Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 110 with the Accompanying Lab
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Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 Instructor CPT Terry, Clayton T. TAMUCT Founder’s Hall, Rm. 412, MW 0900-1020, Fri 0730-1020 Office Phone: 254-519-5703 Email: [email protected] [email protected] ROTC Blackboard:
1. Course Description:
2. Religious Accommodation • The Army places a high value on the rights of its Soldiers to observe tenets of their respective religions or to observe no religion at all. • The Army will approve requests for accommodation of religious practices unless accommodation will have an adverse impact on unit readiness, individual readiness, unit cohesion, morale, good order, discipline, safety, and/or health. • Requests for religious accommodation generally fall into five major areas: – Worship practices. – Dietary practices. – Medical practices. – Wear and appearance of the uniform. – Grooming practices. • For more information please refer to AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, 6 November 2014, Chapter 5, paragraph 5-6.
3. Disability Support and Access Services. At Texas A&M University – Central Texas, we value an inclusive learning environment where every student has an equal chance to succeed and has the right to an education that is barrier-free. The Office of Disability Support and Access is responsible for ensuring that students with a disability enjoy equal access to the University's programs, services and activities. Some aspects of this course or the way the course is taught may present barriers to learning due to a disability. If you feel this is the case, please contact Disability Support and Access at (254) 501-5831 in Warrior Hall, Ste. 212. For more information, please visit their website at www.tamuct/disabilitysupport. Any information you provide is private and confidential and will be treated as such.
4. Tutoring and Writing Center Assistance Tutoring Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing (APA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Warrior Hall, Suite 111. Visit and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor schedules and contact information. If you have questions, need to schedule a tutoring session, or if you are interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-501-5836 or by emailing Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMUCT students to log-in and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. To access, click on
1 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
The University Writing Center The University Writing Center at Texas A&M University-Central Texas is a free workspace open to all TAMUCT students. The UWC is located in 416 Warrior Hall. The center is open 11am-6pm Monday-Thursday during the spring semester. Students may work independently in the UWC by checking out a laptop that runs Microsoft Office suite and connects to WIFI, or by consulting our resources on writing, including all of the relevant style guides. Students may also arrange a one- on-one session with a trained and experienced writing tutor. Tutorials can be arranged by visiting the UWC. Tutors are prepared to help writers of all levels and abilities at any stage of the writing process. Sessions typically last between 20-30 minutes. While tutors will not write, edit, or grade papers, they will help students develop more effective invention and revision strategies.
5. University Library. The University Library provides many services in support of research across campus and at a distance. We offer over 200 electronic databases containing approximately 250,000 eBooks and 82,000 journals, in addition to the 72,000 items in our print collection, which can be mailed to students who live more than 50 miles from campus. Research guides for each subject taught at TAMUCT are available through our website to help students navigate these resources. On-campus, the library offers technology including cameras, laptops, microphones, webcams, and digital sound recorders.
Research assistance from a librarian is also available twenty-four hours a day through our online chat service, and at the reference desk when the library is open. Research sessions can be scheduled for more comprehensive assistance, and may take place on Skype or in-person at the library. Assistance may cover many topics, including how to find articles in peer-reviewed journals, how to cite resources, and how to piece together research for written assignments.
Our 27,000-square-foot facility on the TAMUCT main campus includes student lounges, private study rooms, group work spaces, computer labs, family areas suitable for all ages, and many other features. Services such as interlibrary loan, TexShare, binding, and laminating are available. The library frequently offers workshops, tours, readings, and other events. For more information, please visit our homepage:
• 6. Academic Integrity. Texas A&M University -Central Texas values the integrity of the academic enterprise and strives for the highest standards of academic conduct. A&M- Central Texas expects its students, faculty, and staff to support the adherence to high standards of personal and scholarly conduct to preserve the honor and integrity of the creative community. Academic integrity is defined as a commitment to honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Any deviation by students from this expectation may result in a failing grade for the assignment and potentially a failing grade for the course. Academic misconduct is any act that improperly affects a true and honest evaluation of a student’s academic performance and includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism and improper citation of sources, using another student’s work, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. All academic misconduct concerns will be reported to the university’s Office of Student Conduct. Ignorance of the university’s standards and expectations is never an excuse to act with a lack of integrity. When in doubt on collaboration, citation, or any issue, please contact your instructor before taking a course of action. More information can be found at
2 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
7. Academic Dishonesty Policy: Academic Honesty Statement (very important – read carefully)
1. Texas A&M Central Texas College and the Department of Military Science expect all students to maintain high standards of personal and academic honesty and integrity.
