The Line Mountain Charge

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The Line Mountain Charge

THE LINE MOUNTAIN CHARGE Rev. Mark I. Rothermel, Pastor Organists Acolyte Salem: Kristin Frederick & Diana Klinger Riley Shaffer Christ: Jeff Masser & Jaci Harner SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY FEBRUARY 20, 2011 ORGAN PRELUDE *PROCESSIONAL HYMN # 30, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 371, Christ Church, red hymnal WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST *OPENING HYMN # 418, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 406, Christ Church, red hymnal CHILDREN’S SERMON DISMISSAL TO GO TO CHILDREN’S CHURCH *SOLEMN DECLARATION *CHORAL AMEN *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) One: Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, All: And I will observe it to the end. One: Give me understanding, that I may keep your law, All: And observe it with my whole heart. One: Lead me in the path of your commandments, All: For I delight in it. One: Turn away the disgrace that I dread, All: For your ordinances are good. One: See, I have longed for your precepts; All: In your righteousness give me life. One: God’s statutes, law, commandments, ordinances, and precepts are good. All: Can we also find delight therein? - Based on Psalm 119:33-40 *CALL TO CONFESSION *CONFESSION OF SIN (Unison) (Time of Silence) Our sins are too close to us, O Father. Our pride blinds us to the wrongs we have done. Centered on ourselves, our world is too small. We run even from your grace fearing you know us too well. We have strayed from the path you would have us follow, and we don’t dare ask for help. Hear our prayer, O Lord. Grant us the promise that you will indeed remove our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. You alone can free us from ourselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen. - Based on Psalm 103:12 *KYRIE *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *PRAISE P: Praise the Lord C: The Lord’s name be praised! *GLORIA PATRI SPECIAL MUSIC: by Christ Church and Salem Church Choirs MOMENT FOR MISSIONS JOYS & CONCERNS GENERAL & SILENT PRAYERS *THE APOSTLES’ CREED, page 6 *SERMON HYMN # 220, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 380, Christ Church, red hymnal SCRIPTURE: I Cor. 4:1-21; Matt. 5:38-48; Salem Church, pages 160 & 5 NT; Christ Church, pages 158 & 5 NT. SERMON-- NOT TALK BUT POWER OFFERING *OFFERATORY RESPONSE, page 506, and Prayer of Dedication *LORD’S PRAYER *DOXOLOGY, page 551 *BENEDICTION *CHORAL AMEN *CLOSING HYMN # 222, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 383, Christ Church, red hymnal SILENT MEDITATION *ORGAN POSTLUDE *Congregation, please stand, if you are able. ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: No Confirmation Class. Welcome to EACH OF YOU! At Salem Church, we are receiving a love offering for Ruby Sherry. The altar flowers at Salem Church are in memory of Bob by Ethel KartermanPlease, no gifts. Christ Church Choir will meet at 9:00 a.m. for practice. At both churches, please sign up to be a Prayer Warrior, for a 15 minute daily segment of prayer, especially during the Revival! At both churches, this is the deadline to order daffodils for DAFFODIL SUNDAY. FYI -- We will have our normal worship service at both churches. Dave Spurdle is at the United Methodist Parish in the Hegins Valley. St. Mark’s, Spring Glen, at 9:00 a.m. and St. John’s Hegins, 10:30 a.m. This Afternoon: . There will be an 80th Birthday Celebration for Ethel Karterman at Salem Church from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome, so stop in and wish her a Happy Birthday! REVIVAL WEEK SCHEDULE -- ACQUIRE HIS FIRE Tuesday a.m. is open. CEF at Mahantongo Elem, 2:00 p.m. Tuesday evening is open. Wednesday-- St. Peters, 7:15 am, CEF at Hegins Hubley Elem., 2:00 p.m. Evening--St. John’s, Hegins, 7:30 p.m. Thursday -- Thursday a.m. and p.m. are open. Evening--St. John’s, Hegins, Prayer Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Friday am & pm are open. Evening--St. Mark’s, Spring Glen, Healing Service, 7:30 p.m. Saturday--Prayer Breakfast, Elsie’s Restaurant, Hegins, 9:00 a.m. Sat. p.m. and evening--Salem Church, Rough & Ready, 2:00 p.m. Meal at 5:00p.m.; Conference resumes after dinner. Topic: Spiritual Warfare Next Sunday: FYI--Dave at COG, Valley View, Sun. morning, 9:00 a.m. We will have our normal worship service at both churches. There will be no Confirmation Class. Sunday Evening: Adventure Club, COG, VV, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 28--Monday a.m. & p.m. are open. Monday Evening--Service at Christ Church, Leck Kill, 7:30 p.m. Note: p.m. means afternoon in this schedule unless there is a specific time. February 28: Christ Church cleaning committee is Theresa and Bridget Miller. March 3: Salem Consistory, 8:00 p.m. March 5: Spring Cleaning, Salem Church, 8:00 a.m. March 6: Transfiguration Sunday March 7: Christ Consistory, 7:30 p.m. March 9: Ash Wednesday--Christ Church, 7:30 p.m. March 12: EA Regional Conference, St. Jacob’s Kimmerlings Church, Lebanon, PA, 9:30 a.m. March 13: Daylight Savings Time Begins. Communion at Salem. March 14: Christ Church cleaning committee is Joyce and Molly Masser. March 16: Deadline to sign up for Ladies Day at Zion Church. March 20: The American Cancer Society’s DAFFODIL SUNDAY will be held on this date at both churches. Sign Up sheets are on bulletin boards in both churches. All orders and money are due by Sunday, Feb. 20. The cost is $10 per bunch. Money will be collected at Salem Church by Joy Lenker; money at Christ Church by Dawn Lesher. March 26: The annual Ladies' Day/Women's Retreat will be held at Zion's Church in Pitman. Registration is from 8 AM - 9 AM and the program will begin at 9 AM and conclude at 3 PM. Lunch will be served. Reservations need to be made by utilizing the sign up sheet in the Narthex - deadline to sign up is March 16. The theme of the event is "Through the Years" - the speaker is Sharon Charles of Abundant Living Ministries, Lititz, Pennsylvania, with worship leader, Alicia Weaver from Lancaster. If you need babysitting services at the church, please note on the reservation sign up sheet. This program is for women of all ages - you are sure to enjoy yourselves! Any questions can be directed to Judy Paul or Jean Wehry.

