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This is a commentary on S. Kalyanaraman interpretation of “kaṇḍ buffalo” and a copper tablet that I Interpreted as kanda rebus kanta : Solanum Jacquini (= % {kaNTakArikAI}. I first interpreted the buffalo as kuru : the plant Solanum Jacquini (= %{kaNTakArikA}) the name of a country and people of northwestern India and kula the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum L. %{mahiSIk-} , a herd of female buffaloes R2itus. a race , family , community , tribe , caste , set , company (e.g. %{brAhmaNa-k-}.
Tamil Lexicon kaluLi wild buffalo (TLS) Sanskrit Lexicon kaluSa m. a buffalo L.
S. Kalyanaraman khaṇṭi ‘buffalo bull’ (Tamil) kaṭā, kaṭamā ‘bison’ (Tamil)(DEDR 1114) kaṇṭi , n. 1. Buffalo bull;. 623.) kaḍa, kaḍru, kaṛa ‘a buffalo bull’ (Santali) Or. kaṛā castrated male buffalo ʼ, Bi. kāṛā m., ṛī f buffalo calf, H. kāṛā m. (CDIAL 2658)
[ Meluhhan artisans in Sumer used Indus writing to create metal-ware catalogs. This is exemplified by the 'water- buffalo' glyph used on some cylinder seals. ; Rebus: kaṇḍ ‘stone (ore)’. Meluhha was the habitat for the water-buffalo. While cuneiform script was used to write names syllabically or to record benedictions ('short invocations for divine help'), rest of the writing (for e.g. on cylinder seals) used hieroglyphs.]
The reason for the similar interpretation of the water buffalo might lie in the dual meaning of the word kalA : any practical art , any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the S3aivatantra [T.] And a division of time (said to be 1/900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i , 64 Hariv. f. I found the copper tablets to be associated with mAtRkA a mother (also fig. = source, origin) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. ; a divine mother (cf. under %{mAtR}) RTL. 188 N. of partic. Diagrams (written in characters to which a magical power is ascribed; also the alphabet so employed ; prob. only the 14 vowels with Anusva1ra and Visarga were originally so called after the 16 divine magical) Ra1matUp. Pan5car. ; Any alphabet Hcat. . Were the buffalo or the Matra Bhadrakali of Kurukshatra is the Vedic Meridian , 5 degrees above the tropic of Capricorn thus the same as the farthest point above the ecliptic the moon reaches is 5 degrees on the summer equinox. Curled horn bottom of page Bharata The curled horned antelope copper tablet also has the kanda sign as "isustrikanda" (%{iSustrikANDA}) f. `" the threefold arrow "'N. of a constellation (perhaps the girdle of Orion) AitBr. The trikanda part kanda ; "a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant , such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i.e. the portion from one knot to another cf. %{tri-k-}) , any part or portion , section , chapter , division of a work or book (cf. %{tri-k-}) There are three Buffalo tablets one as rebus trikanta the three Solumans that blossom in spring summer and fall the other two are Uttara Kuru the northern Kuru. One of the Uttara Kuru buffalo’s has two glyphs found on two separate tin Ingots.
{There is a greater abundance of metal in the Indus Valley than in Mesopotamia and Egypt, and most of the metal objects that archaeologists have found are utilitarian tools and other everyday objects. Of the net.} S. Kalyanaraman [The major contribution made by Meluhhans in Sumer was tin as an alloying mineral to create tin-bronzes (to complement naturally-occurring copper + arsenic ores for arsenic bronzes). Two tin ingots of very pure tin were found in a ship-wreck in Haifa ! They are inscribed with three Sarasvati hieroglyphs. The underlying language is not Cretan but mleccha, a proto-indian language connoting that the metal is tin!]
There are three Buffalo copper tablets the one mentioned above as kuru the plant Solanum Jacquini (= % {kaNTakArikA}) N. of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the Pan5ca1las. The name also applies to the northern Kurus a country beyond the most northern range of the Hima7laya , often described as a country of everlasting happiness [AitBr. MBh. &c.] , and considered by some to be the ancient home of the A1ryan race. {uttarAH kuravaH} are the northern Kurus the two larger sized Buffalo 's of Uttara Kuru split east and west. One of the uttara Kuru Buffalo's has both of the glyphs found on two separate tin ingots. In the middle of the page or link above there is an Indus artifact that uses the Buffalos with an astronomical sense. The region of Uttara Kuru in archeology is the Andronovo culture and the eastern Afanasevo culture. Both cultures can be associated with the Mehrgarh culture that starts in the Indus Valley close to the Bolan Pass {7000 BCE} as a trade route for Lapis that was mined in the north.