2. Student integrity is especially critical, because the opportunities for dishonesty (i.e. social media, Wikipedia, websites, etc…) are more readily available and the trust level is higher. Exploiting either of these opportunities is a particularly blatant and offensive act. By enrolling and remaining as a participant in any Military Science course, you affirm that you will adhere to the strictest standards of academic honesty and integrity.
3. You must maintain academic integrity and honesty at all times, on all course assignments: homework, projects and exams.
4. You must work independently when required, and work effectively in groups when that is required. You must use only the resources and assistance permitted on a given course activity. Students should pay special attention to whether assignments are designated as ‘individual’ or ‘group’, as well as what materials, resources and help from others are permitted. If in doubt, ask prior to doing the assignment.
5. When you are permitted to use materials and ideas that belong to others, you must state the source of the information in APA format. If you use outside help or materials when not allowed, you are in violation of this policy in the way of cheating. If allowed to use outside materials, but do not cite the sources of your information, you are in violation of this policy in the way of plagiarism.
6. Students who assist other students in violating this policy are considered equally in violation.
7. Academic penalties will be in agreement with each university (TSU, TAMU-CT, CTC, UMHB) and will include, but not limited to the following: a) First offense, suspected: warning. b) First offense, documentable: zero on the assignment in question & reduction of one letter grade. c) Second offense: failing grade in, AND dismissal from the course. d) Third offense: recommendation to be withdrawn from the university.
8. In addition to an academic penalty, any violation of this policy may subject you to disenrollment from ROTC, pursuant to Army Regulation 145-1.
i. By signing below, you are acknowledging complete understanding of stated policy and being subject to penalties as stated above.
Name: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
3 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
8. Outcomes and Learning Objectives: The Army Profession Live honorably and build trust Professional Competence Demonstrate intellectual, military and physical competence Adaptability Think critically and creatively, make sound and timely decisions Teamwork Develop, lead and inspire Communicate and interact effectively Lifelong Learning and Comprehensive Fitness Pursue excellence and continue to grow Comprehensive Fitness Seek balance, be resilient and demonstrate a strong and winning spirit
9. Course Description This is an academically challenging course were you will study, practice, develop, and apply critical thinking skills pertaining to Army leadership, officer skills, Army Values and ethics, personal development, and small unit tactics at platoon level. This course includes reading assignments, homework assignments, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, practical exercises, mid-term exam, and a Capstone Exercise in place of the final exam. For the Capstone Exercise, you will be required to complete an Oral Practicum that you will be evaluated on your knowledge of the 20 Army Warfighting Challenges (AWFC) covered throughout MSL401 and 402 coursework. In addition, you could be assessed on leadership abilities during classroom PE, Leadership Labs, or Leader Training Exercises (LTX). You will receive systematic and specific feedback on your leader attributes, values, and core leader competencies from your cadre, PMS and other MSL IV Cadets who will evaluate you using the Cadet Officer Evaluation Report (COER). You will be required to write peer evaluations and receive feedback on your abilities as a leader and how to improve those leader skills. At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to plan, coordinate, navigate, motivate and lead a platoon in future operational environments. Successful completion of this course will assist in preparing you for your BOLC B course and is a mandatory requirement for commissioning.
10. Requirements a. Study Text (Read): Prior to each class, conduct required readings as listed in the attached course schedule and as directed by the professor from the Home work matrix. b. Class participation: Classroom and Lab attendance and participation is mandatory —only the APMS can approve absences in advance. You are expected to participate actively in learning through critical reflection, inquiry, dialogue, and group interactions. This
4 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 includes participating in class discussion, sharing personal perspectives and experiences related to principles discussed in class or reading, working with fellow students to engage in class exercises, and leading lab exercises.
c. Quizzes: Unannounced quizzes will take place throughout the semester to reinforce learning objectives.
d. Mid-Term Exam: A mid-term exam will be given to assess your knowledge achieved in the first half of the course. The exam will be true/false, multiple choices, and fill in the blank.
