EU-Canada Call for Proposals & Guidelines 2006

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EU-Canada Call for Proposals & Guidelines 2006

Reserved for the Executive Agency

Number Date of Postmark



EU Application Form 2008 - Call for Proposals EACEA/01/2008 -


Applications sent by post bearing a postmark after this date will not be considered.


2/32 Application and selection procedure Before completing the form, please read the Guidelines for Applicants 2008, which contain information on specific priorities for this year. This information can be found on the EU-Canada website:

 Applicants should use as application language the operational language of communication among the partners of the project consortium. This language must be one of the 23 official languages of the European Union.

 The application must be typewritten or word-processed using a computer.

 The original of the application must bear the original signature of the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the coordinating institution and the original stamp of this institution.

 The signed original and 2 copies thereof must be sent in the same envelope to the following address:

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Call for proposals "EU-CANADA Programme for Cooperation in Higher Education, Training and Youth" Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation Avenue du Bourget, n°1 - BOUR 00/38 1140 Brussels Belgium

 In addition, an electronic copy of the completed EU application form should be sent to the call’s mailbox: [email protected].

 EU applicants seeking further information on the call may send their request to the above mentioned mailbox.

 All applications will be acknowledged.

In accordance with standard Commission practice, the information provided in your application may be used for the purposes of evaluating the EU-Canada programme. The relevant data protection regulations will be respected. Applications will be judged against the eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria set out in the Guidelines for Applicants 2008.

3/32 1. TITLE PAGE

Project title Please use a maximum of 12 words; start with an acronym or abbreviation, if applicable.

Project abstract (maximum 5 lines) Describe activities and outcomes and including the number of mobile students in the project

Thematic fields covered by the project Please use the codes indicated in Annex 1.

  


Develop a table of contents for the proposal package with pagination.


This summary should outline the key features of the project including the total number of students from each institution being exchanged over the duration of the project. The summary should include the following items:

 Title of project  Duration of the project (start and end date)  Field(s) and level(s) and objectives of study/training, duration, language(s) of instruction  Summary of study programme and project activities (maximum 20 lines)  List of EU and Canadian consortium institutions or organisations as well as associated organisations  Number of EU and Canadian students and plannedlength of study abroad  If applicable, number of faculty exchanges for programme teaching and length of stay

If your application is successful, this summary may be used for information purposes. You are therefore kindly requested to formulate it very carefully.


Common Proposal Narrative. This section of the applications needs to be indentical in both the Canadian and the European application submitted by the corresponding lead institutions. It needs to be endorsed by the project leader/coordinator in both institutions. In no more than 10 single-spaced or 20 double-spaced pages (font size 12), you should address the following:

a. Overview of Project  Explain the project objectives.  Describe the strategies for achieving those objectives for each year of the project.  Describe the expected results and outcome of the project.  Describe the benefits of multilateral collaboration under the project.  Describe the added value of transatlantic co-operation in the project.  Describe how the cooperation draws upon the individual and combined resources of the consortium partners.  If applicable, describe the pre-existing links between the project partners.  Describe how activities will be sustained beyond the funding period.  Describe how products, outcomes and results of the project will be disseminated.

b. Formats and Activities  Describe the development of an international curriculum.  Describe the strategies to integrate the curriculum into existing programmes of study.  Describe how you will develop organisational frameworks/the administrative infrastructure for student mobility.  Describe how you would implement internships and work placements.  Describe how many students you intend to send and receive, which level of studies and in wich subject areas / disciplines and for how long a period of study. If some of the learners will only stay for short intensive periods of less than 4 months, please justify the reasons and content for such short mobility periods as weel as the number of learners concerned and the duration of their stay.  Describe your plans for student recruitment and selection  Describe how your consortia plans to ensure that visiting students are not charged tuition or fees at the host institution.  Describe how your consortium will develop adequate language and cultural preparation and assessment;  Describe your plans for ensuring full academic recognition for a student’s programme of study or work abroad, including issues of quality assurance and certification.  Describe what student services you will provide to help students in these new programmes both at the home and host institutions.  Describe the development of a strong dissemination plan  Describe the development of a strong evaluation plan.  If applicable: Describe the number and type of faculty and staff exchanges related to the project.  If applicable: Describe how you will use web-based and other computer-based technologies.

This is to certify that this common proposal narrative is identical to that submitted to HRDC.

Signature of the EU Project Leader / Coordinator Date

7/32 Signature of the Canadian Project Leader / Date Coordinator


EU lead institution (signatory of contract):

To fill in this part, please use the codes indicated in Annex 1.

