Aquatic Movement
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AQUATIC MOVEMENT: Swamp ×1 ×¾ ×½ Whenever a mount runs out of control, a DC 5 check Frozen Tundra ×1 ×¾ ×¾ is required to stay on the mount. DC 10 is used if the OFF mount is ill-suited for riding. CONDITION MOVEMENT BALANCE
Freedom of Movement Normal No HAMPERED MOVEMENT: Has swim speed Normal No CONDITION ADDITIONAL MOVEMENT COST CARRYING CAPACITY: Successful swim check ¼ or ½2 No Difficult Terrain ×2 ST Firm footing1 ½ No Obstacle1 ×2 R LIGHT LOAD MEDIUM LOAD HEAVY LOAD None of the above Normal Yes Poor Visibility ×2 1 3 lbs. 6 lbs. 10 lbs. 1 Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced Impassible - 2 6 lbs. 13 lbs. 20 lbs. against a ship’s hull, or the like. A creature can only walk along the Forced March2 - 3 10 lbs. 20 lbs. 30 lbs. bottom if it wears or carries enough gear to weigh itself down - at 1 least 16 pounds for Medium creatures, twice that for each size May require skill check. 4 13 lbs. 26 lbs. 40 lbs. 2 Marching beyond 8 hours requires a constitution check (DC 10, +2 category larger than Medium, and half that for each size category 5 16 lbs. 33 lbs. 50 lbs. smaller than Medium. per hour beyond 8). Failure causes 1d6 nonlethal damage and fatigue 2 A successful Swim check lets a creature move one-quarter its speed until this damage is healed (naturally or magically). Mounts 6 20 lbs. 40 lbs. 60 lbs. as a move action or one-half its speed as a full-round action. automatically fail this check and take lethal damage instead. 7 23 lbs. 46 lbs. 70 lbs. 8 26 lbs. 53 lbs. 80 lbs. AERIAL MOVEMENT: MOUNTS & VEHICLES: 9 30 lbs. 60 lbs. 90 lbs. 1 33 lbs. 66 lbs. 100 lbs. PERFE AVER CLUM PER PER 0 CT GOOD AGE POOR SY MOUNT/VEHICLE (CARRYING LOAD) HOUR DAY 1 38 lbs. 76 lbs. 115 lbs. Forwar Light horse or warhorse 6 48 Non Non 1 d Half Half Half miles miles e e 1 1 43 lbs. 86 lbs. 130 lbs. Speed Light horse (151-450 lbs) 4 32 2 Hover miles miles Yes Yes No No No 1 1 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 150 lbs. ability Light warhorse (231-690 lbs) 4 32 3 Fly miles miles 1 58 lbs. 116 lbs. 175 lbs. Backwa Yes Yes No No No Heavy horse/warhorse 5 40 4 rds miles miles 1 1 66 lbs. 133 lbs. 200 lbs. Reversi Heavy horse (201-600 lbs) 3½ 28 5 ng +5 miles miles Free No No No 1 67 lbs. 153 lbs. 230 lbs. directio ft. Heavy warhorse (301-900 lbs) 3½ 28 1 6 n miles miles 1 86 lbs. 173 lbs. 260 lbs. Turning 90° 45° 45° 45° Pony or warpony 4 32 Any 7 in flight 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. miles miles 1 1 100 lbs. 200 lbs. 300 lbs. Turn In +90° +45° Pony (76-225 lbs) 3 24 Any No No 8 Place -5 ft. -5 ft. miles miles 1 1 116 lbs. 233 lbs. 350 lbs. Upwar Warpony (101-300 lbs) 3 24 Any Any 60° 45° 45° 9 d angle miles miles 2 133 lbs. 266 lbs. 400 lbs. Upwar Donkey or mule 3 24 Full Half Half Half Half 0 d speed miles miles 1 2 153 lbs. 306 lbs. 460 lbs. Down Donkey (51-150 lbs) 2 16 Any Any Any 45° 45° 1 angle miles miles 1 2 173 lbs. 346 lbs. 520 lbs. Down Mule (231-690 lbs) 2 16 ×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 2 speed miles miles 2 200 lbs. 400 lbs. 600 lbs. Swoopi +10 +20 Riding dog 4 32 0 ft. 0 ft. +5 ft. 3 ng cost ft. ft. miles miles Riding dog (101-300 lbs) 1 3 24 2 233 lbs. 466 lbs. 700 lbs. miles miles 4 LAND MOVEMENT: Cart or wagon 2 16 2 266 lbs. 533 lbs. 800 lbs. 1 1 1 miles miles 5 RND. MIN. 1 HR. DAY Raft or barge (poled or towed) ½ mile 5 2 306 lbs. 613 lbs. 920 lbs. Walk ×1 ×10 ×600 ×4,8 2 miles 6 2 00 Keelboat (rowed) 2 1 10 2 346 lbs. 693 lbs. 1,040 lbs. 1 Hustle ×2 ×20 ×1,2 - miles miles 7 00 Rowboat (rowed) 2 1½ 15 2 400 lbs. 800 lbs. 1,200 lbs. Run (×3) ×3 ×30 - - miles miles 8 Run (×4) ×4 ×40 - - Sailing ship (sailed or rowed) 2 48 2 466 lbs. 933 lbs. 1,400 lbs. 1 A character can hustle (move at double speed) for 1 hour without a 9 problem. Hustling for a second hour in between sleep cycles deals 1 miles miles
point of nonlethal damage, and each additional hour deals twice the Warship (sailed or rowed) 2½ 60 + ×4 ×4 ×4 damage taken during the previous hour of hustling. A character who miles miles 1 takes any nonlethal damage from hustling becomes fatigued until this Longship (sailed or rowed) 3 72 0 damage is healed (naturally or magically). Mounts take lethal damage A larger bipedal creature can carry more weight depending on its size instead. miles miles category, as follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. 2 Land movement the character’s base speed (in feet) multiplied by Galley (sailed or rowed) 4 96 A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its size time. One mile is exactly 5,280 feet. One full day of travel is equivalent miles miles category, as follows: Small ×¾, Tiny ×½, Diminutive ×¼, Fine ×⅛. to 8 hours of walking. 1 Quadrupeds, such as horses, can carry heavier loads than characters can. See Carrying Capacity for more information. Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than characters can. Instead of 2 the multipliers given above, multiply the value corresponding to the TERRAIN & OVERLAND MOVEMENT: Rafts, barges, keelboats, and rowboats are used on lakes and rivers. If going downstream, add the speed of the current (typically 3 miles creature’s Strength score from Table: Carrying Capacity by the ROAD/TR TRACKLES per hour) to the speed of the vehicle. In addition to 10 hours of being appropriate modifier, as follows: Fine ×¼, Diminutive ×½, Tiny ×¾, Small ×1, Medium ×1½, Large ×3, Huge ×6, Gargantuan ×12, Colossal TERRAIN HIGHWAY AIL S rowed, the vehicle can also float an additional 14 hours, if someone can guide it, so add an additional 42 miles to the daily distance ×24. Sandy Desert ×1 ×½ ×½ traveled. These vehicles can’t be rowed against any significant Forest ×1 ×1 ×½ current, but they can be pulled upstream by draft animals on the CARRYING LOADS: Hills ×1 ×¾ ×½ shores. L Jungle ×1 ×¾ ×¼ Moor ×1 ×1 ×¾ RIDING IN A SADDLE: O A MAX SKILL < 30 < 50 < 60 Mountains ×2/×3 ×¾ ×½ D DEX PEN. FT. FT. FT. Plains ×1 ×1 ×¾
Page | 1 3 If the character has some help, cut this time in half. A single M +3 -3 -5 ft. -10 -15 ft. TYPE DESCRIPTION character doing nothing else can help one or two adjacent characters. e ft. Two characters can’t help each other don armor at the same time. Calm Light winds (0 to 10 mph). d 4 The wearer must have help to don this armor. Without help, it can Cold Between 0°F and 40°F1. be donned only hastily. H +1 -6 -5 ft. -10 -15 ft. Cold snap Lower temperature by 10°F. v ft. Downpour Treat as rain. Conceals like fog2. y MOVEMENT THROUGH TIGHT SPACES: Heat wave Raises temperature by 10°F. You can move into a space that is ½ as wide as a Hot Between 85°F and 110°F1. ILLUMINATION: normal space. Movement is reduced to ½ speed. Moderate Between 40°F and 60°F1. You suffer a -4 to attacks and AC. Moving through 3 SHADO DURATI Powerful Wind speeds over 50 mph . smaller spaces requires an Escape Artist check. OBJECT BRIGHT WY ON storm Candle None1 5 ft. 1 hr. Precipitation Roll for fog, rain, snow, sleet, 4 Everburning Torch 20 ft. 40 ft. Perm. WIND EFFECTS ON CREATURES: hail . Storm Roll for Lamp, common 15 ft. 15 ft. 6 REATURE ORT C F 5 1 dust/snow/thunderstorm . hr./pn WIND SIZE EFFECT DC Warm Between 60°F and 85°F1. t Light Any None - Lantern, bullseye2 60 ft. 120 ft. 6 Windy Moderate winds (10 to 30 Moderat Any None - 6 hr./pn 2 mph) . e 1 Noted temperature is during the day. Night time temperature is 10°F t Tiny or less Knocked 10 to 20°F cooler. Lantern, hooded 30 ft. 60 ft. 6 2 Downpours can create floods which hinders adventuring. A 3 down hr./pn Strong downpour can last up to 2d4 hours. Small or None - 3 Powerful storms are generally in four categories: windstorms, t larger blizzards, hurricanes, and tornados. A blizzard is accompanied by 1d3 Sunrod 30 ft. 60 ft. 6 hr. Tiny Blown away 15 feet of snow. Hurricanes are accompanied by downpours. Windstorms Torch 20 ft. 40 ft. 1 hr. last for 1d6 hours. Blizzards last for 1d3 days. Tornadoes form as part Small Knocked 10 of a thunderstorm system and last for 1d6×10 minutes. Continual Flame 20 ft. 40 ft. Perm. down 4 Severe4 Use a percentile dice to determine precipitation type: fog (1-30), Dancing Lights 20 40 1 min. Medium Checked 5 rain/snow (31-90), or sleet/hail (91-100).Snow and sleet occur only ft./ea ft./ea when the temperature is 30°F or below. Hail only lasts 1d20 minutes Large or None - and is accompanied by 1d4 hours of rain. Daylight 60 ft. 120 ft. 30 larger 5 Visibility is cut by ¾. Storms last for 2d4-1 hours. min. Small or less Blown away 18 6 Moderate and more intense winds have a chance to blow out fires, Light 20 ft. 40 ft. 10 deflect ranged weapons, and make Spot, Search, and Listen checks Medium Knocked 13 difficult. min. down 1 A candle does not provide bright illumination, only shadowy Windsto Large or Checked 8 illumination. rm5 2 A bullseye lantern illuminates a cone, not a radius. huge COLD CLIMATES: Gargantuan None - WEATH RESTING & SLEEP: Colossal None - ER CLIMATE MODIFIER A character regenerates 1HP per level + CON Medium or Blown away 20 1-70 Cold, calm. Modifier per day of rest (8 hours). If sleeping in a less 71-80 Heat wave (1-30) or cold snap (31-100). Large Knocked 15 81-90 Precipitation (snow). bed, that number is multiplied by 1½. A character Hurrican down that sleeps in medium or heavy armor is e6 91-99 Snowstorm. automatically fatigued the next day (the Endurance Huge Checked 10 100 Blizzard. feat negates this effect). Subdual damage heals 1HP Gargantuan None - per level + CON modifier per hour. Temporary ability Colossal None - TEMPERATE CLIMATES: Large or less Blown away 30 damage is healed by 1 point per day of rest to each WEATH ability score. Huge Knocked 25 7 ER CLIMATE MODIFIER Tornado down 1 Gargantuan Checked 20 1-70 Normal for season . GETTING LOST: Colossal None - 71-80 Heat wave (1-50) or cold snap (51-100). A failed Survival check randomly determines the 1 Flying or airborne creatures are treated as one size category smaller 81-90 Precipitation. direction to be travelled. To recognize that the than their actual size. 91-99 Thunderstorm or snowstorm2. 2 player is lost requires a Survival check (DC 15, +2 per Wind of this velocity has a 50% chance of extinguishing unprotected 100 Windstorm, blizzard, hurricane, tornado. flames. 1 Winter is cold, summer is warm, spring and autumn are moderate. hour of random travel) each hour of being lost. To 3 Gusts of this velocity automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Marsh regions are slightly warmer in the winter. set a course, a Survival check result determines the Listen checks suffer a -2 penalty. 2 Snowstorms happen only during the winter. correct direction to head in. Multiple characters can 4 Automatically extinguishes open flames. Has a 50% chance to extinguish covered flames. Listen checks suffer -2 penalty. make the attempt. 5 Blows out unprotected flames and has 75% chance to extinguish DESERT CLIMATES: LOCATION SURVIVAL DC covered flames. Listen check suffer a -8 penalty. 6 1 All fames extinguished. Listen checks are impossible. WEATH Moor or hill 6 7 Extinguish all flames. Listen checks are impossible. ER CLIMATE MODIFIER Mountain1 12 Poor visibility 12 1-70 Hot, calm. WIND EFFECTS ON RANGED WEAPONS: Forest 15 71-80 Hot, windy. 1 A map that accompanies the terrain lowers the Survival DC by 2. RANGED SIEGE 81-90 Hot, windy. WIND MPH ATTACK WEAPONS1 91-99 Duststorm. DONNING ARMOR: Light 0-11 - - 100 Downpour. Moderat 11-20 - - ARMOR DON e TYPE DON HASTILY REMOVE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Strong 21-30 -2 - Shield 1 move - 1 move FOG: Severe 31-50 -2 - act. act. Whether in the form of a low-lying cloud or a mist Windsto 51-74 Impossible -4 Light1 1 min. 5 rounds 1 min.3 rising from the ground, fog obscures all sight, rm Medium 1 min.3 1 min. 1 min.3 including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet 2 Hurrican 75- Impossible -8 away have concealment (attacks by or against them e 174 Heavy 4 min.4 4 min.3 1d4+1 have a 20% miss chance). 3 Tornado 175+ Impossible Impossible min. 1 Siege weapon categories includes ballistae, catapults, and boulders 1 Hide is considered light armor for this particular activity. ACID EFFECTS: 2 thrown by giants. Banded mail and split mail are considered medium armor for this Corrosive acid deals 1d6 points of damage per round particular activity. of exposure. Total immersion deals 10d6 damage WEATHER PATTERNS: per round. A hurled vile of acid counts as exposure.