The Tamil pronunciation of the Sanskrit word Guru is Kuru , the Sanskrit word for tin ingot is Gurupattra , the Tamil word for Zinc. Kurupattiram. S. Kalyanaraman [Meluhhan artisans in Sumer used Indus writing to create metal-ware catalogs. This is exemplified by the 'water- buffalo' glyph used on some cylinder seals. kaṇḍ ‘buffalo’; rebus: kaṇḍ ‘stone (ore)’. Meluhha was the habitat for the water-buffalo.Or. kāṇḍa, kããã ṛ ʻstalk, arrow ʼ(CDIAL 3023). Rebus: khāṇḍā ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’. ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron, excellent iron’ (P ā ṇ .gaṇ)]
The two tin ingot read Gurupattra and Kutilapattra
Sanskrit Lexicon kAMsya mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{kaMsa}) consisting of white-copper or bell-metal or brass Ka1tyS3r. MBh. xiii , 94 , 91 R. Mn. iv , 65 ; (%{am}) n. whitecopper or bell-metal or brass , queen's metal , any amalgam of zinc and copper Mn. v , 114 ; xi , 167 ; xii , 62 Ya1jn5. i , 190 Sus3r. kaMsAsthi n. tutanag , white copper , any alloy of tin and copper L.
Tamil Lexicon kaNAriTal ringing, as of a bell; sonorous pealing; clanging, as sounding brass; echoing, as rock kaNIren2al ringing, as of a bell; clanging, as sounding brass; speaking audibly and clearly with a metallic ringing of voice kulavarai 1. chief mountain ranges of Jambu1-dvi1pa. -> aSTakulaparvatam ; 2. lofty mountain; 3. mineralized zinc ; kurupattiram 02 zinc (TLS)
Sanskrit Lexicon gurupattra n. tin L. ; (%{A}) f. the tamarind tree L. gurupattraka n. tin Gal.
khuraka mfn. ? (said of a kind of tin) Bhpr. v , 7 , 30 f. and 26 , 71 ; kurUpya n. `" bad silver "' , tin L.
Tamil Lexicon kuru 03 1. spiritual preceptor; 2. teacher; 3. family priest; 4. father; 5. king; 6. the planet jupiter, as the priest of the gods; 7. the 8th nakstra ; 8. heaviness, weight;
kuru 04 1. a prince of the lunar race after whom his family was called kuru- kaulam ; 2. a certain continent; 3. the country of the kurus, one of 56 te1acam , q.v.
Sanskrit Lexicon guru heavy , weighty (opposed to %{laghu4}) RV. i , 39 , 3 and iv , 5 , 6 AV. &c. (g. %{zauNDA7di} Gan2ar. 101) ; `" preceptor of the gods "' , Br2ihaspati Mn. xi ; (hence) the planet Jupiter Jyot. VarBr2S. Bhartr2. &c. celebrated teacher of the Mi1ma1n6sa1 , usually mentioned with Kuma1rila , the wife of a teacher W. any venerable person, as father, mother (du. the parents), teacher kuru %{avas} m. pl.N. of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the Pan5ca1las ; hence often connected with Pan5ca1la or Pan5ca1la [see % {kuru-paJc-} below]: the %{uttara-kuravaH} , or %{uttarAH@kuravaH} are the northern Kurus , the most northerly of the four Maha1-dvi1pas or principal divisions of the known world [distinguished from the %{dakSiNAH@kuravaH} or southern Kurus MBh. i , 4346] , by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or Varshas of the same ; lunar race
Tamil Lexicon kaNTAjnci 1. entire-leaved staff-tree gymnosporia emarginata ; 2. buffalo thorn cutch, s. tr., acacia latronum ; kaNTi 01 1. buffalo bull; 2. flock, herd; 3. a kind of portable hurdle, used by fishermen for catching fish in shallow waters kaNAriTal ringing, as of a bell; sonorous pealing; clanging, as sounding brass; echoing, as rock kaNIren2al ringing, as of a bell; clanging, as sounding brass; speaking audibly and clearly with a metallic ringing of voice kaNTakam 02 1. thorn; 2. white long-flowered nail dye; kaNTaka m. thorn, prickle, point, sting, fish-bone; erection of the hair of the body; annoyance, vexation, pain; foe, enemy.
Sanskrit Lexicon kaNTa m. (thought by some to be for original %{karnta} , fr. 2. %{kRt}) a thorn BhP. ix , 3 , 7 (cf. %{tri-kaNTa} , %{bahu-kaNTa} , &c.) ; the boundary of a village L. ; [cf. Gk. $ $ $?] kaNTaka m. (n. L.) a thorn S3Br. v MBh. Ya1jn5. &c. ; anything pointed , the point of a pin or needle , a prickle , sting R.
The Indus Valley Copper tablets are a form of Matra, the Buffalo is Bhadrakali a Matris attending on Skanda the body of the Buffalo is the Devanagari script. The Tiger is Zardula and is Rebus or sounds like Zarada autumn (as the time of ripening "') , the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains ; in some parts of India comprising the months Bha1dra and A1s3vina . The tiger in Tamil is Kurukkal and kauravas, as descendants of kuru with the glyphs of trikaNTa n. the 3 thorny plants (3 kinds of Solanum) Rebus trikANDa consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) kuru Solanum Jacquini (= %{kaNTakArikA}). bRhatI Solanum Zarada is the tiger Rebus bharatazArdUla. The Copper tablet of the Tiger has the glyphs found on the elephant tablet above the image of the Tiger thus a tiger and elephant’s trunk is Hasta or Corvus the constellation that is the first part of Zarada.
