Minutes Of An Ordinary Meeting Of The Parish Council Held On

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Minutes Of An Ordinary Meeting Of The Parish Council Held On



1. Present: Cllrs. Pike (Chairman), Aldridge, Duggan, Gill, Pickford, Rideout, Thwaites and Travis. MDCllr John Carter.

Apologies: Cllrs Foster, Mattick and Morgan. PCSO Housley. MDCllr Rachel Carter. SCCllr Harvey Siggs.

2. Public Participation (open to anyone, whatever their age): V. Pugh talked in favour of the skateboard park remaining in its present location saying it was well used in the summer. Clerk to contact the Crime Prevention Officer. R. Hawkins talked about the safety issues if it was moved to the Old Rec. F. Redmond-Lyon spoke on how the church had contributed to the skateboard park. P. Tatar also spoke in favour of the skateboard park. A. Gould who had been involved in instigating the park originally, said it had been a big success, also said the sports ground was a credit to the village. A decision on the skateboard park’s future will be made at the June meeting. The PC agreed website and jurnal consultation is adequate and leafletting each household as Cllr Pickford suggested was not necessary. Clerk to put on the agenda. J. Golding argued, for nearby residents, that the play area at Station Mead was a nuisance after dark and should be removed.

3. Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Meeting: In 4(e) Cllr Pickford said that Cllr Mattick had agreed to monitor the footpaths on Duchy land. In 5 Cllr Pickford said that Janet Ford had said that the Parish Council need to consider parking when thinking about the Old Rec. With these changes the minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.

4. MDCllr John Carter: Reported that Mendip was continuing to share services with other councils, on the progress of the Enterprise Zone at the B&W showground. Said that a section 215 might be used on the land opposite the Somerset Wagon. Clerk to check what it is.

5. Ongoing & Matters Arising:

a) Affordable housing in Parsonage Lane: Now going through.

b) Traffic Safety at Lynch Hill: Cllr Duggan had reported on the meeting with Somerset CC engineers. At the meeting it was intimated that a footpath project going SW out of the village was feasible at a cost of £120,000 but it was now down to the SCC Health & Safety. Jason Hill had said the scheme was progressing. Cllr Duggan reported that he had spoken to Mr Hill again, who said that there should be an answer by the end of June.

c) Police Report: In a written report: 12/4 vehicle reported to be on a pavement on Wells Road. 14/4 suspicious male in a van on the Street. 19/4 van was broken into, tools taken.

d) Footpaths: Cllr Pickford had spoken on the need to get volunteers for the local adopt-a- path scheme.

e) Station Mead Play Area: MDC still investigating decommissioning. It was suggested that perhaps some people might not want it decommissioned. A period of consultation was proposed, including an article in the next newsletter. Re the green areas at Carters Way, Pines Close and Station Mead the clerk reported that it may be possible to transfer them from MDC to the PC but that there would be expenses involved. Clerk to investigate making them into Community Assets as a possible alternative strategy. Clerk to chase Ian Munday, who has hinted that there may be another way of making them safe.

f) Wells Road sign: Awaiting response from enforcement officer.

g) Taylor Wimpey: Re 106 play area. The procedure for acquiring the funds has been outlined by MDC. Clerk to ask for a copy of the 106 agreement.

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h) Complaints procedure: SALC have said that the policy as drawn up is not appropriate. Cllr Aldridge to ask SALC about complaints that relate to paid employees.

i) Flags: It was reported that the flags have gone up in April. Cllr Pike said that he had texted Shaun Maundrill.

j) Co-option: The clerk had reported that David Richardson-Aitken was interested but not at this moment in time because of work commitments. Other interest has been sought through the newsletter.

k) Parsonage Lane: Re the splay at the top of the lane. Cllr Aldridge reported that he had spoken to the resident concerned and the vegetation would be cut back. Re traffic, clerk to write again to Highways about the possibility and price of a pinch point.

l) Coop: Re delay over the yellow lines, Cllr Travis said that meanwhile there could be an accident and Highways would be to blame. Clerk to inquire how often are Traffic Regulation Orders drafted.

m) Bennel bus sign: Clerk said he had reported it. Cllr Pike said nothing has been done. Clerk to chase.

n) Coles trust: Cllr Aldridge reported that the graveyard on Stockhill Road was owned by the Diocese and the nominated person to look after it was the vicar, Chris North.

o) Gould: It was reported that the gig to raise money for Eileen Gould had generated almost £2,500. With donations £4000.

p) Somer Lea: It was reported that Somerset Waste have done nothing to repair the grass. Clerk to chase.

