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For Publication
ALTC Fellowship
Year 1/ Stage 1 Report Brief - 1.7.2011
National Standards for Psychological Literacy and Global Citizenship
University of New South Wales
Jacquelyn Cranney
Email: [email protected] Office: (02) 9555 9135
Contents: 1. Progress against specified outcomes and deliverables for Year 1 / Stage 1 2. Major achievements against schedule / project brief for Year 1 / Stage 1 3. Events 4. International collaboration
Please refer to the document Project Management Information , available on the ALTC website , for information on completing and submitting reports.
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1. Progress against specified outcomes and deliverables for Year 1 / Stage 1
Abbreviations: AERA = American Education Research Association; APAC = Australian Psychology Accreditation Council; APEN = Australian Psychology Educators Network; AHPD = Association of Heads of Psychology Departments (UK); APS = Australian Psychological Society; BPS = British Psychological Society; GC = Global Citizenship; HODSPA = Heads of Departments and Schools of Psychology Association; ICP = International Congress of Psychology; ICPT = International conference on Psychology Teaching; IPPA = International Congress of Positive Psychology Association; L&T = Learning and Teaching; PDAC = Program Development Advisory Committee of APS; PL = psychological literacy; SARAG = Science, Academia and Research Advisory Group of APS; TLaPIG = Teaching, Learning and Psychology Interest Group of APS; UG = undergraduate. APA = American Psychological Association.
Fellowship progress against the aims and outcomes/ deliverables for the whole project to date:
Aim 1a: . Commitment to psychological literacy (PL) and global citizenship (GC) as key outcomes of UG education. Primarily achieved through the first round of APEN network meetings (2010) where results indicated participants’ intention to explicitly integrate PL and GC into UG psychology education. Discussion of GC as a university graduate attribute at UNSW’s Learning and Teaching Connections series in May this year. Subcommittee formed within PDAC to discuss the nature of UG education in Australia and the impact of PL and GC. = substantial progress to achieving this outcome
. Sharing of L&T resources relevant to development and assessment of PL and GC. Partially achieved through the Innovate Learning Teaching and Assessment competition that was held this half year (supported wholly by this Fellowship), which encouraged new and interesting resources to be identified or developed. Twenty-one submissions were made, and three winners will be chosen at the beginning of July to present at the APS conference (October) at a ‘how-to’ session on ‘Excellent Undergraduate learning, teaching and assessment strategies’. Appropriate resources from this competition will be uploaded to a joint APS/ APEN/ ALTC innovative LT&A website, accessed via an APS url. This website is currently in its design phase. A needs analysis survey has been written, and will be administered to TLaPIG members for comment next month. One of the primary aims of the website is to address key gap areas in PL and GC, and the website will also include other content previously identified via feedback from educators as part of this Fellowship. = substantial progress on developing resources
Aim 1(b): . Development of Guidelines for threshold learning outcomes for UG psychology. Results from APEN 2010 network meetings strongly endorsed the proposed threshold learning outcomes (minimal standards) derived from GAs. Subsequent
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meetings held with SARAG, APAC, HoDSPA, and PDAC have investigated the needs of various stakeholders in determining the focus of this outcome. For example, the HODSPA meeting 6th May 2011 identified the need for greater emphasis on capstone experiences and the assessment of GAs. = moderate progress on refining the threshold learning outcomes
Aim 2: . Development of a pedagogy to guide curriculum renewal in UG psychology. Discussed at almost all national and international meetings, in particular ICOPE 2010, APEN network meetings 2010, and the UK HEA Psychology Network Retreat 2011. This is a focus of the current PDAC UG subcommittee, led by Iain Montgomery, which I initiated and will guide. I have also edited a book (with 4 chapters by myself and co-authors) on the topic, and have recently been invited to co-author a chapter in Dana Dunn’s book on Assessing Teaching and Learning in Psychology: Current and Future Perspectives, which will develop the pedagogy further, with an obvious focus on assessment of PL and GC. = substantial progress on curriculum renewal