Determining which name a lunar month takes is somewhat indirect. It is based on the rāshi (Zodiac sign) into which the sun transits within a lunar month, i.e. before the new moon ending the month.
ऋतत Ritu means "season" in the Hindu calendar, and there are six ritus (also transliterated rutu) or Indian seasons. The word is derived from the Vedic Sanskrit word Rtu, a fixed or appointed time, especially the proper time for sacrifice (yajna) or ritual in Vedic Religion; this in turn comes from the word Rta , as used in Vedic Sanskrit literally means the "order or course of things". 1. Chaitra Meṣa (Aries) Vasanta (spring) 2. Vaiśākha Vṛṣabha (Taurus) 3. Jyaiṣṭha Mithuna (Gemini) Grīṣma (summer) 4. Āṣāḍha Karka (Cancer) 5. Śrāvaṇa Siṃha (Leo) Varṣā (monsoon) 6. Bhādrapada or Bhādra also Proṣṭhapada Kanyā (Virgo) 7. Āśvina in,sometimes Aśvayuja Tula (Libra) Śarad (Autumn) 8. Kārtika Vṛścika (Scorpio) 9. Agrahāyaṇa or, Mārgaśīrṣa Dhanus (Sagittarius) Hemanta (Winter) 10. Pauṣa Makara (Capricorn) 11. Māgha Kumbha (Aquarius) Śiśira (Cold) 12. Phālguna Mīna (Pisces)
bhadrakAlI N. of a goddess (later a form of Durga1) S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. MBh. &c. ; of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. ; kurukSetra n. N. of a country and celebrated battle-field; m. pl. its inhabitants. kurukSetrin mfn. (with %{yoga}) a solar day , in the course of which three lunar days , three asterisms , and three yogas occur. trikANDa (%{tri4-}) mf(%{A})n. consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) AitBr. iii , 33 S3Br. ii ; 3 Ka1n2d2as in measure (48 cubits long W.) Vop. vi , [Tamil] 1. exalted guru, great master; 2. skanda, as having once initiated his kurunAtan2 father siva into the mystic explanation of pranavam
kurukkaL [Tamil] 1. tiger; kurukkaL [Tamil] 02 kauravas, as descendants of kuru kurukSEttiram [Tamil] a plain near Delhi , scene of the great battle between the kauravas and the pa1ndavas mentioned in the maha1bhja1rata
bharatazArdUla, -zeSTha & {-sattama} a. tiger or best of the [[-,]] Bharatas. bharatazArdUla m. the noblest (lit. `" tiger "') of the BhñBharata-varsha MBh. Dvaipa mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{dvIpa4}) being or living or happening on an island , an islander S3is3. Sch. ; g. %{kacchA7di} ; (fr. %{dvIpin}) belonging to a tiger or panther Sus3r. ; m. (with or scil. %{ratha}) a car covered with a tiger's skin Pa1n2. 4-2 , 12 L.
Hasta m. hand (also as a measure of length), trunk (of an elephant), paw (of a tiger) etc., N. of sev. men & a lunar mansion; a. --- holding in the hand (cf. {pANi3}); f. {ha3stA} hand. Corvus (constellation){Hasta} 12 h 00 m 00 s, −20° 00′ 00″ the 12th hour to the 13th Libra 9constellation 14 th through 16th hour
hasti [Tamil] elephant cinturai [Tamil] Teyvaya1n6ai, consort of of Skanda, as brought up by Indra's white elephant atti [Tamil]08* 1. elephant; 2. one of the two wives of skanda -> teyvayAn2ai ; 3. name of a prince of the lunar race, as the founder of hastina1pura cinturam [Tamil] 02 elephant cintUram [Tamil] 01 1. redness; 2. red umbrella; 3. vermilion, red paint, red powder for tilka; 4. red metallic oxide, precipitate of mercury, any chemical or metallic compound used medicinally; 5. elephant's face, as spotted red; 6. scarlet ixora.; 7. marking-nut tree cintu [Tamil] 03 1. sea, ocean; 2. water; 3. river; 4. the river indus; 5. sindh, as the country of the indus, one of 56 te1cam , q.v. ; 6. the language of sindh, one of the 18 languages referred to in tamil works caintavam sind cuNTai [Tamil] 2. elephant's trunk cuNTam [Tamil] 1. fermented liquor, toddy; 2. elephant's trunk cuNTai 03 1. turkey berry, 1. sh., solanum torvum ; 2. indian currant tomato, s. tr., solanum verbascifolium ; 3. indian tree-potato
Sanskrit bindu a drop of water taken as a measure L. ; a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant Kum. ; (ifc. also %{-ka}) the dot over a letter representing the Anusva1ra (supposed to be connected with Siva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Katha1s. BhP. ; sindUratilaka m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a mark on the forehead made with red lead Katha1s. ; `" marked with red lead "' , an elephant L. ; (%{A}) f. a woman whose forehead is marked with red lead (and therefore whose husband is living) L. saindUra mfn. (fr. %{sindUra}) coloured with red-lead or vermilion (%{-rI-kR} , `" to colour with vermilion "') Ratna7v.