e. Final Exam:
f. Physical Training (PT): PT attendance and participation is mandatory—only the instructor or APMS can approve absences in advance. As a future officer, you are expected to set the example for physical fitness according to Army regulations. You will be required to take a diagnostic APFT throughout the spring semester and a record APFT at the end of the semester. The record APFT will count for 10% of your final grade. The grading will be as follows:
301 and above= 11 pts 290 -300= 10 pts 270-289= 9 pts 250-269= 8 pts 230-249= 7 pts 229-248= 6 pts 228-180= 5 pts 179 and below= 0 pts
REMEMBER: Always cite your sources! Any time you borrow someone else’s work, cite its use and list it in your bibliography or references. Ensure you set the example for your fellow cadets.
m. Electronic Mail (EMAIL): ALL CADETS are required to check their primary school email accounts for assignments and announcements daily. All assignments for the
4. Evaluation and Grading APFT 10 pts Class Participation* 30 pts Quiz Grades 5 pts Mid-term exam 10 pts Oral Practicum 15 pts Briefings 15 pts Investigation 15 pts
5 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 a. Grade Scale: The following grading scale will be used based on 100 points possible: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C b. Satisfactory participation and performance is a “B”. Unexcused absences may not be made up and will result in a 1-point deduction per absence. Coordinate with me in advance if you know you are going to miss a class. If excused, it is your responsibility to make up the missed material; failure to do so will result in a 1-point deduction.
c. Extra Credit: Cadets can accumulate extra credit points with the APMS’ approval. The maximum amount of extra credit points that a cadet can achieve is 10 points with the exception of scoring on the extended scale on their Record APFT. Identifying a fully qualified student that contracts will result in maximum points.
5. Uniforms and Appearance: Cadets will wear ASU (Army Service Uniform) every Monday and ACUs (Army Combat Uniform) to all Wednesday MS 302 classes (unless directed otherwise by the APMS); ACUs (Army Combat Uniform) to all labs on Friday; Army PT uniform to all PT sessions and adhere to Army Regulation 670-1 with regard to uniforms and appearance. Functions not requiring uniform; cadets will wear professional casual (polo shirt, jeans or khaki pants) as directed by the APMS. The Training Schedule posted will direct individual uniform and equipment requirements for training events.
6. Collaboration: You are encouraged to work together with your fellow MSL III Cadets and seek guidance and help from your instructor, MSL IV Cadets and other ROTC cadre.
9. Open Door Policy: I maintain an open door policy for all Cadets. My official office hours will be M,W, F (1300-1500); TU,TH 0900-1100. You can schedule an appointment with Mrs. Mandy Stokes or stop by my office to discuss any issue that is on your mind.
10. Course Schedule: a. Class Meetings: 0900-1020, Monday and Wednesday, Founders Hall, Rm (411) b. Training Meetings: 0830-0900, Wednesday, (FH 412) c. Lab Meetings: 0730-1020, Friday, Location IAW published training calendar.
Spring 2016 Semester Major Events: Major events for the semester are listed in sequence.