Aim 3: . Creation of an UG Network and National Psychology Graduate Association. Being achieved via various conferences and meetings, such as ICOPE, APEN network meetings, HoDSPA, SARAG and PDAC (see Events, below). Strengthening an UG network is a primary aim of the Innovative Psychology LT&A website that is currently in design. The second round of APEN national meetings, which are currently planned to occur Sept-Oct this year, will assist with network creation. Moreover, a commitment has been made by the APS to assist with the formation and management of a national psychology student association in the near future, and it is planned that each university student “chapter” of this national organisation will have an associated graduate alumni “arm”. This commitment was achieved through Fellowship activities. Associated resources will be placed on the developing website. =moderate progress on networks
Aim 4: . International and Tran-disciplinary benchmarking, relevance and impact of this Initiative. International presence has been achieved through ICOPE, the UK HEA Psychology Network Retreat and AERA conference in New Orleans, and will be further assisted by planned book chapters and upcoming IPPA, ICTP and APA conferences in July and August. I am also planning activities at the ICP/ICOPE in South Africa in July next year. Trans-disciplinary approaches are being explored via presentation at the UNSW Learning and Teaching Connections series (May) and HERDSA Conferences, and the upcoming August Global Citizenship invitational forum, co-chaired with Betty Leask. = substantial international and moderate progress on trans-disciplinary work (substantial upcoming activities planned)
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2. Major achievements against schedule / project brief for Year 1 / Stage 1
The Fellowship activity timeline has been broadly met, up to July 1, 2011, with the exception of the following: (1) I did not attend the U.S.A. National Institute for Teaching of Psychology in January 2011 due to the invitation to participate and facilitate The UK HEA Psychology Network Retreat on “The Future of Undergraduate Psychology Education”, and (2) I will be postponing the second round of UG meetings until November this year (originally planned for June/July) so I can use these meetings proactively as a dissemination exercise for some of the Fellowship’s major deliverables ie the LT&A Innovative Psychology Resource website and Australian Undergraduate Psychology Threshold Learning Outcome Guidelines. Moreover, these November meetings will be preceded by invitational workshops in September/October to further progress these deliverables. These developments have significantly impacted the budget, as funds will be required later on in the year to meet this commitment.
Major achievements to date include: . I successfully chaired the 4th International Conference on Psychology (ICOPE) held in Sydney July 8-11, 2010, as indicated by conference evaluative data. ALTC support was vital to its success. Two key outcomes include: (1) Dissemination of aspects of the developing pedagogy regarding psychological literacy (AIM 2), and (2) an invitation to join the scientific committee for the 5 th ICOPE/ICP in South Africa in 2012 (AIM 4). . The APEN 2010 network meetings addressed Aims 1, 2 and 3, and raised awareness of GAs and TLOs, and in particular the gap between current practice and intended outcomes. Other key outcomes of these events include: (1) positive practice sharing (i.e. indigenous education issues) and strengthening of APEN/communities of practice (Aim 3), (2) raising awareness of the developing pedagogy around psychological literacy and global citizenship (Aim 2), and (3) generation of continued interest and enthusiasm regarding the Fellowship aims and willingness to engage further. . The invitation to present (and facilitate) the UK HEA Psychology Network Retreat on the ‘Future of Undergraduate Psychology Education’ was a highlight of this Fellowship. Relevant to Aims 1, 2 and 4, I was able to present and discuss the work on Standards and pedagogy. The outcome of this meeting included: (1) strengthening contacts with UK psychology education leaders, and (i2) a deeper understanding of issues in UK UG education which are definitely informing my work (e.g., through the PDAC UG Subcommittee, and APS Forum). . The UNSW Learning and Teaching Connections series Seminar was a success and the first of its kind. Chairing the session on Global Citizenship and its transdisciplinary application, I was able to open debate on GC behaviours, assessment and the implications for pedagogy, as well as facilitate networking across disciplines (Aims 1, 2 and 3). . Across April-May, I gave presentations to PDAC, SARAG and HODSPA regarding the Fellowship activities, and received feedback regarding what those stakeholders thought was critical in terms of UG education. Assessment of UG capabilities was a key focus.
