Post-Doctoral Researcher
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Jocelyn L. Sy 2005 Junior Specialist II, Dr. Barry Giesbrecht, Post-doctoral Researcher Department of Department of Psychology Psychology, Vanderbilt University University of California, Santa Mailing address: Barbara PMB 407817 2301 Vanderbilt Place, 2003-2005 Postgraduate Nashville, TN 37240-7817 Researcher I & II, Email: [email protected] Drs. G. Ron Mangun Phone: 615-322-6019 and Tamara Swaab, Center for Mind and Brain, University of Education & Training: California, Davis 2005-2011 Ph.D in Psychological Awards: & Brain Sciences from the University of 2012-2013 NIH Institutional California, Santa Research Training Barbara Grant, Vanderbilt Dissertation title: Vision Research Top-down influences Center, in selection and 5T32EY007135-18 distraction: Load 2011 Graduate Division Theory revisited. Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Barry Fellowship, University Giesbrecht of California, Santa 2003 B.S. Psychology with Barbara Honors, from the 2008 Summer Institute in University of Cognitive California, Davis Neuroscience, Lake Tahoe, California, Appointments: fellowship 2014-present Post-doctoral 2007 Summer Institute in research associate Cognitive Advisor: Dr. Neuroscience, Randolph Blake University of Vanderbilt University, California, Santa Nashville, TN Barbara fellowship 2011-present Post-doctoral research associate Advisor: Dr. Frank Published Articles: Tong Sy, J.L., Guerin, S.A., Stegman, Vanderbilt University, A., & Giesbrecht, B. (2014). Nashville, TN Accurate expectancies diminish perceptual distraction of America A: Optics, image during visual search. science, and vision, 27(12), Frontiers in Human 2670-2683. Neuroscience, 8(334), doi: Kyllingsbæk, S., Sy, J.L., & 10.3389/fnhum.2014.0034. Giesbrecht, B. (2011). Sy, J.L., Elliott, J.C., & Understanding the allocation Giesbrecht, B. (2014). Post- of attention when faced with perceptual processing during varying perceptual load in the attentional blink is partial report: A computational modulated by inter-trial approach. Neuropsychologia, expectancies. Frontiers in 46, 1487-1497. Human Neuroscience, 7(627), Cecotti, H., Sato-Reinhold, J., Sy, doi: J.L., Elliott, J.C., Eckstein, 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00627. M.P., Giesbrecht, B., (2011). Giesbrecht, B., Sy, J. L., Impact of target probability on Bundesen, C., & Kyllingsbæk, single-trial EEG target S. (2014). A new perspective detection in a difficult rapid on the perceptual selectivity of serial visual presentation task. attention under load. Annals Engineering in Medicine and of the New York Academy of Biology Society,EMBC, 2011 Sciences, 1316, 71-86, doi: Annual International 10.1111/nyas.12404. Conference of the IEEE , Eckstein, M.P., Das, K., Pham, 6381-6384. B.T., Peterson, M.F., Abbey, Giesbrecht, B., Sy, J.L., Lewis, C.K., Sy, J.L., & Giesbrecht, M. (2009). Personal names do B. (2012). Neural decoding of not always survive the collective wisdom with multi- attentional blink: Behavioral brain computing. Neuroimage, evidence for a flexible locus of 59, 94-108. selection. Vision Research, Giesbrecht, B., Sy, J.L., Guerin, 49(10), 1378-1388. S.A. (2012). Both memory Sy, J.L., & Giesbrecht, B. (2009). and attention systems Task-relevance modulates the contribute to visual search for influence of target similarity targets cued by implicity on the attentional blink. learned context. Vision Visual Cognition, 17(3), 307- Research, 85, 80-89. 317. Peterson, M.P., Das, K., Sy, J.L., Giesbrecht, B., Sy, J.L., Elliott, J. Li, S., Giesbrecht, B., Kourtzi, (2007). Electrophysiological Z., & Eckstein, M.P. (2010). evidence for both perceptual Ideal observer analysis for and post-perceptual selection task normalization of pattern during the attentional blink. classifier performance applied Journal of Cognitive to EEG and fMRI data. Neuroscience, 19(12), 2005- Journal of the Optical Society 2018.