On one of the copper tablets there is a bushy tailed Yak that I have interpreted as Camara Rebus “or sounds” like Kumara. The link below goes to a page on Camara theYak the first Nakshatra Ashwini and Kumaras. In the Indian zodiac Ashwini and Kumaras are from 0 degrees through 13 degrees 20 minutes in Mesha. In both Sanskrit and Tamil languages Camara means Yak (Bos grunniens) and or coming from the Yak; n. the chowry bushy tail of the yak, used as a fly-flapper for idols or as a royal. link Camara the Yak the first Nakshatra Ashwini and Kumaras The Cape Comorin is Kumari the central part of the universe in the Hindu geography the most southerly point of Jambu-dvi1pa or India , Kanyakumari formerly known as Cape Comorin, is a town in Kanyakumari District in the state of Tamil Nadu in India . Kanyakumari lies at 8°05′N the southernmost tip of mainland India the southernmost tip of India as a whole being Indira Gandhi Point in Andaman and Nicobar Islands . The name Kumara is both Skanda and Krittikeya, represented as a beautiful male youth. When the sun crosses the equator at the spring equinox it is parallel to the Cape Comorin or off by 8 degrees.
Determining which name a lunar month takes is somewhat indirect. It is based on the rāshi (Zodiac sign) into which the sun transits within a lunar month, i.e. before the new moon ending the month. There are 12 rāśi names, there are twelve lunar month names. When the sun transits into the Meṣa rāśi in a lunar month, then the name of the lunar month is Caitra.
The first lunar month puts Mesa {Aries} and Caitra {Virgo} together, Mesa is a Ram and can be associated with Lubdhaka the star Sirius called because S3iva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion at Brahma who transformed into a deer and was pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe. This copper tablet of the Yak has the glyph of the Ficus Religiosa the papal leaf associated with the first month Azvattha, it also has the glyph of the month Caitra. The Tamil word camara is associated with the god of war and the Pipal . link to Caitra [Virgo] Link to the constellation Ashwini azva 1 ( RV.) , a horse , stallion RV. Azvattha m. (%{ttha-stha} , under which horses stand "') the holy fig tree , Ficus Religiosa AV. S3Br. &c. ; a vessel made of its wood RV. i , 135 , 8 ; x , 97 , 5 ; the upper (or male) %{araNi} made of its wood AV. vi , 11 , 1 S3Br. xi Ka1tyS3r. ; the plant Thespesia Populneoides L. ; N. of a Nakshatra (also called S3ron2a1) Pa1n2. 4-2 , 5 and 22 ; a N. of the sun MBh. iii , 151 ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S. ; (%{A}) f. day of full moon in the month As3vina (in which month the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa generally becomes ripe) ; (%{I}) f. the small Pippala tree L. ; (mfn.) `" relating to the Nakshatra As3vattha "' , (with %{muhUrta}) the moment in which the moon enters that Nakshatra Pa1n2. 4-2 , 5 Sch. vaT-AzvatthavivAha m. the marriage (generally by engrafting) of the Ficus Indica with the Ficus Religiosa (a religious ceremony) Cat. ; cf. RTL. 335-337.
Tamil Ara-camaram: pipal, l. tr., Ficus religious cAmaram; battle, fight. Camara-pugkavan; bull in battle a great warrior. camarA-ttiram; equinox, time when day and night are equal. 02 zenith distance, east or west in time camaravi; sun's true longitude at the middle of an eclipse. camari; Durga, as the goddess of war.
The Sanskrit word kaumAra means ‘young girl’ ‘virgin’ and is related to the god of war as one of the seven Matris or personified energies of the god Kumara and or Ka1rttikeya (the god of war). The Tamil word Kaumari is similar as the female principle of Kumara or Skanda represented as a male youth. While the Tamil word for Kumara or Skanda is Kuru-natan exalted guru, great master skanda, as having once initiated his father siva into the mystic explanation of pranavamtiger Natam 02 zenith distance, east or west in time Kuru-nATu the country of the kurus kuRukkai means tiger
Sanskrit The gylphs on the tiger copper tablet are; trikaNTa n. the 3 thorny plants (3 kinds of Solanum) kuru the plant Solanum Jacquini (= %{kaNTakArikA}) L.