Page | 2 Fumes from acidic liquids are inhaled and count as or above) deals lethal damage. Breathing air in these When a creature is infected with a poison, it must poisons. A creature must make a Fortitude save (DC temperatures deals 1d6 damage (no save). A make an initial Fortitude save. If failed, the creature 13) or take 1 point of Constitution damage. You must fortitude save is required every 5 minutes. Heavy suffers primary damage immediately. After 1 minute make another save 1 minute later for another 1d4 clothing or armor appends a -4 penalty to the save. after initial exposure, the creature must make Constitution damage. Creatures immune to acid, Boiling water deals 1d6 points of damage, unless the another Fortitude save or suffer the secondary while immersed, can still drown. character is immersed, in which case it deals 10d6 consequences. This list also includes Ravages from points of damage per round. the Book of Exalted Deeds which function like COLD DANGERS: poisons. An unprotected creature in cold weather (below CATCHING ON FIRE: 40°F) must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1 per A reflex save (DC 15) avoids catching fire when POISONS ABSORBED THROUGH CONTACT: previous check) each hour or take 1d6 nonlethal exposed to open flames or magic. Otherwise, a D SECONDAR damage. If below 0°F, the rate of saves is increased character takes 1d6 points of damage immediately. POISON C PRIMARY Y to 10 minutes. A character that takes damage from Each subsequent round a new reflex save is required 1 Transfor exposure succumbs to frostbite (treat as fatigued). to put out the flame or suffer another 1d6 points of Aboleth oil 9 0 m1 Extreme cold (-20°F or below) deal lethal damage. damage. Flammable items may increase the reflex 1 DC by 5 and increase the damage to 1d8 if failed. Anemis 6 1d4 Str 2d4 Str ICE EFFECTS: 2 Movement cost is doubled when walking on ice. The LAVA EFFECTS: Balor bile 5 1d6 Str 1d6 Str DC for Tumble and Balance checks increases by +5. Lava deals 2d6 points of damage per round of 2 Prolonged contact with ice may run the risk of taking exposure. If totally immersed, it deals 20d6 points of Black lotus extract 0 3d6 Con 3d6 Con damage (See: Cold Dangers). damage per round. Damage from magma continues 1 for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases but the Carrion crawler juice 3 Paralysis2 - DARKNESS: damage is half of that dealt during actual contact. 1 1d4 Str, Creatures with normal vision (or low-light vision) can Crippling vine 3 Con - be rendered completely blind by putting out the SMOKE EFFECTS: 2 lights (See: Blindness). A blind creature can make A character who breathes heavy smoke must make a Dragon bile 6 3d6 Str - Listen checks to locate enemies. Creatures with the Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per round) each round or 2 Blindness Blindnes Scent ability automatically locate unseen creatures. spend that round choking and coughing. A character Eyeblast 2 3 s3 who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6 1 points of nonlethal damage. Smoke obscures vision, 5 FALLING: Golden Ice 4 1d6 Dex 2d6 Dex A creature takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 ft. giving concealment (20% miss chance) to characters 2 fallen, to a maximum of 20d6. A deliberate jump within it. Horror weed extract 0 1 Wis 2d4 Wis instead of slipping and falling deals nonlethal 1 damage for the first 10 ft. A DC 15 Jump or Tumble STARVATION & THIRST: Malyss root paste 6 1 Dex 2d4 Dex check negates the damage for the first 10 ft. or Under normal or cold conditions, a medium sized 1 renders the damage nonlethal if the fall was creature requires a gallon of water and a pound of Mesmer paste 5 Dazzled 1d4 Int accidental. Falling on soft surfaces deals nonlethal food per day in order to avoid starvation. In hot 1 damage for the first 10 ft. Falling into water deals no conditions, the water requirement increases to two Nitharit 3 - 3d6 Con damage for the first 20 ft., nonlethal damage for the gallons of water. A character can go without 1 next 20 ft (1d3 per 10 ft. increment), and lethal sustenance for 2 days (water) and 3 days (food) plus Sassone leaf residue 6 2d12 hp 1d6 Con damage thereafter (1d6 per additional 10 ft. his CON modifier. During starvation, the creature 1 increment). A diving into water (DC 15 + 5 per 50ft.) suffers 1d4 Constitution damage. When its Sleeping weed 3 Slowed 1d4 Dex negates the damage. Constitution reaches 0, the creature dies. 1 Terinav root 6 1d6 Dex 2d6 Dex 1 Blindnes FALLING OBJECTS: SUFFOCATION: Thever paste 2 - s3 An object must fall its minimum distance to deal A creature that has no air to breathe can hold their 2 lethal damage, otherwise it deals nonlethal damage. breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. A Vilestar 4 2d6 Str4 2d6 Str4 An object deals damage per every 10 ft. increment it Fortitude save (DC 10, +3 per round) is required 1 falls, to a maximum of ×20 damage die. A reflex save every round after the time has expired. If failed, the creature begins to suffocate and immediately drops Wraith sheen 6 1d2 Con 1d2 Con of DC 15 negates the effects of falling objects 100lbs 1 Effect is delayed by 1d4+1 minutes. or lighter. An object that yields to impacts always to 0 hit points. The creature then loses 1 hit point 2 Effect lasts for 2d6 minutes. deals nonlethal damage. per round and is considered dying. At -10 hit points, 3 Effect is permanent the creature dies. 4 Effect is considered vile damage. MINIMUM 5 Damage is considered good aligned and only affects evil creatures. OBJECT WEIGHT DISTANCE DAMAGE DEALT WATER DANGERS: 1-5lbs 30 ft. 1d2 6-10lbs 20 ft. 1d4 Any character can wade through water that isn’t 11-30lbs 10 ft. 1d6 over his head. No check is required. Calm water POISONS ABSORBED BY INGESTION: 31-50lbs 5 ft. 1d8 requires a Swim check (DC 10). Fast-moving water D 51-100lbs - 1d10 requires a DC 15 save or DC 15 Strength check. Rapid POISON C PRIMARY SECONDARY 101-200lbs - 1d12 water deals 1d3 nonlethal damage due to battering and 1d6 lethal damage if rocks are present. For 1 1d4 Wis, every 100 ft. under water, a character takes 1d6 Adlevine extract 4 Con1 2d6 Wis HEAT DANGERS: damage due to the intense pressure. A successful 1 Heat deals nonlethal damage and cannot be Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) Arsenic 3 1 Con 1d8 Con recovered until the character cools off. If rendered negates the damage. Very cold water deals 1d6 Celestial 2 unconscious through the accumulation of nonlethal nonlethal damage per minute. lightsblood 0 1d4 Dex 1d4 Con damage, the character begins to take lethal damage Cretel leaf 1 1d4 Con, at the same rate. For each hour in 90°F or above DROWNING: residue 4 Dex1 1d6 Con heat, a creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, 1 +1 per hour) or take 1d4 nonlethal damage. In 110°F A drowning character can suffer from damage due to Culum powder 2 1 Dex 1d4 Dex or above heat, the save must be made every 10 the lack of air (See: Suffocation). It is possible to Dark reaver 1 1d6 Con, minutes. Any nonlethal damage from the heat drown in other substances, such as sand, fine dust, powder 8 2d6 Con Str causes heatstroke and the creature becomes and silos of grain. 1 1d4 Dex, fatigued. These penalties end when the character Faralin 4 Str1 1d6 Con recovers from the damage. Extreme heat (of 140°F POISONS:
Page | 3 1 0 0 Id moss 4 1d4 Int 2d6 Int 2 1 1 Devilseye8 1 1 SR 1d3 SR Possession infection1 7 1 1d6 Wis, Cha Lich dust 7 2d6 Str 1d6 Str 1 Unconscio Unconscio 1 1 Can't Drow poison 3 us1 us3 Shakes 3 1 1d8 Dex Lockjaw 1 speak3 2d6 Con Fang dragon 1 1 1 Unconscio venom 5 1 Con6 - Slimy doom 4 1 1d4 Con2 Oil of taggit 5 - us2 Giant wasp 1 1 1d 1 poison 8 1d6 Dex 1d6 Dex Sound sickness 8 3 1d6 Dex2 Retch 5 Nausea 1d4 Con 2 1 1 2d6 Wis, Gray whinnis 0 1d4 Con Paralysis4 Vile rigidity 9 1 Special Striped toadstool 1 1 Wis Int 1 2 1 A +2 bonus is given to this ability score. Greenblood oil 3 1 Con 1d2 Con Warp touch1 0 - Special 2 Effect lasts for 1d3 hours. 3 Effect is permanent. 1 2 1d8 Str, Dex, Haluroot 3 1d2 Wis 1d2 Wis Deathsong 5 1 Con 1 1d4 Int, 1 POISONS THAT ARE INHALED: Jade water 4 1d4 Wis Wis Lightning curse 8 1 1d6 Int D SECONDAR 1 2 Only magical healing can remove the disease. 2 POISON C PRIMARY Y 7 When damaged, character must succeed on another saving throw or Lifebane 0 1d6 Con 1d6 Con take 1 point of permanent drain instead. 1 1 Asabi mist 2 1d4 Con 1d4 Con Couatl venom 6 2d4 Str 4d4 Str DISEASES ABSORBED BY INGESTION: 1 Purple worm 2 Basilisk breath4 7 1d6 Con 1d6 Con D DA poison 4 1d6 Str 2d6 Str DISEASE C YS DAMAGE 1 Confusi Redek vine 1 1 1d Brain dust 2 on 1d4 Wis extract 7 2d6 Dex - Blinding sickness 6 3 1d4 Str1 Burning angelwing 1 1 1 1d fumes 8 1d6 Cha 2d6 Cha Rill leaf 4 1d2 Cha 1d4 Cha Depraved decadence 8 6 1d4 Str 1 1 2 Burnt othur fumes 8 1 Con1 3d6 Con Scorpion poison9 0 1d2 Str 1d2 Str 1 Pride in vain 0 1 1d6 Cha 1 1 Each time the victim takes 2 or more damage from the disease, he Insanity mist 5 1d4 Wis 2d6 Wis Scorpion venom 8 1d6 Str 1d6 Str must make another Fortitude save or be permanently blinded. 