16 FEB MS IV 17 FEB MS I/II/III Diagnostic APFT W.S. Young Park 08-10 Apr Spring LDX FT Hood TA 40/41 19 Apr Record APFT W.S. Young Park 22 Apr Dining Out 29 Apr Organizational Day 14 May Commissioning
6 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
ANNEX A DATE MONDAY LESSON WEDNESDAY LESSON LAB (Location) Welcome Back Lab 18-22 Jan MLK Day (no class) Syllabus Review (Warrior Hall Multipurpose room) Mentor/ Mentee L1 Course Overview L3 Army Operating Concept 25-29 Jan L4 The Operational Environment Counseling L2 Intro to Battle Analysis (FH 407) Profession of Arms L4 Operational Environs L6 ARSOF intro MSI/MS II issue uniforms 1-5 Feb L5 Unified Command L7 PTCO North COM AOR Plan (Cadet Presentations) (FH 407 for MS III/IV) North Campus for MS I/MS II L8 PTCO South COM L10 PTCO AFRICOM AOR Staff Ride MS IV AOR 8-12 Feb L11 PTCO CENTCOM AOR Army Writing L9 PTCO EUCOM AOR (Cadet Presentations) (FH 407) (Cadet Presentations) Patrol Base Activities/ L12 PTCO PACOM AOR L13 Unified Land Ops (offense) 15-19 Feb Reconnaissance (Cadet Presentations) L14 Unified Land Ops (defense) (TA 75) L15 Unified Land Ops Land Navigation (Day/Night) 22-26 Feb L16 Battle Analysis Presentations (stability and DCSA) (TA 74) Ambush (Cordon and L17 Battle Analysis 29 Feb - 04 Mar Battle Analysis Presentations Search) Presentations (TA 75) Army Investigations AR First Aid I/II 7-11 Mar L18 Mid Term Examination 15-6 (TA 75) 14-18 Mar Spring Break (no class) Spring Break (no class) NO LAB L19 Platoon Leadership Patrolling/MTC/Attack 21-25 Mar L20 Expanding Your L21 Toxic Leadership (TA 74/75) Sphere of influence L22 Taking Charge L24 Taking Charge Platoons Call for Fire Simulator 28 Mar – 01 Apr Expectations (Fort Hood) L23 Taking Charge NCO VBS/ Spring LDX 04-08 Apr L25 Supply L26 Maintenance (Fort Hood) L27 Army Funding EST 11-15 Apr L28 Additional Duties Financing the Force (Fort Hood) Emergency Preparedness/ 18-22 Apr Oral Practicum Oral Practicum Ethics Problem Solving (FH 407) Organizational Day 25-29 Apr Oral Practicum Oral Practicum BLORA 2-6 May AAR Counseling No lab
7 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
Lesson Lesson Cadet Pre-Class Assignments Number Title L01 Course Overview Read MSL402 Course Syllabus, be prepared to discuss in class Oral Practicum Complete the Mandatory ASROTC NFORMED.NET Assignment Homework Assignment and exam (Online); ion?tab_tab_group_id=_18_1 Review MSL402L31-34 Oral Practicum SH, be prepared to discuss in class
NOTE: Prior to students starting the ASROTC NFORMD.NET Homework Assignment; Cadre must verifying each student has completed the SROTC NFORMD.NET SHARP Homework Assignment (Prerequisite). Students will have a completion certificate for completing the assignment.
L02 Pre-class Assignment: Review Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Army Joint Operations, [S] Introduction to Battle Analysis/Staff Ride, be prepared to discuss in class; Review JP 3-0, Joint Operations, August 2011, Ch 2 and 3 (Web), be prepared to discuss in class;
L02 Introduction to Battle Read TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1, 31 Oct 2014, The U.S. Army Analysis Operating Concept: Win in a Complex World, be prepared to discuss in class;
L03 Army Operating Complete 2-3 page Essay (Assessment) as homework, submit Concept at the beginning of next class; if required Read FM 3-24.2, Tactics in Counterinsurgency, April 2009, Ch II: Operational and Mission Variables, be prepared to discuss in class; pdf Read ADP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, October 2011, be prepared to discuss in class; f
L04 The Operational Submit 2-3 page Essay (Assessment) as homework; if required Environment Read Unified Command Plan (UCP) SH1 (Study Guide), be (PMESII-PT) prepared to discuss in class Read Unified Command Plan, to include the six Geographic Combatant Commands (GCCs) and three Functional Combatant Commands (FCCs), be prepared to discuss in class; Commands Complete Homework (Assessment) and submit at the beginning of next class; if required
8 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