5.1 Legal Representative

Full legal name of the institution in the national language

Acronym of the institution, if applicable

Full name of the Institution in English (formal or informal translation) Erasmus ID code, for Higher Type of institution code Education Institutions only, If applicable


Legal representative of the institution, Title (optional) who is authorised to sign the agreement: (e.g. Prof., Dr, Last name etc.) First name


Sex □ F (female) Official function within the institution □ M (Male) Legal address of the institution Street & Street Number Post code & town Country

Phone (including country and area code) + / /

Fax (including country and area code) + / /

E-mail @

Is the institution able to recover VAT? If yes, please give the VAT number

5.2 Coordinator

The address provided will be used for the acknowledgement of receipt and all further correspondence relating to the project / network.

Coordinator: Title (optional) Last name (e.g. Prof., Dr, First name etc.) Department/Unit □ F (female) Official function within the institution Sex □ M (Male) C omplete Correspondence address Street Post code & town Country & region Phone (including country and area codes) + / /

Fax (including country and area codes) + / /

E-mail address @

9/32 5.3 Person in charge of finance

Title(optional) Last name (e.g. Prof., Dr, First name etc.) Department/Unit

Official function within the institution Sex F (female) M (Male) C orrespondence address Street Post code & town Country & region Phone (including country and area codes) + / /

Fax (including country and area codes) + / /

E-mail address @

5.4 Financial identification

Please complete the appropriate bank detail form as a function of the nationality of the lead institution and attach the duly signed original to your application. The form has to be signed and stamped by the bank representative. Specific forms by country and language can be found at the following website:

EU partner institutions

For EU partners, please use the type of institution codes indicated in Annex 1.

Check the minimum number of partners required (see Guidelines for Applicants).

Add copies for additional partners if necessary.

 Partner Nr 2

Full legal name of the institution in the national language

Acronym of the institution, if applicable

Full name of the Institution


Country Type of institution code Contact person Function: ……………. Male (M)□ Female (F)□ Last name First name Legal address of the institution Street & Street Number Post code & town Country

Phone (including country and area code) + / /

Fax + / /

E-mail @


10/32 11/32  Partner Nr 3

Full legal name of the institution in the national language

Acronym of the institution, if applicable

Full name of the Institution


Country Type of institution code Contact person Function: ……………. Male (M)□ Female (F)□ Last name First name Legal address of the institution Street & Street Number Post code & town Country

Phone (including country and area code) + / /

Fax + / /

E-mail @


Please provide same information for additional EU partners.

Other relevant EU organisations

Please indicate all other relevant EU organisations such as enterprises, trade unions, industry and business groups, non-governmental organisations, publishers, government departments, chambers of commerce and research institutes, which may, whilst not official consortia partners, for example, provide internships, offer professional advice and expertise, and help your project attain the national and international visibility necessary for it to succeed beyond the funding period.

Name of organisation Town, country Contact person Role, task

Add additional lines if necessary.

12/32 Canada lead institution:

 Authorising official

Full legal name of the institution in the national language

Acronym of the institution, if applicable

Type of institution

Institutional homepage

Authorising official of the institution: Last name First name



Legal address of the institution Number & Street City/Province/ Zip code

Phone (including area code) + / /

Fax (including area code) + / /

E-mail @

 Project coordinator

The address provided will be used for the acknowledgement of receipt and all further correspondence relating to the project .

Project coordinator: Last name First name Department/Office Title (optional) (e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.) Correspondence address Number & Street City/Province/ Zip code

Phone (including area code) + / /

Fax (including area code) + / /

E-mail address @

13/32 Canada partner institutions

 Partner Nr 2

Contact person Function: ……………. Last name First name

Full legal name of the institution

Acronym of the institution, if applicable


Type of institution Legal address of the institution Number & Street City/Province/Zip code Phone (including area code) + / /

Fax (including area code) + / /

E-mail @


 Partner Nr 3

Contact person Function: ……………. Last name First name

Full legal name of the institution

Acronym of the institution, if applicable


Type of institution Legal address of the institution Number & Street City/Province/Zip code Phone (including area code) + / /

Fax (including area code) + / /

E-mail @


Please provide same information for additional Canadian partners.

