Malton School, Lady Lumley S School, Norton College, Ryedale School
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Ryedale Collaborative Safeguarding Protocol June 2015
Malton School, Lady Lumley’s School, Norton College, Ryedale School Safeguarding Audit completed June 2015
DSP for: MS - Pat Lovegrove LLS - Lorraine Phippen R - Domenica Wilkinson NC - Julie Barber
Any CP or safeguarding concerns are discussed with pupils ‘home’ school. SJ will make referrals to CSC if appropriate. ROOSE – Sarah Jowett, Head of Centre – DSP Training November 15.
ROOSE follow – LLS school policies, including Child Protection, E-safety etc. All staff are aware of how to access policies, specific appendices (ROOSE specific) on file at Centre. Staff sign annually to record acceptable use for ICT, CP, Keeping Children Safe in Education and Standards of Conduct. All staff have enhanced DBS clearance and a single central record is held (at ROOSE and LLS). Head Teacher LLS has safer recruitment training and attends all ROOSE interviews/selection. All staff have had training re: Prevent Agenda and undergone Channel General Awareness. Prevent Risk Assessment was completed September 2015. All taxis drivers are checked by NYCC and have DBS clearance. Taxi Policy clearly states pick up/drop off points, appropriate adult/pupil interaction daily contact with the company. All ROOSE staff have updated Child Protection Training each 3 years.
Attendance is monitored and ROOSE attendance coding is as below: B = Educated Off Site
C = Authorised Absence
M or I = medical appointment/actual illness
Attendance data is sent to each school on a Friday, each school has a current copy of a pupil’s timetable to ensure they know which provision they are attending and how to code. Absences from ROOSE/Work Placement/External Courses are followed up by ROOSE or school as agreed and explanation from parent recorded. No parental contact information is discussed at Collaborative referred to Prevention Service. If safeguarding concerns, Police 101 contacted. Patterns of absences/persistent absence discussed at Collaborative. Keeping Children Safe in Education – all staff to read and sign that they have read.
Safeguarding Audit undertaken (SJ & LP) 10 June 2015 (completed annually).
Central record retained of bullying incidents & CP referrals.
Central record retained of f/t and permanent exclusions. Relevant training monitored and provided eg de-escalation, RPi, E-Safety and disseminated.
Induction meeting for ROOSE information discussed and shared with parents.
Awareness of Child Protection Policy Parking Safety Taxi Safety E-Safety
Relevant consents signed including use of images.
ROOSE Lone Home Working Policy – discussed with staff prior to all new 1:1 teaching/signed by all staff.
Computers set up by LLS IT Dept – all necessary filters applied.
Mobile phones and handheld device placed in box at all sessions, pupils are allowed at break only. E-safety awareness highlighted and displayed in Centre.
Premises rented from Ryedale District Council – all necessary health and safety checks administered by RDC including water, fire safety equipment etc. ROOSE regular fire evacuation practices which are recorded.
Door entry system in place.
All work placements organised via pupils home school via recognised regulatory body eg NYBEP, Risk and Health and Safety checked monitoring visits held regularly.
Liaise with LLS re: Educational visits and Staff attend EVC training. Protocols for visits off site adhered to (letters to parents, RA, logging activities and NYCC etc). To Develop How ROOSE pupils taught about safeguarding – new responsibility for Deputy Head ROOSE. Badge System Visitors (If Premises Extended). Pupil Break Out of Centre Protocol.
SJ/LAF/Admin/policyfolder/roosesafeguardingprotocoljune2015 (updated oct 15) 5.10.15