1 1 Ishentav 3 1d6 Str 1d6 Str Shadow essence 7 1 Str1 2d6 Str DISEASES THAT ARE INHALED: 2 1 1d2 Str, D DA Mist of Nourn 5 1d8 Con 1d8 Con Shreef oil 2 Dex 1d2 Str DISEASE C YS DAMAGE 1 1 1 Raeliss smoke 5 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha Spider venom9 0 1d2 Str 1d2 Str Cackle fever 6 1 1d6 Wis 1 1 1 1 Roshon vapor 5 1d4 Int 1d6 Dex Unicorn blood 7 1d3 Str 1d4 Str Fire taint 8 1 1d6 Wis1 1 1 1 1d Sasson juice 8 1d4 Dex 1d4 Dex Vapid leaf extract 6 Dazed5 2d6 Int Haunting conscience 6 3 1d4 Wis 1 Lose 1 2 2 Scorcher fumes 8 scent 1d4 Wis Wyvern poison 7 2d6 Con 2d6 Con 2 1 all 1 all 1 Effect lasts 1d3 hours. Life blindness 1 1 Special Sufferfume 0 scores scores 2 Effect lasts 2d6 minutes. 1 3 1 Blindnes Effect lasts 2d4 hours. Mindfire 2 1 1d4 Int 4 Effect lasts 1d6 × 10 minutes. 3 Thever fumes 8 - s 5 Effect lasts 1 round. 1 1 6 Effect is permanent. Raging desire 5 1 1d3 Con 7 1 Ungol dust 5 1 Cha 1d6 Cha1 Damage is considered vile. When damaged, character must succeed on another saving throw or 8 Only effects outsiders, otherwise it’s harmless. take 1 point of permanent drain instead. 1 9 Poison is based on the size category of the centipede it was taken Urthanyk 9 1d6 Str 1d6 Str from. The values assumed are from a Tiny creature. For every size ISEASES BSORBED HROUGH NJURY 1 One point of this damage is permanent, the rest are temporary. category higher, increase the DC by 4 and increase the damage die up D A T I : 2 Effect lasts for 1d6 × 10 minutes. one size category. D DA 3 Effect is permanent. DISEASE C YS DAMAGE 4 Only effects outsiders, otherwise has no effect. DISEASES: 1 1d Diseases work much in the same way as Poisons but Acid fever 8 3 1d6 Str1 POISONS ABSORBED THROUGH INJURY: require an incubation period before doing any 1 D damage. A Fortitude save is required to negate the Demon fever3 8 1 1d6 Con1 POISON C PRIMARY SECONDARY disease. This list also includes Afflictions from the 1 1d 1 Book of Exalted Deeds which function like diseases. Devil chills2 4 4 1d4 Str Alforna 1 1d2 Str Fatigue 2 1d 1 Unconscio DISEASES ABSORBED THROUGH CONTACT: Faceless hate 0 4 1d6 Str, Con 1 Banelar essence 1 2d4 Con us D DA 1 1d 1d3 Dex, 1d3 2 DISEASE C YS DAMAGE Filth fever 2 3 Con Bebilith venom 0 1d6 Con 2d6 Con 1 1d 1 Black adder 1 1 Consuming passion 7 3 1d4 Int Fridgid ravaging 8 1 1d6 Con venom 1 1d6 Con 1d6 Con 2 1d8 Str, Dex, 2 1d 1 1d4 Con, Deathsong 5 1 Con Iron corruption 4 3 1d4 Con Bloodroot 2 - Wis 1 1 1 Unconscio 2 Eternal torpor 4 1 1d6 Dex Misery's passage 5 ~ 1d6 Str Blue whinnis 4 1 Con us1 1 1 1d 1 Lightning curse 8 1 1d6 Int2 Red ache 5 3 1d6 Str Centipede poison9 0 1 Dex 1 Dex 1 When damaged, character must succeed on another saving throw or 1 1d 1d4 Str, Dex, take 1 point of permanent drain instead. 1 2 2 Melting fury 6 6 Con victim must make three successful saving throws instead of one. Choldrith toxin 5 Paralysis 2d4 Con 3 Mummy rot1 2 1 1d6 Con Only magic can remove this disease. Deathblade 2 1d6 Con 2d6 Con
Page | 4 half damage. Certain attacks can ignore hardness if Coral 8 15 DISEASES BROUGHT ON BY SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: the object is especially vulnerable. Crystal, Deep 10 30 D DA Crystal, Mundane 8 25 DISEASE C YS DAMAGE OBJECT SIZE & ARMOR CLASS: Darkwood 5 10 Dendrit 9 20 1 1d LENGTH/HEIG WEIG STATIONARY 1 Dragonhide 10 10 Blue guts 4 3 1d4 Str SIZE HT HT A AC Frystalline 10 15 2 Colossal +64 ft. > -C -5 2 Gehennan Morghuth-Iron 9 20 Festering anger 2 ~ Special 125 t 8 Glass 1 1 2 1d Gargant 32-64 ft. 125 t - -1 3 Ice 0 3 Soul rot 3 8 1d6 Wis, Cha uan 4 1 Iron/steel/Ironwood/cold iron 10 30 Brought on by eating the flesh of disgusting creatures, like oozes. Huge 16-32 ft. 16 t - 1 2 Brought on by intense anger. Leather/hide 2 5 3 2 Brought on by eating the flesh of an outsider. Large 8-16 ft. 2 t - 2 Living Bloodwood 8 30 NATURAL DUNGEON HAZARDS: Medium 4-8 ft. 500 01 3 Mithral 15 30 GREEN SLIME (CR 4): lb Netherforged 10 30 Green slime organic material or metal on contact. A Small 2-4 ft. 60 lb + 4 Obdurium 30 60 single 5 ft. square of green slime deals 1d6 Tiny 1-2 ft. 8 lb +1 5 Paper/cloth 0 2 Pearlsteel 10 30 Constitution damage per round. The slime can be Diminuti 6-12 in. 1 lb +2 7 Rimefire Ice 3 5 scraped off a creature on the first round. After that, ve 4 the slime must be frozen, burned or cut away. Riverine -3 -3 Fine < 6 in. lb + 11 ⅛ Rope 0 2 Anything that deals cold or fire damage, sunlight, or 8 a remove disease spell destroys the slime. Against ITEM HARDNESS: Runemetal 8 20 wood or metal, the slime deals 2d6 points of HARDNE Serren Wood 5 10 damage, ignoring metal’s hardness. ITEM SS HP1 Solanian Truesteel 11 25 Light blade 10 2 Spellwood 8 15 YELLOW MOLD (CR 6): One-handed blade 10 5 Starmetal 20 40 Yellow mold is dormant if undisturbed. If touched, it Two-handed blade 10 10 Stone 8 15 bursts forth with a cloud of poisonous spores. All Light metal-hafted weapon 10 10 Stygian Ice 3 5 within 10 ft. of the mold must make a Fortitude (DC One-handed metal-hafted 10 20 Wood 5 10 15) or take 1d6 Constitution damage for every weapon DOOR HARDNESS: minute in the cloud. Fire and sunlight destroy mold. Light hafted weapon 5 2 HARDNE H STRENGTH One-handed hafted weapon 5 5 TYPE SS P DC BROWN MOLD (CR 2): Two-handed hafted weapon 5 10 Simple wooden (1 5 1 131 Brown mold feeds on heat. All creatures within 5 ft. Buckler 10 5 in.) 0 of it take 3d6 nonlethal cold damage. The mold Light wooden shield 5 7 Good wooden (1.5 5 1 161 grows rapidly if a flame is brought close to it. Heavy wooden shield 5 15 in.) 5 Light steel shield 10 10 Strong wooden (2 5 2 231 PHOSPHORESCENT FUNGUS (NO CR) Heavy steel shield 10 20 in.) 0 This underground fungus gives off light and can be Tower shield 5 20 Stone (4 in.) 8 6 281 cultivated for food. Projectile weapon 5 5 0 Armor Special AC Iron (2 in.) 10 6 281 2 CAVE-INS AND COLLAPSES (CR 8): ×5 0 1 The HP value given is for Medium items. Divide by 2 for each size A cave-in buries anyone in the middle of the category smaller, or multiply by 2 for each size category larger. Padlock 15 3 - collapsing area (within a 15 ft. radius), and sliding 2 See the material type for hardness. 0 debris (within 10 ft.) damages anyone in the Hinge 10 3 - periphery of the collapse. A Knowledge architecture, 0 OBJECT HARDNESS: dungeoneering, or stonemasonry check (DC 20) Wood bar (4 in.) - - 25 HARDNE H BREAK DC reveals the weakness. Characters in the bury zone Iron bar (4 in.) - - 30 OBJECT SS P (STR) take 8d6 damage. Characters in the sliding zone take Wooden portcullis 15 3 25 3d6 damage. A reflex save (DC 15) halves the Rope (1 in. thick) 0 2 23 0 damage. Chain 10 5 26 Iron portcullis 10 6 25 Manacles 10 1 26 0 0 1 For doors that are locked, add an extra 2 DC for the Strength check. BREAKING ITEMS: Masterwork 10 1 28 Characters may break an item with a Strength check manacles 0 instead. For every size category larger than Medium, WALL HARDNESS: Chest 5 1 17 a creature gains a +4 bonus. A -4 penalty is imposed HARDN H BREAK CLIMB Treasure Chest 5 1 23 on creatures smaller than medium per size category. TYPE (THICKNESS) ESS P DC DC 5 If an item’s hit points is below half, its break DC Masonry (1 ft.) 8 9 35 20 decreases by 2. 0 MATERIAL HARDNESS: Superior 8 9 35 25 BREAKING OBJECTS WITH A WEAPON: HARDNE HP masonry 0 Attack the object as normal. If you spend a full round MATERIAL SS 1 Reinforced 8 1 45 15 lining up an attack with an object, you automatically Abyssal Bloodiron 10 30 8 hit and gain a +5 bonus on damage rolls. Ranged Adamantine 20 40 0 weapons deal half damage (before subtracting Alchemical silver 8 10 Hewn stone (3 8 5 50 25 hardness). Acid and Sonic attacks deal full damage, Alchemical alloys 10 30 ft.) 4 electrical and fire damage deal half, cold attacks deal Astral Driftmetal 12 30 0 ¼ the damage. Subtract the object’s hardness from Aurorum 10 30 Unworked stone 8 9 65 15 damage dealt. Baatorian Green Steel 12 30 0 Bloodwood (Heartsblood) 8 20 0 OBJECT VULNERABILITIES: Blue Ice 10 20 Iron (3 in.) 10 9 30 25 Vulnerable objects (such as flammable or delicate) Bone 6 10 0 take twice the damage and resistant objects take Bronze 9 20 Paper - 1 1 30 Celestial Steel 20 40 Wood (6 in.) 5 6 20 21
Page | 5 0 Iron bars (1 in.) 10 3 24 15 0 Magically ×10 × +20 - treated1 2 1 magically treated walls requires a the Craft Wondrous Item feat and 1,500gp per 10’×10’ section. Paper walls or thin walls with <50 hit points gain +50 hit points instead of ×2.
COMBAT ACTIONS: Each round represents 6 seconds in the game world. An action’s type essentially tells you how long the action takes to perform. In one round, you may perform one full-round action or a combination of a move action and a standard action. Within a round, you may also do one free action which includes swift and immediate actions.