14/32 Other relevant Canadian organisations

Please indicate all other relevant Canadian organisations such as enterprises, trade unions, industry and business groups, non-governmental organisations, publishers, government departments, chambers of commerce and research institutes, which may, whilst not official consortia partners, for example, provide internships, offer professional advice and expertise, and help your project attain the national and international visibility necessary for it to succeed beyond the funding period.

Name of organisation Town, country Contact person Role, task

Add additional lines if necessary.


You should clearly outline the qualifications of all key personnel related to the project. You can include in an appendix brief bios (one page), highlighting relevant skills and experience of the personnel. If you include resumes instead of the bios, strictly limit each to two pages.

16/32 7. BUDGET

Duration and languages

The contractual period is likely to start on 1/10/2008. The normal duration of a consortium project is 36 months.

Starting date/End date

For EU partners only, language in which you would like the grant contract to be issued

1st 1st preference prefer ence DE EN FR


For EU partners only, language in which you would like correspondence with the Commission to be conducted (to facilitate cooperation with your partners, you are advised to enter the language most commonly used for communication within the partnership) 1st 2nd preference prefer ence DE EN FR


Financial support from Canada/European Community

Has the proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project / network to which it may belong, already been supported in the past by Canada or the European Community?


Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract number(s):

Is this proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, currently being supported under any other Canadian or European Community programme?


Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract numbers:

Is this proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, currently the subject of any other application for support from Canada or the European Community?

17/32 No

Yes. Please specify the programme(s) and provide details under section 2 Table 2.

18/32 General instructions  Before completing this section, please read carefully the “Explanatory note on Budget” in Annex 2.  The budget should cover the entire period of the grant.  The budget should be coherent with the work plan.  All amounts should be provided in euro.  Please adhere strictly to the format provided in the tables, and check carefully the figures provided (applications containing calculation errors will be penalised in the selection process).

Table 1: Mobility scholarships

Please note the although the European Community funding towards students, learners and faculty mobility costs will be limited to a maximum of 120.000 €, applicants are invited to indicate in the tables below the total number of expected mobility and their corresponding costs (calculated in accordance with the monthly allowance and travel unit costs used for the Community contribution)

Details of transatlantic student mobility (add additional rows if necessary)

Sending EU Institution Number of Total length of Scholarship (b x Travel students / learners stay max1000 €) contribution in transatlantic in months for all (c) (a x 1000 €) mobility students (d) (a) (b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subtotal Total 1 (subtotal c + subtotal d)

Details of transatlantic learners’ mobility for short periods1 – see section 3.1 of the Call for proposals (add additional rows if necessary)

Sending EU Institution Number of Total length of Scholarship Travel learners in stay (b x max 250 €) contribution transatlantic in weeks for all (c) (a x 1000 €) mobility learners (d) (a) (b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subtotal Total 2 (subtotal c + subtotal d)

1 Intensive periods abroad of 3 weeks or more integrated into a longer and more comprehensive programme of international study or training (to be fully described in section 4 of the application); if applicable, the subsistence allowance should be calculated in weeks at a rate of 250 € per week

19/32 Details of transatlantic faculty mobility (add additional rows if necessary)

Sending EU Institution Number of Total length of Scholarship (b x Travel faculty / staff stay max 1000 €) contribution members in in weeks for all (c) (a x 1000 €) transatlantic staff members (d) mobility (b) (a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subtotal Total 3 (subtotal c + subtotal d)

Table 3: Total mobility expenses and EC grant requested

Categories of funding Scholarships Travel TOTAL (subtotals c) contribution EC grant (subtotals d) requested 1. Flat-rate amount for European partners 18.000

2. Transatlantic student mobility

3. Transatlantic learners’ mobility for short periods

4. Transatlantic faculty mobility


Please attach copy of the financial request made to HRSDC by the Canadian lead partner.

20/32 8. WORK PLAN

Follow the work plan table below, where appropriate.

Project: Activity to be started by Component of project Outputs to be Activities leading to this Partners involved this date and completed achieved/produced by output by this date the end of the implementation of this component 1. Development of an innovative transatlantic curriculum 2. Arrangements for academic credits 3.. Development of organisational frameworks for student mobility 4. Development of language and cultural preparation and assessment 5. Development of a strong dissemination plan 5. Joint development of a strong project evaluation plan 6 If applicable, structured exchanges and teaching assignments for teachers, trainers, administrators and other relevant specialists 7 If applicable, joint development and dissemination of web-based and computer-based technologies

21/32 8 . Other (specify)


EU sending/Canada hosting table: indicate the name of the institutions as well as the number of students from EU institutions planned to be sent to Canadian institutions in the corresponding box (ad additional columns or rows if necessary).