Tamil kurupukar-canti- an auspicious combination of jupiter, venus and moon in the same rayOkam zodiacal house in a horoscope (TLS) kuru-canti-rayOkam conjunction of jupiter and moon cantA-nakuru hereditary guru or spiritual teacher cantA-nam 02 shooting an arrow cantAnam 01 1. offspring, progeny, issue; 2. descent, lineage, pedigree; 3. uninterrupted succesion; 4. line of succession in spiritual preceptorship; 5. an ancient saiva scripture in sanskrit, one of 28 civa1kamam , q.v. ; cantanu a kind of the lunar race, father of Bhi1s2ma Cantanu a king of the lunar race va-cantam 01 1. the spring season; 2. the month of Cittirai; Mesa is a Ram and can be associated with Lubdhaka the star Sirius so called because S3iva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion, at Brahma transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe. The copper tablet with the three stars of Orion is the Ram or doe with the glyph of Azva or Isa that are related as in Isus-trikanda the three stars of Orion {link below at the bottom of page or link}
Determining which name a lunar month takes is somewhat indirect. It is based on the rāshi (Zodiac sign) into which the sun transits within a lunar month, i.e. before the new moon ending the month. There are 12 rāśi names, there are twelve lunar month names. When the sun transits into the Meṣa rāśi in a lunar month, then the name of the lunar month is Caitra. dA give , bestow , grant , yield , impart , present , offer to (dat. , in later language also gen. or loc.) RV. &c. ; to give (a daughter , %{kanyAm}) in marriage Mn. v , ix Ya1jn5. MBh meSa m. (2. %{miS}) a ram , sheep (in the older language applied also to a fleece or anything woollen) RV. &c. &c. ; the sign of the zodiac Aries or the first arc of 30 degrees in a circle Su1ryas. Var. BhP. ; citra mf(%{A4})n. conspicuous , excellent , distinguished RV. ; bright , clear , bright- coloured RV. ; clear (a sound) RV. ;; (%{A4}) f. Spica virginis , the 12th (in later reckoning the 14th) lunar mansion AV. xix , 7 , 3 TS. ii , iv , vii TBr. i S3Br. ii , &c. ; azvayuj mfn. harnessing horses RV. v , 54 , 2 ; having horses put to (as a carriage) R. v , 27 , 14 ; born under the constellation As3vayuj Pa1n2. 4-3 , 36 (cf. %{Azvayuja}) ; (% {k}) f. sg.N. of a constellation (the head of Aries) Pa1n2. 4-3 , 36 VarBr2S. iv , 3 , 36 VarBr2S. &c. ; azvin mfn. Possessed of horses, consisting of horses RV. ; mounted on horseback Ma1rkP. ; (%{I4}) m. a cavalier ; horse-tamer RV. ; (%{I4nA} or %{inau}) m. du. , the two charioteers "'N. of two divinities (who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds ; they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness ; they are considered as the physicians of heaven) RV. &c. ; a N. of the Nakshatra presided over by the As3vins VarBr2S. ; The number, `" two "' ib. Su1ryas. kaumAra mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{kumAra4} , or %{-rI} Pa1n2. 4-2 , 13) , juvenile , youthful , belonging to a youth or young girl , maiden , maidenly , (% {kau4mAra@loka4} , the youths and girls AV. xii , 3 , 47 ; %{kaumArI@bhAryA} [Pat. and Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-2 , 13] , `" a virgin wife , one who has not had a husband previously "' R. ; (%{I}) f. one of the seven Ma1tr2is or personified energies of the gods , S3akti of Kuma1ra or Ka1rttikeya (the god of war) BrahmaP. [316,3] Devi1bhP. Rebus lubdha sounds like lanba the matris of Skanda.
Lamba sounds like lubdhaka lambA N. of Durga1 and Gauri1 Hariv. ; of Lakshmi1 L. ; of one of the Ma1tr2is attending upon Skanda MBh. ;
lambapayodharA f. a woman with large or pendent breasts MBh. ; N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending upon Skanda ib
. lambin mfn. hanging down , pendent , hanging by or down to (comp.) Ka1lid. ; (% {inI}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. lubdhaka m. a hunter MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a covetous or greedy man L. ; the star Sirius (so called because S3iva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow [represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion] at Brahma1 transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe ; cf. %{mRga-vyAdha}) Gan2it. Katha1s. ; N. of the hinder parts , Bhp.