STANDARD ACTIONS: PROVOKE ACTION TYPE ATK Attack (melee) No Attack (ranged) Yes Attack (unarmed) Yes Activate a magic item No Aid another Maybe1 Bull rush No Cast a spell (1 std action casting Yes time) Concentrate on active spell No Dismiss a spell No Draw a hidden weapon No Drink a potion or apply an oil Yes Escape a grapple No Feint No Light a torch with a Tindertwig Yes Lower spell resistance No Make a dying friend stable Yes Overrun No Read a scroll Yes Ready (triggers a standard action) No Sunder a weapon (attack) Yes Sunder an object (attack) Maybe2 Total defense No Turn or rebuke undead No Use extraordinary ability No Use skill that takes 1 action Usually Use spell-like ability Yes Use supernatural ability No 1 If you aid someone performing an action that would normally provoke an attack of opportunity, then the act of aiding another provokes an attack of opportunity as well. 2 If the object is being held, carried, or worn by a creature, yes. If not, no.
Page | 6 MOVE ACTIONS: A swift action is like a free action but can only be or die. Delivering a Coup De Grace provokes attacks PROVOKE used once per round and only during the player’s from adjacent enemies. You cannot deliver a Coup ACTION TYPE ATK 1 turn. This type of action applies mainly to spells and De Grace against a creature that is immune to Move Yes psionics with the swift action descriptor. critical hits. Control a frightened mount Yes Direct or redirect an active spell No IMMEDIATE ACTIONS: DISARM: Draw a weapon2 No Much like a swift action but can be used at any time You can disarm an opponent with a melee attack. Load a hand/light crossbow Yes during the round. When used, it counts towards a While armed, you knock the weapon to the floor. Open or close a door No swift action usage for that round. You cannot use a While unarmed, you grab the weapon. Wielders of Mount a horse or dismount No swift action and an immediate action during the spiked gauntlets can’t be disarmed. How to Disarm: Move a heavy object Yes same round. 1. You provoke an attack. If damage is dealt, the Pick up an item Yes disarm fails. Sheathe a weapon Yes ACTION DESCRIPTIONS: 2. You and the defender make opposed attack rolls. If either opponent is armed with a two-handed Stand up from prone Yes AID ANOTHER: Ready or lose a shield2 No You can distract or interfere with an opponent by weapon, they gain +4 to this roll. Light weapons Retrieve a stored item Yes engaging in melee combat. First, make an attack roll suffer a -4 penalty. Unarmed is considered a light 1 Regardless of the action, if you move out of a threatened square, you against AC 10. If successful, you friends gain either a weapon. A +4 bonus is granted to the larger usually provoke an attack of opportunity. This column indicates +2 bonus to AC or to their next attack roll against creature per each size category. whether the action itself, not moving, provokes an attack of 3. If successful, the opponent is disarmed. If opportunity. that opponent. Multiple characters can aid the same 2 If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can combine one friend, the effects stack. unsuccessful, the opponent can disarm you with of these actions with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon an attack roll (step 2). His attempt does not Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the provoke an attack. time it would normally take you to draw one. AID ANOTHER (SKILL CHECK): You may help an ally with a skill check by rolling a 10 FULL-ROUND ACTIONS: of higher on the same skill check they attempt. If FEINT: To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense PROVOKE successful, the ally gains a +2 bonus to their skill ACTION TYPE Motive check by the target. Opponent can add his ATK check. base Attack Bonus to his Sense Motive check. If Full attack No successful, opponent loses his Dexterity bonus to AC 1 BULL RUSH: Charge No if attacked by you. This attack must be made before You push an opponent. You must be within 1 size Deliver coup de grace Yes the next turn. Feinting against non-humanoids category of the opponent. How Bull Rush works: Escape from a net Yes grants a -4 penalty. Against a creature with Extinguish flames No Intelligence of less than 2, take a -8 penalty. Light a torch Yes 1. Move into the defender’s square (can be Load a heavy or repeating crossbow Yes combined with a charge). This provokes an attack Lock/unlock weapon in gauntlet Yes of opportunity from each opponent that FIGHT DEFENSIVELY: Prepare to throw splash weapon Yes threatens you, including the defender. Each You can choose to fight defensively when attacking Run Yes attack has a 25% chance of accidentally hitting or as a full attack action. If you do so, you suffer a –4 Use skill that takes 1 round Usually the defender. penalty on all attacks in a round to gain a +2 dodge Use touch spell on up to six friends Yes 2. You and defender make opposed strength checks. bonus to AC for the same round. Withdraw1 No Add +4 bonus for each size category you are 1 May be taken as a standard action if you are limited to taking only a larger than Medium. Add +2 if charging. Defender GRAPPLE: single action in a round. gets a +4 bonus if it has more than two legs. Starting a grapple requires a successful attack roll. If 3. If you succeed, you push the defender back 5 you have multiple attacks, you can grapple many FREE ACTIONS: feet. If you more with the defender, you can push times per round (with lower base Attack Bonuses). PROVOKE an addition 5 feet per 5 points of difference in the How to Grapple: ACTION TYPE ATK roll, but provoke attacks from others. If failed, you 1. You provoke an attack from the opponent. If the 5-foot step No bounce 5 feet backwards. If space is occupied, attack deals damage, the grapple ends. Cast a quickened spell No you fall prone. 2. Make a melee touch attack. If this fails, the Cease concentration on a spell No grapple ends. 1 Drop an item No CASTING DEFENSIVELY: 3. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action. Drop to the floor No If you want to cast a spell without provoking any If you succeed, you’re locked in a grapple. If tied, Prepare spell components for a attacks of opportunity, you must make a the grappler with a higher Base Attack Bonus 1 No spell Concentration check (DC 15 + the level of the spell wins. You deal damage with an unarmed strike. If Speak No you’re casting) to succeed. You lose the spell if you unsuccessful, the attempt is lost. 1 Unless the component is an extremely large or awkward item. fail. 4. To maintain a grapple for subsequent rounds, you must move into the target’s space. This provokes NO ACTIONS: attacks from adjacent enemies (excluding target). CHARGE: PROVOKE Moving elsewhere provokes attacks. If you cannot ACTION TYPE 1. You must at least 10 ft. in a straight line. You may ATK move into the target’s space, the grapple fails. move up to double your speed towards the While grappled, you lose your Dexterity bonus to Delay No target. Nothing may hinder the charge path. You AC, you cannot move (unless to break the must have line of sight. You can’t take 5 ft. step grapple), and you don’t threaten any squares. VARIABLE ACTION TYPES: this round. PROVOKE 2. After moving, make a single melee attack. You get 1 Grapple attempts are automatically lost against creatures two or ACTION TYPE ATK +2 to the attack roll1 and -2 to AC. You gain +2 to more sizes larger. Disarm1 Yes your Strength check when initiating a Bull Rush. Grapple1 Yes OVERRUN: 1 Lances deal double damage when combined with a mounted charge. 1 An overrun attempts to plow past or over a target. Trip an opponent No Readied weapons, such as spears, tridents, and certain other piercing Use feat2 Varies weapons deal double damage when readied (set) and used against a You cannot overrun targets that are two or more 1 These attack forms substitute for a melee attack, not an action. As charging opponent. sizes bigger than you are. How to Overrun: melee attacks, they can be used once in an attack or charge action, one or more times in a full attack action, or even as an attack of opportunity. COUP DE GRACE: 1. You provoke an attack from the defender. 2 The description of a feat defines its effect. The opponent must be helpless. You must be 2. The defender can waive the attack to avoid the adjacent to the target. You automatically hit and overrun1. You run past the opponent if he avoids SWIFT ACTION: score a critical hit. If the defender is still alive, they you. must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt)
Page | 7 3. If the defender blocks, make a Strength check AC improves at the start of this action. You can’t Most skill uses are standard actions, but some might opposed by the defender’s Dexterity or Strength combine total defense with fighting defensively or be move, full, or free actions. Taking 10 can be done check (whichever is higher). A defender gets -4 to with the benefit of the Combat Expertise feat. You as a full-round action without outside distractions, the check for every smaller size category. If can’t make attacks of opportunity while using total such as combat or being threatened. Taking 20 can defender has more than two legs, it gains a +4 defense. take multiple rounds or minutes. bonus. If you win, you knock the defender prone. If you fail, the defender can make an opposed TRIP: WITHDRAW FROM COMBAT: check (as above) against you. You can attempt to trip an opponent that is up to When withdrawing, you can move up to double your 4. If you succeed with the overrun, you can continue one size category larger than you. How to Trip: speed. Moving out of the starting square does not with a move action. If you fail you must move 5 ft. provoke attacks. Moving through any other backwards. 1. Make a melee touch attack1. This provokes an threatened squares does. You cannot withdraw PICK POCKET: attack from the opponent. from combat when blinded. You cannot take a 5 ft. You can lift a coin purse or other such item using the 2. Make an opposed Strength check to the step during this action. Sleight of Hand skill. Grabbing a secured item or opponents Strength or Dexterity check. The ATTACK ROLL MODIFIERS: while engaged in combat is considered an unarmed larger creature gains a +4 bonus for each size MELEE RANGED Disarm attack. category difference. ATTACKER IS… ATTACKS ATTACKS 3. If successful, the opponent is knocked prone. If Dazzled -1 -1 RUNNING: failed, the opponent may attempt a counter-trip Entangled -2 -2 using the rules in step 2. When you run, you can move up to four times your Flanking +2 N/A speed in a straight line. You lose any Dexterity bonus 1 Some weapons may be used to make trip attacks. In this case, you defender to AC unless you have the Run feat. You can run for 1 1 make a melee touch attack with the weapon instead of unarmed. You Invisible +2 +2 a number of rounds equal to your Constitution don’t provoke an attack. If failed, you can drop the weapon to avoid a On higher +1 +0 counter-trip. score, but after that you must make a DC 10 ground Constitution check each round to continue running. Prone -4 Special2 A character must rest 1 minute before running TURN OR REBUKE UNDEAD: Shaken/frightene -2 -2 again. Running represents a speed of approximately You may attempt to turn/rebuke undead up to 3 + d 12 miles per hour. CHA modifier times per day. Turning is considered Squeezed in a -4 -4 an attack. You must present your holy symbol to spot SHIELD BASH: turn undead. Your turning attempt turns the closest 1 Only crossbow or shuriken can be used. Bashing an opponent with a shield is considered an available undead first. You cannot turn more than 2 Defender loses Dexterity bonus to AC. attack with an off-hand weapon (see Two-Weapon 60 ft. away from the target. How to Turn or Rebuke Fighting). A shield is considered a martial Undead: ARMOR CLASS MODIFIERS: bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties, MELEE RANGED treat a heavy shield as a one-handed weapon, and a 1. You must roll a Charisma check. This gives you the DEFENDER IS… ATTACKS ATTACKS hit die of the most powerful undead you can turn. light shield as a light weapon. Tower shields cannot Behind cover +4 +4 be used to bash. RESULT MOST POWERFUL UNDEAD AFFECTED Blinded -21 -21 0 or Divine caster level -4 Concealed/Invisi 20% or 50% miss chance When using your shield as a weapon, you lose your lower ble AC granted by that object until the next round. An 1-3 Divine caster level -3 Cowering -22 -22 enhancement bonus does not improve the damage 4-6 Divine caster level -2 Entangled +0 +0 done by a shield during a bash. 7-9 Divine caster level -1 Flat-Footed +02 +02 10-12 Divine caster level 0 Grappling +02 +021 Shield spikes, when attached to your shield, add the 13-15 Divine caster level +1 Helpless -43 +03 piercing descriptor to it. Damage dealt with a shield 16-18 Divine caster level +2 Kneeling/Sitting -2 +2 with spikes are treated as if one size category 19-21 Divine caster level +3 Pinned -4 +0 higher. You cannot put spikes on a buckler. Shield 22 or Divine caster level +4 Prone -4 +4 spikes can be magically enhanced separately from more Squeezed in a -4 -4 the shield itself. spot 2. Roll 2d6 + your caster level + your CHA modifier Stunned -21 -21 SUNDER: for turning damage. Turned undead flee from you 1 Defender loses Dexterity bonus to AC. 2 Sundering can only be accomplished with a by the best means available to them. If they Roll randomly to see what combatant is hit. 3 Treat defender’s Dexterity as 0 (-5 modifier). Bludgeoning or Slashing weapon. How to Sunder: cannot flee, they cower. Approaching them within 10 ft. or attacking them breaks the turning. If you 1. You provoke an attack. Damage does not cancel have twice as many levels as the hit die of the CRITICAL HITS: sunder attempt. undead, you destroy any that would normally ROL 2. Both parties make opposed attack rolls with turn. L RESULT REGARDING TARGET respective weapons. Wielder of a two-handed 3. Rebuking works in the same way as turning but 1- Normal critical hit. weapon gains a +4 bonus. Light weapons suffer a instead of running away, the undead cower for 10 50 -4 penalty. Opponents gain a +4 bonus for each rounds. Commanding undead brings the targets 51- Stunned for 1d4 rounds1. larger size category over their target. under the control of the caster and replace the 60 3. If successful, damage is dealt to the weapon or rules for destroying undead by a good cleric. 