Due to a shortage of teachers for the spring and summer months, we are looking for volunteers for Children’s Church. If you can help, please contact Tina Novinger.

LOOKING FOR NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICERS: Salem Church is looking for some new Sunday School officers. Please stay posted for more information. ISAAC STIELY BOOK is here. The book costs $25 per copy. Please pay your book when you pick it up.

SALEM COOK BOOKS ARE HERE! They are $15 each.

JOINT LUTHERAN/REFORMED VBS: We are looking for volunteers. Please call Joy Rothermel, 425-2102, if interested in helping!

HALF PRICE SALE at Salem Church. The afghans, wooden churches, and church record books are now 50% off. There is no discount on the dish clothes or the Stiely book.

The Janitor at Salem Church for February is Shannon Dietrich The Janitor at Christ Church for February is Melvin Deeter.

CHURCH WEBSITES: Check it out at The Line Mountain Charge’s email address is [email protected] The Christ Church website is PRAYER REQUESTS

Family of Katie King, Family of Dan Snyder, Verna Brown, Brandy Harris, Daniel Stolfus, Jonas King, Merlin Schreffler, Harvey Brown, Henry Schwalm, Greg Klock, William Erdman, Helena Snyder, Ginny Erdman, Charles Fetterolf, Marlin Paul, Amy Smith, Mike Reed, Peggy Miller, John Wehry, Sr., Delmar Ressler, Meg Powers, Craig Miller, Cindy Schwartz, Earl "Peachy" Rebuck, Charles Kehler, Linda Heim, Daniel Shock, Christians in Egypt, Makenzie Amber Lynn Cheese, Chris Gibson, Gertrude Stehr, Pete Wehry, Sarah Wehry and children, Jolene Wetzel, Howard Taylor, Marlin Kieffer, Joyce Paul, Andrew Wagner, Betty Paul, Kimmarie DiPasquale, Hope Rebuck, Olive Erdman, Payton Hertzler, Sterman Masser, Almond Oxenrider, Nevin Maurer, Bill & Mae Rebuck, William Osman, Verna Tobias, Ruth Hoover, Lena Shadle, Glenn Heim, Stacey Hoover, Mary Lou Reiner, Teegan Stehr, June Masser, Dick Rothermel, Elwood Snyder, Maynard Geist, Abby Kieffer

Hospital: Helen Snyder – Harrisburg Hospital, Rm. 508

Nursing Home: Joan Rothermel – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 2 Betty Dietrich – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 9 Clair Erdman – Grayson View, Memory Care, Selinsgrove, Rm. 305A Emma Oxenrider – Tremont Nursing Home Ruby Sherry – Tremont Nursing Home Marie Hepler – School House Square, 11 High Street, Pine Grove, PA 17963, Rm. B-3

Military Personnel: Jessica Myers Bryson DeWalt Rebecca Masser Davies Kurt Sims Bryan Wynn Monte Harner Brian Henninger Jason Knorr Anthony Blain James Frederickson D.J. Lucas Dustin Klinger

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