L05 Unified Command Submit Homework (Assessment); if required Plan (UCP) Skim: USSOCOM Fact Book 2015 Skim: Chapters 1-3: ADRP 3-05, Special Operations, August 2012 pdf Skim: Chapter 2, JP 3-05, Special Operations. July 2014 L06 Introduction to Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group ARSOF assignment on NORTHCOM o Read MSL402L07 PTCO in the NORTHCOM AOR Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L07 PTCO in the NORTHCOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L07 PTCO in the NORTHCOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L07 PTCO in the Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group NORTHCOM AOR assignment on SOUTHCOM (Cadet o Read MSL402L08 PTCO in the SOUTHCOM AOR Presentations) Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L08 PTCO in the SOUTHCOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L08 PTCO in the SOUTHCOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L08 PTCO in the Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group SOUTHCOM AOR assignment on EUCOM (Cadet o Read MSL402L09 PTCO in the EUCOM AOR Presentations) Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L09 PTCO in the EUCOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L09 PTCO in the EUCOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L09 PTCO in the Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group EUCOM AOR assignment on AFRICOM (Cadet o Read MSL402L10 PTCO in the AFRICOM AOR Presentations) Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L10 PTCO in the AFRICOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L10 PTCO in the
9 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 AFRICOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L10 PTCO in the Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group AFRICOM AOR assignment on CENTCOM (Cadet o Read MSL402L11 PTCO in the CENTCOM AOR Presentations) Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L11 PTCO in the CENTCOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L11 PTCO in the CENTCOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L11 PTCO in the Presenting Group Cadets: Identify Cadets for group CENTCOM AOR assignment on PACCOM (Cadet o Read MSL402L12 PTCO in the PACOM AOR Presentations) Student Handouts 1 & 2 o Utilize MSL402L12 PTCO in the PACOM AOR PowerPoint Template (PPT) for group presentation o Allow Cadets to set up the classroom prior to the starting class Non-Presenting Cadets: Read MSL402L12 PTCO in the PACOM AOR Student Handout 2 only
L12 PTCO in the Read ADP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, May 2012, Chapter 1 PACOM AOR pp 1-1, section 1-1, Chapter 2 pp 2-12 through 2-14, be (Cadet prepared to discuss in class Presentations) Read ADP 3-90, Offense and Defense, August 2012, pp 1 through 2 (items 1-7), pp 7 through 8, be prepared to discuss in class Read Unified Land Operations I Offense Student Handout 1, be prepared to discuss in class Read Unified Land Operations I Offense Student Handout 2 (Capturing Eben-Emael), be prepared to discuss in class Read Unified Land Operations I Offense Student Handout 3 (An Engineer Assault Team Crosses the Meuse, May 1940), be prepared to discuss in class
L13 Unified Land Read ADP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, May 2012, Ch 1, pp 1- Operations I 1, section 1-1 and Ch 2 pp 2-12 through 2-14, be prepared to (Offense) discuss in class; Read ADP 3-90, Offense and Defense, August 2012, pp 10 through 14, be prepared to discuss in class; Read ADRP 3-90, Offense and Defense, August 2012, Ch 4, pp 4-1 through 4-3; Read Unified Land Operations II Defense Student Handout 1, be prepared to discuss in class Read Unified Land Operations II Defense Student Handout 2 (The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir), be prepared to discuss in class
10 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016
L14 Unified Land Read ADP 3-07, Stability, August 2012, pp 7 through 14, Para Operations II 29 through 57, be prepared to discuss in class; (Defense) df Read ADP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities, pp 1 through 13, be prepared to discuss in class; df
L15 Unified Land Review Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Army Joint Operations III Operations, [S] Introduction to Battle Analysis/Staff Ride, be (Stability & DCSA) prepared to discuss in class; Review JP 3-0, Joint Operations, August 2011, Chapter 2 and 3 (Web), be prepared to discuss in class; Present remaining battle analysis presentation assigned in MSL402L02 Introduction to Battle Analysis SH4