Sisira sounds like Zazara Zizira mf(%{A})n. (prob. connected with %{zyai} , %{zIta} &c.) cool , chilly , cold , frigid , freezing R. VarBr2S. &c. ; m. n. cold , coolness , hoarfrost , dew MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the cool or dewy season (comprising two months , Ma1gha and Pha1lguna , or from about the middle of January to that of March ; cf. %{Rtu}) AV. &c. &c. ; m. N. of the seventh month of the year (accord. to one reckoning) ; Zazarajas n. `" dirt on a hare "' , a partic. measure of length or capacity L zazolUktamukhI f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. zaza m. a hare , rabbit , or antelope (the markings on the moon are supposed to resemble a hare or rabbit) RV. &c. &c. (for %{zazasya@vrata} see under %{karSU} , p. 260) ;
Manthin rebus Haimanta winter
Below the tortoise gives birth to the only male Nakshatra Abijit in Sagittarius in the season of Hemanta [winter], this season puts Dhanus [Sagittarius] and Agrahayana [Gemini] together. Dhanu is the bow and the same Indus sign has a bow or staff. . Haimanta is the fifth season and on the seal it has Purva Ashadha Anta or the end of the first part of Sagittarius and on one copper tablet the same without the Purva Ashadha anta but five curved lines for five seasons. the link was before I made the connection of Manthin and Haimanta. I have always interpreted the two rectangle glyphs as agra agra or argahayana. daNDagrahaNa `" taking the staff "' on the right hond side of page constellation Ashadha [Sagittarius} Page has the five curved lines for five seasons left side of page, middle. This page I did not think the tortoise was opposite summer. gavAm-ayana Haimanta mf(%{I4})n. (fr. , %{hemanta}) wintry , relating or suitable to or growing in winter VS. Sus3r. &c. Hemanta m. winter , the cold season (comprising the two months Agra-ha1yan2a and Pausha i.e. from middle of November to middle of January) RV. &c. &c. ; (%{I}) f. id. L. haimana 1 mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging or suitable to winter , winterly , wintry , cold AV. &c. &c. ; m. the month Ma1rgas3i1rsha (November-December) L. ; a kind of rice which grows in winter (= %{SaSTika}) L. ; m. n. winter , cold L. manthin mfn. shaking , agitating Bhat2t2. ; paining , afflicting W. ; m. Soma-juice with meal mixed in it by stirring RV. TS. Br. S3rS. ; semen virile (cf. %{Urdhva-m-}) ; (% {inI}) f. a butter-vat L. ; N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. Āṣāḍha Karka (Cancer) Śrāvaṇa Siṃha (Leo) Varṣā (monsoon) Bhādrapada or Bhādra also Proṣṭhapada Kanyā (Virgo) Āśvina in,sometimes Aśvayuja Tula (Libra) Śarad (Autumn) Kārtika Vṛścika (Scorpio) Agrahāyaṇa or, Mārgaśīrṣa Dhanus (Sagittarius) Hemanta (Winter) Dhanus (Sagittarius) ASADha (Sagittarius) daNDagrAha m. `" staff-bearer "' g. %{revaty- daNDagrahaNa n. `" taking the staff "' , becoming an ascetic W.
The boundaries of both winter and summer include ASADha (or in RV. %{a4- SAlha}) mfn. not to be overcome , invincible RV. VS. ; born under the Nakshatra Asha1d2ha1 Pa1n2. 4-3 , 34 ; m. the month (generally called) A1sha1d2ha L. ; a staff made of Palasa wood tiara
13. Agrahāyaṇa or, Mārgaśīrṣa Dhanus Sagittarius Hemanta (Winter)
Manthara mf(%{A})n. (allied to 2. %{mand} and %{manda} , but in some meanings rather fr. %{math}) slow (lit. and fig. ; often ifc. `" slow in "') , lazy , tardy , indolent , dull , stupid , silly Ka1v. Ra1jat. Sa1h. &c. a churning-stick L. ; the mountain Mandara W. (cf. %{manthaparvata}) ; N. of a tortoise Hit. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a humpbacked female slave of Bharata's mother Kaikeyi1 (accord. to MBh. an incarnation of the Gandharvi1 Dundubhi1 ; accord. to R. a daughter of Virocana) ; n. safflower. Mantharaka m. N. of a man Katha1s. ; of a tortoise ib. ; of a stupid weaver Pan5cat. ; of a hunchback ib. himAntan m. the end of winter. Dhanu m. or (Un2. i , 82) 2. %{dhanU} f. (fr. 2. %{dhan}?) a bow Hit. S3a1ntis3. ; a measure of 4 Hastas or cubits L. (cf. %{dhanv-antara} below) ; the sign of the zodiac Sagittar n. daNDagrahaNa `" taking the staff "' , becoming an ascetic W.ius Priy. I daNDagrAha m. `" staff-bearer "' g. aSADha (or in RV. %{a4-SAlha}) mfn. not to be overcome , invincible RV. VS. ; born under the Nakshatra Asha1d2ha1 Pa1n2. 4-3 , 34 ; m. the month (generally called) A1sha1d2ha L. ; a staff made of Pala1s3a wood (carried by the student during the performance of certain vows) L. ; N. of a teacher Ka1t2h. S3Br. i (cf. %{ASADhi}) ; (% {A}) f. N. of a brick (used for the sacrificial altar) S3Br. ; (%{A4@or@A4s}) f. sg. or pl.N. of two lunar mansions (distinguished as %{pinvA@and@uttara} , `" the former "' and the latter "' , and reckoned either as the eighteenth and nineteenth [TBr.] or as the twentieth and twenty-first [VP.&c.]) AV. xix , 7 , 4 , &c. [116,2]
AgrahAyaNa %{as} , m.= %{agra-hAyaNa} (q.v.) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 36 Comm. ; (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di} q.v. ; scil. %{paurNamAsI}) the day of full moon in the month Agraha1yan2a S3a1n3khS3r. &c. ; (ifc. ind. %{-Ni} or %{-Nam} Pa1n2. 5-4 , 110) ; a kind of Pa1ka-yajn5a Gaut. BhavP. i , &c. ; N. of the constellation Mr2iga-s3iras L.