2 Angeloni, C., Sy, J.L., & Tong, F. Manuscripts currently under peer (2014). A temporal benefit of review: covert spatial orienting across Pratte, M.S., Sy, J.L., Swisher, visual hemifields? Poster J.D., & Tong, F. (in review). presented at the annual Radial Bias Is Not Necessary meeting of the Vision Science For Orientation Decoding. Society. Pratte, M., Sy, Jocelyn, & Tong, Manuscripts in preparation: F. (2014). The radial bias is Sy, J.L., Jehee, J., & Tong, F. not necessary for orientation (writing). Multi-voxel pattern decoding. Talk presented at analysis reveals object-base the annual meeting of the representations arise from Vision Science Society. extra-striate cortex. Sy, J.L., Jehee, J., & Tong, F. Park, YP, Sy, J.L., & Tong, F. (2013). Attention to task- (writing). Retro-active irrelevant features of an object attention to features prevents is not mandatory, but rather decay in working memory. resource-dependent. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Recent Conference Presentations: Neuroscience. Park, YP, Sy, J.L., & Tong, F. Cecotti, H., Sato-Reinhold, J., Sy, (2015). Reprioritization of J.L., Eckstein, M.P., & features of multidimensional Giesbrecht, B. (2011). Using objects stored in visual single-trial EEG to detect working memory. Talk targets with unknown stimulus presented at the annual onsets. Poster presented at meeting of the Vision Science the annual meeting for the Society. Society for Neuroscience. Sy, J.L., Marois, R & Tong, F. Sy, J., & Giesbrecht, B. (2010). (2015). Degraded precision of fMRI evidence for top-down consciously perceived targets influences on perceptual in the attentional blink. Poster distraction. Poster presented presented at the annual at the Annual meeting of the meeting of the Vision Science Vision Science Society. Society. Sy, J., & Giesbrecht, B. (2010). Sy, J.L., & Tong, F. (2014). Intraparietal sulcus Evidence of a feature-based involvement in top-down attentional template in early modulations of visual cortex visual areas during the and behavioral distraction. absence of visual stimulation. Poster presented at the Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society annual meeting of the Vision for Neuroscience. Science Society. Sy, J., Ristic, J., & Giesbrecht, B. (2009). Top-down modulation Related Professional Experience: of reflexive social orienting. 2002 Undergraduate Poster presented at the Research Assistant, Annual meeting of the Vision Dr. Richard Robins, Science Society. Department of Psychology, Invited Talks: University of Sy, J.L., Jehee, J., Tong, F. California, Davis (2013). Object-based 2001-2002 Undergraduate attention is not mandatory: Research Assistant, Perceptual load reduces the Dr. Stanley Sue, attentional boost of task National Research irrelevant features in the Center for Asian human visual cortex. Talk to American Mental be presented at the Vision Health, University of Science Society Annual California, Davis meeting. Sy, J.L., Jehee, J., Tong, F. Teaching Experience: (January, 2013). Object- Courses based vs. Feature-based 2009 Assistant, Lab in Selection: Perceptual load Advanced and irrelevant features. Research Invited speaker for a PhD workshop on “Perceptual 2009, 2010 Assistant, Load and Attention” at the Laboratory in Department of Psychology, at Attention the University of Copenhagen, 2008 Assistant, Copenhagen, Denmark. Auditory Sy, J.L., Guerin, S.A., Stegman, Perception A.C., & Giesbrecht, B. (2011). 2007, 2008, 2009 Assistant, fMRI and ERP evidence that Laboratory in predictive load cues modulate Perception the susceptibility to perceptual distraction. Talk presented at 2007 Assistant, Visual the annual meeting for the Perception Society for Neuroscience. 2006, 2008, 2009 Assistant, Sy, J., & Giesbrecht, B. (2009). Introduction to fMRI evidence for Statistics expectation-based 2006 Assistant, modulations of perceptual Contemporary distraction. Talk presented at Issues in the annual meeting for the Biopsychology: Society for Neuroscience. Attention and the Brain
4 2006 Assistant, Graduate Seminar: Human Electrophysiolog y 2005, 2006, 2010 Assistant, Introduction to Psychology
Professional Service: Ad Hoc Reviewer for: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics Psychological Brain Research