The Wise Still Seek Him

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The Wise Still Seek Him

Category: Contemporary Created by: Knox Presbyterian, Waitara Number of speaking parts: 21 Duration: Long Includes: Carols / Dance


Setting: A group of young astronomers are on a field trip with Louis Giglio, on the big screen we have the night sky (of NZ) and they have telescopes and binoculars.


Sam: (with telescope) Wow Wow, Hey guys over here, just look at the Milky Way is that clear or what?

Tal: There’s the southern cross!

Matt: Orions up here just look you can see the belt it’s so clear

Tal: I think that’s a planet, is it Mars do you think? See up here (boys gather around)

Sam: Could be, don’t they say Mars has a red glow about it?

Matt: Could be a satellite, but I don’t think it’s moving

Sam: Where’s Louis he’ll know, there he is..

All: Hey Louis over here we need some help

Louis: Hey guys, hows the research coming along for your speech?

T: Yeah its great being out here and all that but we’re not quite sure what to make of all these stars

Matt: There’s so many of them where do we start?

Loius: This is nothing to what’s really out there you know! In fact one galaxy alone can have from 200 billion to one trillion stars – you’ve heard of the Hubble Telescope?? Sam: Oh yeah we’re looking at it in Science – that’s why we’re doing this speech

Tal: Isn’t it a telescope?

Sam: Of course it is, it circles the earth every 97minutes and send backs the images to earth, galaxies and nebula and all that stuff

Matt: He’s brainy you know!

Louis: I’ll show you the new images I just got from the Hubble web site

See that’s – a Globular cluster, look at this one spiral galaxy,

Matt: wow look at that, looks like one of them Mexican hats

Loius” Yeah the sombrero, here’s the whirlpool, that’s ,the starburst galaxy and of course Andromeda, can you see this one looks like a cartwheel? you’ll like the next one

Matt: Far out

Talitha: Is that a cross at the centre of the galaxy?

Louis: Petty cool isn’t it? That’s a whirlpool galaxy - spiral in nature

Sam: Woe this definitely beats Optiminds! I never imagined the universe was so big

Matt: Blows your mind doesn’t it!

Tal: How could God do all this?

Matt: It’s just indescribable, amazing

Sam: That Galaxy with the cross in it, is incredible, isn’t there something written in The Bible, something like ‘the Heavens…

Tal: It says ‘The heavens declare the glory of God’ every where you look he’s put reminders for us!!

Matt: That’s some God, bigger than I Imagined!

1. GOD OF WONDERS – SONG (Eve ??choreography and Band) Tal: The more you think about it the more you realise how small we really are!

Matt: Yeah totally

Sam: But not insignificant!

Louis : (clicking fingers) Okay guys wakey wakey, I don’t want you to start dreaming now you three have got a speech to give at school, and astronomy isn’t the easiest subject , so pay attention I want you to get used to searching the sky for unusual stars for instance just take a look at this one. (all look at same bright star)

Louis : Now see the well defined edge and the brightness (speech tales off and light gets much bigger until fills screen then Middle eastern music starts to play)

Scene 2.

(Middle eastern music plays, Light gets smaller and settles on night sky with a bright star shining’ There’s a table with large Bible open and a person is pouring over it and talking in an animated way, 1 person is quite excited looking out at the star. Music begins to fade.

Melchoir: I’m telling you Casper, this has to be the one, look it’s brighter than the rest

Casper: Melchior when are you going to stop dreaming,

Melchoir: Casper, If you could only get your head out of the Holy book and just look you’d see

Casper: Listen Melchior, I work on facts not dreams – The Holy book, the word of God will guide us, we can’t just go off every time we see a twinkling star.

2. Servant Girl: (leading little children) TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR

SGirl 1: Bravo Bravo (clapping) what a good job, you know, we must never forget, It’ s up to our tribe to study the stars, generation to generation.

S girl 2: One day we’re going to see THE star and we’ll have to pack up and follow it.

Child: Where will we go? SG1: Wherever it leads we will follow

SG2: It will lead us to the Messiah, the liberator the one sent by our Great God to rescue us. So we need to be ready

Dan VL: Come on boys, we’ve might have a big adventure ahead,

Servant boy: What do you mean?

