send home brochures with the students that explain the counseling program and the services that students and parents can receive. Explain the brochure to the students and encourage them to look at it with their parents when they get home.
Provisions for Individual Differences
Students who can not speak English well will be assisted by the teachers to understand the issues being presented. Students who have behavior disorders will be closely monitored to avoid unsupervised down time. Students who have attentional difficulties will be assisted by keeping the classroom organized and on task as possible. Gifted students will encouraged to make connections between the material being presented and examples in the media or their personal lives.
Multiple Modalities Addressed
This activity will appeal to students who prefer verbal-linguistic activities and interpersonal learners as there is a discussion component to the activity and could appeal to intrapersonal learners because there is time given for personal reflection of inner emotions and thoughts. This activity could appeal to students who prefer musical activities in that music will be played during the time students are working on the “A Record of Me” worksheets. Bodily-Kinesthetic learners may enjoy the “disguises” activity, because students will get up and act out in front of the class the actions corresponding with each disguise.
Objective 1: Assessment Method – Personal Communication
The students will participate in a discussion where we will review what a school counselor’s job is at an elementary school. The students will identify what school counselors do, and how to reach the school counselor if they need to talk to one. The students will identify what the “door knob holders” mean – at Taft, in class, in meeting, etc. The students will participate in a discussion about the questions raised in the content section of the lesson.
Achievement Target: Knowledge and Understanding
The students will be assessed for their knowledge of the characteristics of the guidance program and the steps to take if they would like to talk to the counselor. The students will demonstrate knowledge by answering the questions raised in the content section of the lesson correctly. The students will participate in a class discussion about the topic to assess student mastery of understanding of this topic.
Objective 2: Assessment Method: Personal Communication
The students will participate in a class discussion about characteristics about the school counselor (things she likes, favorite things) and discuss how they are similar or different from their likes or dislikes. The students will participate in a discussion about confidentiality, and how the counselor is a friendly adult that can be trusted with secrets. The students will participate in a class discussion about the personalization questions in the lesson.
Achievement Target: Knowledge and Understanding
The students will be assessed for their knowledge about personal characteristics of the school counselor. The students will participate in a class discussion about the topic and the personalization questions in the lesson to assess student mastery of this topic.
Works Cited:
Lesson Plan Derived From: Nielsen, Margie (2005). Guidance lesson plans: Introduction. Humboldt Community School District. Humboldt, IA.