Sending lead EU institution: Sending EU partner Sending EU partner institution 2: institution 3: Hosting lead Canada Institution:

Hosting Canada partner institution 2:

Hosting Canada partner institution 3:

Canada sending/EU hosting table: indicate the name of the institutions as well as the number of students from Canadian institutions planned to be sent to EU institutions in the corresponding box.

Sending lead Canada Sending Canada partner Sending Canada partner institution: institution 2: institution 3: Hosting lead EU Institution:

Hosting EU partner institution 2:

Hosting EU partner institution 3:


Include letters of endorsement from senior academic or executive officers competent to commit the institution on legal and financial matters (e.g., rector, vice-chancellor, provost, dean, director, or president) of each of the European and Canadian institutions. These letters should indicate how the project fits within the international strategy of the institution or organisation and how this project will complement that strategy. The letters must indicate a commitment to develop memoranda of understanding or agreements on credit recognition and/or transfer between institutions and fees and tuition waivers at the end of the project’s preparatory phase. The letters must also contain a confirmation that the institution is willing to provide financial support to the project and, for the Canadian institutions only, the amount proposed. Other major parties involved in the consortium should also indicate in writing their commitment to this project.


All applicants must prove their legal status by completing the appropriate form and submitting the necessary supporting documentation.Specific forms by country and language can be found at the following website:



To be completed by the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the requesting / contracting institution.

I, the undersigned, certify that all information contained in this application, including project description, is correct to the best of my knowledge and am aware of the content of the annexes to the application form. I confirm that my institution has the financial and operational capacity to complete the proposed project. I take note that under the provisions of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities2, grants may not be awarded to applicants who are in any of the following situations: (a) if they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; (b) if they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; (c) if they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify; (d) if they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; (e) if they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests; (f) if following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations. (g) if, in their grant application, they are subject to a conflict of interest; (h) if, in their grant application, they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure or fail to supply this information. I confirm that neither I nor the institution for which I am acting as legal representative are in any of the situations described above, and am aware that the penalties set out in the Financial Regulation may be applied in the case of a false declaration. In the event that my grant application is successful, I authorise the Commission/ the Agency to publish on its internet site or in any other appropriate medium:  The name and address of the beneficiary of the grant;  The subject of the grant;  The amount awarded and the rate of funding of the costs of the approved work programme.

Place: Date / / (day/month/year)

2 Council Regulation No 1605/2002 (OJ L248 of 16/09/2002) and Commission Regulation No 2342/2002 (OJ L357 of 31/12/2002). These can be consulted in the Official Journal online at :

26/32 Signature Stamp of the applicant / contracting institution

Name and position in capitals

27/32 13. CHECKLIST

All questions have been answered. Each page has been numbered. The proposal narrative has been co-signed by the EU and Canadian project leaders. The budget is indicated in €, checked for calculation errors A signed original of the bank details form is attached (see 5.4). The signed original of the appropriate legal entity fiche is attached (see 11). The application includes the letters of endorsement from all the partners in the project, drafted and signed by a senior representative or a member of the academic staff competent to commit the partner institution in legal and financial matters, together with details of the qualifications and precious experience of the participating institutions (including a copy of the CV of staff involved in the project). The original application has been signed by the legal representative of the coordinating institution. The original and 2 copies thereof are being sent before the closing date. An electronic copy of the completed EU application form sis being sent before the closing date to the call’s official mailbox ([email protected]). The necessary copies and, if necessary, translations are being sent to each of the other participating institutions before the closing date.



