Meadowbrook Townhome Association Meeting
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Meadowbrook Association President Dick Huntoon called the Annual Financial Meeting to order on May 20, 2014, at 7 p.m. Board members were asked to introduce themselves. They are Dick Huntoon, president, Paul Click, Bruce Pervin, Carol Roehm whose term expires tonight, Rose Barry, secretary, Josh Christenson, vice-president, and Butch Krahn. Also attending was Vinny Barry, our Paramark representative.
President Dick Huntoon welcomed new residents to Meadowbrook. He also thanked all of the volunteers who helped with various things over the past year. Meadowbrook depends on its volunteers to keep maintenance expenses low. Thank you to all volunteers; your ongoing help is really appreciated.
As there were no nominees for the open position on the Board, there was no vote taken. President Huntoon asked for interested parties to stand. Gloria Leferink indicated an interest in serving on the Board. Since there was no quorum present, her appointment will be discussed at the June meeting, and a vote will be taken at that time.
The meeting was then turned over to Vinny Barry of Paramark to give the financial report which included Dues Breakdown and Budget Comparison 2013/2014, 2014 Budget and Assumptions, Delinquent Report on Dues (April 2014), Balance Statement on Reserve Accounts, Association Insurance and Update Rules and Regulations. Please note that there was no raise in Association dues for the 2014 year.
Concerns were addressed from residents regarding windows, trees and shrubs, shutters, limiting rental units, and street repairs. These items will be addressed at the June Board meeting which will be held June 12.
Motion to adjourn was made by Dale Cooper and seconded by Lucinda Stockwell. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Rose Barry, Secretary
***ATTENTION*** Hawkeye Services will begin trimming hedges and bushes the third week in June. If you wish to trim your own, please place a sign of some sort near your hedges asking them to refrain from trimming yours.