Rebus Vrsa sounds like Varsa Varṣā (monsoon) The "Unicorn" This is the most used seal of the Indus Valley the ‘harvest time shipping seal’. Even today agriculture and commerce depend on the monsoon season, from the summer solstice and the vrsa-gavam domestic animal {opposed to wild} sacrifice. This is also the time of year Vishnu relaxes on the back of anta the serpent for four months. pazu or {pazu3} m. cattle (singly or coll.), animal. esp. domestic a. or sacrificial victim an animal sacrifice AitA1r. BhP. ; Tamil :pazu-ttal 01 1. to ripen, grow ripe, as fruits, grain; As in the season of ripening. agnISomiya mfn. related or sacred to Agni and Soma AV. &c. , (%{agniSomiya}) %{- nirvApa} m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma , a ceremony in the Dars3apu1rn2ama1sa sacrifice ; %{-pazu} m. a victim. parazu sounds like pazu. jIrvi m. = %{pazu} or %{parzu} (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54/55 ; a cart Un2. vr2. ; the body ib. paripazavya mfn. (%{pazu}) relating to the sacrificial victim S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. parazu m. a hatchet , axe , the axe pazu m. (instr. %{pazu4nA} or %{-zva} ; dat. %{pa4zve} or %{paza4ve} ; gen. % {pazva4s} or %{-zos} ; du. %{pazvA4} ; acc. pl. %{pazva4s} or %{-zU4n}) cattle , kine (orig. any tethered animal "' ; singly or collect. `" a herd "') , a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to %{mRga} , `" wild animal ; 5 kinds are enumerated , `" men , kine , horses , goats and sheep "' [AV. xi , 2 , 9 &c.] , to parazumat mfn. having an axe RV. paruva Tamil; paruvam 1. time, term, period, season; 2. new or full moon; 3. the six seasons of two months each, viz., ka1r, ku1tir, mun6-pan6i, pin6-pan6i, il2a-ve1n6il, mutu- ve1n6il ; 4. month; 5. rainy seeason that of the north-east monsoon; 6. suitable, proper time, opportunity, time or period for any action or pursuit; 7. proper season for agricultural operations; 8. year; 9. age, period of life; 10. youthfulness, juvenility; 11. fruit-bearing period; 12. various stages of life in males and females; varuSam 1. year; period of a year; 3. division of the earth; continent; 4. rain Kharif: refers to the planting, cultivation and harvesting of any domesticated plant sown in the rainy (monsoon) season on the Asian subcontinent. Such crops are planted for autumn harvest and may also be called the summer or monsoon crop in India and Pakistan. Kharif crops are usually sown with the beginning of the first rains in July, during the south-west monsoon season. vizRGga mfn. Deprived of a horn or horns Hariv. ; peakless , deprived of a peak (said of a hill) MBh. ekazRGga mfn. having but one horn , unicorn L. ; having but one peak (as a mountain) T. ; N. of Vishn2u L. 1. varsha-satayns, mfn. reaching an age of 400 years, Mn. i, 83. — varshika, f. (scil. go) a cow 4 years old, L. — vahin, m. ... (with or without ahan)
2. N. of an Ekaha ( 2nd day of the Gavam-ayana sacrifice), SBr. xii ; TindyaBr. iv, 3, 4 ; KatySr. ; Laty.
vizRGga a. hornless, topless. vizrAnta mfn. reposed , rested or ceased from (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; reposing , taking rest VarBr2S. Pan5cat. ; abated , ceased , stopped Ka1v. Katha1s. ; coming to rest or to an end , reaching to (acc. or comp.) Ka1v. Ra1jat. ; feeling at ease in or with (loc.) R. ; vizramaNa n. resting , relaxation MBh. vizramaNa n. resting , relaxation MBh. Katha1s. BhP. vizrambh, to confide , be confident , trust in or rely on (loc.) BhP. (ind. p. %{-zrabhya} = trustfully , with confidence): Caus. %{-zrambhayati} , to relax , loosen , untie La1t2y. ; to inspire with confidence , encourage MBh. Vizrambh--VRSabha jIrvi m. = %{pazu} or %{parzu} (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54/55 ; a cart Un2. vr2. ; the body ib.
vRSabha-skandha mfn. having shoulders like a bull , broad-shouldered R. vRSabha mfn. (cf. %{RSabha}) manly , mighty , vigorous , strong (applied like % {vRSan} to animate and inanimate objects) RV. AV. ; m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a bull (in Veda epithet of various gods , as of Indra , Br2ihas-pati , Parjanya &c. ; according to Sa1y. = %{varSayitR} , `" a showerer of bounties , benefactor "') RV. & the zodiacal sign Taurus VarBr2S. vRSabha ; a partic. drug, described as a root brought from the Himalaya mountains , resembling the horn of a bull.