61- Knocked prone2. shield. Commanded undead can be ordered as a 70 standard action. 71- Bleeding wounds31. THROW SPLASH WEAPON: 75 4 To attack using a splash weapon, make a ranged TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING: 76- Takes 1d6 extra damage . touch attack. Damage is dealt directly to the target Wielding a second weapon in your off hand, you 80 51 and anyone within 5 ft. When targeting a grid gain an additional attack per round. You suffer a -6 81- Left arm is maimed and is unusable. square, treat it as AC 5. Targeting an intersection penalty on attack rolls with your main attack and a 83 51 between multiple squares splashes the substance on -10 penalty with your off hand weapon. Light off- 84- Right arm is maimed and is unusable. all squares involved. hand weapons reduce both penalties by 2. The Two- 86 Weapon Fighting feat reduces the primary attack 87- Minor ocular damage, blind for 1d6 88 rounds6. TOTAL DEFENSE: penalty by 2 and off-hand penalty by 6. 89- Critical damage increased by one You can defend yourself as a standard action. You 91 increment. get a +4 dodge bonus to your AC for 1 round. Your USING A SKILL:
Page | 8 31 92- Bleeding wounds on left arm. L from its predefined range (PHB p139), the attack 93 Natural weapon maimed1. Take -8 to suffers a -2 penalty. A projectile weapon can be 31 94- Bleeding wounds on right arm. 1-2 attack2. used up to 10 range increments away from its 95 Natural weapon injured1. Deals half predefined range. 96- Major ocular damage, permanently blind. 3-5 damage2. 97 6- Fall prone and take 1d4 CON damage2. TOUCH ATTACKS: 98- Critical damage increased by two 10 A touch attack is considered an unarmed attack and 99 increments. 11- Hit adjacent target2. Roll attack, no criticals. does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the 7 10 Roll again . 15 defender. You must succeed in an attack roll against 0 16- Provoke attack from adjacent opponents2. the opponents Touch AC. Casting a spell provokes an 1 A Fortitude save (DC 10 + attacker level) negates effects. 2 A Reflex save (DC 10 + attack level) negates effects. 20 attack but the act of touching the opponent does 2 3 A bleeding target takes damage equal to that of the attacker’s level 21- Fall prone . not. per round until wounds are closed using a cure spell. 4 30 Damage is not added to regular damage roll and occurs after 3 2 multiplying. 31- Provoke attack from adjacent opponent . CONDITION SUMMARY: 5 Effects of this last until healed by a cured spell. 40 ABILITY DAMAGED: 6 A Fortitude save (DC 10 + attack level) halves duration. 41- Pull a muscle. Take 1d6 nonlethal damage4. 7 After rolling, if you get this result again, the target must make a The character has temporarily lost 1 or more ability Fortitude (DC 25) or be decapitated. If the weapon is not a slashing 50 score points. Lost points regenerate at a rate of 1 weapon, the target’s head is damaged in a manner as serious as 51 Normal miss. per day unless noted otherwise. No Strength results decapitation. + in helplessness. No Dexterity results in paralysis. No 1 A Reflex (DC 15) negates effects. 2 Constitution character is dead. No Intelligence, RITICAL UMBLES ELEE EAPONS Monks or creatures with Weapon Focus (Unarmed/Natural) may C F (M W ): reroll this result once. Wisdom, or Charisma character is unconscious. ROL 3 One attack of opportunity is provoked form the creature with the highest initiative that threatens you. L RESULT REGARDING ATTACKER 4 Fortitude (DC 15) negates effects. ABILITY DRAINED: 12 1-2 Weapon breaks . The creature loses the ability permanently and can 3-5 Weapon deals half damage12. TAKING DAMAGE: only regain it by magical means. 6- Fall prone and take 1d4 Constitution Damage does not slow a creature down unless its 10 damage1. current hit point total reaches 0 or less. At a range BLINDED: 11- Hit an opponent adjacent to target13. of -1 to -9, a creature is considered dying. At -10 or A blinded character cannot see. He takes a -2 on AC, 15 more, the creature is dead. If a creature sustains loses his Dexterity to AC, moves at half speed, and 16- Provoke attacks from all adjacent more than 50 points of damage from a single attack takes a -4 penalty on Search, Strength, and 20 opponents1. that does not kill it, must make a Fortitude save (DC Dexterity-based checks. All vision related checks 21- Fall prone1. 15) or be killed. automatically fail. All opponents are considered to 30 have total concealment. Characters that are blind 31- Fumble, drop weapon on ground1. for a prolonged period of time grow accustomed to 40 DEALING NONLETHAL DAMAGE: these drawbacks. 41- Provoke attack from adjacent opponent14. You can use a melee weapon that deals lethal 50 damage to deal nonlethal. You take a -4 penalty on BLOWN AWAY: 51 Normal miss. your attack roll. You can use a weapon that deals Depending on its size, a creature can be blown away + nonlethal damage, including an unarmed strike, to 1 A Reflex save (DC 15) negates effects. deal lethal damage instead, but you take a -4 by winds of high velocity (see Environment section). 2 Magical or masterworked weapons can reroll this result once. penalty on your attack roll. A creature that is knocked down moves 1d4 × 10 ft., 3 Roll to hit as normal, no critical hits allowed. taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. A flying 4 One attack of opportunity is provoked form the creature with the creature is blown back 2d6 × 10 ft. and takes 2d6 highest initiative that threatens you. SURPRISE ATTACKS: points of nonlethal damage due to battering and A surprise round happens before regular combat buffering. begins. To determine awareness, all characters must CRITICAL FUMBLES (RANGED WEAPONS): make the proper perception checks. Any combatants that become aware must make initiative checks to CHECKED: ROL start combat. Unaware combatants do nothing and A checked creature cannot move forward due to an L RESULT REGARDING ATTACKER are considered flat-footed. applied force, such as wind. Creatures on land 1-2 Weapon breaks1. cannot move in the direction of the wind while 3-5 Weapon deals half damage1. creatures flying in the air are pushed back a distance 6- Misfire12. FLANKING: specified by the force. 10 When making a melee attack, 34 11- Weapon jams, breaks, or recoils . you get a +2 flanking bonus if CONFUSED: 20 your opponent is threatened A confused character’s actions are determined by a 15 21- Hit adjacent opponent to target . by a friendly creature on the percentile dice. 30 opponent’s opposite border ROLL ACTION 31- Fumble, drop weapon on ground1. or opposite corner. You can 1-10 Attack or close in on closest caster 40 also gain this bonus if you 11- Act normally 41- Provoke attack from adjacent opponent16. attack from one of the 20 50 flanking squares shown. If 21- Babble incoherently 51 Normal miss. you are attacking from the 50 + rear, the attacker gains a +4 1 Magical or masterworked weapons can reroll this result once. bonus to attack rolls. 51- Flee in a random direction 2 A crossbow jams. A bow’s string breaks. A thrown weapon stabs or 70 hits its wielder for 1d3 damage. A firearm backfires dealing 1d3 RANGED ATTACKS INTO 71- Attack nearest creature (or familiar) damage and temporarily blinding its wielder (a Fortitude save of DC MELEE COMBAT: 10 negates effects). 100 3 A Reflex save (DC 15) negates effects. When shooting into combat, you have a 20% chance 4 Roll to hit as normal, critical hits are allowed. to hit an adjacent creature if the attack misses the 5 A confused character that cannot perform the Roll to hit as normal, no critical hits allowed. intended target. This does not apply when the target 6 One attack of opportunity is provoked form the creature with the action indicated must babble incoherently. Any highest initiative that threatens you. is 10 or more feet away from his opponents. attack on the character triggers aggression back at the attacker and allows for combat. A confused character cannot make attacks of opportunity. CRITICAL FUMBLES (NATURAL WEAPONS): THROWN WEAPONS: A thrown weapon can be used up to five range ROL RESULT REGARDING ATTACKER increments away. For each range increment away COWERING:
Page | 9 The character is frozen in fear and takes no actions. entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run the location of said creature until it moves. The A cowering character suffers a -2 penalty to AC and or charge, takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, and a invisible creature benefits of full concealment if loses its Dexterity bonus. -4 penalty to Dexterity. A caster must make a attacked in the above situation. See the Listen skill Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast the for details about detecting invisible creatures. DAZED: spell. The creature is unable to take actions, but has no KNOCKED DOWN: penalty to AC. A dazed condition typically lasts 1 EXHAUSTED: Depending on its size, wind can knock a creature round. An exhausted creature moves at half speed and down to the floor. The creature is then considered takes a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 prone. This only applies to creatures that are not in DAZZLED: hour of complete rest, an exhausted character flight (see Blown Away for details). The creature is unable to see well due to becomes fatigued. overstimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature NAUSEATED: takes a -1 penalty on attacks and perception checks. FASCINATED: Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast A fascinated character is entranced by an effect. The spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else DEAD: creature stands or sits quietly, taking no actions requiring attention. The only action such character When a character’s hit points reach -10 or when his other than to pay attention. It takes a -4 penalty on can take is a single move action per turn. Constitution reaches 0, he is killed outright. The skill checks made as reactions. Any potential threat, character’s soul leaves the body and can only be including approaching the creature, allows it a new PANICKED: brought back by magic. A dead body decays save against the effect. Any direct threat, such as A panicked creature must drop everything it holds normally unless preserved magically or alchemically. drawing a weapon, attacking, or casting a spell, and flee away from the source of its fear along a A restored corpse is brought back to the condition at automatically breaks the effect. A fascinated random path. The creature cannot take any other the time of death or to full health (depending on the creature can be shook free by an ally as a standard actions and suffers a -2 penalty on all saving throws, spell). Resurrected characters do not need to worry action. skill checks, and ability checks. If cornered, the about rigor mortis, decomposition, or other effects creature begins to cower. A panicked can use special that affect a corpse. FATIGUED: abilities, including spells, to flee. A panicked state is A fatigued creature cannot run or charge and takes a more intense than shaken or frightened. DEAFENED: -2 penalty on Dexterity and Strength. Any actions A deafened character cannot hear. She takes a -4 that cause a fatigued character to become fatigued PARALYZED: penalty on initiative checks and automatically fails causes exhaustion. 