Dan VL: Sh Don’t tell anyone but I think they’ve seen the star. So come on guys this work out could be your last at camp. Put your heart into it. We have a Great God to serve.

3. GREAT GOD ACTION SONG - BOYS WITH SWORDS practising their discipline! (Lewis) led by Daniel VL and Dan Kibby??

Dan L: Keep your eyes fixed on the Heavens,

Child: Will it be as bright as that star? (pointing)

SG1: Oh that’s bright havn’t seen one like that before

SG2: Hey Casper have you seen that star, it’s really bright

Casper: Oh no not another one ! Melchoir has been going on and on about it – and I’m stuck on this passage in the Holy Scriptures. I just can’t make it out ‘ See I am doing a new thing, making a way in the desert’ (scratching head) ‘ See I am doing a new thing, making a way in the desert’

Melchior: Sounds like a message to me

SG2: Me too – a message and a bright star

Casper: What are you thinking?? Oh where’s Samuel when you need him?

Melchoir: Look - there he is

Casper: About time too – Samuel where’ve you been, we need you! (Sam arrives as if in a dream not sure where he is)

Sam: Well (looking around confused) I was sort of looking at that star… Casper: Not another one! Forget about that, Samuel I need your help with the scriptures (Casper looks Up eyes popping out) what happened to you? What’ve you got on? Man (touching his clothes) You forget to get dressed this morning??

Sam: Umm (looking around) where’s T? Matt?? He around??? Louis??? You know the guy with the telescope? No?? Sooooo ummm where exactly am I?? And what’s with The Samuel?

Casper: U mean Melchoir he’s had that telescope stuck to his head the last few nights. You okay?? Too much star gazing I reckon! Go and get dressed get a drink and join me and Melchoir in 5. We three need to put our heads together might have some big decisions to make!!!

Sam: Ok where, where do I ….Oh never mind theres T. Hey T wher’ve u been?

Tal: Talitha Sir, Talitha (guarding her eyes as if he wasn’t dressed properly) and here’s your cloak and a drink

Sam: Ok thanks umm T it’s me, Sam, stop messing me around where’s Matt

Tal: It’s Talitha Sir and Matthew he is tending the camels

Sam: Ok Ok so you want me to go along with your little game – takes a sip OO yuk what is this?

Tal: Camel milk Sir

Sam: Camel Milk u gotta b joking (spitting it out) ooh yuk

Casper: Samuel stop wasting time Melchoir and I need your wisdom

Melchoir: I’m convinced – this star is the one, the one we must follow, the one that will Lead us to Him.

Casper: And here in the Holy Scriptures in Isaiah 9:6 it says For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’. What do you think of that Samuel? Must we follow The star? Is it our time? Will we find the Messiah? Let us join together as we seek our God in prayer

Sam: We don’t really need to (being flippant), I’ve read all about it, The wisemen follow the star and they find the Messiah – baby Jesus end of story. Well, well not quite end of story there’s a lot more after that.

Melchoir: Samuel you are such a wise man – very wise how you know so much beats me.

Casper: Are we in agreement then, we travel in the caravan and we leave at dark. Samuel you speak to Talitha she’ll organise the women and children, I’ll speak to Matthew to saddle up the camels and Melchoir you organise the men to pack up the tents. We leave at Sundown

Scene 3

( 3 gymnists r exercising on the beam doing their daily work out. (Lucy/? /?) could use reach for the star music)

Lucy: Just see what I can do

G2. Come on Eve it’s not that hard

Eve: I know I know it just that I had that fall and I don’t want to get hurt again

G1 Whats the point of exercising on the beam when you don’t do anything

G2. Have you heard, we have to pack up today the Wise men have seen the star!

G1. You mean the one that will lead us to the Messiah?

G2. That’s what they are saying, the star and scriptures line up - exciting isn’t it

G1. Yeah I just love adventure wonder what the great Messiah will be like?

G3. I don’t know why we have to go ? I like it here, what If they’ve made a mistake?

G1G2 Oh come on Eve you can’t do gymnastics clinging to a beam, or live life without risk G2. That’s not a life at all.

G1. Come on, we were made for a purpose, a destiny, adventure, uncertainty, we are God’s people, and with Him all things are possible.