6. Committee reports: The Old Rec – Cllr Mattick getting quote for clearing the upper ponds. Cllr Rideout reported that they had failed to get a Lottery grant. Cllr Pike to look at the form. Cllr Travis said that Tesco grants might be a possibility. Speedwatch – Costs of smiley face speed signs have been investigated. Clerk to put speed strategy on the June agenda, with a view to possibly setting up a new committee. Cllr Morgan is resigning and Cllr Gill will organise speedwatch once he is trained. Website – Cllr Gill is investigating cost of parish council email addresses. 7. Fingerposts: Two more have been completed. Clerk to ask for the final three posts to be done.

8. Litter pickers: Clerk to put it on the June agenda.

9. Planning Applications: (a) 2016/0904 TPO Ash tree. 4, Carter’s Way. Recommend approval. (b) 2016/0967 Listed building changes. 129 Stockhill Road. Recommend approval. (c) 2016/0954 Listed building changes. Brook House, Church Lane. Recommend approval. (d) 2016/0822 Single storey extension. Broadlands, 2 Broadway Close. Recommend approval. Subcommittee: (a) 2016/0853 Extension. 2 Stockhill Road. Recommend approval.

10. Planning Decisions: (a) 2016/0436 Wildlife management. Former railway line. Approved. (b) 2016/0548 Side extension. Vigar House, I Vale View, Broadway. Approved with conditions. (c) TPO

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Ash tree. Five Oaks, Wells Road. Approved with conditions. (d) 2016/0506 TPO Ash tree. 3 Carters Way. Approved with conditions. 11. Accounts: 972 – Chilcompton VHMC - chairs - 208.00 973 – M. Rigby - reimbursements - 17.84 974 – M. Rigby - Clerk’s salary - 269.20 975 – Post Office (HMRC) - Clerk’s tax - 67.40 976 – S.A.L.C. - membership - 511.18 977 – P. Emery - fingerposts - 560.00 978 – Primrose - Grasscutting - 450.00 979 – Came & Co - Insurance - 685.55

2769.17 £500 from Chilcompton Celebrates towards the Old Rec. Bank transfer. 12. Correspondence: Mendip magazine. Cllr Thwaites asked whether there should be a policy on parishioners’ correspondence. Cllr Travis suggested there could be an extra ‘action’ column on the monthly email list. Cllr Rideout said that an email should be sent to the ‘gym’ people saying that the PC were still awaiting funding. Clerk to do so. Re email about directional sign to Midsomer Norton. Clerk to write to Highways and ask why are they directing people through the narrow part of the village with no pavements. 13. Any Other Business: Cllr Pickford said the Redan sign on the Wells Road pavement could be affecting driver visibility and distracting drivers by the crossing. Cllr Pickford said potentially polluted water was draining down into Colin Shearn’s shed and into the river. Cllr Pickford reported that those involved in the adopt-a-path were coming forward with lots of minor issues. Cllr Travis reported on speeding down Bakers Lane. Cllr Travis reported on a resident who was finding it muddy taking the back way to school. Cllr Travis was given advice for a local resident inquiring about pruning trees back. Cllr Travis said that a temporary road sign had been left outside 76 Stockhill Road. Clerk to tell Highways. Cllr Duggan reported that the Redan had been closed the previous Saturday. Cllr Rideout said he would finish the painting of the flower coal truck. Cllr Rideout reported flooding by the Methodist Church. 14. Date of next meeting: This was fixed for Wednesday 8th June 2016. Planning Meeting on Wednesday 25th May 2016. 15. Close: The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.

Signed...... Date...... Witnessed......

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