Codes for thematic fields, types of institution and countries

Thematic fields


01.0 Agricultural sciences 06.0 Engineering, Technology 12.0 Medical Sciences 01.1 Agriculture 06.1 Mechanical Engineering 12.1 Medicine 01.2 Agricultural Economics 06.2 Electrical Engineering 12.2 Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 01.3 Food Science and Technology 06.3 Chemical Engineering 12.3 Dentistry 01.4 Horticulture 06.4 Civil Engineering 12.4 Veterinary Medicine 01.5 Fisheries 06.5 Electronic Engineering, 12.5 Pharmacy 01.6 Forestry Telecommunications 12.6 Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy 01.7 Animal Husbandry 06.6 Manufacturing Sciences (including CAD, 12.7 Public Health 01.8 Tropical/Subtropical Agriculture CAM, CAE) 12.8 Medical Technology 01.9 Others – Agricultural Sciences (specify in 06.7 Materials Science 12.9 Others – Medical Sciences (specify in free free text area) 06.8 Aeronautical Engineering text area) 06.9 Others – Engineering, Technology 02 ARCHITECTURE, URBAN AND (specify in free text area) 13 NATURAL SCIENCES REGIONAL PLANNING 07 GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY 13.0 Natural Sciences 02.0 Architecture, Urban and Regional 13.1 Biology Planning 07.0 Geography, Geology 13.2 Physics 02.1 Architecture 07.1 Geography 13.3 Chemistry 02.2 Interior Design 07.2 Environmental Sciences, Ecology 13.4 Microbiology, Biotechnology 02.3 Urban Planning 07.3 Geology 13.5 Nuclear and High Energy Physics 02.4 Regional Planning 07.4 Soil and Water Sciences 13.6 Biochemistry 02.5 Landscape Architecture 07.6 Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing 13.7 Astronomy, Astrophysics 02.6 Transport and Traffic Studies 07.7 Meteorology 13.8 Oceanography 02.9 Others – Architecture, Urban and 07.9 Others – Geography, Geology (specify in 13.9 Others – Natural Sciences (specify in free Regional Planning (specify in free text area) free text area) text area)


03.0 Art and Design 08.0 Humanities 14.0 Social Sciences 03.1 Fine Art (Painting, Sculpture, 08.1 Philosophy 14.1 Political Science Printmaking) 08.2 Theology 14.2 Sociology 03.2 Music and Musicology 08.3 History 14.3 Economics 03.3 Performing Arts 08.4 Archaeology 14.4 Psychology and Behavioural Sciences 03.4 Photography, Cinematography 08.9 Others – Humanities (specify in free text 14.5 Social Work 03.5 Design (Graphic Design, Industrial area) 14.6 International Relations, European Design, Fashion, Textile) Studies, Area Studies 03.6 History of Art 09 LANGUAGES AND PHILOLOGICAL 14.7 Anthropology 03.9 Others – Art and Design (specify in free SCIENCES 14.8 Development Studies text area) 14.9 Others – Social Sciences (specify in free 09.0 Languages and Philological Sciences text area) 04 BUSINESS STUDIES AND 09.1 Modern EC Languages MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 09.2 General and comparative literature 15 COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION 09.3 Linguistics SCIENCES 04.0 Business Studies, Management Science 09.4 Translation, Interpretation 04.1 Business Studies with languages 09.5 Classical Philology 15.0 Communication and Information Sciences 04.2 Business Studies with technology 09.6 Non-EC Languages 15.1 Journalism 04.3 Accountancy, Financial Management 09.8 Less Widely Taught Languages 15.2 Radio/TV Broadcasting 04.4 Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management 09.9 Others – Languages and Philological 15.3 Public Relations, Publicity, Advertising 04.5 Industrial Relations and Personnel Sciences (specify in free text area) 15.4 Library Science Management 15.5 Documentation, Archiving 04.6 Secretarial Studies 10 LAW 15.6 Museum Studies, Conservation 04.7 Marketing and Sales Management 15.9 Others – Communication and Information 04.9 Others – Business Studies, Management 10.0 Law Sciences (specify in free text area) Science (specify in free text area) 10.1 Comparative Law, Law with Languages 10.2 International Law 16 OTHER AREAS OF STUDY 05 EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING 10.3 Civil Law 10.4 Criminal Law, Criminology 16.0 Other Areas of Study (specify in free text 05.0 Education, Teacher Training 10.5 Constitutional /Public Law area) 05.1 Teacher Training 10.6 Public Administration 16.1 Physical Education, Sport Science 05.2 Primary Education 10.7 European Community/EU Law 16.2 Leisure Studies 05.3 Secondary Education 10.9 Others – Law (specify in free text area) 16.3 Home Economics, Nutrition 05.4 Vocational and Technical Education 16.4 Nautical Science, Navigation 05.5 Adult Education 11 MATHEMATICS, INFORMATICS 16.9 Others in Other Areas of Study (specify in 05.6 Special Education free text area) 05.7 Educational Science, Comparative 11.0 Mathematics, Informatics Education 11.1 Mathematics 05.8 Educational Psychology 11.2 Statistics 05.9 Others – Education, Teacher Training 11.3 Informatics, Computer Science (specify in free text area) 11.4 Artificial Intelligence 11.5 Actuarial Science 11.9 Others – Mathematics, Informatics (specify in free text area)

