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Fayette County Public Schools s2

2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading

Enduring Dates Unit Topic Standards Essential Vocabulary Skills/Understandings ES 1-Make logical Unit 1- Key Ideas and Details Main ideas inferences from complex Informational I can explain what the text says explicitly by Details texts. referring to details and examples in the text. Explicit ES 2- Summarize key Explicit means the answer is in the text. RI 4.1 Infer details and ideas of complex text. I can infer what the text says by referring to ES 3- Analyze individuals, details and examples in the text. This means I events and ideas through will use clues the author gives me to find my complex text. answer. RI 4.1

I can determine the main idea of a text. RI 4.2 August I can explain how the main idea is supported by details. RI 4.2

I can summarize the text. RI 4.2

I can explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text. This means I can tell what happened and why based on information from the text. RI 4.3

September/1/2 of ES 1-Make logical Unit 2- Literary Key Ideas and Details explicitly October inferences from complex details texts. I can explain what the text says explicitly by Infer ES 2- Summarize key referring to details and examples in the text. theme details and ideas of Explicit means the answer is in the text. RL 4.1 summarizee complex text. character ES 3- Analyze individuals, I can infer what the text says by referring to setting events and ideas through details and examples in the text. This means I event complex text. will use clues the author gives me to find my formal English answer. RL 4.1 informal English

I can determine the theme of a story from details in the text. RL 4.3

I can summarize the text. RL 4.2

I can describe in depth a character in a story Page 1 of 2 2014-2015

2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading using specific details from the text. RL 4.2

I can differentiate between contexts that call for formal English. SL 4.6

I can describe in depth a setting in a story using specific details from the text. RL 4.2

I can describe in depth an event in a story using specific details from the text. RL 4.2

ES 4- Interpret words and Unit 3- Craft and Structure Context clues phrases to comprehend Informational I can determine the meaning of words or Structure text independently. phrases in a text using context clues. RI 4.4 Primary source ES 5- Evaluate content Secondary source presented in diverse I can describe the structure of a text. This Firsthand media and formats to means I can tell how information, events, ideas, secondhand comprehend text. or concepts are organized. RI 4.5 Chronological ES 6- Delineate and Sequence ½ of evaluate the argument I can compare and contrast a primary Cause/effect October/November and claims in the text. (firsthand) and secondary (secondhand) Problem/solution account of the same event or topic. RI 4.6 Compare/contrast Describe I can describe the difference in focus and information provided between firsthand and secondhand accounts of the same event. RI 4.6

December ES 4- Interpret words and Unit 4- Literary Craft and Structure Poem phrases to comprehend Prose text independently. I can determine the meaning of words and 1st person point of view ES 5- Evaluate content phrases (using context clues) as they are used 3rd person point of view presented in diverse in a fiction text. RL 4.4 Compare media and formats to Contrast comprehend text. I can explain major differences between narrations ES 6- Delineate and poems and prose. RL 4.5 evaluate the argument and claims in the text. I can identify to the structural elements of prose (paragraphs). RL 4.5

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2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading I can identify first and third person point of view.

RL 4.6 I can compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated: including the difference between first- and third- person narrations. RL 4.6

ES 4- Interpret words and Unit 5- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Text features phrases to comprehend Informational Line Graph text independently. I can interpret information presented in text Glossary ESL 1- Prepare and features. RI 4.7 Map particiapate in Text Box collaborative I can explain how the text features contribute to Bold Words conversations. the understanding of the text. RI 4.7 Bar Graph ESF 1- Demonstrate Timeline understanding of I can explain how an author uses reasons and Chart organization and features evidence to support particular points in a text. Diagram of print/text. RI 4.8 Illustration ESF 4- Independently Photo prepare and present I can integrate information from two texts on Caption information, findings and the same topic in order to write or speak about table of contents January support evidence that the the subject knowledgeably. RI 4.9 Headings listener can follow. Index ESL 3- Apply phonics and I can compare and contrast two texts (genre, Genre word analysis in decoding theme, structure, author’s purpose, author’s Author’s purpose text. viewpoint, main idea, types of sources) RI 4.9 Affixes