8 hours of complete rest cancels A paralyzed creature is frozen in place and unable to perception checks that require hearing. Casting a the fatigue. move or act. Such a creature is considered to have 0 spell has a 20% spell failure rate with verbal Strength and Dexterity, but can take purely mental components. Characters that remain deafened for a FLAT-FOOTED: actions. An airborne creature that relies on wings prolonged period of time become accustomed to A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity bonus to immediately ceases to flap and plummets to the these drawbacks. AC and cannot make attacks of opportunity. A ground. A paralyzed swimmer cannot swim and may creature is considered flat-footed in the following drown if not buoyant. Moving through the space DISABLED: situations: occupied by a paralyzed creature is possible but A character with 0 or less hit points that has become with double the cost. st stable is considered disabled. A disabled character . On the 1 round of combat, before creature’s turn. may take a single move action or standard action . While paralyzed. PETRIFIED: each round. She cannot attempt full-round actions. . While using the balance skill with less than 4 ranks. A petrified character has turned into stone and is She can only move at half speed. Any standard . When surprised by a hidden opponent. considered unconscious. If his body is cracked but action that the DM feels is strenuous deals 1 hit largely intact, there is no permanent damage when point of damage after the action is completed. FRIGHTENED: the creature turns into flesh. If the creature is Unless the action increases hit points, the character A frightened character flees from the source as best incomplete when returned to flesh, some amount of is considered to be dying. A disabled character with it can. If unable to flee, it may attempt to fight. A permanent hit point loss and/or debilitation is negative hit points naturally heals hit points if being frightened creature suffers a -2 penalty on all attack applied. helped. Otherwise, each day she has a 10% chance rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. to start healing naturally. A frightened creature can use spells and activate PINNED: magical items in an attempt to flee. A creature is held immobile but is not helpless. See DYING: Grapple. A dying character is unconscious and has negative HELPLESS: hit points. At the end of each round, the character A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, PRONE: rolls a percentile dice to see whether she becomes sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise at an The creature is forced to the ground and suffers a -2 stable. She has a 10% chance of becoming stable. opponent’s mercy. A helpless character is treated as penalty to melee attacks. While prone, the creature Otherwise, the character loses a 1 hit point per having a Dexterity of 0 (-5 modifier). Melee attacks cannot use ranged weapons (except for a crossbow). round. against a helpless target gain a +4 bonus. Rogues A prone character gains a +4 AC bonus against can sneak attack helpless targets. Delivering a coup ranged attacks but takes a -4 AC penalty against ENERGY DRAINED: de grace provokes an attack from adjacent enemies. melee attacks. Standing up provokes an attack from The character suffers one or more negative levels. If adjacent enemies. the creature has as many negative levels as hit die, INCORPOREAL: they are considered dead. Each negative level gives An incorporeal creature has no body and is immune SHAKEN: a creature the following penalties: to all non-magical attacks. They can be harmed only A shaken creature suffers a -2 penalty on attack PENALTY PER NEGATIVE LEVEL by other incorporeal creatures, magical weapons, rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. -1 to attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks spells, spell-like effects, or supernatural effects. Shaken is a less severe state than frightened or -5 hit points panicked. -1 effective level (determining: power, duration, INVISIBLE: DC) Visually undetectable, an invisible creature gains a SICKENED: -1 spell or spell slot from highest spell level +2 bonus on attacks and ignores its opponents’ A sickened character suffers a -2 penalty on all Dexterity bonus to AC. An invisible creature is not attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, immune to critical hits but is immune to extra ENTANGLED: skill checks, and ability checks. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not damage from a ranger’s favored enemy ability and STABLE: entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to from sneak attacks. You have a 50% chance to land a A character that was dying but who has stopped an immobile object or an opposing force. An touch attack on an invisible creature in an adjacent losing hit points and still has negative hit points is square. If struck by an invisible creature, you know
Page | 10 considered stable. The character is still unconscious. OPPOSING CHECKS: Bluff is believable 0 An ally can stabilize a character by using a Heal Bluff is hard to believe -5 TASK SKILL OPPOSED BY check (DC 15). Any sort of healing that cures at least Bluff puts target at risk -10 Con someone Bluff Sense 1 hit point, stabilizes a character. If the character Bluff is way out there -20 Motive became stable on his own and hasn’t had help, he is Impersonate Disguise Spot still at risk of losing hit points. Each hour, he has a someone 10% chance of becoming unconscious and disabled. Create a false map Forgery Forgery CLIMB (STR): Otherwise, he loses 1 hit point. Hide from someone Hide Spot You need both hands free to climb, but you may Bully a person Intimidate Sense cling to a wall with one hand in order to perform an STAGGERED: 1 Motive action. While climbing you cannot move to avoid a A character that has suffered nonlethal damage and Sneak up on Move Listen blow and are considered flat-footed. You cannot use is brought down to 0 hit points is considered someone Silently a shield while climbing. Climbing at full speed staggered. A staggered character can only take a Pick pocket Sleight of Spot imposes a -5 penalty to the check. single move or standard action each round. She Hand EXAMPLE CIRCUMSTANCE DC cannot take a full-round action. If her hit points Tie a prisoner Use Rope Escape Steep slope, knotted rope with adjacent 0 were brought below 0, she becomes unconscious. securely Artist wall 1 An Intimidate check is opposed by either a Sense Motive check or by Rope with wall to brace against, knotted 5 STUNNED: a DC equal to the target’s level. See the Intimidate skill for details. rope A stunned character drops everything held, can’t Surface with large ledges to hold on to 10 take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his SKILL CHECKS WITHOUT ROLLS: Surface with handholds, rough rock, tree 15 Dexterity bonus to AC. TAKING 10: Uneven surface, typical dungeon wall 20 When a character is not threatened or distracted, it Masonry wall, natural rock 25 TURNED: may choose to take 10. This type of action can take Overhang, ceiling with handholds 25 A turned creature flees for 10 rounds by the best up to 1d4 rounds. You cannot use this rule for caster Perfectly flat, smooth surface1 - means possible. If they cannot flee, they cower. level checks. Chimney, bracing against two opposite -10 walls UNCONSCIOUS: TAKING 20: Corner, bracing against perpendicular walls -5 A creature is considered unconscious if she is Like taking 10, a character cannot be threatened or Slippery surface +5 1 knocked out and helpless. Unconsciousness can distracted. This type of task is assumed to take d20 This surface cannot be climbed. result from having less than 0 hit points or from an +10 rounds to complete. Taking 20 means you are excess of nonlethal damage. trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you CONCENTRATION (CON): fail many times before succeeding. Concentration checks can be made as a free action. SKILLS IN COMBAT: A concentration check is required for an action that requires full attention while being distracted. If the UNTRAI ARMOR PROVOKES KILLS 1 S : check fails, the action is wasted. You can attempt the SKILL NED ATK APPRAISE (INT): action defensively to negate attacks of opportunity. Appraise Yes No No You can appraise common or well-known items (DC You cannot take 10 on this check. Balance Yes Yes No 12). Failure means you estimate the value at ±50% of Bluff Yes No No DISTRACTION DC its actual value. Appraising rare (DC 15) or exotic Taking damage during 10 + damage Climb Yes Yes Maybe items (DC 20 or higher) does not allow estimation. Concentration Yes No No action Appraising takes 1 minute and does not yield to Continuous damage 10 + ½ damage Craft Yes No No retries. Decipher Script No No No Distracted by a spell Spell DC 1 Diplomacy Yes No No Vigorous motion 10 BALANCE (DEX): 2 Disable Device Yes Yes Yes Violent motion 15 You move at half speed when walking on precarious 3 Disguise Yes No No Extraordinary motion 20 surfaces. If you try to move at full speed, you suffer a Escape Artist Yes Yes No Entangled 15 -5 penalty to all balance checks. You may accept this 4 Forgery Yes No No Grappled or pinned 20 penalty in order to charge. A balance check is Gather Info Yes No No Strong weather 5 required for every multiple of your base speed. You Handle Animal No No No Intense weather with 10 are considered flat-footed while balancing, since you Heal Yes No No debris can’t move to avoid a blow. Having 5 or more ranks Hide Yes Yes No Weather caused by spell Spell DC in balance negates this penalty. You must make 1 Intimidate Yes No No Includes actions while riding a mount, bouncing on a wagon, or on a another balance check after each attack you suffer small boat. Jump Yes Yes Maybe 2 to see if you remain standing. Galloping horse, rough wagon ride, riding a boat down rapids or Knowledge No No No during a storm. SURFACE TYPE DC 3 During an earthquake. Listen Yes No No 4 Casting spells during a grapple can only be done with spells that don’t Move Silently Yes Yes Maybe 7-12 in. wide 10 have a somatic component. Open Lock No Yes Yes 2-8 in. wide 15 Less than 2 in. wide 20 Perform Yes No No CRAFT (INT): Uneven flagstone 10 Profession No No No A craftsperson must understand the item being Hewn stone 10 Ride Yes No No crafted by rolling a craft check higher than the Sloped or angled floor +2 Search Yes No Yes required DC. Crafting involves materials (½ of item’s Light rubble +2 Sense Motive Yes No No market price) which must be purchased beforehand. Dense rubble +5 Sleight of Hand No Yes No An item has a crafting point cost of ⅟₁₀ the final Lightly slippery +2 Speak No No No market value, with a minimum of 15. The result of Language Very slippery +5 1 the crafter’s crafting check is subtracted from the Spot Yes No No Natural stone (Cave) +5 1 Running or Charging is impossible. remaining crafting point cost each hour until it Survival Yes No No reaches 0. If the crafter stops crafting for more than Swim Yes Yes Maybe BLUFF (CHA): 6 hours, a new skill check must be rolled. Crafting Tumble No Yes Maybe feats are still required to make items above Use Magic No No No A bluff check is opposed by a Sense Motive check. A failed bluff makes the target suspicious and may mundane quality. Offering help is acceptable and Device crafting checks stack between all parties involved. Use Rope Yes No No lower the target’s attitude (See: Influencing NPCs). 1 ITEM CRAFT SKILL DC Wearing armor may imply penalties on skill checks. EXAMPLE CIRCUMSTANCE DC Target wants to believe you +5 Acid, simple potions, etc Alchemy 15