G1 So lets get packed up

G2 Hey there’s Samuel wonder what he’s looking for?

Sam Hi ummm has anyone seen the shed I’m err looking for the caravan

Girls look at each other like he’s asking for something really strange

G2 umm what’s a shed, and we’re the caravan when we travel that is.

Sam: shaking head never mind, never mind

Scene 4 (Sound effects of the camels and camel puppets appear over fence) the wisemen, servants all )

Melchoir: Are we ready, this is a great honour for our tribe, we have been chosen for this great task, and we, must follow the star and find the Messiah who will rescue us. For who knows that we have been raised up for such a time as this

Matt: (holding reigns of camels) That is just so cool!

Melchoir: Come we must commit our journey to the Lord our God

(they all kneel) and group sing

5. Desert song 1st verse solo then group Angel or Jackie Daniel Auditions

Sam: Wait a minute aren’t we forgetting something?

Casper and Melchoir look at each other puzzled:

Casper: forgetting something Samuel???

Sam; The presents -you know –the gifts for the messiah

Talitha: Sir it is all in hand Ariana: (brings forward present) Gold Sir

Lucy: Myrrh sir

Angel: Frankinsence

Melchoir: raising his ringed hands enough, enough lets be on our way we must follow where our God leads and if he is using this star so be it

(most of group lead away leaving small team to do actions for song)

6. I WILL FOLLOW Chris Tomlin Lisa/Anna/Cain to teach

(Group coming in from back again star getting brighter on screen)

Casper: The star it’s brighter see (passing telescope to Melchoir)

Sam: Pity we haven’t got the Hubble telescope

Melchoir: (puzzled) Hubble!!! where do get such words of knowledge

Lucy: Sir – there over there is a palace

Ariana- could we make enquiries there Sir

Jackie- Maybe the king could guide us

Sam: No No we don’t want to go there….

Jasper: Samuel stop fussing, there’s no harm asking

Sam: Trust me I know the story

King Herod: (beckons them over) Fellow travellers news has travelled fast - I hear you’re looking for a King and that you are heavily laden with presents (he’s thinking they have come to see him!!)

Melchoir: You are correct we have come from afar, maybe you can help us ‘where is the one born king of the Jews many we have come to worship him.

King Herod: You say the King of the Jews? The Messiah? (looking very interested and angry)

Jasper: In the East we have seen the…. (sam nudges him) auw Sam: (interrupts) the signs your majesty the signs (signalling to Jasper to hide his telescope)

Jasper: Oh yeah oh yeah the signs

King Herod: Come you will all stay in my palace overnight, we’ll have a banquet and you can rest and tell me more. (clicking fingers)

Sam: (behind King gesturing to others to not agree)

Matt: Shall I take the camels to the stalls they can rest and drink?

Melchoir: (Nods to Matt and dismiss him with wave of hand) that is very kind of you your majesty we will stay for a short time, (all move out leaving camels in stalls being watered with Matt talking gently to camels (big sucking noises and dribbling etc). Matt leaves them

7. BORN TO BE KING PUPPETS – Lisa/Anna/ child Lip synched by Camels

Matt: (returns to camels) Well that was a good feed, we‘re off so lets get you reigned up again

King: So sorry that you are leaving so soon, would you like us to store your presents here

Sam: No No No way thanks

King: It’s no bother once you have found the Messiah you could come back and tell me where I can find him so I too can worship him

Sam Murder him don’t you mean?

Jasper: Samuel (shocked) don’t be so ungrateful

Melchoir lets go we’re getting close, look at the star it’s bigger

Girls: Shhhhhhhhhhh (they don’t want Herod to hear)

Sam: Come on lets get moving that guy gives me the creeps

Melchoir: You may have a point I had a weird dream last night this angel said do not return to Herod he is dangerous! Girls: pointing to star look it’s stopped we must be really close,

T: (been running) There’s a town just over the hill sir

Sam; It’s called Bethlehem

(All look at Sam and say how do you know that?)

Matt: He’s a Wise man!! Yeah!

