Quilt Show Meeting Minutes

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Quilt Show Meeting Minutes

Quilt Show meeting minutes October 5, 2010

Shauna called this last meeting of the Quilt Show committee to order at 6:30 pm.

The BPQ newsletter for November will feature the quilt show as the main cover story. The Tea Room will be sure to have an article submitted. All other committee chairs were urged to submit articles to assist the members in knowing where to help out. The website also needs to be informative so any articles for spaces written for our general public need to be submitted to the website. The demonstration schedule will be submitted for inclusion. Shauna asked to be copied on anything that was sent to the web or the newsletter just so she could keep informed.

Robin Maddox has stepped in to assist with the program ad contacts. Shop owners are still slow in their response to requests for coupons and for ads. With the abbreviated program, some refunds will be made to shops as we no longer can offer an inside or back cover spot. The one sheet coupon page insert in the program will replace those ads and are much less costly to the shops.

Shauna asked what Indoor signage is needed as it is hoped that our interior signage be similar and have continuity throughout the show. Signage is taken care of for Ronald McDonald (from the Ronald McDonald house), from Boutique (they will do their own signs and have them posted predominantly in the area and in the bathrooms). Shauna will make Tea Room signs (including a “please visit upstairs” message) to post at the admissions table, bathrooms, and elevators. Perri Storch volunteered to help Shauna with any signage needs.

The Tea Room will be in a harvest theme and fabric pumpkins were brought in to show the centerpieces for that venue.

Kids’ Korner and Ronald McDonald House will need a table for the picture board and for the story of Ronald McDonald House. They would like good visibility. Street signage was also discussed. The custodian at ICC will put up the banners we have and Charlotte will get those banners to the ICC.

Demonstrations will be upstairs this year so a sign is needed to direct people upstairs. Carol Paschal will provide that signage, an easel, and the demonstration schedule.

Lisa Jenni has counted the standards and is working on the layout. She has a plan for a unique layout, but it will not affect the numbering of the quilts. She still needs to work on the hardware/equipment layout. Lisa described sections of the layout and fielded questions from the committee. The largest quilts are being placed in the second row this year in order to give Boutique a bit more room.

Where to put check-in in the foyer/lounge area was discussed. It was agreed that the ingress/egress needs of that area were going to be used by many people, but check-in would take priority for area usage from 8:00 to around 10:30 am on set up day.

Lisa will send Jeanne Luchtel a copy of the spreadsheet she’s working from so Jeanne can begin her work on the program, but it was stressed that this spreadsheet is not a final copy yet. Jeanne was asked to provide a .pdf file once the final list is done. Shauna will coordinate all copy before it is submitted to the printer. Linda Tellesbo confirmed 191 quilts which included 14 challenge entries in the count. This will drop to 189 as two quilts were already known to be pulled. The categories have been divided and sub-divided where appropriate to obtain a good spread of the number of quilts and what “made sense” in terms of size of quilts. As there were only three Block of the Month quilts entered, they were re-classified with each of the members affected having been notified of the change.

Donna Lee will be proofreading and she expressed confidence that all deadlines could be met by her. Story sheets and quilts for sale were discussed. There will be contact information of the name of the quilter and the phone number for those quilts that are for sale. These sales will not go through the Boutique, but will remain a business transaction between the quilter and the purchaser of the quilt.

The final list of entries will go onto the website for a last proofreading opportunity by members. An email will go out from the BPQ president to those members who have quilts entered into the show when this list is available. There will be no opportunity for changes other than to achieve accuracy by this step and the number of days that this list will remain “live” will be limited. There will be an announcement made at the general meeting that there will be an opportunity to review the registration of quilts for accuracy.

Trish Grant has been notified as to the number of ribbons that will be needed. The Youth Quilter category ribbons must be done by November 4 as they are hung with the quilts for the entire show. Quilting ribbons were discussed and it was stressed that the ribbons for hand- and machine-quilting will only go to BPQ members.

It was determined that stickers on the story sheets indicating “Eligible for Members-only Voting” and the category of “hand” or “machine” would be adequate to direct BPQ members in their voting. There was a discussion of what the members-only ballot should look like and there was a discussion of how to determine which quilts got the stickers. It was unclear how the Members-only balloting should proceed and that was going to be discussed later with Shauna and Charlotte. The Ballot committee said they had a plan to track members who picked up a ballot to vote.

Working backward to establish October deadlines, it was determined that Robin would have coupons ready in .jpg format from shops by October 20 and that Shauna would receive all program information in .pdf file format by October 25 in order to review it and send it to the printer all together at one time.

The Banquet in December was reviewed. Linda Storvik was asked to reverse the alphabet so members could bring something to the banquet other than the main dish or dessert, etc. that they usually bring. The board will be asked to provide beverages. The theme of the banquet will be the theme of the show and Linda showed a mock-up of the program she will distribute that night to help members track the awards. Poinsettias will be the main centerpieces which will become door prizes at the end of the evening. Scott Hansen had offered fat quarters from his studio stash for additional door prizes and Linda will contact him. We will eat first and then have the program. As neither Shauna nor Charlotte was eager to be “on” for the program, Donna Lee and Jeanne Luchtel will provide the slide show and commentary for the program. Only the winners will be announced within each category. The Boutique has a sign up for shifts and reported 25 participants to date. They will require two cash boxes and will maintain a cross-check of items sold. An email will be sent to those who are participating in the Boutique for suggested pricing of fabric and other details of working in the Boutique.

Nancy Cluts was not in attendance, but she will contact all of the Challenge Quilt people to see what materials were used in construction of the challenge so she can feature that in the display. Wall space has been assigned to her.

Drop off people were receiving their supplies on Thursday and on Monday and Beth and Sandy reported that they had Drop off under control.

The needs for tables were discussed and people provided lists of what personal tables and equipment they had that could be used for the show. Charlotte will put together a list of what is needed and what is available. She will also ask Joan Price (who is a member and works at ICC) what the actual physical count of tables is as it was thought that the list provided by ICC and on-line was not the entire inventory available.

Elsie confirmed that she will be in attendance for set up and for all three days of the show to supervise the work shifts. Elsie asked to be put on the agenda for the general meeting in order to make announcements to members. She will also be placing phone calls and sending emails to those members who still need to sign up to work on the show.

Perri indicated that Own Your Own had a soft deadline as she could accept quilts up to and during the show. She will determine price points for the quilts, but stressed that they will be affordable.

Publicity was not in attendance but there was a discussion about King 5 TV’s New Day program and whether the raffle quilt and the Quilt Show could be featured on the program. Following a general discussion, Jean Whittaker offered to call channel 5 to see what details were needed. People indicated that they could use more posters and more bookmarks. Shauna will bring what she has to the general meeting.

A CD for people to purchase and what was desired at the end of the show on the website was discussed, but there was nothing resolved.

Quilts from the featured artist will be used this year for fill-in where needed and for when quilts were pulled after lay-out was done. As the new placement for the Kids’ Korner allows for much more display space of Ronald McDonald quilts, that space the staircases and the banisters will be used for Ronald McDonald quilts.

It was suggested that story sheets could be white paper with a colored bar using the same color as that of the categories (there are 18 categories this show). A one-hole punch in the center of story sheets and using a pin to pluck a small amount of fabric for pinning was described. By this method, the story sheets hang straight, are easy to hang, and the system is simple to execute.

Shauna reminded the committee that all reimbursement requests need to be turned in to her by November 30. She gave her address: 19822 50th Avenue West, Apt #1112 Lynnwood 98036 and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Charlotte Tucker

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