The south-west monsoon forms in the Himalayan Mountains. Varṣā (monsoon) gavām-medha [ gavAmmedha ] vRSa m. sacrifice of cows, MBh. iii, 8040 ; xiii, 5231 and 5378. m. man, husband, male of animals, esp. bull (old only ---), w. {gavAm} the first of the dice; i.g. chief or best of (gen. or ---); E. of €iva, Vis2n2u, etc., N. of sev. men.
vRSa 1 m. (prob. later form of %{vRSan}) a man , male , husband Ka1s3i1Kh. ; the male of any animal (see %{azva-v-}) ; a bull (in older language only ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1012,1] ; the zodiacal sign Taurus VarBr2S. ; %{vRSo@gavAm} or simply % {vRSaH} , the bull among cows , the principal die in a game at dice ;
ayana mfn. going VS. xxii , 7 Nir. ; (%{am}) n. walking a road a path RV. advancing , precession Su1ryas. ; (with gen [e.g. %{a4ngirasAm} , %{AdityA4nam} , %{gavAm} , &c.] or ifc.) `" course , circulation "'N. of various periodical sacrificial rites AV. S3Br. &c. the sun's road north and south of the equator , the half year Mn. &c. , the equinoctial and solstitial points VarBr2S. &c. ; way , progress , manner S3Br. ; place of refuge Mn. i
gAvAmayanika mfn. belonging to the ceremony called %{gavAm-ayana} Nya1yam. gavAmayana n. id. AitBr. iv , 17 A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. iii , 8080. gAvAmayanika mfn. belonging to the ceremony called %{gavAm-ayana} Nya1yam. jIrvi m. = %{pazu} or %{parzu} (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54/55 ; a cart Un2. vr2. ; the body ib. pazu or {pazu3} m. cattle (singly or coll.), animal. esp. domestic a. or sacrificial victim an animal sacrifice AitA1r. BhP. ; Tamil :pazu-ttal 01 1. to ripen, grow ripe, as fruits, grain; As in the season of ripening. agnISomiya mfn. related or sacred to Agni and Soma AV. &c. , (%{agniSomiya}) %{- nirvApa} m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma , a ceremony in the Dars3apu1rn2ama1sa sacrifice ; %{-pazu} m. a victim paripazavya mfn. (%{pazu}) relating to the sacrificial victim S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. parazu m. a hatchet , axe , the axe pazu m. (instr. %{pazu4nA} or %{-zva} ; dat. %{pa4zve} or %{paza4ve} ; gen. % {pazva4s} or %{-zos} ; du. %{pazvA4} ; acc. pl. %{pazva4s} or %{-zU4n}) cattle , kine (orig. any tethered animal "' ; singly or collect. `" a herd "') , a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to %{mRga} , `" wild animal ; 5 kinds are enumerated , `" men , kine , horses , goats and sheep "' [AV. xi , 2 , 9 &c.] , to parazumat mfn. having an axe RV.
Commentary on Gavamayana
The Mahavrata in the form described in the Sahkhayana Aranyaka is the ceremonial performed on the second last day of the Gavamayana Sattra, a sacrifice extending over a year and symbolic of the year. As a form of the Agnistoma the ritual feature of the day is its division into three parts, the morning, midday, and evening pressings of the Soma and their accompanying Stotras of the Saman singers and Sastras of the Hotrs. In the accepted system of the Vedic sacrifices the Mahavrata forms the second last day of the Gavamayana Sattra, which lasts a year and is a symbol of the year. There can, however, be no doubt that this position of the day is rather artificial, and that the Mahavrata marks the commencement of the year. The priestly ingenuity, which has transferred the Mahavrata to the second last day of the year, has created a duplicate in the Caturvimia, the second day of the Gavamayana, but it is easy to see through so obvious a manipulation. goog_djvu.txt Much more obscure is the relation of the Mahavrata and the Visuvant day, which in the accepted system is reckoned as the middle of the Gavamayana. Professor Hillebrandt ^ has Expressed the view that the Visuvant and the Mahavrata have been changed in place by the priests, and that originally the Mahavrata fell on the Summer solstice, and the Visuvant began the year at the Winter solstice. The view is extremely plausible and supported by strong arguments, so that it deserves full and careful consideration.
Now prayers to Siirya are most naturally connected With the efforts required at the Winter solstice to rescue the sun From destruction and death, while Indra's season is the breaking of the monsoon about the Summer solstice, when he overcomes Vrtra, the demon of drought, and waxes great.*