Sam: I’m telling you I’ve read the story

All gather around him and sit surrounding him. look like they are asking him questions etc

8. Manger Zone by puppets Lisa Anna Plus plus

Jasper: so what are we waiting for lets go, the star has stopped over that cow shed

(They Knock on door and Mary and Joseph come out holding the baby, the shepherd puppets are already there with the animals, angels etc looking down they all greet each other)

Melchoir: We have travelled from afar to see the Messiah it is an honour for us, your baby has been sent by the Lord our God to set us all free, Emmanuel God with us…

9. Emmanuel Girls act this out and lay out the presents before Jesus- Choreography Eve

Jasper: You are truly blessed, what have you named him?

Joseph: The Angel told us to call him Jesus,

Karina: The angel said that he would be a saviour for many, a King of Kings, Lord of all.

Melchoir: Samuel was right again where does he get such wisdom ?

Matt: He’s a wise man. amazing!

Sam: well lets celebrate ‘the king of kings 10, Jump up all action to it Choreo by Anna get boys to do sword thing and sung by Camels – Lisa

Sam: You know this isn’t the end of the story – we’ve been led to our Saviour by a star, but, he will be led to a cross

11, Lead me to the cross (actions to music) Liam

(all have moved out but Melchoir)

Melchoir: Surely not Samuel surely not

Bright light on screen which diminishes to the Galaxy with the cross.

Louis, T, Matt reappear at Sams side with Loius trying to talk about the star .

Louis (clicking fingers) Sam Sam Samuel your not paying attention are you?

Sam: Oops sorry looks closer Herod?? Oops sorry Louis

T: Matt: so Samuel where’ve you been?? Dreaming again

Sam: No just star gazing well actually that’s not quite correct I was following the star it was incredible, you guys were there too. We found Jesus he was just a baby then, I tried to tell the others about the cross you know they wouldn’t believe it? But I can tell you - we are going to win this speech competition.

Matt: Cool - just don’t put me with the camels again

Talitha: and I don’t want to be a servant girl

Sam: (shocked) you WERE there??

T and Matt: In your dreams!!! (Laughing and raising their eyebrows)

Sam: You can laugh but I’m telling you THE WISE STILL SEEK HIM! Theres something supernatural going on……

12 SUPERNATURAL – All kids return and actions to song. Cain/Lisa

PARTS Requested Directed by Anna and Lewis Back up Jenny Larsen, Carolyn, set up Lindy & Pogle

Sound:? Singing Daniel/Guy . Powerpoint ? Music ?

Talitha – T, Matt Larsen - Matthew, Sam – Samuel

Melchoir –Eli? Casper – Dale

Mary – Karina, Joseph Daniel VL- ?

Herod and Louis Giglio, Jacob Hunger

Servant Girls – Jackie, Ariana, Lucy, Angel

Songs – Audition Jackie, Angel, Karina,

Dances- Nadine, etc

Lyrics for songs The Wise still seek him


When the world, leaves you feeling blue You can count on me, I will be there for you When it seems, all your hopes and dreams Are a million miles away, I will re-assure you

We've got to all stick together Good friends, there for each other Never ever forget that I've got you and you've got me, so

Reach for the stars Climb every mountain higher Reach for the stars Follow your hearts desire Reach for the stars And when that rainbow's shining over you That's when your dreams will all come true

There's a place waiting just for you Is a special place where your dreams all come true Fly away, swim the ocean blue Drive that open road, leave the past behind you Don't stop gotta keep moving Your hopes have gotta keep building Never ever forget that I've got you and you've got me, so Reach for the stars Climb every mountain higher Reach for the stars Follow your hearts desire Reach for the stars And when that rainbow's shining over you That's when your dreams will all come true

Don't believe in all that you've been told The sky's the limit you can reach your goal No-one knows just what the future holds There ain't nothing you can't be There's a whole world at your feet I said reach

Climb every mountain (reach) Reach for the moon (reach) Follow that rainbow And your dreams will all come true

Reach for the stars Climb every mountain higher Reach for the stars Follow your hearts desire Reach for the stars And when that rainbow's shining over you That's when your dreams will all come true Reach for the stars Climb every mountain higher Reach for the stars Follow your hearts desire Reach for the stars And when that rainbow's shining over you That's when your dreams will all come true Reach for the stars Climb every mountain higher [fade to finish]