Page | 11 Alchemist fire, Alchemy 20 assumed that they take 10 on their Spot check. Teach: Attack, Defend, Guard, Track 20 smokesticks Creating a disguise takes 1d3×10 minutes. Teach: Come, Down, Fetch, Heel, Seek, 15 Antitoxin, sunrod, etc Alchemy 25 DISGUISE DC MOD. Stay Armor or shield Armorsmit 10+AC Minor details +5 Train for: Combat, Guarding, Hunting 20 h Different gender -2 Train for: Labor, Performance, Riding 15 1 Add the animal’s HD to the roll. Long or shortbow Bowmakin 12 Different race -2 g Different age category -22 Composite bow Bowmakin 15 2 Per step of difference between your actual age category and your HEAL (WIS): g disguised age category. These steps are: young, adult, middle age, old, Using a heal check on a dying creature stabilizes Composite with rating Bowmakin 15+Rati venerable. them if successful. Long-term care requires at least g ng1 one day of applied healing. The patient recovers hit Crossbow Weapons 15 OPPONENT FAMILIARITY SPOT BONUS points at twice the normal rate. You can tend to as mith Stranger 0 many as six patients at once. Tending to poisoned or Simple weapon Weapons 12 Recognizes on sight +4 diseased characters requires a heal check each time mith Friends or associates +6 the patient engages in saving throws. The patient Martial weapon Weapons 15 Close friends +8 takes the higher of the two rolls as his save. mith Intimate +10 TASK DC Exotic weapon Weapons 18 First aid 15 mith ESCAPE ARTIST (DEX): Long-term care 15 2 Mechanical trap Trapmakin Varies Escaping from rope bindings, manacles, or other Treat minor wound or stabilize 15 g restraints (except a grappler) requires 1 minute of 1 Treat poison Poison The rating is multiplied by 2 before adding to the DC. work. Escaping a net or spell takes a full round. 2 Traps have their own rules for construction. DC Escaping a grapple or pin is a standard action. DECIPHER SCRIPT (INT): Treat disease Disease Squeezing through a tight space takes at least 1 Make a Decipher Script and a Wisdom check DC minute. simultaneously. The base DC is 20 for simple messages, 25 for standard texts, and 30 for intricate HIDE (DEX): or exotic writing. Deciphering unfamiliar languages Your Hide check is opposed by the Spot check. You increases the DC by 10 because you rely on drawing move up to one-half your normal speed and hide at similarities from other languages or lore. If the check no penalty. At a speed greater than one-half but less fails, use the Wisdom check (DC 5) to avoid drawing than your normal speed, you take a -5 penalty. -20 a false conclusion. Discard the Wisdom roll if the first RESTRAINT DC penalty while attacking, running or charging. If 1 check passes. Ropes Use Rope + you’re at least 10 feet from your target, you can 10 make one ranged attack, then immediately hide Net, most spells 20 DIPLOMACY (CHA): again. You take a -20 penalty on your Hide check to Negotiating diplomatically may take several minutes. Snare spell 23 conceal yourself after the shot. You can use a Bluff To rush the negotiation, the DC increases by 10. The Manacles 30 check to help hide by diverting attention to another participants roll opposing diplomacy checks and the Tight space 30 area. You gain a +5 bonus if successful. Masterwork manacles 35 winner gains the advantage. A failed attempt can be 1 retried, but imposes penalties. Diplomacy can be Grappler Grapple INTIMIDATE (CHA): 1 This is based on the opponent’s skill or action check. used to gain favoritism from a person or party (See: Your Intimidate check is opposed by the target’s Influencing NPCs). You can use the Wild Empathy modified level check (1d20 + character level or Hit FORGERY (INT): feat in place of diplomacy when influencing animals. Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus + target’s modifiers on Forgery implies the creation of documents or objects saves against fear) or against the target’s Sense to seem as the handiwork of someone else. In most DISABLE DEVICE (DEX): Motive skill, whichever is higher. If successful, the cases, you must have seen the document or object target appears friendly while in your presence. You A disable device check is made secretly. If the check before. You gain a +8 bonus when forging those fails by 4 or less, the failure does not impact the can demoralize an enemy with an intimidate check. types of documents. A signature grants a +4 bonus. If A demoralized enemy is shaken for 1 round. device or the character in any way. If failed by 5 or forging a document fails, a retry is not possible. more points, something goes wrong. Things that can READER’S go wrong are up to the DM (such as triggering the JUMP (STR): CONDITION MOD. trap, getting your fingers stuck, etc). You can also rig You can jump vertically with a high jump or over a or sabotage devices using this skill. Disabling a Author, unknown to reader -2 distance with a long jump. A jump requires a 20 ft. device is not limited to mechanical tampering. You Author, somewhat known to 0 running start. Without a running start, the DC is can disable the device to the point where it does not reader doubled. The DC for a long jump is equal to that of pose too much of a threat, such as plugging the Author, well known to reader +2 the distance traveled (ie. 10 ft. jump is DC 10). For a holes of an arrow trap. Reader glances over document -2 high jump, the DC is a multiple of 4 per foot of travel D (ie. 4 ft. jump requires a DC of 16). A high jump C GATHER INFORMATION (CHA): benefits from the vertical reach of a creature’s 1 A bribe and a few drinks, and a DC 10 Gather height. DEVICE TIME EXAMPLE Information check get you a general idea of a city’s Simple 1 rnd 1 Jam a lock CREATURE SIZE VERTICAL REACH major news items. This activity can take up to 1d4+1 0 Colossal 128 ft. hours. If you want to find out about a specific rumor, Tricky 1d4 1 Sabotage a wagon Gargantuan 64 ft. or a specific item, or obtain a map, the DC is 15 to rnds 5 Huge 32 ft. 25, or even higher. Difficult 2d4 2 Disarm/Reset a Large 16 ft. rnds 0 trap Medium 8 ft. Wicked 2d4 2 Disarm complex HANDLE ANIMAL (CHA): Small 4 ft. rnds 5 trap Handle animal is a move action, and depends on Tiny 2 ft. 1 If you attempt to leave behind no trace of tampering, add 5 to the what you are trying to do. Training requires several Diminutive 1 ft. DC. days of commitment. Creatures with 1 or 2 Fine ½ ft. intelligence increases the DC by 5. Using this DISGUISE (CHA): untrained bars the character from teaching. KNOWLEDGE (INT): The disguise check determines how good the TASK DC Knowledge is broken down into several fields of disguise is at fooling the onlooker. The onlooker uses Handle an animal 10 study: Arcana, Architecture & Engineering, a Spot check to oppose the disguise check. If you “Push” an animal 25 Dungeoneering, Geography, History, Local, Nature, approach an observer who is suspicious, it is Rear a wild animal 151 Nobility & Royalty, Religion, The Planes, and
Page | 12 Psionics. For every 5 points above the DC, you recall Oratory, Percussion Instruments, String Instruments, C additional useful information. Wind Instruments, and Singing. Determine if something is odd, a hunch 2 INFORMATION NEEDED DC D 0 Common knowledge < 10 PERFORMANCE C Sense the result of an enchantment spell 1 Easy question 10 Uninspiring performance (short of begging) 1 5 Basic knowledge 15 0 + Difficult question 20-30 Enjoyable performance (earn 1d10 sp/day) 1 Discern secret message 2 Identifying vulnerabilities or 10 + 5 0 attributes Special1 Great performance (earn 3d10 sp/day)1 2 + 1 When identifying creature vulnerabilities or attributes, add the 0 monster’s HD to the DC. For identifying vulnerabilities in objects or 1 structures add the object’s hardness to the DC. Memorable performance (earn 1d6 gp/day) 2 SLEIGHT OF HAND (DEX): 5 When using this skill under close observation, the Extraordinary performance (earn 3d6 3 skill check is opposed by the observer’s Spot check. LISTEN (WIS): 2 gp/day) 0 Drawing a hidden weapon is a standard action and A listen check determines how quiet the noise is that 1 You may inspire the local performance guilds or noble patrons to you might hear. To hear a creature, you must sponsor your performance in their ensemble. doesn’t provoke an attack. You can also couple this overcome its Move Silently check. You can redo a 2 You draw attention of nobles and guilds from distant regions or even skill with the Perform skill to entertain audiences. In failed save as a move action. extra planar locales. such a case, your “act” encompasses elements of legerdemain, juggling, and the like. CREATURE IS… DC MOD RIDE (DEX): D Moving in heavy armor -10 If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a Moving in medium armor -5 TASK C mount or that does not have a saddle, you take a -5 Palm a small object, tricks 1 In an area with ambient noise +5 penalty on this check. In a noisy area (town square) +10 0 D Some distance away +1 per 10 ft. Pick pocket 2 TASK C Behind a wall (per 6 in. thick) +2 per 0 hardness1 Guide mount with knees 5 Use this skill as a free action + 1 See Substance Hardness and Hit Points table. Stay in saddle while riding over calm terrain 5 2 Fight with warhorse 1 0 0 CREATURE IS… DC Drop and cover behind mount 1 SPOT (WIS): In combat or speaking 0 5 A spot result of 20 or more lets you become aware Soft fall off a mount to negate falling 1 Whispering 15 of invisible creatures, though you cannot see them. Moving at half speed Move Silently damage 5 You can read lips at a distance of 30 ft. or less (DC Leap over an object 1 Moving at full speed Move Silently 15) and you must be able to speak their language. If -5 5 you fail the check by more than 5, you run the risk of Spur mount to move at greater pace 1 Running or charging Move Silently drawing false conclusions. -20 5 D Control a mount in battle 2 CONDITION C 0 Per 10 ft. distance away from you -1 Fast mount or dismount 2 Distracted spotter -5 01 1 Armor check penalties apply. Through a keyhole -5 Objects lodged in tight places - MOVE SILENTLY (DEX): 1 You can move up to one-half your normal speed at SEARCH (INT): no penalty. Moving more than one-half but less than You must be within 10 ft. of the object in order to 0 full speed imposes a -5 penalty. You suffer a -20 search it. It takes a full round to search a 5 ft. square. penalty while running or charging. Noisy surfaces D SPELLCRAFT (INT): A spellcraft check lets you identify spells and magical augment the move silently check. TASK C effects. You cannot use this untrained. D Ransack a chest of junk to find an item1 1 MOVING ON/THROUGH… C 0 TASK DC Air, soft carpet + Notice a secret door or simple trap 2 Using read magic, identify spell 13 + spell 1 2 0 level Caltrops, bogs, undergrowth, dense rubble -2 Find a difficult non magical trap (Rogue only) 2 Identify spell being cast 15 + spell 1 Dense undergrowth, snow, broken glass -5 1 level + Learn a spell from a book or scroll 15 + spell level2 OPEN LOCK (DEX): Find a magical trap (Rogue only) 2 Opening a lock without Thieves’ Tools imposes a -2 5 Prepare spell from borrowed book 15 + spell 2 3 penalty. + level Using detect magic to detect an 19 D Notice a well-hidden secret door 3 aura LOCK TYPE1 C 0 Find a footprint 1 Identify spell that is in effect 20 + spell Very simple lock (ie. a farmer’s front door) 2 1 53 level 0 1 In order to leave no trace that the chest was ransacked, you must Identify materials used in an 20 + spell Average lock (ie. most doors and chests) 2 spend an extra full round undoing the search (use the same DC or take effect level1 5 10). 2 Add the spell level to the DC of a magical trap. Identify written spell without 20 + spell Good lock (ie. safes, well designed chests) 3 3 3 Add or subtract 2 for every size category above or below medium. A magic level 0 successful search check will only reveal the footprint’s presence. To Determine the spell just 25 + spell Mechanically intricate lock (ie. vaults) 4 determine any other information about it, see the Track feat. experienced level1 0 1 1 Identify potion 25 Most traps and doors in dungeons have their own Open Lock DC SENSE MOTIVE (WIS): 1 listed in their details. Draw diagram as spell 20 This skill lets you avoid being bluffed. You can requirement determine a person’s trustworthiness or if someone PERFORM (CHA): Understand strange magical effect 30+ has a hidden agenda. 1 You do not get to retry this action if failed. The perform skill is segmented into categories: 2 You require 8 hours of contemplation to retry this task. Acting, Comedy, Dance, Keyboard Instruments, 3 One try per 24 hour period. TASK D
