MEETING: VCC Administration Board
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MEETING: VCC Administration Board LOCATION: VCC Board Room DATE: Friday, January 9, 2015
MEMBERS: Mayor Ferrell, City of Federal Way Mayor Cooke, City of Kent Mayor Haggerton, City of Tukwila Mayor Backus, City of Auburn MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Chair Mayor Law, City of Renton
VISITORS: Chief Thomas, Kent Police Joe Piksa, Motorola
VCC STAFF: Lora Ueland, Executive Director Mary Sue Robey, Administrative Services Manager Tatyana Bogush-Stakhov, Finance Manager Vonnie Mayer, Operations Manager Yvonne Carslay, Training Manager Sean Morrow, HR Manager Brian Powell, CAD System Administrator Sara Hloshyk, HR Specialist Justina Hanquet, Training Assistant Sheryl Kowalczik, Supervisor
W elcome and Introductions. In the absence of Chair Mayor Law, Mayor Cooke welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 1002 hours.
Operations Manager Mayer shared a recent 911 call received during the wind storm. A tree fell through a home trapping two people. The trainee call receiver, Brittany Lightner was introduced to the callers where they thanked her personally along with KOMO news 4. The story aired several times and will be posted on the VCC website.
Report from Executive Director. Executive Director Ueland reported:
ANI/ALI Issues. Over a period of 30 days (11/23/14-12/23/14) there were reports of intermittent cases of calls being delivered without the phone number (ANI) or location information (ALI) displaying on the call receivers monitors. Century Link was able to track down the cause and was able to resolve the issue. The E-911 Office has requested Century Link to investigate why the system monitoring alarm which would have activated
A Nationally Accredited Communications Center Page 1 of 3 was not acted upon and has been asked that future alarms on the ANI ALI lines are to be considered critical alarms. Mayor Haggerton requested a presentation be given to the Board regarding this issue.
VIPER. NORCOM agreed to be the first PSAP in the county to upgrade to the OS system in December. They experienced significant issues involving intermittent sound volume and quality. Once the upgrade occurs you are unable to go back to the older version (XP). Based on the NORCOM experience, Valley Com made the decision to not upgrade in February as scheduled. Valley Com plans to stay with the VIPER XP version until the issues with the OS system have been corrected.
Text-to-911. The Text-to-911 roll out that was discussed at the December Administration Board meeting has been postponed for 12 months by the King County E911 Office due to security issues. However, Snohomish County PSAP's have decided to move forward with one of their two County PSAP's going live soon. The King County E-911 Office and the PSAPs in King County met to discuss Text-to-911 issues and will continue to meet monthly.
King County Auditor. ED Ueland met with the KC Auditor's on December 8th and spent a great deal of time educating them on how 911 works. ED Ueland emphasized to the auditors the need for the E-911 Office to develop a strategic plan and partnership with the PSAPs as well as develop a financial plan. After further discussion regarding 911 education, the Board requested the VCC video produced last year be sent to each city so they can incorporate it into their community education efforts.
KC Airport. The Fire Chief from KC Airport approached ED Ueland regarding dispatch services for the Fire Department at the King County Airport (Boeing Field). ED Ueland discussed the potential of dispatching for the Airport with Fred Jarrett. He was surprised and asked for the topic to be put on hold until he had an opportunity to look in to the subject further.
ED Ueland is aware KC Airport is preparing a briefing for the Executive's Office to be presented in mid January on the topic of Valley Com providing dispatch services.
PSERN. The Implementation ILA has been passed to date by Kent, Kirkland, Auburn, Renton and Redmond. Federal Way, Mercer Island and Tukwila will be bringing the ILA before their Councils on January 20th. January 7th the City of Seattle Full Public Safety Civil Rights Technology Committee will put into action to approve. January 12th the City of Seattle will go before Seattle City Council for approval. King County is continuing to draft the side ILA for Valley Com and EPSCA.
The Operations ILA is status quo with the MOA still in development. In a earlier discussion with Mayor Law he asked what happens if the current talks stall. ED Ueland stated the Executives will be asked to step in and make decisions.
There is still a concern with the Fire Districts ILA, with the lack of agreement between the County and Fire Districts it will likely jeopardize the funding measure being placed on the April ballot.
A Nationally Accredited Communications Center Page 2 of 3 The first monthly PSERN newsletter producing information and updates to the project is expected to be delivered soon. Once received ED Ueland will forward the newsletter to the Board.
Console Furniture Replacement Project. Technical Services Manager Meitzler will take the lead as Project Manager for this effort. A budget of $764k has been budgeted to replace the 13 year old furniture in the com and training rooms. An RFP is in development and is planned to go out in February. In selection of the furniture the project team will consider the expected growth over the 10-15 year lifespan of the new furniture. Staffing needs will also be a factor in the project to determine the amount of furniture needed. Results from the recent Retains study suggests Valley Com is currently understaffed. The need for additional staff will need to be addressed in the future.
Health Care. Valley Com was successful in terminating its Third Party Administrator (TPA) without penalty. Valley Com will transition to EBMS on March 1st. The need to move resulted in part to the current TPA's poor customer service and claims not being paid timely or correctly.
City Council visits. Executive Director Ueland plans to attend a council meeting at each of the five owner cities. Her first visit/presentation will focus on the basics of 911, helping to educate what 911 does.
State Audit Status. Finance Manager Bogush-Stakhov stated the VCC State Auditor exit interview is scheduled for January 13th at 10:00AM. She advised this will be Valley Com's 16th year with no findings. The Board congratulated her and the staff.
Minutes. Mayor Ferrell moved to accept the minutes from the regular December 5, 2014 meeting. Mayor Backus seconded. Motion passed.
Mayor Cooke announced the next regular Administration Board meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM. With no further business, Mayor Cooke adjourned the meeting at 1055 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Sue Robey Administrative Services Manager
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