L16 Battle Analysis Review Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Army Joint Presentations Operations, [S] Introduction to Battle Analysis/Staff Ride, be prepared to discuss in class; Review JP 3-0, Joint Operations, August 2011, Chapter 2 and 3 (Web), be prepared to discuss in class; Present remaining battle analysis presentation assigned in MSL402L02 Introduction to Battle Analysis SH4
L17 Battle Analysis Present remaining Battle Analysis Presentations (if needed) Presentations Prepare for Mid-Term Exam
L18 Mid-Term Read Cadet eBook [T] Leadership, [C] Platoon Leadership, [S] Expectations, Leadership and Diversity, Actions on Arrival Read MSL402L19 Platoon Leadership SH1, “Emotional Intelligence and Army Leadership: Give it to me Straight” by: Major David S. Abrahams Skim: ADRP 6-0, Chapter 2, Principles of Mission Command. Mission Command. May 2012. df Skim: FM 6-22, Chapter 1. Leader Development. June 2015. f
L19 Platoon Leadership Review ADP 6-22 Army Leadership. August 2012 df Read Increase Span of Control (SH1)
11 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 Read About Emotional Intelligence (SH2) Read Developing Emotional Intelligence (SH3)
L20 Expanding your Review: ADP 6-22. Army Leadership. August 2012. Sphere of Influence df Read Toxic Leadership: What are We Talking About?, by LTG Walter F. Ulmer Jr. (SH1) Read Toxic Triangle, by Art Padilla, Robert Hogan, and Robert B. Kaiser (SH2)
L21 Toxic Leadership Read Cadet eBook [T] Leadership, [C] Adaptive Leadership, [S] Expectations, be prepared to discuss in class; Read AR 600-20, 6 November, 2014, para 4-1 through 4-4 and para 4-14 through 4-17 be prepared to discuss in class; Read FM 6-22 Leader Development, 30 June, 2015, Ch 3, 4, and 7, be prepared to discuss in class; f Read Company Command, Building Combat-Ready Teams, Advice for New Lieutenants, pp. 4 and 5, be prepared to discuss in class; Jul2012)_Advice-for-2LTs.pdf Read Courtney, “The Successful Lieutenant”, pp. 1 through 5 be prepared to discuss in class; Read Army Handbook for Leadership Transitions, Center for Army Leadership, Phase I through III, be prepared to discuss in class; pdf View Chart: “Team Building Stages” found in Noncommissioned Officers Guide (Washington DC: HQDA, 2002), pp 3-13, be prepared to discuss in class;
L22 Taking Charge 1 Complete the Quiz assessment and return prior to the next Initial Expectations class and Responsibilities Review Cadet eBook [T] Leadership, [C] Platoon Leadership, [S] Platoon Sergeant Expectations, be prepared to discuss in class; Review FM 6-22 Leader Development, 30 June, 2015, Ch 1, 3, and 7, be prepared to discuss in class; f Review The Officer – NCO Relationship, Words of Wisdom and Tips for Success from Senior Officers and NCOs, be prepared to discuss in class; NCO.pdf
12 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 Review “NCO-Officer Relationship,” NCO Journal (Nov 2012), pp 14-21, be prepared to discuss in class; Review “The Platoon Leader-Platoon Sergeant Relationship,” Company Command: Building Combat-Ready Teams, pp 111- 115, be prepared to discuss in class; May2012)_PL-PSG.pdf Review Hertling, “Year of the NCO: A Division Commander’s Perspective,” pp 104-108, be prepared to discuss in class; on_Commander__039_s_perspective/ Review Meyer, Jr., John G. "COMPANY COMMAND; Bottom Line", be prepared to discuss in class; sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB0 QFjAA& %2F100.2%2FADA259359&ei=mHDSU8HQIM7MsQT0iIAI&us g=AFQjCNFUu64wme03_TT826NmjjZDAFrm6w
L23 Taking Charge 2 Complete Assessment (Quiz) and return prior to the next class; (Your NCO if required Leadership) Read Cadet eBook [T] Leadership, [C] Adaptive Leadership, [S] Team Building, be prepared to discuss in class; Read AR 600-20, 6 November, 2014, para 4-14, 4-15, 4-17, pp. 26-29, be prepared to discuss in class; Review FM 6-22 Leader Development, 30 June, 2015, Ch 1, 3, and 7, be prepared to discuss in class; f Review DA PAM 600-35, 21 February, 2000, Preface, para 2-4 through 2-6 and 2-10 through 2-11, be prepared to discuss in class;