Page | 13 SURVIVAL (WIS): Static Some spells express a fixed range in You can use this skill for hunting, shelter, warmth, USE ROPE (DEX): Range ft. 1 and using the land to your advantage while in the Using a rope does not provoke an attack, however This type of spell requires the use of a touch attack. 2 A spell that manifests using a Ray requires a ranged touch attack. wild. This check can be made once every 24 hours using a grappling hook does. If you fail the skill check Projectile based spells require a ranged attack. Area based spells affect and can encompass all of the above task during that by 4 or more, the grappling hook fails. If failed by a physical amount of space. time. less than 4, the hook holds but gives way after 1d4 D rounds of supporting weight. COUNTERSPELLS: TASK C TASK DC To counterspell, you must ready an action against a Hunting, foraging, getting food, movement 1 Tie a firm knot 10 target. How counterspelling works: 0 Secure a grappling hook 101 Surviving during unusual or severe weather 1 Tie a special knot, such as on that slips 15 1. You delay your standard action until your 5 Tie a rope using one hand 15 opponent tries to cast a spell (you may still Keep from getting lost and void natural 1 Splice two ropes together 15 complete a move action on your turn). hazards 5 Bind a character Speci 2. When the opponent tries to cast a spell, make a Predict weather for the next 24 hours 1 al2 Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to determine 5 1 Add 2 to the DC for every 10 ft. the hook is thrown. the spell being cast. This is a free action. If this 2 Binding a helpless character has a DC of 10. Binding a character that fails, you cannot do anything else. Follow tracks 1 is resisting is an opposed check versus the target’s Escape Artist skill. 5 3. If successful, you correctly identify the spell being +1 cast. To complete the action, you must cast either 1 Requires the use of the Track feat. INFLUENCING NPCS: an opposing spell or the same spell with A NPC’s attitude can be influenced by using alterations. It is assumed the two spells cancel SWIM (STR): Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate. To decline a each other out. You can use Dispel Magic spell to You can swim at one-half your speed as a full round creature’s attitude, you must roll less than 1. To counter another spellcaster. Metamagic feats are action or one-quarter your speed as a move action. increase their attitude towards you, you must use not taken into account. You fail the check by 4 or less, you make no progress the Diplomacy skill. You can use the Wild Empathy ability to influence the attitude of animals or magical in the water. While underwater, you must hold your SPELL RESISTANCE: beasts. breath to avoid drowning (See: Water Dangers). The caster of a spell that is being resisted by its ATTITUDE LEVEL REACTIONS target must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster Hostile Will take risks to hurt you level) at least equal to the creature’s spell resistance Unfriendly Wishes you ill, initiates gossip for the spell to affect that creature. Indifferent Doesn’t care much about you TUMBLE (DEX): Friendly Wishes you well, will advocate SPECIAL MAGICAL ABILITIES: You can land softly or tumble past opponents. You Helpful Till take risks to help or protect Extraordinary Abilities (Ex) are considered to be can also use this sill in conjunction with the Perform you skill to entertain a crowd. You can accelerate your physical abilities that seem to break the laws of physics. These generally do not require the use of tumble by taking a -10 penalty. You can tumble away You must declare to the DM that you will try to magic. Spell-like (Sp) abilities work like spells but from an enemy to avoid an attack of opportunity. influence the attitude towards the character prior to have no verbal, somatic, or material components. Tumbling is impossible in water that is higher than initiating a Diplomacy check. The opponent may roll Supernatural (Su) abilities are like Spell-like abilities knee deep. a Sense Motive check or opposed Diplomacy check. but do not use external forces (such as the Weave) D The difference between the initiator and the NPC to manifest. Therefore they can only be suppressed TASK C alters the attitude of the NPC towards the initiator. by an Antimagic Field. Treat a fall as 10 ft. shorter, tumble past 1 E S enemy 5 DIFFERENCE1 RESULT CONDITION X U SP Avoid an attack of opportunity 1 1-15 No change Affected by a dispel N N Y 5 16-30 Change by 1 level o o es Tumble through an enemy’s square 1 31-45 Change by 2 levels Spell Resistance offers protection N N Y 5 46-60 Change by 3 levels o o es 61+ Change by 4 levels 1 Suppressed by Antimagic Field N Y Y DC If the initiator fails in the opposed checks, the result is a negative SURFACE IS… MOD. change in attitude. If the character succeeds in the opposed check, the o e es change is in a positive direction. s Lightly obscured (rubble, undergrowth) +2 Provokes an attack of opportunity N N Y Severely obscured (heavy undergrowth) +5 o o es Lightly slippery (wet floor) +2 MAGIC: Severely slippery (ice or oil) +5 COMPONENTS: MAGIC ITEMS: Sloped or angled floor +2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Creating magic items from scratch requires an Verbal (V) Requires spoken incantation expenditure of XP on the crafter and takes up to 1 USE MAGIC DEVICE (CHA): Somatic (S) Requires hand gestures1 day per 1,000 gp. of the market price. An item must You make this check when you want to active a scroll Material (M) Requires physical substances be masterwork quality in order to be enhanced or wand. If you fail by 9 or less, than you cannot Focus (F) Requires a prop of some sort magically. active the item this turn. Rolling a natural 1 prevents Divine Focus Requires a spiritual prop you from activating that item for the rest of the day. (DF) MAGICAL ENHANCEMENT BONUS: You can emulate prerequisite ability scores by XP Cost (XP) Requires loss of experience BON 1 A hand gesture is a precise movement of the hand and requires at 1 imposing a -15 penalty to your roll. US RING /WEAPON COST SHIELD/ARMOR COST least one hand to be free. TASK DC M. +6 gp.2, +300 gp.3 +150 gp. Active item blindly 25 RANGE: W. Decipher a poorly written spell 25 + spell +1 +2,000 gp. +1,000 gp. RANGE DESCRIPTION level +2 +8,000 gp. +4,000 gp. Personal This spell affects only you Use a scroll 20 + caster +3 +18,000 gp. +9,000 gp. Touch You must touch an object or level +4 +32,000 gp. +16,000 gp. creature1 Use a wand 20 +5 +50,000 gp. +25,000 gp. Close Within 25 ft. + 5 ft./caster level2 Emulate a class feature 20 +6 +72,000 gp. +36,000 gp. Medium Within 100 ft. + 10 ft./caster level2 Emulate an ability score Roll -15 +7 +98,000 gp. +49,000 gp. Long Within 400 ft. + 40 ft./caster level2 Emulate race 25 +8 +128,000 gp. +64,000 gp. Unlimited Anywhere on the same plane Emulate alignment 30 +9 +162,000 gp. +81,000 gp.
Page | 14 +10 +200,000 gp. +100,000 gp. Gnom 100 yr. 150 yr. 200 yr. +3d 1 Ring bonuses can enhance natural armor, stats, etc. e 100 2 This cost is for a single unit of ammunition. 3 Double weapons must add this twice for each side of the weapon. Half- 62 yr. 93 yr. 125 yr. +3d elf 20 Half- 30 yr. 45 yr. 60 yr. +2d MAGICALLY IMPROVING ITEMS: Cost of Items is in multiples of 1,000 gp. This table is orc 10 based on armor, shield and trade costs. To magically AVERAGE TREASURE PER ENCOUNTER: Halflin 50 yr. 75 yr. 100 yr. +5d enhance weapons, double the cost required below. E E g 20 Improving an item destroys previous enhancements L TREASURE VALUE L TREASURE VALUE HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: in the process. Only Masterwork quality can be 1 300 gp. 1 7,500 gp. enhanced magically. 1 BA HEIGHT BA WEIGHT + 2 600 gp. 1 9,800 gp. RACE SE MOD. SE MOD. + + + + + + + + + 1 2 Human 4’1 +2d10 12 +10×2d4 FROM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 900 gp. 1 13,000 gp. (M) 0” 0 lb M.W 1 4 9 1 2 3 4 6 8 1 3 lb . 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 4 1,200 gp. 1 17,000 gp. Human (F) 4’5 +2d10 85 +10×2d4 0 4 ” lb lb +1 - 3 8 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 5 1,600 gp. 1 22,000 gp. Dwarf (M) 3’9 +2d4 13 +10×2d6 5 4 5 8 3 0 9 5 ” 0 lb +2 - - 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 6 2,000 gp. 1 28,000 gp. lb 2 1 2 5 0 7 6 6 Dwarf (F) 3’7 +2d4 10 +10×2d6 +3 - - - 7 1 2 4 5 7 9 7 2,600 gp. 1 36,000 gp. ” 0 lb 6 7 0 5 2 1 7 lb +4 - - - - 9 2 3 4 6 8 8 3,400 gp. 1 47,000 gp. Elf (M) 4’5 +2d6 85 +10×1d6 0 3 8 5 4 8 ” lb lb +5 - - - - - 1 2 3 5 7 9 4,500 gp. 1 61,000 gp. Elf (F) 4’5 +2d6 80 +10×1d6 1 4 9 6 5 9 ” lb lb +6 ------1 2 4 6 1 5,800 gp. 2 80,000 gp. Gnome 3’0 +2d4 40 +10 lb 3 8 5 4 0 0 (M) ” lb +7 ------1 3 5 Gnome (F) 2’1 +2d4 35 +10 lb 5 2 1 WEALTH OTHER THAN COINS: 0” lb Half-elf 4’7 +2d8 10 +10×2d4 +8 ------1 3 COST ITEM 7 6 (M) ” 0 lb 1 cp. One pound of wheat lb +9 ------1 2 cp. One pound of flour, or one chicken 9 Half-elf (F) 4’5 +2d8 80 +10×2d4 1 sp. One pound of iron ” lb lb 5 sp. One pound of tobacco or copper Half-orc 4’1 +2d12 15 +10×2d6 SPELLCASTING SERVICES: 1 gp. One pound of cinnamon, one goat (M) 0” 0 lb SPELL LEVEL COST 2 gp. One pound of ginger or pepper, one lb th 0 Caster level × 5 gp. sheep Half-orc 4’5 +2d12 11 +10×2d6 st 1 Caster level × 10 gp. 3 gp. One pig (F) ” 0 lb nd 2 Caster level × 20 gp. 4 gp. One square yard of linen lb rd 3 Caster level × 30 gp. 5 gp. One pound of salt or silver Halfling 2’8 +2d4 30 +10 lb th 4 Caster level × 40 gp. 10 One square yard of silk, one cow (M) ” lb th 5 Caster level × 50 gp. gp. Halfling 2’6 +2d4 25 +10 lb th 6 Caster level × 60 gp. 15 One pound of saffron or cloves, one ox (F) ” lb 7th Caster level × 70 gp. gp. 8th Caster level × 80 gp. 50 One pound of gold 9th Caster level × 90 gp. gp. 500 One pound of platinum gp. WEALTH BY CHARACTER LEVEL: L L EQUIPMENT FOR DIFFERENT SIZE CATEGORIES: V V CHARACTER CREATION & USEFUL TABLES: SIZE CATEGORY COST1 WEIGHT L AVERAGE GOLD L AVERAGE GOLD ACCESS TO SPELLS BY CLASS LEVEL: Tiny or smaller2 ×½ ×⅟₁₀ 1 < 100 gp. 1 66,000 gp. SP. BR DR WI SO RN Small ×1 ×½ 1 LVL D CLR D Z R PAL G Medium ×1 ×1 2 900 gp. 1 88,000 gp. 0 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st - - Large ×2 ×2 2 1 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 6th 6th Huge ×4 ×5 3 2,700 gp. 1 110,000 gp. 2 5th 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 10t 10t 3 Gargantuan ×8 ×8 h h 4 5,400 gp. 1 150,000 gp. Colossal ×16 ×12 th th th th th t t 1 For non-humanoid creatures, increase the cost by a factor of two. 3 8 5 5 5 6 12 12 h h 4 2 Decrease the armor bonus by half. 5 9,000 gp. 1 200,000 gp. 4 11t 7th 7th 7th 8th 15t 15t 5 h h h CREATURE AGE: 6 13,000 gp. 1 260,000 gp. 5 14t 9th 9th 9th 10t 6 AGING EFFECTS: h h 7 19,000 gp. 1 340,000 gp. MIDDLE VENERABL 6 17t 11t 11t 11t 12t 7 RACE AGE OLD E MAX h h h h h 8 27,000 gp. 1 440,000 gp. Huma 35 yr. 53 yr. 70 yr. +2d 7 13t 13t 13t 14t 8 n 20 h h h h 9 36,000 gp. 1 580,000 gp. Dwarf 125 yr. 188 yr. 250 yr. +2d 8 15t 15t 15t 16t 9 100 h h h h 1 49,000 gp. 2 760,000 gp. Elf 175 yr. 263 yr. 350 yr. +2d 9 17t 17t 17t 18t 0 0 100 h h h h
Page | 15 32- + - 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 EXPERIENCE & BENEFITS: 33 1 L 1 34- + - 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 V MAX MAX FEA ABILIT 35 1 L EXP SKILL CC T Y 2 1 0 4 2 1st 36- + - 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1,000 5 2.5 37 1 3 3,000 6 3 2nd 3 4 6,000 7 3.5 1st 38- + - 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 10,000 8 4 39 1 6 15,000 9 4.5 3rd 4 7 21,000 10 5 40- + - 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 8 28,000 11 5.5 2nd 41 1 9 36,000 12 6 4th 5 1 45,000 13 6.5 42- + - 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 0 43 1 1 55,000 14 7 6 1 1 66,000 15 7.5 5th 3rd 2 1 78,000 16 8 3 1 91,000 17 8.5 4 1 105,000 18 9 6th 5 1 120,000 19 9.5 4th 6 1 136,000 20 10 7 1 153,000 21 10.5 7th 8 1 171,000 22 11 9 2 190,000 23 11.5 5th 0
ABILITY MODIFIERS & BONUS SPELLS: M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O T S N R T T T T T T SCORE D H T D D H H H H H H 1 - Can’t cast spells 5 2-3 - Can’t cast spells 4 4-5 - Can’t cast spells 3 6-7 - Can’t cast spells 2 8-9 - Can’t cast spells 1 10- 0 ------11 12- + - 1 ------13 1 14- + - 1 1 ------15 2 16- + - 1 1 1 ------17 3 18- + - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 19 4 20- + - 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - 21 5 22- + - 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - 23 6 24- + - 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - 25 7 26- + - 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 27 8 28- + - 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 29 9 30- + - 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 31 1 0
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