29/32 Types of Institution Countries Higher education institution B Belgium I Iceland EDU.4 E S Adult or continuing education provider D Denmark L Liechtenstein EDU.5 K I PME Small and medium size enterprise (less D Germany N Norway than 250 workers) E O GE Large enterprise (250 workers and more) G Greece B Bulgaria GRE Group or association of companies R G OE Employer Organisation E Spain C Czech OS Trade Union organisation S Z Republic OF Training organisation F France E Estonia CC Chamber of commerce R E OPR Professional IE Ireland C Cyprus organisation/Federation/Groupings Y U University enterprise training IT Italy L Latvia partnership V OQ Organisations concerned with L Luxembourg L Lithuania certification and recognition of U T qualifications The ASS.1 Non-profit association (regional/national) N H Hungary L Netherlands U ASS.2 Non-profit association (European / international) A Austria M Malta ASS.3 Association of Universities T T RES Research institute P Portugal P Poland PUB.1 Public authority (local) T L Finland PUB.2 Public authority (regional) FI R Romania O PUB.3 Public authority (national) S Sweden S Slovenia OTH Other type of organisation E I U United S Slovak K Kingdom K Republic

30/32 ANNEX 2

Explanatory notes on the budget – Selection 2008

A. Introduction

These notes provide information to applicants concerning the financial procedure related to budget proposal, its approval and to the determination of the level of the European Community grant. It also provides guidance on how to complete section 7 (Budget) of the application forms and related information on the rules for eligibility of costs.

The text of the grant agreement can:  either be downloaded from the website

 or be requested at the call’s official mailbox: [email protected]

B. Financial procedure

1. Grant request in the application form

The grant request must be submitted in the structure laid out in section 7.

2. Determination of Community assistance

The funding mechanism applied under the TEP programme is based on flat rate financing. Applicants can easily calculate the expected grant amount and facilitate the realistic planning of the project.

Flat rate financing covers specific categories of expenditure by applying a standard scale of unit cost (e.g. 1.000 € x month x scholar).

In addition, funding must respect the following provisions:  the total amount of funding may in no way be greater than the amount requested by the applicant;  the total amount of funding for a three-year project may not exceed a maximum of 138.000 € resulting from 120.000 € for mobility scholarships and 18.000 € lump sums for consortia partners. The Agency reserves the right to award funding at a lower amount than that requested;  the grant may not under any circumstances give rise to a profit for the beneficiary or partners;  the policy for awarding grants;  the available EU budget.

The grant agreement specifies the maximum amount of the grant. The final amount of the grant awarded is determined by the Agency after verifying that the action has been carried out in accordance with the agreement and can never exceed the maximum amount laid down in the agreement.

The EU/Canada grant under is in the form of  a pre-financing payment of 30% after signature by both parties payable within 45 days of the signature of the agreement by the Commission;  a second and third prefinancing payment of 35% subject to the receipt and approval of an annual progress report on project activities and a financial statement which certifies that at least 70% of the first or second pre-financing instalment has ben spent;  the final amount of funding will be determined by the submission and approval of the final report and a statement of expenditure on the project’s implementation.

A financial guarantee equivalent to the (aggregate) amount of pre-financing may be required prior to any payment.

C. Rules on Eligibility

1. General Principles

The contractor (project coordinator) must ensure that

31/32  expenditure is directly connected with and necessary for the implementation of the activities, according to the project work plan and provided for in the approved estimated budget and has been generated during the lifetime of the project as defined in the grant agreement  all costs presented in the proposed Budget are necessary for the performance of the project  no member organisation of the partnership may derive a profit from financial assistance awarded by the European Community  each item of expenditure is only included under one heading of the proposed Budget.

2. Eligible costs

Except for flat rate amounts, only costs in respect of mobility grants for students and faculty are eligible under this application No other cost item will be considered as qualifying as eligble expenditure

D. Principles applied to student/faculty members mobility scholarships including travel costs

Under the EU-Canada programme, mobility scholarships for EU students are budgeted at 1.000 € per month per student and at 1.000 € per week per faculty member plus a 1.000 Euros for travel and relocation. The stipend money is a block allocation intended to offset additional costs incurred by students/faculty members travelling abroad over the costs of remaining at the home institution. Tuition or other kinds of fees are not eligible for funding. Mobility stipends may not be used to move EU students/faculty members within the EU. Monthly allowances and travel/relocation lump sums must be paid in full to the mobile student/faculty


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