L24 Taking Charge 3 Submit the Assessment (Quiz); if required (Your Relationship Read Cadet eBook [T] Program and Services, [C] Sustainment with Your PLT) Operations, [S] Supply, be prepared to discuss in class; Review ATP 4-42 General Supply and Field Services Operations, July 2014, Ch 2, 3, & 4, be prepared to discuss in class; df Skim AR 735-5, Property Accountability Policies, 10 May 2013 (RAR, 22 August 2013), Ch 2, 3, 4, 6, & 7, be prepared to discuss in class; Read AR 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, 28 Mar 2008 (RAR, 28 Mar 2008), Ch 1 through 2, be prepared to discuss in class;
13 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 Read DA Pamphlet 710-2-1, Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures), 31 Dec 1997, Ch 3 and 9, be prepared to discuss in class;
L25 Supply Turn-In SH3 Assessment (Quiz); if required Read Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Sustainment Operations, [S] Maintenance, be prepared to discuss in class; Scan FM 6-22 Leader Development, 30 June, 2015, Ch 3, Sect I, be prepared to discuss in class; f Review AR 750-1, Army Materiel Maintenance Policy, 12 September 2013, Ch 3 Sect I and II, be prepared to discuss in class; Read ATP 4-33 Maintenance Operations, 14 April 2014, Ch 1, be prepared to discuss in class; df Review DA Pam 750-1, Commanders’ Maintenance Handbook, 4 December 2013, Ch 2 and 5, Ch 3 through 4, be prepared to discuss in class; Skim DA Pam 750-8, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) User’s Manual, 22 Aug 2005, Ch 2 and 3, be prepared to discuss in class;
L26 Maintenance Read Financing the Force Student Handout 1, be prepared to discuss in class Read Financing the Force Student Handout 2, be prepared to discuss in class Read DA Pamphlet 600-3, Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management, December 2014, pp 438-444, be prepared to discuss in class;
L27 Financing the Force Review Cadet eBook [T] Personal Development, [C] Personal Development, [S] Time Management, be prepared to discuss in class; Scan FM 6-22 Leader Development, 30 June, 2015, Ch 1 and 3, Sect III through IV, be prepared to discuss in class; f Review AR 600-20, 6 November, 2014, Ch 6, be prepared to discuss in class; Review “The Successful Lieutenant” Captain Christopher J. Courtney, be prepared to discuss in class; Complete SH4 (Army ROTC Program Survey) and turn-in at
14 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 next class
NOTE: Instruct Cadets to complete this survey and turn-in at the next class. Upon collecting the surveys, input the data onto MSL402L36_Army_ROTC_Program_Survey_IH.xlsx and use as reference for end of semester AAR and/or for program purposes. L28 Secondary Turn-In SH4 Army ROTC Program Survey Responsibilities Read Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Program and Services, Additional Duties [S] Financial Management/Installation Support Services, be prepared to discuss in class Review Military Installations Website, be prepared to discuss in class; p=MI:ENTRY:0 Review Army One Source Website, be prepared to discuss in class; Review Military OneSource, be prepared to discuss in class; / Review NGB Family Program, be prepared to discuss in class; /
L29 Army Installation Complete the 1 page written paper (Assessment) and return to Resources instructor at the next class Read Cadet eBook [T] Officership, [C] Army Joint Operations, [S] Introduction to Battle Analysis/Staff Ride, be prepared to discuss in class; Read JP 3-0, Joint Operations, August 2011, Appendix A, Principles of Joint Operations, Ch 2 and 3, be prepared to discuss in class; Read ADP 6-0, Mission Command, May 2012, the Principle of Mission Command, pp 2 to 5, be prepared to discuss in class; f Read TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1, October 2014, Appendix B. From Concepts to Capabilities: Building the Future Force (Army Warfighting Challenges), be prepared to discuss in class;
L30 Staff Ride Turn in 1 page written paper (Assessment) Presentation Review all MSL 400 (401 and 402) coursework Optional: review all MSL 100 through 300 coursework for additional resources Review the Army Warfighting Challenges (AWFC) from the Army Capabilities Integration Center at challenges.aspx Review MSL402L31-L34 SH (Army Warfighting Challenges) in conjunction with personal notes taken pertaining to the information contained within the handout