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. Other activities have included: (1) team and advisory group meetings, (2) running workshops at Charles Darwin University (where, in considering how to prepare for accreditation during program review, we discussed minimal learning outcomes and how they could be assessed), (3) participating in an Indigenous Psychology Education Workshop whereby I discussed the developing pedagogy; (4) engaging with the Health LTAS Team, and attending the AUQA conference and various other ALTC LTAS events and meetings to gain a transdisciplinary perspective on Standards, (5) continuing participation in and contribution to APS national education committees, and the UNSW Academic Board and its Undergraduate Studies Committee.
3. Events Provide details of events held during the period. Events include workshops, forums or colloquiums involving participants outside of the project team.
Date(s)of Event title, Brief description of the Number of Number of Number of the event Location purpose of the event participants higher other (city only) education institutions institutions represented represented 20/9/10 Advisory Feedback on ALTC 9 6 1 Group progress, innovation meeting survey and APEN (teleconf.) network meeting content 28/9/10 Sydney Dissemination of 50 Approx. 6 1 (ACAP) ALTC information about Roundtable past/current project outcomes (including mine); casual peer review of application ideas 29/9/10 Sydney Build a local network 26 11 2 (ACAP, APEN and engage with APS) Meeting Standards and pedagogy 7/10/10 Indigenous Discuss curriculum 8 5 2 (health Psychology and pedagogy org’s) Education (participant) Workshop (Adelaide) 13- ALTC Presentation on Approx. Approx. 20 1 14/10/10 Fellows internationalisation 30 Forum and global citizenship (Brisbane) 15/10/10 Brisbane Build a local network 10 7 APEN and engage with meeting Standards and pedagogy
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Date(s)of Event title, Brief description of the Number of Number of Number of the event Location purpose of the event participants higher other (city only) education institutions institutions represented represented 28/10/10 Adelaide/NT Build a local network 7 2 APEN and engage with Meeting Standards and pedagogy 29/10/10 Perth APEN Build a local network 10 5 Meeting and engage with Standards and pedagogy 8/11/10 Melbourne Build a local network 9 7 0 APEN and engage with Meeting Standards and pedagogy 22/11/10 Advisory Review progress on 6 3 1 Group Fellowship Meeting (Melb.) 25/2/11 Advisory Update on progress 5 2 1 Group and review of current Meeting activities such as LT&S resource competition, next round of APEN meetings, trans- disciplinary approaches. 24/3/11 SARAG Update and feedback Approx. 20 Approx. 18 1 meeting (Melbourne) 4/4/11 PDAC Update and feedback Approx. 25 Approx. 20 1 meeting (Melbourne) 6/5/11 HoDSPA ALTC Fellowship Approx. 40 Approx. 39 1 meeting update. Review of (Perth) student survey. Discussion of gaps in resources and TLOs 10/5/11 Learning Led discussion with 30 1 0 and other key invited Teaching guests. ‘How do we Connections help students become Session global citizens?’ (UNSW) 31/5/11 APS Discussion of 4 2 1 meeting innovative LT&A (Melbourne) resource competition,
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Date(s)of Event title, Brief description of the Number of Number of Number of the event Location purpose of the event participants higher other (city only) education institutions institutions represented represented website, and national student body 2/6/11 Advisory Update on progress 4 2 1 Group of Fellowship meeting including surveys (tele- (students, graduates, conference) employers and web needs analysis), meeting outcomes and upcoming events 29/6/11 PDAC sub- Discussion of aims of 3 3 0 committee UG education – meeting feeding results (Sydney) through to PDAC meeting planned for the 4th July 2011
4. International collaboration
Provide details of any international fora where the project has been represented.
Date/s of Event title Location: city Brief description of participation the event and country 8/7/10 - ICOPE Sydney Share research and practice on quality 11/7/10 education in psychology, build communities of practice. 28/11- UK HEA Psychology Milton Keynes, My role was as independent facilitator, 1/12/10 Network, BPS, AHPD UK and to give international perspectives in UG Meeting their review of UG education 8- American New Orleans, Chaired symposium on PL 14/4/11 Educational U.S.A. Research Association (AERA) conference
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