I can engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with different partners on different topics and texts. SL 4.1

I can decode unknown vocabulary words using phonics, roots, and affixes in informational texts. L 4.4

February ES 4- Interpret words and Unit 6- Literary Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Compare phrases to comprehend I can make connections (compare and Contrast text independently. contrast) between the text of a story or drama Oral presentation ES 5- Evaluate content and visual or oral presentations of the text. RL Topics presented in diverse Themes Page 3 of 2 2014-2015

2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading media and formats to 4.7 Myths comprehend text. Cultures ES 5- Evaluate content Pattern of events presented in diverse media and formats to I can report on a topic or text, tell a story, or comprehend text. recount an experience in an organized manner, using facts, descriptive details to support the ESL 1- Prepare and main idea or theme and speak clearly at an particiapate in understandable pace. SL 4.4 collaborative conversations. I can identify where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.RL 4.5

I can compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (opposition of good and evil) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. RL 4.9

I can compare and contrast patterns of events (quests) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures.RL 4.9

I can decode unknown vocabulary words using phonics, roots/base words, and affixes in literary texts. L 4.4 March/April ES 1-Make logical Unit 7- Poetry and Poetry Line inferences from complex Drama I can explain what the text says explicitly by Simile texts. referring to details and examples in the text. Personification ES 2- Summarize key *LDC Module- Explicit means the answer is in the text. RL 4.1 Hyperbole details and ideas of “Mother to Son” by Repetition complex text. Langston Hughes I can infer what the text says by referring to Verse/Stanza ES 3- Analyze individuals, -theme of a poem details and examples in the text. This means I Metaphor events and ideas through using metaphors will use clues the author gives me to find my Alliteration complex text. answer. RL 4.1 Rhyme Scheme ESF 4- Read with Rhyme accuracy and fluency to I can determine the theme of a poem from Idiom support comprehension. details in the text. RL 4.2 Onomatopoeia ESF 3- Apply phonics and Rhythm word analysis in decoding I can determine the meaning of words and Line Break text. phrases (using context clues) as they are used Cast of Characters Page 4 of 2 2014-2015

2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading in a fiction text. RL 4.4 Setting Stage Directions I can identify the structural elements of poems, Dialogue prose, and dramas. RL 4.5 Props  Poems – verse, rhythm, meter Acts Scenes Script I can refer to the structural elements of poems when writing or speaking about the texts. RL 4.5

I can decode unknown vocabulary words using phonics, roots/base words, and affixes in literary texts. L 4.4

I can identify figurative language: similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and hyperbole. L 4. 5

I can identify antonyms and synonyms. L 4.5

I can explain the meaning of similes. L 4.5

I can explain the meaning of metaphors. L 4.5

I can explain the meaning of idioms. L 4.5

I can explain the meaning of proverbs. L 4.5

I can explain the meaning of adages. L 4.5

Drama I can determine the theme of a drama from details in the text. RL 4.2

I can identify the structural elements of dramas (cast of characters, stage directions, dialogue, setting). RL 4.5

I can describe in depth a character in a drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL 4.3

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2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading I can describe in depth a setting in a drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL 4.3

I can describe in depth an event (plot, problem/solution) in a drama, drawing on specifics in the text. RL 4.3

Underpinnings: I can describe the elements of drama. RL 4.5

I can explain how the elements of drama help the reader understand the play. RL 4.5

Unit 9- Lost RI 4.3 I can explain events, procedures, ideas First hand account skills/Review in a historical, scientific or technical text. RI 4.3 Second hand account RI 4.6 I can compare and contrast a firsthand Sources and secondhand account of the same event or Thesaurus May topic. RI 4.6 Dictionary L 4.4 I can consult reference materials to find Atlas the information. Glossary Review genres studied throughout the year. Digital text Review affixes learned.

Essential Dates Unit Topic Standards Essential Vocabulary Skills/Understandings

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2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – 4th grade Reading

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