15 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 L31 Oral Practicum N/A L32 Oral Practicum N/A L33 Oral Practicum N/A L34 Oral Practicum Read TR350-36, September 2015, Basic Officer Leader Training Policies and Administration, Ch 1, pp 7 through 13; Read BOLC B Overview Student Handout, (BOLC B Websites)
L35 BOLC B Overview L36 Army ROTC Program Survey (AAR)
Course Publications Number Title Date Additional Information ADP 1 The Army 17 Sep 2012 w/chg 2, 6 Aug 2013 ADP 2-0 Intelligence 31 Aug 2012 ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations 16 May 2012 ADP 3-07 Stability 31 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 25 Feb 2013 ADP 3-09 Fires 31 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 25 Feb 2013 ADP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities 14 Jun 2013 ADP 3-37 Protection 28 Feb 2013 w/ch1, 28 Feb 2013 ADP 3-90 Offense and Defense 31 Aug 2012 ADP 4-0 Sustainment 31 July 2012 ADP 5-0 The Operations Process 17 May 2012 ADP 5-0.1 Commander and Staff Officers Guide 14 Sep 2012 ADP 6-0 Mission Command Mar 2012 w/chg 2, Mar 2014 ADP 6-22 Army Leadership 1 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 10 Sep 2012 ADP 7-0 Training Units and Leaders 23 Aug 2012
ADRP 1 The Army Profession 14 Jun 2013 ADRP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military 02 Feb 2015 Symbols ADRP 2-0 Intelligence 31 Aug 2012 ADRP 3-0 Unified Land Operations 16 May 2012 ADRP 3-07 Stability 31 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 25 Feb 2013 ADRP 3-09 Fires 31 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 25 Feb
16 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 2013 ADRP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities 14 June 2013 ADRP 3-37 Protection 28 Feb 2013 w/ch1, 28 Feb 2013 ADRP 3-90 Offense and Defense 31 Aug 2012 ADRP 4-0 Sustainment 31 July 2012 ADRP 5-0 The Operations Process 17 May 2012 ADRP 5-0.1 Commander and Staff Officers Guide 14 Sep 2012 ADRP 6-0 Mission Command 17 May 2012 w/ch2, 28 Mar 2014 ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership 1 Aug 2012 w/ch1, 10 Sep 2012 ADRP 7-0 Training Units and Leaders 23 Aug 2012
ATP 3-09.30 Techniques for Observed Fire 02 Aug 2013 ATP 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations 10 Aug 2015 ATP 3-39.32 Physical Security Apr 2014 ATP 4-42 General Supply and Field Services July 2014 Operations ATP 4-33 Maintenance Operations Apr 2014 ATP 5-19 Risk Management Apr 2014 w/ch1, 12 Sep 2014 ATP 6-22.1 Counseling Process 1 July 2014
ATTP 4-33 Maintenance Operations 18 Mar 2011
FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations Apr 2014 FM 2-0 Intelligence 15 Apr 2014 FM 3-05.70 Survival 17 May 2002 FM 3-07 Stability June 2014 FM 3-21.8 The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad Mar 2007 FM 4-95 Logistics Operations Apr 2014 FM 6-0 Commanders and Staff Organization 05 May 2014 and Operations FM 6-22 Leader Development 30 Jun 2015 FM 6-22.5 Combat and Operational Stress 18 Mar 2009 Control FM 7-22 Army Physical Readiness Training 26 Oct 2012 w/ch1, 3 May 2013 FM 27-1 Legal Guide for Commanders Jan 1992 FM 27-10 Law of Land Warfare July 1956 w/ch1, 15 July 1976
CALL 07-19 Base Defense Mar 07
17 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016 JP 3-0 Joint Operations 11 Aug 2011 JP 3-07 Stability Operations 29 Sep 2011 JP 5-0 Joint Operation Planning 11 Aug 2011
STP 21-1 Warrior Skills Level 1 14 Apr 2014 STP 21-24 Warrior Leaders Skills Level 2, 3, 9 Sep 2008 SMCT and 4
TC 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremony 20 Jan 2012 TC 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation 15 Nov 2013
Unit Training Management Dec 2013 ATN LG to Company Training Meetings Dec 2013 ATN LG to AAR Dec 2013 ATN Develop Unit METL ATN Determine KCT to Train ATN
AR 25-50 Preparing and Managing 17 May 2013 Correspondence AR 600-20 Command Policy 6 Nov 2014 AR 623-3 Evaluation Reporting System 31 Mar 2014 AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Uniforms 10 Apr 2015 and Insignia
DA Pam Evaluation Reporting System 31 Mar 2014 623-3
CCR 145-3 Reserve Officers Training Corps 20 Sep 2011 USACC Precommisioning Training and Sharepoint Leadership Development Cadet Text SROTC Cadet eBook ROTC Blackboard
18 Company Grade Leadership - 10336 - M SK 402 – 110 with the accompanying lab: Company Grade Leadership - 10337 - M SK 402 – 510. Spring 2016