Great God

God is a God of righteousness God sits on the throne God is strong in battle God is God alone God wise and merciful God is soverign Lord God is pure and holy God reigns forevermore CHORUS: He's a great God, a righteous King Ruler over everything He's a great God, we will proclaim Honor and glory to his name God holds up the universe God sustains the soul God exalts and God puts down God is in control God's glory is eternal God is love and peace God knows all, sees all, is all God is to be praised (chorus)

Blessing and glory and wisdom Thanksgiving and honor and power and might Be to our God forever and ever

And all the saints said Holy...Holy Holy...Holy Holy...Holy Is, His, Name Great God, great God


Where you go, I'll go Where you stay, I'll stay When you move, I'll move I will follow...

All your ways are good All your ways are sure I will trust in you alone Higher than my side High above my life I will trust in you alone

Where you go, I'll go Where you stay, I'll stay When you move, I'll move I will follow you Who you love, I'll love How you serve I'll serve If this life I lose, I will follow you I will follow you

Light unto the world Light unto my life I will live for you alone You're the one I seek Knowing I will find All I need in you alone, in you alone

In you there's life everlasting In you there's freedom for my soul In you there joy, unending joy and I will follow © LyricsEra 2005 - 2011. All rights reserved.

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Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on let's have some fun Together, were there for each other every time Together together come on lets do this right

Here and now it's time for celebration I finally figured it out (yeah yeah) That all our dreams have no limitations That's what it's all about

Everyone is special in their own way We make each other strong (each other strong) We're not the same We're different in a good way Together's where we belong We're all in this together Once we know That we are We're all stars And we see that We're all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come true

Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on let's have some fun Together, were there for each other every time Together together come on let's do this right

We're all here and speaking out with one voice we're going to rock the house (rock the house) the party's on now everybody make some noise come on scream and shout

We've arrived because we stuck together Champions one and all

We're all in this together Once we know That we are We're all stars And we see that We're all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come

We're all in this together When we reach We can fly Know inside We can make it We're all in this together Once we see There's a chance That we have And we take it

Wild cats sing along Yeah, you really got it goin' on Wild cats in the house Everybody say it now Wild cats everywhere Wave your hands up in the air That's the way we do it Let's get to it Time to show the world We're all in this together Once we know That we are We're all stars And we see that We're all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come

We're all in this together When we reach We can fly Know inside We can make it We're all in this together Once we see There's a chance That we have And we take it

Wild cats everywhere Wave your hands up in the air That's the way we do it Let's get to it Come on everyone!

Nothing is impossible plante shakers

Through You I can do anything I can do all things 'Cause it's You who gives me strength Nothing is impossible Through You blind eyes are open Strongholds are broken I am living by faith Nothing is impossible I'm not gonna live by what I see I'm not gonna live by what I feel Deep down I know that You're here with me And I know that You can do anything I believe, I believe I believe, I believe in you

The Desert Song Lyrics

Verse 1: This is my prayer in the desert And all that's within me feels dry This is my prayer in the hunger in me My God is a God who provides

Verse 2: And this is my prayer in the fire In weakness or trial or pain There is a faith proved Of more worth than gold So refine me Lord through the flames

Chorus: And I will bring praise I will bring praise No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice I will declare God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3: And this is my prayer in the battle And triumph is still on it's way I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ So firm on His promise I'll stand

Bridge: All of my life In every season You are still God I have a reason to sing I have a reason to worship

Verse 4: This is my prayer in the harvest When favor and providence flow I know I'm filled to be empited again The seed I've recieved I will sow Holy Holy I will bow before My Lord and King Hallelujah You have come to us You make all things new

Emmanuel Jesus Christ You'll never let me go My Shepherd King You'll never let me go My Sheperd King You're watching over me Emmanuel

So amazing You have named the stars Of the deepest night Still You love me You have called my name I will follow You

Holy Holy God Almighty There is none like You Holy Holy God Almighty There is none like You

Supernatural These are the days when We can see miracles Your wonders everywhere

Here is my life Lord You can use me To show the world You care.

You made me, You saved me Lord You called me, and gave me Jesus.

Supernatural, supernatural God All things are possible Supernatural, supernatural God I'm gonna praise You.

You are my healer And my salvation, thank you for your grace

Your name is higher Than any other, greatly to be praised.

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